Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Story MSM won't Tell: Obummer is losing, losing BIG...Possibly to be the Biggest Loser in Incumbent History...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The Story MSM won't Tell: Obummer is losing, losing BIG...Possibly to be the Biggest Loser in Incumbent History...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 23:06:39

Actions speak louder than polls…
It's 8:21 on a Saturday morning and according to this photo snapped by Sharon Broadie, this is the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio, (just outside of Columbus) to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan:
Here's a look at the line to get in, and another look at the crowd from another source. And a real jaw-dropper.
Meanwhile, President FailureTeleprompter is relegated to rationalizing his lack of turnout into a "deliberate" desire for smaller, more intimate crowds. Yeah, that sounds like the Mr. Greek Column we've all come to know and grow tired of.
Meanwhile, the media refuses to report on the size of either side's crowds.
Meanwhile, across the country, the documentary film "2016" has just opened wide on over 1,000 screens and in the heart of Hollywood's biggest season hit #3 at the box office.
Meanwhile, though their Media Palace Guards assure us this is not the case, the Obama campaign's increasingly desperate and shrill campaign is acting more and more like a campaign so far behind and so in fear of losing, they feel they have nothing to lose. From "felon" to "chains" to "Mitt killed my wife" to one bald-faced lie after another, President Obama has forsaken the dignity of the office and -- should he win a second term -- all hope of bringing the country together after the kind of scorched-earth campaign only the terrified wage.
Meanwhile, the media is behaving in a manner no less shrill and desperate than their Presidential Master. When the unemployment rate increases, the media tells us that's a good thing. When the economy shrinks from 4.1 to 1.5%, the media still call it "the recovery." When an idiot in Missouri says something stupid about rape and abortion, the media launches into a week-long narrative accusing Republicans of being soft on rape.
Meanwhile, Obama supports infanticide. Romney opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest and when the mother's life is at risk. Yesterday CNN released a poll showing 62% of the American people agree with Romney and only 32% with Obama.
This morning the media was still painting Romney-Ryan as the out-of-touch extremists on this issue.
Meanwhile, yesterday, Mitt Romney made a birth certificate quip and within thirty-minutes those few words received more media attention (and phony outrage) than the record number of American casualties currently mounting in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, as the clock runs down and campaign days grow more and more precious, three days ago, the Obama campaign felt it was a good use of the Vice President to send him to the supposedly safe state of Minnesota.
Meanwhile, yesterday, Mitt Romney was in the true blue state of Michigan.
Something is happening in this country -- something both the Obama campaign and its media cronies know is happening but won't acknowledge.
What's happening is on the ground and not yet quantifiable in polling that doesn’t yet have its sea legs. But it's out there and it's real and before the media and President Obama are forced to acknowledge it, they're spending every bit of their dignity and credibility and integrity to kill it.
Red State's Erick Erickson senses it too.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - 8/26/12 ‘The Decree of your Creator’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - 8/26/12 ‘The Decree of your Creator’
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 23:48:19

