Thursday, August 30, 2012


Date: Monday, January 02, 2006 3:11 PM


Keep  this on the Fridge 

Did You Know That? Drinking two glasses of  Gatorade  can relieve headache
pain almost immediately -- without the  unpleasant side effects caused by
traditional "pain relievers." 

Did you know that Colgate  toothpaste  makes an excellent salve for burns.

Before you head to the  drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with
mysterious  chemicals, try chewing o! n a couple of curiously strong  Altoids 
peppermints. They'll clear up your stuffed nose. 

Achy  muscles from a bout of the flu?  Mix 1 Tablespoon of horseradish in 1
cup of olive oil. Let the  mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a
massage oi l, for  instant relief for aching muscles.

Sore  throat? Just  mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1
tablespoon  six times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria. 

Cure  urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer.  Just dissolve two tablets
in a glass of water and drink it at the  onset of the symptoms. Alka-Seltzer 
begins eliminating urinary tract infections almost instantly -- even  though
the product was never been advertised for this use. 

Honey  remedy for skin blemishes...  Cover the blemish with a dab of honey
and place a  Band-Aid  over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin
sterile, and  speeds healing. Works overnight.

Listerine  therapy for toenail fungus...  Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus
by soaking your toes in  Listerine  mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves
your toenails looking  healthy again.  It is also good for  dandruff!!!

Easy  eyeglass protection...  To prevent the screws in eyeglasses from
loosening, apply a small  drop of Maybelline  Crystal Clear  nail polish to the
threads of the screws before tightening them. 

Coca-Cola  cure for rust...  Forget those expensive rust removers. Just
saturate an abrasive  sponge with Coca  Cola  and scrub ! the rust stain. The
phosphoric acid in the coke is what  gets the job done.

Cleaning  liquid that doubles as bug killer...  If menacing bees, wasps,
hornets, or yellow jackets get in your home  and you can't find the insecticide,
try a spray of  Formula  409.  Insects drop to the ground instantly.

Smart  splinter remover...just  pour a drop of Elmer's  Glue-All over  the
splinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. The  splinter sticks to
the dried glue.

Hunt's  tomato paste boil cure...cover  the boil with Hunt's  tomato paste as
a compress. The acids from the tomatoes soothe the  pain and bring the boil
to a head.

Balm  for broken blisters...To  disinfect a broken blister, dab on a few
drops of  Listerine...  a powerful antiseptic.

Heinz  vinegar to heal bruises  .. Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and
apply it to the bruise  for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds
up the  healing process.

Kills  fleas instantly.  Dawn  dish washing liquid does the trick. Add a few
drops to your dog's  bath and sh! ampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to
avoid skin  irritations. Goodbye fleas.

Rainy  day cure for dog odor...  Next time your dog comes in from the rain,
simply wipe down the  animal with  Bounce  or any dryer sheet, instantly making
your dog smell springtime  fresh.

Eliminate ear  mites...  All it takes is a few drops of Wesson  corn  oil  in
your cat's ear. Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball.  Repeat daily
for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers  the mites, and
accelerates healing.

Quaker  Oats  for fast pain relief....It's  not for breakfast anymore! Mix 2
cups of  Quaker  Oats  and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave
for 1 minute,  cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hand! s for
soothing  relief from arthritis pain.

If  you send this to 10 people and only one of them doesn't know about  this,
then it was worth  it

MOVIE REVIEW - "2016: Obama's America" by Dinesh D'Souza

“The Democratic Party intentionally deceived and lied to the American people”

Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to America's ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him - who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world…
The movie taught me many things but one thing that stood out very clear is that Obama is a Muslim at heart.
So far, he is using the force of the US government to encourage and empower Muslims everywhere, from New York City and Dearborn to Egypt to Syria and other areas experiencing Arab Spring. If given another term, he will give the Muslim world the one thing they want most --- the ability to destroy Israel
What we all know, thanks to Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case posse, is that the Hawaii birth certificate that Obama released in 2011 and which the White House posted on its official site is a proven forgery
But the Democratic Party didn't do the right and honorable thing. It intentionally deceived and lied to the American people by putting forth a candidate not loyal to America and not even able to prove he is a natural born citizen. They knew his background. They knew his ties to Chicago corruption.
They knew his mentors and his distorted views of race relations, thanks to 20 years of Reverend Wright. They knew of his deep-seeded resentment of America because of what he wrote in his book. The Democratic Party was dishonest in taking advantage of Obama's race and the guilty conscience that Americans collectively feel in the history of their country over slavery and civil rights by putting forth a radical-minded candidate who would promote a collectivist government agenda.

Diane Rufino
August 29, 2012

MOVIE REVIEW - "2016: Obama's America" by Dinesh D'Souza
·       Posted by Diane Rufino on August 29, 2012 at 7:56pm
·       View Blog

