Wednesday, August 29, 2012

DHS and related high level officials are planning staged FALSE FLAGS ATTACKS IN AMERICA THIS NEXT FOUR MONTHS

DHS and related high level officials are planning staged FALSE FLAGS ATTACKS IN AMERICA THIS NEXT FOUR MONTHS ..........................

Northeast Intelligence Network
Pursuing the truth to preserve our nation
28 August 2012:

“It’s going hot.” Those were the ominous opening and closing words from my source inside the Department of Homeland Security in two separate contacts we had within the last 72 hours. Readers to this website and listeners to my radio program know this source as “Rosebud,” a source with access to high levels within the DHS administration.
Readers of this website and listeners to my radio program are familiar with this DHS insider from previous leaks detailing alleged plans by members of the Obama administration to keep him in power beyond the 2012 elections. One could argue that any person of reasonable sensibilities would certainly find this a delusional prospect and tin foil hat conspiracy nonsense. After all, we have a Constitution, or what’s left of it, that dictates our election process, at least for now. As such, one might logically ask how any sane person can even entertain the prospect of not having normal elections in November.

I would feel the same and did so as well until the last few years. Today, things are much different than they were four years ago, or even last year at this time. Judi McLeod, award-winning founder and editor of Canada Free Press and not one to succumb to delusion or fantasy, points this out and provides a solid foundation for this possibility in her column published on August 27, 2012 titled “Staged crisis leading to suspended elections could happen on our watch.” What a difference four years can make.
For the purpose of full disclosure, I must note that what follows is a compilation of the information I obtained from my source from two separate contacts within a 72 hour period. Both contacts have been assembled into a single “conversation” for easier reading. None of the information has been changed or otherwise edited.
New information from DHS source
According to my well-placed source within the DHS apparatus, what amounts to a final authorization was reportedly given to DHS directly from the White House. A “go signal” if you will. “It’s going hot. The plan, or whatever specific operation that was devised, is going hot, being put into motion. You’ve got to let people know that something is up, approval has been given, and unless somebody stops it, we’re going to have a staged event inside the U.S., and it’s being set up so that it gets real ugly real fast.” Obviously, I asked for clarification and more details.
“Look, I’ll tell you everything I know, what I’ve heard and seen, and some of what I’ve been told, but you’ve got to get this public. Even then, I’m not sure we know enough about the specific operational details, have enough time, or have the ability to overcome the characterizations of lunacy they’re going to throw at you, at us, for even talking about this. I’ve heard you talk about the ‘normalcy bias’ of most Americans, and that’s part of what we’re fighting. Look at what they did to you and the content of last information I gave to you. It was like that pass a secret game in first grade, you know, where one student whispers something in the ear of the kid next to him and it’s passed around the room until it gets to the last student. By that time, it’s nothing like the original ‘secret.’ It’s the lesson kids learn about spreading gossip. There was some state representative from Tennessee that sent out a mass e-mail of a screwed up version of what you wrote and then later retracted it,” he stated.
I reminded him that it was Tennessee State Representative Kelly Keisling who sent an e-mail to his constituents based on what amounted to third-hand information he read on the Internet. It centered around an alleged fake assassination attempt, something I never wrote, I told him. “Yes, that’s it. Didn’t you find the timing of that odd? I mean, the information I gave you was back in late April. When did Keisling send that e-mail and then make his very public retraction? Two or three weeks ago? Give me a break. They wanted to discredit you and anyone who makes public their intentions as bad as they want to know where the leaks are coming from,” he stated. “Believe me when I tell you they are desperate on a number of levels.”
My source continued: “Don’t think for one second that the sudden resurrection of the information, as incorrect as it was by that state rep, was an accident, because it wasn’t,” he replied. “Maybe the rep was played and clueless to the original story, but the way the story was managed after the fact made you look like a fool, like a real nutcase,” he said. I thanked him for the reminder.
“That’s their playbook,” he emphasized. “[Glenn] Beck, you on CFP, your show and others who talk about Alinksy tactics are right. Remember, Alinsky when he wrote that ridicule is the most potent weapon, and there is no defense because it irrational and infuriating. Trust me when I tell you that you are going to get hit hard and called crazy, this time with much greater intensity. Expect it the closer we get to the end game. But, pay attention to who is exploiting the false rumors, and you’ll get an idea who is behind the larger agenda,” he added.
I asked my source for details. “What exactly is the plan? Can you give me specific details? How do you know about this plan ‘going hot?’”
“Okay, from what I’ve been able to learn, there have been a couple different plans or scenarios developed, ready to be implemented at a moment’s notice, but each are distinctly different in nature and timing.” stated my source. “This is done for a few reasons. Look how the weather changed the plans for [Vice-President Joe] Biden’s visit to Tampa. That’s just one example. They’ve got contingencies. They are watching the poll numbers. They are closely monitoring public sentiment. But the objective of the plan is that they want to portray Obama as a victim of racist hatred by the white gun owners, the people concerned about the Constitution, the people they consider fringe. They want to silence their critics, prove that talk show hosts are causing hatred, and that all gun owners are behind the recent shootings. That’s at the heart of the plan. But to understand just how insidious this is, you’ve got to understand the people who are behind it.”
Nero in the White House, Caligula at the DHS
My source continued, “I’ve been trying to get as much information as possible, but it’s not been easy. This is definitely a plan that has its origins at the highest levels of the White House, and seems limited to maybe a handful of the people closest to Obama. The only reason I know about this authorization order, or approval, or whatever you want to call it, is that there was a major slip up at the very upper level of DHS, and I mean the very upper level” he stated. 

