Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mr. Scam Man ~ Anti Obama Song

Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover Up

Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover Up 

Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine, was to be aired on the Discovery Channel on May 3 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Toronto, Canada.

At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who ordered all copies destroyed.

A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by its participants involved.

Cobra Update: Message to the general population

Cobra Update: Message to the general population

Portal 2012
August 25, 2012

There is a very important operation of the Light forces that is reaching its climax today. This has provoked a very strong reaction from the dark side and this has led to unusually high percentage of negative comments in my blog. Until this operation is over, all comments are blocked. In the future all comments that personally attack anyone, are extremely negative or vulgar will be removed.

My blog is a communications hub for the Light forces and not a trash bin so I would ask everyone to post your comments accordingly.

To clarify some confusion, I am simply a messenger for a certain group of the Light forces and do NOT belong to the Cabal. The same is true for my contacts that provide me intel.

I would suggest everyone to focus upon the Light, especially today.

Posted by at
Source: Portal 2012




Can the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) pull you out of line without any rational reason, quiz you on where you are going and why? And if you choose not to answer, does that make you “hostile?” One newspaper writer from the Midwest found out the answers to those questions on Monday when he experienced the TSA’s new “chat-down” while waiting in line at airport security.
Is TSA Chat Down Program Unreasonable Search?: Interview with Steve Gunn
Photo credit: AP
Muskeegon Chronical writer Steve Gunn was returning home after a few days at a music festival in Colorado. Steve’s travel agent had him flying from Denver to Detroit and then connecting to a flight from Detroit to Grand Rapids. This is a common pattern in air travel. Customers fly from one big city to another and then catch a short flight to their regional airport. It happens hundreds of times each day in Detroit alone.
As Gunn was standing in security line at the Detroit airport when a young woman in a uniform approached him. Gunn reports:
(Big Brother) actually presented himself in the deceptive form of a young, attractive female officer, working for the Transportation Security Administration at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
At first she simply seemed chatty and friendly. She looked at my airline boarding pass and noted that I was coming from Denver. Then she mentioned that I was headed from Detroit to Grand Rapids.
After explaining that he was just returning home, the TSA agent’s question started getting a bit more invasive. She wanted to know “where home was” — and that’s when Gunn realized that something was not right about this questioning and he asked why the agent needed to know all of this. Her response was that this was part of a new security “pilot program.”
That answer was not good enough for Mr. Gunn. He made it quite clear to the woman performing the TSA “Chat-Down.”
  • He was an American citizen
  • He was traveling within his own country
  • He was not breaking any laws
  • That was all the government needed to know and he was not going to share any information
And that’s when the agent loudly announced to her superiors (and everyone else standing in line): “We have another refusal here!”
By shouting that line, the woman triggered a response from supervisors and other agents in the area.
Another TSA staffer detained Mr. Gunn and took his carry-on bag. When he asked why he was being “detained,” the TSA rep denied detaining Gunn. In an interview with TheBlaze, Steve Gunn did say that his detention lasted all of two minutes, but it was a detention. He was stopped, held against his will and checked quite differently than all of the other passengers in line.
The manner in which he was treated by TSA agents bothered Mr. Gunn and he told TheBlaze that he felt like a suspect and decided to speak loudly so the people in line could hear him. As his bag was being examined and his hands swabbed by the agent, Gun said, “This is America, not Russia… we shouldn’t have to answer these questions!”
Gunn said that another TSA agent stopped his work and replied: “It’s no different than customs.”
Gunn told the interjecting TSA agent that his Customs comparison is wrong. People coming into the country should be screened in a more serious manner than citizens moving about inside our borders.
After he landed in Grand Rapids and arrived at his home (I did not ask him exactly where he lived), Gunn researched the TSA’s “pilot program” that involves quizzing passengers as they stand in line. He discovered a USA Today opinion piece that details the program. It’s not exactly a new thing and the results are also less than spectacular. Gunn’s article recapped the USA Today story:
TSA officials interviewed about 725,000 travelers at Logan International Airport in Boston over the course of one year, and none of them turned out to be terrorists. A small percentage were arrested on outstanding warrants for other crimes.
Steve Gunn believes that he may have been singled out for the questioning because he suffers from a partial and temporary facial paralysis due to a recent bought with Bell’s palsy. Gunn wonders if all stroke victims and people with facial tics will be pulled aside and quizzed.
During our interview, Gunn stressed that he understands the need to make certain air travel is safe. However, his objection was raised over the curious and invasive search tactics used in this new “chat-down” program.
“They can make us all take off our shoes and our belts and treat us as suspects,” he said. “But at least in that case, they treat everyone equally.”


