Wednesday, August 29, 2012

White Hats Report #5 Ed Falcone Demands Justice vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader: White Hats Report #5 Ed Falcone Demands Justice vid
Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 29-Aug-2012 12:54:47

From a Reder: TY!
Ask Obama & Romney Headquarters to explain what you know & understand after following the dots to dots
to dots & the obvious Pathway of Discovery. Yes, I did. No response.
CBS News came close but still miss the real news here. Have at it. It's going to be hot & furious from now to end of 2012. MOST OF THIS WILL BE EXPOSED BY election day! Taking bets?
Report number 5 from December of 2010 directly relates to the investigation that is about to explode in the Summer of 2012. This video will get you up to speed and even give you a chuckle or two... No point in not having a sense of humor in desperate times right?
Fast and Furious: Obama's Watergate
Operation Fast and Furious has been painted as a rogue program out of the ATF Phoenix Office, with no orchestration with the Department of Justice or White House. When it was revealed that Eric Holder had received memos discussing Fast and Furious, Holder denied reading them. When wiretap applications discussing Fast and Furious approved by the DOJ were revealed, Holder stated DOJ officials only read summary sheets that did not include mention of Fast and Furious details. When Darrell Issa, spearheading the investigation, subpoenaed 80,000 documents relating to Fast and Furious, Holder refused to comply because of "ongoing investigations," providing less than ten percent of the documents, most of which were redacted. Holder's claim of "ongoing investigations" was an obvious stonewalling technique that he has used many times in the past, including during the Clinton Administration.
With a Contempt of Congress vote looming against Eric Holder, Obama threw down the gauntlet, asserting Executive Privilege regarding the subpoenaed documents, an eleventh hour ruse, bringing to the fore the belief, as most have asserted all along, that Fast and Furious was an Obama Administration program, not, as asserted, an operation conducted by a handful of rogue ATF agents. Regardless, the Obama Administration is now in attack mode with the House Oversight Committee voting to place Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.
As commentators have indicated, the President can't have it both ways. He stated unequivocally, that he had no knowledge of Fast and Furious, but Executive Privilege specifically only covers communications between the President or one of his close advisers with another party, and cannot, as Nixon tried to assert, cover anything he desires. That Obama would issue this right to cover tens of thousands of documents is ludicrous. Per the Congressional Oversight Manual, Executive Privilege covers communication by or surrounding the President:
"The communication must be authored or 'solicited and received' by a close White House advisor (or the President). The judicial test is that an advisor must be in 'operational proximity' with the President. This effectively means that the scope of the presidential communications privilege extends only to the boundaries of the White House and the Executive Office complex" (51).
Ironically, Executive Privilege cannot be used unless Obama was involved in Fast and Furious. And if he was involved in Fast and Furious, then Obama was involved in sending hundreds of guns to Mexican drug cartels. If Obama was involved in facilitating the murders of hundreds of Mexican citizens, and at least one American citizen—Border Patrol agent Brian Terry—this would necessitate immediate impeachment.
Of course most Americans know, and as some Congressional members on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have stated, Fast and Furious was an Obama Administration-orchestrated program in order to substantiate Obama's wild claim on March 9, 2009 in Mexico (parroted by Holder, Napolitano and Hillary Clinton) that 90% of weapons used by Mexican drug cartels in violent crime come from U.S. gun dealers. To demonize U.S. gun dealers by first encouraging them to sell to Mexican drug cartel straw buyers, and then to blame them for doing so. To ramp up gun laws. To curtail and eventually void the Second Amendment. To literally countermand the highest law in the land!
This is Obama's Watergate and the American people will not rest until this man is removed from power.

Word of the Lord for September 2012 and Beyond

Phyllis Ford Carpenter’s Touch Ministries, Arlington, Texas 

Word of the Lord for September 2012 and Beyond
“In this month there will be a great birthing of things that will come forth and with every birthing comes travail, pain and birth pangs. But, after the time of birthing there will be the calm after the birth. A great birthing of sons is coming forth. But at the same time there will be an appearing of that which has sown evil also. It is about to be realized as well. In the midst of these things I will be moving by my own hand with great change.”

