Friday, August 24, 2012

Ponzi Scheme Update

BREAKING NEWS: Ponzi Scheme Update

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American and European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media propaganda of massive deceptive illusiona

Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertThursday August 23, 2012
image source

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, ECB President Mario Draghi and financial terrorist George Soros have failed in an attempted back door bail out of Greece.

The scheme aka money laundry, which was to bypass the German Bundesbank (has veto power over the ECB), was to allow Soros, a private investor, to give the National Bank of Greece a short term bridge loan with Soros getting Greek islands as collateral.

Note: Goldman Sachs, which controls the National Bank of Greece, vetoed the Soros deal and then informed U.S. Secretary Timothy Geithner that they have a lien on the Soros-Paulson Hedge Fund, Citibank and the National Bank of Greece.

Item: Citibank of New York withdrew today a half a million dollars from the Soros-Paulson Hedge Fund.

P.S. St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard and Richard Fisher, President of the Dallas Federal Reserve, believe that the stale minutes of the Fed's last meeting claiming a need for a new stimulus was done to accommodate George Soros' current positions in precious metals as to pay him off so Soros could then issue a check for a short term bail out of Greece.

P.P.S. The stock market is at 13,000 and housing starts are actually picking up so why would you need stimulus?

Do you want to pay $5.00 at the gas pump so Timothy Geithner can bail out Greece?

P.P.P.S. At this hour, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) continues to order a massive redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets pending bank consolidation.

Do Not Evict Timothy Mark Cason: FORECLOSURE FRAUD

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SGT. Brandon Raub's "Dangerous" Facebook Posting........

Yeah, He's NUTS.  As nuts as Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hancock, Mason........

The following text is from a copy of a Facebook post that Brandon Raub made in 2011.
The text was given to CBS 6 by Raub’s mother.

The Truth
by Brandon J Raub on Friday, November 11, 2011 at 10:00 am

America has lost itself. We have lost who we truly are. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave.
This is the land of Thomas Jefferson.
This is the land of Benjamin Franklin.
This is the land of Fredrick Douglas.
This is the land of Smedley Butler.
This is the land John F. Kennedy.
This is the land of Martin Luther King.

This is the land where the cowboy wins. This is the land where you can start from the bottom and get to the top. This is the land where regardless of you race and ethnicity you can succeed and build a better life for you and your family. This is the land where every race coexists peacefully. This is the land where justice wins. This is the land where liberty dwells. This is the land where freedom reigns. This is the land where we help the poor, and people help each other. This is land where people beat racism.
The Federal Reserve is wrong. They have designed a system based off of greed and fear. They designed a system to crush the middle class between taxes and inflation. This is wrong, and it is unjust. It is wrong.
We have allowed ourselves to be deceived and seduced by the powers of the printing press. It is not a good system. It discourages saving: the foundation for all stable economic activity. The Federal Reserve is artificially manipulating interest rates and creating phony economic data.
This thing has deceived our entire nation.

They created it in 1913. They also created the income tax in 1913. They encouraged the growth of debt so they can tax you on it. There is interest on the debt. Your government is in bed with these people. They want to enslave you to the government so that they can control every aspect of your lives. It is an empire based on lies. They operate out of greed and fear.
There is a better way. It’s called freedom. Freedom is called a lot of things. But there is a true meaning. It means very simply that you have the right to do whatever you want as long as you are not infringing on the freedoms of other people.
I firmly believe that God set America apart from the other nations of the world. He saved a place where people could come to to escape bad systems of goverment. This system we have created works. It really works.
There is evil going on all around the world. The United States was meant to lead the charge against injustice, but through our example not our force. People do not respond to having liberty and freedom forced on them.
Men and Women follow courage. They follow leadership, and courage. Our example has paved the way for people all around the world to change their forms of government.
Force is not the way because liberty is a powerful concept. The idea that men can govern themselves is the basis for every just form of government.
We can govern ourselves. We do not need to be governed by men who want to install a one world banking system. These men have machine hearts. Machine and unnatural hearts.
They have blocked out the possibility of a better world. They fear human progress. They have monopolies on everything.
This life can be free and beautiful. There are enough resources on this earth to support the world’s population. There are enough resources on this earth to feed everyone. There is enough land for everyone to own their own land and farm, and produce their own energy.
These people have been hiding technology. There are ways to create power easily. There is technology that can provide free cheap power for everyone. There are farming techniques that can feed the entire world.
The Bill of Rights is being systematically dismantled. Men have spilled their blood for those rights.
Your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters, and Americas best young men and women are losing their limbs. They are losing their lives. They are losing the hearts. They do not know why they are fighting. They are killing. And they do not know why.
They have done some extraordinary acts. Their deeds go before them. But these wars are lies. They are lies. They deceived our entire nation with terrorism. They have gotten us to hand them our rights.
Our Rights! Men died for those rights!
September Eleventh was an inside job. They blew up a third building in broad daylight. Building 7.
Your leaders betrayed you.
You elected an aristocracy. They are beholden to special interests. They were brainwashed through the Council on Foreign Relations. Your leaders are planning to merge the United States into a one world banking system. They want to put computer chips in you.
These men have evil hearts. They have tricked you into supporting corporate fascism. We gave them the keys to our country. We were not vigilant with our republic.
There is hope. 


