Thursday, August 23, 2012

Emergency Update

BREAKING NEWS: Emergency Update

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American and European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media propaganda of massive deceptive illusions

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertWednesday August 22, 2012
Financial terrorist George Soros (source)
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the IMF, the U.S. Inspector General, with the help of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin, have evidence linking financial terrorist and wanted criminal George Soros, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, Bank of America, along with HSBC Hong Kong, in operating a ponzi scheme, which involves the illegal money laundry of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol Funds, that is designed to attack the U.S. dollar for the purpose of reducing the exposure of the dollar-denominated derivatives tied to crooked worldwide banks that need a new round of bogus stimulus aka casino chips that is nothing more than a back door "bail out" of these rogue crooked banks.

Note: Any further alleged stimulus will be absorbed within minutes in derivative costs and will create no real jobs or aggregate demand.

Summation: The banks will still not be able to loan any real money.

P.S. Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher has, once again, stated that a QE3 could blow up the back end of the yield curve.

Note: When you destroy the currency of a nation you destroy the purchasing power of the middle class and reduce them to a Fabian socialist society.
Geithner and Bernanke (source)

P.P.S. We can now divulge that Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have allowed financial terrorist George Soros to have as much as a 25-second lead time in making electronic spoof trades without any real margin or collateral.

Final note to Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke:

The patriotic U.S. military and American citizens are watching you.


Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, France, Russia, Austria...VIRAL 4

Sign petition on Avaaz - UK: Banksters behind bars -

The rest of the story:
1. Take Action And Put Bankers Behind Bars. LIBOR and more "In Your Face" Bankers Crimes -
4. Current video
5. Dead End For Bankers Crime Syndicate. Bankers Deaths, Suicides, Homicides and Capital Punishment -
6. Bankers Crimes: Money Laundering Inside Trading Cooking Books Bribing Wash Trading Frontrunning -

1.Pat Robertson_ Bankers who lied & crashed the economy should go to jail-
2.Breaking news - Irelands Bankers being Arrested and Charged-
4.Last week Geithner was arrested and released!-
5.Swiss banker tells all-
6.Top bankers arrested in Loan Scam-
7.UK bank scandal spreads, gets costlier-
8.4 guilty bankers arrested-
9.IMF Head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn Arrested In New York For Attempted Rape-
10.Tony Robinson calls out British banking system. Must Watch-
11.Another Banker Arrested On Sexual Assault Charges-
12.Western bankers intensify global recession by financial terrorism-
13.Barclays CEO, Bob Diamond - My £20m bonus is 'appropriate'-
14.Bonus row as RBS losses mount-
15.Bob Diamond: I'm sorry-
16.David Cameron and George Osborne on tackling Labour's debt crisis-
17.Question Time 5th July-John Lydon-
18.President of the World Press Conference-
19. Keiser Report: Paper Money Collapse (E297) -

Gently detox with 4 superfoods to remove toxins from chem trails, heavy metals, noxious chemicals, pesticides, drugs, GMO by-products


Gently detox with 4 superfoods to remove toxins from chem trails, heavy metals, noxious chemicals, pesticides, drugs, GMO by-products

Thursday, August 23, 2012 by: JB Bardot
(NaturalNews) Detoxing can be hard on your body and cause a wide variety of alarming side effects. After all, the substances being removed are usually pretty horrible, consisting of toxic chemicals from Teflon, vaccines, pesticide residues, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy residue, heavy metals, aluminum, radiation, and even by-products from GMO foods. There are numerous detoxing agents and methods available -- some more costly than others -- and some producing very intense experiences with potentially dangerous side effects.

However, there are several ways to remove these noxious substances gently, with kindness to your system. These techniques may take a bit longer to achieve completion; however, if you have the time and are sensitive, or just don't like pain, one of these methods should work for you.


