Sunday, August 26, 2012

Watch Ron Paul rally LIVE!!!! on Youtube

Global Funds Photos, Courtesy of Neil Keenan, August 25, 2012

Global Funds Photos, Courtesy of Neil Keenan, August 25, 2012

Neil Armstrong Dies – Along with Secrets of What He Saw on Moon

Neil Armstrong Dies – Along with Secrets of What He Saw on Moon

Neil Armstrong Dies – Along with Secrets of What He Saw on Moon

Stephen: They are saying Armstrong died from complications during heart by-pass surgery. ‘Possibly’ (he was 82, after all) is all I will say…
By Michael Salla, – August 26 2012
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon died today from heart failure.
For many, Armstrong is the all-American hero who performed the seemingly impossible. He fulfilled President Kennedy’s vision of putting a man on the moon before the end of the decade.
Armstrong’s walk on the moon was televised and witnessed by hundreds of millions around the planet. For many it was an unforgettable experience and sparked hopes of a bright future for human space travel.
What Armstrong experienced that day on the moon has been marked by controversy over a two minute period of radio silence that surprised viewers and fueled many theories over what really happened.
According to alleged leaked government documents and photographs, Armstrong did not just see the barren landscape televised to millions, but something much more significant. According to NASA insiders and an alleged ham radio transmission intercept, what Armstrong witnessed that day changed his life, and led to the eventual abandonment of the manned lunar missions.
According to alleged leaked documents, two huge extraterrestrial spacecraft watched the Apollo 11 landing, and observed the Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon walks.
During the Apollo 11 moon landing, there was a two minute period of radio silence. According to NASA, the problem arose from one of two television cameras overheating, thus disrupting the reception.
What really happened, according to various sources, was that Armstrong and Aldrin saw something else watching them! According to Timothy Good, author of Above Top Secret (1988) HAM radio operators receiving the VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASA’s Houston headquarters, intercepted the following message which NASA screened from the public in the missing two minutes:
Modern People magazine published what they claim to be Buzz Aldrin’s photographs of two UFOs watching Apollo 11 on the moon in their June 1975 issue.
Mission Control:  What’s there ? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.
Apollo 11:  These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they’re on the moon watching us. (Above Top Secret, p. 384.)
The HAM operator’s radio intercept was widely dismissed by the media, but in 1975 it received unexpected support. Maurice Chatelain, is a retired NASA communications engineer who helped develop the communications system used in the Apollo moon missions. In his 1975 book, Our Cosmic Ancestors, he wrote:
“Only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two UFOs hovered overhead. Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them. Some of these photographs have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People magazine. (p. 25)”
Later, in 1979, Chatelain said that Armstrong’s sighting of two UFOs over a lunar crater was being deliberately kept from the media and public by NASA: “The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until now.”
Even more remarkably, Chatelain claimed that: All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin – flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence.
Was the missing two minutes of radio silence during the Apollo 11 moon landing an attempt by NASA to cover up what Armstrong really saw on the moon? Were UFO sightings a common occurrence during Apollo missions?
According to Buzz Aldrin in a number of press interviews, Apollo 11 was indeed watched by a UFO during its journey to the moon. Aldrin describes how the Apollo 11 astronauts avoiding mentioning the word UFO in reporting what they were witnessing, and instead asked Houston about the location of the Saturn V launch rocket.
Aldrin’s admission that Apollo 11 was being shadowed by a UFO does give credence to belief that UFOs did witness the moon landing, and Armstrong had reported this to NASA in a radio communication that resulted in the missing two minutes of radio silence. Aldrin’s admission also supports Chatelain’s claim that one or more extraterrestrial vehicles watched the Apollo 11 moon landing as Chatelain claimed in his book.
Click here to view the embedded video.
Is there any other source supporting the controversial claims that Neil Armstrong had witnessed two huge extraterrestrial vehicles over a lunar crater watching the Apollo 11 moon landing? According to Timothy Good, Dr Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow University at the time:
Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But his message was never heard by the public – because NASA censored it. (Above Top Secret, p. 384)
So why did NASA eventually terminate the Apollo missions if extraterrestrial visitors were there and watching the Earth? The answer according to Armstrong, as relayed by an unnamed Professor at a NASA symposium is as follows:
Professor: What really happened out there with Apollo 11?
Armstrong: It was incredible … of course, we had always known there was a possibility … the fact is, we were warned off. There was never any questions then of a space station or a moon city.
Professor: How do you mean “warned off”?
Armstrong: I can’t go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology – Boy, where they big! … and menacing …. No, there is no question of a space station.
Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong: Naturally – NASA was committed at that time, and couldn’t risk a panic on earth…. But it really was a quick scoop and back again. (Above Top Secret, p. 186)
So what’s the truth? Did Neil Armstrong really see extraterrestrial vehicles on the moon, who eventually warned NASA not to return? With Armstrong’s death we will perhaps never have his personal version of what really happened on that July day in 1969.
(For the remainder of the article, please go to:

Vid: Lindsay Williams Interview... "Some Elite have been advised to expect immediate shutdown of USG"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Vid: Lindsay Williams Interview... "Some Elite have been advised to expect immediate shutdown of USG"
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 10:20:23

Those familiar with who Lindsay Williams is, can start listening at the 3:30 mark...

Interesting slant on things

Interesting slant on things

AMERICA'S HUNTERS--- Pretty Amazing!

The world's largest army...
America 's hunters!
I had never thought about this...

A blogger added up the deer license sales
in just a
handful of states and
arrived at a striking

were over 600,000 hunters
this season
in the state of Wisconsin .
Allow me to restate that number:

Over the last
several months,
Wisconsin's hunters became the eighth
largest army in
the world.

More men under arms than in Iran.

More than France and Germany combined.

These men deployed to
the woods of a
single American state,
Wisconsin, to hunt with
firearms, and
no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the
750,000 who hunted the woods of
and Michigan's
700,000 hunters,
all of whom
have now returned home safely.
Toss in a quarter million hunters
in West Virginia
and it literally establishes
the fact that the hunters of those four
states alone would comprise the
largest army in the world.
And then add in the total number
of hunters in the other
46 states.
It's millions more.

The point?

America will forever be safe
from foreign invasion
with that kind of home-grown

it's not just
a way to fill the freezer..
It's a matter of
national security.

That's why all enemies,
foreign and domestic,
want to see us

Food for thought,
when next we
consider gun control.
Have A Great Day!
Overall it's true,
so if we disregard some assumptions
that hunters
don't possess the same skills as soldiers,
the question would still remain...
what army of
2 million
would want to face
30, 40, 50 million armed citizens.


For the sake of our freedom,
don't ever allow gun control
or confiscation of guns.

US Forest Service has an immediate need for ammuntion

25 Aug 2012
By James Smith
Another US agency has submitted a request for a variety of ammunition.  This time it is the US Forest Service, the Pacific Southwest Region of the United States, which is 20 million acres of National Forest land in California and assists the State and Private forest landowners in California, Hawaii and the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands. There are eighteen national forests are located in this region.
The amounts appear to be just enough for training of staff needed to manage such a large area, as well as arm themselves against methamphetamine kitchens and illegal grow farms.