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - 8/26/12 ‘The Decree of your Creator’
As channeled through Greg Giles
Swiftly sweeping you towards your new reality are your hopes and your dreams for a better world and a better life for you and those around you. It has been many long eons since many of you could call a world that you live in safe, secure, prosperous, even beautiful, as much of your planet has become scarred and marred in certain ways. We see for you many changes on your horizon, but all of these changes do not come for free without some kind of effort and some levels of responsibility for your roles as caretakers of your new world. What we, the Galactic Federation of Light, propose is that each and every one of you take an active role in not only the shaping of your new world in its design, but in the implementation process where these changes will take place. What we mean by this is we would like to incorporate the efforts of every single person on your planet, although we realize this is very ambitious and would be quite a task and achievement. We also feel this is a goal at least setting for ourselves, to give us a marker to shoot for.
What we wish to achieve by this is a certain level of pride of accomplishment, of ownership, of responsibility for the management, the upkeep and the protection of your new societies and your planet as well. When a being feels responsibility for something, when a being feels that he or she is truly a part of something, their attitudes change considerably and they are more apt to roll up their sleeves and get involved and stay involved, for they feel their contributions are worth something, that their efforts are needed and amount to something. Can you understand this? Can you see that the more hands that pitch in today in the formation of your new world and the more hands that pitch in to the projects and programs that will help shape your new world, then the more hands that will take active roles of leadership in the protection, the upkeep and the maintenance of your new world, and by maintenance we do not mean menial labor.
What we mean by maintenance is that a world does not always survive on its own. There are many necessary tasks needed to keep a society afloat and running at full speed. What we suggest are programs that will incorporate the participation of everyone on your planet in turn, so everyone can be a part of its governance, its maintenance, its planning and its upkeep. We do not wish to see many of you sitting on your hands, as it were, while allowing others to do all the work. As we have said, we have many advanced technologies that will reduce greatly the need for menial labor, and what we are talking about our areas of your new society that will necessitate, at least in some part and at least some of the time, a hands on approach from some of those of your world.
We do not wish and it is not our aim to select certain members of your populations dependent on any variables to be the sole caretakers or workers in these areas, no matter where it is these individuals live, their levels of income, education or social status. We do not do this, and this is not any part of the system we wish to implement in your world. What we propose, and we look today for your responses to learn how you feel about our proposal, is that we wish to implement a system where each and every member of your world will take turns in organized fashion to monitor, and at times, maintain certain systems that necessitate some kind of human attention, and occasionally, adjustment and tuning. This is not much to ask considering the wonderful and generous benefits each and every one of you will be receiving through the construction and implementation of these new systems.
What we are discussing today is a great benefit that will derive from each and every one of you taking a personal and hands on approach to these systems. What we are saying is that these systems will provide more to you than what they have been designed to do and what their function is. What these systems will provide to you is a brand-new higher dimensional attitude for your people, where pride and responsibility for your planet and your brothers and sisters alike will be the new call of the day. No longer will so many individuals ‘pass the buck’, as you say in your world, and allow others to do all the work or allow others to take all the responsibility for the management of so many different systems.
This in large part has been the cause of the fall of your society. So many gave their power away to so few, allowing them to do all the work of governance for them simply in return of providing them some of their taxpayer money and their vote in many cases. This will not do, and the product of such attitudes and choice is evident for all to see in your world today where corruption and chaos, inequity, imbalance, inadequacy, lack of justice and lack of fairness have run rampant throughout just about every society of your world save none. Your world today is in a state of chaos and confusion, as all of the systems that had been implemented are now thunderously crashing to the ground almost simultaneously, as if a higher power said ‘This is enough, the time for all of this madness now comes to an end, so I command. And in its place I command new systems to take the place of these corrupt and outdated, unjust and unclean, impure and unfair, unkind and unloving, un-prosperous and unrewarding systems.’
This has been the decree of your Creator, and that is why we and our alliance are here right now. This is why we have chosen to come here, as your Creator who is our Creator deemed that this planet now undergo great changes to restore her to a world of pristine beauty and fairness, love and light, reward and prosperity for each and every individual who calls this planet their home. We agreed to take on this responsibility and traveled in vast numbers in our great ships and we are here, and we are at this time in orbit around your planet, your solar system, and even beyond into the outer stretches of space. We are everywhere. You may see we are even traveling to and from your surface world quite regularly on assignments to carry out our duties all in the name of these changes that your Creator has commanded. We work tirelessly. We do not take days off. We do not loaf around and do nothing as precious time ticks by, as some of your world somehow have come to believe.