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: The_Fox [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 25-Aug-2012 15:15:23

Astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the surface of body outside the U.S., has passed away NBC Nightly News reported in a tweet moments ago. He was 82. The cause of was complications from heart surgery three weeks ago.

Your Favorite British Commentator


If you haven't seen him before, you've missed an  extraordinary speaker. He is serious when he is funny and he is funny when  he is serious. And, boy, is he on point! This is his latest, and I think  the first of 2012.

Foster and Kimberly on the Torus, Politics and You

Dear Thrive Movement, 

In this recent video interview, we had a chance to talk candidly about a number of topics we thought you'd find interesting:
  • transcending political polarity
  • how the torus relates to YOU
  • and the transition between here and a thriving world
We invite you to watch the video and join the conversation by commenting on the bottom of this page.
Click to watch video.
Stay tuned for the October launch of our new live discussion forum where people from all over the world can share solutions strategies and best practices on the critical issues we face.

Thanks for all you're doing to help create a thriving world,

Foster and Kimberly Gamble
Creators of THRIVE

PS - You can see the whole interview at

PPS - Did you know the THRIVE DVD has 50+ minutes of bonus footage? Buy now through Amazon or our online store

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  U.S. Constitution Article 111., Section 3.Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
     Since this is to be a fight between good and evil for who will control and lead America shortly, the following quotes should help focus the issue.
     Commentaries of Bishop Hippolytus (around 170 years after Christ) : "For when the soul that is united with Jesus forsakes its faith, it is given over to perpetual death, viz. eternal punishment."
     The Treatises of Bishop Cyprian, (251 A.D.), "...he is not joined to the Church who is separate from the Gospel."
     II Chronicles 15:2: "The Lord is with you while ye be with him:...but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you."
     "It requires intelligence to serve God well." - Old Jewish Proverb.
     "I wonder at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress." - Pres. Ronald Reagan
     "Mobs don't win against organized military," Teaching of the power elite who plan to shortly take over America and kill off between 10 million Americans up to maybe 150-250 million Americans. These are lunatics, not sane leaders, and drug addict Satanists who hate the ordinary people of America and the rest of the world.
     "Men must be ruled by God, or they will be ruled by tyrants." - William Penn, founder of Pennslvania
     "The Kingdom of God is like any other kingdom on earth and must be equally defended." - Richard Burton as the Archbishop Becket in the movie "Becket."
     "The enemies of Christianity entered Christianity to divide the Christians and teach them to be anarchists towards Christian leadership rather than be The Army Of The Lord." We are supposed to be the invincible movement of Christ on earth against evil such as the Communist Obama who is acting as the Trojan Horse to open the gates of defense of America to the enemies who want to mass slaughter and enslave the American people forever." - Erasmus of America
      II Thessalonians 2:12: "That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
     St. Francis of Paola, one of the two most likely powerful Miracles of God workers in Christianity since Christ and the Apostles and all his prophecies came true, predicted in a land that would suffer a civil war shortly before 1870 A.D., a man would arise who was the lawful head of the nation that fought a civil war shortly before 1870 A.D., would be the descendant of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, descendant of the royal line of France, and founder of the movement called "the holy Cross-bearers of Jesus Christ. St. Francis of Paola said that this man was personally backed by Jesus Christ and would give victory to the Christians just when the evil thought they had won and would mass slaugther Christians all over the world. I founded the "holy Cross-bearers of Jesus Christ" movement years ago and am the head of the nation St. Francis of Paola predicted would arise shortly before 1870 A.D. The Bible scholars who read this prophecy did not notice that he said this movement would be a nation born shortly before 1870 A.D. He said that those Christians who backed this Christian leader would be the most