Sunday, August 26, 2012

BP announces it's backing off Liberty development plans

So (to be fair), what's 'true' and the 'real' reason BP stopped drilling with Liberty?

BP announces it's backing off Liberty development plans
Rig problems mean project won't go forward in present form, company says.
Petroleum News
Published: June 29th, 2012 10:41 PM
Last Modified: June 29th, 2012 10:42 PM
BP is backing off its ambitious Liberty development on Alaska's North Slope after problems emerged with a specially built drilling rig among other issues.

"After a full review of project engineering and economics, BP has decided not to pursue the proposed Liberty project, in its current form," Dawn Patience, spokeswoman for BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc., told Petroleum News. "BP is in the process of working with regulators to discuss the potential forward plans for the project."
BP had proposed drilling ultra-extended reach wells to tap the Liberty reservoir, located on federal leases in shallow Beaufort Sea waters about six miles offshore and 15 miles east of Prudhoe Bay.
A monster rig was to bore the wells from a satellite drilling island at BP's offshore Endicott field, which is connected by causeway to the mainland.
In November 2010, however, BP announced it was suspending construction pending an engineering review, and the rig has stood idle at Endicott since then.
"We have always said that we will not proceed with the project unless we can do it safely and meet all of our standards," Patience said. "In the end, the project as currently designed does not meet our test."

 She said the process leading up to the decision included "a detailed 18-month review of the rig systems, an analysis of the project's risk and economics, and an assessment of the evolving regulatory framework."
Parker Drilling Co. of Houston, Texas, fabricated the rig at Vancouver, Wash., at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Patience said the review found the rig needs "substantial modifications," including changes to the mud system, the hydraulics and walking system, and the pipe handling, heating and utility systems. The rig also needs a new drilling support module.
BP now believes the Liberty project would cost "at least double" the original estimate of $1.5 billion.
And it would "take several more years before drilling could commence," Patience said.
No decision has been made about what to do with the rig, she said, noting several companies had a hand in its construction.
"We expect that the issues with the rig will be worked out privately and confidentially between all the relevant parties," Patience said.
At one time, BP had touted Liberty as an unprecedented effort featuring horizontal wells extending as far as eight miles.
By drilling from Endicott, and processing Liberty oil through the Endicott production facilities, BP said it could avoid the larger footprint of building an all-new Liberty production island and subsea pipeline.
The company had said Liberty was capable of producing 100 million barrels with daily production peaking at 40,000 barrels. That would significantly boost overall North Slope production, which is in decline and currently averages under 600,000 barrels a day.
The Liberty project drew heightened congressional and media scrutiny following BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010.
The Interior Department, which regulates offshore drilling, said at the time that, in light of the Gulf spill and new safety requirements, it would review the adequacy of Liberty's spill plan.
But Liberty was exempted from the Obama administration's temporary offshore drilling moratorium.

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Former FBI Agent: Surveillance State Trashing Constitutional Protections

- Prison - -
Former FBI Agent: Surveillance State Trashing Constitutional Protections
Posted By admin On August 26, 2012 @ 7:03 am
Kurt Nimmo
August 26, 2012
In the video below, a former decorated undercover FBI agent, Mike German, explains how the national security state, in league with local law enforcement, is secretly targeting Americans for political views and activities perceived as a threat to the political establishment.
A surveillance state culture that rivals anything created by East Germany’s Stasi..


German concentrates on the constitutional abuses of fusion centers and cites the Missouri Information Analysis Center report [1] targeting Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin as rightwing terrorists and the 2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment [2], produced by the Virginia Fusion Center, that singled out political groups as terrorist threats. Both reports were leaked to the media and covered extensively by Alex Jones and
German notes that local law enforcement is now used as a weapon against anti-establishment politicians, activists and political organizations – in short, state and local law enforcement is now fully integrated into a larger political secret police apparatus. Efforts by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, military intelligence and other agencies, including the CIA, in league with private sector contractors, have produced a surveillance state culture and foundation that rivals that created by East Germany’s Stasi.
“We’ve moved away from surveillance based on individualized suspicion, the Fourth Amendment standard of probable cause and a warrant has basically evaporated,” German told last year. “And the government can now collect information about people it doesn’t even suspect of wrongdoing.”
For the establishment and its political elite, traditional criminal “wrongdoing” comes in a distant second to political “wrongdoing” perceived as threatening the political status quo. Fusion centers established by the Department of Homeland Security are not designed to respond to bank robbery and illegal drug trafficking, but work proactively to seek out, identify and “neutralize” (as the FBI described in the 1960s under COINTELPRO) political opposition to the state and the corporate and financial interests it serves.
Government surveillance of political activity considered aberrant by the state has reached a phenomenal level. Earlier this month, we reported on Trapwire [3], a sophisticated high-tech surveillance software put in place nearly a decade ago.
Earlier this year, NSA employee William Binney said the agency has a dossier on virtually every American [4] and is currently building a mega-spy center in Bluffdale, Utah, that “will contain near-bottomless databases [5] to store all forms of communication collected by the agency, including private emails, cellphone calls, Google searches and other personal data.”
The all-encompassing security state – designed to destroy political opposition and not prevent mundane criminal activity – is the most portentous threat we face as a nation established as a constitutional republic. If meaningful and effective political activity is subtracted from the equation, we will have no option other than abject submission to the state and the fascist corporate and financial interest it serves.