“Remember the news about sexual harassment, intimidation and all of the garbage that’s gone on between the people Napolitano brought in and promoted due to their ‘lifestyle’ preferences? These are some sick people, mental rapists and perverts, who she’s brought in to her innermost circle. They make Caligula look like a boy scout, at least with power and sex. Well, one of those people close to Napolitano was involved in a meeting where the concept and approval of a false flag was being discussed.”
“This is where they almost lost it. You’ve got to understand that this whole thing is very compartmentalized and we’re talking about a very small group of people in this meeting. This person knew some of the information, not all of it, and let some information slip to a counterpart. That counterpart, who found herself involved in a situation way over her head, talked. I won’t go any further, but that’s how I ended up learning the latest information,” said my source. “Now you should have an idea of how this slipped out. But they had a quick handle on damage control, given the circumstances behind the disclosure. Potentially embarrassing circumstances, sexual blackmail” he added.
I asked my source whether DHS is involved in the actual planning or staging of the event. In response, this source stated that Janet Napolitano and her closest aides are playing a supporting role. ” She has to be involved because she has to control the response to a staged event. She’s involved to coordinate and implement the clampdown, after the fact. She does what she’s told. From everything I’ve heard, I believe the plans come from Valerie Jarrett and possibly a close friend and Obama associate who has a very big stake in Obama’s re-election.”
“What happens and when it happens depends on the events of the next sixty days. If it appears that Obama does not have a lock on the next four years to finish what he started, what he has been told to do, then watch for it ‘going hot.’”
In Pursuit of the Truth...

Clearing My Conscience, The Truth About Al Rasheed Hotel and The "Shot Down" Missile

Read the entire page please, I was going to send you the entire page. LOL

Clearing My Conscience, The Truth About Al Rasheed Hotel and The "Shot Down" Missile

The following testimony is that of a Navy Veteran who wishes to remain unidentified for fear of possible retaliation. This individual contacted me through the forum and I agreed to post this after the testimony had been broadened enough to only allow it to be narrowed down to a group of more than 10 people. This is to keep him and his family safe.
This testimony may be re-posted, with reference and a link to this site.
Re-post and cache this site EVERYWHERE, after the following article, It's days may be numbered.

A U.S. Navy Veteran speaks up.

First of all, I must say that I have held this secret for almost twenty years now. I've told my wife, and close friends, but have never come forward and cleared my conscience and told the truth about what I saw on January 17, 1993. This is a night I will never forget, and I am sorry for not being courageous and telling my story sooner.