The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012 Elections

The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012 Elections
By Susanne Posel
August 13, 2012
Kelly Keisling, Tennessee state Representative, is concerned that the Obama administration and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are planning events that will lead to “martial law”.
The DHS are seeking to hire “role players” for TSA and Air Marshall programs beginning in December 2012.
The use of role players facilitates training exercises for the US armed forces. Those same training exercises that were conducted during the 9/11 attacks which caused confusion and may have been the catalyst to allowing for the globalist-controlled destruction the Twin Towers to go through without disruption.
Private sector persons provided by the DHS could and probably would be used to create a false flag attack by their mere presence.
The solicitation and culmination of this possible coming false flag may be on or around the time of December 2012. With the assistance of Obama, as Commander-in-Chief, the suspension of the 2012 elections could be declared with an executive order for preservation of continuity of government.
The planned false flag attack, according to a DHS whistleblower , will be a staged assignation attempt on Obama that will be linked to a white supremacist group that will be used to incite black and Hispanic Americans into starting riots all across the nation.
This race war will be the situation needed to implement martial law effectively locking down the US, US Army control of the urban cities, erecting DHS checkpoints on all major points of travel, severe restrictions on travel for all citizens and the suspension of elections to ensure that Obama remain seated as the President of the US.
The DHS informant stated: “The DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it.”
The DHS informant stressed that by using the Arab Spring as a model, riots would be staged in a “controlled chaos” as was “envisioned by these conspirators are riots starting in urban areas such as New York, followed by a disruption of business and commerce.
They want to restrict travel, if not through high energy prices, then by checkpoints and curfews mandated by the rioting and unrest…The whole purpose is to keep Obama in office for another term, no matter how unpopular he is, as he is not finished changing our country from a Constitutional Republic.”
Once riots begin, DHS will be deploying US armed forces into urban cities to take control. After a planned disruption of commerce, the manufactured problem will be complete. Full-blown marital law will be in place.
The latest false flag attack involving a firearm was supposedly committed by Wade Michael Page who just happens to be an alleged white supremacist who is attacking a Sikh Temple.
Page, being a US Army veteran was a psychological operations specialist from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. His duties would have been to analyze, develop and distribute intelligence used to coerce the general population for a specific and desired psychological effect.
Surprisingly, Joseph Crowley of the House of Representatives wrote a letter in April to Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Muller, warning about this exact type of incident and requesting that the FBI monitor Sikh temples.
We should be vigilantly watching the mainstream media and pay close attention to the next false flag involving a gun, possibly more ties to white supremacy groups and attacks on constitutionalist movements that support the fight for our Constitutional Republic.
The mainstream media are pushing Page’s “neo-Nazi” ties and covering white supremacist connections that fall right in line with the narrative proposed by the DHS informant. By setting the stage now, the global Elite are paving the way for the false flag attack on Obama in the future – just in time for election season.
With the 2011 attack on the White House meant to become a full-blown incident that did not manifest, the DHS was poised to take over should their plans go off without a hitch. However, the accused that fired a rifle shot at the White House did not create a stir large enough in the American social meme as to create the uncontrollable riots the global Elite are manufacturing so that martial law can be instilled.
If the attempt on Obama’s life could not be enacted, a second assassination scenario may be brought to fruition involving the First Family. This would be the global Elite’s Plan B.
In the mainstream media , a story about a Washington, DC police officer that made a threat against the First Lady to fellow officers surfaced, yet just as quickly disappeared.
Over breakfast, the officer allegedly said he would shoot Michelle Obama, they showed a picture of a gun he’d use on his cellular phone. Although the officer was not identified the idea was placed into the social meme. And it follows the plans cited by the DHS informant and lends credibility to his story.
Obama, as far as the globalists are concerned, must remain in office because he “has unfinished business and must be re-elected; even if this means creating a reason for Obama to declare the 2012 elections indefinitely postponed. The end-game plan for America is its destruction as a Constitutional Republic, with the assistance of the agencies under the umbrella of the DHS.”
The signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law gave Obama the means by which the US government could remove “suspected terrorists” from the general population, detain them indefinitely without right to trial and subjugate them to Guantanamo Bay-style treatment.
One snag in that strategy came last May when Federal Court Judge Katherine Forrest, in Manhattan, New York, stated that Obama failed to “pass constitutional muster” and ordered that the US military could not arbitrarily imprison Americans based on alleged terrorist activity in regard to the indefinite detention clause in the NDAA.
Lawyers for Obama and Leon Panetta, US Defense Secretary, have filed an appeal to reverse Forrest’s ruling in the 2nd US Circuit Court. Obama wants to be able to claim anyone a terrorist and have the right to imprison them without charge.
Forest wrote in the 68 page ruling: “There is a strong public interest in protecting rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.
There is also a strong public interest in ensuring that due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment are protected by ensuring that ordinary citizens are able to understand the scope of conduct that could subject them to indefinite military detention.”
The justification for this reversal is that since that no citizen has been indefinitely detained yet, the clause should be open as an option. Legal representatives for the US government says that the ability to detain belligerent citizens must be allowed because of the threat of militants aligned against the government are deserving of such punishment.
Section 1021 of the NDAA, which was upheld by Congress, gives the US President the authority to hold a citizen for terrorist suspicions without just cause or proof “until the end of the hostilities” which is an indefinable amount of time.
In April, Virginia has passed a law that essentially refuses to comply with the indefinite detention provisions in the NDAA. Complete cooperation in this false flag event would surely assist in the march toward a full globalist takeover of our Constitutional Republic, however it is not necessary. With the work of the corporate-controlled mainstream media, the masses are expected to fall in line and preform their function in this ultimate Hegelian Dialectic.

Why Women Should Not Vote For Barack Obama

Why Women Should Not Vote For Barack Obama

Since the start of the 2012 presidential campaign, Democrats, including Barack Obama have done their best to convince the women of America that the Republicans have declared war on them because of the GOP pro-life stance. However, who has really declared war on women?
To start with, the current Democratic administration continues to support Egypt’s new government run by the extremist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Imposing strict Sharia law, women become subject to torture, beatings and humiliation by the men. Their status is not much different to that of slaves, cattle and chickens.
Then there are the attacks made by Democrat Hilary Rosen saying Ann Romney has not worked a day in her life. I would think this would offend every stay at home mom in the country. Various studies over the years have proven that stay at home moms often work harder and longer hours than many women and men in the work force. Then add to that Ann Romney raised five boys, which any mom will tell you is a tough full time job.
What about one of the Democrat’s poster boys – former President Bill Clinton? We could just mention the Monica Lewinski case which did reveal that Clinton had oral sex with Lewinski in the Oval office while he was married to Hillary. However, according to Michael Isikoff, author of Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter’s Story, the former president has been implicated in at least five instances of rape, including former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen.
One of the Democratic Party stalwarts for years was Senator Ted Kennedy. Many of the younger generation may not know about his involvement with the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. Though exonerated by local and state police, the facts of the incident do not add up to the innocence he has claimed. I suggest you read more on the subject.

