Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting Jobs Back Here - Call Centers Strategy

This is worth reading


The gas company serving this area brought their call center back to
Phoenix from India last year after numerous customer complaints. What
a difference now when you call them...and it created 300 jobs. I know
this works because they were so bad that when India answered I
wouldn't even deal with them. I'd simply ask to be transferred to a
supervisor in the U.S. and they would comply.

Now that I know it is the LAW - I will do it for sure

Any time you call an 800 number (for a credit card, banking, Verizon,
health and other insurance, computer help desk, etc) and you find that
you're talking to a foreign customer service representative (perhaps
in India , Philippines , etc), please consider doing the following:

After you connect and you realize that the customer service
representative is not from the USA (you can always ask if you are not
sure about the accent), please, very politely (this is not about
trashing other cultures) say, "I'd like to speak to a customer service
representative in the United States of America .."

The rep might suggest talking to his/her manager, but, again, politely
say, "Thank you, but I'd like to speak to a customer service
representative in the USA ."

rule and the LAW.

It takes less than one minute to have your call re-directed to the USA .

Tonight when I got redirected to a USA rep, I asked again to make sure
- and yes, she was from Fort Lauderdale .

Imagine what would happen if every US citizen insisted on talking to
only US phone reps from this day on.

Imagine how that would ultimately impact the number of US jobs that
would need to be created ASAP.

If I tell 10 people to consider this and you tell 10 people to
consider doing this - see what I becomes an exercise in
viral marketing 101.


The goal here is to restore jobs back here at home - not to be abrupt
or rude to a foreign phone rep.

You may even get correct answers, good advice, and solutions to your
problem - in real English

Hand-Gun Fired: Nebraska School Says Deaf Toddler’s Name Sign Violates Weapons Policy

Hand-Gun Fired: Nebraska School Says Deaf Toddler’s Name Sign Violates Weapons Policy

August 28, 2012

A Nebraska public school is barring a deaf three-year-old boy from using sign language to sign his name because, it claims, the gesture resembles a gun.
The school’s policies have prompted outrage from parents, rights groups and ordinary citizens.
­Hunter Spanjer’s parents were informed by the Grand Island Public School that the way their child signed his name was a violation of the school’s weapons policy.
He’s deaf, and his name sign, they say, is a violation of their weapons policy,” the boy’s father Brian Spanjer told Nebraska Central News (NCN).
The three-year-old uses Signing Exact English (SEE), a manual communication system mostly used by deaf children and based on the American Sign Language (ASL).
Spanjer crosses his index and middle fingers to show that his name sign is uniquely his.
It’s a symbol,” his father stressed. “It’s an actual sign, a registered sign, through SEE.
But the Grand Island Public Schools board policy 8470 prohibits students from possessing, handling or transmitting a “firearm, weapon” or anything that “looks like a weapon.”
Such items will be considered weapons for the purposed (sic) of this policy,” the document states. “Students who are in possession of the aforementioned articles will be subject to mandatory suspension or expulsion procedures.
The school has so far failed to produce an adequate explanation for how a three-year-old’s crossed index and middle fingers could be grounds for expulsion. A spokesperson for the facility said it was trying to arrive at the “best possible solution” for the child.
number of civil rights groups derided the school’s policies, which effectively mean that the child would either have to change the way he signs his name or be deprived of the right to education.
A name sign is the equivalent of a person’s name, and to prohibit a name sign is to prohibit a person’s name,” Howard Rosenblum, the CEO of the National Association of the Deaf was quoted by The Huffington Post as stating.
The American Civil Liberties Union also sent a letter to the local school district, asking it to rethink its policies.
Brian Spanjer also started a Facebook page to garner support for his son to be able to keep his name sign. Most of the commenters were amazed by the school’s extreme policies.
What is this world coming to?” Facebook user Louise Arsenault Lanyon Kissinger noted. “There is so much more wrong in this world they could be worrying about [than] this little [boy's] name in sign language. Oh please…
Stacey Coar Philips remarked that the policy was right out of classic dystopian novels 1984 or Brave New World. Many others complained that the school was devoting too much attention to trivial issues instead of concentrating on real issues like education and actual security.