beloved of Christ in Christian history and they would be the elect of God who would smash the enemies of Christianity out to destroy them. I descend from the ancestry he predicted and am a first born son as he predicted. And he predicted a tyrant (Obama) would oppose the rise of Christianity to power in the land ruled by this tyrant who God would fiercely despise. Hundreds of other Christian prophecies by the top saints of Christianity for nearly 2,000 years have all predicted this great clash between the Chief Steward of Jesus Christ predicted by Christ in Matt. 24 and Luke 12 and the false would-be Antichrist who will be defeated by the elite of Christ supporting the Christ chosen leader for them. The biggest sin the Children of Israel ever did after leaving Egypt was the 250 elders who mocked Moses as being the chosen leader for the Children of Israel. God in His wrath slew the 250 mockers of God who mocked His authority as clearly granted to Moses. After that, the leadership issue was settled for the Children of Israel. Among these hundreds of Christian prophecies is that of St. Methodius of Pataca (c. 311-314 A.D.) for what was to happen shortly before the real Antichrist arises and then Jesus returns to earth: "(Voice of Christ) Run, hasten to the lands to the right of (later Constantinople). There (only America matches location on world map) ye shall find a man renowned, wondrous and brave. Take him for your (leader), for he is My (Christ's) friend, and those who carry out his will do thus fulfill Mine own. "Forechosen by the Lord God Himself, this Orthodox (leader) will arise in "exile" (meaning outside of Europe or Middle East)," Abridged version of prophecy kept in ancient Eastern half of Christianity.
      St. Padre Pio wrote me when I was in military school that I was the one Jesus wanted to found the "holy cross-bearer" movement and I was the one prophesied would smash the enemies of Christianity just when they think they have won and would shortly massacre the Christians across all the world. Jesus twice said for His followers to take up their crosses and follow Jesus. These are the true disciples of Jesus Christ on earth.
      L.B. of the Seneca Police who had been mass smashed in his body when he was leaving out by his door of his police car when the person he was to ticket smashed his car against that door trying to crush L.B. alive. That was in 1990. L.B. had the local Gospel singing group. F.B.I., check all you want. Jesus gave that sign that day to all in Wash., D.C. Jesus backs me and any in Wash., D.C. who oppose me will face the fierce wrath of Jesus Christ when they died. Since I already prayed that the curse of God descend for all eternity on all in Wash., D.C. who opposed me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food  product needed if the human race is to survive and not go extinct like the dinosaur. Know now that those who in Wash., D.C. this day of August 25, 2012 who opposed me being repaid the $525,000 federal operatives stole from me earlier and knowing that this $525,000 would be used to save the human race on earth from pending extinction, you face the following judgment for all eternity if my prayer for you to be cursed for all eternity is honored by Jesus Christ. I had prayed that you for all eternity will feel the full pain of the 3 billion or so humans killed by Wash., D.C. policy for earlier suppressing my father's great food discovery given to our family by the blessing of God as God knew that we would be good stewards of this gift of life and health from God for all mankind loyal to God on earth. For all eternity, you guilty with the blood of billions now dripping from your hands before God, for trillions of years you will face the Wrath of God and for trillions times trillions of years you will apparently feel the pain of the billions of victims your babylonian harlot government murdered in the face of God and mocked God as you did this.
      Now to start playing surprise aces. How many I have yet to play, you in Wash., D.C. do not know. The reason why these old Christian prophecies kept playing up that this enemy of tyranny in this evil land outside of America or the Middle East would descend from the great French royal line considered extinct by all, by plan of God I assume, I descend from the French royal line with the authority to cancel the Louisiana Purchase of the United States since you stole years ago $15 million or more to stop me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food product back then. You stole away the purchase price of the Louisiana Purchase and I hereby declare null and void this purchase of land by Wash., D.C. I will give hints what is involved. My great grandfather