Monday, August 27, 2012

Birthers: 4 Simple Questions for Obama

Birthers: 4 Simple Questions

 The birthers live on with these simple questions:
4 Simple Questions

      1. Back in 1961 people of color were  called 'Negroes.'   So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is 'African-American' when the term wasn't even  used at that  time?

      2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father.   No big deal,right?   At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in " Kenya, East  Africa ".   This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth.  How could Obama's  father have been born in a country that did not yet exist?  Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963,  it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".

      3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital ". 
This cannot be,  because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively.  The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals  merged.  How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?

      4. Why  hasn't this been discussed in the major  media?

Perhaps a clue comes from Obama’s book on  his father.  He states how proud he is of his father fighting  in WW II.  I’m not a math genius, so I may need some help  from you.  Barack Obama’s “birth certificate” says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when he was born.  That should have put his father’s date of birth approximately 1936—if my math holds (Honest!  I did that without a calculator!!!)  Now we  need a non-revised history book—one that hasn’t been altered to satisfy the author’s goals—to verify that WW II was basically between 1939 and 1945.  Just how many 3 year olds fight in wars?  Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn’t have been more than 9.  Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a  liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes (still qualifies as a “liar”)?


An Open Message to Police & Military by Drake

An Open Message to Police & Military

by Drake
                                        > NOTICE <
        Either you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem.
                                         Which is it?
        I would offer that just as we are working towards FREEDOM, there
is a second part we have not addressed.
        I offer that the decision has to be made by our military and all policing
        >Do you want your reputation restored?
        IF so, all of those who are of the understanding of correct conduct
need to take the action of upholding what they have sworn to uphold.
        That no unconstitutional actions of any kind will be taken against
We The People.
        ALL provisions of our founding documents be upheld as The Standard
to be followed.
       Most people are fed up in one way or another, and the actions listed
above will show that our military and policing agencies are just as fed up with
being required to violate their oaths.
       For those who do not understand, it is simple. The military and police
have the same reputation that the Militias have, that of being armed terrorists.
       This is why I advocate that every individual reconsider their actions and
the actions they are ordered to it constitutional?
       Does any of the above have the courage to go public on this?
Drake | August 27, 2012 at 7:22 am | Categories: News | URL:

Jackpot: Colorado Public Television; appeal to Drake by Drake

Jackpot: Colorado Public Television; appeal to Drake

From: Jesse Biddle
Date: August 23, 2012 7:58:35 AM EDT
Subject: Jackpot: Colorado Public Television; appeal to Drake
Dear Denise,
First off, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you are doing. I have been following Drake since his first interview with David Wilcox, but the “environment” you have created at Global Voice has really allowed for the growth of this movement, the inclusion of all types of people, and the message to spread.
One thing that most people who are just waking up or have recently woke up are desperately looking for is “proof,” and I hope Drake understands why the questions seeking proof persist. Speaking for myself, “proof” is what helped me know that I wasn’t crazy, especially when the majority of people around me think I am (we are). The other reason is that the minute you wake up, and you realize just how much you have been lied to your entire life, you become highly suspicious of everything you hear. From my own experiences and what I’ve learned, I believe what Drake is saying, but that fear of being misled (again) is what keeps popping up in my head when I hear certain things, and that’s why I continue to want to see proof. It is also discouraging when people who are, or have been, revealing “truths” disagree (examples: Bill Wood, David Icke, White Hats, Matthew’s Books, etc.). Most of us understand the disinformation game, and that creating confusion is one of the most effective tools in their tool box. That is another reason why people, and I put myself in this category, want to continue to hear proof from Drake. I understand that he may get tired of having to “prove” what he is saying over and over, but I hope he understands that our history of deception is what leads to this, and ask for his patience, and to continue to put forth proof.
My faith in him and his message was shaken after the first “green light,” and it nearly lead to the end of my marriage. Just a little background: I am 41 years old, have two young children, and work in the insurance industry. My “awakening” a year and a half ago was a traumatic experience (realizing the world isn’t what you think it is), and I tried to warn people, and was declared crazy. To have any chance of saving my relationship with my wife (who continues to live in ignorance), I had to admit myself to a mental hospital, where I spent 3 days. Unfortunately my behavior–making some public declarations to people about what is really going on, only reinforced to my wife that these “ideas” are crazy. It was at that time that I discovered faith for the first time in my life, and that is what helped me get through that time, and all the time since. I got out of the hospital and just shut my mouth about what I knew, and focused on keeping my family together and keeping my job.
But the truth is that I have been leading a double life. There was one friend who introduced me to some of the ideas about what was going on. He showed me “The Money Masters” DVD, and that started to get my brain working and I started asking other questions, which ultimately lead to my “discovery” of the truth. So initially I had 1 friend, but over time I have made many more friends and have continued to seek the truth, and figure out what I could do to help. Like Drake, Minuteman, and so many callers, I am doing this for my children. Let me just say that at the moment my life was crashing around me, I prayed, and told God that I was not going to be afraid any more, no matter what happened (even the loss of my family and job), as I saw what happened to me, very rapidly, when I let fear control me. And I have lived without fear ever since, and my life has never been the same. The only exception to that is the fear I have continued to allow about losing my wife and children, and that has kept me quiet at home, and not doing more of what I would otherwise (join a militia, start a blog, talk to our friends). I think most people would understand this–we all would do anything for our families, and that’s hard to do if you’re not with them. So, my greatest challenge has been to try to help wake people up–to raise the collective consciousness out of its stupor. Having been deeply asleep my whole life before, I know how hard this can be. And this gets back to “proof.”
But before I go there, I took a risk after Drake called the first green light, and told my wife that there was about to be a revolution in our country. I wanted to warn her so she was not surprised by what was about to happen. She immediately thought I was crazy again and asked me to go see a doctor. She gave me “two weeks” for proof (the amount of time I told her it might take to happen), and when it didn’t happen, it caused issues in our relationship (I’ll leave it at that).
Drake has said that he was mislead and trusted some people he shouldn’t have, and that was what lead to the “wrong” call of the July 4th green light. It would be helpful for me, and I’m sure a lot of other listeners, to hear details on how he was mislead, and who mislead him. If they mislead him, then he doesn’t need to protect their identities any longer. I have placed my faith in Drake and all of you at Global Voice, and hearing this would help me, and may save my family.
I will say that when Drake called the second green light earlier this month, I did not mention it to my wife, but am waiting to see what happens at the RNC.
Well, that was a long introduction to what I am excited to share. Subsequent to my awakening, I have been continually searching for information that I could share with people to help wake them up. Based on some “failed efforts,” I know what may be accepted by the average “sleeping sheeple”, and I have just found the jackpot.
The trailer for the “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth” documentary (“Experts Speak Out”), has been posted on YouTube for quite a while, but the entire documentary was just broadcast by *Colorado Public Television*, and is on their website:
This is as close to mainstream media as we get. I highly recommend everyone watch it to understand the truth behind this false flag tragedy that was perpetrated upon the citizens of the US and the people of the world.
The best part, in my opinion, is about the psychology of this information–there are many interviews from psychiatrists and psychologists about how our mind accepts or rejects what doesn’t fit with our understanding of things (I’m assuming that part is in the broadcast version, and hasn’t been edited out, but it is in the DVD I have). If anyone wants to learn more, they can go to
I think given that this is on public television, people may “accept” the information contained in it. I share this with you, and ask you to pass this along to the listeners, not only as “proof” of the most recent terrible false flag tragedy, but something that may help them feel comfortable sharing with others, as I am doing, to help wake people up. Note: watch it quick before it is taken off the website.
You can read my email on air.
Love and blessings,

'The Anarchists are coming! Oh my!'

No doubt, there are some actual useful idiots
out there. However, and more often than not,
they're not idiots at all, they're just bad people.

And they know exactly what they're doing.

I'm talking about agent provocateurs.

The propaganda to justify a 'police state' in
Tampa is coming out hard and fast...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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Fabulous response to Homeowners Assoc.

This is fabulousI love it!    I suppose now they will tell him his color pallet is out of compliance....

Here is the most brilliant statement ever made without a word being said!!!!!

This guy was told by his Homeowners Association that he could not fly the American Flag in his yard......

This is his response:      

Is this not one of the biggest "Up YOURS!!! "     you've ever seen?

The Cure For a Gov't that usurps it's Constitution is known as Lawful Revolution...When will it Start??