US Army Guerrilla Faction Planned Terror, Obama’s Assassination

US Army Guerrilla Faction Planned Terror, Obama’s Assassination

August 28, 2012

A group of US soldiers planning to take over their base, blow up targets around the country, wrest control of the government and kill the president – it could be a Hollywood blockbuster, but it’s a developing story in the southern state of Georgia.
­Four US Army soldiers from the Fort Stewart base in southeast Georgia are charged with killing a former comrade and his girlfriend in a bid to prevent the couple from informing on a militia group of which they were all members.
One of the soldiers has agreed to cooperate with the prosecution in exchange for a lesser charge, while the rest are charged with malicious murder, felony murder, criminal gang activity, aggravated assault and using a firearm while committing a felony.
The case’s prosecutors paint a vivid picture of the group’s plans and actions.
Taking over the sprawling Fort Stewart base, bombing a fountain in nearby Savannah, bombing a dam and poisoning the apple crop in Washington State, and, eventually, toppling the US government and killing the president – these were the goals of the group, which called itself F.E.A.R., an acronym for Forever Enduring Always Ready.
“This domestic terrorist organization did not simply plan and talk,” said prosecutor Isabel Pauley. “Prior to the murders in this case, the group took action. Evidence shows the group possessed the knowledge, means and motives to carry out their plans.”
According to the prosecution, the group is the brainchild of one Pvt. Issac Aguigui, who allegedly sought out soldiers who were in trouble or disillusioned.
Members could easily identify each other by distinctive tattoos resembling the anarchy symbol.
Little information is available about the man behind the plan, however. Gossip website identified Aguigui as a page during the 2008 Republican Convention.
Prosecutors say that during a videotaped interview with military investigators, Aguigui called himself “the nicest cold-blooded murderer you will ever meet.”
Aguigui’s pregnant wife died last year – and though he was never charged with her death, prosecutors say the judge finds it “highly suspicious.”
The $500,000 of insurance and benefits Aguigui received after his wife’s death financed the group’s activities. At least $87,000 went towards the purchase of semiautomatic rifles and bomb components. An undisclosed amount was spent on the acquisition of land in Washington State for the group’s use.
While it’s unclear how easy it was to join the group, there seems to have been only one way to leave it.
Former soldier Michael Roark, also a member of the militia, was killed just two days after leaving the Army.
He and girlfriend Tiffany York were killed by other F.E.A.R. members, allegedly on the orders of Aguigui, who called them “loose ends” and believed they would betray others, prosecutors say.
The pair was taken to the woods under the pretense of going to shooting practice, and both were then shot in the head.
The Army seems to have had some knowledge of the gang’s activities, going so far as to charge four soldiers with the slayings of Roark and York in March. But the charges were never acted upon, and were later dropped.
Moreover, Fort Stewart spokesperson Kevin Larson said, “Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield does not have a gang or militia problem.” He added, however, that Army investigators are still working on the case.

DHS Inside Source Claims Obama White House Set to Stage Major False Flag, “It’s Going Hot”

DHS Inside Source Claims Obama White House Set to Stage Major False Flag, “It’s Going Hot”
August 28, 2012