Fruit pectin is probably the most gentle method of detoxing contaminants. Pectin comes from the fibrous portion of the fruit and is most commonly found in the pith of limes, lemons and other citrus fruit as well as in apples. Other sources of pectin are bananas, grapes, carrots, and cabbage. Pectin helps to release heavy metals, chemicals and other substances into the blood stream, where it binds to them and flushes them from the body. Simply eating fruit high in pectin will help to cleanse your system, or you can add a pectin product to a glass of water, organic grape juice or fresh veggie juice to speed the detox process. Beware of pectin sold in grocery stores, as some brands may contain MSG. Check health food stores for the best products.


The delicious culinary herb cilantro, happens to be one of the most effective and gentle detoxifiers of mercury, heavy metals and other toxic contaminants. You can buy cilantro juice at health food stores or simply include the fresh herb in your diet as pesto or seasoning to control the amount consumed and limit unwanted side effects. It's inexpensive and works without the addition of man-made chemicals. Cilantro also possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties, quickly reducing infection and inflammation as it works to clear your system.


Chlorella is a single cell algae sea vegetable that grows in fresh water. Some of the best cholrella reserves have come from Japan; however, use caution when buying Japanese chlorella due to possible exposure to radiation from Fukushima. Chlorella is an easy-to-digest superfood best known for being able to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the cells. Too much chlorella can produce side effects -- mostly in the digestive tract -- where it works best to bind to mercury, eliminating it. Start with the lowest quantity and work up slowly for a gentle detox.


Juicing fresh produce and grasses such as wheat or barley grass provides an excellent way to remove toxins from the system. Wheatgrass is high in nutritional content, and provides vitamins, minerals and all nine essential amino acids. Wheatgrass can be a powerful detox, so start slowly with only a small amount of juice to keep it gentle -- 1/2 ounce a day -- and work up to avoid symptoms.

Using gentle detoxing products requires that you repeat treatments over a period of time until all symptoms have cleared. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, muscle aches and pains, dizziness and fatigue. Additionally, detoxing can cause a flare-up in your condition temporarily. It's just the toxins leaving your system and should pass shortly. If side effects are severe, reduce the quantity of whatever you're using to detox. If the symptoms continue, stop and consult your natural health practitioner for further instructions.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. READ HER OTHER ARTICLES ON NATURAL NEWS HERE: You can find her on Facebook at or on Twitter at jbbardot23!/jbbardot23

Learn more:

Iraqi dinar - recently being said...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi dinar - recently being said...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 23-Aug-2012 02:40:35

Hi, Folks -
Found at
8-22-2012 Intel Guru Bluwolf Within a specific short time we will be receiving this blessing and...we now await the final calling on behave of the banks.
8-22-2012 Intel Guru Tony They were given target dates to have certain things accomplished and those dates are not November, December or January. They are trying to get this done a whole lot sooner. We have known ever since June that the problem was where the money is flowing to. So all of that has to be stopped or at least managed before this can happen.Talabani has been back in Iraq since last Thursday, They have already had meetings and signed off on agreements...some announcements that are supposed to be made later this week. Everything I am looking at is that it is sooner rather than later. [Post 1 of 2...stay tuned!!]
8-22-2012 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 The CBI, as of this week, will start selling portions of their gold reserves.This is huge. Ban Ki Moon is over there from the U. N. focusing on the HCL laws helping settle the last couple of amendments. Talabani is scheduled to come in Thursday afternoon. Contact, who I believe has a lot of political connections, told me we should have a notification of the RV by Sunday.
8-22-2012 Intel Guru Hammerman There are some huge meetings going on at undisclosed locations out west with Obama, Madam Wu , LeGarde, etc. China has retained 200 of the world's top economist and/or IT computer programming specialist & must be available to leave at a moments notice. Talabani should return back between the 25th & the 29th. When he arrives back, there will be a big meeting &within a few days of his return and then you will have the official announcements of the National Conference, which has already been done. There is a whole lot of talk of his return on Saturday. All cards are on the table. Everything is done in Iraq, everything is done worldwide, that is why China has retained these people to prepare for this event. The event and timing are tied together. We are in a wonderful spot for this event. The end is very, very near.

The Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 23-Aug-2012 03:50:57

“Virtually every natural gas pipeline in the nation is built over that fault,” Geller says. “You’ll see the explosion reflected off the moon.”
by Zen Gardner
We’ve heard a lot about the New Madrid Fault. Despite the dangers and warnings, the area continues to be flooded, fracked, drilled, HAARPed, and tornadoed, with extreme weather fluctuations only escalating. All the while this region is home to 15 nuclear reactors.
As if that’s not enough, there’s also a little known factor that will really make your hair stand on end. The fault zone is criss-crossed with major gas and oil pipelines delivering these volatile energy sources all over the United States.

Oil Gas pipeline map US
The main production areas and pipeline routes for natural gas (American Gas Association)

This company (ProLiance Energy) delivers billions of cubic feet of gas per year through 19 major pipelines. Note how the pipelines cross the New Madrid Seismic Zone.[more...]

Gulick Update

Selected few;

Consider this sharing & caring time well spent with you.
My efforts to build with like-minded relationships takes me to Ohio this early AM.

Names have been removed to save the privacy but you can get the full text of
my efforts. Since our time well spent via e-mail is clear for 'spot-on' message;
let's open this old real news with some new but explosive real history making
news this morning. We really have a win over The Enemy Within coming. Our future,
for those who grasp the new ideas, looks very bright for sure! But if 'dumbed' Great
Americans remain in the All American Cheese Factrory, soon they will be crying
"who moved the cheese' for sure! What is your Plan-B?

What is your level of interest?

Good day!

G. Gulick

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 3:55 AM
Subject: Open the "Jack in a box-reminder" F/U * Re: e-mailing: 06.16.2012 - Obama_Presidency Now A Dictatorship.docx


Excuse the use of old e-mail but it's saves on paper! ha!
I really enjoy history making times and keep good records, like you, for such reference. Let's come reckoning
by sitting on the porch waiting for the sun to rise.

With all the 'bad mouth' and all the misinformation and/or disinformation, I still have confidence we are
on the verge of seeing those 'patriots' about to arrive back from Congress vacation to continue their
on-going investigations. You may not buy into this but I do! On going investigation since June of 2010, now
Yes, I stop here from connecting at

Today, we learn about Admiral Dennis Blair at: Connecting
dots to dots to dots gives me a Pathway of Discovery. No I do not believe all that I read & hear but that does not mean
its not true! That takes more fishin for the truth until if found to be true or false.  It's true Hillary Clinton was in the agenda
to take Biden's place. Now she has turned the job down. Both she and Bill are on the ropes and just may need that
other passport to exit the country soon! Who knows? But I know there is no place to run and no place to hide for these
that have done all of this to us!

Keep in mind, the World Court & two plane loads of their Judges have been camped out at the U. S. Treasury
since December 2009. They brought along with them a plane load of INTROPOL for protection. Yes, they had some 'bad guys'
in their mix but that has been corrected many moons ago. Back in the days of C. Story [pen name] we had the dots to dots to keep
this in tack. Was he horizionalized? Not able to confirm but for sure he is no longer connected to us since June of 2010.

My time with Drake is mostly 'hear say' since my like-minded relationships are sold 100% he is the messenger of
our time. Sorry, I remain with James Dale Davidson, William Rees-Moog, Bill Bonner, Addison Wiggins and John
Pugsley's up & coming new faces. Thay are taking the place of the older players now. My take is where does the money come
from and how money works since 1970. Seeking first to understand; then to be understood!

Yes, Drake seems to get lots of confidence from his listeners as well as The White Hats are now almost kissing up
to his "Brother Drake" references. No matter to me, I still rely on the same sources since 1985 and about 32 keen but
very savvy sources seem to keep me in check for being most accurate to e-teaching those complex securities we all
know as the Derivative Ponzi, the Mother of ALL BUBBLES.

In our world of insider messages, we must be careful not to become an 'insider' going to jail. Get it? But it does not
get any plainer than this. . . .