did something most unusual. He gave both his first son and daughter the same name which was Francis and Frances. The other four children of his all carried different names from this great French royal line. My grandfather was named Joseph. And all bore the birthmark which came with this French royal line which was written up by an Austrian nurse in Latimer's History long ago about Europe. My line which was supposed to have been successfully murdered was not. Our family secret has been the line survived its would-be murderers and came to America. I hereby declare the Louisiana Purchase cancelled and I will decide if it is to be restored to France directly or else transferred to the rising Confederate States of America whose people are called by St. Francis of Paola "the holy cross-bearers of Jesus Christ" as God recognizes the people of the South to be the most Christian people in 2,000 years of Christian history. God declares the people of the South are more dearly beloved than were even the Children of Israel according to St. Francis of Paola. Now people of the South, live up to the praise God has heaped upon you as His Chosen Elite and beloved on earth.
       Since we tracked down and found the planted critics on the internet trying to turn the people away from supporting the Omni Law were apparently C.I.A. plants as their website they operated from was identified as a C.I.A. front website, we know who you boys are and that you were working for Obama to try and trick the Christians in America from standing up before Obama struck and killed off many to most Christians in America. When we win, we will charge you with accessories to high treason and accessories to several conspiracies of mass genocide against the American people and all other races on earth. The American people will want to hang all of you when we bring you to national trial for all the nation to witness.
       Now since you on behalf of Obama tried to smear as dumb country hicks all who believe in God in America and you boast how you are such geniuses because you do not believe in God but you do believe in Satan I hear (1), I will in quick capsule form but effective show what total idiots, morons, and lunatics you are to not believe in God or so you claim. By the way, since Obama is trying to take all who disagree with him to be sent to psychiatrists as being crazy which is the old Soviet Union trick pulled on all who did not believe in the Communist Government but protested against it, any psychiatrist who allows himself to be used as a would-be "thought control police" for Obama will when the 10 civil tribunes are in power through the Omni Law, we will hit you with so many criminal charges and hit you with so many civil rights lawsuits as you will not likely get out of prison before 10,000 years later and you had better be a multi-billionaire to try and cover all the damages you will owe to your intended victims under pretended medicine and pretended real law.
      It was found by three Israeli mathematicians that the Book of Genesis in Hebrew code had correctly listed 66 prominent Jewish rabbis, etc. and year they died going back to around 2,000 years ago. The mathematical odds against this being in Geneis  by accident or random chance are around 3 billion to one against this being there by random chance. You see God is a colossal genius and the entire Bible appears to be loaded with these billion to one prophecies being there defying all odds of math for them to be there by randon chance. Censored by the evolutionists because it automatically makes scientifically impossible the entire theory or should we say psuedo-theory of evolution, two British scientists discovered that enzymes in all living cells correct genetic code when damaged so the living cells cannot evolve into new life forms. Bad damage can be passed from cell to later cell but ends up with the extinction of the bad cell or else correction of the damage. Reverse standard population figures for the human race and man has only been on this earth for a few thousand years, not 4 million years or so as claimed by psuedo-scientist evolutionists. I could go down your long list of fraudulent claims for scientific proofs of evolution and show all claims to be false with standard scientific discoveries and math, but I think the message is delivered what colossal jackasses you would be before God who would rate you as 20 levels below standard moron as being that sloppy and amateur in real science.
      Now follows a quick quote from another recent report of mine showing the mighty Hand of God in our modern American society formed by Satanist Wash., D.C. which tries so hard to deny God and spit in the face of God every way you can.