We know and see even more clearly than you possibly can how much time there is allotted for these changes to take place. We say to you that we, on a daily basis, have one eye on the ticking clock and one eye on your world, for time is of the essence and there is no time to spare, to waste, to fritter away or to bargain away. This we understand perfectly clear. We only wish that more of you would understand this and take on the attitude that we have that there is absolutely no time to waste, as it is necessary for many of you to get on your horse and make the changes within yourselves and also find the time in any ways that you can to assist us and assist your brothers and sisters make the changes outside of you in your world, changes with repercussions that will reverberate throughout this entire universe.
We have asked on many occasions for the assistance of those of you who wish to lend a hand, to pitch in and help us achieve certain goals. There are many of you who have responded to our calls and many of you work diligently at your computers each and every day helping us help you by sharing the information that you have ascertained about us, our presence here, our honorable intentions to assist your world, what kind of changes your people can expect and will take place and what this will mean to your people. We have also asked you to share the information pertaining to the arrests of many of the members of your societies who have led you astray, who have taken advantage of you, who have conned you, lied to you and bilked you out of your hard earned money, your freedoms, your health, your wealth and your futures.
We have asked you to do this as these arrests will continue to pick up steam. They are at this time moving at a somewhat rapid pace, a pace that is surely to escalate, and there will come a time where the news of these arrests will break through the media blackout in your western nations. When this happens, can you imagine the chaos that may ensue as so many millions of your citizens who have absolutely no idea that they are even the victims of crimes, no less that the perpetrators, the criminals of these crimes against them are those that they have voted for and continue to support strongly in many cases to this very day? The shock that some of these individuals may experience will go far beyond what they are capable to handle. Many of these individuals will succumb to the shock and it is you, the people of Earth, who must come to their aid.
Before aid would have to be administered, a certain level of prevention is required, for it would make no sense not to practice any level of preventive measure and then allow so many of your people to become injured and force your people to scramble about to try to manage this overflow of those in need. Do you understand what we are saying here? What we are saying is we are asking you, the people of your world, to drop what it is you feel is so important today if these things have nothing to do with your survival or the important changes of your world, because they do not. Whatever it is you are doing, if it is not related to our discussions is not important and must be discarded from your attention. We ask you to help spread awareness of these arrests and what will follow, as this is the ounce of preventive measure that is worth a pound of cure, to coin a very wonderful phrase from your world.
We wish to prevent such an overflow of those who succumb to shock, and we also wish to minimize the shock on your systems, as all of the systems in your world require manpower and the attention of a workforce. When so many members of your work forces will succumb to injury, either mentally or emotionally in the days ahead upon the news of our presence here and the arrests of so many of their elected leaders, can you imagine what will happen to so many of your systems when so many employees fail to show up at their job sites? Your systems will, because they must, begin to collapse one after another in rapid succession. We cannot have this. Your world is not set up to sustain such a barrage of system collapse. Do you understand the importance therefore of doing all that you can today to minimize this shock on your people and your systems? This is why we ask you respectfully time and again to share openly and share as far and as wide as you can this type of information.
You are not wasting your time on an ‘after school project’, as it were, or a hobby. What you would be investing your time in are Earth saving projects to better prepare humanity for these changes that are already well on their way. Considering this, considering how incredibly important the work that you do today is to preserve your societal systems tomorrow, could you find a way today to drop whatever it is that consumes so much of your time and leaves so little to this important assignment? Your assignment is to be a fountain, a wellspring of information relating to these arrests and the incredible changes that are now upon your society, whatever you feel these changes are and which you choose to share with others. You may choose to share the information about our organization, video or photographic evidence of our ships in your skies, details of our mission here, the fact that there are so many thousands of you who now recognize and identify with being incarnated members of our organization known respectfully as Lightworkers, you may even choose to share some of our channeled communications with others, although we do not recommend to use our channeled communications as any kind of proof or evidence of our existence, as this level of evidence is not very suitable for this task, as we have learned here in your world, many of your people shun these communications because they do not trust the channels that are delivering them.