“The entire world economy rests on the consumer. If he ever stops spending money he doesn't have on things he doesn't need, we're done for”.  ~ Bill Bonner Date: May 06, 2012

“That’s  how money works”. ~ G. Thomas Gulick * This was about as close as we get for messages to the ones that know & understand this 'mell of a hess' and its coming collapse. LIBOR is all about derivatives and will bring the bankers now triggered $800 trillion dollar derivative collapse. Just notice the trends after September 21st when the Petro Dollar begins to fail as legal tender for oil! All that is not real, will follow. The Bonds, Pensions, Retirements, Union Retirements, 401Ks, the DOW must correct to at least 3,400 and of course the real estate must correct another -30%  to -40% for The Great Correction. That's how corrupted & money out of thin air works.
In closing, the best 'insider real news' arrived only yesterday. It goes like this. . . . . .
Urgent – “The Largest Financial Bubble In History Is Popping Right Now... Here's What You Must Do To Build A Fortress Around Your Wealth.”
~ William ‘Bill’ Bonner, Author & Wealth Builder
Dear Gerry; 
Sitting right in front of us is the fattest, juiciest financial bubble that’s ever existed. When a pin hits that bubble, we’ll experience fallout like we’ve never seen before...
*      Violent 500-point daily moves up and down in the markets will be the “new normal.” Governments around the world will be called into question.
*      Certain currencies will die.
*      A lot of people will lose a lot of money.
*      Social unrest will occur — maybe outside your front door.
Things you never imagined would happen may, indeed, happen...
The following prior to this is enough to make a Presbyterian say 'A Men" for sure.
September 21, 2012 & The Next 18 Months – FOR A FEW –
A NexBoom Certain!

“In fact, I believe more money will be lost (and made) in the 18 months following September 21, 2012, this coming event, than ever before. “

                                                                                                                          ~ James Dale Davidson

Yes, John Wayne & the Calvary is about to arrive for the cleansing of this 'mell of a hess' while this Bulldog Butch and our NexBoom Champions work on never going broke. Most of the 330 million 'dumbed' Great Americans go broke during The Great Correction. Now hear this, if we do go broke, you can bet you will find us among the NexBoom Champions in the "more money will be (and made) section for the next & in the 18 months referenced. Salute!
Each million of the 401Ks moved from 100% Total Risk to my Total Return Strategy for 'safety sake' will pay me $70,000.00 for the effort. But add this to my other planned Financial-Health-Wellness efforts, we may never go broke but if we do, you can bet you will find us going broke last & not first! As least I have a plan, consistent to not only to plan but act; not only dream but believe. With the Internet, I have been building with Leadership. Now the teams will follow. It's not the timing but the time!
Stevie Wonder can see this coming! To you, xxxxxx, I am proud to know you and have this time of sitting on my porch via e-mail, west of Lizard Lick, North Carolina. Life happens! It's my job to bring H.O.P.E. - Helping Other People Everyday.
Let's go fishin,

G. Thomas Gulick
Toll-Free: 800-520-1005
----- Original Message -----
From: removed
To: "G. Thomas Gulick" <CUATTOP2@NC.RR.COM>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: Emailing: 06.16.2012 - Obama_Presidency Now A Dictatorship.docx

> Hi, G -
> I'm expecting revaluation of 160+ currencies "real soon now".
> One Iraqi dinar 'guru' is saying, "6-16-2012  Intel Guru TerryK   IM
> Also, Drake will have something to say Sunday afternoon:
> And, I'm hearing certain things were "settled" in Hong Kong Thursday, such
> that "the road is clear" for various things to happen and become visible.
> Blessings.
>> I am looking for trends of any money currency changes in the making. One
>> of our like-minded relationships
>> provided this link listed below. Are you aware of this?
>> Stopping Trading Activity on Thursday 14/6/2012
>> 13/06/2012 07:11
>> On the occasion of Imam Mousa bin Jaffar Al-Kadhim (peace upon him ) Board
>> of Governors decided to not organize Trading session on Thursday 14/6/2012
>> . and resuming the activity trading on Sunday 17/6/2012
>> If the John Wayne all of us are expecting, why has Obama Presidency now
>> become a dictatorship. The Take Back America
>> needs action. I do  not find it. How about you?
>> Just a note of tought!
>> G. Gulick