In a startling article published on the Northeast Intelligence Network, Douglas J. Hagmann is reporting that an inside source from the Department of Homeland Security has revealed to him that a false flag attack, planned by the White House, is set to go hot.
Hagmann, who in the past received widespread attention after a series of articles about DHS prepping for civil war (based on radio interviews he conducted) went ultra viral, is reporting that this same source is now claiming that elements of the Obama White House have given the go signal in regards to an upcoming attack.
“According to my well-placed source within the DHS apparatus, what amounts to a final authorization was reportedly given to DHS directly from the White House. A “go signal” if you will,” wrote Hagmann.
Hagmann then went on to directly quote the apparent well placed source with DHS itself.
“It’s going hot. The plan, or whatever specific operation that was devised, is going hot, being put into motion.
You’ve got to let people know that something is up, approval has been given, and unless somebody stops it, we’re going to have a staged event inside the U.S., and it’s being set up so that it gets real ugly real fast.”
The source then went on to speak about a Tennessee representative who sent out an email with a third hand version of the original DHS prepping for martial law article and how this could have been done on purpose to discredit the information.
“Don’t think for one second that the sudden resurrection of the information, as incorrect as it was by that state rep, was an accident, because it wasn’t.” 
“Maybe the rep was played and clueless to the original story, but the way the story was managed after the fact made you look like a fool, like a real nutcase.” 
The “DHS Insider” then explained how they originally came across this information which apparently involved a major slip up at the upper levels of homeland security.
The only reason I know about this authorization order, or approval, or whatever you want to call it, is that there was a major slip up at the very upper level of DHS, and I mean the very upper level.”
“Remember the news about sexual harassment, intimidation and all of the garbage that’s gone on between the people Napolitano brought in and promoted due to their ‘lifestyle’ preferences?
These are some sick people, mental rapists and perverts, who she’s brought in to her innermost circle. They make Caligula look like a boy scout, at least with power and sex.
Well, one of those people, close to Napolitano, was involved in a meeting where the concept and approval of a false flag was being discussed.”
“Now you should have an idea of how this slipped out. But they had a quick handle on damage control, given the circumstances behind the disclosure.
Potentially embarrassing circumstances, sexual blackmail” he added.
(You can read the whole DHS insider source article here)
While The Intel Hub obviously cannot independently confirm this information, it does line up and directly correlate with recent events, including large scale ammo purchases, as well as rhetoric in the media openly calling for a false flag to save Obama’s presidency.
In the last three years, the Federal Government, lead by the Department of Homeland Security, has purchased at least 1.4 billion rounds of ammo with at least 750 million rounds of that ammo being hollow point.
The cover used for most of the orders was that the ammo was being used for “training” purchases yet the total amount ordered is well over a billion rounds.
Couple that with bullet proof checkpoints, riot shields, and US Army plans for civil war, and a clear picture emerges.
Many different prominent advisers and corporate media publications have actually indirectly or directly called for a false flag attack to save the now failed Obama presidency.
In 2010, Mark Penn, an influential adviser to former President Bill Clinton, appeared on Chris Matthews Hardball and claimed that:
“President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right? And the president right now seems removed. It wasn’t until that speech that he really clicked with the American public. Obama needs a similar” defining moment.”
Additionally, Robert Shapiro, an actual adviser to President Obama, published an op-ed in the Financial Times that included this stunning statement:
“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership. He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”
Although no one knows 100% when or if another false flag attack will actually take place, the fact remains that there is a startling amount of evidence that points towards an attack being directly on the table and a very real possibility.
We can only hope that as the alternative media continues to expose this horrid possibility, enough people wake up to it to make the powers that be pull the attack off the table.

‘Operation Free Assange’: Anonymous take down Interpol website

RT: ‘Operation Free Assange’: Anonymous take down Interpol website

Posted on by Jean
Published: 27 August, 2012, 01:23
Edited: 27 August, 2012, 08:09

Hactivist group Anonymous claims to have taken down the websites of Interpol and a British police force as part of a campaign calling for the freedom of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Several Twitter accounts associated with the loose-knit Anonymous collective have announced that the website of International Criminal Police Organization was taken down. The site was unavailable as of 9:18 pm GMT on Sunday but resumed functioning soon after.
The hackers also claim to have taken down the website of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), a UK police unit responsible for operations against serious and organized crime.
Assange, the founder and editor of whistleblower website WikiLeaks, has been ordered by Swedish authorities to be extradited from the UK where he had been under house arrest. Two women from Sweden have accused Assange of sex crimes, although he has yet to be charged.
In fear of being sent to Sweden and then extradited to the US to be tried for his role with WikiLeaks, Assange applied for political asylum in Ecuador, which the Latin American country finally granted him earlier this month.
Regardless, British authorities have refused to give Assange safe passage out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London so that he may travel overseas.