There is a great level of distrust, suspicion and cynical skepticism in your world, far more so than in most worlds throughout this universe, although this level of cynicism and skepticism we have encountered before, we wish to make that clear. Here you have many reasons for this, and we will not go into them at this time for it is beyond the scope of our discussion with you today, but we will say though that there has been such a level of deceit and lying going on here in your world for so many eons of time that we do not blame any of you at all for your levels of distrust and skepticism. That is all we have to say about this for now, but we do remind you that using our channeled communications to help spread the word of our organization is not at all advised, as these forms of communication are better served to those of you who already resonate with our existence and wish to be kept abreast of updates and our communications from our side of our great team effort here.
We do suggest to you to share the video footage of our ships, as we feel this is perhaps your best ‘weapon’ to spread awareness of our organization, always keeping in mind that we feel it is a good idea to identify the ships in the video footage with a name such as Galactic Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command, and not just simply saying that these are what you call UFOs, as we are no longer unidentifiable to you, are we? When you see ships in your skies that you know are not aircraft from your 3rd dimensional world, you now have identified them as either ships from the Galactic Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command. There are other alliances here as well that are aligned with the light, but for now let us just focus on these two commands, and we ask you to help others understand that these lights and objects in your sky are our ships, they are under intelligent control.
We are here on a mission, and when you see our ships you know that we are working, we are not joyriding or just lollygagging around, we are performing a certain duty at that time, even if that certain duty is to simply make our ships known to you, as this is one of the operations we engage in on a daily basis. We see individuals in certain areas and we have ways of learning if they are equipped with photographic or video equipment. We will then decide if it is safe to make our appearance known to them, and we will reveal ourselves by de-cloaking and moving closer to these individuals. In most of the cases where video footage and photographs of our ships have been taken by your people we were fully aware we were being videotaped and photographed. It is not like we had no idea this was going on, as a matter of fact, in most cases these photographs and videos were not only permitted to be taken, but we facilitated this event by purposely de-cloaking and moving closer towards the individuals equipped with this photographic and video equipment. We wish to make that clear, so the next time you see us in your skies and you are taking photographs or video footage of our ships, know that we know you are there and we are saying hello to you and we want you to take as much footage as you can and then please share this evidence as much as you can, as this is the purpose of this event.
With that said, we say to you keep your eyes to the skies. We will be, as we have been, increasing the number and quality of the sightings of our ships. Some of these sightings will become rather exciting, as we feel it is now time to push the limits, so to speak, and start making our presence known at a somewhat greater level than it is now. As we have said and we maintain this policy, we will not land at the 50 yard line of a Sunday football game. We will not land at any large event where many of your people are gathered. We feel this would cause panic and could cause a lot of injury, either emotionally, mentally or even physically if we were to do this. We instead will continue our efforts to increase the number and quality of the sightings of our ships and allow you, the people of Earth, to share this footage so that those who wish to see and wish to believe will do so, and those who choose not to see and not to believe will possess that option.
Do you understand this? Do you understand that we are walking a very tight rope here between offering you the evidence that so many of you wish for, while also respecting the boundaries and the choices of those who are not yet prepared for such a revelation? We must honor and abide by the choices of others as well, not just those who choose to learn of our existence and choose to accept us and work with us on the many projects that we have scheduled. We must be very delicate and take great care in preserving the realities of those who do not wish for great change such as this and to learn of such great revelations as this.
So we will continue our policy of demonstrating the existence of our ships in your skies for those of you who wish to videotape us and photograph us and share this evidence with those who wish to accept it and even enjoy it. We certainly enjoy seeing your smiling faces, sometimes very awe inspired, at the site of our ships flying overhead. Just always keep in mind that in many cases we are waiving to you as you are filming us and we invite you to wave back at us, for we love this, as it makes us feel very welcomed.
We are your friends and your family flying in your skies. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
*For all those interested in sharing video footage of GFL or Ashtar Command ships, you may find suitable video footage through the ‘bestrealufovideos’ link at the top right of this blog page, or through the following link. It's easy to share videos, just click the Facebook, Twitter and Email icons below each video you like!*
Ascension Earth 2012

