Saturday, August 25, 2012

Campaign For Liberty - Invitation For September Conference

Subject: Join Us This September

Dear Craig,

On September 13-15, over 30 speakers and hundreds of grassroots Patriots will gather at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, to celebrate the principles of freedom, recharge for the battles ahead, and be equipped by second-to-none activism training.

Learn more about LPAC 2012 and purchase your ticket(s) today by clicking on the image below:

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. Don’t miss out on a motivating and inspiring weekend!

Click on the image above to learn more about LPAC 2012 and purchase your ticket(s) today!

Reasonable Person Conclusion: The US Fed Has Stolen the German Bundesbank's Central Bank Gold Reserves
The US Fed Has Stolen the German Bundesbank's Central Bank Gold Reserves

The US Fed Still has not Disclosed What They've Done with Germany's Gold Reserves! Enough to make a prudent man wonder how many other foreign central banks may  have had their custodial gold 'misplaced' by the Fed, eh? 

Are you beginning to understand why the US Fed is terrified of an independent congressional audit? Grabbing ETF and COMEX gold is just a 'walk in the park'.

More of our posts on the missing German Gold reserves

The Stranger!

The Stranger! 

A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small town.  From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family.

The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.

As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my
family.  In my young mind, he had a special niche.

My parents were complementary instructors:  Mom taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey.

But the stranger... he was our storyteller.  He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies.  If I wanted to know anything about politics, history
or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future!

He took my family to the first major league ball game.  He made me laugh, and he made me cry.  The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.

Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.)

Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honor them.  Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home - not from us, our friends or any visitors.  Our long time visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush.

My Dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol but the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis.  He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly, and pipes distinguished.

He talked freely (much too freely!) about sex.  His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally

I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger.  Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked ... And NEVER asked to leave.

More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family.  He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first.  Still, if you could walk into my parents' den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures.

His name? 

We just call him 'TV.'

(Note:  This should be required
reading for every household!)

He has a wife now....we call her 'Computer.'

Their first child is "Cell Phone."

Second child "I Pod." 




Mystery Surrounding 1.2 Billion Rounds Of Ammo Solved

Mystery Surrounding 1.2 Billion Rounds Of Ammo Solved

August 23rd, 2012
Click here to find out more!

Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: The mystery surrounding the purpose for the U.S. government’s procurement of 1.2 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition just got a boost Tuesday.
On the heels of an article penned by Major General Jerry Curry (Ret.), titled, Who Does The Government Intend to Shoot?a piece written by a retired U.S. general who questions the bizarre series of monstrous ammunition by unlikely agencies of the federal government, host Rick Wiles of TruNews Radio (Aug. 22) revealed to his listeners the answer to the mystery of the billion bullets. Get my next ALERT 100% FREE
After years warning of the out-of-the-blue presidential candidacy of Barrack Obama, Wiles appears most certain, again, that a powerful connection can be made between information he’s received from a high-level informant at Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—regarding the approximately 20,000 Russian commandos suspected of legally entering the U.S. from Canada—and conversations he had with an old acquaintance, the famous Russian spy of the old Soviet Union era, Colonel Stanislav Lunev.
“Colonel Stanislav Lunev told me, personally, years ago—he said, the Russian military strategy is, that, we [Russians] will strike so hard [at the U.S.], that there will be such shock, that the American people will surrender,” Wiles recalls, during a conversation he had with the spy over a several-day period in 1999.
“He was not talking about a nuclear, chemical [or] biological attack; he was talking about commandos in the country [U.S.].  He said . . . this is what he said, Spetznazs, which are the Russian commandos. . . GET A FREE TREND ANALYSIS FOR ANY STOCK HERE!
“He said, they have the names addresses of every member of Congress, and the Senate, their wives, their children, the school that they go to, all the cabinet members, all of the head officials in Washington, all the officials in state governments.  And he said, they will all be assassinated, quickly.”
From 1988 through 1992, Lunev, the highest-ranking Russian KGB spy to defect to the United States, explained to American authorities that he was deployed by Moscow to actively seek strategic locations within America for the launching of biological, chemical and suitcase-size nuclear devices in the event of a hot war between the two superpowers.
Though, initially thought to be fantastic tales told by a trained professional of deception, Lunev’s seemingly incredulous assertions of an elaborate plot to attack America from within was later confirmed by former SVR officer Alexander Kouzminov, who stated in his book, Biological Espionage: Special Operations of the Soviet and Russian Foreign Intelligence Services in the West, the Soviet Union  “was the only country in the world that could start and win a global biological war, something we had already established that the West was not ready for.”
According to Wiles, Lunev “said there will be a massive decapitation of the American government from top to bottom in a matter of days, and we [Russians] will put the country into a state of shock.
“That, he said, is the official strategy, and that’s what they [leaders in Moscow] plan to do, and, he said, it has never changed.” [emphasis added].
And here’s why the U.S. has procured 1.2 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition, according to Wiles.  Moreover, according to him, the Russians appear to be correct in their assessment: the American people are so distracted by lives of entertainment, of consumption and of derelictions of civic duty, that the Russian plan to destroy America from within is quite achievable.
“Let’s not forget that the real person running [Department of] Homeland Security is not Janet Napolitano, it is Valarie Jarrett, the communist,” Wiles explains.  “And her father-in-law was Vernon Jarrett, who was a close confidant of Frank Marshal Davis, Barrack Obama’s communist mentor.
“And so, I’m going to continue to say on this radio program that, I believe Valarie Jarrett and David Axelrod, and these other commies are the real architects of this sinister plan to stockpile 1.2 billion rounds of ammo throughout the country.
“That it is not for law enforcement; it is to be turned over to a communist revolutionary army in this country.”
Wiles goes on to say that most Americans don’t realize that President Barrack Obama is a communist.  “They don’t know it,” and “they don’t care,” says Wiles.
But, when the communist takeover is unleashed, presumably by a false-flag event or dollar devaluation, the American people will be in shock, he adds, just as Russians were shocked by the Bolshevik revolution and the rise of Joseph Stalin, the man who’s credited with the extermination of approximately 80 million Russians during his reign.
“An old fashion communist revolution is on the way,” says Wiles, suggesting, too, that that fact will become apparent soon enough, executed very quickly, and will shock, yet, another nation along history’s many roads to Communism.

Old People!

Harold was an old man. He was sick
and in the hospital.There was one nurse
that just drove him crazy.
Every time she came in, she would talk
to him like he was a little child. She
would say in a patronizing tone of voice,
’And how are we doing this morning'

or 'Are we ready for a bath', or 'Are we hungry?'
Old Harold had had enough of this
particular nurse. One day, at breakfast,
Old Harold took the apple juice off the
tray and put it in his bed side stand.
Next, he was given a urine bottle
to fill for testing.

So you know where the juice went!

The nurse came in a little later, picked
up the urine bottle and looked at it.
'My, it seems we are a little cloudy today. '

At this, Old Harold snatched the bottle
out of her hand, popped off the top,
and drank it down, saying,
'Well, I'll run it through again.
Maybe I can filter it better this time.'

The nurse fainted!
Old Harold just smiled!



August 19, 2012
I have chosen you My sons and daughters from the very beginning. When you chose Me as Lord of your life; your Heavenly Daddy, you accepted the life and destiny that I created for you. You have My Spiritual DNA. Your destiny is to carry My Divine Nature – to walk it out in the earth..

In Me, you move, and exist. You are more than conquerors! You walk in My authority and power. You are My powerhouses because you believe every word I say. You know that I have given you all power and authority over every lie, over every messenger, device, and tactic of satan, and over the world, and over the flesh. I have given you authority in Heaven above, and authority in the earth, and authority under the earth - I have given you authority in 3 worlds.


I am your Father, come unto Me. Harken closely to My voice, and be led of My Spirit. For I have called you out of the world, and into My family; to walk as MY Kings and Priests; to rule over all principalities, and to reign victoriously with Me! This is a season of Breakthrough, a season of Restoration, and a season of the release of My Glory upon earth. Walk in the inheritance and identity I have given you! Now is the time for you to do the greater things that I spoke of while I walked on this earth!