by Diane Rufino, August 28, 2012
Beginning in August, we learned of a controversial documentary that would be released in select theatres in time for this presidential election season. 2016: Obama's America. It would tell the story of just who Barack Obama is and how his story defines his presidency and his plans for America. The documentary is based on the research accumulated by bestselling author Dinesh D'Souza, who traveled to three continents to gather first-hand information on the history of our president. Dinesh immersed himself in those cultures, tried to understand their politics, and conducted interviews with Obama and Soetero family members. The documentary is based on D'Souza'a book, Obama’s America, which itself built on his earlier, New York Times bestseller, The Roots of Obama’s Rage. The movie is produced by Gerald Molen, who has produced some of Hollywood's more memorable films - Jurassic Park, Hook, Minority Report, Rain Man, and academy-award winner, Schindler's List.
The question was whether the documentary would see the light of day and whether it would be shown in enough theatres to get the message out. At first, chances looked slim. North Carolinians who went to the movie website were told that only 2 theatres in their state would be showing it. Then magically, and quickly, more and more theatres began to be added to the list. A miracle!! In an era when liberals control the media, media outlets, and the film industry, no one could have expected the film to be shown even in a place like Greenville, NC !! We remember the hassle we went through to try to see the Atlas Shrugged.
As it turned out, people have been flocking to see the documentary. I went to see it on a Friday night, and even though Sylvester Stallone's movie The Expendables 2 and Will Ferrell's movie The Campaign were showing, the showing was packed. Absolutely packed !! The earlier showings were full as well. Not packed necessarily, but full.
2016: Obama's America is already a commercial success! It has become the top-grossing conservative political film of all time since its expanded opening on Friday, August 24. As of Monday, August 27, the film had grossed an estimated $10.5 million, according to This amidst the scurry of getting children ready and back to school and sending college-age children off to campus !!
Director and star Dinesh D’Souza is hoping that “2016: Obama’s America” will eventually eclipse the total earned by Michael Moore’s left-leaning 2004 film Fahrenheit 9/11, which ranks as the highest-grossing documentary in box-office history. It also had the backing and promotion of a major motion picture studio - Lions Gate (which 2016 did not have).
As the movie's website explains: "2016: Obama's America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world's most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question: 'If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?' Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to America's ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him - who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.
Had Americans not obsessed over the color of Barack Obama's skin, delighted in the fact that we could relieve our collective guilt for keeping African-Americans repressed, and not gushed at the chance to elect a young, handsome 'rock star' in the office of the presidency and instead paid more attention to his cultural identity, maybe he would not be in the White House today. The key to understanding him, as D'Souza suggests, lies with his identification with his father, his deep-seeded need to make him proud, and his adoption of a cultural and political mindset rooted in post-colonial Africa
Again, as the website announces: "America as we know it - wealthy, powerful, assertive - is not what Obama wants. He wants a smaller America, a poorer America, an America unable to exert its will, an America happy to be one power among many, an America in decline so that other nations might rise - all in the name of global fairness. To Obama, the hated “one percent” isn’t just wealthy Americas; it is America itself. In Obama’s view, America needs to be taken down a notch."
In the documentary, as in his book, Obama's America, D’Souza lays out what Obama plans to do in a second administration (hence the year in the title 2016). He predicts a makeover of America so drastic that the “shining city on a hill” will become a shantytown in a rather dangerous global village.
As mentioned above, author Dinesh D'Souza traveled all across the country and to Africa and Asia (Indonesia) in order to research the background of the enigma who the American people have entrusted with the presidency of the United States. Obama's father lived most of his life in Kenya, an African nation once colonized by the British (The British Protectorate of Kenya). In 1959, he received a grant and was admitted to study at the University of Hawaii, where he ultimately met Ann Dunham ("Stanley Ann Dunham") in a Russian language class in September of 1960. She would drop out of school shortly after that, after becoming pregnant by Barack Sr., who was still married to another woman - a woman named Kezia, back in Kenya - with whom he's had two children. Ann and her foreign lover were married in a secretive ceremony in 1961, to which no one was invited. She was 3 months pregnant at the time. Barack Jr. was born on August 4, in Honolulu, as the reports go. Dunham and Obama Sr. separated in June 1962, when he moved to Massachusetts to pursue further education - this time at Harvard. In 1964, she filed for divorce after finding out that he was, in fact, married to Kezia. Barack Sr. simply moved on to another - an American school teacher - who bore him 2 more children. They moved to Kenya in 1965 after he received his Masters from Harvard in economics. In 1965, Ann re-married as well. She married Lolo Soetero, an Indonesian student she met when she resumed her studies at the University of Hawaii. Lolo was Muslim.
Although Obama Sr. and Dunham divorced, she continued to hold him in the highest regard. She was mesmerized by his intellect and his radical ideology. She shared his left-leaning, third-world view. As D'Souza details in 2016, Soetero tried very hard to provide Ann, Barack Jr., and the daughter they had together with a good quality of life. He quickly worked himself up in the business world, but instead of making Ann happy, it only increased the tension in their marriage. During their years in Indonesia, Dunham became increasingly interested in the country's culture, while Soetoro became more interested in Western culture, and their relationship was in conflict over differing values. He was becoming too "westernized" for her.
At that time, Obama was sent to spend the summer with his grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, in Hawaii. That was 1970 and he was getting ready to enter the 4th grade. During that summer, his grandparents took him to interview with the Punahou School, the most prestigious prep school in Hawaii.
Ann sought to separate Obama (young "Barry") from Lolo's growing pro-Western influence. She went him back to Hawaii to live with her parents so he could be educated at Punahou, where he would be indoctrinated with the anti-colonial views of the Hawaiian natives who believed they were coerced and marginalized by the US government for sugar cane and other resources, in becoming the 50th state. "Oppression studies, if you will. Obama got plenty of that when he was here in Punahou," D'Souza says in the documentary, standing on the school's campus.
Although Obama barely knew his father - he would only visit him once, in Hawaii in 1971 when he was 10 years old - Obama is clearly obsessed with this undefined and unfulfilled relationship. Perhaps as is the case when a child feels "abandoned" by a parent, he is going through extreme pains to find a connection with him in order to ultimately make him proud, even posthumously. D'Souza sees a clue for this explanation in Obama's book title: Dreams From My Father, and not Dreams of My Father. Obama admits in the book that his father's struggle and politics are "my birthright." The father died at age 46 in a car crash, after drinking heavily. D'Souza believes that this short life and the estranged relationship is what reinforced rather than weakened the president's ties to his father. Obama went to great lengths to try to figure out who he was and why his mother had such great respect for him, as a thinker.
What is the source of Obama's political rage? D'Souza concludes that his "birthright" includes the rage of Third World nations which have been victimized by 'colonial' nations like Britain and the United States. What is the dream that he got 'from' his father? D'Souza believes that it is the demise of the stature and influence of such countries in the world so that Third World nations can rise and take their rightful place, finally enjoying wealth and prosperity because of an opportunity to compete.
Indonesia and Kenya were both colonized and exploited to some degree by the Dutch and the British, respectively. They are both poor nations. Obama came to believe that third-world nations are poor because of this colonization and exploitation and for that reason, he is pushing a policy of neutralizing world powers to level the playing field for third world nation. This is the basis of Obama's "anti-colonial" approach. This is the dream 'from' his father. Given a second term, Obama would continue down a destructive path for the United States, and the stability of a world that ultimately seeks freedom and respect for the dignity of human life. He would further reduce the power of the United States (both economically and militarily), he would favor the empowerment and rise of the Third World, greatly reduce Israel's influence, further distance the US from that gem in the Middle East, shred the US Constitution in order to erode individual rights and stifle ambition (which is one reason for America's economic power), concentrate power in the presidency, and cede the U.S. role as a superpower.
Is Obama's patriotism secretly rooted in the Third World? Does he intend to weaken the United States to offer retribution for its many years of interfering in the affairs of others? Is that why he apologizes for this country? Is that why he bows to Islamic leaders and is distancing the US from our ally in the Middle East - Israel? In the film, through family and other contacts in Kenya, we learn that that Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., viewed Israel with distrust and referred to it as "a Trojan Horse in the Middle East."
The movie taught me many things but one thing that stood out very clear is that Obama is a Muslim at heart. So far, he is using the force of the US government to encourage and empower Muslims everywhere, from New York City and Dearborn to Egypt to Syria and other areas experiencing Arab Spring. If given another term, he will give the Muslim world the one thing they want most --- the ability to destroy Israel. This became evident first when D'Souza showed a map of Europe and the Middle East which showed a huge area that was shaded gray. He labeled the gray region the "United States of Islam." He predicted that if things continue on the path that that they are on, we might soon see a powerful, consolidated Islamic state. Taking note of current world affairs, the erosion of western values because of the growing demand for tolerance of Islam, the bloodshed in the Middle East, the growth of the Muslim Brotherhood, the infiltration of vulnerable nations by terror networks, the attacks and beheadings of Christians, the glorification of Islam by President Obama, acknowledgement and celebration of Ramadan in the White House, and the politics of guilt by our government with respect to the Muslim world (even though we were attacked on 9/11 with wholesale slaughter), it was not hard to understand how D'Souza came up with this potential new empire - the "United States of Islam."
This goal to see Israel (the "Trojan Horse") destroyed became further evident when D'Souza detailed Obama's current nuclear strategy. Obama has cut our nuclear warhead arsenal from 5000 to 1500 and intends to take that number to 300 and then to 0. I believe when he spoke off-mic to the Russian official about upcoming promises and assurances to Russia (in his second term), this is precisely what he was referring to. No other problematic nation in the world is cutting their nuclear weapons. Iran is building its arsenal. With a nuclear-free America, we offer no assistance to Israel. There will no longer be a deterrent in the eyes of the Islamic world. On paper we can be "friends" to Israel but in reality Obama is giving Islamists the green light to annihilate Israel.