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Cure For a Gov't that usurps it's Constitution is known as Lawful Revolution...When will it Start??
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 27-Aug-2012 09:20:23

A lawful revolution is in response to government that abjectly violates its own laws, and refuses all reasonable offers to return government limits within its own constitution. It is a revolution that requests its own law enforcement to do their job to arrest obvious criminals in their own government. The central crimes are in unlawful wars that kill millions, and massive economic fraud that harms billions and loots trillions of the 99%’s earnings every year.
Government crimes was America’s challenge that the Continental Congress and Thomas Jefferson addressed in our Declaration of Independence. Please give two minutes of your attention to this central text of being American:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”
Revolution 2012: It's time to rise, lawfully
Video: Revolution 2012: It's time to rise, lawfully
We the People hold these patriots as heroes today. I am a history teacher: the Founders considered themselves loyal to their government BECAUSE its history was one of freedom from tyranny, and overthrowing would-be kings that attempted dictatorial rather than limited government.
The American Revolution only occurred a year after its own government attacked its own citizens under an unlawful standing army attempted to disarm its citizens at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. American leaders wrote and offered the “Olive Branch Petition” asking their government to restrain itself within its own laws and essentially forgiving its military-murders of American civilians.
Our government responded in 1775 by calling such Americans “traitors” with no retreat from their orders to arrest American leadership whose only “crime” was asking for lawful government.
That is history; this is today.
As always for today, we ask for peaceful, lawful response to what we allege in good faith as “emperor has no clothes” obvious crimes centering in war and money, and obfuscated by a 1% cartel/corporate media.
My only suggestion to the 99% is to let your heart and mind guide your beautiful, unique, and powerful self-expressions.

Gov't Following 'Stalinist Model' for Detaining Veterans Under NDAA

Gov't Following 'Stalinist Model' for Detaining Veterans Under NDAA

Published on Aug 25, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
The lawyer who helped secure the release of Brendon Raub, a former Marine forcibly incarcerated in a psychiatric ward by authorities in Virginia for political posts on Facebook, told the Alex Jones Show today that there are currently a further 20 cases in his county alone that are similar in nature to Raub's detention.

John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute also said that he had been contacted by numerous veterans in the aftermath of Raub's release who had encountered similar problems with authorities attempting to have them declared mentally ill.

Whitehead attributed the high number of cases involving veterans as a consequence of the Department of Homeland Security's aggressive campaign to demonize former service members as domestic extremists.

Despite controversy at the time, DHS chief Janet Napolitano said she stood by an April 2009 DHS intelligence assessment that listed returning vets as likely domestic terrorists.

Just a month later, the New York Times reported on how Boy Scout Explorers were being trained by the DHS to kill "disgruntled Iraq war veterans" in terrorist drills.

The FBI has also gone out of its way to characterize returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan as a major domestic terrorist threat.
by Paul Joseph Watson
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Sarah Palin Says Third Party Option Not Out of the Realm of Possibility

As the GOP tries desperately to stop Ron Paul and his delegates from influencing the nominating process Sarah Palin lobs a grenade into the battlefield...

Sarah Palin Says Third Party Option Not Out of the Realm of Possibility

"Look what happened in the mid 1800's. The Whig party went away and the Republican Party surfaced. Because the electorate got sick and tired of the party fighting for power and not doing the will of the people."

"If history is an indication it is a possibility," she said. "If the Republicans don't remember what the planks in the platform represent ... that is opportunity to prosper and thrive in the most exceptional nation in the world. We do that through a free market. If the Republicans become like the liberal left and democrats, I wouldn't be surprised if history didn't repeat itself."

It no longer matters if you like or dislike Sarah Palin, the fact of the matter is that she has the power to destroy any chance the Republicans have of winning the Presidency if she chooses to run or if she supports Ron Paul as a 3rd party candidate.

The GOP leadership knows this and they are in serious trouble. If they alienate both Ron Paul and Sarah Palin it is GAME OVER.  THIS statement by Palin is a clear by the rules OR ELSE!