The Lord said that this month of September will yield and be filled with various serious issues that have been brewing and they are about to come to a complete head. The frustrations of many people have been building. There now pervades a tension throughout the land –almost as if we have been watching a ticking time bomb and this has been leading up to a time where things must be dealt with one way or another. Much of what we will see played out this month will be as a result of things that have gone too far. There will be acts of terrorism (much of it will be home grown) that will occur ---even in US, London and other areas in Europe as well. War plans will be challenged –which have been like a volcano ready to erupt. They will also be pushed towards an edge.

“This birthing is a coming forth of the manifested sons of God and they are preparing for advancement, even for battle. In the time that they are coming forth they will come into direct conflict with the manifestation of evil that has been festering with greed, pride, arrogance and rebellion against the work of the Living God. I shall prepare my people and I shall strengthen them as they come forth for they will be ready for the many things that will be occurring during this month of September.”

Romans 8:19-22 “For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.”

“They shall come forth as righteous warriors who will not shrink back nor break rank. At the very same time the evil, which has already begun to take form, in its’ violence, hatred and anger in high degrees, will be ready to takeover. Even the root of that spirit which is trying to destroy all that doesn’t carry its’ false dogma and is ready to defend its’ position to appear as angels of light and so called followers of truth. So this is a day to be sober minded and quite discerning so that you will know and be able to differentiate good from evil, light from that which carries a false light.My warriors are coming forth out of the birthing and have been produced through hard labor and deep times of intercession. They have been produced in delays and even recent battles that could only be fought in the heavenly realm. You must come to understand and know that I have determined the victors and how this course will run and I have already set in place my plan for my people. They will overcome and walk in the triumph which I prepared before the foundations of the earth.”

“In these first ten days I will release many instructions and resources to aid you in the season. I will provide details concerning your path and assignment before you. Observe, pray and understand the power of what you have received because interwoven with the assignments I will release specific instructions that coincide with the abilities that I have placed in you. Do not underestimate what I have given you.Keys to unlock—Keys to lock out—doors that will open and doors that will no longer be your option to take. Follow everything that you do in prayer and thanksgiving for this is my will that concerns your life. I will never send you on a journey without ample supplies to achieve what you are to do. I will never give you an assignment without the ability to complete what you set out to do and begin. This will help you to understand what I have called you to do and what may be set before you as a deception.Stay in your word, it is the manna that I give to you in this hour that you will be able to understand my ways and know how to follow your specific path that I have chosen for you. In this hour I will give to you revelation to understand that which was not previously understood and it will become clear and you will know the way before you, says your Lord.”

During the fast the Lord woke me around the 4th watch and began to share with me concerning things that were getting ready to happen within these next two months, September and October. He began by saying that in this time that the work of the kingdom is going to come forth stronger than ever and it will spread like a wild fire that would not be hindered for it will move upon the land and across the waters to bring forth the kingdom purposes in this hour and day to come. Also that we are standing in the new day of time when everything is going to take form that has been going on for these last years and from now until the coming of 2013 there is about to be a strong shift that will produce everything in its strength, of that which is good and that which is evil. For that which is good that has been incubating over these past months since the beginning of this year—it is now taking form and moving forth as a mighty army of God, as sons of the kingdom, understanding their sonship and the importance of the foundations of the tabernacle of David.

“Rosh Hashanah will be remembered as the time that the light shined upon the nations and uncovered the ills and evils that have now caused trouble to be upon the land. But know when the light comes upon the darkness, the darkness won’t comprehend the light. Some things through the glory of God, will be uprooted and uncovered. It will set in motion the destruction of the evil—and those who have been waiting for the light will see it and be glad—much will be done because of the light. All of false lights will be exposed in the face of that which is real. My light will uncover the deception that has been taught and these things will cease to reflect a certain illusion of power. It will be uncovered in the camp and uncovered in the land.”
“I am moving things into place in order to keep some things from escalating into greater trouble and I am moving to push forward my kingdom plans into full swing. Because as crisis comes forth—so will crisis management, as evil pervades throughout the laid with frustration, greed, and anger—I will also bring forth those with answers and solutions to deal with serious situations with my wisdom in order to calm the storms of these days.”

