Friday, August 31, 2012

MESSAGE FROM SAUL through John Smallman ~ 8-28-12


through John Smallman ~ 8-28-12

The apparent interminability of the waiting
We are all one. You know that. It means, among many other things, that we in the spiritual realms are constantly aware of you doing your best to awaken yourselves and all of humanity from the illusion. It is a difficult and sometimes exhausting task that you chose to take on, and we honor you dearly for your courage and your persistence. You are succeeding! It just seems that it is taking far longer than you expected to achieve fulfillment of that undertaking, and so it has become a chore for you, whereas when you agreed to do it you engaged with it with enormously high hopes and incredible enthusiasm.
And those hopes and enthusiasm were, and remain, totally justified. In the illusion the lack of a sense of the divine energies, the faintness of their essence, the apparent interminability of the waiting, and the lack of vitality many of you are experiencing is very draining. You knew that you would have these kinds of draining experiences before you incarnated, but when you look at the picture from afar, as you were doing, it is impossible to imagine such contingencies in any meaningful way. The experience is the experience. Until you have had it, you cannot possibly understand or truly imagine it. And that is another reason why you are so honored and respected in the spiritual realms. It took enormous amounts of courage to accept this challenge, and you have measured up to it brilliantly.
We are constantly offering you encouragement and assistance as we watch you struggling with the ostensible reality of the illusion – sometimes it almost succeeds in convincing you that the illusion is reality, and that anything apart from it is fantasy. But, however low your spirits may sink, the power of God’s Love within you will always enable you to rise up, see beyond the illusion, and fulfill your divine assignment. You are doing magnificent work, your success is inevitable, and you know this no matter how many doubts you may have. So keep plodding on, while focusing all your attention on the awe-inspiring outcome that awaits your awakening. Truly, you are not plodding . . . you are soaring!
It may well feel that your wings are clipped, even that you are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, confused, achieving very little, and struggling just to arise in the morning; whereas, in truth, you are doing precisely what you entered the illusion as humans to do. You are acting as conduits through which a rising tide of divine energy is flowing constantly and bringing to human consciousness an awareness of God, of the Source of all being, of which each and every one is an inseparable, essential, and eternal manifestation.
This growing and intensifying awareness of a Source — that which created all that exists — is astonishing many who had, for any number of convoluted reasons, concluded that human life was but a passing and purposeless moment in an haphazardly decaying, uncertain, and unresponsive universe. To discover that they no longer believed that human life was a one-time affair that occurred as a result of a highly unlikely amalgamation of carbonaceous compounds was a stunning realization – initially totally unacceptable to them – which they only reluctantly but eventually embraced.
So, to reiterate: you are the conduits through which God’s Love flows abundantly and constantly to assist all to awaken. What you are doing can only be done by you; you have no understudys; no one can replace you . . . and of course no replacements will be necessary because your success is the Will of God — Whose Will will be accomplished — and you were chosen for this task because of your incomparable abilities to bring it to fruition.
So, relax, meditate, take time out alone regularly throughout the day. It is not necessary to take yourselves off to a quiet space; just switch off your mind to the distractions surrounding you – and remind yourselves that you are always overlighted by God’s Love which supports and protects you in every moment. While what you are doing is absolutely essential, nevertheless, all is always divinely taken care of — and your success has already occurred!
With so very much love, Saul.
 you are love, you are loved, and I love you  


             Hello All:
                      RNC caught rigging the votes. Both parties are crooked as H---.
                                        God Bless  Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart 

Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 19:31:37 -0400
There is ample evidence coming my way of first hand accounts of the atrocities that took place at the RNC Convention floor. I will be posting everything I get for the Private Road Members and the first one is here:

Both parties are a national disgrace and I've become very glad that Ron Paul will not be running in "their system" as a Republican. Our only hope as a free country is to dismantle and destroy both parties and that will be done when the global monetary crash hits.

Between now and the election the MONETARY CHAOS must begin and the criminals must be arrested. And there is talk of just that happening very soon. The Good Guys are livid as they have tried to do everything legally and by the rules without disrupting the apple cart but now they know that it will not be possible.

More inside scoop in tomorrows Friday Road Trip.

Stay safe out there.


The Smoking Teleprompter: Video of RNC Teleprompter Showing Results of Scripted Voting Before Voting Finished

So here we have it, video evidence of a sham Republican National Convention where the head of the party are not only rubber stamping the agenda, the delegate's votes are not even counted !
View the Teleprompter below as it proves "the motion for new rules to require Ron Paul no longer be required to get plurality of delegates in the required 5 states but now have to get it in 8 states (he only had 6 states, Maine delegates somehow got excluded) was already SCRIPTED on the teleprompter before the vote even occurred !

