Saturday, August 25, 2012

Something Good is Going to Happen: Explanations, Decipherings and Opening Portals and more...

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Something Good is Going to Happen: Explanations, Decipherings and Opening Portals and more...

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Something Good is Going to Happen: Explanations, Decipherings and Opening Portals

Something Good is Going to Happen: Explanations, Decipherings and Opening Portals

Comments Are Open
By Stephen Cook – August 25, 2012
During the previous two weeks, I have been continuously receiving the ‘message’ that August 20 was a significant tipping point in everything that’s going down this year. Why, I didn’t quite know – until possibly, just now.
After I posted the story on 71.000 people being ‘awakened”, it did cross my mind that maybe August 20 was the day on which Sri Amma Bhagavan calculated that we had passed the magic figure of 70,000 enlightened beings – and which he announced, one day later, on August 21, four months out from December 21. This could be the case. I don’t know. (By the way, I have no idea how he calculated this figure so please ask him – see the link to his website below.)
But over the past few days the energies in me have been building to such an extent that I have hardly slept. I have been averaging around 3-4 hours a night, 2 on one occasion this past week. Weird, because I have always needed my sleep! And lots of it.  (Although today, after I had finally received, processed and deciphered what I am about to share below, I collapsed into a majorly deep slumber for the latter part of the afternoon. I ma now ready to crash again!)
During this time of so little sleep, I have had all sorts of weird and wonderful things happening to my ‘system’. Moments when I feel as though waves of energy are literally pulsing through me, so strong I feel like I am on a boat rocking at sea. Moments of dizziness. Moments where I have an almost metallic, electric taste in my mouth. Moments when the top third of my index finger on my right hand turns white, cold and buzzes (hey, ET phone home!). All this has accumulated in a continuous, but not uncomfortable energy that feels to be zapping through me.
So that sets the scene with the physical stuff…  Now to what I have to share.
And as per my one and only ‘message’ to date – on December 21 and Ascension (see link below) – this is what I have managed to cobble together from messages I have received from my guides – whoever they may be!; things people have sent me; a logical process of evaluation; several conversations and emails with other Lightworkers; and, some in-depth research and investigation – the latter two, completely guided with messages telling me when I was on the right path.
So as per last time, here goes…
First let me explain how all this started.
On August 20 – yep THAT date – I was sent a message from another Lightworker who was concerned at the time as they believed they had been sent a threat. (Just as an aside, the person concerned believes they have been threatened before and, together with some other Lightworkers they are in contact with – and, possibly, due (in my belief) to to their past experiences -  they felt they were being sent this message to warn them to stop what they were doing.)
It was a series of images and a map. The map is below.
They sent it to me and asked me if I knew what it meant. My instant ‘reading’ was that this was no threat – far from it. Instead it was wonderful message; a clue to what is about to happen. I just instantly ‘got’ that this was a message of hope, of love, of joy.
Yet that was all I ‘knew’ – then. And, quite possibly now.
But I will share what I have since deciphered and been ‘messaged’.
I was also told to share what I had unearthed as it may lead someone else to put further pieces to this possible conundrum and indication of what good is about to happen.
So here’s the map they were sent:

You will notice that  at the top it has YHWH. This is the Hebrew tetragrammaton for Lord or Creator – which, for some reason, Jews are forbidden to say or write (this tetragrammaton) in full, when reading the Torah; they must use the term Adonai.
The book, The Book Of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak, features just the letters YHWH and the Phoenix rising on its cover. Having read this facsinating book from cover to cover, I just ‘knew’ that that this map was trying to say that something good is going to happen.
There is also a giant letter W that appears to sit over the top of Krakow in Poland.
Krakow has had many roles in the planet’s history. It was Poland’s capital from 1038 until 1569 and the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1569 to 1596 and has always been a hub of academic, cultural and artistic life since the 14th century. After the invasion of Poland by Germany at the start of World War II, Kraków was turned into the capital of Germany’s General Government. The Jewish population of the city was moved into a walled zone known as the Kraków Ghetto, from which they were sent to extermination camps such as Auschwitz and the concentration camp at Płaszów.. It was also the birthplace of the previous head of the catholic Church, Pope  John Paul II.
The line seems to travel through many areas of significance and where I am led to believe there are certain portals that are about to be opened. Let’s go through them.
So… if we start in the top left and follow the line, we find we cross over the top of or through some of the world’s other more interesting places as this line circumnavigates the planet. (And I am open to your input here if you believe I am not ‘on target’ with the locations I have selected, or you have further information to add).
Starting in the south west of England we appear to cross through both Bristol – the city which just a week or so ago announced it had started its own currency, and which I have now learned was the site – and we take a U through into bath – the famed city of healing.
It then heads south through what appears to be Saint Nazaire in France.
Archaeologists believe that Saint-Nazaire is built upon the remnants of Corbilo, an Armorican Gaulish city populated by the Namnetes tribe. Archeology suggests that the area has been inhabited since at least the Neolithic period, as evidenced by the presence of monuments like the tumulus of Dissignac and the dolmen located in the centre of the present-day city, and ancient bronzes found in the vicinity.According to the late-6th-century writer Gregory of Tours, the Roman Church sheltered the remains of the martyr Nazarius in a local basilica.
Remember also that Jesus’s wife Mary Magdalene went to France with her daughter, Sarah. As Jesus said on An Hour With an Angel on January 16, 2012: “Yes. My wife and Sarah, James, my brother Joseph, and a retinue of disciples who would attend to the family went to France. Andrew as well. The life was very simple, and very quiet. The Magdalena in many ways retreated. But Sarah did not, for she moved amongst the people, and she embraced them. And they embraced her as well. And she is the one who carried the lineage.”
The line then heads over the Vatican and on through southern Greece to the most famous and important portal of them all, the Pyramids at Giza outside Cairo in Egypt before heading north to that other significant portal, Jerusalem.
As it heads west, the line crosses over two more countries where I am told important portals exist – Iraq and Afghanistan (which is why there are still wars underway in both countries- apparently it’s not just oil)
Then the line heads straight across China and onto Japan where it seems to change direction again at the city of Miyako, which was destroyed by the Tsnuami following the massive earthquake in Japan on March 11 last year. You may remember this incredible footage take as the tsunami hit the town. If the rumours that this event was either caused or ‘enhanced’ by the cabal, then maybe it was because an important energy portal sits here.
The line then heads through Hawaii – where there are many portals to both the planet’s past and its future.
It then heads to Peru.Where the closest place I can see that it changes direction at is the Protected Forest of San Matias and San Carlos. We probably all know who St Matthew is. But we may not know as much of Saint Charles who was born Charles Borromeo. He was one of only four people mentioned at the beginning of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, citing them as responsible for the Council of Trent, which gave way to the modern day catechism. .
In 1576, when Milan suffered an epidemic of the bubonic plague, Borromeo led efforts to accommodate the sick and bury the dead. He avoided no danger and spared no expense. He visited all the parishes where the contagion raged, distributing money, providing accommodation for the sick, and punishing those, especially the clergy, who were remiss in discharging their duties. Owing to his influence over Pius IV, he facilitated the final deliberations of the Council of Trent. He took a large share in the creation of the Tridentine Catechism (Catechismus Romanus).
As many of us know, Peru is home to several historic portals. Maybe this saintly forest is one, too.
And from there the line appears to simply cross the northern part of Brazil and out into the Atlantic.
Opening Portals:
So what do I believe this map has been sent to convey to us?
Just as my first ‘reading’ indicated – that this was a wonderful, positive message – I have now had ‘confirmation’ from above and below that this map shows us a series of portals which will be opened within the next three weeks.
In fact, all this may happen within a short period immediately preceding and following the 9/9/12 portal. There is also a link to the Sept 11, or as the Americans say 9/11. There is huge significance in this. It is also the 11th year after the lie that was the destruction of the World Trade Centers was proffered to the world.
Eire Port at Gaia Portal also revealed the following in her post of 23 August 2012 titled Collaboration of Gaia Light Groups at All Time High, when she wrote: ” Summary in process. Collaboration of Gaia Light groups is at a height never attained upon the planet until this now moment. Individual Hue-mans are receiving their collective assignments at this time, as they operate from a place of joy and inner passion for their 3D surface level missions.
“Illusions about the intellect power are dissolved for these Light Ones as they operate not from such illusory foundations. Light collaboration now comes freely to all of these, and even so-called non-awakened ones are hearing and heeding the call of a Higher Light source.
There is nothing remaining to prepare. There is nothing remaining to install. All paradigms align with the Higher Paradigm where all are traveling their Light path. No turning back. Be in Peace on this journey.”
I have also since been ‘told’ that there is much portal opening work about to commence for many of us.
Ans just as my own messages and decipherings have told me, something good is indeed going to happen…and its BIG!
My previous message:
Sri Amma Bhagavan’s site
ÉirePort at Gaia Portal:

Emissaries of Love

I’m trying to get a sense of what has changed in the world.  If you go to the leading international newspapers, you’ll see … well, Prince Harry partying in the buff, one company suing another for patent infringements, Romney stirring the birther fight again, a tropical storm hitting Haiti.
Noticeably the press continues to look for the negative and bizzarre and comes up with little or nothing. All seems quiet in the world.
On TV the other day, so extensive are the crime dramas, that several are concerned with the love lives of law-enforcement agents, having explored almost every other aspect of crime and punishment one could think of. The “war on terror” became institutionalized, determined what played on TV, and is now trailing off into oblivion.
Ashtar said recently that the top level of the international cabal had been contained and the second level would be contained soon after. I’ll be talking with AAM about containment Monday but a simple glance at the mainstream media suggests that the cabal’s relentless pursuit of global domination has disappeared into the smoke that it always was.
Check the New York Times and read “Google Street View comes to Inuit town.”  Jump to the Washington Post and see the travel photo winner.  Over to the Telegraph to check out Prince Harry in the nude. What is going on here?
The travel photo winner: peace arrives in Cuba
Certainly a few tragic situations continue, such as the murderous attacks on their own people by the Syrian army and the American military-industrial complex still dropping bombs from drones in Pakistan. But viewed as a panorama, the world is quieting down.  Evidently if there isn’t something negative to say, the world’s press has little to contribute.
SaLuSa described what was happening back in June and the trend has only become more noticeable.
“The Light upon Earth increases and the path to Ascension becomes stronger.
“It is quickly bringing peace to a troubled world that would otherwise be in complete turmoil. Where there are trouble spots you are seeing the last vestiges of the effect of centuries of negative vibrations. It takes time to remove them but you are winning the battle.
“There is far more love being sent to them than ever before, and it is helping to cleanse such areas. It will be completed when total peace comes to the Earth, and we will carry out the final cleansing.” (1)
More recently he said:
“The period you are in now is a bit like the calm before the storm, as in reality you know only a little about what is really happening. Yet our activities are putting the pressure on those who need to step aside, to allow the New Age to commence. Either they move or we will do it for our Allies, and that will result in a great deal of happenings that will finally hit the media.
“It will be what you have been expecting and will gather pace very quickly. Even so it will take some weeks before the remnants of the old paradigm can be removed, and thus allow the introduction of that which is to replace it.” (2)
What we’ve been expecting is Disclosure and NESARA and we have “still some weeks” to wait.   We’ll confirm that with AAM on Monday night. Hopefully we’ll learn what the people in the rafters, to use Poof’s phrase, are doing.
What can we do in the meantime?  We’ve followed the daily reports on bringing down the cabal and ending war and, now that we actually see the results of those efforts, it becomes difficult to assess what’s next for us.
What do we do when peace descends on Earth? For sure, prepare for the shift at the end of the year. But until our governments transition, the new economy bursts on the scene, and the guests for the party arrive, what do we do?
I’d like to suggest that we establish beachheads of love all around us, starting from precisely where we’re at. I suggest we realize that nature abhors a vaccuum, and begin to fill the space that’s become available to us through the fall of the cabal with love and light.  Begin to send out love to all and sundry. Notice how challenging that is.
Transfer the challenge in life to the personal level. Begin challenging yourself.  See how much time in a day we can spend sending love out to all around us.
When old baggage arises, simply let it go as you would a heavy weight. Let it go and simply be love. This space, this interregnum. may last only days or, as SaLuSa predicts, weeks. However long it lasts, let’s use it to begin extending our personal auric field of love to take in first family, then friends, then blocks, then neighborhoods.
It’s time for us to come out of our protective shells, not to become Ninja warriors, but to become emissaries of love. I think it’s safe now. We can come out of our houses, our safe areas, our comfort zones, at least a bit. We can come out into the light of day, into the sun with fewer and fewer chemtrails, less and less discordance, to blink and get that much of the really bad stuff in our common lives is now for the most part over. The war is won and peace has come.
Before we start the reconstruction era in earnest, let’s just spend a little time simply enjoying the new and peaceful way of things and extending our love in all directions. We haven’t taken possession of our new world yet, but we can at least emerge into the light of day and mix and mingle in love again.