Dinar Intel - Tony (PTR)

Tony (PTR) & Others Comments - Post By Leo GET Forum

8-28-2012 Tony (PTR): From high level people in Iraq, less than hour ago, coins released but can't be used until after September 1st. Does not mean it will RV at that time. I believe the final steps are being done now. I expect some announcements from Iraq on Thursday.

8-28-2012 Easyrider: Check the CBI site its has gone down!!! they updated it. In May it was 19.5 % money supply in June it dropped 13.6 % now we are almost end of August so they are averaging 6% a month decrease.

April, May and June they managed to take off 12 trillion dinar off the streets through the auctions including neighboring countries this was on Iraqiya tv.
Read More Link On Right
8-28-2012 Kaperoni: Iraq is lining everything up to invite banks and investors and participants to come into Iraq and when you see all of this line up you can clearly see that we are getting closer to the point in which they will hopefully take their currency on an international level and give it some value.

One of conditions (for WTO) is that Iraq gets their currency up to be more in line with the US dollar. They are inviting foreign banks to set up operations in Iraq and having that is also a WTO requirement. Foreign bank branches in Iraq must be Basil III compliant.

From Iraq's banking standpoint they are moving towards international standards. They (Trade Bank of Iraq) are moving towards getting Iraqi citizens on credit cards, debit cards (VISA, MC accepted globally), and so on which gets them away from the paper currency which is obviously a problem in the country in multiple ways.

This is all focused on what we believe to be the month of September and the activities that are going to happen there.

Let's keep cool, observe, ready and prepare for the next 9/11!

FW:   Some internet research on the local military exercises going on in the Flathead      

It has been verified that the training exercise talked about in the last few e-mails scheduled for the Flathead are actually going on right now. The vehicles were spotted at the Red Lion in the Gateway complex in downtown Kalispell and at another hotel south on Highway 93 this morning.  What follows is internet research by one of the people who observed the vehicles, and this will be followed on my blog soon with pictures and an in depth article.

Much of this is from the northcom website, but you can see a definite influence in their training scenarios that make patriots out to be the bad guy in some ways. In any case the training is real and is verified in the Flathead Valley right now.

It would be interesting to ask these guys that are training if they intend to keep their oath to the US Constitution and see what their reaction would be. 

One thought that comes to mind is this. If, indeed, these exercises are intended to intimidate the public, we need to show them that we are not alarmed, but we insist they keep their oath. It's one thing to be preparing for some kind of attack on American soil, and entirely another to be trying to target people who might disagree with the current administration in DC about how the country is being run. DHS is already swallowing the propaganda from the Southern Poverty Law Center and passing it on to all of these Federal outfits.

It's up to us to show a level head and nothing to hide when dealing with these units. In the meantime get prepared because, although this is the largest exercise of it's kind to-date, it's only the beginning of military presence in our country. It's going to get much bigger as time goes on.
Read the article below the link to the Green Zone movie trailer for some common sense about what kind of an attitude we need.
Then go to my blog at for an update on military movement around the country going on right now.
Paul Stramer

USNORTHCOM, National Guard leaders: Partnerships key to domestic response

"One of the most valuable things about the Guard is our ability to establish and maintain strong partnerships," said Air Force Gen. Craig McKinley, chief of the National Guard Bureau. "Partnerships are what make the National Guard what we are – whether it's our partnership with our parent services, … our partnership with foreign nations in the State Partnership Program … or our partnership with local authorities and civilians in communities across the country.

ATTENTION: There is a new Martial Law Legal Technique that is being used and has been used. It is called: Dual-Status Commander Program. This is where a Governor of a State signs over his authority to the NorthCom Commander during an emergency. This is one of the most alarming revelations. The CST's are essential role players in this process.

Read: " The dual-status commander concept allows joint task force commanders responding to a domestic disaster to simultaneously command federal troops and National Guard forces in multiple duty statuses. Jacoby called the concept possibly the most important initiative taken in the area of Defense support to civil authorities in a decade.

