Tuesday, August 28, 2012


     "The entire art of government consists in being honest." - Thomas Jefferson. Washington Answer To Thomas Jefferson, "Thomas Jefferson, you idiot! The entire art of government consists in being dishonest." - With Love And Kisses From Obama And Other Traitors In Wash., D.C.!
     "History is a myth commonly agreed upon by men," - Napoleon Bonaparte
     The founder of Black slavery in America was a Black plantation owner in Virginia who imported around 250 Black slaves from Africa. He started the importation of Black slaves to America. A memorial is standing in Virginia honoring him as the founder of Black slavery in America.
      When my mother was a young girl, she was very bright and intellectual. She attended a world trade fair in America which had an African tribal chieftain who talked to her. He boasted how he had heard the legend from generations of his forefather tribal chieftains that he descended from, that the superior Black tribes in Africa defeated in warfare the "inferior Black tribes" and shipped them off to America and other slave markets to get rid of forever the "inferior" African tribes they never wanted back in Africa. If Black historians are going to blame Whites for everything wrong that ever happened to them, better get the history right on this rather than straight Communist Party Line. Four times Virginia tried to outlaw slave trade to Virginia and each time was overruled they couldn't do this under law by the royal Throne of England. The British monarchy was making profits off of the slave trade and would not let it be stopped in the Thirteen Colonies at that time. Once the slave trade was strong from Africa, the Muslim traders made great profit off of the sale of Black slaves from Africa bought from African tribes who sold their defeated rival African tribes to them. Later, European and American slave traders got heavily in the act and also bought large numbers of Black slaves from Africa. What shows this to be the true history of Black slaves sold from Africa is that no European or American armies invaded Africa to gather up these slaves, Rather Black tribes were the main slave merchants selling their conquered brethren to foreign markets abroad. As you will also notice, the only people in the world still selling Black slaves from Africa are Moslem slave traders who conquered the Black people in areas of Africa and then sell them to Arab markets elsewhere. Sudan is among modern examples. Also, Mohammed used the Arab word meaning slaves when referring to Blacks. And he had a few Black slaves acccording to some historians.
     Slavery is not a wonderful institution but a widespread reality in ancient history. African tribes defeated other tribes and made slaves of them. The Children of Israel had their share of slaves due to defaulted debts, sometimes defeat of an enemy tribe, etc. The Egyptians had their slaves such as the Children of Israel led to freedom by Moses and also conquered races from wars also became slaves of Egypt. Greece had its share of slaves. Rome had its share of slaves and displayed at times when the triumphant Roman Legions marched into Rome showing off all the captured slaves they had with them that they had just defeated in war. The American Indians had their share of Indian slaves. The Aztecs, Mayans, etc. had their share of slaves. And going into old historical records, is there any nation on earth from long ago who did not have their share of slaves? Why slaves? They were cheap labor and he who controlled cheap labor could become rich by using this cheap labor to make vast fortunes for him. "The Civil War" also called "The War Between The States" was a totally senseless war if fought over slavery.Modern machinery and technology was making slavery obsolete for more modern economies in the world. If this American war between brother and brother in America had not been fought, probably there would have been no slaves left in the South maybe even 20 years after this war between national brothers was fought. Modern machinery and technology was replacing human cheap labor by machine cheap labor. We have our "cheap labor" today and it is called machines. Machines are our non-human slaves to potentially make all mankind on earth rich if we use correctly machines to make our money worth high value, to give us leisure time in society, to give us a better and healthier environment to live in, a more beautiful nation as our home, and give us the basis to keep building up national wealth to higher and higher levels of prosperity. I frankly agree with Abraham Lincoln when he wisely asked the question, "Would you be for slavery if you were the slave?" Who among us would say we wanted to be slaves? We love to be free, not slaves. But beware of the application of our modern technology for it can make us slaves to technology and machines instead of being the masters of our technology and machines. Wash., D.C. has this wicked little twist to its character that it wants to use modern technology and machines to make us slaves to federally controlled technology and machines.
      Blacks have been declared free of slavery anywhere in America since 1865, but the self-righteous North did not give them the education they needed to master living in the national economy they were living in. They were not taught how to start businesses and industries. They were taught by federal welfare to have huge numbers of Black families with mothers but no fathers as having a father around would disqualify them of federal welfare money, housing, food supplies, etc. So a huge percentage of the Black people in America due to federal influence were raised with only one parent, not two parents, for the children they had had in American society. The federal testing sources raised test results for Blacks by 20% and such so they would appear qualified for jobs they had not been trained to handle. They were "socially advanced" in school systems rather than being seriously educated in the school systems run by federal policies of Wash., D.C. The Truman Report issued to the White House just after the war stopped between North and South reported how massive numbers of Blacks died of starvation in the South the first year the Union Army occupied the South. They were told they were free but with the Southern plantations smashed by Northern carpetbaggers coming down to the South to exploit the just freed Blacks suddenly had no jobs being bankrupted by Washington policy and so huge numbers of Blacks died of starvation that first year they were "freed" by Northern fanaticism which never realized the hell on earth they put the Blacks in the South. Black Union soldiers encouraged freed Blacks to mass rape White women in the South which enraged the South and caused the birth of the KKK.