More recently, a number of feminists and chapters of the National Organization for Women have condemned the Democratic National Committee for their policies concerning mothers with children attending the upcoming Democratic National Convention. According to Lindsey Horvath, president of NOW Hollywood, babies and children are required to be credentialed but then the DNC turns around and denies the credential requests from moms that are unable to leave their children at home or are breastfeeding. This policy basically stops any mother of young children from being a delegate and participating in the convention.
Or perhaps the Democrats should have Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee speak at the upcoming convention of anti-bullying. She is well known for her bullying of staff members, which has led to her having the highest turnover in office personnel in Washington D.C. She throws around the ‘f-word’ at staffers along with objects, causing them to duct, cower and quit.
And if you want to talk about the top female Democrats representing their Party’s finest, you have Rep. Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, who is so out of touch with reality that she hasn’t a clue what’s really going on.

Then you have Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz who is running a close second behind Pelosi on the loony scale.

Now add Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is married to an accused serial rapist and whose closest confidant and advisor has known ties to Muslim terrorist organizations.
There are also the controversial figures on women and unemployment that Mitt Romney has bantered around and, while some may argue over those figures, according to, women have a net loss of 683,000 jobs since Obama took office.
I think the clincher on how the Democratic Party feels about women is the lack of defending traditional family structure and values. They stopped enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act, even though both Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder swore to uphold all of the laws of the land. Their endorsement of same-sex marriage only further destroys the important role of wives and mothers. Lastly, are the administration’s policies that force America’s women and men to go against their religious faith in the name of progressive healthcare.
If any political party has a war on women or a history of abusing and mistreating them, it’s definitely the Democratic Party. I would think that most women want to be treated with respect and decency instead of an object to use and abuse. Yet I don’t understand why a majority of women continue to vote Democratic. I just hope and pray they finally wake up and realize who and what the Democrats really are.