Delivering One Last Gift need tissue box

Subject: Fw: Delivering One Last Gift need tissue box


Read The Story Below The Video...

THIS IS BEAUTIFUL: National Anthem

Subject: THIS IS BEAUTIFUL: National Anthem
You may have already heard this...but it is enchanting to hear it again...enjoy... 
Great Harmony by three children!
Think you'll like this.
If you're tired of hearing our national anthem being destroyed almost every time it's sung by the current crop of pop artists, then you will seriously appreciate.....this version only 1½ minutes sung by a group known as "Dave's Highway".

No instruments, no microphones, no special effects!
Just 3 young siblings (Erika, Delaney, and Zachary) singing the anthem (as originally written), right in their own living room .



by Bix Weir

We have arrived at a point in our nation's history that will define how our future will unfold. There are now only two Roads left to take:
The First Road continues our relentless pursuits of power, control and manipulation that can only spell destruction in our future: destruction of our liberties, destruction of our prosperity and destruction of our moral compass. For too long our CONTROLLERS have lied, cheated and stolen their way to the top only to discover that WE THE PEOPLE have been left behind in the process.
The Second Road completely destroys the global fiat monetary system erasing all forms of false wealth, false power and false governance. It is truly a Creative Destruction Event that has never been witnessed in the history of mankind. All paper and electronic forms of wealth will evaporate in the blink of an eye completely leveling the playing field in order to rebuild our monetary structures from the ground up. It is a lesson to be learned the hard way but it is a necessary lesson in order to create a new future for our country. A future built on hard work, complete honesty and good will towards others. Down this Road our Founding Father's ideals patiently await our return...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Our Country is standing at the Crossroads...the only question left is which Road we will Choose?
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

"The Awe Of God"


"The Awe Of God"
August 23, 2012
This morning as I was driving in my car playing worship music, I was suddenly caught up in a cloud of glory. I thought to myself, this is the "awe of God". The presence of the Holy Spirit was so intense that I pulled my car over to the side of the road to record this incredible word that I received from the Lord.

The Lord says, I am about to visit My people in ways that will astound them. I am about to release My awe in your lives and manifest Myself among you in ways that you have not yet known. The level of My glory will even amaze many believers as well as the unbelievers. I will bring those of you who know Me to a greater level, and multitudes who don't know Me will also be swept into the kingdom. Shake off all spiritual lethargy and prepare your hearts for this spiritual awakening. Throw off anything that would restrain you so that will not be hindered from receiving all that is available to you. Don't allow old wine skins to get in the way of receiving the new wine that is being distributed. Prepare yourself for the awe that I am about to release. Listen for My voice. Those who are listening will recognize My voice throughout the daytime as well as during the night. I will speak in visions and dreams to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Allow Me to abide in your midst, walk with you and talk with you. A personal relationship with Me such as Enoch had is achievable. To be led by faith just as Abraham was is possible. To receive revelation as men and women of old received is available. This is a new season when you will no longer question Me, because you will see a greater dimension of My power. You will experience a greater level of miracles, signs and wonders in your midst. My prophets will speak My words with accuracy and authority to bring change, set free, deliver and as well as release creative miracles.

I will visit you in the secret place. I will visit you as you are worshiping Me in Spirit and in truth. I will visit you as you are are pressing in through prayer and interceding for others. Your voices have always been heard on high and you will soon know this without a doubt. Trust Me when you are in the lions den to shut the mouths of the lions. For those of you who have continued to contend through difficult times without wavering and have not fainted in the fires of affliction, your day of breakthrough is right before you. For many of you who have feared death through sickness and terminal illnesses, you shall live and not die and declare My works as you experience My glory in a new way. Don't fear the supernatural realm. Don't resist My glory and don't quench My Spirit. Never settle for less than what I am offering. As you allow Me into your churches you will receive a new and fresh outpouring. As you surrender your life, you will be amazed at what I will do in and through you. Submit your life totally to Me, resist the enemy, don't be moved by what you see in the natural because the days of awe are imminent says The Lord.

Isaiah 45:3 I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.

Jeremiah 32:17 Ah Lord God! behold, you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm, and there is nothing too hard for you:

Daniel 2:20-22 Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.