“This is a time of being watchful and to be in watch for much will occur suddenly and without notice. There have been those who have planned evil throughout the cities and even regions beyond the US. They want to place fear and uncertainty in the hearts of many. But quit ye like men and don’t allow the events and occurrences of the hour to paralyze you in fear. Be observant and watch/pray. Be quick and diligent at this time so that you will know what to do and how to do it. For I will release keys that will unlock ways to counter the enemies tactics and you will be able to overcome as you walk in righteousness and stay before my presence. Know that there are several alliances to several causes and you must be careful not to support and engage in any of them other than the purposes of the kingdom. As my glory descends upon this earth I shall judge and I shall shake the very foundations that must be destroyed because the time has come to expose and uncover the works of the enemy that align themselves with the kingdoms of this world. Keep your faithfulness to my word, my truth, my righteousness and the work of Calvary that has been accomplished for your lives that you may be saved from the powers of darkness. Walk in the light of my salvation, holiness, and compassion which will lead men to life and the resurrection in my blood which was shed for all. These are serious times. They are times where men will rise up and declare who they are and to whom they belong. Know that you have been called for this time, this hour. It is time to walk in what I have placed in you. So go forth and you will not miss the mark.”

“And the horn of my anointed ones will be exalted and promotion will come forth.That which has exalted itself will now be brought down. This shifting will not come quietly but with everything that has been mounting from economic issues to one crisis and from another crisis which will all be pushed together. At the end result of that chaos will come a clashing of factors that have no resolve therefore this trouble will breed a serious crisis.”

Psalm 75: Song of Asaph: Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks, for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare. When I shall receive the congregation I will judge uprightly. The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved: I bear up the pillars of it. Selah. I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn: Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck. For promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he puts down one, and sets up another. For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he pours out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them. But I will declare forever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.

The Lord began to share the analogy; of great tremors that will break forth –coming from underneath the surface. These are similar to the result of things that have been hidden under the surface—the lies within the government, the cover ups and dishonesty that this nation has allowed. The pressure builds and begins to push until that pressure causes the breaking away of the surface and the ground starts to separate and give way. It reveals an uncovering of circumstances that have tried to frustrate the plans of righteousness, concerning the things of God in this nation. He said that these things cannot continue without a blowing up of these issues since there’s been no relief or resolve and now they are ready to surface—from the presidential candidates to government cover ups, to ties to organizations and people with evil covenants that this nation have made for greed, for power, for the ability to control and to own these regions. These are the very issues that can destroy a nation and its people. Everything is coming to a head and you are about to see the unlocking of a sequence of events that will happen as a result of these actions. The warning signs have already become visible.

To those who are on the fence with what they believe and who to follow:
“This is a time to make your calling and election sure. You must begin to make decisions about who will you follow and what you will do with your life. These decisions are vital for your future. There is much coming upon the land and it is important to no longer halt between two opinions. Make a choice to embrace the love that I freely give to you. I say to you this day you are my son, my daughter in whom I have waited and loved and even been longsuffering. Come in and sit at my table before my presence so that I may nourish you with my love and strengthen you with my life. For I love you with an everlasting love and the time of my beckoning is nigh.”