Article printed from Prison
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Customer Deposits Are Property of the Bank: Close Your Account NOW!

Susanne Posel,

Activist Post
In June of 2012, Eric Bloom, former chief executive, and Charles Mosely, head trader of Sentinel Management Group (SMG) were indicted for stealing $500 million in customer secured funds. Both Mosely and Bloom were accused of “exposing” customer segregated funds “to a portfolio of highly risky derivatives.”
These customer funds were used to “back up personal investments” which were part of “collateral for a loan from Bank of New York Mellon” (BNYM). This loan derived from stolen customer monies was “used to purchase millions of dollars worth of high-risk, illiquid securities, including collateralized debt obligations, or CDOs, for a trading portfolio that benefited Sentinel’s officers, including Mosley, Bloom and certain Bloom family members.”
Fast forward to August 9th of 2012, and the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals (CCA) rules that BNYM can be moved to first in line of creditors over the customers that had their funds stolen by SMG.
When a banking customer deposits their money into their bank account, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SPIC) are in place to protect the customer from fraud or theft. The ruling from the CCA means that these regulatory systems will not insure customer funds, investments, or depositors and retirees who hold accounts in banks. In fact, the banking institution is now legally allowed to use those customer funds deposited as collateral, payment on debts for loans made, or free use on the stock market to purchase investments as the bank sees fit.
Fred Grede, SMG trustee, explained that brokers are no longer required to keep customer money separate from their own. “It does not bode well for the protection of customer funds.”
Since the ruling gives banks the right to co-mingle customer funds with their own, no crime can be committed for the use of customer deposited monies.

According to
, former lawyer for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Cleveland: 
Basically, there is a new 7th Circuit opinion saying that there is no reason to impose a constructive trust on a lender’s takings of customers’ funds from client commodity firms that were used (inappropriately) to secure the firms’ borrowings, as long as the lender can say that it did not know WITH CERTAINTY that customers’ funds were being repledged. Negligence and misappropriation (vs. knowing criminal intent) are now a sufficient excuse for letting the lender keep the money and go to the head of the line for distributions in bankruptcies of the client commodity firms.
When a customer deposits money into a bank, the bank essentially issues a
 to have those funds available when the customer returns to withdraw the deposited amount. When the same customer withdraws funds from their account (whether checking or savings) the customer assumes that the bank has enough funds to cover their withdrawal; including the presumption that their monies are separate from the bank’s assets.
Now, those funds are up for grabs by the bank at their discretion without explanation to the customer – nor is the bank obligated to recoup the customer should they “lose” those funds due to bad loans, bankruptcy or stock market loss.
In Texas, Pamela Cobb, manager of Bank of America (BoA), stole an estimated $2 million from customer funds for personal use. Cobb had been taking customer segregated funds since 2002.
Customers have complained of fraudulent charges placed on their accounts that BoA cannot explain. When the customer brings these charges to the in-house fraud department, they are given the run-around until they acquiesce.
Other customers have had their private possessions stolen right out of their safe deposit box held at BoA. The safe deposit box was drilled into and the contents shipped to the BoA corporate holding center in South Carolina.
In 1992 to 2003, Citibank called their theft of customer funds “account sweeping” wherein they stole more than $14 million from customers nationally. Using computerized credit card processes to remove positive and negative balances from customers, the scheme included double payments or funds paid out on returned purchases that were then attributed back to the customer.
At Chase bank, an anonymous employee opened an account under a customer name (targeting an Alzheimer’s sufferer), complete with a personal debit card. An estimated $300 per day was withdrawn on the fraudulent account. When family representing the victim alerted Chase, they brushed them off with an internal investigation claim – even as the family sought legal action.
Banking fraud against the elderly has risen of late, since banks realize they can steal massive amounts of cash from their aging customers with little to no repercussions.
The recent ruling on SMG has given the banking industry the legal backing they have been lacking when stealing from their customers.
Our financial institutions have been planning for a financial collapse wherein the US government will not offer assistance. The resolution plans required by the Federal Reserve Bank, described schemes to have the major domestic banks remain afloat by selling off assets, finding alternative sources of funding, reducing risky measures that make a quick buck. These strategies were to be perfected with “no assumption of extraordinary support from the public sector.”
The mega-banks, through Wall Street, are also acquiring firearms, ammunition and control over private mercenary corporations like DynCorp and "Blackwater" as authorized by the Department of Defense (DoD) directive 3025.18.
DynCorp is a military-based private mercenary contractor that provides (among other services) intelligence training and support, international security, contingency plans and operations. Ninety-six percent of their funding is based on annual revenues from the US federal government. The international branch of DynCorp has operated as a “police force” even assisting local law enforcement during Hurricane Katrina.
Named as investors for the amassing of gun and ammunition manufacturers are Citibank, BoA, Barclays and Deutsche Bank who are pouring money into Cerebus and Veritas Equity who have taken over private corporations involved in the controlling riot situations.
The Federal Reserve Bank, one of the heads of banking cartels, has their own police force which operates as a protective security for the Fed against the American public. As part of the Federal Reserve Act signed in 1913, the designation of a Federal Law Enforcement – special police officers that are exclusively regulated by authority of the Fed (whether in uniform or plain clothes. These specialized police officers (who train with Special Response Teams) can work in tandem with local law enforcement or US federal agencies. These officers are heavily armed with semi-automatic pistols, sub machine guns and assault rifles as well as body armor.
Recently, when withdrawing cash from an ATM, the daily allotted amount has decreased with some banks, thereby forcing the customer to go into the branch and extract the difference with a teller. At this point, according to anonymous informants, the customer is taken into a backroom to be questioned as to why they want the cash, what they are purchasing with the cash, why they are not choosing to use a debit card or another form of digital trade to make the purchase. These questions are not only intrusive, they are illegal.
Some anonymous sources have said that banking representatives who conduct the integrations are directed to keep a record of customer responses on an online application that will be sent to the FBI in conjunction with PATRIOT Act mandates on tracking banking activity.
Customer funds are no longer secure, no longer backed by the FDIC or other insurance corporations, and banks are legally allowed to co-mingled customer money with other funds of the bank. The only safe place for your money is with you.
Now is the time to close your bank account.
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Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism. Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporately funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.