SIGN As seen in downtown NYC

Help the Lakota Sioux Save their Sacred Black Hills Land!

Thank you for signing my petition: Help the Lakota Sioux Save their Sacred Black Hills Land!!

Every single person who joins strengthens our call for action. Send the email below to friends and family, and post this link on your Facebook wall:

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Let's make change together,

Here's the petition for forwarding to your friends:

Help the Lakota Sioux Save their Sacred Black Hills Land!

Pe' Sla is an area in the Black Hills of South Dakota (just west of Rapid City, South Dakota, United States) that is considered by the Lakota Sioux people to be the Center and heart of everything that is. It is part of our creation story, a sacred place. We perform certain ceremonies at Pe' Sla which sustain the Lakota way of life and keep the universe in harmony. But almost 2,000 acres of Pe' Sla is privately owned and could be auctioned off on August 25, 2012 to the highest bidder.

The seven bands of the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota Oyate (people) aka Oceti Sakowin (Great Sioux Nation) have a collective effort to buy as much of Pe'Sla as we can at this auction (although we also believe that the land cannot be owned and that our sacred places were illegally taken by the United States). Yet we are trying to work within the current U.S. laws to regain custody of our sacred sites and prevent future road and industrial development.

Our sacred ways must be protected and passed on to our future generations so that our children may live. This area of the Paha Sapa (Black Hills) is also home to many plants and animals who should also be protected. In fact, many consider that the area should possibly be a historical site, which would also assist in protecting it from future development as well. As Lakota people, our ancestors prayed here, at Pe' Sla, at certain times of year, when the stars aligned. We cannot go elsewhere to pray. We were meant to pray here.

We have a group of young professional Native people that are dedicated to the promotion of education, health, leadership, and sovereignity among our indigenous Nations. Our goal is to assist in any way possible the purchase of Pe' Sla by a collective effort of the seven bands of the Oceti Sakowin (Great Sioux Nation) - the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota people. All proceeds from this campaign will go towards that effort. This area would be open to tribal nations for ceremonial purposes. The plants, animals, water, and air in the area would be respected and honored.

For more information please visit:

We are hoping to buy as much of the land that is being put up for auction as possible. The total amount of land is 1,942.66 acres which is in 5 tracts (300 - 440 acres each). It is diffcult to say how much this land would be sold for as developers may increase the true western "value". The Rosebud Sioux Tribe has designated $50,000 for the purpose of purchasing Pe' Sla land. By contributing to the effort of all the Sioux Tribes, we aim to purchase at least some of the tracts, if not all. Many of the Sioux Tribes continue to exist in poverty and do not have a thriving casino-based economy as the media may have portrayed. Yet we continue to fight for what is sacred, because it matters!

"Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children." Chief Sitting Bull, 1877

Sent by Avaaz on behalf of Sara's petition

America Know Thy Enemy: Villainthropist George Soros!

America Know Thy Enemy: Villainthropist George Soros!


n : someone who makes self-motivated charitable donations intended to benefit the donor without respect or consideration of the cost/effect it has on human welfare.

George Soros is one of the most powerful men on earth. A New York hedge fund manager, he has amassed a personal fortune estimated at about $7.2 billion. His management company controls billions more in investor assets. Since 1979, his foundation network — whose flagship is the Open Society Institute (OSI) — has dispensed an estimated $5 billion to a multitude of organizations whose objectives are consistent with those of Soros. (The President of OSI and the Soros Foundation Network is Aryeh Neier, former Director of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy.) With assets of $859 million as of 2005, OSI alone donates scores of millions of dollars annually to these various groups, whose major agendas can be summarized as follows:
  • promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation
  • promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States
  • opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act
  • depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral
  • promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws
  • promoting a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes
  • promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens
  • defending suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters
  • financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left
  • advocating America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending
  • opposing the death penalty in all circumstances
  • promoting socialized medicine in the United States
  • promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is “not clean air and clean water, [but] rather … the demolition of technological/industrial civilization”
  • bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations
  • promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike

To view a list of many of the more important organizations that support these agendas and have received direct funding from Soros and his Open Society Institute in recent years, click here. (Comprehensive profiles of each are available in the “Groups” category of
There are also numerous “secondary” or “indirect” affiliates of the Soros network. These include organizations which do not receive direct funding from Soros and OSI, but which are funded by one or more organizations that do. These secondary affiliates also include organizations that work collaboratively or synergistically with Soros-funded groups. To view a list of some of these organizations, click here. (Comprehensive profiles of each are available in the “Groups” category of
In one of his most significant and effective efforts to shape the American political landscape, Soros was the prime mover in the creation of the so-called “Shadow Democratic Party,” or “Shadow Party,” in 2003. This term refers to a nationwide network of more than five-dozen unions, non-profit activist groups, and think tanks whose agendas are ideologically to the left, and which are engaged in campaigning for the Democrats. This network’s activities include fundraising, get-out-the-vote drives, political advertising, opposition research, and media manipulation.
The Shadow Party was conceived and organized principally by George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Harold McEwan Ickes — all identified with the Democratic Party left. Other key players included:
  • Morton H. Halperin: Director of Soros’ Open Society Institute
  • John Podesta: Democrat strategist and former chief of staff forBill Clinton
  • Jeremy Rosner: Democrat strategist and pollster, ex-foreign policy speechwriter for Bill Clinton
  • Robert Boorstin: Democrat strategist and pollster, ex-national security speechwriter for Bill Clinton
  • Carl Pope: Co-founder of America Coming Together, Democrat strategist, and Sierra Club Executive Director
  • Steve Rosenthal: Labor leader, CEO of America Coming Together, and former chief advisor on union matters to Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich
  • Peter Lewis: Major Democrat donor and insurance entrepreneur
  • Rob Glaser: Major Democrat donor and Silicon Valley pioneer
  • Ellen Malcolm: Co-founder and President of America Coming Together, and founder of EMILY’s List
  • Rob McKay: Major Democrat donor, Taco Bell heir, and McKay Family Foundation President
  • Lewis and Dorothy Cullman: Major Democrat donors
To develop the Shadow Party as a cohesive entity, Harold Ickes undertook the task of building a 21st-century version of the Left’s traditional alliance of the “oppressed” and “disenfranchised.” By the time Ickes was done, he had created or helped to create six new groups, and had co-opted a seventh called Together, these seven groups constituted the administrative core of the newly formed Shadow Party:
These organizations, along with the many leftist groups with which they collaborate, have played a major role in helping Soros advance his political and social agendas.
According to Richard Poe, co-author (with David Horowitz) of the 2006 book The Shadow Party:
“The Shadow Party is the real power driving the Democrat machine. It is a network of radicals dedicated to transforming our constitutional republic into a socialist hive. The leader of these radicals is … George Soros. He has essentially privatized the Democratic Party, bringing it under his personal control. The Shadow Party is the instrument through which he exerts that control. … It works by siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions that would have gone to the Democratic Party in normal times, and putting those contributions at the personal disposal of Mr. Soros. He then uses that money to buy influence and loyalty where he sees fit. In 2003, Soros set up a network of privately-owned groups which acts as a shadow or mirror image of the Party. It performs all the functions we would normally expect the real Democratic Party to perform, such as shaping the Party platform, fielding candidates, running campaigns, and so forth. However, it performs these functions under the private supervision of Mr. Soros and his associates. The Shadow Party derives its power from its ability to raise huge sums of money. By controlling the Democrat purse strings, the Shadow Party can make or break any Democrat candidate by deciding whether or not to fund him. During the 2004 election cycle, the Shadow Party raised more than $300 million for Democrat candidates, prompting one of its operatives, MoveOn PAC director Eli Pariser, to declare, ‘Now it’s our party. We bought it, we own it…’”
Soros in 2004 spent some $26 million trying, unsuccessfully, to defeat President Bush’s reelection bid, a task Soros called “the central focus of my life” and “a matter of life and death.” He has likened Republicans generally, and the Bush administration in particular, to “the Nazi and communist regimes” in the sense that they are “all engaged in the politics of fear.” “Indeed,” he wrote in 2006, “the Bush administration has been able to improve on the techniques used by the Nazi and Communist propaganda machines by drawing on the innovations of the advertising and marketing industries.” Soros elaborated on this theme at the January 2007 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where he told reporters: “America needs to . . . go through a certain de-Nazification process.”
Soros has been a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton, who, in turn, has long admired Soros and shares many of his agendas. At a 2004 “Take Back America” conference in Washington, DC, Mrs. Clinton introduced Soros with these words:
“Now, among the many people who have stood up and said, ‘I cannot sit by and let this happen to the country I love,’ is George Soros, and I have known George Soros for a long time now, and I first came across his work in the former Soviet Union, in Eastern Europe, when I was privileged to travel there, both on my own and with my husband on behalf of our country. … [W]e need people like George Soros, who is fearless, and willing to step up when it counts.” (Cited in David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party, p. 53)
In December of 2006, Soros met with Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama in his (Soros’) New York office. Soros had previously hosted a fund-raiser for Obama during the latter’s 2004 campaign for the Senate. On January 16, 2007, Obama announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee, and within hours Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign finance laws. Later that week the New York Daily News reported that Soros would back Obama over Senator Hillary Clinton, whom he had supported in the past. Soros’ announcement was seen as a repudiation of Clinton’s presidential aspirations, though Soros said he would support the New York senator were she to win the Democratic nomination.
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