Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The evil of compartmentalization

The evil of compartmentalization

So, they checked your background, and you got that job at an intelligence agency. No doubt you are smart, and with that fancy compartmentalized clearance you have, you can truly claim to be the BIG SHOT. But perhaps there is something you failed to consider . . . . . .

There is something that I am sure most people do not realize when they talk about the NSA, CIA, FBI, ect. And that is that these agencies are staffed by highly moralistic and very good people (Unless they are Mossad). A tyrannical government will always seek out the best in a society, the most intelligent, most honest, hardest working people, because it is these people who will report back 100 percent, do the job they are told to do without question, and never lie. The use of honest people to do the works of evil is accomplished by only letting them see one small part of the total mission, and the reason given to them is so that one individual cannot spill the whole can of beans. This restriction of information is called compartmentalization.
But there is a problem with compartmentalization, and it is that it can serve a dual purpose. Because one individual is never allowed to see the entire mission, the mission can be evil and no one will be the wiser. Let's say that the corrupted elite on the top of the chain are after a whistleblower. There will be a mission born at the FBI or another agency, where they will be told they are pursuing a terrorist who plans to blow something up. They will never be told they are really after someone who caught a Rothchild molesting a four year old, they will be told it is a terrorist, and national security is severely threatened.
Good moralistic people will want to defend their country, so they will work hard to keep tabs on this terrorist. Down in the lower levels, there will be a few well selected people who know the truth, no doubt paid very well to manipulate and steer the honest away from any discoveries, and if discoveries are made which are counter to the cover story, those who made those discoveries will be congratulated and assigned a new mission. You can't have morals getting in the way of a composite work of evil.
I had a little fun with this. When I did the Fukushima report, I was stalked and watched continuously. It was so bad that the neighbors noticed and asked me why there were always people watching my house. I had two cell modems destroyed by people who re-flashed their bios to meaningless gobbledygook. The agents also woodpeckered my hard drive, which I stopped on time. Right after posting the report, for a month straight, right at midnight someone would empty seven rounds from a shotgun in a field adjacent the house. If that's not a death threat, what is?
Anyway, I got rid of them with a unique solution. These people were ignorant to why they were assigned to watch me, and I knew that. I am sure they fragged the cell modems and thrashed the hard drive of a "terrorist". But I did away with that, I began printing out the Fukushima report, going up to them, and handing it to them while telling them that THIS is why they were really watching me, and to show it to their boss. I knew by doing so I breached about 30 compartments. I destroyed good agents, several, because I knew they had morals and would NOT agree to be used the way they were being used. To prevent losses, and I am sure the losses went up the chain of command a ways, they HAD TO call off the hounds. Smart thinking on my part, and a direct result of knowing exactly how the compartmentalized clearance system works.
If you ever get yourself in a situation like I was in at that time, where they are not shooting at you, or arresting you yet after you expose some major truth, print it up and hand it to your stalkers. You'd be surprised by how fast they vanish.
To the people at the intelligence agencies, CONSIDER THIS: You were told after 9/11 that there were terrorists all over this country. You were told that there were sleeper cells, bio labs brewing up diseases, explosives experts, and all sorts of evil al-quaida rag tags running around this country, just waiting to blow up a bridge, a day care center, a stadium, and we have not seen JACK other than patsies your own agencies set up.
Consider this the next time you are told to track a terrorist, or a threat to "national security". Consider the fact that you are not allowed to see the entire mission from start to finish, and you may very well IN FACT be spelling the doom for someone who is seeking to save YOUR child from vaccine damage, your wife from getting her brain blown out by psyche meds, or your home from being washed away by a nuclear tsunami; - no doubt blamed on mother nature. Consider whether or not a compartmentalized clearance should even exist, for truly, the worst of evils can be accomplished through the ignorance of good hearted people totally oblivious to the reality of what their work really represents.