While the documentary was especially compelling and clearly the result of impeccable research, as defines all of Dinesh D'Souza's books, I was left wishing that he could have spent more time on three topics - the authorship of Obama's book Dreams From My Father, the authenticity of his Hawaii "Certificate of Live Birth," and the roots of Obama's Muslim faith.
Dreams of My Father was first published in 1995, as Barack Obama was preparing to launch his political career, and five years after being elected the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review (in 1990). There is speculation that Obama's book - described as a book about "race and inheritance" and promoted as his memoir - was not written by him, but rather was written by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. I was hoping D'Souza would have addressed this claim, and if it is indeed true that Ayers penned the book, what was the relationship between he and the-Senator Obama.
In the movie, D'Souza states that Obama was born in Hawaii. He says "it was announced in two newspapers." Yet Obama has never released an authentic birth certificate. It has never been produced. I've gone through many stages in my life, and at several of those stages, including my marriage and education, I had to produce my birth certificate. What we all know, thanks to Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case posse, is that the Hawaii birth certificate that Obama released in 2011 and which the White House posted on its official site is a proven forgery. Other sources (British records) show that Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombasa, Kenya (officially, the "British Protectorate of Kenya") and not in Hawaii.
Aside from his Marxist/socialist leanings, his disrespect for the US Constitution, his embarrassment over the history of the United States, his traitorous position with respect to Israel, and his rebellion against all traditional American institutions, one of the most offensive aspects of Obama's presidency is his promotion of Islam and the Muslim agenda. We find it offensive that just 11 years after the brutal, cold-hearted massacre of 3000 innocent American lives in planes and in twisting, burning, crashing high-rise towers, we have a president that celebrates Ramadan in the White House, yet declines to offer a prayer from the White House in honor of the National Day of Prayer, which acknowledges our Christian heritage. In the United States, Christians have never slaughtered their fellow countrymen. We find it offensive that while Obama claims to be a Christian, he spent his time in a church that spewed hatred - thanks to Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Yet he consistently refers to Islam as a religion of peace. Is Barack Obama a Muslim or Christian? His actions tell us that in his heart and conscience, he is a Muslim. We are told that his father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr, was a Muslim. There are some accounts, however, that say he converted to Christianity before he met Ann Dunham, but was forced to do in order to study at the boarding school he attended (a Christian boarding school). We have also read that Lolo was a Muslim as well. But reports say that he was very relaxed when it came to religion. So where did Obama's deep Muslim roots come from? 2016 didn't address this question.
For me, the documentary made its point very clear: No matter what our personal opinion may be of Barack Obama, there is one common truth. We didn't know him when we elected him. For me this profound realization begs the question: How is it that we've reached a point where we are so cavalier with our country, our foundations, and our Constitution as to elect an unknown who has seen to use his time in the Senate to vote "Present" rather than strengthen American values? Looking at the movie, it is clear that his decision to vote "Present" was a crafted and scripted plan so that he could run on 'Hope & Change" without a record to define that campaign promise.
Let us reflect on who the culprits are. The American people are guilty, of course. They elected him. But they were constrained to some degree by the choice given them and naive because they think it's reasonable to trust the powers above them to do the right thing.
But the Democratic Party didn't do the right and honorable thing. It intentionally deceived and lied to the American people by putting forth a candidate not loyal to America and not even able to prove he is a natural born citizen. They knew his background. They knew his ties to Chicago corruption. They knew his mentors and his distorted views of race relations, thanks to 20 years of Reverend Wright. They knew of his deep-seeded resentment of America because of what he wrote in his book. The Democratic Party was dishonest in taking advantage of Obama's race and the guilty conscience that Americans collectively feel in the history of their country over slavery and civil rights by putting forth a radical-minded candidate who would promote a collectivist government agenda.
The way I see it is that since political parties are so heavily regulated by the federal government, this government action is sufficient to indict the government in this massive scheme of fraud and deception. Will the election of Barack Obama be this era's "Kennedy Assassination" ?
Every American who is concerned as to the direction our country is heading, who isn't naive enough to believe that Obama isn't making a profound footprint on the international scene, and who wants to understand who this man is that we elected on a huge leap of faith should see this important and well-researched documentary. It's time we connect the dots.
L.E. Okenga, "Obama, the African Colonial," The Obama File. Referenced at:
Joseph Farah, "Where Was Obama Born?" WND, November 26, 2008. Referenced at:
2016: Obama's America. Official Website:

DuhBro Gotta Go!

AND sponsored by Micky Ds & Coke-a-cola, no less! Ya' gotta' love it!

Subj: Fwd: (This is GOOD!) See'n Duh Light ??? 
Give to all your racially challenged friends.

As in, VIRAL !!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

History of the Global Alignment by Cruiser

History of the Global Alignment by Cruiser 


Yes, I understand that most who are able to view this only care about the IQD or the VND, since those are the currencies we are invested in. But lets look at how we go to this point in time. Here are some articles that will show everyone how long and what has led to this being so close to completion.

March 18,2009 U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar:http://www.reuters.c...E52H2CY20090318
September 9,2009 United Nations Proposes New "Global Currency":http://www.cbsnews.c...305-504383.html
February 10,2011 IMF calls for dollar alternative:

Why do they want to stop using the dollar as the central currency? 2 reasons off the top of my head:

1) The United States has an unfair advantage and can manipulate rates and print new money when ever they choose to thus effecting the global economy.
2) Wti the banking crisis in 2008, the Unites States almost crippled the global economy, and destroyed the U.S, in the process. This scared all of the other countries who realized what the U.S. had become. VERY POWERFULL.

Some may be still wondering what is the relevance in all of this. Why do I care about this non sense? Well you should because you and I own a piece of currency that we hope will re-value in the future.

Mia Love, GOP’s African American Mormon Candidate, Rocks RNC

I hope that you heard her speak. If you didn't here it is.

Someone finally said what needed to be told (in 2 minutes) at last night’s convention.

Mia Love, GOP’s African American Mormon Candidate, Rocks RNC

Mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah Mia Love speaks during the Republican National Convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on Aug. 28, 2012 in Tampa. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Mia Love had only two minutes to speak yesterday.  Her time slot was during the 7p hour when most delegates are still milling around the hall and not paying much attention.  But she managed to do what many of the later bigger name speakers failed to do:  energize the hall and bring the delegates to their feet.
That’s why there’s a lot of talk about Mia Love today.  She is the African American (and Mormon) Mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah.  And she has a good shot of becoming the first black woman Republican elected to Congress if she can beat Utah Democrat Rep. Jim Matheson.
Her speech last night focused on the American Dream attained by her parents, who emigrated from Haiti with “ten dollars in their pocket.”
President Obama’s version of America is a divided one — pitting us against each other based on our income level, gender, and social status. His policies have failed! We are not better off than we were 4 years ago, and no rhetoric, bumper sticker, or campaign ad can change that.
Mr. President I am here to tell you we are not buying what you are selling in 2012.
The American Dream is our story. It is a story of human struggle, standing up and striving for more. It’s been told for over 200 years with small steps and giant leaps; from a woman on a bus to a man with a dream; and the bravery of the greatest generation, to the entrepreneurs of today.
This is our story. This is the America we know because we built it.
 I caught up with her back in May for an interview for the ABC/Yahoo Power Players series.  The video went viral, generating a million views.

Hurricane Isaac Exploited

Hurricane Isaac Exploited to Acclimate Citizens to Federal Military Role in Natural Disasters

By Kurt Nimmo
August 29, 2012
Despite the fact Isaac is a category one hurricane and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu said the city had “dodged a bullet,” the Army National Guard has dispatched thousands of troops in Louisiana.