(1) SaLuSa, June 6, 2012, at
(2) SaLuSa, Aug. 24, 2012.

UFO Over Leiden, Holland – July 2012

UFO Over Leiden, Holland – July 2012

Thanks to Dennis
Stay with this one as the footage gets better towards the end of the video.
As Dennis writes: “This is footage I shot with my won camera near my hometown of Leiden in Holland.
“What looks like a irregularly sparkling star seems to be something else. There are approximately some 10 of these around. Visible every clear night on the same spots. I have seen them since early July 2012. Footage is from around that period.”
Click here to view the embedded video.

Unascended and Surrendered

I notice how much depends on seeing and understanding things clearly. I’m going over some fundamentals and seeing the conclusions that arise out of them.
For instance, I’m aware that I’m unascended – in this lifetime. As a Starseed I (and all other Starseeds) have ascended in other lifetimes, according to Archangel Michael, though we don’t remember it. (1) I’m also aware that I’m completely surrendered to the idea of ascending.
Given that I’m completely surrendered and not ascended, there have to be some barriers that prevent me from ascending – unless it serves some purpose related to my mission that I not ascend. I have no idea about the latter. But barring that, there must be some barriers.
The barrier might be energetic. I may not have assimilated enough light and love energy to ascend. Or it could be psychological. I may not have cleared enough issues, vasanas, and baggage to ascend. The first, if it’s so, would most likely come from the second. I actually don’t know what the reason might be but I’m coming from there probably being a barrier.
And that means that, in the remaining four months, my task would seem to be to eradicate whatever remaining barriers there might be to my ascending.  Of course I could also sit back and say to myself, “We’ll all ascend on Dec. 21, 2012 and chances are I’ll ascend along with everyone else” and just coast.
But I don’t lean towards that way of doing things. I’d rather search around and find any remaining barriers and release them.
In looking at the whole question, I could approach the matter in one of two ways. I could take the viewpoint of the ego and resist any diminution of myself, which would be a vote for remaining with Third Dimensionality. Or I could take the viewpoint of my higher-dimensional Self, though perhaps I don’t experience that Self in the moment, and let go of all that drags me down and embrace all that uplifts me. I could go for the highest, as a friend used to say.
Mobius strip
I prefer to follow the latter plan. And, as I do, I notice that life becomes like a mobius strip or an endless infinity sign. I’m either letting go of all that drags me down and away from ascension and hence leaving something behind. Or else I’m embracing all that lifts me up to ascension and hence expanding into something unknown on blind faith and trust.
Life becomes either going down the rollercoaster or up it on an endless ride.  But it always seems to be improving and I’m almost always feeling happier, more loving and more successful.
Life seems to gain a rhythm these days that it lacked before. Of course part of that is made possible by the light that shines down on us and part by the space that’s freed up in me by the ever-decreasing interest in so many things that interested me before. The process of absorption that began perhaps a month ago keeps on unfolding.
And again, as there has been in the past, there’s this sense of being captured, unable to get away from the magnetic pull of something that just calls me on and on.  There’s no resistance to being ever more captured or absorbed.  Whether it’s part of the process or just an ephemeral development, resistance seems, at least at this moment, to be continually fading away.