"It harnesses DoD support in a unified way and connects it intimately to the needs and power of our communities," Jacoby said. "I am very proud that, given our first opportunity during Hurricane Irene, the memorandum of agreement signatures from governors began to flow quickly as Irene approached and four governors – North Carolina, New York, Rhode Island and New Hampshire – requested designation of an actual dual-status commander for Hurricane Irene, which Secretary Panetta approved quickly."

September 11, 2001 was a watershed event for homeland security. Within a year, sweeping changes in both civilian and military organizations were made to address perceived vulnerabilities within the homeland. Through the establishment of United States Northern Command and currently emerging joint doctrine, the Department of Defense has redefined its role in providing domestic civil support. Concurrently, the newly established Department of Homeland Security has become the lead federal agency for all homeland security issues.  Given that DHS will continue to build capability across the homeland security mission spectrum, the Armed Forces contribution should proportionally diminish. In order to support this thesis, the paper explores the emerging operational constructs that define how NORTHCOM will utilize joint forces when executing the civil support mission. Analysis will identify key problematic issues associated with current and future mission execution with specific emphasis on manpower, training and redundancies that effect both DOD and DHS.  Problem areas are addressed via recommendations to CDRUSNORTHCOM and offer suggestions designed to optimize economy of force and unity of effort across the homeland security mission spectrum.

What a Civil Support Team looks like:

Forwarded message is attached.  Attached Message..................................

This is one big multi-state simo training excesses like the one conducted on 9/11/01. Follow the links. People just need to go to the websites of NorthCom, look up what is the unit designator of their state Civil Support Team, i.e., 81, 83, 102 etc. then do a google like search for them. Type in: " 81st Civil Support Team North Dakota Training "... It should pop up something.
Some people are better at searching than others.  I was called today by some very concerned and true patriot guys roaming around Hwy 2 near Browning looking for the CST's coming from North Dakota. I said "Did you know they are stationed in Helena not North Dakota and most likely will be traveling up HWY 83 not HWY 2? They had no clue, but they wanted to burn 20 gallons of fuel and 6 hours of their time looking for the convoy. I found in two minutes of Internet research that it was a Public Notice given that North Dakota's CST's and Emergency services are having the same drill there as we are having here.
People need to get on board with research first, drive after. We must recon the Internet first before taking off in all directions looking for a needle in a haystack. Military train all the time.  The recession has not hurt their budgets. We need to not just know when, but why and what scenarios they are training for. When I was in the military we were training in small elite units to take down militia groups in Yugoslavia two years before that war broke out. We were training for mass Special Op troop formations to take out Iran or Iraq 6 years before that war. The game planners always put out the best scenario for the units to train with. That is key to why we need to be better at not just finding them but understanding them. We need to survive the next 9/11!

Look here:   Every state has them. In 1999 there were 10 FEMA/Military Zones created. These 10 zones had the formations of what we can call a COG, Continuity of Government/ Military. In reality a Martial Law Zone, run by Generals and insiders of the Secret Government.  By 2001 they were fully funded and operational. Each Zone had it's own covert ops, intelligence gathers, hunter teams and spooks. They also had Army, Air force and other branches designated units, battalions, divisions and wings to each Zone if there was a need, so some of top secret, some of it plain Jane Military, a good mix. It was training exercises of the 10 Zones that was taking place on 9/11. The COG was in control that day. The "no fly" and "no shoots" were being ordered by the likes of COG Commanders like Dick Cheney. That is one reason that it has been and will remain out of the mainstream media. COG is in control.