All the evidence behind why I believe no one died at the theater

All the evidence behind why I believe no one died at the theater

Jim Stone, August 22 2012
If you listen to the mainstream press, and even the alternative press, both state that people died at the bat man shooting. I now believe that people probably did die, but not at the theater. I believe that a drill took place at the theater, and inconvenient people the government wanted eliminated were murdered elsewhere and blamed on the bat man shooting. This is in contrast with my earlier posts, where I believed no one died at all. But new evidence has surfaced which includes the nurse who drowned in a lake near her home after tending the injuries of one or more of the victims. Regardless of what you have been told about bird shot, bloody little girls, people hitting the floor, etc take a look at what is here, and consider the evidence.
First, the easy stuff.
At no point did we ever get any CCD footage out of the theater. None for the emergency exit, none from inside the screening room, none from the lobby, none from the parking lot, we got NADA. None from a cell phone cam, absolutely NOTHING. Furthermore, the theater was a very nice modern theater which would have had those things in working order, and what about the mall itself? No footage from the mall either? Think about that. Why not?
On top of that, we got no pictures after the fact from the inside of the theater. NONE, NADA. No bullet holes, no gas canisters, no shell casings, no blood on the floor, NOTHING. Why not?
On the outside of the theater, in the back, there was blood on the sidewalk. But there is one problem with it. First and foremost, the spatters were CLEAN. NO FOOTSTEPS in them. People with some exposure to forensics who have posted on my forum have said that at crime scenes the blood ALWAYS has footprints in it, because it is impossible to stay away from it. Purportedly the blood on the ground was from someone carrying the little girl. In that case, whoever was carrying her would have stepped in the blood while carrying her, leaving bloody footprints and there were NONE. Furthermore, the blood spatters lead TOWARD the emergency exit, not away from it.
The only way these two things could coincide is if a setup team laid the blood scene out and screwed up doing it. This scene could have happened as photographed only if the blood was in a container at the end of a handle, keeping whoever was dumping it on the sidewalk far enough away to not get it on themselves or walk in it. Stupid as they were, they started in the parking lot and worked their way toward the door, rather than starting at the door and working their way out into the parking lot. It's obvious in the following two photos.
So we have photos of blood outside, but none from inside. Perhaps because the theater owner did not agree to having a setup crew make a mess of his carpet.

Another thing that should be easy for most people to grasp that it was only a drill is the fact that the police tapes show that the police were discussing where to put the victim's families and press for photos, WHILE THE SHOOTING WAS IN PROGRESS. At that point they would be clueless as to who the victims families even were, or how to get ahold of them, let alone GET THEM TO THE THEATER AT MIDNIGHT. In fact, why would the families even go to the theater? would the hospital be a better place for that? or do families let Bobby bleed out before getting into the ambulance just for a photo op? This simple statement in the police tapes proves it was all a pre planned setup, with the families and press already on scene before it even started. If you have been bamboozled into believing people died in that theater, you really need to look at the evidence and switch on your B.S. detector.
Now that we have discussed the obvious, let's talk probabilities.
Two of the victims hit the social security death index before the others. They were Jessica Redfield/Ghawi and Alexander Teves
In the case of Jessica redfield, who I have no doubt is sipping on a pina colada somewhere after a multi million dollar payout, we have a damning tweet where she was laughing about making people believe there is gunfire. Right from her twitter account.