The Smoking Teleprompter: Video of RNC Teleprompter Showing Results of Scripted Voting Before Voting Finished

By Jay Stang, Oath Keepers Texas Vice President, and RNC Delegate from Texas 22nd District
"Remarkably, they know they are ignorant, but their ignorance does not trouble them. On the contrary, when Jay's questions expose it, they laugh, pleased with themselves, so they will do nothing to abate it. Their ignorance is "cool," which, where I come from, has always meant, "not so hot." They are potential slaves, waiting for some dictator to corral them. They will still be giggling inanely about how, like, cool it is, man, as they are put aboard the cattle cars."
We have long suspected that politics is rigged. We have long heard the cliched statement that nothing in politics happens by accident. For those among you with little faith, here is your justification and confirmation that you are correct. For those of you with any degree of faith in the system, your ignorance dies today.
The video below, shot during the August 28, 2012 vote on the new controversial RNC rules, shows the script of the proceedings of the Republican National Convention. The video you are about to see shows you in no uncertain terms that the results of the voting are rigged.
Watch the Video and comment here: Click Here

Video shot by Duane Taylor At Large Delegate from Oregon
As shown in the video, the results of the votes on the credentials, rules, and nomination of candidates are all determined in advance, and displayed on the teleprompter for the Chair of the convention to read from. Let me make this simple for you: every word, every sentence, and the results of every vote are predetermined, and are displayed on the screen for the chair to be read. "The ayes have it" is displayed on the screen before the voting is even finished, and before the Chair could make any kind of independent evaluation of the voice vote. The screen says it before he speaks. The Chair, John Boehner, is just a perfectly coiffed bobble-head. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
For those of you who still will not see, I have this to say:
Are you a slave, or are you an American? Rebellion and defiance runs through the veins of every American. Submission and fear run through the veins of a slave. Choose wisely.
Samuel Adams: Like a BOSS
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams
- Jay Stang - Texas Oath Keepers Vice President
PS -- Stay tuned. More details of the multiple, systemic examples of the kangaroo court, Soviet-style "show trial" of the GOP convention to follow. I was there, as a member of the Republican Party, and I saw it with my own eyes.
NOTE FROM STEWART RHODES: Oath Keepers is non-partisan. But this is not about any one candidate. This is about the right of the American people to be self-governing, to take a direct, meaningful, role in the political process, and to choose their representatives in this representative CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, which derives its just powers from the consent of the governed, and from there alone. This nation was not meant to be an aristocracy or plutocracy, where elites appoint rulers over us. The is about the Rule of Law, not about candidates.

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Why Operation Dark Knight Backfired

Why Operation Dark Knight Backfired

By Servando Gonzalez
August 24, 2012
Just a few hours after they heard the news about the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, a large number of Americans rushed to the gun stores and bought an enormous amount of guns and ammo.
According to some sources, some gun stores reported an extraordinary surge in sales. Evidently, Operation Dark Knight backfired.