Drake Vital Weekend Updates Notes 08/26/2012

Drake Vital Weekend Updates Notes 08/26/2012

·         Drake will discuss on the show what can be done to move forward, he states all of us have to pull together and move towards one direction à towards Freedom.
·         Drake states there is a general confusion on how to go about with our freedom. Many are afraid of fear of arrests, or the fear that “they are coming to get us.”
·         Rick Light comes in and talks about the new developing story of veterans which are disappearing all across the country.
·         Americans have constitutional rights; Veterans especially served our nation and put their lives on the line. They’ve done what they were asked to do. It’s wrong that their own government is treating them poorly.
·         Charles Dyer an honorable marine, who served for 8 years, was one of the first veterans to speak up against our government. He was first charged with weapons case, which he beat in court. The second was a charge of sexual assault on his own daughter.
·         He faced numerous legal obstacles due to deeply entrenched corruption in our justice system. They sentenced him to 30 years without evidence and only when on “hear-say”.
·         Dyer’s mother comes in live on the show to explain what happened with her son. Mom states when he was in the marine’s he made certain videos on YouTube. Soon after the videos were flagged by the FBI, it was normal rhetoric that was even people like Sarah Palin has stated in the past.
·         Before he left the military, there was a phone call by his commanding officer’s wife’s brother, which he was charged with statements against the government, and spousal abuse. He was placed in confinement in his barracks. The government looked through the videos he made; the Marine Core totally exonerated him of all charges. He has a clean 2 (4 year) service record.
·         Once he returned home, Charles and his wife filed for a divorce due to cheating and some drug usage. The reason for the divorce was Adultery. They went to the court and they decided it was filed under the wrong paperwork.
·         Charles moved to Oklahoma in early December of 2009. Where he lived with his, and his daughter. Soon after he had problems seeing his daughter. On Jan 12th he went down to the sheriff’s office to see if there were any charges his wife filed. There were charges of sexual assault of his daughter filed. The mother approached the child on Jan 3rd and asked if her father has touched her private area. The child testified in court stating she didn’t know why her mother has asked her such a question.
·         Some legal troubles regarding jurisdiction of these charges came about.
·         The Court had a warrant to search the home where several weapons were found, he was placed in jail. It was later cleared in court. He was then re-arrested for this sexual assault on his child. It was later led to another trial. Followed by a Third trial in which Charles house was burned.
·         Charles later was on the run, and mom was very worried.
·         13 Electronic billboards were placed in search for Charles, an all-out witch hunt was placed upon this man.
·         Authorities called in the oldest child, and told the child that Charles molested her when she was younger. She told authorities were crazy, and told them that type of accusation came from his ex-wife.
·         DNA evidence was collected, where no evidence of a sexual assault was present. He later took a polygraph and ½ way through the test judge came in and it was stopped. Judge ordered it had to be down near the sheriffs.
·         In court through the legal battles, many accounts and statements were conflicting and twisted as a means to purposely find him guilty of the accusations. He was sentenced to prison and is now facing a legal uphill battle to fight for his freedom. Mom states legal fees have been more than $100,000 and has become too expensive.
·         Mom asks for legal help to any of the listeners of today’s program.
·         Mom states it’s a living death to have an innocent child behind bars.
·         Drake states that his contacts have stated things are in place and ready “to go”.
·         Drake states there is an international coalition, ready to help right now. Currently ready for the next steps.
·         He talks about the RNC, there are several announcements that are going to be made, it’s coming, “you can smell it”.
·         There is an extraordinary amount of maneuvering going on around the world. Limitations in the economics are being placed around the world. Several executive orders made are not being enacted because they lack the enforcement of it.
·         Drake states Neil Keenan is ready to re-file the lawsuit. Will inform us when more details are available.
·         Personal proof of the coming changes will become evident in short time. Some people will provide damming interviews. 