    The Omni Law may be easily read on Nesara News. Go to their search box at the top left side of their archive listing and put in Omni Law and you may promptly read it. Or put in Erasmus of America there and read a number of other reports by me there. Or send an email requesting a copy of The Omni Law from .Until we see payment of either $525,000 or else $25 billion, financial support still welcome.for ad payments, etc. Send a check, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679.
      Since I notice criticism of me and the Confederate cause now for standing for belief in God and since I am told that Christians are suppose to surrender the world to evil and not resist them, a few references and quotes should help clear the air. The political teaching of first Christianity was well summarized by one of the most famous Church Fathers shortly after Christ and the Apostles. Bishop Irenaeus Against Heresies around 180 A.D. wrote the following as the official political stand of Apostolic Christianity founded by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. Book  IV, Chapter XV: "...and that God has always preserved freedom, and the power of self-government in man, while at the same time He issued His own exhortations, in order that those who do not obey Him  should get righteousnly judged (condemned) because they have not obeyed Him: and that those who have obeyed and believed on Him should be honored with immortality." In other words act as Christians politically, vote as Christians, make the government Christian if you can, and live legally under the laws of God so you won't be condemned by God for rejecting God as ruler over your life, family, and nation.
      There is room for independent churches in early Christianity, though united in cause to Jesus Christ. The usual way of unifying the Christians in early Christianity was the mother churches elected their own city bishops with the local churches under them. These city bishops met in united councils of bishops where they settled the affairs of issues that had to be solved so the basis for unity of all Christianity existed. This is a capsule version off the Apostolic Constitution of first Christianity, but shows the early Christian thinking of how unity would be maintained in Christianity once achieved. The following reference shows the near equivalent of what we call Protestant churches today and was judged lawful by first Christianity. Having a Protestant father and a Catholic mother, I understand the issues both sides and am the Christian statesman St. Padre Pio and other holy sources both Catholic and Protestant indicated I understood both sides well and would help all sides to formalize the good answers approved by all so Christianity can find grounds of common unity and defeat our deadly enemies of Christianity in Wash., D.C. and elsewhere. On Prescription Against Heretics, Tertullian (Famous Church Father around 170 years after Christ), Chapter XXXIII: "To this test, therefore will they be submitted for proof by those churches, who, although they not derive their founder from apostles or apostolic men (as being of much later date, for they are in fact being founded daily), yet since they agree in the same faith, they are accounted as not less apostolic because they are akin in doctrine." (Churches in the Roman Empire or modern America teaching the same doctrines as the original churches founded by the Apostles are also Apostolic churches! I come to heal the wounds of the churches and focus on us once more standing united for Christ in this world!)
      Since you notice the attacks of those who obviously think themselves so brilliant for not believing in God and think we Christians are such dumb hicks according to them to believe in God, I can hit them on every level and show them for fools and morons to not believe in God on every level of logic and science, but God makes Himself so obvious to honest, intelligent people on earth, let's start with the obvious that God so far has put up with the federal plants on the internet who are hitting the panic button that I might win America back to God. They are displaying their poor brains and highly evil characters that they hate God so plainly, so openly, but let's present them to the public ridicule they deserve as incredible idiots to be atheists. Albert Einstein who was very brilliant in science indicated that all of science proved the existence of God to him. But these scientific proofs are apparently above the heads of these self-declared "geniuses" for not believing in God. I could probably deliver maybe even 50,000 documented cases of Miracles of God in continuous succession of the beginning of Chritianity up to nearly 2,000 years later in 2012. But to give the flavor of this massive flood of Miracles of God which still occur on earth, God loves good Christians in both the Catholic and Protestant churches or else these Miracles of God would not constantly occur even in our pagan, Antichrist culture in America. Obama is trying to wipe out all of Christian civilization and values in America if we Christians will let Obama turn America from Christian America to Antichrist America.
      I will begin with me. If God can take a worldy person like me and bless me with many Miracles of God because as I tell God, I don't care if I had one million faults to me, I will serve God with all my God-given talents, with energy and determination, and I intend to give God and mankind my best service in the Name of Jesus Christ. If other Christians will not allow themselves to give themselves excuses why they cannot serve God in this life, then we like a tidalwave will flood out the enemies of Christianity from America and America will once more ressurrect as a Christian nation and light to the world. If God can use me with any faults I may have, then God can surely use 300 million Americans as also powerful Christians to turn America around.  Any of you can become great pillars of strength for Christ. I am a terror to the enemies of Christianity because I overwhelm them in national debates. I tell the truth. They tell lies! And truth can win out against lies every time. I am as militant for truth as they are militant to lie and deceive the American people.