(1)  Steve Beckow: Lord, could we … say … that in fact most of your listeners have ascended in a previous life and are here to either model Ascension or help others through? Is that a correct statement?
Archangel Michael: In one way or another, the majority … have gone through a similar process in a different incarnation, in a different reality and lifetime. (Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 23, 2012, at

I’m Ready

Over the past couple of months I’ve agonized over the fact that I felt as though I don’t know who I really am. My agonized thinking had to do with doubts about how to proceed, how I could know what I am to do, what my “mission” even is, if I don’t even know who I really am.
Sometimes when I’m meditating and really flowing with energy I feel like there are wings on my back. In fact occasionally I look behind me completely expecting to see them and not understanding why I can’t. Does this mean I was/am an angel in a physical vehicle? (1)  Maybe. I would like to know.
I feel incredibly close to AA Michael. He is the first one I usually think of when I close my eyes and go within. I can hardly stand not being with him and long for the day when I will be. Does this mean I was with him before? Am I one of his angels? I would like to think so but I don’t really know. I would like to know.
I read a lot about our star families proclaiming our kinship. They talk about us as family. (The part of the family with amnesia.) Do I have a third cousin on the mother ship? Is my twin flame and/or soul mate waiting for me a couple of miles straight up? It’s a nice thought and could very well be true.
The thing is I’ve been making myself crazy lately in my not knowing. As I said I’ve felt as though I couldn’t do/be/have what I need without knowing. I’ve asked over and over and have not heard back. I’ve left a lot of celestial voice messages. My ego would like to blame others for my not knowing but I know better than that. Blaming my own failure to communicate is not helpful either.
This morning a new plan formed itself in my mind. When you’re a fighter pilot on standby, you have all your gear ready to grab up and go at a moment’s notice. When you hear the alarm you’re out the door, no matter what you were doing. The same for firemen. Jump into your pants and boots, grab your coat and hat, hit the pole and slide into your spot on the engine: let’s go. As a fireman or fighter pilot you know you could be called at any point – there’s no question about that. So you make yourself as ready as possible and put your internal alarm clock on stand-by.
Here are some things that I’ve noticed don’t help. Worrying about when the call will come doesn’t help. Trying to guess what the activity will look like doesn’t help.  Sitting around wondering why the bell isn’t ringing when you were just sure it would by now doesn’t help.
What helps is the certitude that you’re fully trained, fully prepared, gear at the ready, ride set to go, and most of your friends will be there with you. Mentally you’re prepared. You don’t need anyone holding your hand or having to constantly calm your fears. You don’t need anyone telling you over and over that everything will be all right and no one’s going to prevent you from doing your job. You know you’ll succeed – that’s what you’ve been training for, (maybe for thousands of years).
And you don’t need to know your secret spiritual name or pin number. I can never remember my latest password anyway. You obviously are the one to do what needs doing, the one who is perfect to perform your destined job. When the alarm bell goes off of course you’ll go. That’s what you’re here for.
This morning I told all my friends in high places – Divine Mother, AA Michael, my team of angels/guides, and anybody else who was listening that I’m now ready. My gear is packed – I even have a compartment for my physical body. It just fits.  I might as well travel in comfort and style.
No more excuses, no more fear of failure, no more worrying about others’ life plans, no more worrying about whether I’m really the one I think I am. I’ll know my name when I know my name. It’ll probably be on the boarding pass anyway. No more worrying if the accommodations will be adequate. Do I really need a queen-sized bed? When the bell goes off – I’m ready. What a relief just knowing that!


(1) Steve: It could do, based on how many angels appear to have incarnated here to help with Ascension.