Gov. Bobby Jindal’s office said Tuesday it has asked the Defense Department to pay for up to 8,000 troops for 180 days.
Moreover, the National Guard Bureau indicated another 35,000 troops and almost 100 aircraft are available for mobilization to Gulf Coast states, according to Paul Purpura of The Times-Picayune.
Jindal told the Wall Street Journal “Katrina-style flooding” wasn’t expected.
As has now become routine in federal responses to natural disasters, the demarcation between military and local law enforcement has all but disappeared.
The Times-Picayune reports that soldiers are now assisting New Orleans cops with law enforcement duties in direct violation of Posse Comitatus, an 1878 law that prohibits troops from working with police.
The newspaper reports that police officers searched the house of a burglary suspect accompanied by “a soldier who carried an M-4 assault rifle, as other armed soldiers stood nearby on St. Claude Avenue beside their Humvees.”
Posse Comitatus came under intense scrutiny following Hurricane Katrina. The 16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Peter Pace, called for the law to be scuttled and said it slowed down to deployment of troops in Louisiana.
Sen. John Warner, a Virginia Republican and at the time chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, questioned Posse Comitatus restrictions following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
In a nationally televised address from New Orleans on September 15, 2005, President Bush said “a challenge on this scale requires greater federal authority and a broader role for the armed forces.”
Scott McClellan, Bush’s press secretary, later said revision or repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act was an issue that “needs to be looked at” by Congress and the administration and said officials were in the “early planning of discussing it.”
The following year, Congress approved the National Defense Authorization Act. A rider to the bill allowed the president to declare martial law and take control of the National Guard without the consent of state governors.
The provision, added to the bill at the request of the White House, gave the president the authority to bypass the Posse Comitatus Act. The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Vermont Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy, mounted a spirited opposition to Bush’s brazen power grab.
Despite parading as limited government “conservatives,” the Bush administration had exploited the Katrina disaster to increase the power of the federal government.
The Bush administration also exploited the No Child Left Behind Act, the Federal Marriage Amendment, the Terri Schiavo case, assisted suicide, medical marijuana, and other policies to push heavy-handed federalism. In response to the federal power grab, 50 state governors sent a letter to Congress opposing the increase in power of the executive over the National Guard.
In 2008, a commission of Congress convened to study the state of the National Guard and Reserves and to make recommendations regarding their composition, management, roles, funding and missions recommended they be assimilated into the regular U.S. military, under control and management of the Pentagon.
“Some recommendations that were accepted and show this disturbing trend include the assertion that it should be codified into federal law that it is the DoD’s responsibility to provide support to civil authorities, is a ‘core competency’ and comprises and equal importance to its combat responsibilities,” writes Carolyn Harris.
The executive has repeatedly and purposely misinterpreted Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution to argue that the federal government has the legal right to intervene in matters left to the states, as the Tenth Amendment specifies.
The obvious over reaction to Isaac, a mere category one hurricane, reveals once again that the government will exploit sensationalistic events to acclimate citizens to the military presence of the federal government in affairs that were once left up to the states.


Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 8:27 PM

July 24, 2012 Comments from Erasmus Of America: Nesara News has copies of the main reports I have posted with them from May, June, and July, 2012. My report "Yes, God Exists!" can turn the tide for Christianity if pushed by the Christians and their churches. The atheists do not know how to answer the scientific proofs I use showing that God exists for real and only the fool remains an atheist in the face of such overwhelming evidence from science. The people vote too often for evil leaders for public office because the churches failed either to win them to serious belief in God or else failed to win their hearts from loving evil and corruption instead of good and honesty in society.
     The Omni Law is inside this report below on page 2 of the original report below. As the old Jewish proverb says, "It takes intelligence to serve God well." To present copies of the short official version of The Omni Law to elected officials or those running for public office, common sense is you show them the potential benefits to occur for America if the Omni Law is passed and then it will be much easier to convince candidates for public office or those in office that they should back passage of the Omni Law. Give them this entire report on The Omni Law which includes the Omni Law on the original page 2 of this report you are reading now. And then you ask them by email, phone, mailed letter, personal visit to their offices whether they are for or against passage of the Omni Law. Political leaders try to evade being asked their stand if they are against the proposed law. And their tricks to wiggle out of backing a proposed law they oppose such as restoring prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America is to bury it in committee and then say the con line, "We can't get the proposed bill out of committee so we can vote on it." As one Congressional aide explained to me years ago when I lived in the Wash., D.C. area, members of Congress are full of con tricks on the public when they do not wish to pass a certain proposed law. This was years ago when public opinion polls indicated probably up to 90% of the public wanted prayer and the Bible restored to the public schools of America. This aide said they would have a secret meeting of leaders of both parties and work out a strategy so they would not restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools, but pretend in order to fool the public that they were trying to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools.  Senator "A" would be told to write up proposal one to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools. Senator "B" would be told to write up proposal two to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools. Then leaders of both parties in secret session would give their parties instructions how to split up the vote of both houses of Congress so neither version one or two of restoring prayer and the Bible would be passed in Congress. Then with pained emotional faces to make the act good before the naive, sucker public, they would tell them that they tried their hardest, but could not get the bill passed in Congress. This is part of the reason why I wrote up the proposed Omni Law instead of members of Congress. I would not let them pull their cons to pretend to vote on a bill dedicated to the civil tribune position I wanted placed over government as a legal oversight committee over our not that honest U.S. Congress, federal agencies, etc. who love to con the people when the people will let them pull their dirty legal tricks on the public. I know all the tricks of the con artists in Congress and would not allow them to pull them on the gullible, trusting American people.     
     Americans have copies of the U.S. Constitution massively in books, libraries, information almanacs, can be looked up on the internet, and yet most Americans do not have the foggiest idea how you pass proposed constitutional amendments into law as plainly outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Have the required majority of members of Congress vote for a proposed constitutional amendment and then it is submitted to the state legislatures to either vote for or else refuse to ratify the proposed constitutional amendment submitted to them by Congress. Or the state legislatures can act before Congress does. The states vote for their version of a constitutional amendment and with the required majority then Congress is forced to call for a constitutional convention to vote for or against this proposal by the states. They now vote for it with the required majority and it is national law. Knowing strategy, have the state legislatures quick vote for the Omni Law before the national election and politicians in panic in Congress will quick pass it in Congress and submit it to the states for ratification or else rejection.
     Right now China has such a large lien on America due to our colossally dishonest and stupid Congress that they are getting tempted to claim ownership of all the land of America and all Americans become the property of China which now totally took over America. Pass the Omni Law fast and China will be paid off and this threat ends to the national survival of America. Americans are great evaders of reality and responsibility, but this time reality has to be faced and fast. Or else maybe start learning your Chinese as you get taken over by China as your new national government, etc. Also, we have according to certain reports maybe up to 150 Soviet nuclear suitcase bombs that were left in America from the Cold War. If they used plutonium, they are likely still operational. And we need to pass the Omni Law to make sure these are hunted down and eliminated from America. They may be in the hands of Soviet-era Sleepers but still ready to be ordered to be used against America anytime the orders go out from Moscow. 
     Also, apparently too much of the American news media is owned by Saudi interests which keeps American news carefully controlled to not report and expose that Obama is a Muslim in the White House. Apparently this ownership of key American news media by Muslim sources is what put Obama in the White House the last election. You couldn't expose the colossally evil background of Obama when he ran for the White House before. As sources of mine in Muslim mosques secretly told me, once the Trojan Horse Islamic candidate was put in the White House, once he could get away with it, all of America would be put under Sharia Law, all Jews killed in America, and all Christians killed who did not convert to Islam. My sources were very good, but I protect my sources so Muslims can't murder those who tipped me off of the plan to mass slaughter Americans once the hidden Islamic Preisdent gained effective power over the federal government and then the American people. The passage of the Omni Law stops this deadly foreign planned takeover of America by front of a national election of 2012 today. 