May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

The Arcturian Group Message – August 26, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Arcturian Group Message – August 26, 2012
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Aug-2012 08:57:05

As channelled by Marilyn Raffaele
We come to wish you all a very happy summer. Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened.
Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living.
You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.
This new world is represented through new ways of living and yet, it is not new at all, for you are simply now awakening to the realization that you are and always have been, One. All living things are connected by virtue of their being in and of the One omnipresent, One omnipotent, and One omniscient Consciousness.
As the manifestation of Source, you are also one with every Divine Idea within Divine Consciousness. Think upon that dear ones–you are actually one with Divine ideas of abundance, joy, peace, intelligence, completeness, wholeness, and much more. These Divine ideas are held in place by law. If there were disease or lack in Divine Consciousness, it would be held in place forever and could never be healed or changed.
Many of you are now experiencing painful endings; the leaving behind of people, places, and things that no longer resonate with you. These things as you have known them, are not held in place by Divine law but were the expressions of your state of consciousness at the time they were important to you.
Do not be afraid to lovingly let go of all that is finished, because this paves the way for new and higher forms of that which you love to appear in your experience–new friends, new activities, new joys, for nothing real can ever be lost and your new and higher resonance will draw that which is completeness for you, to you.
There are two areas of strong belief firmly intrenched in the third dimensional consciousness and both are causing pain for many at this time. These two are; 1.Beliefs regarding romantic relationships and 2.Beliefs about money.
In third dimensional energy (duality and separation) relationships are based on the concept that “I am half of a couple”. “I need you to give me the feminine energy” (male belief), or “I need you to to give me the masculine energy” (female belief) and “together we are whole”. This concept has been in place for lifetimes and is still being pushed upon you through books, movies, television shows, family, friends, churches etc.
However, as you awaken to your innate completeness, you begin to understand that you are already complete and whole and that as the manifestation of Source, you embody both the masculine and the feminine qualities/energy.
Those spiritually ready for this awareness but still needing to integrate their masculine or feminine aspect are now getting ample opportunities for practice through experiences of daily living that force one or the other to take on responsibilities heretofore believed to belong to the opposite sex.
You cannot move forward into the new and higher energies while still entertaining the belief that you are half. All have both the masculine and feminine energies. It is a matter bringing them into a balance regardless of what physical form has been chosen for this life time. This awakening is causing conflict in many established marriages and relationships as suddenly one partner realizes his or her completeness while the other chooses to stay in the old energy of being half of a couple.
The other area manifesting many problems now is the struggle to release the beliefs of financial lack and limitation. Mankind creates from its state of consciousness–personally as well as globally. The third dimensional consciousness always manifests as pairs of opposites because it is an energy of duality and separation. Therefore, the world as you have experienced it lifetime after lifetime, has always known lack and limitation, it has become the accepted normal. There is a human matrix of beliefs and it is filled with concepts of lack with more being added each day.
Your job is to stop claiming these beliefs as true and thus allowing them to become your state of consciousness. You are ready to move beyond this matrix of beliefs and it is difficult.
Abundance is held in place by Divine law and you are now ready to accept and embrace that. We are not guiding you to sit in poverty repeating over and over; “God is all” while doing nothing, for to “pretend a state of consciousness not attained, is human”. Truth must become a state of realized consciousness before it can manifest.
What we are saying, is that it is time to make the first step as you consider acting on a financial situation, a step of realizing that Divine Consciousness (which you are in your true essence) contains nothing of lack. Recognize that you have simply come under the influence of false concepts and beliefs because it is all you have ever known–no judgement, no guilt–just a moving into the new and higher awareness of abundance as being for all, held in place by Divine Law.
This is your journey, this is evolution–your work as you evolve. Remember, you chose to evolve through duality and separation and you are doing a fine job. After assuring yourself of the truth, then proceed take whatever human footsteps may be necessary at the time.
All is about to change very soon and this is why we guide you to let go of blindly holding on to things and ways that no longer work for you. You are moving into new awareness which in turn will lead you into a new and higher state of consciousness. When people try and hold to what is old and finished and no longer resonates simply because of family, friends, false pride or duty, they hold themselves back and cause themselves much unnecessary pain. However, there will always be free will and all can choose when and if they wish to awaken.
It is a new time dear ones, a time for celebration, for that which is real is beginning to manifest. You are not hearing about this through your media, but much is taking place behind the scenes. Hold to your center of truth as best you can with every experience of daily life while visualizing your energy field filled with Light.
You are being bombarded with much that is old and false as the clearing process within and without manifests chaos. The Light is forcing illusions created of shadow energy to surface in order that they be looked at and released. You are beginning to recognize this chaos for what it is– the manifestation of that with is old and untrue, creations of duality and separation.
Mankind as a whole is no longer resonating with ideas of war, in spite of the intense and ongoing efforts of those seeking to keep you in bondage to the belief that war is necessary for your safety.
You are now awakening to what is real and the understanding that real power lies within. We love you and congratulate you in your difficult yet necessary work of awakening, dear ones. All is proceeding according to plan.
Trust. Trust. Trust.
We are the Arcturian Group