The North created a racial hatred in the South which did not exist in the South until the North engineered this by their fanaticism and stupidity. Northern abolitionist leaders in Congress said they must conficate all cotten stockpiles in the South so that would bankrupt the South and teach it for 100 years by its poverty why it should never again ever dare challenge the authority of Wash, D.C. over the South. These fanatical Northern leaders in Congress never thought by bankrupting the South for 100 years as federal policy, they also put the Blacks in the South in a Northern created hell where not enough jobs existed for all living in the South, money was tight to start businesses and industries in the South, and the Blacks paid heavily in the South for the idiots called abolitionist leaders in Congress who did all this evil to the people of the South both White and Black.
      I had a Black African teacher in my large retail store in Seneca, SC maybe around 1990. She was mad at the Blacks in America and told me and my wife why she was mad at the Blacks in America. She said words to the effect, "We believe in educating our children in Africa, but in your American schools, the Black parents will not let their children be disciplined in schools and do not want them to get a quality educaton in your public schools. How can the Blacks in America ever get educated with such a national attitude?"  I did notice when meeting with Blacks from Africa who had been educated in ex-British school systems, they were sharp as razor blades in education and thinking capacity. I may hurt some White feelings but some of them struck me as smarter than a lot of White people I had seen in life. Of course, seeing American Whites who went to the right school systems, I also saw very sharp, smart Whites who were much better educated and smarter than too many other Americans whether White or Black. Because of the quality results I saw with Blacks educated under the British school system and seeing Indians from India who were very sharp having been under the British system of education, when the time is right, I want to see what was smart with the British school system as well as borrow the best ideas from the smart elite private schools of America and combine all the smart educational ideas from both cultures into one educational system for the South and for all of America if joined with the South politically, culturally, economically, etc. I once saw a young Black boy on TV who loved music playing on a piano  with a fanatical or dedicated drive to excel at this.  He was so talented that he got to play with major orchestras. I don't care if he was Black or White. I was sort of proud of him to see a boy turn himself into a super talented wonder boy. If I had had the position and wealth then, I would gladly have backed him and see how far he could finally go in America. You see I am not the enemy of the Blacks. I want to help you rise to your God-given potential in life. Let me help the Blacks and you will think I was God-sent how I will raise up the American Black Race to where the rest of Americans will be intensely proud of you as part of America. I know what you are capable of. With my faith in you, I will give to you the pride in your own race that you have never had in America before. When you win your own self-respect to the level you secretly want, then you will find that all races in America totally respect you and race will not even be an issue in America.
       Now all of us in America believe in slavery meaning cheap labor when it is machinery we use for this cheap labor to make all of us in America rich, not just a few in America. Washington, D.C. cannot get their act right. They would use machines and technology to enslave all Americans, not help free us to a higher standard of living and happiness in life. They do not believe in God-given rights nor serious freedom in America. And their Congressional approaches to solving the problems are a joke to any serious thinking American. Leave it up to Congress how to correctly build an atomic bomb by the Congressional "compromise" approach to solving all the problems of America, then a new branch of science and engineering would be born in America. They would take the explosive radioactive material out of the atomic bomb, replace it with peanut butter, and then wonder why it won't explode or work! Dummies,  your stupid answers don't work because you try to ignore the laws of science and the realities America lives in creating your "compromised solutions" to the problems you created for America in the first place.
     In order for our machines being our "cheap labor" meaning our mechanical slaves to make us rich, we need an honest national monetary system. Otherwise, we create the wealth, The bloodsuckers running secretly our monetary system suck off the wealth we create and we end up poor as a nation irrelevant of the massive amount of wealth we created in the nation. Like Jesus Christ, let's kick the thieves out of the Temple of God or our national monetary system in this case as money is their god they worship, 