I was a Fire Controlman aboard the USS Cowpens CG-63, serving during Operation South Watch. On January 17, 1993, my ship fired 10 Tomahawk missiles out of a total of 46 released that very early morning. I was in Combat Central. I witnessed the targets. All missiles successfully hit their target, well, that is until there were reports that one of the missiles was "shot down" by anti-aircraft weapons, and "accidentally" hit the Al Rasheed Hotel. What was this story I was hearing? All the missiles that took flight successfully, HIT their TARGETS. That is what I witnessed. Later, it became painfully obvious, one of the targets was the hotel, that contained civilians. We killed innocent(?) people, on purpose. I told myself, there had to have been a military target in that hotel. I tried to justify the actions. The more I learned, the more horrified I became. My world was turned upside down.
After the attack, the media came aboard our ship. We were given strict orders to not say ANYTHING about the missiles, and not admit we even shot any. The XO followed the media around like a hound on our ship. We had one guy on our ship that screwed up though. Either he really didn't hear the order, or was a complete moron, but I think the media tricked him, I can't remember his exact words, but he said that the missiles looked really cool launching. There were many people that were allowed on certain areas outside to watch them get launched, and the whole launch was filmed by our IC team. So after he tells the reporter, the XO just stared him down. It was the stare of death and actually, the guy was off the ship not long after, and I don't know what happened to him. The media learned that we DID shoot some missiles, and I guess you can figure out why they didn't even want our ship named in the attack.
What was I a part of? I have held this secret for way too long. I can not hold it any longer. I have to tell the truth, it is the right thing to do. It was a long time ago, but I can not sleep another night with this information, I had to tell. I did nothing wrong, except not tell this sooner. I will not feel guilty any longer.
If you are not familiar with this story, since it has been close to 20 years ago, here is a Youtube video I found of the incident -

I am sorry I did not tell sooner, but I was scared. I hope everyone understands.
Comment - The youtube video counts STARTED at over 30,000 and counted BACKWARDS to 6,000!

Media Whistle blower confirms Wag The Dog is NORMAL

The site hacks started with this article, and got worse after the Navy Vet's testimony. So this one is important as well

I received this mail in response to my work related to the Bat Man shooting, a report in which I clearly showed it was NOT what we were told. My comments will follow.
Dear Jim Stone,
I'm not sure if I should state my name. I've just discovered your site and to be honest I feel a bit shaken reading most of what you've published. Not to mention all of the warnings about being censored and intercepted. I hope that my email does reach you though.
First off, I'd like to thank you for all of your hard work. I know that there must be a strong element of danger in it and I admire your courage. I love literature and used to have an even greater passion for journalism and the media. I say used to because I've seen first-hand what a news network is like.
Two years ago, I was chosen for a co-op program out of hundreds of applicants at a major broadcasting corporation situated in my city. At first it felt like I had won the lottery but the experience itself ruined my interest in a career in the media entirely. And for that I am extremely grateful.
I was there for 5 weeks out of 6 and at first I was loving it. I got to help out with projects and the employers were real nice. It was only in my last two weeks that I began to hate it. I was switched to mail duty and so I had to drop off letters for people in different sections. By accident one time, I walked into a restricted zone.
What really bothered me was the existence of 'restricted zones' in the first place. Everyone acted like one big happy family, yet when it came to asking about certain floors and areas in the building they became instantly venomous. I had used my keycard to get into a room to drop off a letter and instantly realised that I was in the wrong place. Being curious, I looked around for a bit and made sure I put everything back in it's place. I caught something really fishy though. There were news stories about the G20 summit that was taking place in Toronto that summer. But the thing is I was volunteering in the last week of May. The G20 wasn't until the end of June! And the stories seemed like they had already taken place. It was really trippy.
The next day security took me in right away and started to interrogate me on why I was in the restricted zone and who was it that had granted me access. All throughout the interrogation they kept on bringing me different cups of water telling me to drink. I drank the first two or three because I was actually thirsty, but I refused to drink the rest. And every few minutes the guard would ask 'Are you going to drink that?' I wonder now if the water was maybe drugged. My memory of that day is kind of dark but I think I'm being a bit paranoid.
At last they asked me if I'd stolen anyone's keycard and after keeping me for nearly 4 hours they let me go. Afterwards my keycard was confiscated and they told me that there had been a mix-up when they had given me mine. The one I had was for people 'higher up'. I wasn't given a new one and they also took my building ID, and other possessions that they had given me. They kicked me out of the program a week early complaining to my school and my parents of my 'erratic behaviour' saying that I was constantly insubordinate and disrespectful to my superiors. I wasn't allowed to return to school that year because of the 'terrible example' I had set at the co-op program, and I ended up missing my upcoming grad year because I didn't bother reapplying to another school. I went from being an A level student to a drop out.
When I heard James Holmes story, I felt like I could relate to him in a way. On a much lesser level of course, but I feel like he's going through something similar to what happened to me. I'm back in school now though. And I look forward to graduating. I was wondering if you could maybe give me any pointers on how I can be of any help to this cause. I hate the world we live in now, and I especially hate how people are being deluded into thinking that everything is changing for the better when in reality it's only getting worse. I hope I'm not weirding you out or anything. I'm just really excited to know that there are people out there that think for themselves.
I wish you all the best!