The Truth About the 2007 Invasion of Iran and the Woman Who Stopped It

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

RealTime Gordon Duff – The Truth About the 2007 Invasion of Iran and the Woman Who Stopped It
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Aug-2012 11:02:32

A Brave Loyal American Prevents a USS Liberty Type False Flag Attack Saving Hundreds of Marines and Sailors
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Five years ago, an American woman serving in Bahrain single handedly stopped the United States government from a criminal attack on Iran and a series of “false flag” terror attacks on American troops and ships in the region.
American Neocons and Israeli lobby decided this was their last chance to start a war, one that would saddle the next president with a disaster of unprecedented proportions, fighting 3 wars during America’s Bush driven economic collapse.
The plans were in motion, plans that would have eventually collapsed the United States, plans also aimed at the destruction of Iran and the enslavement of her people. One person, known to few, played a key role in stopping this disaster.
This is Gwyneth Todd, former member of President Clinton’s National Security Council and top Middle East advisor. Stopping the Bush invasion would end her career and nearly cost her life.
Todd, though a ranking Navy official in 2007, was forced to flee Bahrain for her life, settling in Australia. Those who aided her were murdered, jailed, hunted.
In 2007, an American armada, troop ships, aircraft carriers, guided missile cruisers and destroyers sailed into the Persian Gulf. Their plan was to land Marines on Iranian soil, a plan hatched by Vice President Dick Cheney and White House officials including Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Clarke.
more here

Marine Kidnapped Over Facebook Posts Makes First Public Appearance: "I Am Scared For My Country" -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Marine Kidnapped Over Facebook Posts Makes First Public Appearance: "I Am Scared For My Country" -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Aug-2012 10:25:32

Marine Kidnapped Over Facebook Posts: ‘I Am Scared For My Country’
In his first public comments since being kidnapped by authorities over political posts on Facebook, former Marine Brandon Raub tells John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute that he is scared for his country.

Raub’s case went viral on the Internet earlier this month when on August 16, the former Iraq and Afghanistan veteran was kidnapped from his home by police, FBI and Secret Service agents and forcibly incarcerated in a psychiatric ward by authorities in Virginia in response to Facebook posts which the FBI deemed “terrorist” in nature.
Raub was released after a week when a judge concluded that the original petition ordering him to be detained contained no information whatsoever on the reasons behind Raub’s incarceration.
Raub explained that one of his main concerns in being publicly vocal about his concerns with the activity of the U.S. government was executive orders that allow the state to seize dictatorial power in a time of crisis, including the seizure of private property, communications and the institution of forced labor camps.
Raub explains how he set up a Facebook group with his brother and sister which was based on the Illuminati card game, which contextualizes some of the comments that the FBI dubiously claimed were “terrorist” in nature, including a reference to Raub ‘sharpening his axe’.

GOP Destroys Integrity of National Convention, Flagrantly Cheats Ron Paul Out of Nomination

Make this GO VIRAL. Show your neoCONned sheeple just how corrupt the GOP/RNC truly is!

GOP Destroys Integrity of National Convention, Flagrantly Cheats Ron Paul Out of Nomination

Las Vegas Sun + NY Times Confirm: Ron Paul Got SIX State Petitions for Nomination

Video of the Nevada delegate naming the six states who nominated Ron Paul at the RNC

Anger Erupts At Convention Due To GOP Corruption

Ron Paul's Maine Delegates Erupt After Getting Barred from Republican Convention

Video: Maine Delegate Exposees RNC Corruption

VA Delegation Bus being Redirected away from Convention to prevent them from voting against Rules Committee Power Grab

Delegate Letter from Morton BlackwellNational Committeeman, Virginia 

Dear Fellow Delegate,

You have heard the growing controversy regarding a number of new power grabs in the Rules of the Republican Party as proposed for adoption in the report of the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business.

That committee report will be considered by the convention at today's afternoon session.

Do not be fooled into believing that a good "compromise" has been reached which is even near acceptable.

The Minority Reports are alive and well. Although ferocious efforts have been made to get Rules Committee members to withdraw their names from the Minority Reports, grassroots outrage actually persuaded additional Rules Committee members to sign onto the Minority Reports since the Rules Committee meeting last Friday.

The Rule 15 "compromise" affects only one of the three most damaging changes which the Minority Reports would correct. That is the proposal that presidential candidates would be given the power to disallow and remove delegates elected under state party rules or state law.