Congress so dearly loves corruption, the last thing in the world they want to do is give America an honest monetary system, Pass my Omni Law and America starts skyrocketing in prosperity soon afterwards. Also, some of our schemes in Wash., D.C. want to crash your economy it is reported even later this year to trigger off a civil war and then Obama declares martial law and gets to be dictator for life over America. With all those guillotines Obama has to do the honorable Muslim thing of chop off the heads of the "infidels" meaning nearly all Americans in America unless you convert to Islam, this is not the hour to hide my light under the bushel. I was written up as "The Einstein of American Economics," Make me quickly Economic Czar of America and I will act like lightning. I will stop the crash of the American economy if it suddenly occurs as it is reported Obama wants to engineer on America to trick you into a civil war in America. Then he militarily takes over America for the rest of his life and plans to kill off from a low of maybe 25 million Americans according to one general up to a high of maybe 110-250 million Americans. Obama is a nutcase in the White House and he would not cry any tears as he killed off most Americans before he is done. I don't like the boy, but Adolf Hitler secretly borrowed an idea suggested by Bernard Baruch to skyrocket the American economy after World War I. America was in a party mood and no one listened in America to Bernard Baruch, but Nazi intelligence listened and reported to Hitler what they found out that Bernard Baruch had said years earlier in America. The Bernard Baruch system in Nazi Germany was codenamed "The Inverted Inflation" by Adolf Hitler and skyrocketed the German economy so fast, Hitler won the support of all Germans once this happened and no support was left in Germany to oust Hitler from power. Only World War II ousted Hitler from power later. He lost the war! I am the only American economist who knows how to set up "The Inverted Inflation" suggested first by Bernard Baruch first in America and proven it worked by Nazi Germany. I guess I would use it briefly to yank America up from a collapsed national economy. Restore the value to money and then set up the Jesus Money System which Hitler did not know about is even far more powerful than "The Inverted Inflation" system of money. The Jesus Money used 4 times in history always skyrocketed national economies beyond what human imagination thought possible each time. And each time overthrown by banking interests who did not like the people to become so rich and prosperous, business becoming so rich and prosperous, and governments becoming so rich and prosperous while they lowered taxes in their nations. Again I am the only American economist who learned how this Jesus Money is set up. I studied with the German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century and this German economist used the medieval records, etc. to show how Jesus Money was set up each time in history. I did go beyond my German teacher when my master economic formula I invented showed me there was more to this formula than what this Einstein endorsed German economist knew. I found the missing medieval records my formula told me would exist and I am the only economist in the world who knows how to set up the entire Jesus Money System used with wild success 4 times in history. For naive Bible scholars, Jesus was the greatest economic teacher in human history. Shame it went over your heads when Jesus told you how to boom economies in every nation of the world! You saw and understood not. You heard and heard not. But I respected truth too much rather than a "politically correct" education and so I found the final secrets of economic science needed by all nations on the earth. Islam does not have these answers. No other religion does. Only the Bible teaches us the greatest economic secrets of human history. And all have already been tested and worked already in history. The last Czar of Russia was practicing one of these 25 teachings of the Bible and his economy was growing so fast, Russia would have been twice as rich as America by 1972 if the Communist Revolution had not overthrown him in 1917. When I studied Czarist Economics with a London economist of Russian noble ancestry, I suddenly realized what a goldmine of economic genius I found in this censored portion of economic science.
      Okay folks, now that I have hopefully won all of you to want slavery in our economy as I do meaning "cheap labor" by machinery instead of humans, I have just by subtle tactics taught you an economic principle that can skyrocket the American economy if the Omni law is passed now for America. Copy and pass this economic report all over America. For copies of "The Omni Law," go to Nesara News to the search box at the top left side over their archive listing of reports, put in Omni Law and you will find copies of "The Omni Law." Put in Erasmus of America which is my pen name and see many reports of mine on many issues listed filed with the archive listing of reports for Nesara News. If you want, request a copy of The Omni Law by sending an email to fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com . And folks, all poliical drives use funds for political drives if in America. If you will notice, the main news media does not like to publicize honest reform movements in America unless normally you pay your way into national publicity by your paid for national ads. Money is welcome! When we win, we should be able to treat all financial backing as loans and end up where it cost you nothing to back us. Okay, being sort of sneaky about it, in two reports you will probably never read among our listed reports, we tell you of plans how to pay you back very handsomely later on for caring enough to earn "the patriot's rewards" with us. When the Omni Law is passed, the American economy skyrockets, freedom is reborn in America, the nation honors God as it did when founded in 1776, and a smiling God will bless America wildly beyond your imagination, Must not forget the practical! Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. That finances us to pass much faster the Omni Law. And Washington, D.C. is watching us closely to see if we mass rally the American people. Remember the Dictator Marcos of the Phillippines fled from power when he saw the whole nation go to the streets to show they did not support him any longer. Not one shot fired! No one hurt! And the nation freed without having to fight a civil war or revolution! All the military and police joined with the people once they saw the people united against dictatorship in their nation. 
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. I have scared the daylights out of the power elite of America in Wash., D.C. If you the American people mass support me now, soon our would-be dictators and tyrants will be fleeing for their lives and not a shot fired! As for the power elie abroad who think they secretly run the government without the American people knowing it, once the people truly back us, you have lost all power and control over America. And America is once more a free nation for real One nation, one race, one people under God united, free and prosperous at last!)