The Arcturians – Personal and Planetary Ascension

Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – Personal and Planetary Ascension

The Arcturians – Personal and Planetary Ascension

By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 25, 2012
Dear Arcturians,
I have been feeling the beginning of this message inside. Can you continue the rest of your message now?
Good Morning Suzille,
Yes, we were speaking with you in your sleep last night, but you were too tired to bring forward any of our message. However, you couldn’t remember the first few words, which have actually been in your mind for quite a while. Furthermore, we had to present the dynamics of higher thought before you and your readers would be able to deeply understand what we are about to say.
Our Dear One, we have spoken to you for many of your years, but we wish to tell you that we are about to take a quantum leap in the information that we send you. Previously, it was unsafe to send you certain information and/or your mind was not ready to receive it. However, the world is much lighter now and the danger of offering the TRUTH is greatly diminished.
Therefore, we have decided to share some unique information through you and through many other Earth Representatives. We prefer not to use the word channel, as a channel is erroneously thought of as one who is not of our Beingness. Of course, those through whom we speak, in fact everyone, is ONE with our Being, for we resonate to the eighth through tenth dimensions of formless unity with ALL life. However, we will be moving into a higher frequency, just as you will.
In fact, all life in this Universe is experiencing an Octave Jump in resonance. There are some who will not be able to participate in that leap in vibration, so they will be relocated to another Universe. They will not be aware of their relocation, and will likely experience Gaia’s Ascending reality as an “interesting dream.” They will have no sorrow, as they will not know that they have left.
They will not know that their reality has changed because they were not even awake within the Ascending Earth reality. Therefore, they will continue to slumber within the reality that will be new to them, but they will not know that it is new. Now, we hear your question of, “What about those who care for them? Will those who remain in this reality miss these people?”
Our answer is that anyone who is awake enough to read this message is already the creator of his or her reality. If that creator wants to create a reality in which they are with that person or persons, they can offer a thought-form filled with their love in which that person can leave a component of his or her Essence. Then, that person will have the opportunity to remain within this world, while they are still bi-located into their other reality.
You must remember now that ALL of you, even if you are deeply asleep, have myriad realities in which you participate because you are ALL multidimensional. Therefore, the force of LOVE that offers a thought-form in which the sleeping one can continue to experience your Ascending reality will be added to their reality in the other Universe.
Remember, Ascension does not mean that you lose anything. Ascension means that you can experience myriad choices of reality within the ONE of the NOW. Even if one’s grounded form is asleep, their Soul is infinitely awake. Therefore, if this loved one’s Soul chooses to accept the thought-form you have offered, which will appear to be fully physical, your love can offer him or her an extended stay within your Ascending reality.
If that loved one chooses to keep a portion of their essence within your Ascending reality, they will have a “higher reality” to serve as a strong base from which they can be a leader in their reality in the other Universe. They can choose to pull out of the other reality and focus on the process of Ascension. Or, they can choose to pull out of the thought-form body that your great LOVE has created for them.
We know that the concept we have presented appears impossible to your third dimensional thinking. However, embracing the impossible is one of the most important changes you will be making during your Ascension. Another challenging issue will be whether or not you will continue your Ascension if this loved one pulls out of the thought-form you have created with your love.
You can either respond as an Ascending One and KNOW that there is NO death. From this perspective you will remember that this person has chosen a reality different than the one that you have chosen, and you will lovingly respect their choice.
On the other hand, you may be so attached to that person that you choose to delay your own Ascension to remain with your loved one. The thought form that you created for them is very real. In fact, you may not even be aware that YOU have created it for them.
All the forms that you are holding in your current vibration are a type of thought-form. Thought-forms are created by your ever-growing creative force, which is expanding exponentially as you enter the threshold to the fifth dimension. A thought-form is created with the power of your multidimensional thought and filled with your unconditional love. This thought-form is then kept “alive” by the power of your thought.
If you take all your thoughts away from a thought-form, including your own earth vessel, it will begin to degrade in structure and eventually “leave this frequency”. We realize that “leaving” has been experienced as “death” in your frequency of reality. However, as you continue your Ascension, you will experience the coming and leaving of many different beings in myriad versions of reality.
After you have had these experiences, you will remember that if someone chooses to leave your personal choice of reality, it does not mean that that person dies. It only means that that person’s Soul has chosen a version of reality that you do not choose to experience. Some of you may even visit your loved one in that version of reality. However, if you stay too long, you will have to decide if you so deeply want to remain with that person that you will lower your resonance to be with them.