        President George Washington said to America, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."
     William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, "Men must be governed by God, or they will be ruled by tyrants."    
 June 1, 2012
     Feel free to copy this and transmit this throught the internet or by printed copies through the mail, etc. Free copies by email can be sent to you. Contact  . Ask for copy of "Omni Law" and give your email address, etc.  We will want to run ads in big national newspapers, etc., but this will take money!  For  financial support for this make checks, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . This national drive will reform the federal government back to honesty, restoration of the U.S. Bill of Rights to enforced legal authority again, restoration of the legal intent of the U.S. Constitution back to legal authority over Wash., D.C. again, firing of federal judges who mock their legal judicial oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights in their courts, etc. We understand that Obama secretly had the means to pay off the national debt of America which could reduce permanent federal income taxes for all Americans and businesses by even 40% and let China get this pending money instead of America. We in the past had every kind of tactic pulled to try and silence us including apparenly having $20,000 in commercial printing equipment smashed in our office in or about 2006, breaking into our office and throwing away or hiding business correspondence we had. We found some orders 6 months later hidden behind storage shelves of ours. We had business calls cut off from the phone and other ugly tactics you don't want to hear about by you know who. We had over 20,000 satisfied customers before Wash., D.C. pulled all its "dirty tricks" to try and ruin our two decade old business. They didn't like for us to tell the American people the truth about corruption and treason in Wash., D.C., etc. Too much truth steps on powerful toes!
     If this Omni Law is passed fast enough in America in 2012, we may be able to save enough of the secret money you do not know about to yet pay off the national debt and give a permanent tax break as a wage bonus on all jobs in America and additional profits for all businesses in America. Stall until 2013 and forget the matter then. Will you, your children, and grandchildren get this permanent tax break on all jobs in America or will you blow it by not quick forcing Congress to submit this as a passed proposed constitutional amendment to submit to the states for ratification? By the way, if the states pass this proposed constitutional amendment before Congress votes and submits it to the states, this puts Wash., D.C. in a colossal legal jam where if they don't like lightning vote this through Congress and submit it to the states for ratification, then a constitutional convention is called which can fire the federal government from authority and set up instead an honest, and new national government for America. With pressure like this, Congress will pass the Omni Law like lightning if the legal threat of a constitutional convention is facing them if they don't pass it fast! We save this secret money from the con artists running the federal government now including White  House, we may also have the money to pay off much or all the state debts of all 50 states of America. State governments pass this Omni Law as a proposed constitutional amendment before Congress acts and you put fire under them to act and very fast! People, show this document to your elected officials federal and state and ask them bluntly if they will back passing this Omni Law and now or else evade backing it. Put the heat on them!
     President Richard Nixon in 1973 promised the federal government in Wash., D.C. would start working on solving the energy crisis of America over oil. Engineering sources know why Wash., D.C. hasn't even started seriously working to solve the energy crisis of America over oil. By the way, high gas mileage on cars basically eliminates pollution of the atmosphere, but Wash., D.C. never told you that. And an honest former President of America sponsored the research project which solved the oil crisis of America for several hundred years hence at cheaper prices for gasoline than you will pay now, but later White House administrations quietly ignored this and suppressed the results of this federal research project from you. They are very crooked in Wash., D.C. and too many work for secret interests rather than the American people who elected them to office! One influential Washington attorney used to talk about how you could pay off members of Congress to pass a certain bill without leaving a paper trail showing they had been paid off to be crooked in Congress. Proposed Omni Law now follows. Folks, the ball is now in your hands whether this becomes law or not!