Sheldan Nidal 8-28-12

Hello All:
                      Sheldan says the new banking system is in place and only waiting for a few minor adjustments. He also says the new technology will be forth coming. As will the prosperity packages be right behind. We are very close to seeing what we have been waiting for all these years.
                                    God bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart

3 Chicchan, 13 Uo, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! At present, we are waiting for the date to begin the preliminaries that are to take place prior to bringing the new banking system on-line. This period will be swiftly followed by the formal announcement of this new global financial system, which by its very nature will create a situation that makes it impossible for the dark cabal to subsist. It is the subsequent new governments which will allow the prosperity funds to be delivered. Long ago, your world was prevailed upon to accept not only that the irrational Anunnaki worldview was 'real' but that no other reality was possible. This belief will be shattered by the new financial system which will open doors that have been kept firmly shut by the dark cabal. The upcoming, vast transference of funds will remove the lockdown on progress that the dark has imposed on you for decades, and once this clamp is gone, the new procedures and accompanying official expositions can go forward. However, these are merely the initial steps that will lead quickly to a massive operation that is to manifest the full agenda decreed by the Light and morph this present nightmare realm into a Light-infused dream.
As these various improvements are announced and your world accordingly changes for the better, a whole new style of governance will come into being which will make a point of imparting more and more details of the changes afoot on many levels. We have come here to be mentors for this great change. One of the big transformative factors will be the release of much technology withheld from you for many decades. We are also keen to make the announcements that lead to disclosure. Disclosure does nothing less than open up this vast galaxy to you once again. With disclosure you will be privy to things that will drastically and irrevocably alter the way you perceive the universe and your place in it. It will no longer be a place of inhospitable, uncharted space; suddenly it will contain places where friends and family reside, and which will be easily accessible, using your new technology. But most importantly, it will be a realm fully fathomable, which gloriously affirms your oneness with all life by demonstrating to you how intertwined we all are to the Creator and to all of Heaven.

Our reunion with you will bring you to the very brink of full consciousness, by allowing you to see just how easy it is to make the final move into your natural state of existence. Once whole again, you can resume your sacred service as Gaia's faithful mentors, thereby reestablishing a pledge we humans made to her nearly 900,000 years ago. Indeed, this mentorship includes the overseeing of your entire solar system. Resuming your divine service includes reunion with your Inner Earth family and meeting a great many non-corporal Beings who have come from throughout this solar system and who have been carrying out those tasks that you are about to take on again. Your local Spiritual Hierarchy assures us that you are quite ready for these and other tasks which are soon to require your attention. The Agarthans and their cetacean associates are preparing the proclamations to be made to you once you have transformed back into your fully conscious state. This will involve the story of how you originally came to Earth and why many Spiritual Hierarchies agreed to make you fully conscious Beings long ago on Vega.

This history forms part of a huge process of reconnecting you to your special origins, and then, introducing you to the duties of full consciousness and your many responsibilities to this part of physicality. As you begin to recall your origins, it will be necessary to provide a general education that can assist your nascent galactic society to fulfill its truly incredible destiny. Those of you who have agreed in your life contracts to remain here have to become aware of what is expected of you by your local Spiritual Hierarchy. Heaven and you are to work closely to unfold the divine plan in this sector of physicality. One aspect we have already mentioned to you is your mentorship of a vast group of Beings who dearly wish to acquire a Lightbody and make the sacred journey to full consciousness. Such capabilities are what make you very special Beings, and it is why you are being watched by so many throughout the galaxy. It also explains why Heaven permitted us to set up this first contact mission.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this date with some good news! We are now allowed to explain to you that a new banking system is very close to manifesting. Major banks around your world are currently preparing for the implementation of numerous new rules. These regulations are to alter the operation of international transactions and to prepare for the series of announcements introducing a new hard-backed currency. The governments of your globe have been advised that an international version of N.E.S.A.R.A is to be implemented, and this will precipitate a rapid change in your global political systems. Accordingly, the Galactic Federation has placed several defense ships in position to ensure that these changes happen as agreed to by the dark cabal. The time has come for these dark ones to surrender their power to the Light!