Monday, August 27, 2012

An Open Letter to Jesse Benton from “P.A.U.L. Festival” Organizer

An Open Letter to Jesse Benton from “P.A.U.L. Festival” Organizer

By Tracy Diaz
August 27, 2012
Related: Insider Sabotage: Did Jesse Benton Sabotage the Ron Paul Festival and 2012 Campaign as a Whole?
Contributed by FederalJack
Dear Jesse Benton,
My name is Tracy Diaz. I am one of the organizers of “P.A.U.L. Festival”. I, along with thousands of other grassroots supporters, champion the cause of liberty. There is a great divide in our movement, and I have spent the better part of the last few months trying to bridge that divide.
All of us who organized the festival did. And while we took beatings from all sides, we still forged ahead knowing that this event was very important- it needed to be the springboard for the message to move forward.
It needed to be a place where great minds could come together and motivate, and continue our work, even after it became obvious to us that Ron Paul would not be the Republican nominee for President. So, that is what we did.
We assembled a “who’s who” of the liberty movement- musical acts, speakers, vendors. You name someone, they were most likely there. Well, everyone that is, except those you got your hands on. And interestingly enough, it appears even some you did get your hands on.
Jesse Benton, it seems you have done everything in your power to try to get this celebration to fail! And I can only wonder why? After some thought, I have my answer.You see Jesse, while you were busy using your father-in-laws presidential run to further your career, those of us you refer to as “fringe” were donating to pay your salary.
While you ostracized us and pushed us aside, the “fringe” out here were organizing sign waves, and GOTV education campaigns. The same way we did it in 2008. The same way we did it before we had your “help”. On our OWN.
While you were busy working to make sure you had a nice big house to live in, we were sacrificing our paychecks to travel to rally’s and speeches, and make super brochures and run for local office— all of our hopes hanging on the chance that we could have liberty in the White House and save our country.
All of our hopes hanging on the chance that Ron Paul could be president. We didn’t do this so we would have a job after November, we did it so that we could have our FUTURE. We didn’t do it so we could position ourselves for our next campaign, we did it so that our children could grow up in a free America.
You must know the platform by now, right?I brushed a lot that I have heard about you aside, but this is just a blatant smack in our collective faces. A light bulb went off recently, and now it has gotten brighter. YOU SIR are the reason for the divide.
You, and your “Republican” strategy, and the turning up of your nose at people who don’t look the way you want them to, and question the government at every turn. YOU are the reason.
You see, while you continue to play your party politics, and compromise OUR ideals over and over and over again to suit YOU, WE won’t compromise a THING. We are done compromising. We are done playing the game. We are not going anywhere, and you can NOT stop us.
If anything, you have at least now unwittingly proven your true colors. The message of liberty will live on, the two party paradigm can, and will, come to an end, and we will succeed. We will be stronger than ever now.
We are FIERCE, there are many of us, and we don’t need you and your stuffy suit, and nasty attitude. We will happily wear our t-shirts, and sandals, and continue the work the needs to be continued.
We aren’t doing it for you or your career Mr. Benton, we are doing it to save our country.We will not be disappointed, for you have just made our job easier and shown us exactly what type of a person you are and what your goal has been the entire time.
You have just tarred and feathered yourself sir, and I am glad you did it. It just makes us that much more credible, because we have been saying it all along. We are not the “fringe” Mr. Benton.
We are the many, and the strong, with liberty in our hearts, and our country to save. We are the “Ragamuffins” Mr. Benton, and we are NEVER going to “go away”. I stand with the “Ragamuffins”. For we are the REAL grassroots.
Tracy Diaz

Steve Beckow: Flood of Information will Cause Mass Awakening When Media Control Ends

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Steve Beckow: Flood of Information will Cause Mass Awakening When Media Control Ends
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Aug-2012 17:42:23

Hobie, I pas this article along to you in the hopes you may be able to repost it and speed the demise of media control.

Flood of Information will Cause Mass Awakening When Media Control Ends

2012 August 27

Posted by Steve Beckow

Control of the mainstream media appears to persist. When control of the media is overcome, we can expect a flood of information that will result in a great mass awakening.

Jesus through John Smallman tells us that the media remains under the control of those whose interests lie in dominating us.

“[The] media is owned and controlled by those who would control you, and it is obviously not in their interests to inform you of what is truly occurring. Nevertheless, they no longer have a stranglehold on the dissemination of information, and the truth is coming out despite their best efforts to contain it.” (1)

SaLuSa tells us that “the media is aware of what is happening but hold back for fear of the consequences. That will change in short time, as we must have an informed public before we can consider open contact.” (2)

The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac tell us that the reasons for media suppression of the news are often invented out of thin air.