Share Until You Feel it

This message was posted to the 2012 Scenario Discussion Group, but may be valid here as well.  The address of the discussion group is
For me, the brass ring in a discussion group is sharing and listening and perhaps I can expand a wee bit on what I mean by both.
Sharing is me sharing myself. I could have said sharing my truth. But the value of my share for me and for others goes up the deeper the share reflects my truth or the deeper the truth I share.
Some mentioned here that their molecules were vibrating and perhaps I could coattail on that and say that sharing until my molecules vibrate is what I seek to do. A deep share can literally shake the rust off my metal.
So for instance I get down into my deeper truth when I say that I so want the world to work out.   And the way to have the world work out, for me anyways, is to lessen everything unworkable about myself.  So my sense of entitlement, of me-first, of wanting my share or my cut, of wanting be known and liked – all these are facets of unworkability that belong to me and compete with my interest in having the world work out.
The more I reveal myself in here, the more I move myself and perhaps even move you.  The more transparent I am, the more often things work out.  What I’m in here for is to tell you who I am deeply, the deeper the better.
And the converse is also true. What my mission is in here as far as you’re concerned is to hear you, get you, listen to the deepest truth you want to share and make sure that you know that I heard you.
I’m not here to reassure you (not really) or to advise you or fix you. I think very, very few people actually need fixing. At essence, none of us is broken. What we do need is to have an opportunity to unconceal ourselves, to be known for our deepest truth, to have that truth be heard.
When I’ve spoken my truth deeply, I emerge from my shell. I stand forth as my truth or my stand, in the strength that is native to me and simply remains for the most part concealed by my withholds and image management.
I could try to “look good” in here but of what value is that? That’s the way of the world and at most it results in applause. But it does nothing for me in terms of the real purpose of life, which is to know myself as I really am and to be known as That to others.
So I encourage people not to hide in here, not to present us with an image, but really to reveal yourself and risk the buffeting that can sometimes come from that. Our participation here is not trivial. It’s not mundane. It’s preparation for Ascension. It’s polishing the inner statue until it shines forth.
That’s different from applying makeup to the statue or dressing it up. It’s letting the native sheen of the statue shine forth.
Tell us who you are. Who you really are, deep down. Share until you feel it. Tell us what you’ve longed to say and have never had a place to say it.
And for our part, let us hear you without advising you or fixing you but with bare listening and ample comprehension.

Vision Alignment Project: A Vision for Mother Earth

Thanks to Christina.

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Mother Earth

We envision our Mother Earth in her Highest Light, where all the waters, everywhere, are pure and clean; where all the plants and animals who dwell in and around the water are living their lives happily, healthfully, and joyfully; where everyone who depends upon the water for their leisure or their livelihood is grateful for the abundance they enjoy;
where the skies are true blue and clear; where all manmade clouds are a thing of the past; and where every breath we breathe is sweet, vibrant, and life supporting;
where the land – everywhere we go, everywhere we look – is pristine and pulsating with life; where the trees are radiant and beautiful, the farms and gardens flourishing with fruits and foods of all kinds in all places; where the animals, both wild and domestic, are respected and guaranteed to live their days in peace and safety;
where the people are honoring and caring for one another in every land, in every home, in every way;
and where Mother Earth, herself, is tended to like a garden; where her beauty is celebrated always; where her beaches, her deserts, her pastures and prairies, her meadows and mountaintops are sacred to all who walk there; and where her Highest Good is considered and honored.
And, finally, we see Mother Earth as a living entity, evolving on her own and joyous on her journey as she becomes a brighter star. We see a Mother Earth who is proud of us, proud of all of us, because we have done what we came here to do.
 As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.
Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.

As you love the Earth
so shall she love you
~ Tony Burroughs
The Intenders of the Highest Good, 105 Highland Avenue, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, USA

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Too bad this was another place and time in our history as a nation.

Thought you'd enjoy this! It's one you want your Children and Grandchildren to read.   They won't believe this happened, but it DID.  
Harry & Bess   (This seems unreal.)
Harry Truman was a different kind of President. He probably made as many, or more important decisions regarding our nation's history as any of the other 42 Presidents preceding him. However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House.

The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in   Independence,   Missouri. His wife had inherited the house from her mother and father  and other than their years in the White House, they lived their entire lives there.
When he retired from office in 1952 his income was a   U.S.Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72 a year. Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and, later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year.

After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to   Missouri   by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them.
When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."

Even later, on   May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."
As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food.
Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth. Today, many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices. Political offices are now for sale (cf.   Illinois   ).
Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed, "My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference!
I say dig him up and clone him!

If you agree, forward it. If you don't, delete it. I don't want to know one way or the other. By me forwarding it, you know how I feel.
Enjoy life now -- it has an expiration date!