These changes can allow our sacred secret societies to begin to disburse the prosperity funds to the world. We have also advised our associates to prepare a number of special teachings which will explain a great many truths that have been either greatly modified or completely hidden from you for millennia. These circumstances made it necessary for us to hide this information deep within the vaults of many temples and cathedrals until such time as we could release it to you. You may be somewhat shocked at first, but these sacred Truths need to become part once again of your spiritual knowledge of this physical realm. It will begin a process of clarification regarding the wonders and miracles of the state of full consciousness that you are returning to. This subject matter will move to center stage in your lives during the weeks ahead because you are needed by Heaven to resume your sacred service to the Light.

We the Ascended Masters have a divine duty to bring you through the sacred veil and return you to your true Beingness as physical Angels. Thus we welcome the arrival of our kin and the means in Inner Earth for restoring you to that most precious state. All that is being set in motion is done with the aim of fulfilling Heaven's mandate. You have wandered around in a state of artificial amnesia for far too long, and it is time to reinstate your former wisdom and abilities. The societies cooked up by the dark and orchestrated by the Anunnaki are to cease. Your innate Oneness will be reestablished, allowing you to develop a wonderful prototype of galactic society. This new realm of yours is to welcome the former dark empires of this galaxy and transform them to Light by providing them with a full Lightbody, along with the techniques and etiquette that Spirit requires.

Today, we supplied you with more detail about what is clandestinely happening around your world. These preparations will enable big changes in banking, which in turn will result in the ousting of the dark. The Galactic Federation and its defense ships are supporting these actions and thus the end of this obstructive cabal is near! Be in joy, and ready to accept the gifts of Heaven! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Public Warning: You are Entering a Crime Scene

Public Warning: You are Entering a Crime Scene

The priest or bishop in this church is required by a Vatican law known as Crimen Solicitationas to protect child rapists and conceal from the police harm done to children by church employees, and silence the victim. If your clergy refuses to do so, he will be excommunicated, according to Crimen. (see a copy of the Crimen law in the appendix of www.hiddennolonger.com)

This horrible arrangement is a criminal conspiracy that involves the highest officials of the Roman Catholic Church, including Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, who has ordered in writing the cover-up of child rape and trafficking in your church!

Under international law, if you donate money to this church you are colluding in this criminal conspiracy and can face prosecution for aiding criminals.

On September 15, 2012, an international common law Court of Inquiry is convening to bring charges against Roman Catholic Church officials for this conspiracy, and for Crimes against Humanity. Clergy in this church may be served a Public Summons to appear before the Court.

These church officials have betrayed the teachings of Christ and your faith, and are expecting you to assist them in their evil.

Choose what is right, and do not collude any longer in the violation of the innocent. Stop funding the rape and murder of children by withholding your offerings. Choose life.

It would be better for them if a millstone was hung around their necks and they were cast into the sea than that they should harm one of these little ones.
- Jesus Christ, Luke 17:2

Learn more and join the campaign to reclaim the Church from wrongdoing at:
Issued by Not in Our Name, a Coalition of Concerned Clergy and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State


See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at www.hiddennolonger.com and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at www.itccs.org .

Messages for Kevin Annett can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada).

Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his website www.hiddenfromhistory.org

"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba


See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at www.hiddennolonger.com and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at www.itccs.org .

Messages for Kevin Annett can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada).

Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his website www.hiddenfromhistory.org

"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba

2012 Revolution Wide Awake (Vid)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

2012 Revolution Wide Awake (Vid)
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 28-Aug-2012 15:09:11

I made this movie for all my brother and sisters. I put my heart into this project. This is my message to the world.
Resist the NWO

2012 US Presidential Election Fraud In Motion: Obama Sends “Voting Services” To George Soros Company In Spain!

This makes about as much sense as everything else!