      The enemies of Christianity love to use the style of argument called sophism. It sounds like logic. But when common sense is applied to it, it is found to be fool's gold, counterfeit logic and an intended con on those gullible enough or else too lazy to use their God-given brains. Since this is national politics time in America, let's use a political example. "All these men in this room are Americans. All these men are Republicans. Therefore, all men in America are Republicans." Sounds like logic, doesn't it? But it is psuedo-logic since your own common sense tells you that this nation is heavily divided between Republicans and Democrats. But Obama has so little respect for the American people, he uses constant sophism on the American people. He omits the key reference that proves a statement of his either true or else false. And then his words by cunnning convinces the gullible and naive that his asserted final statement is true whereas it is a "damn" lie and he knows it! By the way, he boasts how stimulus money has saved so much industry in America. He boasts of General Motors being his best example. I am spread so many ways and have not the research team yet I will have to cover all my angles totally, but have been informed that using the stimulus money to save General Motors for American jobs, instead the main part of General Motors has now been relocated to Communist China! Is this true and with a scattering of smaller General Motors plants left in America to fool the American people and have them trust Obama as being their friend in the White House?
      You can tell me if this piece of information shared with me is right or wrong, but shows you how the trick of sophism is pulled on the American people all the time by too many of the politicians of Wash., D.C.
      The enemies of Christianity control public education, politics, news media (once worked for a top national newspaper and my friends in other newspapers told me of the massive news censorship in Amerca), etc. because the Christians so far have mass practiced "Do Nothing!" when their own common sense tells them that evil must be opposed in America by organized good. Christians need to start being committed to seriously win America back to God. America is now the biggest missionary land to be won back to God.  We storm America when you commit to victory. Time to say, "Go Forth To Win America To God!" As even Lenin recognized the power of dedicated Christians when they commit to victory. Lenin said give him 12 as dedicated as the Apostles of Jesus Christ and he could storm the world for Communism.
      Even the recently canonized St. Padre Pio said Jesus appeared to him in a vision and told him that the Catholic priests were butchers when they did not try to truly win the people to Christ! stunning saints of God have appeared in both the Catholic and Protestant camps, but I doubt if this was because the denominations were right with God! Rather individuals were right with the Lord and won the favor of God because their souls were right as Christians.
     In 1990 L.B. of the Seneca Police in Seneca, SC was mass smashed in his police car. When he was getting out of his police car, the person he was going to ticket smashed his police car door with his car at high speed breaking about everything in L.B.'s body. They rushed him to the hospital in an ambulance to try and save his life. The hospital told a secretary at the local newspaper that L.B. was so badly smashed up that he would not live through the day. If somehow he did live, he would be paralyzed for life. In spirit I was asked by Jesus Christ to pray for his life and his healing. Jesus would give me his life if I asked for it. When I prayed and the prayer I did not plan came out prophesying that Jesus would soon return to earth, so let L.B. live until Jesus returned and be healed, L.B. was according to reports totally healed after this prayer. He left the hospital with no injuries left. The stunned chief Surgeon who knew him said in bewilderment to him as he walked out of the hospital, "I don't understand this." My local church went into wild excitement over this Miracle of God.; So that the F.B.I. can clearly verify this Miracle of God, L.B. had the local Gospel group at that church and they had put a record of their Gospel songs. I now understand a message I did not in 1990 when this Miracle of God occurred. God performed that Miracle of God then to deliver this Message of God to the sewer rats of federal intelligence trying to stop the rise of Christianity back into national power now. Lie against me as you have already and God will meet you at your death with such colossal Wrath of God as you will find yourself damned to such colossal pain and horror for all eternity as even Satan your master will laugh in great laughter at you because he personally hated you and wanted you to face as colossal punishment from God as he is going to face. Satan hates mankind and that he wants all of mankind to face the Wrath of God for all eternity. He will laugh at his followers and rejoice if they receive as great a punishment for all eternity as Satan already knows he is scheduled to face. God always gave me a lot of common sense in this aspect of religion. When God is obviously backing some person for some reason, as a brranch of law, I will avoid that backed of God like he is bubonic plague to me. God likes me because I have the guts too many other Christians lack and  God will clobber any would-be critics of my drive to Vote For Jesus Christ and make America a Christian nation again. I died around 17 years old, bargained for my life, and was given my life. God made sure I already knew what death was. Why do you think that you cannot scare me with your threats. One secret I learned from death I will share with you.We are basically dead spiritually in our clay bodies on earth. When we die, we know reality maybe 100 to 1,000 times more fully than we do in life. Our only reason for life is to become friends of God and of the family of God if we can. Our brains in the hereafter are incredibly more powerful than what we call life today. Our ability to love or hate is incredibly magnified. That is why I say we are dead now until we receive life from Jesus Chris. When I talked with Dr. Richard Eby who had been dead for maybe 18 hours in Chicago and then was given back his life by Jesus Christ, when I told him of my scientific observations on death including details I have not stated here, Dr. Eby said he knew I had really died as only one who has died would have known the secrets of death I had told him. And how the prophet in that same time period stopped me cold on the street when walking my dog, he told me that I had recently died but the Lord gave me back my life. He predicted a long list of things that later happened in my life. When I told people what he said, everyone has said this made enormous sense and gave a much better insight into what had gone wrong in Christianity and what must be done to give Christianity back its heart and soul it has nearly lost in this near Anticrhist culture created by Wash., D.C. He also indicated that Wash., D.C. was the most evil and morally insane government in human history since mankind came on earth. I was the last chance for Wash., D.C. who God was colossally disgusted with. If Wash., D.C. does not return to God, it is scheduled to receive the most brutal punishment and judgement God has ever delivered to any national government in world history.