A first-run film that casts new light on Barack Obama’s radical roots already is setting box-office records while an upcoming release that could also unsettle the White House is expected to draw a strong audience.
On the eve of the Republican National Convention, “2016: Obama’s America” is scheduled for showing in 1,074 theaters, approximately one of every four theaters in the U.S., said Jason Jones, president of Movie to Movement, the non-profit organization promoting the film.
Jones told WND it’s the largest one-week expansion of an independent film in history.
He noted that 35 percent of all tickets sold Thursday on, the No. 1 online movie ticket sales company, were for “2016.”
Jones told WND he expects the audience for the film to grow all the way to the Nov. 6 election.
“We started at a single theater in Houston, Texas,” Jones said. “It was a huge success, grossing $43,000 on one screen in a week, making it a sure bet for expansion.”
Last week, “2016” had the second highest average box office sales of films in wide release, beating many high-budget films, including “The Dark Knight Rises” and “The Bourne Legacy.” It came in in just behind “Expendables 2.”
Jones also screened for WND a movie to be released Sept. 14 in more than 1,200 theaters nationwide, “Last Ounce of Courage.” It’s a film about faith, patriotism and commitment to freedom that tells the story of an American family facing the loss of a beloved son in combat.
The film likely will be uncomfortable for a White House that has endorsed limitations on expressions of faith in military funerals.
“This is a movie that will speak to America,” Richard Bott Sr., the founder and chairman of Bott Radio Network. Bott’s Kansas City, Mo.-based radio Christian powerhouse broadcasts through some 90 stations, with a combined coverage of 40 million people in the Midwest.
Bott pledged to promote “Last Ounce of Courage” throughout his network free of charge.
“This is the most patriotic movie I have ever seen,” he said. “It shows why every schoolchild in America must once again be permitted to praise God openly in our nation’s school.”
Robert B. J. Jackson, Jason Jones and Marshall Teague
Robert B. J. Jackson, a former Army specialist who lost both legs in combat in Iraq, is helping to promote “Last Ounce of Courage.”
“The film is a great vehicle for people to understand the price of freedom and the peril our freedoms face every day to a government determined to remove God from America,” he said.
Marshall Teague, a Navy veteran and a former Deputy Sheriff in Memphis, Tenn., is the lead actor in the film.
“Making this film was one of the greatest spiritual and emotional experiences of my life,” Teague said.
“The movie gave me the opportunity to express what I have felt always – the importance of freedom and the sacrifices that have been made for that freedom, from the beginning of this nation to this second,” he said. “The two most important every American can say for the country we live in are ‘Thank You.’”
Jones told WND “Last Ounce of Courage” is a movie “certain to mobilize the Christian community throughout America.”
Hundreds of Christian leaders throughout the nation have already offered to sponsor the movie in their local theaters.

Follow Up Open Letter

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Follow Up Open Letter

After a highly edited version of my open letter was printed in the local newspaper. I decided to send another to all major news outlets in the UK.

Iceland did it. Why can't we?

The IMF-International Monetary Fund released a statement on the 13th of August stating "Iceland holds some key lessons for nations trying to survive bailouts after the island’s approach to its rescue led to a “surprisingly” strong recovery"
Shortly after the Bretton Woods institution published a paper urging our current Conservative Government to delay further austerity until growth returns. This paper enforced similar findings by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Austerity causes much more damage to an economy in recession than it would in times of growth.

Iceland are not in recession and has an incredibly positive outlook on growth for the next 2 years. So what did Iceland do that everyone else did not? Well in order to answer that we must look back to 2008. At the time of the financial crash, Iceland through bank deregulation had allowed it's financial institutions to become bloated with debt. These debts were in fact 10 times larger than their economy. The public uproar that followed these revelations, rivaled our notorious Pole Tax riots of the early 1990's.

With an enormous amount of public support the Icelandic Government took a hardline approach to the situation. First they bluntly refused to make full interest payments to the bond market and declined to blindly bail out financial institutions through public enslavement. They then restricted currency movements in order to stop capital outflow. This also served to cauterize their hemorrhaging economy and defend against speculative attack. This common sense approach  pushed most of the financial burden onto those who caused the crash, not the Tax paying public. Allowing Iceland to completely safeguard it's welfare system and shield the unemployed from indigence. They basically did everything we have been told couldn't or shouldn't be done. They Bailed out the people and arrested the corrupt bankers along with complicit politicians. They even indicted a former Prime-Minister! I do understand that there were victims of this closed off approach outside of Iceland. Some of our councils were affected by this. However the Icelandic government had to make tough decisions in order to protect it's people. As all governments should do.