The most important part of the information above is that they did so even before some web sites had provided information indicating that the massacre was another false flag operation[1] part of a larger PsyOp, looking for a justification for gun control, very similar to the Fast and Furious PsyOp.[2]
Its goal was to find a pretext to convince some gullible Americans of both factions of the Repucratic party for the need for gun control.
Very soon after, people discovered the connection: Hitlary Clinton and her Council on Foreign Relations masters have been pushing hard to sign behind the backs of the American people a UN-sponsored treaty to implement stiffer gun control laws worldwide.[3]
To this effect, as soon as the news of the Aurora massacre hit the news, gun grabbers increased their propaganda campaign against guns in the hands of American citizens.
According to New York’s Mayor Bloomberg and Barack Obama,“assault weapons do not belong in America’s streets.”[4] I cannot agree more.
That’s why the Founding Fathers adopted the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits the US military to intervene in the internal affairs of the country, including armed rebellion against the government. But the hypocrisy of Bloomberg and Obama is evidenced by the fact that a common occurrence in the new Amerika is the presence in the streets of most cities of policemen clad in black body armor carrying full-auto M-16 military rifles and HK MP3 submachine guns.
Of course, what Obama, Bloomberg and other gun-grabbers have in mind is a pretext to justify depriving the people, not the government, of all types of weapons for self-defense, particularly weapons for defending themselves from an oppressive government.
One must remember that the main cause of violent death in the past century was not war but democide, that is, governments killing its own citizens.[5]
But, as I mention above, Operation Dark Knight failed, and it failed miserably. Why? Because, after so many years of blindly believing what their government tells them, currently more and more Americans do not believe their government any more.
I am not talking about Republicans or Tea Partiers who don’t believe CFR-puppet Obama, nor I am talking about Democrats who didn’t believe CFR-puppet Bush. I am talking of a growing mass of Americans who don’t believe nor trust their government, disregarding which faction of the Repucratic Party is in power.
Even more important, a growing number of Americans do not believe the mainstream media any more. Currently, most people have concluded that, if it appears in the New York Times, most likely it is a lie.
The former “paper of record,” now has established a record in telling lies to the American people — which reached an all-time low with its report of the “capture,” “killing,” and “secret burying in the sea” of Osama bin-Laden. The same applies to the rest of the mainstream press and the TV channels. The conspirators’ main disinformation and brainwashing tool, apart from public schools, has lost its effectiveness.
Where are Americans currently getting their information?
Mostly through the Internet, where sites like InfowarsThe Intel Hub and News With Views, as well as radio programs like Coast to Coast AM and hundreds of personal blogs, offer a dissident, non CFR-controlled version of current events.[6] The depth and width of the information these sources offer is complemented by the readers’ comments.
Another unexpected occurrence is the apparition of Russia TV (RT). It seems that, contrary the conspirators-controlled Soviet Union, the new democratic Russia has become a thorn in the CFR conspirators’ side. Even worse, it is a nuclear thorn they cannot get rid of it like they did with Gadaffi’s Libya and are trying to do with Assad’s Syria.
Of course, despite the fact that most of the information it offers about the US is true, RT is a propaganda organ of the Russian government.
In that sense, it is not too different from what the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe used to be, but the conspirators cannot accept the fact that the Russians are just giving them a taste of their own medicine, and they are mad about it.
Obviously, the CFR conspirators have lost their monopoly on information (or disinformation), and they are extremely concerned. I would say that they are terrified.
Speaking in early 2010 at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Montreal, Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that a “global political awakening,” in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move towards a one-world government.[7] More recently Hillary Clinton told her CFR co-conspirators that they were losing the propaganda war.[8]
Talking about RT, Hillary complained, “You may not agree with it, but you feel like you’re getting real news around the clock instead of a million commercials and arguments between talking heads and the kind of stuff that we do on our news which is not particularly informative.”
What she didn’t say, though, is that, by definition, totalitarian regimes cannot tell real news to the people. That was the case in the Soviet Union and it is today in quasi-totalitarian Amerika.
The New World Order conspirators’ two main immediate objectives are gun confiscation and total control over the internet. Currently, the two most notable examples of countries where citizens are not allowed to possess firearms nor free access the internet are North Korea and Cuba.
Currently, the two main obstacles the globalist conspirators face to the full implementation of the New World Order are guns in the hands of private citizens and the Internet, and they are working harder to deprive Americans from both.[9]
If you still don’t have a clear idea what the New World Order is all about I suggest to get a glimpse of it watching the film The Hunger Games.
Like in medieval times, in the coming communo-fascist totalitarian society the conspirators call The New World Order there are no middle classes, just the masters, ensconced in their full tech castles, and the serfs, working like slaves in the most horrible conditions.
So, be prepared. The DHS has just ordered several million rounds of hollow point bullets. One of them may have your name on it. Forewarned is forearmed.
Servando Gonzalez is not an NRA member.
[1] There are strong indications that James Holmes, the alleged assassin, was another psychologically programmed Manchurian Candidate, like Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, etc.
[2] Fast and Furious was a false flag operation conceived by Obama and Holder’s masters to ship guns into Mexico. It resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Mexicans and over 200 Americans including a Border Patrol agent. Its planners believed it would create a strong reaction among the American people asking for gun control. Fortunately, it backfired. However, there is nothing new about the US government killing American citizens just to prove a point. Fast and Furious was similar to Operation Northwoods, by which members of the US military planned to shoot down an American plane in order to prove a point. Operation Northwoods was the creation of CFR member Adm. Lyman Lemnitzer. See, James Bamford, Body of Secrets (New York: Random House, 2001).
[3] The delegates of some member states of the United Nations have been meeting, behind closed doors with Hillary Clinton, since July 2nd to hammer out the final details on their so-called Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), and Barack Obama vowed to sign it.
[4] The fact that Bloomberg attended a secret meeting to plan the best way to kill 85% percent of the planet’s population perhaps explains his passion for gun control. It is much easier to kill unarmed people than armed ones. See, Servando Gonzalez, “Billionaires for Eugenics,”, May 8, 2011,
[5] See, Servando Gonzalez, “Our Schools: The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons”, April 19, 2007, (First published in June 1999 under the title “The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are in Our Schools”).
[6] As an example of an excellent analysis of the Aurora massacre like you’ll never see published in the mainstream press, see Dave Hodges, “We Won’t Get Fooled Again,” NewsWithViews.com
[7] See, Paul Joseph Watson, “Brzezinski Decries Global Political Awakening During CFR Speech,” Prison, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, brzezinski-decries-global-political-awakening-during-cfr-speech.html.
[8] See, Paul Joseph Watson, “Hillary Clinton: ‘We Are Losing The Infowar’,”, March 3, 2011,
[9] See, Servando Gonzalez, “Kiss Your Internet Goodbye,”, April 6, 2003,
Servando Gonzalez is a Cuban-born American writer, semiologist and intelligence analyst. He has written books, essays and articles on Latin American history, intelligence, espionage, and semiotics. Servando is the author of Historia herética de la revolución fidelista, The Secret Fidel Castro, The Nuclear Deception and La madre de todas las conspiraciones, all available at
He also hosted the documentaries Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations and Partners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection, produced by Xzault Media Group of San Leandro, California, both available at the author’s site at
His book, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People appeared in late 2010 and is available at Amazon.comOr download a .pdf copy of the book you can read on your computer or i-Pad. His book, OBAMANIA: The New Puppet and His Masters, is available at
Servando’s new book (in Spanish) La CIA, Fidel Castro, el Bogotazo y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, just appeared, and is available at and other bookstores online. He is already working on his next book, The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of the American People: A Chronology of Treason, which he plans to have ready by the end of this year.