After 9/11 2001 they began implementing Homeland Security and the Joint Task Force concept under NorthCom. JTF's are multi-jurisdictional, multi branch and multi national units formed for unique missions. Civil Support Teams are a concept of a JTF team.
Right now the best picture I can see is that there is a multi level training op being run right now. That means COG is running it through it's subordinates in the JTF's NorthCom, Norad and so on. Unfortunately some idiots are out their on the net blabbing off their mouths about things they know nothing off.  Maybe I am one of them, but my research is solid. I mainly am frustrated with people like Lee Ann playing into the fear tactics and "Let's get our guns, kick some tail ... Redneck talk!" What a tool!
People need to realize there will be another terror attack. By who?????? But there will be. We need to be vigilant to what COG is preparing for so we can survive it. The idiots who think they can roll with Delta or Seal Team Six or one of the highly specialized JTF teams is a FOOL!!!! Any Podunk leg pog outfit would make any so called militia wannabe group piss their pants in a fight. Fighting is not an option.  Education and preparedness are! I absolutely do not advocate any form of violence or action against anyone, citizen or military. That is wrong, criminal and foolish! I believe that I am always ready for peace and prepared to survive.

So back to my main point... We need to observe and interview the CST's and other participants in the exercises to get a better understanding of what's on the horizon for us. What do we need to prepare for? 

These exercises go on all the time. It's just this time there are many going on in many states.
Here is a example of a past exercises.  They usually have the scenario that Freeman type or Sovereign citizens in an effort to force their perspective state to secede have planted a dirty bomb or chemical bomb or some other horrible violent terror device. Ever watched the TV series "Jericho"?

Let's keep cool, observe, ready and prepare for the next 9/11!

We may be in the middle of the next event.  We must be prepared. I have always believed that they are going to go for small town America next like in the TV show Jericho they hit 10 cities in the 10 zones simultaneously. We need to be ready for that.   Kooks and dingbats need to be removed from further discussion groups.  They are idiots and only bring undeserved attention on truly concerned people.




The Catholic Church is a major roadblock in Obama's quest to bring complete Socialism to the US of A. This video explains why Obama and his minions must"divide and conquer" the Catholic Church. If you are Catholic, you need to watch it. If not, you should see it anyway.

This video is being sent out quickly with the hopes that it will get as far as it can before it is pulled by the "Powers that be." Please watch this video as soon as you receive it, then forward it. It tells all.

Turn on the speakers. You may have to copy and paste.
This is not a 30 second watch

Texans joining mutiny against RNC rule

Texans joining mutiny against RNC rule

Republicans from Texas are leading a mutiny at their national nominating convention in Tampa and fighting proposed rule changes that they say amount to a power grab by entrenched GOP operatives at the expense of grassroots activism.
The issue could explode in a floor fight Tuesday, just after Republican leaders open the first full day of the convention and turn to consider party rules. Although the process is usually a quiet one, the dispute over the new delegate selection process proposal advanced by Mitt Romney supporters threatens to shine a spotlight on the schism.
The proposed change, which is aimed at muting the power of insurgent candidates like Tea Party favorite Ron Paul, would effectively allow presidential nominees to disavow and decide delegates bound to them at the nominating convention and selected under state rules. Delegates who are allocated to a presidential candidate would only be certified if they had been pre-certified or approved by the presidential candidate for whom they are bound to vote.
Texans, who select their delegates through a voting process that often elevates grassroots activists, say the change is an affront to the Lone Star State.
"We believe in Texas as a principle that no presidential candidate nor the RNC should be able to tell Texas who can or cannot be a delegate to the national convention," said Butch Davis, one of two Texans on the RNC rules committee. "It's not a plain vanilla political fight. It's a fundamental principle that we're arguing for."
Davis said the battle is one over fundamental freedoms and voting rights.
"This isn't a vanilla political fight, this isn't Reagan versus Ford, Goldwater versus Rockefeller," Davis said. "This is George Washington versus King George."