Fortunately, from the fifth dimensional perspective, that choice will only mean that that particular version of your infinite Multidimensional SELF has made the choice to forgo that particular experience of Ascension. However, you are experiencing a unique form of Ascension in which you are ascending in Oneness with your planet, Gaia. It is difficult enough to transmute the mass of one human form into Lightbody. Can you imagine how much more difficult it is to transmute the mass of an entire planet?
Every human who pitches in with the planetary Ascension is vital for Gaia’s success. After all, humanity in its current form, as well as its many Galactic forms, is primarily responsible for Gaia’s great fall into the depths of the third dimension. Hence, many of the Ascending Ones are fully aware that they have chosen to take personal responsibility to assist the planet that has allowed them myriad incarnations.
Therefore, just as one may need to move away from loved ones because of important commitments they have made, some of you may need to move away from loved ones because you have made a commitment to Gaia.
However, in this case, it will not be you, but your loved ones, who will move away. They did not choose to do the deep introspection and conscious commitment to your SELF that you have engaged in. Hence, they will not be able to match the resonance of Ascending Earth.
This introspection was not to make you better or teach you how to Ascend. NO, this introspection was to guide you into the KNOWING that you are already a higher dimensional being in myriad realities. Therefore, your inner search was not to learn to improve, but to remember to connect with that which you have always known.
Please remember that the loved one who has not chosen to Ascend will meet with you in their fifth dimensional essence once you Ascend. Hence, when you merge, Ascend into, your fifth-dimensional-and-beyond expression of SELF, you will be able to connect with the fifth-dimensional-and-beyond expression of the loved one that you thought you had lost.
There is NO losing in Ascension. The third dimensional expression of the person who chose NOT to engage in the experience of planetary Ascension actually chose to leave Gaia. Gaia needs every one of Her humans to work WITH Her. Every ONE of you must take a paddle and row this earth ship Home. There are many reasons why some grounded ones cannot contribute to Gaia’s Ascension.
Some of them are trapped in darkness and cannot look inward to find their own Inner Light. Others do not welcome a fifth dimensional reality because they feel complete with their process of being third dimensional. Others cannot believe in the impossible, and they would rather hold on to old beliefs than enter the unknown. Then, some are just too tired and beaten down from their Earth life to have the energy to embrace the unknown of Ascension.
Embracing the unknown is one of the Keys to Ascension. We, The Arcturians, cannot tell you what you will experience without damaging the beautiful individuality that you have developed during your myriad incarnations on Earth. You will all collect your many individual experiences of being human on 3D Earth and offer them to the ONE upon your Ascension.
The beauty is that, just as you have all chosen innumerable versions of creating your life on Earth, you will all choose countless versions of your personal and planetary Ascension. The changes in your reality will be coming sudden and swift now. Therefore, do not begrudge those who cannot tolerate their entire world shifting before their eyes.
Please use the great power of your unconditional love to respect everyone’s choices of how they will deal with the transformation of all that they have known. You will meet their fifth dimensional expression of SELF upon your Ascension. Therefore, we ask that you respect everyone’s decision. On the other hand, if one makes decisions that are destructive or burdensome to planetary Ascension, they will not be able to match Gaia’s ever-ascending frequency.
Those who cannot, or will not, match the resonance of Ascending Earth will not be able to maintain an open portal from their High Heart into Gaia’s Ascending reality. Hence, they will not be able to focus their attention and intention on the higher frequencies enough to perceive the Ascending reality. In this case, they will experience the chaos without the promise of change. This situation would be very frightening.
We do not want anyone to be frightened. Therefore, they will be shifted into a reality in which they can maintain the highest frequency of expression that is possible for their current state of consciousness. Just as you must match your resonance with a given reality during your inter-dimensional travel in order to interact with that reality, Ascending Ones will need to match their personal frequency with the escalating frequency of Earth.
Fortunately, there are many humans incarnated on Earth who can easily expand their consciousness beyond the ever-rising frequencies of Gaia. These Ascending Ones will “clear the path” for Gaia by creating and holding higher frequency energy fields into which Earth can transmute Her form. We in the higher frequencies are observing the personal changes and sacrifices that these ones are making to assist their beloved planed and to fulfill their Mission.
Please remember that those who are choosing to leave Gaia rather than hold Her back are also fulfilling their Mission. In other words, “Do not judge another until you have walked a mile in their shoes.” And, most important of all, do NOT allow ANY fear to enter into your consciousness and lower your resonance.
You are being called into duty NOW! Remember all that you have learned in your countless lives on Earth. Remember all your experiences of Ascension on any reality in which you have ascended. Most important of all, remember that you are not alone – ever! We, your Galactic, Celestial and Ascended Family are ALWAYS with you.
Walk in courage our beloved ones. We are right beside you.