Gods Gift to Men


Gods Gift to Men
August 30, 2012
We have heard the expression spoken in a derogatory way "They think that they are God's gift to men". Well today I discovered this to be true rather than a critical statement. The Lord showed me a huge assortment of gifts in various sizes and colors. Some were wrapped in colorful paper, some were wrapped in festive paper, others were wrapped in plain paper, but there were also those that were wrapped in torn paper. This is what the Lord showed me. Each gift represents those of you who Jesus wants to use in this end time harvest. He is about to do wonders among us in the days ahead.

The Lord says, I have called every one of you to accomplish something great. I am sending you as My gifts to the world to encourage, exhort, teach and deliver as well as rebuke, warn and bring correction. Some of you are gifts who are called into the five fold ministry as prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelist and apostles. Every one of you have a place in My body. Some of you are called to serve, some are called to lead and others are called to encourage, but each and every one of you are a gift that I desire to release to the world. Although every gift comes in different attire, shapes, forms and colors, each one is precious in My sight and I do not consider one less valuable than another. I Am calling those of you who have overcome the fiery trials and didn't give up, to step forward and take your rightful place. I will use you to release those who are discouraged and lost all hope. I am calling those of you who have been considered outcasts to go into the highways and the byways and set others free. I am calling those that have been mocked, scorned, shunned and abused as My gift to bring good news to those who are hurting. Those of you that have been forsaken and rejected it is now your time to bring others into a life of freedom.

Don't allow your human understanding get in the way of things unknown. Do not be concerned and wonder to yourselves how this can come to pass. You are called to a greater authority, not as mere men or women. For I have plans beyond natural reasoning. Just trust in Me to make this shift. Do not think that you need a podium, a pulpit or a platform to reach others. I will tell you when to speak as My voice. Every place on which the sole of your foot treads I am able use you. I will also bring others to speak into your families lives to confirm My word to them. Many of you will be used in a greater magnitude than you could comprehend. Do not see yourself as a grasshopper when I called you to be a giant slayer. I will open new doors for you and lead you as you move forward one step at a time. Watch and see how I will bring those of you that have been considered the underdog into a new place. As you submit your life to Me and allow Me to use you as My gift to the world, I will do wonders among you says the Lord.

Joshua 3:5 And Joshua said to the people, "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you."

1 Corinthians 1:26-29 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence.

1 Corinthians 12:22-23 No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty,

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-Aug-2012 23:37:52

Clint Eastwood Full Speech - RNC 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Financial Political Whore Alert #2

BREAKING NEWS: Financial Political Whore Alert #2
Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptive illusions
Thursday August 30, 2012
Financial Political Whore Alert #2
By Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that U.S. Taxpayers' money tied to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols is currently being laundered by the U.S. Federal Reserve and its Chairman Bernard Bernanke and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in an attempt to bail out the CIA proprietary account "Malaga" tied to the Spanish Monarchy of King Juan Carlos and the neo-Nazi Bush Crime Family.