“All those who know of revolutionary things are not allowed to talk, for reasons made out of thin air when the real reasons behind the suppression of so very many things are for control and for a sustained feeding of the elite class and of a presumed ‘betterness’ on the part of your dark than the rest of humanity.” (3)

Matthew Ward sees the decline of media censorship as a good indicator of the light’s progress: “Because the dissemination of accurate information is crucial, another good indicator of the light’s progress is that mainstream media censorship clearly is on the decline.” (4)

Action is occurring but it isn’t being reported on, SaLuSa tells us.

“Action is taking place but as you have realized it still does not hit the main Press outlets. The news will become so important that a point will come when it can no longer be hidden or ignored. Governments like to be in control and have always tried to cover up news about demonstrations or rebellions amongst the people. However, once the media gets hold of the real truth behind what is happening, they will take the side of the people.” (5)

The impact of the truth getting out via the alternative press is that more and more people will wake up, Jesus says.

“As more and more information about how you have been lied to and betrayed by those who have claimed to be working on your behalf becomes generally known, so more of you will feel that nudge to awaken, to change the insane reality in which you apparently have to live your lives, and to join collectively together to change the nightmare of your illusory reality into a pleasant and harmonious dream from which awakening will be easy, enticing, and entrancing.” (6)

Wanderer of the Skies says the truth revelation will cause the greatest “mass awakening” to date.

“Prepare for great movements of information all over your globe that will focus those who are not in tune with what you have been accomplishing all this while. This will be the next, and greatest to date, mass awakening of individuals who have been asleep through the process thus far. This information will come from many sources, including your media, which has even now begun to unravel the Illuminati control about it.

“Truth is rolling over those that resist, and those who have always wanted this information to ‘get out’ now see no impediment to their actions to make it so. This trickle will now become the floodgates of information that are a precursor to disclosure.” (7)

SaLuSa describes the work of the Earth allies in getting information out.

“There are a number of trusted allies that are in the forefront of releasing information that makes clear what our intentions are. In short time we will also play our part in bringing out the facts directly to the public. … Many atrocities have taken place that you are unaware of, but the truth cannot be concealed.” (8)

He predicts a sudden wealth of information soon.

“Each project is underway and that will result in a sudden wealth of information reaching you. Events are such that the facts can no longer be kept hidden, and with that there will be an explosion of people coming forward to tell what they know. It may take longer where the Vatican is concerned, as it is akin to a secret society that has kept its dark secrets hidden well away. However, nothing will remain concealed for too long, as you are entitled to know the truth and the extent to which you have been deceived.” (9)

He describes how eventually the star nations will provide news directly but for now they rely on the Internet, despite the presence of some deliberate disinformation.

“Eventually we will provide our own services to ensure our actions are not misrepresented, but meantime we welcome and thank those of the Light who are in the forefront of revelations through the Internet.

“Sometimes the reports are somewhat speculative, which means that you must still be discerning in how you interpret them. By and large they will be reliable, but you must still watch out for deliberate disinformation.” (10)

At that time it will be shown that the galactics are here at the request of the councils that look after this planet’s development, he says.

“You near the time when our actions and that of our allies will be reported in the media. With it will come explanations for what takes place, and it will be made clear that our intervention has been authorized by the High Councils that look after your evolution.

“Normally you would be left to determine your future, and that is still true where your Ascension is concerned. However, we talk of the greater picture, and our responsibility to carry out the Divine Decree that you shall all have the opportunity to ascend.” (11)

So we can expect the opening of the floodgates of information as the media yields its censorship of the news. When it happens, whistleblowers will come forward and the galactics will provide their own services to get the news out. The flood of information will cause the greatest mass awakening to date as we move forward towards the date of Ascension.


(1) Jesus through John Smallman, Aug. 26, 2012, at http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
(2) SaLuSa, May 25, 2012, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(3) The Pleiadian High Council, “Suppressed Revelations and Impending Changes,” channeled through Wes Annac, April 1, 2012 at http://tinyurl.com/7bac88z
(4) Matthew’s Message, June 3, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(5) SaLuSa, June 27, 2012.
(6) Jesus through John Smallman, Aug. 26, 2012.
(7) Wanderer of the Skies, June 21, at 2012.http://wandererodtheskies.blogspot.ca/
(8) SaLuSa, May 11, 2012.
(9) SaLuSa, March 16, 2012.
(10) SaLuSa, April 20, 2012.
(11) SaLuSa, April 13, 2012.