Gary Johnson's Speech At PAUL Fest!


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The Unvetted: Obama’s Communist Roots And Mentor

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Unvetted: Obama’s Communist Roots And Mentor
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 17:43:47

GOP Establishment Fears Ron Paul Upset at the Convention 5 mins

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

MUST MUST LISTEN: GOP Establishment Fears Ron Paul Upset at the Convention 5 mins
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 17:41:10

IF this is not proof of how corrupt both parties are and how they are controlled from beyond, people are either blind, deaf or insane. "The powers that be" have done EVERYTHING possible to keep Ron Paul off this ticket. They would not allow him proper time at debates. The media has treated him as a non-contender the whole time. Since they have not contrived a way to rig the voting machines with him being THE actual Republican candidate, they are doing everything frantically possible to ensure that does not happen. Their actions are showing exactly how corrupt they really are. SO PLEASE WATCH CLOSELY!!! I am understanding why now they expect so much trouble at this convention.

List Of Obama Accomplishments!

I have a small list to add to the one below:

First president unable to pronounce corpsmen. (He says corpse men.)
First president who does not know how many states there are in the Republic. (He thinks there are 57.)
First president who does not know that you put your hand on your heart when the National Anthem is played.  (A Federal Statute requires it.)
(Every elementary student throughout the nation knows all of the above information!) 
First president to be openly associated with known terrorists, felons and communists. (Rezko, Blago, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Frank Marshall Davis, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, Anita Dunn)
First president to violate the Constitution 21 times.
First president to "flub" his oath of office on the Holy Bible and redo it a second time in privacy the following day.  (Was the second time with the Quran?)
First president to have a book written by his partner about their homosexual relationship.
First president to be accused of using a fraudulent social security number as well as posting fraudulent birth certificaltes on the internet.
First president to repeatedly commit countless unlawful acts and the media, whose business it is to report the news, says NOTHING!

List Of Obama Accomplishments!
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 02:10:57
List Of Obama Accomplishments!
Quit Trashing President Obama's Accomplishments.
He has done more than any other President before him. He has an impressive list of accomplishments:
First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
First President to violate the War Powers Act.
First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
First President to spend a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs when there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.
First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
First President to terminate America's ability to put a man in space.
First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.
First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.
First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to go on multiple "global apology" tours and concurrent "insult our friends" tours.
First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayer.
First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
First President to repeat the Holy Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences. Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).
How is this hope and change working out for you?

Did Washington Kill Its Favorite Saudi Prince, Bandar Bush?

Did Washington Kill Its Favorite Saudi Prince, Bandar Bush?

By Saman Mohammadi
August 1st, 2012

“Keep your friends close, but your enemies 

closer.” – Sun Tzu.