Spain King Juan Carlos and then pResident BushFRAUD

P.S. We can now report that patriotic elements of the U.S. military, along with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the U.S. Inspector General have frozen the account, accordingly, stopping the money laundry.

P.P.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke and his partners-in-crime, the Paulson Hedge Fund, and Bill Gross' Pimco Investments have created massive asset bubbles in stocks and commodities markets with illegal leaks and tailored rhetoric in order to serve their patrons: the crooked banks and the crooked hedge funds.

Note: They have now created an environment with overvalued option premium where any alleged stimulus would be absorbed in derivative costs within minutes if not seconds.

source In closing, the Paulson Hedge Fund and Bank of America Merrill Lynch still remain drastically undermargined in their stock and commodity positions.

Question: Where is the CFTC, the NFA and the SEC? Are they having lunch with the CME Group?


SHELLY MATHISKremmling, Colorado

August 30, 2012
Many of you are poisoned in soul and body by the stress of the latest crisis.  Stress has become habitual and addictive.  You are dependent on the counterfeit high to help push through the crisis, but it actually pulls you out of the flow of the Spirit and into the whirlpool of self-effort.  The power of the Spirit is replaced by the power of flesh.  The compulsion to stress over situations, people, and the future is a prison of bondage from which I desire to set you free.  
It is time to detoxify - to remove and destroy the poison of stress.  Your place of detox is in the spirit.  Come into My presence and honestly examine in My light your place of dependence and trust.  If you are willing to let go of the compulsion to control and to believe Me with your whole heart, I will cleanse you, heal you, and set you free.  My flow of ease and power will work out all things for your good.
Isaiah 26:3  You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

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Picture: Harvard Law Review 1991 Year Book. Barack Obama's original entry.

The central image above is said to be a photocopy of US President Barack Obama's official entry in the Harvard Law Review 1991 Year Book. The full text reads as follows:

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journey in Black and White."

Just visible as an under-image, or watermark, beneath the first three lines, and orientated at right angles, the word "BREITBART" is legible, next to a reversed-out capital letter B 
(enlarged detailhere). This appears to be a Breitbart logo such as the one picturedhere.

Andrew Breitbart was the American researcher, commentator and broadcaster who died suddenly in March 2012, aged 43. He was fit and in good health. In the alternative news community, his death was thought to be highly suspicious. See, for example, 
herehereor here.

Breitbart had assembled a lot of advanced new material about Barack Obama's constructed back-histories, not just about his place of birth and parentage, but also some recently discovered Obama college videos which Breitbart was about to release to the web.

The thought was that a wet team working for the Washington DC private corporation must have got to Breitbart and heart-attack-gunned him, in the manner in which they had previously dealt with people such as Kenneth Lay (Enron), Robert Maheu (CMKM Diamonds), David Kelly (British bioweapons inspector in Iraq) and Robin Cook (British Foreign Secretary and opponent of the Iraq War).

If the Obama text in the original Harvard Law Review 1991 Year Book, cited above, is authentic, it will be very difficult for the DC corporation to contain. It records a place of birth outside the USA which disqualifies Obama to be US President, and it has parentage and c.v. details which do not fit his manufactured media and electoral scripts.

Also, there must be scores, or hundreds, of these original Year Books still held in private hands. Anyone in and around Harvard University, its administration or printers in the early nineteen nineties may still have a copy, and hundreds of other copies will be lying in the archives and libraries of universities and law institutions across the world which routinely receive copies of this publication.

If the text is authentic, lawyers acting for the Obama syndicate cannot easily argue that the document is a fake, and run the risk of other identical copies surfacing in non-aligned or BRICS channels beyond their jurisdiction and control.

One thing is becoming clear: well before the US Presidential Election in November 2008, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic National Committee, senior members of Congress, the Supreme Court of the United States and the Pentagon must all have known that either Barack Obama was plainly ineligible, on grounds of birthplace, to run for President, or that important elements within his official curriculum vitae were self-evidently flaky.

Questions must be put. Did these people - the governing élite of America - choose to look the other way? Were they paid to look the other way? Or were they made to look the other way? If either of the latter two questions is answered in the affirmative, the American electorate is entitled to enquire: Who is actually running the United States of America? Who appointed these invisible overlords to executive office? And who are they working for?