FED GETS THE MESSAGE Mexico "just said no" to drugs

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

FED GETS THE MESSAGE Mexico "just said no" to drugs.
Posted By: DannyCahalin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Aug-2012 20:58:39

The Fed's version of events does not wash. The story is now being sanitized. The original information is here. There is little doubt the American diplomatic vehicle was being used for drug trafficking
Unlike most of the journalists out there commenting on this story, I actually am in Mexico. So let me give you a little perspective here. - note - they are now morphing the story, saying the Mexican Police "mistakenly" shot up the diplomatic vehicle. Even the accurate PressTV got the bad feed. But the pictures prove the story below is true, and CNN has not sanitized the original release of the story, which I have linked below and archived if they do.
THE ORIGINAL STORY: Two American miltary guys left the U.S. embassy in a diplomatic vehicle, with another Mexican military guy. They were on their way to a military base. Somehow they ended up in the back country with their Land Cruiser *WTF - the embassy vehicle is a LAND CRUISER? WHY?? And what were two military people doing at the embassy anyway, and how did they get assigned an embassy Land Cruiser?
Ok, so the story is, they get out into the back country and end up getting spooked by the Mexican Federal Police "brandishing weapons" AND DID NOT KNOW THEY WERE THE POLICE. So they run for it and get shot up in the process. To that I have to say, YEAH, RIGHT!!!!!, . . . . . . . and here is why.
The Mexican Federal Police ALWAYS cruise the highways and travel the city streets in IMMISTAKABLY WELL MARKED hopped up 4 wheel drive pickup trucks, often with one man standing up in the back with his hands on a .50 cal machine gun, and always two other guys in the back with him, holding military assault rifles. This is normal. Mexicans think nothing of it. The Federal police are respected here because they do their job only and don't screw around with average law abiding people the way American police do. But the Federalis are ALWAYS brandishing weapons, and this is something that ANY Mexican would know, and ANY American would realize within 45 minutes of being here. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE, AS EVIDENCED BY THE FOLLOWING PHOTO:
It's a drug war after all, and it looks like they scored a victory!
No one would run from the Federalis without a reason or by mistake. They are firm and assertive, but they are also very nice. People are not afraid of them. You don't get the dread you feel from an American police officer. A gun is just a gun. They leave average people alone. The federalis get back talked by regular Mexican people all the time and do nothing in response. They are such a public fixture here that there is no possible way you could mistake who they are or fear them. SO, The people in the diplomatic vehicle got caught doing something illicit, if they were innocent they would have had a friendly chat with the Federalis and possibly even been told a better route through the back country, ESPECIALLY being in a diplomatic vehicle, with diplomatic plates, a combination which would assure their safety if they had nothing to hide. But they were up to something, figured their armored Land Cruiser could beat a Chevy, and the federalis let them have it. The vehicle was armored, so no one inside got shot. The injuries were bruises, which means they REALLY took the thing on a wild escape run that bashed them around inside enough to bruise them.
To say they ran because the Federalis had guns is stupid beyond belief! But who knows how the politics of this will play out, I most certainly hope the police involved are allowed to run free.
Here is a direct quote from the original CNN article, before sanitization started. The sanitization of this is yet another red flag. If there was nothing to hide there would be no reason to morph the story.
"The incident unfolded at 8 a.m., as the two embassy employees and the Mexican en route to a military facility in the municipality of Xalatlaco. Some 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) earlier, they had left the main highway that connects Mexico City with Cuernavaca, near the town of Tres Marias, a thinly populated area off the main road.
When a vehicle containing Federal Police approached and its occupants brandished their weapons, the driver of the diplomatic vehicle tried to evade them and return to the main highway. At that point, the police sprayed bullets into the black SUV with diplomatic plates."
Question: What was the Land Cruiser doing off the main highway to begin with, that would cause them to decide they needed to run from obviously well marked police? Why does the sanitized story say nothing about the diplomatic vehicle being FOUND in the back country, with the dirt explained away as "caused when the vehicle tried to escape the shooting police by leaving the main road?" I will tell you a more accurate version of the story. Don't quote it as gospel, but simply a better stab at truth than what is now being fronted by the press.
Admiral Moe had to deliver some guns for the little child of Fast and Furious. Admiral Moe made the delivery with an assistant and a Mexican guide. On the way out, they panicked because they saw the Federalis. They knew they were in an armor plated vehicle the federalis could not shoot through. So rather than stop, they gunned it and went for an escape. The holes could be blamed on a drug gang. OOPS, the federalis were better at their job than expected.
That's my final answer
To cut through the lies, I have archived the original CNN page, which appeared before sanitization happened. You can still view it HERE FOR NOW and I most certainly will post the archived page if they modify this report. Subsequent reports, even on the accurate PressTV fail to mention that the Federalis originally encountered this vehicle in the back country and simply spin a wild eyed yarn to pin blame on Mexico.
And now, here is an article I posted some time ago, which shows what the Mexicans really think about the U.S. drug war.
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, April 22 2012, Mexico City, Mexico
I had a laptop battery problem I needed to solve, and on my way to the Centro de la Technologia, (a major computer swap meet) I came across Nael Penniman of the Morena Movimiento Regeneracion Nacional. This organization is attempting to oust the CIA drug lords from Mexico and restore Mexico to a fully sovereign state.
He spoke fairly good English, and after some time I was able to get his message clearly; and it is:
We know it's the CIA feeding the drug problems in Mexico, We know it is America providing the weapons to the drug lords and escalating the violence in mexico, and we want America OUT of Mexico, we don't want the problems, the violence, we want Mexico restored to what it was before America went into our country and caused so many problems.
He was also aware that the war on drugs was a fraud perpetrated by the same government that spawned all the problems to begin with.
He was on his way to a meeting regarding this issue, and was very intelligent and well kept.
As an American who has his own set of problems with said agencies, I would also like to ask the CIA to stop messing around with other people's countries and get the HELL out of Mexico too!