 you are love, you are loved, and I love you 

Time to End War Against the Earth

Time to End War Against the Earth

26 August 2012
Published on Sunday, November 7, 2010 by The Age (Australia)

by Vandana Shiva

When we think of wars in our times, our minds turn to Iraq and Afghanistan. But the bigger war is the war against the planet. This war has its roots in an economy that fails to respect ecological and ethical limits – limits to inequality, limits to injustice, limits to greed and economic concentration.
A handful of corporations and of powerful countries seeks to control the earth’s resources and transform the planet into a supermarket in which everything is for sale. They want to sell our water, genes, cells, organs, knowledge, cultures and future.

The continuing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and onwards are not only about “blood for oil.” As they unfold, we will see not only about “blood for oil.” As they unfold, we will see that they are about blood for food, blood for genes and biodiversity and blood for water.
The war mentality underlying military-industrial agriculture is evident from the names of Monsanto’s herbicides – ”Round-Up”, ”Machete”, ”Lasso.” American Home Products, which has merged with Monsanto, gives its herbicides similarly aggressive names, including ”Pentagon” and ”Squadron.” This is the language of war. Sustainability is based on peace with the earth.
The war against the earth begins in the mind. Violent thoughts shape violent actions. Violent categories construct violent tools. And nowhere is this more vivid than in the metaphors and methods on which industrial, agricultural and food production is based. Factories that produced poisons and explosives to kill people during wars were transformed into factories producing agri-chemicals after the wars.
The year 1984 woke me up to the fact that something was terribly wrong with the way food was produced. With the violence in Punjab and the disaster in Bhopal, agriculture looked like war. That is when I wrote The Violence of the Green Revolution and why I started Navdanya as a movement for an agriculture free of poisons and toxins. Pesticides, which started as war chemicals, have failed to control pests. Genetic engineering was supposed to provide an alternative to toxic chemicals. Instead, it has led to increased use of pesticides and herbicides and unleashed a war against farmers.
The high-cost feeds and high-cost chemicals are trapping farmers in debt – and the debt trap is pushing farmers to suicide. According to official data, more than 200,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide in India since 1997. Making peace with the earth was always an ethical and ecological imperative. It has now become a survival imperative for our species.
Violence to the soil, to biodiversity, to water, to atmosphere, to farms and farmers produces a warlike food system that is unable to feed people. One billion people are hungry. Two billion suffer food-related diseases – obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cancers.
There are three levels of violence involved in non-sustainable development. The first is the violence against the earth, which is expressed as the ecological crisis. The second is the violence against people, which is expressed as poverty, destitution and displacement. The third is the violence of war and conflict, as the powerful reach for the resources that lie in other communities and countries for their limitless appetites.
When every aspect of life is commercialized, living becomes more costly, and people are poor, even if they earn more than a dollar a day. On the other hand, people can be affluent in material terms, even without the money economy, if they have access to land, their soils are fertile, their rivers flow clean, their cultures are rich and carry traditions of producing beautiful homes and clothing and delicious food, and there is social cohesion, solidarity and spirit of community.
The elevation of the domain of the market, and money as man-made capital, to the position of the highest organizing principle for societies and the only measure of our well-being has led to the undermining of the processes that maintain and sustain life in nature and society. The richer we get, the poorer we become ecologically and culturally. The growth of affluence, measured in money, is leading to a growth in poverty at the material, cultural, ecological and spiritual levels.
The real currency of life is life itself and this view raises questions: how do we look at ourselves in this world? What are humans for? And are we merely a money-making and resource-guzzling machine? Or do we have a higher purpose, a higher end?
I believe that ”earth democracy” enables us to envision and create living democracies based on the intrinsic worth of all species, all peoples, all cultures - a just and equal sharing of this earth’s vital resources, and sharing the decisions about the use of the earth’s resources. Earth democracy protects the ecological processes that maintain life and the fundamental human rights that are the basis of the right to life, including the right to water, food, health, education, jobs and livelihoods.
Soil Not Oil
We have to make a choice. Will we obey the market laws of corporate greed or Gaia’s laws for maintenance of the earth’s ecosystems and the diversity of its beings? People’s need for food and water can be met only if nature’s capacity to provide food and water is protected. Dead soils and dead rivers cannot give food and water. Defending the rights of Mother Earth is therefore the most important human rights and social justice struggle. It is the broadest peace movement of our times.
This is an edited version of Dr Vandana Shiva’s speech at the Sydney Opera House last night. Pick up a copy of her new book today: Soil Not Oil. Also, please watch the video on the right –> which is number two in a series of three brilliant discussions.
© 2010 The Age
Vandana Shiva is an Indian feminist and environmental activist. She is the founder/director of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology.