You only have to look to Europe in order to see these bailouts are not working. The IMF has program arrangements with 11 struggling EU nations. Euro economies are shrinking faster than they are able to make cuts. Draconian austerity measures are beginning to affect billions not just in the Euro-Zone but here in the UK too. Drastic cuts are being made to our front-line services. Enormous bailouts and rounds of quantitative easing are having no positive affect on our economy. They only seem to insure profits for a select few.

Iceland's economy will grow this year by at least 2.4 percent  but ours will shrink further or at best, stagnate. An overwhelming amount of evidence is surfacing that seems to cast serious doubt on the UK and EU financial recovery mindset. Bailouts and austerity punish victims and compensate the guilty. Our economy has a very depressing outlook with no real positive signs visible. It will likely get much worse before it gets any better. So my question is.....

Is it time for plan B?
Plan B, Iceland style!

Kind Regards


IMF Advising Against Austerity

Saturday, 25 August 2012

IMF Advising Against Austerity

IMF advises delaying austerity until growth returns

Cutting government spending in a crisis will condemn a country to an even deeper recession and inflict “permanent” damage on the economy, the International Monetary Fund has warned.

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne
The Chancellor has been told to prepare to relax austerity if the economy does not improve Photo: REUTERS
In a paper that will only add to the pressure on the Chancellor, the Bretton Woods institution urged governments to delay austerity until growth returns or – if a delay was not possible – to shift the burden of any programme onto higher taxes and larger benefit cuts.
The IMF study emerged as official figures showed that the recession in the UK had not been as deep as previously feared. GDP contracted by 0.5pc in the three months to June, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), less than the 0.7pc decline initially estimated.
Stripping out the effect of the extra day’s bank holiday for the Diamond Jubilee, the economy stagnated – with growth over the three months estimated at zero.
The IMF paper echoed recent findings by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research that austerity causes more harm in recessions than at times of growth. “If you diet when you are sick, you’ll probably get a lot sicker,” Nicoletta Batini, one of the authors of the IMF report, told the BBC.
She added that every £1 cut from spending in periods of economic strength might reduce national income by 50p “but if you do it at a bad time, it could be £2 or even more than £2 permanently”.
The report, which did not examine the UK situation but focused on the US, Europe and Japan, was an attempt to identify the best pace and structure of fiscal consolidation. While recommending waiting if possible, it accepted that some countries had no choice but to cut their debts.
In that case, the IMF said: “If consolidations need to be implemented during downturns, they should prioritise increases in net taxes.” It defined “net taxes” as both increases in tax and reductions in benefits. By switching the emphasis of the cuts, she said, governments could maintain infrastructure spending.
“These are painful decisions. But abandoning productive programmes destroys jobs while higher [net] taxes do not – at least in the short term,” she said.
Roughly 40pc of George Osborne’s £123bn consolidation plan is scheduled to come from tax rises, benefit cuts, and lower debt interest costs, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies. The Government is thought to be examining plans for further benefit cuts to redirect the money into infrastructure such as council housing.
Last month, the IMF warned the Chancellor he should relax his austerity programme in next March’s Budget if the outlook has worsened. However, the institution has so far been supportive of the UK policy mix.
The ONS’s decision to revise up its estimate for UK growth failed to restore much confidence in the outlook. The detail provided “further evidence that the purported rebalancing of the UK economy is coming at the expense of growth”, Andrew Benito, a UK economist at Goldman Sachs, said. Net trade deducted 1 percentage point from growth while consumer spending sliced 0.3 percentage points off output.
Steven Bryce, a Credit Suisse economist, said: “This is in line with our view that the UK is currently stagnating rather than contracting.”
Most economists now expect the UK economy to contract this year and for the Bank of England to respond with more stimulus measures. Martin Weale, a Bank ratesetter, said he favoured an interest rate cut over more quantitative easing, if it could be proved rate cuts did not put banks in difficulty.
“If it were clear that the interest rate could be reduced ... without finding some banks got themselves into a position where they had to reduce lending because of the effects of an interest rate cut on their profits, I think I would probably prefer that to more QE, if I was choosing between them,” he told The Herald.