Big Oops! Harvard Law Review did not cleanse its 1991 yearbook

Big Oops! Harvard Law Review did not cleanse its 1991 yearbook

Why wasn't this printed in news papers and reported on TV in 2008?

Chem-Bombs Takes Chem-Trails to a Whole New Level

Takes Chem-Trails to a Whole New Level

As I have been seeing for the past 2 years on satellite images, all this massive aerosols are now being dispersed in massive amounts via land and air using chembombs.  I watched as they became more and more proficent at this.  All these horrific storms, flooding and even earthquakes are manufactured.  We are being purposely attacked.  Here in this video images from google earth satellites were saved and are shown as this heinous technology is used around the entire globe.  They have gone far beyond chemtrails.  

Please scroll down for video from conference:

Bureaucrats Bully Family Farms in D.C. Exurbs

July 17, 2012

Bureaucrats Bully Family Farms in D.C. Exurbs

By Mark J. Fitzgibbons
Fauquier (/fɔːˈkɪər/) County, Virginia has become a new battleground against the sprawl of Washington-style government bullying.  Under the guise of business zoning authority, Fauquier is now depriving an agricultural community of its liberty to live the farm life when a little commerce is, and even is not, involved.
The county, you see, wants to regulate and fine farm residents on grounds of holding pumpkin carvings, birthday parties for little girls, and Boy Scout jamborees.
Fauquier County is an agricultural community in the beautiful Piedmont mountain region about an hour west of Washington.  Its motto is "life as it should be."  To some county bureaucrats and officials, that means "life as we tell you how it should be."
The growth of the federal government, along with its bureaucratic mentality, has sprawled into Northern Virginia, and mostly up to now, just shy of Fauquier.  In once-bucolic Loudon County to the north of Washington, where family farms stood just 15 years ago, now stand high-rise offices of businesses with government contracts, lobbyists, and others feeding at the government trough.  Loudon, the fastest-growing county in America, is not the free market at work.  It's a concrete and steel metropolis built directly and indirectly on taxpayer money flowing into and out of Washington.
Virginia is divided now -- in many ways -- between the Washington suburbs of Northern Virginia and the rest of the state.  With the sprawl of big government comes the bureaucratic mentality that what's yours is theirs to regulate, control, and dictate.
Virginia, of course, was the home of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Patrick Henry, and George Mason.  The spirit of liberty still runs deep in parts of Virginia.  Sadly, however, the sense of freedom has been dampened if not eviscerated among those tied to and benefiting from government power and money.
Virginia has long been supportive of agriculture, and the state has a Right to Farm law.  While family farms are struggling, Virginia has discovered that its soil and climate are splendid for grapes.  Hence, wineries are popping up to the joy of a good number of Virginians now employed by them, tourists, and many tax revenue collectors.
Fauquier this past week, though, passed a new county ordinance requiring wineries to close their doors at 6 p.m. and requiring them to pay the county for special permits for such things as extended hours and catered food.  Because of one or two wineries where bacchanalia has caused grief for some neighbors, the county decided to punish all wineries...oh, and to make more money off its theft of liberty, too.
The wineries have numbers and money to fight this punitive over-regulation.  By using narrowly tailored exemptions, though, the county bought off opposition from some, including one that defeated the county at the Virginia Supreme Court not long ago.  When government believes that it owns our liberty, it selectively dishes out some as bribery.