2012 US Presidential Election Fraud In Motion: Obama Sends “Voting Services” To George Soros Company In Spain!

In latest disturbing development, SCYTL is the name of the Barcelona-based company that now owns the rights to count most of the votes in the upcoming US Election.

Obama gave SCYTL company his blessing to provide their ‘secure’ voting services to the US Electoral process. It isn’t bad enough that a foreign company will count the votes, but that company was just bought by one of Obama’s puppet masters George Soros.

From The Western Center for Journalism in a piece entitled, “Spanish Company Will ‘Count‘ American Votes Overseas In November,’ they state the following in this excerpt:

“When the Spanish online voting company SCYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election in a different country. For SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SCYTL in January, supplies the election software which records, counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states–900 total jurisdictions–across the nation. …” Read the rest of the article ~ here
And if that doesn’t make you squirm, George Soros is closely associated w/one of Obama’s biggest contributors who, himself, is involved with SCYTL, the company that is going to count the votes!! Keep reading.
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.”
Joseph Stalin
From: It Makes Sense Blog, (http://itmakessenseblog.com/2012/04/10/george-soros-will-control-your-votes-in-the-up-coming-presidential-election/) they allege that, “GEORGE SOROS WILL CONTROL YOUR VOTES IN THE UP COMING PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION
– Follow the bouncing ball on the criminal corruption ruse of your USA votes.
1.) The Obama Government has outsourced the counting of votes for the 2012 election. But since WHEN does the nation need to outsource a task as uncomplicated and straightforward as vote-counting?
2.) Obama outsorced the counting to a Tampa Florida company, named SOE, that had previously been used to administer the vote counting process for over 500 American jurisdictions.
3.) But recently, SOE software has now been sold to a company named SCYTL, owned by George Soros, headquartered in Spain.
4.) The votes will go to SCYTL, the question becomes as to WHY Must local votes for each precinct will be downloaded to SCYTL’s main server – leaving no TRACEABLE record of how many, and what votes were scored! Which of course means that said votes will be MERGED; and any discrepancies at lower levels will be IMPOSSIBLE to track.
5.) But wait, it gets murkier: SCYTL is shadow owned by Pere Valles, a former CEO of GlobalNet; who just HAPPENS to have been a maximum level contributor to the Obama Campaign in 2008. Not surprisingly, Valles is also has contacts with Media Matters, a communication consortium owned by: George Soros.
6.) Now the bad news: according to the “Black Box” voting site, this centralizes one “middleman” access point for over 525 voting jurisdictions: (AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL, IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. – and growing).”
7. If this is allowed to stand, it means that as local election results funnel through SOE’s computers (typically before they reach the public elsewhere), those who run the main servers for SOE essentially get “first look” at results, AND the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA.
8.) This raises an unending amount of troubling questions:
a.) How can a company that is located in Spain owned by George Soros, be responsible for verifying the results of American elections? How can the integrity of the vote be guaranteed, when votes are transmitted in digital form, with NO paperwork backup to check for discrepancies?
b.) It has been questioned since the inception of the voting machine how to preclude tampering with said machines; yet no answers are forthcoming. How easily can the software that controls these devices be programmed to “count” erroneously?
c.) Even worse, with SCYTL in charge, there will be no ballots. No physical evidence. No chain of resonsibility. No way for the public to authenticate who actually cast the votes, nor chain of custody, or the count.
d.)Ergo, does this not invite dishonest practices? - such as beginning the voting day with counts that were not reset to zero? Or the practice of switching, within the software, votes from one candidate to another?
e.)Will Harry Reid’s re-election in Nevada serve as a template for Barack Obama in 2012?
f.) Worst of all, why would we want to outsource a job, that goes to the very core of our constitutional process, to an outside organization? Because that’s how the democrats want it – having no other possible means to win.
g.) Which of course explains why Dems fight voter ID laws - because that would be mark the beginning of the end of voter fraud. The other end being some kind of auditing of all electronic voting machines.
Face it fellow citizens: the Motor Voter Law, and the electronic voting machine are turning America into a banana republic; while we act like helpless little bunnies; as the Left literally continues to steal elections – right beneath our quivering little noses.
So do we sit by idly? – or take action. Pick up the phone. Write a letter. Send a fax to your local Congressperson or Senator.
(NOTE: do not send e-mails; they are not considered legitimate, because of spammers).
In your communication, demand action, by raising questions:
Did the FEC (Federal Elections Commission) approve of this SCYTL intrusion?
Does the Congress of the United States approve of this; or do they even know about it?
Was this done by an Executive Order from the White House?
Is this the final step in Obama’s rigging of the 2012 election, and the formation of a global government? Why is the AP not covering this ? Why is Fox news not covering this ? What we have now have is a Socialist CEO - running the nation’s voting and election counts.
Talk about a UN / Marxist / Communist dream come true!
And does this NOT explain why President Obama is so sure of being reelected? - as he speaks of his re-election as if it were in the present. This includes his conversation with the President of Russia, which was recorded on a hot microphone.
Who in Washington authorized a global software company - owned by a Spanish Socialist - to be put in charge of counting our votes?
Why is a company based in Spain (who counts votes in Athens, Greece) now teaming up with the Commonwealth of Virginia to count the overseas ballots of our military members?
Who in the Dept. of Defense and the FEC (and the Congress) approved this?
Or of course, we could do nothing, and watch our republic be literally be pulled out beneath us; just because we were not paying attention – counting on our corrupt, Obama-driven mainstream media to keep us apprised.