      The Catholic monk and priest Padre Pio who died in Italy in 1967 had the wounds of Christ in his hands and feet for 50 years! Thousands of Miracles of God by his prayers to Jesus Christ including a 7 year old girl born with no pupils to her eyes making it medically impossible for her to see light, but she saw normally due to a Miracle of God once St. Padre Pio prayed for her! While I was in military school, Padre Pio wrote a letter to me to later fulfill apparently in effect Mt. 24:45 and Luke 12:42 if I loved Jesus and mankind.
       Evangelist Ronald Coyne lost his right eye at six due to barbed wire. In 1951 when he was 7 years old, a woman evangelist by mistake thought his plastic eye was a "blind eye" and told him that he could see out of his "blind eye" if he had faith enough in Jesus Christ! He was then able to see with or without plastic eye inserted as confirmed by two shocked Tulsa, Okalhoma newspapers. Ronald Coyne in 1990 prayed for me in the name of Jesus Christ! My broke toe and two jammed in toes for 4 years were instantly healed! My toe bones instantly floated apart and reset! Yes, A Miracle of God!
     In 2001, Pastor Dan of Nigeria was smashed in a car accident, died on Nov. 30th, and left in a morgue for 3 days where they used embalming fluid on him. He was resurrected to life at a Reinhard Bonnke Crusade in Nigeria. There are many public witnesses to this resurrectionof Pastor Dan from the dead! He testified that the saved in Jesus Christ (Contrary to Satanist propaganda lies, Jesus never married!) are taken to Paradise. Those who rejected Jesus Christ are damned to hell forever! You may order the video movie on this "Raised From The Dead" from By the way, Pastor Dan predicted my movement when he said before Jesus returned which would be soon, the wealth of the wicked (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) would be transferred to the righteous (true Christians apparently in America.) Like my forefather Robin Hood whom my family claimed ancestry from and confirmed by genealogical records, I am committed that the federally stolen trillions of dollars secretly given by Obama and others traitors running Wash., D.C. in 2012 will be returned to those people whom this colossal fortune was stolen from - the American people! Obama, you shouldn't have stalled on the currency revision that would have blessed the American people, people of Europe, etc. Your delay cost the Illuminati control of Wash., D.C., America, Europe, etc. A frustrated national people are much easier to rally to my Christian Southern movement.)
      And to show Russia should love to see my Omni Law win America or else the rebirth of the Confederate States of America as one of the leading nations of the earth effective Nov. 7, 2012, I am a descendant of the royal line of Russia. No evil will come from me to Russia.You can cancell your nuclear attack plans against America. I know your secret plans you considered necessary for the survival of Russia since as you correctly judged Wash., D.C. was your bitter enemy and planned to destroy Russia forever when Obama raised up his planned One World Government in America starting in October, 2012 .Yes, he assigned C.I.A. to engineer and create a civil war between Blacks and America and then he  would decree martial law and becomes dictator of America for life. In the process, he was going to engineer the total collapse of Russia if his plan worked out by C.I.A. worked right!
      As for the Black people, what happens to you under the Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America? I went to elite private schools including one also attended by our recent Pres. Bush. I intend to raise your educational school system for you as well as Whites or other citizens of the Confederacy to that of the best elite schools of America. You will be the sharpest Black Race on earth under the Confederate School System. The Whites will be the sharpest White Race on earth. American Indians, we have fabulous plans for you! Other races, you wouldn't want to live anywhere else when you live in our fabulous Confederate society. The economy of the South will be the envy of the world. If all 50 states join the Confederacy, then as part of us your economy skyrockets way past anything Wash., D.C. could ever do for you.God is with the South, not the Antichrist Northern government and culture!
      By the way Russia. When we introduce our great irrigation and farming system into Russia to make you the joint breadbasket of the world along with the South or else all of America depending on whether the Northern people want all the smart Southern answers in economics, agriculture, techology, etc., your economy will skyrocket along with us. I want us to jointly set up my father's great Vatican endorsed food product which 7 billion people on earth will want,by working together both of our great leaders will skyrocket in prosperity. By the way Russian Orthodox Church, you will find a powerful friend in me. Let us work together to make   Russia once more Holy Mother Russia under God!
      I offer America a colossal future under either the Omni Law or else the real resurrection of the Confederate States of America. Wash., D.C. under Obama offers America nothing for the future but hell on earth. As the Bible teachines, the nation that chooses to have a wicked king (or President ) as Obama is trying to do, God will deliver that nation over to hell on earth.
       Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. All the threats from the haters of God in America show why this pen name was briefly a justified act.)