But Fauquier isn't just stealing liberty from wineries.  Using Orwellian oversight and threats of fines, Fauquier is also bullying a tiny farm in Paris, Virginia that takes in rescued animals and sells organic tea but is not a winery.  Reading the order against the farm issued by Fauquier County Zoning Administrator Kimberley Johnson, one may confuse Fauquier for an anti-family banana republic.
In deciding to seek fines against the farm, Ms. Johnson's April 30 order includes the following specious, frivolous, and ridiculous items:
1. The farm has rescued animals;
2. The farm advertised an "organic tea café" and films its on-site small-farm events;
3. As a means to unscrupulously load up her case, Ms. Johnson includes in her list of allegations certain "events" at the farm she found in an internet search that even her own order later acknowledges were never held on the property; 
4. Using her questionable internet investigative "techniques" (the county hasn't yet used drones), Ms. Johnson alleges two other events in support of her claims: a "wine testing" in September 2011, and "a seasonal pumpkin patch and carving event" in October.  Maybe Ms. Johnson should notify Homeland Security, too.  Those kids carving pumpkins have knives!
5. Perhaps the single most offensive allegation by Ms. Johnson is that the farm's Facebook page "includes photographs of a child's birthday party that was held" on January 22.  Ms. Johnson believes that a party of eight 10-year-old girls on a family farm is subject to her regulatory purview and is cause to threaten county citizens with fines up to $5,000.
Ms. Johnson has shut down, or attempted to shut down, political fundraisers on residential farms for lack of a permit.  The farm owners could have sued her and the county under 42 U.S.C. 1983 for violating constitutional rights under the color of state law. 
Ms. Johnson, the menace, wasn't fired or sued for her imperious view of her power versus her limited view of people's rights on private property.  That's a shame.  Now, she's attempting to fine a county resident for holding Boy Scout jamborees on his property.
Not all victims of Ms. Johnson's lawbreaking are wealthy enough to assert their rights through civil actions.  And that's how bureaucrats build on their arrogant lawbreaking.  They bully citizens who are good, mind-their-own business types, or who lack the resources to file suit.
Other Fauquier County officials, of course, should be ashamed of what's happened.  In the meantime, county citizens are forming a new organization to protect family farms.  They've seen what happens when they wait for politicians or judges to actually stop government lawbreaking.  They've learned that to protect rights, citizens need to do it on their own -- and in numbers.
The home of Founder John Marshall still stands, and it can be seen from one of the wineries.  Marshall could have walked to the Paris farm or the Boy Scout jamboree.  It was Chief Justice Marshall who described the Constitution as our fundamental and paramount law.
Fauquier County government officials, it appears, are either going to see the light, or will get a lesson in how citizens will enforce that paramount law on them.  Oh, and small family farmers still have pitchforks, even if just for symbolism.
Correction: While Fauquier did buy off opposition from some wineries with exemptions from its punitive ordinance, the one that won at the Virginia Supreme Court, Marterella Winery, was not one of them. The case won by family vintner Kate Marterella, in fact, serves as excellent precedent against the county's zoning tyrant.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/07/bureaucrats_bully_family_farms_in_dc_exurbs.html#ixzz24nedqoCu