Unchanged in the "compromise" are the gutting of the currently-in-effect reforms which succeeded this year in stopping the trend toward a national presidential primary and the very worst change proposed in the national rules, the proposed new Rule 12, permitting the Republican National Committee to regularly amend the national party rules between the national conventions.

The Minority Reports would solve both problems.

Proponents of the "compromise" ignore the enormously destructive problem of the proposed Rule 12. Rule 12 would enable 75 of the Republican National Committee later to eliminate their "compromise" and to destroy or make drastic changes in dozens of other rules which have served our party well over the years.

In practice, Rule 12 would enable an RNC chairman to enact almost any rules change he or she desired, because an RNC chairman already has so much power and influence that he or she can almost always can get 75 or more of the RNC members to vote for or against anything. A chairman already has the enormous "power of the purse," and should not have also the power to change party rules at will.

There is already quite enough power flow from the top down in our party. Instead of approving more power grabs, we should be looking for ways for more power to flow from the bottom up. That's how to attract more participants into our party.

The media's picked up on this series of last-minute manipulations by D.C insiders and consultants, and I'm sure you've been bombarded with contacts from both sides.

The truth is, this isn’t a compromise. It’s far from it.

This is insider establishment politics at its worst – and they’re dealing furiously against grassroots conservatives like you and me.

And no change to Rule 15 will mean anything if a party chairman decides to use the powers given under a new Rule 12 that allows the RNC to change the Rules of the Republican Party between national conventions.
So I’m asking you to support the full Minority Reports on the Rules – and to not be fooled by any so-called “compromise.” I especially ask you to take a stand in your delegation for a roll call vote on the Minority Reports.

Morton Blackwell
National Committeeman, Virginia

See more:

Republicans from Texas are leading a mutiny at their national nominating convention in Tampa and fighting proposed rule changes that they say amount to a power grab by entrenched GOP operatives at the expense of grassroots activism.
The issue could explode in a floor fight Tuesday, just after Republican leaders open the first full day of the convention and turn to consider party rules. Although the process is usually a quiet one, the dispute over the new delegate selection process proposal advanced by Mitt Romney supporters threatens to shine a spotlight on the schism.
The proposed change, which is aimed at muting the power of insurgent candidates like Tea Party favorite Ron Paul, would effectively allow presidential nominees to disavow and decide delegates bound to them at the nominating convention and selected under state rules. Delegates who are allocated to a presidential candidate would only be certified if they had been pre-certified or approved by the presidential candidate for whom they are bound to vote.
Texans, who select their delegates through a voting process that often elevates grassroots activists, say the change is an affront to the Lone Star State.
"We believe in Texas as a principle that no presidential candidate nor the RNC should be able to tell Texas who can or cannot be a delegate to the national convention," said Butch Davis, one of two Texans on the RNC rules committee. "It's not a plain vanilla political fight. It's a fundamental principle that we're arguing for."
Davis said the battle is one over fundamental freedoms and voting rights.
"This isn't a vanilla political fight, this isn't Reagan versus Ford, Goldwater versus Rockefeller,"Davis said. "This is George Washington versus King George."