Following unofficial reports by Voltaire Network that Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia was assassinated on July 26, analysts pointed to the government of Syria as the prime suspect.
The motive is clear: revenge. Days earlier, Prince Bandar reportedly oversaw an intelligence operation that caused the deaths of Assad’s top generals.
But the question that must be asked is who else wanted Prince Bandar dead besides Syria? What if a different party is responsible for his death?
There are several interpretations about who was behind Prince Bandar’s death because the Saudi leadership is not releasing any information about this shocking story.
This article represents only one interpretation. It takes as its premise that the government in Washington is the suspect.
I admit this is conspiracy theorizing, but it is grounded in facts and history. In the attempt to find out why Prince Bandar was killed we must not concentrate on the obvious and point to Syria. Appearances can be deceiving in these situations.
If it is shown with proof and official statements that Syria was responsible then take this article’s conclusions as a conspiracy theory, and nothing more.
But until the world knows with absolute certainty who killed Bandar Bush and why, it is our task to ask questions and look at every possible angle. We must keep in mind that many people wanted to see Prince Bandar go away; for some, permanently. A man like him makes a lot of enemies.
Last year, historian Webster G. Tarpley explained on the Alex Jones show that Prince Bandar was preparing to say goodbye to Washington and move Saudi Arabia closer to nuclear Pakistan and China.
Over the years, dissent within the Saudi royal family has grown, and it seems that the question of which nuclear power to look to for protection has divided the leadership the most.
The recent assassination of Prince Bandar makes Tarpley’s analysis from last year that much more important.
According to Tarpley, Prince Bandar was distancing himself from the American Eagle. He knew his regime was targeted by Washington for regime change, so he started looking at Pakistan to provide security. Naturally, Washington would be pissed by Bandar’s aggressiveness.
The prideful Eagle saw a rebellion looming in Saudi Arabia’s inner circle and wanted blood.
II. Prince Bandar Bush: A Man of Two Clans
Prince Bandar Bush was truly a man of two clans. As Washington’s adopted son, his fate was tied to a hostile house that is famous for disloyaty and betrayal. He was planning to strike against his American father, and as a result he was no longer considered the favourite son in the family.
The American father wasn’t in the mood of tolerating a rebellion. So he took out his whip and made sure the Saudi prince knew who was the boss.
There can be only one prince of darkness in this world, and he resides in the White House in Washington.
It is generally known that Prince Bandar was one of Al-Qaeda’s chief financiers but he should not be made the scapegoat. He acted merely as an executioner for the tyrants who control the CIA, Wall Street, and the White House. The sin of creating Al-Qaeda belongs to the CIA alone.
III. The Eagle Sees All: Washington Refuses To Be Checkmated
In this interview with Alex Jones in April 2011, historian Webster G. Tarpley discussed Prince Bandar’s decision to move Saudi Arabia closer to nuclear Pakistan and China, and away from the United States because of its “color revolution” policy. Tarpley says that the prince was wise to Washington’s plot against the Saudi royal regime and sought a future in which Washington was no longer Saudi Arabia’s superpower patron.
Here is an excerpt from the interview:
“The idea that Bandar is turning towards an alliance with Pakistan in order to defend Saudi Arabia against the U.S. is a kind of strategic revolution. Up to now, Saudi Arabia has relied on the United States for security. But now the people around Bandar see, obviously, that Obama is the main threat, that the U.S. regime, the CIA, the NED [National Endowment for Democracy], are the main threat to the internal security of Saudi Arabia. So they’re looking for an option. Now once you say Pakistan, of course, you’re also saying nuclear weapons. You can say in a certain way it’s quite possible that Bandar has arranged that Saudi Arabia is now under the Pakistani nuclear umbrella.
This is quite a new thing in world affairs. These are two countries, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, who have been under the US yoke, totally dominated by the US, bombed in the case of Pakistan, who are trying to make a jailbreak.” [You can hear the quote starting at the 2:45 mark to the 3:40 mark].
Later in the interview, Tarpley added that an alliance between Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China, and Russia would signal the end of U.S.-British dominance in the Middle East. Washington would essentially be checkmated had Prince Bandar succeeded in disconnecting Saudi Arabia from Washington’s iron grip.
This bold move would’ve marked the start of a whole new ball game in world politics.
IV. Washington’s Dark History of Double-Crossing Its Allies
It is said that great powers don’t have permanent allies, only permanent interests. In the case of Washington it couldn’t be more true.
In the late 1970s, Washington threw the Shah of Iran under the bus in a dishonourable fashion after discovering that he had cancer through the Shah’s right hand man, General Hossein Fardoust. Instead of letting the Iranian people decide their own political fate, Washington acted against the Shah by destabilizing his regime while covertly supporting his successor, Ayatollah Khomeini. Read more about this secret history in, “An Epic Deception: America’s Overthrow of The Shah And The Secret Quest For A One World Government.”
Washington is cold-blooded in its mad pursuit of hegemony in the Middle East, and that is normal behaviour by a superpower. But we don’t live in normal times. The nuclear age and the era of a lone superpower don’t mix.
One is coming to an end, hopefully both. Washington must give up its hegemonic power and ambitions peacefully, or else it risks dragging the Middle East and the world to the nuclear abyss.
Saman Mohammadi is the writer and editor at The Excavator

Galactic Family Of Light Wake Up Call Horus August 24 2012

It is a time for further explanation of what is to take place when the majority of all people on earth awaken to their fullness of fifth dimensionality. It is not a matter of being in the right place at the right time; it is a matter of being within the inner knowing of who you are and what you are capable of.