The Utter Shame of it !That there are No Good Christian MEN left !

In all fields of human endeavor, winning by cheating is losing.
In a competition, when someone cheats, he gets disqualified. The disqualification does not make the runner-up the winner. Rather, it reveals that the man who appeared to be the runner-up had in fact been the winner all along.
In the race for the GOP nomination for president, therefore, Ron Paul won.
As the New York Times wrote yesterday:
Delegates from Nevada tried to nominate Mr. Paul from the floor, submitting petitions from their own state as well as Minnesota, Maine, Iowa, Oregon, Alaska and the Virgin Islands. That should have done the trick: Rules require signatures from just five states. But the party changed the rules on the spot. Henceforth, delegates must gather petitions from eight states.
When Mr. Romney and the RNC cheat so blatantly, they make the game no longer about politics: they make themselves ineligible for the vote of anyone who cares about his own morality, his own honesty or his own integrity -- regardless of his politics. And from a purely practical standpoint, they invite Americans to ask if they want to live in a nation governed with the same contempt for those who don't toe the party line as has been displayed both in Tampa and throughout the primary proces

Understanding the technical side of Haarp

Digital Stepping in the Aurora Borealis

Understanding the technical side of Haarp

It is a cold hard fact that even if the entire electrical grid output was used for weather modification, there would be insufficient power available to do much of anything. The distances are too wide, volumes too huge, and locations in relation to a transmitter seldom ideal. Yet weather modification is a reality. How? This article explains how it can be done, from a scientific perspective, and also provides direct evidence from Nasa that Haarp intensified hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Emily.
Jim Stone, Freelace Journalist, Feb 5 2012
Most everyone has heard that silicon is a semiconductor. A semiconductor only permits current flow when the conditions are correct.
In a typical silicon semiconductor, it's current flow characteristics are determined by the addition of doping agents - these are mixed with the silicon and become part of it's molecular matrix during the manufacturing process. The two most common doping agents are arsenic and boron.
Doping agents cause the silicon to have an excess number of electrons in the P doped regions, and a deficiency of electrons in the N doped regions. A small electronic charge applied to the junction between the N and P regions will cause a cascade effect of a much greater magnitude if a power supply voltage is applied to one side of the piece of silicon, and a load is applied on the other side. That is what makes a transistor, the heart of a basic amplifier.
How HAARP works, and a possible real reason why there are "chem trails"
Most people do not realize this, but common air - the air we all breathe, is also a semiconductor, and it can be made to behave just like a piece of silicon if the right doping agents are added to it.
If you wish to modify the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere, you need to use an aircraft to disperse the doping agents at a high altitude. If you then take a pair of huge transmitters, such as haarp, and transmit a frequency to a specific region which is timed to phase cancel against the opposing transmitter the frequencies they transmit will vanish and leave a standing DC bias voltage in the atmosphere at the selected region.
This voltage is the electrical equivalent of the electronic charge applied between the N and P regions of a silicon transistor. The chem trails are the doping agent, and the ionosphereis the power supply.
A flow of current is then is triggered from the ionosphere to the earth below. Because the ionosphere has virtually endless power to give, it is possible to take a transmitter pair with a radiated power of only a couple of billion watts, and use it to trigger a cascade of trillions of watts. That is enough to heat the atmosphere, and trigger a change of climate, storms, ect. It is very important to make sure you do not exceed certain limits, or "clip" the atmosphere, or you will cause a lightning bolt of a sort not ever witnessed. But if kept below certain thresholds, a great amount of atmospheric heating can be caused and no one on the ground would ever notice a thing.
This of course would cause very odd electrical readings in the atmosphere. So someone should have been able to detect this, right? Nasa did. They noticed several hurricanes, including Katrina, were not electrically normal. These were the only 3 hurricanes to ever be that way. This could be done using the method mentioned here.
The following image is a drawing of how a Haarp type system could be set up to work.