"We won't allow this control by Republican candidate to take place,"
 Davis added.
Texas has been joined by representatives from Iowa, Louisiana, Virginia and other states in trying to fend off the rules. They have advanced a "minority report" that would strip out the delegate disavowal provision, but it only can come to a vote if at least 25 percent of the rules committee members - or 29 people - support it.
Although there were enough supporters over the weekend, representatives who want the rule change, including Mississippi's Henry Barbour and others who are worried about the prospect of a damaging, public battle have been trying to peel off backers. An e-mail sent to rules committee members Sunday night implored Texans, Virginians and other minority report advocates to stand down.
But that won't happen, vowed Melinda Fredericks.
"This just goes against everything Texas stands for, so we have to fight it," said Fredericks, a rules committee member. Fredericks said she didn't want a public battle but said the stakes were too high to back down.
In a letter to rules committee members Sunday night, Fredericks said Texas would stand its ground:
"The Texas delegation considers the new rule an unacceptable infringement on our right to freely choose our delegates to the national convention. Our delegates are in shock that such an amendment would even be presented before the rules committee, much less passed. … We realize not every state selects its delegates in the same manner we do, and perhaps you find it hard to understand what has us so worked up. Frankly, we find it hard to understand how your delegations would be willing to give away their rights. The Texas delegation does not want a floor fight, but please know that…the only way a floor fight can be avoided is for this rule to be stricken."
Bruce Bond, an alternate delegate from Sugar Land, Texas, who now backs Romney, said he was"really concerned about this takeover of the rules."
"We're Texans. We want liberty," he said. "This is changing the rules after the fact."
Bond said the plan could backfire. "It concerns me that (some rules committee members are) just falling in line with what Romney wants," he added. "We ought to stand on our base principles. What he's doing is forcing those of us who are for him to vote with the Ron Paul people."

Dear Don,
I’ve been doing conventions long enough to realize that when you don’t have the numbers, things will not go your way.

Today, we didn’t have the numbers. That is not in question.

Four years ago, the Republican Party simply handled our R3VOLUTION by slamming the door in our faces with hardly any consequences.

Today, the GOP establishment can no longer afford to employ these tactics.

Instead, they’ve adopted new ones.

Properly elected Ron Paul delegates were stripped from us. And when a motion was made to amend the Credentials Committee Report, it was ignored.

Morton Blackwell, a longtime conservative activist and RNC Rules Committee expert, found himself indefinitely detained – along with the rest of the Virginia delegation.

The RNC’s bus driver responsible for transporting delegates somehow “got lost” for well over an hour until a critical Rules Committee meeting adjourned.

Blackwell and the Virginia delegation were heading up the efforts to defeat new RNC rules proposed by Washington, D.C.-based insider attorneys.

These rules are designed to turn the Republican Party into a top-down organization and strip power away from state parties and grassroots activists of every stripe.

All efforts to vote down these onerous rules were ignored despite a clear split in the voice vote.

Sadly, these rules will now govern the party.

While it is almost certain we did not have the votes on the floor to win either of these battles, a fair and open debate and recognition of our motions would have been a better way for these problems to have been handled.

It didn’t have to be this way. And quite frankly, it’s a shame.

It’s a shame for Ron Paul supporters. It’s a shame for conservative activists of all stripes, and it’s a shame for the Republican Party.

However, you and I have much to be proud of.

Many of the amendments our campaign fought for were included in the new GOP platform. Four years ago, many politicians in both parties scoffed at our efforts to audit the Federal Reserve.

Now it’s in the Republican Platform – along with internet freedom, war only under a Congressional declaration, support for a gold commission, and fighting back against domestic drones.

We also forced the establishment to cave in and seat more of our delegates than they wanted to.

Instead of being shut out of the convention, Ron Paul was able to walk the floor and talk to his delegates Tuesday afternoon.

Coalitions that have been built over the past several weeks on these battles will last long into the future.

Our liberty movement is growing. It’s growing fast.

And the underhanded actions we’ve seen over the past week are sure to drive more folks into our camp.

I’m proud of our liberty movement. I’m proud of all we’ve accomplished. I’m proud of you.

I strongly believe you and I are the future.

Winning won’t be easy. Our opponents are determined to maintain their iron grip on power.

But their days are numbered – if I can count on you to keep up the fight.

The Ron Paul R3VOLUTION is not coming to end.

Our R3VOLUTION will not end until limited government, free markets, sound money, and respect for individual liberty, constitutional principles, and a pro-America foreign policy are finally restored in America.

And you will play a vital role in making this a reality.

For Liberty,

John Tate
Campaign Manager
P.S. The establishment is going to use every trick in the book to hold onto their power.