Neil Keenan responds to a reader’s Comment under his post: Cease & Desist of August 16, 2012

Neil Keenan responds to a reader’s Comment under his post: Cease & Desist of August 16, 2012

Posted on by Jean
Paul, who took the time to read Cease & Desist – Neil Keenan Papers, August 16, 2012 had a question: The pages which mention the BS Certuficates show 1965 and 1966 and JFK as a signatory. How can this be?
Neil Keenan took the time to respond to Paul, and because many of my readers may not yet be aware of this important information, I’ve chosen to publish Neil’s response here for everyone to read: 
On June 4, 1963, Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 which held the authority to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Government at interest.
With Kennedy’s signature, he declared that the Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.
To this very day the Executive Order has never been repealed, amended or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order.  It is still valid.
When President Kennedy signed this order it returned to the US Government the Constitutional Power to create and issue currency—–MONEY—-without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.
As a result 4 billion in US Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and 5$ denominations.  The $10’s and $20 US Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated.  Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as legal currency were in contradiction to the Constitution of the United States of America.
While the Green Hilton appears to be an innocuous document to read, in its full interpretation it is one of the most profound agreements ever made not only in the 20th century, but also in the history of the world because this agreement was made between a US President and the Trustee of the hidden but combined wealth of the world.  These assets are not the property of the United States, but centralized assets under the authority of a centralized system, to be used as independently deemed to be for the better benefit of the World.
Here is Executive Order 11110, Amendments etc……Executive Order 11110

By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended – (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j): ‘(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as amended (31 U.S.C. 821 (b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption,’ and (b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof. SECTION 2. The amendment made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.

June 4, 1963

Once again, Executive Order 11110 is still valid. According to Title 3, United States Code, Section 301 dated January 26, 1998:
Executive Order (EO) 10289 dated Sept. 17, 1951, 16 F.R. 9499, was as amended by:
EO 10583, dated December 18, 1954, 19 F.R. 8725;
EO 10882 dated July 18, 1960, 25 F.R. 6869;
EO 11110 dated June 4, 1963, 28 F.R. 5605;
EO 11825 dated December 31, 1974, 40 F.R. 1003;
EO 12608 dated September 9, 1987, 52 F.R. 34617 The 1974 and 1987 amendments, added after Kennedy’s 1963 amendment, did not change or alter any part of Kennedy’s EO 11110. A search of Clinton’s 1998 and 1999 EOs and Presidential Directives has also shown no reference to any alterations, suspensions, or changes to EO 11110.

Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the US Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation.  Why?  Because they knew that  if the silver-backed US Notes were widely circulated they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes.  Kennedy challenged the powers that exist behind US and World Finance and boldly faced the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt:
1).  The Viet Nam War and
2).  The creation of money by a privately owned Central Bank
When you tie the above two together what you find is that removing the troops from Viet Nam combined with executive order 11110 would have destroyed the profits and control of the Private Federal Reserve Bank.  As for the Green Hilton Agreement and the answer to many questions relating to the dates here is the answer:
The Green Hilton Agreement was not implemented until 1968 (this is why the dates differ between Kennedy’s signature and the dates of the assets) when Soekarno fell from office and when Global Trade made it imperative that the world have a Global Currency. As the Gold had been transferred to the US Treasury in 1968, a series of Bonds known as Kennedy Bonds were issued in order to honor the terms of the Green Hilton Agreement made between Kennedy and Soekarno, since the 1968 terms of the gold delivery to the United States were different than those made in 1934. When after 30 years, interest had not been paid as promised, the bonds were reissued in an increased number as commemorative notes and were accepted by the owners of the Gold: the Dragon Family held the Soekarno Trust, the Indonesian Elders, Holders and Gatekeepers.  The Soekarno Trust held mostly all the assets of Asia.