Someone on Godlike Productions opened a thread about a weather anomaly in progress out East. I clicked on the link and my jaw dropped.
There, clearly showing in one of the frames of weather radar was an obvious weather modification artifact. THIS IS NOT HAARP. Whatever produced that wall of clouds had to generate the energy on site, this type of anomaly is not what you would expect from a signal collision. This would be caused by a microwave beam, or other short wavelength beam of unbelievable power. If this really is as artificially created as it appears to be, it can only mean that we have a capability to produce electricity on a scale that has never been publicized, and get it into the air in the form of transmitted energy. If anyone can explain this, please contact me. The fact that the anomaly appears in only one frame means that the atmosphere did not want to produce the clouds until strongly encouraged to. Since each frame represents 15 minutes actual time, the max length of time for that line formation to form and disappear would be 30 minutes. Quite an odd anomaly, I cannot explain this.

I apologize for the shakiness, (I shot video of the radar on the computer with a pocket camera, replayed the video and did screen captures to make this gif) so it is not the best. But it clearly shows, in the lower right portion of the frames, a weather anomaly originating out of the South West corner of Delaware.
Here, I cut the frame for reference

Here I cut the image down to include only the anomaly

Here I zoom in more, and prominently outline the Delaware border.

And more. I also place an X where I think the beam might be originating.

I then pull up the same area on Google maps, satellite view, and outline the delaware border.

I then merge them partially, to let you see what I am doing

And a full merge.

Now I fade the top layer, to reveal the google map below, with the X still faintly visible. I want everyone to search the region around that X to see if they can find the transmitter.

One thing you cannot see clearly in the animated gif because of camera shake is the fact that the weather system was moving the wrong direction. It should have been proceeding up the Atlantic coast, instead it is heading over the Appalacian range and down into the Ohio valley. If you look at other weather maps from the center of the country, you can see that the storms are following the Mississippi and then hooking left, to follow the Missouri river, and then on up into Alberta. This is not the normal weather flow. The storms along the Mississippi should be pushing across the great lakes on up into Ontario. I am worried that the weather systems causing the flooding may be doing so because of weather modification. Nasa documented that three hurricanes had extremely strange electrical readings, one of which was disastrous. That is emperical proof of weather modification beefing up the hurricanes.
I believe what we are witnessing now - the horrible tornados and floods, is also the result of weather modifications. I believe they want to bring untold disaster to this nation, to cause extreme trouble before ushering in an ID system, a new currency, and global governance.
And now, one of my own experiences with weather modification. I had a great camera and was able to photograph the line formations in the clouds at night, but cannot find that photo. If I come across it, it will accomodate this little story.
In Vancouver BC in the winter of 2007, I personally watched the sky during extremely odd weather at night, and through a hole in the clouds which occurred between violent downpours saw an aurora borealis stepping up and down in discrete steps as if being digitally switched between various intensities. I have spent plenty of time observing real auroras, and this one obviously had a synthetic origin. It was extremely bright, the brightest I have ever seen by far, and auroras do not just step up and down in intensity like that. They fade up and down. I even wondered why it was in such large steps, with modern technologies it would not need to be. Perhaps they don't care about how obvious it is, or perhaps they thought the clouds were solid enough to hide it.
I knew when I saw this, in concert with clouds that appeared to be formed along grid lines in symmetrical patterns that the weather in that particular case had to be man made.
As usual, if anyone can point out inaccuracies in this article, please e-mail me with recommended changes; Weather modification is so classified that details are sparse and you sometimes just have to guess. I hope I connected a few dots here.

Explosive found in Swedish Nuke plant

Sunday, July 1

We need ACTION on the following topic:

Explosive found in Swedish Nuke plant

Prepare for another Fukushima! You can bet the forklift brought in a whole pallet or several pallets of explosives, which are now planted in the nuclear facility. "A fist sized lump on the fire extinguisher, but don't worry, it did not have a detonator?" Where did that fist sized lump come from? You cannot get a "fist sized lump" without grabbing it from a larger batch. A fist sized lump is what you would grab while cramming the explosives into a tight place. Someone most likely spaced out, and forgot one of those fist sized lumps while DOING THE JOB. OOOPS!!
All the news reports about this are playing it down, and I beg the question WHY? WHY WOULD THEY PLAY THIS DOWN? Explosives found in a nuke plant?
If explosives were found at a Burger King in Peoria, do you think it would be more newsworthy? Why are they silent about this at a nuke plant?
I will make a guess. If Sweden now fails to give the bankers a HEFTY "bailout" and destroy their country doing it, the nuke plant goes BOOM. So it will be a choice between a physical death and a financial one. I would bet this is one of MANY. This is just the one where someone spaced out, and it got caught. And I predict (but I will not put a date on it) that IF the elite really feel threatened they will just destroy a large number of nuclear facilities, contaminate everything, and THEN use the window of opportunity to throw the final control net. Explosives in a nuke plant is such major news the silence on this topic is damning.
Think about this - They have TRILLIONS of dollars to blow, and have hired MILLIONS of psychologically sterilized goons, on top of having almost their entire tribe be to one extent or another psychopathic. They easily have the manpower and patience they need to get the right people into key places in various facilities to lace them with explosives under the full permission of security and the employees. Needless to say, when the places go boom they will have all called in sick, or will have left one by one in the months before the event. Explosives in ONE nuclear facility is grounds for having ALL of them shuttered and gone through by legitimate bomb teams, but you can bet that will never happen. The fact that it will not, and the media silence on this issue is proof that the world has for the most part already been conquered. The alternative press did not even run with this story. What's up with THAT?
No doubt Stuxnet also found it's way to wherever the explosives did, to create a plausible scenario before the place goes BOOM.
We need ACTION in the alternative press. Please copy this blurb above, with the link to the supporting article, and DO NOT MENTION MY NAME OR SITE. IF YOU DO YOUR POST WILL BE DELETED, MY WRITING IS BANNED ALMOST EVERYWHERE.
We need THAT wording above, just copy and paste. Never define the word "THEY" because people who do not know that "THEY" do it all will puke on that. But even a senile chihuahua would pick up on the scent of something being wrong with explosives in a nuke plant.