My sons and daughters all that I have is yours for the asking. My anointing, glory, wisdom, discernment, gifts, talents, abilities, power, signs, wonders and miracles are yours to fulfill your destiny. I’ve had many of you hidden for a season to prepare you. Now it is time to come out of the caves, and speak forth My oracles; open your mouths and Glorify Me! Declare all that you see Me doing, so that others may believe by your testimony. Let the strongholds of ignorance be brought down low! Let the blind see! Let the deaf hear! Heal them and set them free in My Name! My Name is the mightiest weapon there ever was or ever will be. USE IT WITH THE PRECISION AND EXPERTISE THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS TAUGHT YOU TO USE. You have not been in the school of the Holy Spirit all these months and years for no reason. GET OUT THERE AND USE WHAT I HAVE TAUGHT YOU!

I am calling you to come out, and to shine! Be My light in this season! Invade earth with Heaven! Sound the trumpet and declare My truth. I am moving through you, whose Identity is in Me. When you hear Me and humbly obey Me by speaking forth My words of truth; It will release a fresh wind of My Spirit, and cause a wild fire of manifestation and revival to burst forth throughout the lands!

These are exciting times, beloved. I have raised up a people who trust Me; a people who know they are Mine; a people whose identity is in Me, their Heavenly Daddy.

I am empowering My chosen ones to walk in Supernatural Power. They are mighty men and woman of Mine. They will release My greatness upon the earth, and they will honor Me with all their praises! My chosen ones come frequently to My Throne room to receive their instructions. They watch and listen. Then they return to earth and share all that they have seen and heard and come to know. They are bringing Heaven to Earth right now!

In this season many will be changed, transformed, renewed and restored by My Glory, power and authority; Many will come to have a new identity in Me!

By My Grace and Mercy I am releasing Abundant Life in a way that I have not released it before on the earth!

BREAKING!! 8-25-12 UFO WAR!!!

The Anunnaki and the Illuminati are at war at this very moment. The anti-NWO gods are ousting the evil power elite of earth on the basis of human rights violations spanning thousands of years. Operation Human Freedom is underway, and planetary regime change has begun.

The battle being waged between the Anunnaki and the Illuminati is, at the present, one-sided, as it's the Illuminati owned and controlled reverse-engineered anti-gravity aircraft and space-based weapons that are firing at (and missing) peaceful Anunnaki ships that could easily destroy the New World Order spacecrafts but do not. The gods are biding their time for the strategical, astronomical, and astrologically perfect moment to destroy the New World Order and free us all.

In the meantime, the Anunnaki are systematically disarming, disabling, deactivating, and destroying nuclear weapons of all sorts around the world. They even began nuking underground bases on September 26, 2011, producing various effects on the surface, one of which is earthquake-like yet inconsistent with seismic activity. These beings are here to take the power from the New World Order elite (Illuminati) and give it back to mankind.

The elite humans of earth are not faking the existence of UFO's and aliens. However, their aim is to manipulate us to fear and hate the returning gods rather than embrace them for who they truly are: our rescuers. As the gods oppose deception, they are here to physically annihilate the New World Order. They will soon destroy key military bases, especially underground bases, the elite-controlled earth governments will declare that we are being invaded, and that we are being warred upon. But the truth is that it will be the insidious international bankers who are being warred upon, and all of their puppet governments destroyed.

FEMA plays a vital role in the New World Order. When the gods return, there will be confusion, death, and destruction, and possibly extinction-level ecological disasters. This is why FEMA has been preparing coffins and detention camps for U.S. citizens and why FEMA has clearly been preparing for the declaration of martial law. This is also why FEMA is training for a so-called "alien invasion". And when the gods begin their decent, FEMA will have you believe that Earth is being invaded by hostile extraterrestrials, and that FEMA has your best interests at heart. But these are not invaders, they are our saviors, and FEMA, rather than developing a strategy to help you, have already made your coffins.

TBTB have programed you to believe that they're planning a false flag alien invasion by faking UFO sightings with fake UFOs and military in alien costumes when, in fact, they are not. The non-existent Project Blue Beam (Bluebeam) is itself a PSYOP, a double deception. Space has been weaponized. Why would the elite weaponize space if if they supposedly intend to use holograms to fake an alien invasion and if the threat to the evil New World Order was not real?