36 Obama Aides Owe $833,000 In Back Taxes: Will Wesley Snipes Be Set Free?

How can they get by with this?  There was a $7.00 error on my form once and I ended up having to pay $150.00 in penalty and "late" charges.  Go figure!

36 Obama Aides Owe $833,000 In Back Taxes: Will Wesley Snipes Be Set Free?

Pete Souza / White House (Obama addresses his White House staff, file)
How embarrassing this must be for President Obama, whose major speech theme so far this campaign season has been that every single American, no matter how rich, should pay their “fair share” of taxes.
Because how unfair — indeed, un-American — it is for an office worker like, say, Warren Buffet‘s secretary to dutifully pay her taxes, while some well-to-do people with better educations and higher incomes end up paying a much smaller tax rate.
Or, worse, skipping their taxes altogether.

A new report just out from the Internal Revenue Service reveals that 36 of President Obama’s executive office staff owe the country $833,970 in back taxes. These people working for Mr. Fair Share apparently haven’t paid any share, let alone their fair share.
Previous reports have shown how well-paid Obama’s White House staff is, with 457 aides pulling down more than $37 million last year. That’s up seven workers and nearly $4 million from the Bush administration’s last year.
Nearly one-third of Obama’s aides make more than $100,000 with 21 being paid the top White House salary of $172,200, each.
The IRS’ 2010 delinquent tax revelations come as part of a required annual agency report on federal employees’ tax compliance. Turns out, an awful lot of folks being paid by taxpayers are not paying their own income taxes.

The report finds that thousands of federal employees owe the country more than $3.4 billion in back taxes. That’s up 3% in the past year.

That scale of delinquency could annoy voters, hard-pressed by their own costs, fears and stubbornly high unemployment despite Joe Biden’s many promises.

The tax offenders include employees of the U.S. Senate who help write the laws imposed on everyone else. They owe $2.1 million. Workers in the House of Representatives owe $8.5 million, Department of Education employees owe $4.3 million and over at Homeland Security, 4,697 workers owe about $37 million. Active duty military members owe more than $100 million.
TREASON REPORT: U.S. Met With Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood ~ Granted ‘Direct Access’ To U.S. Taxpayer’s ‘Paper Derivative’ Stimulus Debt.

The Treasury Department, where Obama nominee Tim Geithner had to pay up $42,000 in his own back taxes before being confirmed as secretary, has 1,181 other employees with delinquent taxes totaling $9.3 million.
Do you know where Wesley Snipes {Blade} Is Now? He’s in prison for 3 years for tax evasion. Interesting eh? Where is Tax Evader Tom Daschle who wrote Obamacare? Where is tax evader Tim Geithner? Thats right They are free as a bird.
As usual, the Postal Service, with more than 600,000 workers, has the most offenders (25,640), who also owe the most — almost $270 million. Veterans Affairs has 11,659 workers owing the IRS $151 million while the Energy Department that was so quick to dish out more than $500 million to the Solyndra folks has 322 employees owing $5 million.

The country’s chief law enforcement agency, the Department of Justice, has 2,069 employees who are nearly $17 million behind in taxes. Like Operation Fast and Furious, Attorney General Eric Holder has apparently missed them too.

As with ordinary people, the IRS attempts to negotiate back-tax payment plans with all delinquents, whose names cannot be released. But according to current federal law, the only federal employees who can be fired for not paying taxes are IRS workers.

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