RNC Confirms Ron Paul Will Be Up For Presidential Nomination In Tampa

RNC Confirms Ron Paul Will Be Up For Presidential Nomination In Tampa
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 25-Aug-2012 23:34:59
RNC Confirms Ron Paul Will Be Up For Presidential Nomination In Tampa
Don’t look now but tens of millions of Americans who don’t follow the real news online are going to be in for one hell of surprise when the find out the media has been lying to them about Romney having sealed the GOP nomination for President for 2012.
As the alternative media has been reporting for months, the media has just been outright lying about all kinds of things that is when they weren’t just outright ignoring the facts to begin with.
We have seen them turn a blind eye to horrendous voter fraud, police arresting, beating and injury Ron Paul elected delegates, counting votes one way in way place to make their establishment darling be the winner and in an entirely different way when their lap boy didn’t win that way some were else.
Perhaps even more horrendous was the repeated lies about delegates being won all over the country when in truth the delegates were still up for vote — all part of a concerted effort to manufacture consent for Romney.
Well despite the lies about the delegates and the outright attempt to force Ron Paul out of the GOP national convention by pretending like he hasn’t secured a slot reporters with integrity have kept on the Republican Party and have now forced them to follow their own rules.
RNC Confirms Ron Paul Will Be Up For Nomination
RNC Confirms Ron Paul Will Be Up For Nomination
That means that Ron Paul will be at the GOP national convention and there is a little rumor going around the Internet about… I can’t remember exactly but … a coupe de latte or a cafe d’eta or a coup d’état or something the like that…
Anyway… From the Examiner on the Ron Paul rELOVution:
The Republican National Convention is quickly approaching (August 26th). For over the past year, avid Ron Paul supporters have won delegate spots in various state conventions across the country. Through this hard-work, Ron Paul will officially be allowed to be nominated for the nominee of the Republican Party.
For the past three days, Ben Swann (Fox19 Cincinnati) has been in contact with a Republican Rules Committee member. In order for a candidate to be elected for the Republican Party nomination, the candidate must have a plurality in five or more states. If by rule, binding and non-binding policies are applied to delegates, it would still not affect the process of voting for placement of a candidate’s name into the potential nominee ballot. Presidential hopeful Ron Paul does have a plurality in five or more states (Nevada, Maine, Minnesota, Louisiana, and Iowa). This means that Ron Paul will be eligible for nomination on August 26th in Tampa Bay.
The Ron Paul Revolution is planning on amassing 100,000+ supporters to Tampa in order to celebrate Paul’s 30+ year career in American politics. However, the Republican National Committee senses pressure from the Paul supporters. The RNC has attempted to block access in order to make the convention as exclusive as possible.
Read The Full Article…
Here’s an update 8/21/2012 from the Huffington Post:
Why the GOP Is Scared of Ron Paul and 4 Reasons He Might Still Get the 2012 Republican Nomination
Wait, isn’t Dr. Ron Paul out of the presidential race? Isn’t it all tied up nicely in a bow with the Romney/Ryan ticket?
Why would the GOP be scared of Ron Paul but end up nominating him?
I’ll explain.
Romney and the GOP have demonstrated both poor judgment and poor sportsmanship that might cost them by damaging Romney’s electability among the Ron Paul supporters thus leading to a splitting of votes, which in turn, could cost the GOP the entire election.
Dr. Ron Paul is still in the race for president and is a strong contender for the 2012 GOP nomination.
To be on the GOP ballot Aug. 27, 2012 in Tampa and get a 15-minute speaking slot, a candidate must have won the plurality (majority) of delegates in at least 5 states.
Well, Ron Paul did win the plurality of delegates in 5 states, enough to be eligible for the nomination and a 15-minute speaking slot at the GOP convention. The states he won are Louisiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Maine and Nevada. Then Ron Paul went on to win the plurality in Massachusetts, Romney’s home state and half the delegates in Oregon. Dr. Ron Paul also has around 500 delegates who support him. The exact number of delegates that Romney and Paul have is still a mystery but should be clarified at the convention.
So… Ron Paul won his 5-plus states, he’s on the ballot and writing his speech, right? Not exactly.
What happened next is what may cost the Republicans and Romney the entire election. Instead of accepting that Ron Paul, the GOP underdog, had won enough delegates in enough states to be allowed his rightful place on the ballot and his 15-minute speaking slot, the GOP and Romney’s people decided to try and take these legitimate wins away from Ron Paul and his supporters. Ron Paul supporters fought hard, played fair and won. Romney supporters didn’t play fair and still lost those 5-plus states. These Ron Paul pluralities were won in spite of shenanigans and tricks tried by Romney supporters and the GOP to prevent or undermine Ron Paul wins. The Ron Paul supporters were well prepared and won the needed amount of states anyway.
So, how did Romney and his supporters handle their losses of five measly states to Ron Paul? Honorably? Graciously? With dignity? Maturely?
No. Quite the opposite.
Romney’s people ran to Big Daddy GOP to rescue them from their defeats by trying to disqualify the valid Ron Paul delegates and to take away Ron Paul’s right to speak and be on the ballot by reducing his states won to fewer than the five needed.
So far, Romney and the GOP have contested the Ron Paul wins in Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts and Oregon. They threw out the Massachusetts Ron Paul delegates after the GOP tried to force the delegates to sign a long legal document that required them to vote for Romney. This was not something that had ever been done before. The GOP allowed Romney, big lawyers and big bullying to invalidate Ron Paul’s solid win in Massachusetts.
As in the other states, the Ron Paul delegates in Maine played by the rules and won. Even Governor LePage of Maine, a Republican, is appalled with GOP efforts to throw out the duly-elected Ron Paul delegates.
The entire plot to reduce Ron Paul wins to under five states to take his name off the ballot and take away his 15-minute speaking slot is well under way. If Romney/Ryan are so great, why can’t they handle a little competition without whining and crying like sore losers?
Are they afraid of losing the 2012 nomination to Ron Paul if he speaks and is on the ballot?
Why not play fair and let the best man win?
Who cheats? The lazy, bratty, insecure and less-qualified people who can’t win honestly and fairly. Is that really presidential material?
I wonder if Romney and the GOP are worried that if Ron Paul speaks and gets the nomination, that Ron Paul will fire all of them. Is the GOP that terrified of change, even if it is for the betterment of the country?
Here is why I think that Ron Paul might still walk away with the nomination.
Read The Rest…

Saturday, August 25, 2012

History Repeats Itself

Abraham started with 50 righteous for God to spare 
Sodom and Gomorrah. I started with certified letters to 50 Secretaries of State and 50 AGs. I have not found 10 righteous officials or 10 honest judges yet. Now the time is really running out. I am devasted by the magnitude of corruption.

Orly Taitz