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 27, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 27, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Aug-2012 06:55:21

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 27, 2012
Some people ask what shall they do when they have to make decisions that will take them beyond the 21st. December. The answer will always be to follow your intuition, as whatever you do it will not affect your Ascension. What is however important is to settle any differences you have with friends and relations. It can be done if you accept the need to start the New Age with a clean slate, and realize that some old relationships will end and new ones begin. There will be more partnerships rather than marriages, as you will come into groups that will work together for each others benefit. You will in fact have more freedom than previously, having reached a higher level of consciousness. You will be able to travel freely and reach out to the Galaxy to go wherever your desires take you.
Part of your immediate growth is from lifting your thoughts up so that you can focus on the future. Your present cycle is ending and with it should go any attachments that could hold you back. Have no regrets as you have had hundreds of lives that have speeded up your evolution. You are in line for a much better life without the drawbacks that duality has confronted you with. Yet all of your experiences have been part of your upliftment, and you will always benefit from them. Duality has been a time of fully experiencing the senses and emotions and learning to control them. You have the ability to keep negative emotions in check, and you cannot excuse yourselves if you fail by claiming that is how you are. You must make the effort to change, and this will benefit you in many ways, as you will feel much better within yourselves. Anger in particular has a debilitating affect on you, and when it repeatedly occurs it is damaging your body and can bring the onset of illness.
Dear Ones the point is that as you become more of the Light your attention is drawn to the harmonious things in life, and as you progress it does become easier to maintain your peace and calmness. That is you becoming more in alignment with your Higher Self, which is your ultimate objective. What you were is not the real you, and duality is not your true reality. It is all an illusion that has been created by you all since you dropped down into the lower vibrations. Since then you have had your highs and lows, but as the Human Race you have never reached such a point as now, where every soul has the opportunity to ascend.
Before you reach the 21st. December many opportunities will be given to those who are unaware of what is coming. Also to those who have decided that they have no interest in leaving your present Earth, so that they have no regrets afterwards. As we have told you previously whatever decision you make is upheld, and what is most important is that you proceed with your evolution at a level that is exactly right for you. So when you reach that stage after Ascension and realize that some people known to you have not ascended, it should not be a time of sadness. In some cases you may later choose to work with them by acting as a Guide, so your link with them will still be quite strong.
With relatively little time left before the closure of this cycle, there is much taking place and all will be prepared in time for it. As you now understand, most of it relates to various forms of cleansing, and the removal of those dark Ones and their power and influence, that is now breaking up. There is no way back for them and much about their operations is coming into the public knowledge. It is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past. It goes back a very long time from when the negative energies were first attracted to Earth. You have in fact carried out a great service for the Universe by helping transmute them, often at great cost to yourselves.
Set yourselves free from the lower influences and stand up for your beliefs, because as the truth comes out you may have to explain your position. It is not however necessary to convince others that you carry the truth, or convert them to your ideas. When people are ready for it, it will be recognized for what it is, and much of what has stood for the truth is now being revealed, and it will make people re-access their beliefs. Before very long the Masters will return to Earth, and with those already here will ensure that the false teachings and historical records are either corrected or removed. The truth is not just something written into your records, but an energy that lifts other people up and brings them to a true understanding.
Just think for a moment how as visitors to your Earth we are maligned and deliberately shown as monsters bent on enslaving you, and stealing your lands. We are described as aliens when in fact we are your true family, and have never lifted as much as a finger against you in anger. Any such activities against you are not by members of the Galactic Federation of Light, but by other Extraterrestrials or by your own forces. It is of course all done to make you fearful of us, and is not helped by some religious groups who claim we are devils. We would ask that you wait until we can walk amongst you and then you will feel our auric emanations, and know that we come in Love and Light.
We know that many of you who read our comments already understand our position. You are our vanguard and there will come a time when your knowledge will be invaluable to us. We cannot be everywhere at once, and you will be on hand to answer the questions from those who are new to the whole idea of Ascension. It is quite something to grasp and accept, particularly as the idea of the end of time has a connotation of losing everything you own and are familiar with. It can be a frightening thought, but is acceptable once it is understood that it is but a new beginning. One that propels you into a wonderful realm of peace and harmony, where you can forget all of your worries. In truth you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with my love for you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.