TWEED still lives Screw Them ! - Sorry

I'd rather write in Vladimir Putin and get it over with , they are pulling out of the NWO 
  This is what we have to tolerate - HELL NO _ WE DON"T

Democrats host radical Muslims at Charlotte

Americans, read and weep for you are allowing the future of your nation and your life to be WRITTEN FOR YOU. Apathy comes at a huge price.


Democrats host radical Muslims at Charlotte

Event led by imam who urged overthrow of 'filthy' U.S. government

Published: 16 hours ago
The Democratic Party is sanctioning a Muslim prayer event in conjunction with its nominating convention in Charlotte that will feature a radical Islamic leader who has called for the overthrow of the “filthy” U.S. government and establishment of Islamic law.
“Jumah at the DNC” is being presented by the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs, or BIMA, from Aug. 31 to Sept. 1. A brochure for the event says the group has “been authorized by the Democratic National Convention (DNC) to conduct Jumah prayer as well as host festivities and Islamically related functions.”
BIMA claims the event is nonpolitical and nonpartisan. However, the brochure for the event has a section for participants to “support the DNC” and make a contribution in an amount ranging from $500 to $10,000.
The Washington Times reported the DNC lists the Muslim event as an “official function” and claims that the Islamic leaders of the program are typical of the DNC community.
The event is expected to draw up to 20,000 Muslims and will include a Friday Jumah prayer ritual and an issues conference. A letter posted on BIMA’s website says its purpose is to “address the concerns and issues that are challenging to the American Muslim Community in the 21st century.” The letter calls on Muslims to stand up and “repel the outright injustices being perpetuated against the American Muslim Community.”

(And what might those 'injustices' be?  Perhaps that Americans wish to regain/retain their republic and constitutional form of government and Christian/Judaic religious practices?  Or that Americans will not agree to being forced to submit to the devil/allah or to being tortured/beheaded? And that Americans do not wish to be reduced to the stone age in archaic dress and customs?) 
BIMA spokesman Jibril Hough told the Charlotte Observer that among the grievances are the Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act and the New York Police Department’s wiretapping program that Hough says was used to spy on Muslims.
Islam expert Robert Spencer, director of Jihad, said it is apparent the group plans to use the event as a platform to claim Muslims are being persecuted in America.
“A reading of its agenda makes it clear that the conference will be used to portray Muslims as the innocent victims of a bigoted, racist, ‘Islamophobic’ government and law enforcement establishment that unfairly scapegoats Muslims for the misguided deeds of a few misunderstanders of Islam on Sept. 11,” he said.
Spencer noted that Hough’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Charlotte, is owned by a Muslim Brotherhood front group. The North American Islamic Trust, or NAIT, which owns the mosque, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding case. The largest terrorist funding case in American history, it resulted in multiple convictions.
When confronted about the Muslim Brotherhood connection on a radio show, Hough refused to denounce NAIT, saying he was “not necessarily” a member of the group.
Hough has also stated in a video that Muslims have been living in America since before the first Christians arrived.
The Grand Imam for the Jumah at the DNC is Siraj Wahhaj, one of the most sought-after speakers by Muslim organizations.
WND reported Wahhaj urged the violent overthrow of the “filthy” U.S. government and the establishment of Islamic law. Additionally, Wahhaj was listed as a “potential unindicted co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and testified as a character witness for “blind sheikh” Omar Abdel-Rahman, a convicted WTC terrorist mastermind.
He has also is on record saying Islam is a militant religion.
We don’t have a turn-the-other-cheek philosophy” like the Christians, he said. “Allah has given us permission to fight them” so that “the word of Allah can be uppermost.”
Another speaker at the DNC event will be Capt. James Yee, who is listed in a promotional video as the BIMA national representative for the DNC. The brochure lists Yee as a “chaplain in the U.S. military” who was an “eyewitness to the unjust treatment of military detainees and prisoners of Guantanamo Bay” and was himself “detained” when he took steps to “prevent this injustice.”
Yee was charged by the government with possessing classified information after being discovered with detailed maps of the detention facility along with other classified materials.
The charges against Yee were eventually dropped over national security concerns about evidence in the case.