'The Kenyan Wonder-Boy' calendar in the home of Obama’s Grandmother Sarah
Barack Obama’s step-grandmother in Kenya, Sarah Oyango Obama, has a 2005 poster calendar on the wall of her home that proclaims “The Kenyan Wonder-Boy in the U.S.: Senator Barrack Obama,” according to a British documentary film.
clip of the documentary by Journeyman Pictures provides a close-up of the calendar, which was made when Obama was an Illinois state senator.
Mentions of the calendar on the Web date back to 2008, but the documentary film provides an exceptionally clear image of the wall poster.
Born in Mombasa?
In the documentary, “Obama’s Kenyan Roots,” Sarah mentions, according to a translation, it was a “happy occasion” for her to “meet her grandson” when Obama came to Kenya for a visit in 1987.
Much has been made, nevertheless, of a taped transatlantic telephone conversation between a minister in the U.S. and Sarah in 2009 in which the grandmother is purported to have said Barack Obama Jr. was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and she was present at the birth.
Philip J. Berg, the former Pennsylvania deputy attorney general who was among the first to pursue eligibility claims against Obama in the courts, included a transcript of the tape and sworn affidavits in a filing with the U.S. Supreme Court after lower courts dismissed as frivolous his complaint filed on Aug. 21, 2008, alleging that Obama was born in Mombasa.
American Christian minister Ron McRae, who described himself in his affidavit as an overseer of the Anabaptist Churches in North America and a “Presiding Elder on the African Presbytery,” conducted the telephone interview with Sarah.
McCrae, who called from Detroit, said Sara Obama was in a public setting with several hundred people listening to the telephone call on a speakerphone.
The interpreter was Vitalis Akech Ogombe, the community chairman of Sarah Obama’s village of Kyang’oma Kogelo in Western Kenya, 30 miles west of the Lake Victoria-city of Kisumu.
“In the ensuing public conversation, I asked Ms. Obama specifically, ‘Were you present when your grandson was born in Kenya?’” McRae testified in his sworn statement. “This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she replied, “Yes! Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born.”
Controversy ensues
Critics pointed out many reasons to be skeptical of the claim, including the possibility something was lost in the translation between an American minister who presupposed Obama was born in Kenya and an elderly African woman who reportedly knows no English.
Amid cross talk in a combination of English, Swahili and the local Luo tribal dialogue, could she have understood McRae simply to be asking where she was when Barack Obama Jr. was born. Moreover, the critics argue, her interpreter immediately clarified that her famous grandson was born in Hawaii, not Kenya.
See the clip of the Journeyman Pictures documentary:
Many versions of the tape posted on the Internet by bloggers who contend it is evidence Obama was born in Kenya are cut off immediately after the point where the grandmother apparently affirms her presence at the birth. The truncated versions leave out the section in which the interpreter insists she actually meant the birth took place in Hawaii.
In addition, a March 27, 2007, story by Tim Jones published in the Chicago Tribune recounted how Sarah Obama received a letter from Barack Obama Sr. telling of his plan to marry Stanley Ann Dunham.
Sarah Obama’s husband, Hussein Onyango Obama, was said to be angered by the news.
Six months later, Jones reported, the Kenyan family received a letter announcing that Barack Obama Jr. had been born on Aug. 4, 1961.
The Tribune reporter noted an interview with Sarah Obama in which she said she was “so happy to have a grandchild in the United States.”
Aside from the inference that the grandmother first learned of the birth through a letter, the Kenyan patriarch’s anger over the marriage makes it even more unlikely Ann Dunham would have traveled to Kenya during her pregnancy.
Sarah Obama, who is not a blood relative of the president, is the third wife of Obama’s paternal grandfather. According to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who visited her village during the 2008 presidential campaign, the grandmother is illiterate and does not know when she was born. Several news reports say she was born in 1922.
The controversy over the tape centers on the interpreter present in Kenya during the interview. At the end of the tape, the interpreter can be clearly heard interjecting repeatedly that the grandmother said Obama was born in Hawaii.
However, two members of Sarah Obama’s Luo tribe who are fluent in the local Luo dialect, Swahili and English told WND that after carefully listening to the tape, they believe she declared Barack Obama Jr. was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and that she was present at the birth.
One of Kenyans who listened to the tape for WND has known Sarah Obama personally over many years. He has met with her repeatedly in her home village. The other Kenyan who listened to the tape for WND holds a respected position in the Kenyan government.
The WND source who knows Sara reported: “I have keenly and attentively listened to the tape over and over again, and I can confirm from Sarah’s own confession that Barack Obama was born in Kenya in her presence.”
He continued: “She was asked of his actual birthplace, and she affirmed she was actually there, present in person at his birth.”
He said that while the people n the room with Sarah Obama “tried as much as they could to change the tone of the whole story… to me it seems someone is coaching her from the background and seemingly trying to guide her on what to say.”
“I have listened to the tape,” he said. “The preacher asked whether Barack Obama was born in Mombasa and the translator asked the same. When she said Mombasa, it was like a surprise and those there thought she could not have meant to say Mombasa.”
The source said that at that point “they began insisting Hawaii was where Barack Obama was born.”
Sarah Obama can be heard uttering “Mombasa” in response to McRae’s questions about where Obama was born.
At the time, Alex Koppelman, the senior editor on’s political “War Room” blog jumped into the fray to contend, “No, Obama’s grandmother didn’t say he was born in Kenya.”
In a column that attacked former CNN host Lou Dobbs and radio talk show host G. Gordon Liddy, Koppelman characterized Sarah Obama’s statement that Obama was born in Mombasa as “a mistake, a confusion in translation” that the family in Kenya attempted to correct, multiple times.
Dismissing the story a just another “birther myth,” Koppelman explained that “people who believe in a conspiracy theory simply hear what they want to hear.”

Drake Radio Interview Today. 6 - 9 PM, CST Radio Link

He said on the call that it will happen this week or next week.  I urge you to listen to the call.

8/29/12  7:20 PM   Drake Radio Interview Today.   6 - 9 PM, CST     Radio Link
                               Drake Said: 

Tactically, everyone is in position.
* Most of the foreign special forces troops here are on our side.
   If troops are wearing a NATO uniform, they are fair game.
   If wearing a Russian or Chinese uniform, protect them.
   They have orders not to interfere with civilians or our military.
All of the logistics for mass arrests are prepared.
* He has more access to verifiable information.
* When we are set free, the church bells will be ringing to notify us.
We have about 15 - 20 million people on our side and in place. 
    This includes military, sheriffs, deputies, militia etc.
* The show is now taking questions.  This means that the announcements have ended.
   Therefore, I am concluding the recap at the 7:20 mark.