Due to Nibiru's increasing gravitational influence on earth, a pole shift is currently underway. There is certainly a virtual media blackout on both the shifting of Earth's poles and the return of planet Nibiru, called the Kachina star by the Hopi Indians, who told of its coming in their astronomical predictions and prophesies. There is also a full blackout on the nuclear destruction of the Illuminati power elite's secret underground bases, known as D.U.M.B.S. (Deep Underground Military Bases) - like Earth's secret history that has for so long been suppressed, the mainstream news media is censored by the insidious influence of those who own it. And if this is a false flag PSYOP, why would TPTB bomb bases that are virtually secret?

Although freemason archeologist Zecharia Sitchin was used by TPTB to give a bias interpretation (bias toward Enki, i.e. Lucifer) of the Sumerian tablets, he was not the originator of the ancient astronaut theory - he was only continuing the work of non-shill archeologists who came before him, and, besides his opinionated emotional bias toward the deceptive Enki, he contributed very little to the collective scholarly research that proves that the gods were in fact real physical beings from another planet, and therefore his questionable motives are of little relevance to the truth of the existence of the Anunnaki.

The "New Age" is not what the Illuminati thought it would be. This is the end of the (new) world (order). In accordance with prophecy, the gods, led by the Elohim YHVH (the EN.LIL), will completely annihilate the Satanic (Enkiite) power elite and their rebel gods, and Yahushua Ha'Mashiach will be installed as King of Earth.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/24/12 'Defeating Final Challenges'!

The Galactic Federation of Light discuss what awaits those who persevere to triumph over final challenges.

Insider Exposes Bin Laden Death Book Hoax

Insider Exposes Bin Laden Death Book Hoax

  •  The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show podcastPrison Planet TwitterAlex Jones' FacebookInfowars store
August 24, 2012
A new book, allegedly put out by a member of the Navy Seal Team 6 outfit that allegedly raided Osama bin Laden’s headquarters in Abbottabad, Pakistan, is causing major uproar.
The book, No Easy Day: The Autobiography of a Navy Seal, claims to give a firsthand account of the raid by one of the Seals who actually witnessed the death of bin Laden.
The publisher, Dutton, a Penguin boutique imprint, would have us believe the book was not vetted by the Pentagon.
Also, Fox News claimed they received confirmation that the author’s name is actually Matt Bissonnette, instead of the pen name Mark Owen, and that the Department of Defense is supposedly pissed that the book has even been released.
On the contrary, as we’ve witnessed recently with the arrest and detainment of Brandon Raub, an unapproved publication would likely warrant a full-scale assault on its author.
The fact that this hasn’t happened should be proof enough that the book has been released under false pretenses and that its dissemination of disinformation is intentional.
Exposing the Hoax
Infowars has maintained for years that bin Laden died in 2002 and that his corpse would be dragged out at the most politically expedient moment. This has most definitely been the case.
Yesterday, Alex interviewed Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a Harvard trained psychiatrist with international relations skills from M.I.T. and history working as a crisis and hostage negotiator for the Department of State spanning four different presidential administrations.
In 2002, Dr. Pieczenik revealed on the Alex Jones Show that Osama bin Laden actually died in 2001, and that a top general had even told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag operation, a statement that he would gladly make in front of a grand jury.
Last year we wrote, “Back in April 2002…Pieczenik told the Alex Jones Show that Bin Laden had already been “dead for months,” and that the government was waiting for the most politically expedient time to roll out his corpse. Pieczenik would be in a position to know, having personally met Bin Laden and worked with him during the proxy war against the Soviets in Afghanistan back in the early 80′s.”
Dr. Pieczenik went on to explain that a physician he knew had treated bin Laden for Marfan syndrome, a degenerative disease with no cure: “[He died] Not because special forces had killed him, but because as a physician I had known that the CIA physicians had treated him and it was on the intelligence roster that he had marfan syndrome…He died of marfan syndrome, Bush junior knew about it, the intelligence community knew about it.”
Dr. Pieczenik is appalled at the perpetuation of the fabled Seal Team 6 raid. He says it endangers the lives of those men and women and paints a target especially on Special Forces teams: “Every time you say we killed Osama bin Ladin by some hot shot make believe seal team six, some Special Forces guy is going to be taken out because some real terrorist is really gonna kill him to make a point that Special forces are not that special.”
As we have exhaustively covered, Osama bin Laden (AKA Tim Osman) was a CIA operativeand has been dead for a number of years.
By parading bin Laden’s image on every major news station in the days following the 9/11 attack, Americans were subjected to a version of the two-minute hate, the mandatory video session envisioned in George Orwell’s1984 that taught society exactly who to detest. Bin Laden’s picture was posted on every media outlet for weeks, feverishly conditioning everyone to accept the bearded cave-dweller as our enemy. They took a page almost directly from Orwell in producing an enemy that could neither be found, nor slowed.
Undermines the intelligence of the American People
The book’s publication is a slap in the face of the American people, and if published under the circumstances described, should be a direct violation of State Department protocol, deeming a raid of the author’s home or at the very least a court martial.
The book’s release signifies the government’s latest effort to quell dissent over the 9/11 issue, doing more harm than good to the American people and further weaving a tangled web of lies designed to cover-up the truth behind Bin Laden’s death.
With the book beginning to top best-seller lists on and Barnes&, this latest propaganda is geared to put to rest any dissenting voices that call the raid a hoax.
The mere fact that this book was released and that its author has not been reprimanded is indeed a tell-tale sign that the book is nothing more than a fabricated work of fiction.
The propaganda is not over
As if placing nails on the coffin, in December the film “Zero Dark Thirty” is set to be released. Its aim will be to further propagandize the fabled raid and attempt to give further credence to the fabrication.
In 2011, Dr. Pieczenik described how even the photo released of White House staff purportedly viewing the bin Laden raid was a hoax.
Whistleblower ‘Colonel Sixx’ Dead!Dead!Dead! SEAL TEAM 6 MURDERED!-Reveals Whistleblower
Deaths of SEAL Team 6 Exposed! 
The SEAL TEAM 6 WhistleBlower DEAD! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