I am Horus, and as I bring this information to you I do so with the complete recall of how it was for me before I was aware of who I am and why I am here. It is a known thing that there is more than what meets the eye in these days of unrest. It is a matter of being in the know and going from there.

Give yourselves the freedom to know what it is that you want and then go from there in the knowledge that it is already in place for you. It was your recognition of what it is that you desire for your life that created it. See how powerful you are! As soon as you recognized what it is that you desire and intend for your life, it became your creation and awaits your claim.

There is a mater of importance that is coming to the front on the planet, and that is that there is a coming revelation about what will be shown to the world's people about their society. It will be a huge eye opener for many of you, and an 'aha moment' for the rest of you who have been awaiting this moment of truth. When the curtain comes up on the world stage about the play of the financial structure in the world it will be as a huge awakening for all those who have been in the dark for so long. When I speak of the dark, I speak of the place of not being able to see what is in front of them, because it has been so clouded over from past generations of deceit and innuendo of truth. What the ones who have been creating this deceit for so many years have created as truth, is indeed false and is designed to deceive all of those on earth who have not been part of the family of the darkness.

It is all about to come out into the open. Realize that there will be repercussions that will make it seem as if some of the way-showers are speaking through their tongues of deceit. This will only last for a few moments and then the evidence will come that is so clear and final that no one will go to that place of disbelief any more.


Galactic Federation Of Light

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/25/12 'From Foal to Steed'

The Galactic Federation of Light discuss how far we have come and how close we are to making our dreams become our reality.

Poofness - 8-26-12 Dialing For Dollars

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Dialing for Dollars
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 16:18:01 -0400
Janis Joplin
"Mercedes Benz"
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?
I'm counting on you, Lord, please don't let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
That's it! 
Greetings and Salutations;
How many heard or saw the detonation? I know the folks that caught it were watching the money and business channels out here. The distractions in the media kept most from catching it. The whole system was technically, reset. Computers all around the world..banking computers. If you have a computer, you've most likely had to reboot..especially microsoft based. Curiously enough, all was finalized at that moment. International legalities handled. A big fire won't make This go away. Precisely where things are, I won't say, I want nothing disturbed. I need that warm sand and sea, Now. Time to flush this puppy and move on.
I suggest calm, the 'hair fire' messages, as people give voice to their own nightmares, aren't helping. Yes, everything is in serious flux...but, that's nature. Always making adjustments according to what's needed. Shades of the 60's...race riots, fire in the streets, war and wanting more war....martial law..water Ever stop and consider, 'somebody' is working ya? A concerted effort to keep you disturbed, edgy, nervy, the need for paxil...the time is here and the bad guys giving it their best to hang on. Tsunamis don't care who's in the way, and they've been in the way of progress for the planet as a whole for long enough, the alarm clock has gone off...if you haven't woke up...expect some cold water thrown on you. Your free will only governs how You deal with has no ability to stop anything or change it for the world. Kind of a lonely place to be. It's the kind of thing that's so personal, only you can figure out what works for you and yours'. Not about 'we'...the potential of the new is within this moment on planet earth. If you've treated others like you've wanted treated, you can grab your surf board and cruise this wave to the new shore.
I suppose, they'll be some sort of siren, at the last moment before arrival but you should've been paying attention to the rumbles of it's approach so, you wouldn't be surprised. No matter what the issue is out here, it can be deduced down to the level of money, more personal than some people's own hearts. Now here ya are, money will never be the object, what are you going to do? What new problem will you create for yourself, to feel alive? Exchanging...'I have to...' to 'I choose to'. Ridding your life of 'I can't' to, 'I will'. People like that too..Turn your back and walk away. I choose internal Peace!
Let us be done with celebrating our Labors..and celebrate our Joys, as some are doing at this very moment. Maybe cruising in the new Have fun!
Love and Kisses,