But they know you and I are the future of the Republican Party. Their days in power are numbered - if I can count on you to stay involved.
Our R3VOLUTION did not end today. It’s only beginning.

Ron Paul: The More They Try to Silence Us the Harder We Work

Cavuto Interviews Ron Paul

Dinar Intel - Cruiser

[Josey Wales] eagles4 hello ...I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all......THANK A VET TODAY!!!!

feda] +++++ Do Not Call The Banks +++++++

[cruiser] Ok. Just go off the phone. The Earliest this will happen is tomorrow Afternoon!!!!! Feel Free to hope for today, but certain things have to happen before it goes live. They have NOT.. Sorry to disappoint, because I am disappointed also but there you have it. What those things are, sorry cannot discuss. If I could I would but it is better that I keep quiet about it, for now. BTW, What I am talking about has NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQ!. I have to run. Just wanted to let everyone now what is going on.

[jetpack] Cruiser is correct about today actually I don't think we will see before Thursday but it's coming very soon

[stevhens777] cruiser Meaning its out of Iraq's hands?
[cruiser] stevhens777 Yes

 [chrivers] cruiser in other words certain actions have to be taken or put in place before it can possibly rv??

[cruiser] chrivers Really cannot explain right now.

 [Austin-Powers-For-PM] cruiser Are you saying that it's out of Iraq's hands, but possibly the IMF is waiting for Iraq to fully get it's act together? (HCL passed, Ministers named, Erbil Implemented) so as not to cause chaos in Iraq?

[cruiser] Austin-Powers-For-PM I am told Iraq is ready to go! Just like us.

[chrivers] cruiser I understand!! :) I'm just wondering iyo, do u think we will c this thing by Sept. 1st?

[cruiser] chrivers yes.

[stevhens777] cruiser Before Sept 1 2012?

[cruiser] stevhens777 yes


gsp4] With banks closes on Monday here for Labor Day, it would give them an extra day to get organized.

NY Times: UN chief to attend NAM in blow to US, Israel

NY Times: UN chief to attend NAM in blow to US, Israel

August 24, 2012

The decision by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to attend the upcoming NAM summit in Tehran is proof that the US and Israel’s anti-Iran policy has failed to find followers in much of the global scene, The New York Times writes.

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
“The American-Israeli campaign” against Iran “is not resonating in much of the world,” the daily wrote on Wednesday.

It noted that Ban’s decision “reinforced Iran’s contention that a reordering of powers is underway in the Middle East where Western influence is waning.”

To read the rest of this story, visit

The Star Spangle Banner sung by a rock band....AWESOME JOB

I hate, and I mean despise "Rock" music, but this group is more than acceptable, and should be to every American with this song..............Listen.
Music from America’s perspective.

Watch this video of our National Anthem being sung by a "hard-rock" group. This band sings a version that will knock your socks off ... a Navy vet sings the lead. 

RNC Shuts Out Grassroots Despite Loud Opposition --- FRAUD AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE


RNC convention

RNC Shuts Out Grassroots Despite Loud Opposition

While some think that the rules adoptions today was all about Ron Paul, they are mistaken. Cynthia Kennedy reported in two stories that the RNC were setting up last minute rule changes to go into effect before the nomination process. As a result, the party overwhelmingly voted for Mitt Romney to represent the party, but they also approved rules that will effectively stifle the voices of any and all grassroots efforts in the Republican party in the future.

Before things started today on the convention floor columnist Michelle Malkin Tweeted:
Later on as things were developing and the RNC was pushing through their power grab via the head RINO, Speaker of the House John Boehner and John Sununu, they didn’t even try to differentiate between the yes and no votes. Personally, I think either Boehner had one too many drinks or needed his ears cleaned or both. Because even on C-Span you could hear there was significant dissent.