     James Madison Father of the U.S. Constitution, stated that the U.S. Constitution and all other law in America must obey the supreme authority of the national compact (American Declaration of Independence) founding America in 1776 or else not be valid law or even government in America. Therefore, the American people always retain final legal authority over all government in America whether to leave it intact, amend it, or abolish it altogether replacing it with approved new government created by authority of the American people.
     We therefore authorize the creation of ten civil tribunes for America with the same basic tested legal powers as possessed by the wisely created ancient civil tribunes of Rome. They will protect the people from tyranny in law whether legislative, judicial, or executive. They will be elected for four years instead of the one year under Roman law. They will hold referendums to create national law by states instead of by the original tribes of Rome. The first 10 civil tribunes will be appointed for four years by the National Institute For Inventors to keep any corrupt leaders from undermining and sabotaging the beginning of this new branch of government. These civil tribunes will propose a national plan for referendum on how to swiftly make fuel cheap again in America, restore our common law rights and 1776 declared "God-given rights" to contract and to property which were the foundation to the founding of the powerful American version of free enterprise, and break the power of corrupt interests to control politicians by making deals with them or else cannot probably be elected to public offices without their finances. And address other national issues needed for the future of America. And by national referendum will propose the plan to be approved for honest future tribune elections so the people elect and control these elections, not corrupt interests. Money cannot be allowed to dominate our elections instead of the will of the American people. And the tribunes are to establish a tribune controlled national newspaper to print the truth to break the corrupt hold of many corrupt news sources censoring the truth and lying about the truth in important issues to the American people. The civil tribunes will be assigned to keep the federal government honest, fair in law in courts, and agencies, and serving the American people rather than any corrupt interests." - End of proposed Omni Law. One President once signed into law a 37 word law. As the Bill of Rights show, you don't have to write massive laws to deliver powerful legal messages.

   The civil tribune angle kept the Roman Republic basically honest for several hundred years. This office had to be subverted and overthrown to return the Roman Republic to corrupt government such as Wash., D.C. dearly loves today! This Omni Law is written in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson who during the American Revolution of 1776 declared, "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!
     President Abraham Lincoln, also an inventor (Patent #6,469!), gave wise advice to America that members of Congress and officials of federal agencies should remember today, "You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."
     - Omni Law written by a voice crying in the wilderness for sanity, freedom, and prosperity in America - Erasmus of America (pen name for one who believes in peaceful reform rather than violent revolution to solve the problems of a nation) By the way, large bills are written in Congress to hide the hundreds of pages of con in them. This is simple, short, deadly, and to the point. The American people are given back control of their national government which they have now lost control of to corrupt and radical elements which have the money and pressure to control Wash., D.C. instead of the American people. The moment of truth for America has now  come! The American people will now decide the future of America. Action wins victory. "The answer to a problem is to solve it!"
     June 2, 2012 Comment: Erasmus of America (a pen name) will go totally public once the timing is right, but to reveal his identity before revealing his identity. In 1990, he prayed for a "L.B." of the Seneca Police Dept., South Carolina who had just been mass smashed in a car accident. The local hospital said to the local newspaper that due to his massive injuries, he would not live through the day. If somehow he lived, he would then be paralyzed for life. After Erasmus prayed in the Name of Jesus for him, he was instantly healed and walked out of the hospital the same day delivered there by ambulance. Other Miracles of God have occurred at times around Erasmus and it would be dangerous for fools in Wash., D.C. to think that God is not backing this proposed Omni Law and watching which way the American people and elected officials stand on this issue. In April, 2012, another powerful Miracle of God occurred which indicates that God strongly backs the passing of the Omni Law in America, and Now. Erasmus calls for a return to the "Natural Law" which is Bible Law which gave America freedom and its dynamic free enterprise system starting in 1776. The booklet Law Of Nature And Liberty by Bob Hallstrom printed around 1990 quotes the founding fathers of America of 1776 that America was founded upon the Bible and our national laws are only valid when based upon the laws, teachings and authority of the Bible. This has been censored from American education once Communist educators captured control and set up "politically correct' education for our schools teaching a Marxist version of American history instead of the Christian based true history how and why America was founded as a nation. The American Revolution of 1776 as declared by the Continental Congress leading the Revolution was a Christian revolution, Christian government, and Christian laws. Under Obama unless stopped, the American economy will be smashed with Marxist socialism taking over all of America and apparently Obama wants to establish Islam to rule over America and outlaw all Christianity in the process in America. The Omni Law stands for the founding principles of America in 1776. Americans, do you stand for true freedom and true prosperity under God or else true slavery and a truly destroyed economy under Obama Communism and Islam over America? Support the Omni Law and we wisely return to our roots of 1776!
      June 4, 2012 Comments:

   Obama apparently turned over key defense secrets of America to Putin recently and Putin exchanged no military secrets of Russia in return. I Ermasus of America who spent eleven calendar years in military academies and have a heavy background in military intelligence, also ultimate weapon systems technology, contacted the Obama administration that I had information on an ex-Soviet military site hidden from spy satellites and it was apparently reactivated. It was designed to break through all American air defenses and annihilate America. The only answer I got back from the Obama administration was a federal murder attempt on my life. I guess the report is true that was filed by an operative for the Defense Intelligence Agency who was in Moscow back in 1992 and was told by a Communist there that an unknown Communist operative by the name of Obama in America who was Black was being secretly trained by the Communists to be the later President of America and would turn America into a Communist nation after capturing control of Wash., D.C. through heavy secret Communist backing. I have never been convinced that Putin of Russia ceased being a Communist spy master even though the Communists lost control of Russia. If the American people want a little taste how horrid it would be to be under nuclear attack in America, look at the end of the movie The Miracle Mile showing America under pending nuclear attack and then hit with nuclear weapons. Folks, better pass the Omni Law. I think we are under the control of a "Manchurian Candidate" in the White House. I was once briefed by a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies on all the nuclear annihilation plans of Moscow. I received the same training in Russian nuclear warfare as Putin of Russia. America is going to likely get its nation blown off the face of the map maybe soon by Russia if my voice of military sanity is not soon heard through passage in 2012 of the Omni Law. I know the counter-defenses to Moscow nuclear attack strategy and Obama apparently wants me shut up at all costs. I smell a traitor to America in Wash., D.C. and he is in the White House. Much of Wash., D.C. is so corrupt, they don't even want to know what my military warnings are to save America from pending nuclear annihilation. We need smart military answers in power in  Wash., D.C. to put any traitors in Wash., D.C. in checkmate! More details now.
     I was sad to learn that Dr. Grant Jeffrey died on May 11, 2012. His recent book Global Warming Deception Book ($14.99) which can be bought from bookstores, etc. documents the Global Warming movement is a colossal con job as there is no global warming due to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is a front for the still existing international Communist movement and designed to bankrupt the capitalist nations through "carbon taxes," international treaties in the name of the fraudulent "Global Warming" which does not exist except for the repeat cycles of solar flares, heating, etc. Grant Jeffrey brought together all the scientific facts and this is all a Communist front hoax in the name of psuedo-science in this case. When Gorbachev came to America, he sent a secret letter to American Communists that they should back "Global Warming" and the rest of the U.S. environmental movement as it was all controlled in America by the Communists and would turn America into a Communist nation and then the entire world. By pushing the Communist hoax of Global Warming and Carbon Tax so strongly, Obama must be a secret Trojan Horse Communist in the White House. I have a long background in  what we will call  independent military intelligence and all the real evidence points to Obama as a trained Communist operative to collapse the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Economy by power through the White House. Don't pretend I am dumb. My mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and went to a state university without prior formal education. She was a child actress and had no time for formal schooling. My own I.Q. had once been tested in Wash., D.C. to be they claimed "beyond scientific measurement." I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. And once was written up by an international organization representing some of the Who's Who of America and Europe as "The Einstein of American Economics." I know how to set up "Jesus Money" which skyrocketed economies 4 times in history! And overthrown by bankers who hated super prosperity for you!  I am on the side of the American people which too many in Wash., D.C. are not. Wash., D.C. has tried many times to silence me by whatever criminal means available! Back the Omni Law to all the public and politicians until we pass it. It is the only smart answer how to break the  bad government now going on.
     The great movie Tucker  - The Man And His Dream produced by Paramount Pictures tells how Preston Tucker played by Jeff Bridges was brilliant in auto engineering and smashed by Wash., D.C. for daring to manufacture and bring out his Tucker Torpedo Car in 1948 in Chicago. The summary speech of Preston Tucker at the end of the federal trial tells of the federal policy since the end of World War II to smash almost all the brilliant and serious inventive geniuses in America since the time of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. America would be likely several hundred percent richer as a nation in national industries and good jobs for all if Wash., D.C. was not so fanatical an enemy of real freedom and the U.S. Bill of Rights as it has evolved into over the years. The Omni Law restores serious freedom and a new industrial boom to America once we get out of power the would-be tyrants as 1776 leaders would call them in Wash., D.C. today. Wash., D.C. no longer belives in the freedom America was founded upon in 1776. That is why the Omni Law needs to be passed in America in 2012. This restores the concepts of the American Revolution of 1776 back into national power by the new laws that will be passed through the Omni Law.
     Okay, folks. You have asked me to give you a simple battleplan how we storm America in 2012 for the Omni Law. Make email copies of this Omni Law Report and mass blast it all over America. If each reader sends this to 20 or more readers, this can within days if swiftly done or within a few weeks if slowly done by those sending it out just about cover the whole nation. Post it on every blog nationally you can. If stuck, send my NIFI $3 per 3 copies of this report printed up so you can mass reprint it and distribute it in your area or send out by mail. Or just copy an email copy of this and send it everywhere. Wash., D.C. stole much of my money before so I don't yet have the funds to hire a staff to mass handle emails from you. but as best I can, I will send you out email copies of this Omni Law Report out for free or per $3 send you out 3 printed copies of this. Once we get some real financial assistance from backers in the public, we can push this Omni Law Report very aggressively including  running  national ads in the newspapers, etc. across America. We can storm this nation. And if we have the support of 10% or more of the voters in America, we may well hold the balance of power as to who gets elected in November, 2012 and who does not! Omni Law gets passed!
     Contact politicians federal and state and force them to an answer whether they support or oppose passage of the Omni Law. Send me an email as to their stand and we will compile a national list of who to later vote for or against in the November, 2012 election. If any official federal or state tries to intimidate you or block you in any way from promoting this Omni Law, send me an email. We will keep files. When the 10 American Civil Tribunes are created by the passage of the Omni Law, I am sure they will investigate this list and likely charge those on this list with a conspiracy of high treason against constitutional government in America. And sentence them to the maximum if found guilty by law. That is the way the Roman Tribunes acted and scared the living hell out of the Roman politicians so they kept honest for centuries in the Roman Republic. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and have with a militarily trained mind told you how we can storm America in this year of 2012. As Napoleon Bonaparate once commented, "Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools." As Jesus Christ commented, with enough faith, you can even move mountains which I think was an old Aramaic saying 2,000 years ago meaning you can win even against so-called "impossible odds" if you have faith enough. You told me that you want a leader to lead you to victory, Okay, call me your National Director and I will lead you to a gigantic victory. I know how to win. I will draw in other brilliant people who will reinforce our strategies and we will overwhelm the enemies of the American people in Wash., D.C. regardless of party or no party at all. Erasmus of America. P.S. I can't prove it but get the strong impression that God smiles on me because I have the guts as a Christian leader to seriously stand up for what should be done in America today. And I bet all of you will be heroes in God's eyes who stand up with me! Okay, heroes, let's storm the enemies of God and America and make America once more "One Nation Under God" truly in meaning and not just in empty words! Once the Omni Law is passed, I can give a colossal industry potentially as big as the oil cartel to America to skyrocket the American economy. Wash., D.C. under Obama did not want me to give America this colossal national wealth and potentially millions of new, high paying jobs!
     "If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, it will only take three days for most people in the US to receive the message. Maybe it is time. THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!!" Page 8, December 2011, The Sovereign (National Newspaper, New York)