Saul: Closure is Imminent – As is Disclosure

             Hello All:
                      This should be read by all. Special attention should be paid to the third Paragraph where in the bible, GOD says "In my house there are many Mansions". One for you and I as it matters not what our background has been.
                                     God Bless  Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart

             Saul: Closure is Imminent – As is Disclosure

Saul: Closure is Imminent – As is Disclosure

Anthony: Now even Saul is talking about Disclosure: “As Jesus told you, ‘In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” “His house” is all of creation and the mansions are not billions of dead, sterile planets, but glorious, fruitful, and plentiful environments lovingly tended by His beloved children, living in gracious creative harmony and abundance. These children are your brothers and sisters, and when you come together again and renew with them your familial rapport, your joy will be boundless’.”
As channeled by John Smallman – August 26, 2012
All of God’s children are being nudged towards awakening, and they are for the most part responding very positively. The times of darkness, chaos, confusion, and suffering are drawing to a close as divinely intended; in fact, closure is imminent — as is disclosure!
The truth that humanity on Planet Earth is not alone in the vast universe surrounding and enveloping you can no longer be kept secret. So very many know this, have personal experience of it, and have shared that knowing with others, that the attempts to keep this truth secret are no longer feasible — they are in fact insane.
As Jesus told you, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” “His house” is all of creation and the mansions are not billions of dead, sterile planets, but glorious, fruitful, and plentiful environments lovingly tended by His beloved children, living in gracious creative harmony and abundance. These children are your brothers and sisters, and when you come together again and renew with them your familial rapport, your joy will be boundless.
They are close by, assisting you in your sterling endeavors to awaken. Their joy is to assist you in any way they can. So do not fear to call on them; they are ready, willing, and able.
The field of Love that surrounds and envelops Planet Earth at this point in her and your evolution is all-pervasive, and nothing within the illusion remains unaffected by it.
And that is why amazing reversals of attitude and behavior are occurring everywhere. Nowhere and no-one is immune to or shielded from this powerful and divine energy transmission. It is totally invasive, irresistible, and all-consuming. It is in fact the most wonderfully inclusive and indiscriminating of mantles and it subsumes all gloriously within it.
Your unawareness of this magnificent truth will not last for very much longer, unless you make an intensely powerful intent to remain unaware. And why would you? Yes, a few who have demonstrably shown that they will not surrender to God’s Love will remain unaware, because they have chosen for the time being to dissociate themselves from the truth as they attempt to maintain and even strengthen the illusory environment that has seemed to hold you enslaved for so long.
Eventually, the realization of the insanity of attempting to maintain this enclosed, shut down, incredibly limiting and hostile environment will seep into their consciousness, and then they too will seek out God’s loving embrace. Until they make that choice they will be able to continue as if nothing had changed – unaware of the joy into which the vast majority of humanity has surrendered.
Joy is your destiny. It is where God created you and it is the divine state into which you will return. As you wait for this momentous event which will enfold you eternally into the ever-beckoning, all-encompassing, loving arms of your heavenly Father, just relax . . . you need do nothing more than this! This is because by truly relaxing you open your hearts to God, and therefore to all sentient beings, all of creation, and in so doing you become love instead of resistance, compassion instead of judgment, acceptance instead of eschewment — and thus one with all created beings.
Rejection and separation are of the illusion; Reality is infinitely inclusive. None who desire admission will be turned away – this is the unconditional Love of God in action. Your homecoming is awaited with glowing and enthusiastic expectation as we watch and encourage you from the spiritual realms while you drive powerfully forwards to join with us here.
You have always belonged here in the divine realms; your absence has only been momentary, but because to you it has seemed endless, we shall celebrate your return in the grandest of fashions, befitting those who have endured a long and arduous journey, which it most definitely seems to you that you have. These fantastic celebrations will far exceed any expectations that you can possibly imagine. Your delighted amazement is guaranteed!
With so very much love, Saul. 

Greece is bankrupt. Full stop. Game over

'Greece is bankrupt. Full stop. Game over'

26 August 2012
Published on Aug 23, 2012 by RussiaToday

It's 'crunch time' for Greece right now - the German leader and French president are working out whether to grant Athens the 'breathing space' it says it needs to sort its finances out.

The country's been relying on international loans for over two years, but is struggling to meet its bailout conditions.

Meanwhile, Chancellor Merkel's allies in Berlin say 'a Greek exit wouldn't have a 'great impact' on the Eurozone'.

Investment advisor Patrick Young says, whether on not Greece is provided with more time, there's no chance it'll manage to get its economy back on track within the Eurozone.
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