You May Already Be Too Late…

You May Already Be Too Late…
…But It Has Begun!
“A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get.”

Even worse, new reports are saying this decorated war hero is being ‘disappeared’ by US authorities after he was forcibly transferred to a psychiatric facility more than three hours away from his family and legal team.
This government sponsored attack on Raub appears to be just the beginning of more to come as the US Department of Defence is now warning that their injured war veterans may become violent and dangerous, which is particularly ominous to note in a First World nation where nearly 1 in 5 Americans have no money to put on the table to feed their families.
Curious to note, too, is that at the same time the US government is demonizing its millions of war veterans, it is arming its Federal Police Forces “to the teeth” leading many to question why the Obama regime is so fearful of its own citizens.
One such questioner is retired US Army Major General Jerry Curry who as a decorated veteran of two wars asked in an open letter to the US Congress this past week why domestic US government agencies are purchasing enough lethal ammunition to put 5 rounds in every American?
General Curry states that the millions of rounds of ammunition being purchased by the Obama regime are “hollow points,” which is a type of ammunition banned by the Geneva Convention and is not used by the US Military causing him to note that these rounds must be intended for use against American citizens. He goes on to state, “In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen.”
Not just the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), either, is ordering massive amounts of hollow point ammunition as new reports are showing that the US Social Security Administration and the US National Weather Service are arming their forces “to the teeth” too. 
What is most surprising about all of this is how actually surprised these Americans are who have stood idly by this past year, with virtually no protest, as US Federal Courts have abolished their Forth Amendment rights to due process, abolished their most basic First Amendment rights to free assembly, ruled earlier this month ruled that banks have the right to steal every one of their customer accounts if they so choose, and stated that Americans have no reasonable expectation of privacy when carrying cell phones, allowing police to track GPS signals without a warrant or probable cause.
Not just “constant surveillance” is being planed for the United States, either, as new reports are stating that US Military Officers are now being told to start preparing to fight and kill American civilians while massive numbers of urban camouflaged tanks are being dispersed throughout the country and noted trends forecaster Gerald Celente is warning of a “mega geopolitical quake to match the shock-and-awe of 9-11 in America’s not-to-distant future.”
And that “not-to-distant future” being warned about by Celente may not be that far off, especially after reports emerged that the US Department of Homeland Security this past fortnight made an “emergency purchase” of over a half-ton of high explosives to be delivered to them by 31 August 2012.
With new internal checkpoints being established by the week in the United States, with tens-of-thousands of drones being prepared to spy on virtually every American, and with US Federal mobile x-ray vans roaming the streets of every city able to look through vehicles, walls and clothing, and with all of the above noted, for any American wanting to really know what a police state looks like…THEY ARE LIVING IN IT!