"We won't allow this control by Republican candidate to take place,"
Davis added.
Texas has been joined by representatives from Iowa, Louisiana, Virginia and other states in trying to fend off the rules. They have advanced a "minority report" that would strip out the delegate disavowal provision, but it only can come to a vote if at least 25 percent of the rules committee members - or 29 people - support it.
Although there were enough supporters over the weekend, representatives who want the rule change, including Mississippi's Henry Barbour and others who are worried about the prospect of a damaging, public battle have been trying to peel off backers. An e-mail sent to rules committee members Sunday night implored Texans, Virginians and other minority report advocates to stand down.
But that won't happen, vowed Melinda Fredericks.
"This just goes against everything Texas stands for, so we have to fight it," said Fredericks, a rules committee member. Fredericks said she didn't want a public battle but said the stakes were too high to back down.
In a letter to rules committee members Sunday night, Fredericks said Texas would stand its ground:
"The Texas delegation considers the new rule an unacceptable infringement on our right to freely choose our delegates to the national convention. Our delegates are in shock that such an amendment would even be presented before the rules committee, much less passed. … We realize not every state selects its delegates in the same manner we do, and perhaps you find it hard to understand what has us so worked up. Frankly, we find it hard to understand how your delegations would be willing to give away their rights. The Texas delegation does not want a floor fight, but please know that…the only way a floor fight can be avoided is for this rule to be stricken."
Bruce Bond, an alternate delegate from Sugar Land, Texas, who now backs Romney, said he was "really concerned about this takeover of the rules."
"We're Texans. We want liberty," he said. "This is changing the rules after the fact."
Bond said the plan could backfire. "It concerns me that (some rules committee members are) just falling in line with what Romney wants," he added. "We ought to stand on our base principles. What he's doing is forcing those of us who are for him to vote with the Ron Paul people."

Delegate Letter
Dear Fellow Delegate,

You have heard the growing controversy regarding a number of new power grabs in the Rules of the Republican Party as proposed for adoption in the report of the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business.

That committee report will be considered by the convention at today's afternoon session.

Do not be fooled into believing that a good "compromise" has been reached which is even near acceptable.

The Minority Reports are alive and well. Although ferocious efforts have been made to get Rules Committee members to withdraw their names from the Minority Reports, grassroots outrage actually persuaded additional Rules Committee members to sign onto the Minority Reports since the Rules Committee meeting last Friday.

The Rule 15 "compromise" affects only one of the three most damaging changes which the Minority Reports would correct. That is the proposal that presidential candidates would be given the power to disallow and remove delegates elected under state party rules or state law.

Unchanged in the "compromise" are the gutting of the currently-in-effect reforms which succeeded this year in stopping the trend toward a national presidential primary and the very worst change proposed in the national rules, the proposed new Rule 12, permitting the Republican National Committee to regularly amend the national party rules between the national conventions.

The Minority Reports would solve both problems.

Proponents of the "compromise" ignore the enormously destructive problem of the proposed Rule 12. Rule 12 would enable 75 of the Republican National Committee later to eliminate their "compromise" and to destroy or make drastic changes in dozens of other rules which have served our party well over the years.

In practice, Rule 12 would enable an RNC chairman to enact almost any rules change he or she desired, because an RNC chairman already has so much power and influence that he or she can almost always can get 75 or more of the RNC members to vote for or against anything. A chairman already has the enormous "power of the purse," and should not have also the power to change party rules at will.

There is already quite enough power flow from the top down in our party. Instead of approving more power grabs, we should be looking for ways for more power to flow from the bottom up. That's how to attract more participants into our party.
The media's picked up on this series of last-minute manipulations by D.C insiders and consultants, and I'm sure you've been bombarded with contacts from both sides.

The truth is, this isn’t a compromise. It’s far from it.

This is insider establishment politics at its worst – and they’re dealing furiously against grassroots conservatives like you and me.

And no change to Rule 15 will mean anything if a party chairman decides to use the powers given under a new Rule 12 that allows the RNC to change the Rules of the Republican Party between national conventions.
So I’m asking you to support the full Minority Reports on the Rules – and to not be fooled by any so-called “compromise.” I especially ask you to take a stand in your delegation for a roll call vote on the Minority Reports.


Morton Blackwell
National Committeeman, Virginia

See more:



I met a fairy today that said she would grant me one wish.

"I want to live forever," I said.

"Sorry," said the fairy, "I'm not
allowed to grant wishes like that!"

"Fine," I said, "then I want to die after Congress gets their heads out of their asses!"

"You crafty bastard," said the fairy.