As Thomas Jefferson often warned: (quote)…
”The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”
Be forewarned America:
This election is the last PEACEFUL opportunity we’ll have to change the future.
Tyranny is at hand!
It Makes Sense
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.”
Joseph Stalin
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Are People Being Thrown Into Psychiatric Wards For Their Political Views?

Are People Being Thrown Into Psychiatric Wards For Their Political Views?

28 August 2012

GFP Note: see this related story we posted on August 26tth - Vets Being Round Up Nationwide, People Everywhere Just Disappearing.

Mental Health Diagnoses Are Sometimes Politically-Motivated

Many psychologists and psychiatrists are good people, who are only trying to help their patients.
But the Nazi government substantially supported psychologists … many of whom, in turn, espoused extermination of the people they considered to be “racially and cognitively compromised”.
Soviet psychiatrists famously aided Stalin in applying fake insanity diagnoses to political dissenters. The official explanation was that no sane person would declaim the Soviet government and Communism.
American psychologists created the American program of torture which was specially-crafted to produce false confessions to justify U.S. military policy. And see this.
And authoritarian American psychologists are eager to label anyone “taking a cynical stance toward politics, mistrusting authority, endorsing democratic practices, … and displaying an inquisitive, imaginative outlook” as worthy of a trip to the insane asylum. (Those traits may also get one labeled as a potential terrorist.)
As prominent forensic psychiatrist James Knoll – psychiatry professor at SUNY-Syracuse and director of a forensic fellowship program – writes in the Psychiatric Times:
When psychiatric science becomes co-opted by a political agenda, an unhealthy alliance may be created. It is science that will always be the host organism, to be taken over by political viruses…. [P]sychiatry may come to resemble a new organism entirely — one that serves the ends of the criminal justice system.
Even psychologists with good intentions can erroneously label people delusional simply because they themselves make bad assumptions.
There is even a label for this – the “Martha Mitchell Effect” – defined as:
The process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health clinician mistakes the patient’s perception of real events as delusional and misdiagnoses accordingly.
The authors of a paper on this phenomenon (Bell, V., Halligan, P.W., Ellis, H.D. (2003) Beliefs About Delusions. The Psychologist, 6 (8), 418-422) conclude:
Sometimes, improbable reports are erroneously assumed to be symptoms of mental illness [due to a] failure or inability to verify whether the events have actually taken place, no matter how improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy clinician.
In other words, psychologists who haven’t taken the time to examine for themselves the claims of their patients will tend to label as delusional anything which they “intuitively” feel is improbable. As such, psychologists and psychiatrists are just as prone to acting out their irrational prejudices as anyone else … unless they take the time to investigate and educate themselves.

Governments Indefinitely Detaining Citizens In Psychiatric Wards Without Due Process of Law