Read more:


Russian Expert Predicts Obama Will Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012

Russian Expert Predicts Obama Will Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012

By Susanne Posel
August 27, 2012
Igor Panarin, dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry School for future diplomats, believes that President Obama will announce martial law by the end of 2012.
He explains: “There’s a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur.”
In 2009, Panarin lectured at the Diplomatic Academy where he stated that he believes that the US will begin to collapse in 2010.
He compared America to Nazi Germany and blamed the US for the global financial crisis that destroyed the Russian economy.
Panarin said that American society is in decline, referencing school shootings like Columbine. Combined with the banker bailouts in 2008 as proof that the US is no longer the global dominating economy, Paranrin believes that the American dream is over.
He asserts that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will plunge America into a civil war that will center on the collapse of the US dollar.

Panarin created a map of how he perceived the US would be divided. He asserted that parts of the US would be taken over by foreign interests.
Considering the social climate emerging in America, Panarin’s words seem prophetic.
Lubbock County Judge Tom Head said on a local FOX affiliate station that he is convinced that Obama’s re-election would spawn civil unrest which would justify the US government’s use of martial law to quell the public.
Head is seeking an increase in local taxes to “beef up” the Lubbock County Sheriff’s office and district attorney’s office.
Head expressed concern that Obama would deploy UN NATO troops onto US soil should civil unrest be declared.
Head said:
“He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the U.S. to the United Nations, what’s going to happen when that happens?
I’m thinking worst case scenario. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe…we’re not just talking a few riots or demonstrations.”
In March of 2012, Obama signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP) executive order that declared peacetime marital law. Obama granted himself authority over all domestic energy, production, transportation, food and water, all in the name of National Security.
The NDRP has roots in the Defense Production Act of 1950 wherein the US government was empowered to dispense “national resources” in the event of a national emergency that would define any or all Americans as a challenge to the government.
Control over all US citizens would be required to maintain continuity of government.
The president and advisors would be able to use this directive as they saw fit if the situation warranted it.
It was no mistake that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) declared the domestic US a “battlefield”. The ability to detain any American citizen without charge or trial, solely on suspicion is key to the power of the NDAA.
As defined in the NDRP, the President allocated control over American resources to specific federal agencies to oversee their dispensation.
  •    The Secretary of Defense has power over all water resources
  •    The Secretary of Commerce has power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials
  •    The Secretary of Transportation has power over all forms of civilian transportation
  •    The Secretary of Agriculture has power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic   
  •    distribution of farm equipment 
  •    The Secretary of Health and Human Services has power over all health resources 
  •    The Secretary of Energy has power over all forms of energy

Under Nazi-controlled Germany, the beginning of Totalitarian control was evidenced in May of 1942 when freezing of food prices led to national rationing in 1943.
With the Nazis controlling resource dispersion, all citizens needed ration cards to obtain food, gas, and even a vacation pass that allotted the restriction of movement.
Between the NDAA and NDRP, a Nazi-model of control over the general population in America is laid out.
The Executive Branch, having been given the power to control all resources that are necessary to sustain all citizens, have forced Americans to become completely subservient to the US government.
The executive order is not permitted by the US Constitution which states:
“All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
The advent of executive orders completely circumvents the power of the Congress and gives the Executive Branch unilateral power. The use of executive orders has become popular as a way to control America in wartime and advent of national emergencies.
Obama has set a precedent by announcing the pre-cursor to suspension of the US Constitution during peacetime.
The first suspension of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights was performed by Abraham Lincoln during the US Civil War. This enabled Lincoln to authorize the unlawful detainment of “political prisoners” without Congressional approval.
The second declaration of unconstitutional detainment of US citizens was ordered by President FDR in 1941 with the roundup of Japanese-Americans who were sent to detainment camps to be held without charge during WW II.
For the past 30 years, plans for the takeover of America have been laid in a long line of executive orders.
By stifling Congressional approval, the Executive Branch has been empowered to detain any and all US citizens, suspend all media, and restrict any and all Americans in any and all ways deemed appropriate by the President.
We are in the midst of a Fascist takeover of our Constitutional Republic.

Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporate-funded mainstream media.