As such, detention in psych wards on mere “suspicion” of posing a danger – without due process of law – is troubling.
AP reports today:
Police – acting under a state law that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments upon the recommendation of a mental health professional – took Raub to the John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell. He was not charged with any crime.
Col. Thierry Dupuis, the county police chief, said Raub was taken into custody upon the recommendation of mental health crisis intervention workers. He said the action was taken under the state’s emergency custody statute, which allows a magistrate to order the civil detention and psychiatric evaluation of a person who is considered potentially dangerous.
New York Police officer Adrian Schoolcraft was involuntarily hospitalizated in a psychiatric ward after he recorded videotapes of his fellow police officers engaging in corruption.
Claire Swinney of New Zealand was also held in a psychiatric ward and called “delusional” for criticizing the government. Susan Lindauer was held under the Patriot Act for a year at Carswell Air Force Base – where psychiatric drugs were pushed on her – after she alleged government corruption.
The Daily Mail notes:
The [British] Government has established a shadowy new national anti-terrorist unit to protect VIPs, with the power to detain suspects indefinitely using mental health laws.
The team’s psychiatrists and psychologists then have the power to order treatment – including forcibly detaining suspects in secure psychiatric units.
Using these powers, the unit can legally detain people for an indefinite period without trial, criminal charges or even evidence of a crime being committed and with very limited rights of appeal.
Until now it has been the exclusive decision of doctors and mental health professionals to determine if someone should be forcibly detained.
But the new unit uses the police to identify suspects – increasing fears the line is being blurred between criminal investigation and doctors’ clinical decisions.
Scotland Yard, which runs the shadowy unit, refuses to discuss how many suspects have been forcibly hospitalised by the team because of “patient confidentiality”.
The purpose of the centre is “to evaluate and manage the risk posed to prominent people by…those who engage in inappropriate or threatening communications or behaviours in the context of abnormally intense preoccupations, many [Many? That means that some are not] of which arise from psychotic illness.”
Who gets to decide what “inappropriate” or “threatening” means? What if a whistleblower has information that a member of parliament has engaged in bribes? Would trying to reveal such information constitute “inappropriate or threatening communications or behaviours” in the context of “abnormally intense preoccupations” with that MP’s illegal actions?
Indeed, a study published in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry found a high rate of false positives in the British identification of dangerous persons.
The Mail continues:
So-called ‘sectioning’ allows a patient to be held for up to six months before a further psychological assessment. Patients are then reviewed every year to determine if they can be released.
Human rights activists fear the team, whose existence has never been publicised, may be being used as a way to detain suspected terrorists without having to put evidence before the courts.
Last night human rights group Liberty said the secret unit represented a new threat to civil liberties.
Policy director Gareth Crossman said: “There is a grave danger of this being used to deal with people where there is insufficient evidence for a criminal prosecution.
“This blurs the line between medical decisions and police actions. If you are going to allow doctors to take people’s liberty away, they have to be independent. That credibility is undermined when the doctors are part of the same team as the police.
“This raises serious concerns. First that you have a unit that allows police investigation to lead directly to people being sectioned without any kind of criminal proceedings.
“Secondly, it is being done under the umbrella of anti-terrorism at a time when the Government is looking at ways to detain terrorists without putting them on trial.”
The team examined thousands of cases and liaised with the FBI, the US Secret Service, the Capitol Hill Police, which protects Congressmen and Senators, and the Swedish and Norwegian secret services.
Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said: “The Government is trying to bring in a wider definition of mental disorder and is resisting exclusions which ensure that people cannot be treated as mentally disordered on the grounds of their cultural, political or religious beliefs.
“When you hear they are also setting up something like this police unit, it raises questions about quite what their intentions are.
“The use of mental health powers of detention should be confined to the purposes of treatment. But the Government wants to be able to detain someone who is mentally disordered even when the treatment would have no benefit.
“Combined with the idea that someone could be classed as mentally ill on the grounds of their religious beliefs, it is a very worrying scenario.”
Indeed, the whole “indefinite detention” process (which Americans living on American soil are subject to) can be based on circular reasoning:
The government’s indefinite detention policy – stripped of it’s spin – is literally insane, and based on circular reasoning. Stripped of p.r., this is the actual policy:

·         If you are an enemy combatant or a threat to national security, we will detain you indefinitely until the war is over

·         It is a perpetual war, which will never be over

·         Neither you or your lawyers have a right to see the evidence against you, nor to face your accusers

·         But trust us, we know you are an enemy combatant and a threat to national security

o    We may torture you (and try to cover up the fact that you were tortured), because you are an enemy combatant, and so basic rights of a prisoner guaranteed by the Geneva Convention don’t apply to you

o    Since you admitted that you’re a bad guy (while trying to tell us whatever you think we want to hear to make the torture stop), it proves that we should hold you in indefinite detention

See how that works?
This is an analogy. We are not accusing psych wards of using torture. However, they do often use powerful psychiatric drugs on patients … which can elicit false confessions.
Are we going to slide into Soviet levels of psychiatric detention of political dissidents? Unless the spread of psychiatric detention without due process of law is checked, the mere belief that the government is interfering with your liberty may become grounds for locking you away.
·         Update: The stories of psychiatric commitment of political activists in China are horrendous .