Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare: What Is the US Government Planning?

Susanne Posel
August 30, 2012
The Pacific Southwest Region of the US Forest Service has solicited ammunition that is supposedly needed for target practice. In this instance, the amounts of hollow point bullets, 12 gauge rifle slugs, and other accessories are smaller than the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has requested through other federal agencies.
DHS previously ordered more than 63,000,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point bullets (JHP).
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published a solicitation for 16,000 rounds of .40 S&W JHP.
The Social Security Office has also made a solicitation for 174,000 rounds of .357 hollow point bullets.
Earlier this month, DHS requested 700 pounds of high density ammonium nitrate and 700 pounds of A-5 Flake RDX explosives. These ingredients are known to be very high powered explosives.
When creating a “makeshift terrorist bomb” ammonium nitrate is an integral ingredient. The DHS was given oversight of procurement of ammonium nitrate after Congress requested they “regulate the sale and transfer of ammonium nitrate by an ammonium nitrate facility…to prevent the misappropriation or use of ammonium nitrate in an act of terrorism.”
The Ammonium Nitrate Security Program focuses on preventing a terrorist attack by use of ammonium nitrate in a home-made bomb by requiring that its sale and those that purchase it be registered with the DHS. Purchasers are screened against the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).
While DHS arms itself for alleged target practice, they are releasing a mystery bacteria into the Boston subway system to “test” sensors that detect biological agents in a supposed terror drill.
In a DHS press release, they state: “A rapid alert from a detection system can locate and identify these materials and provide for immediate and appropriate response to protect people and contain the hazard.”
This scheme has been planned since May of this year when it was announced that the bacteria B-subtilis was to be released in heavily populated and semi-contained areas like underground train stations; however this bacteria “has no adverse health effects for low exposure in healthy people.”
The plan concerning a false flag attack released the warning of an anonymous DHS informant is explained as a staged assignation attempt on Obama that will be linked to a white supremacist group that will be used to incite black and Hispanic Americans into starting riots all across the nation.
In this scenario a race war will be the situation needed to implement martial law effectively locking down the US, US Army control of the urban cities, erecting DHS checkpoints on all major points of travel, severe restrictions on travel for all citizens and the suspension of elections to ensure that Obama remain seated as the President of the US.
The DHS informant stated: “The DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it.”
In the end, “the whole purpose is to keep Obama in office for another term, no matter how unpopular he is, as he is not finished changing our country from a Constitutional Republic.”
Now the DHS informant is saying that the “final authorization was reportedly given to DHS directly from the White House” on the “plan, or whatever specific operation that was devised, being put into motion.”
There have been “several different plans or scenarios developed, ready to be implemented at a moment’s notice”; however they are so diverse that they require specified timing to be successful.
The global Elite are monitoring the political landscape, the poll numbers, the general public’s psychological demeanor and waiting for the right moment to make Obama a martyr at the hands of white supremacists in order to finally destroy the 2nd Amendment while classifying certain types as “fringe” who will be gone after by the federal governmental agencies allocated to round up political and anti-US government citizens.
By framing US veterans , certain talk-show hosts and gun owners in recent shootings , they are enacting their scheme by these evidences.
Framing US veterans and current service men and women as white supremacists who support the US constitution is running rampant within the US Armed Forces. With the assistance of the FBI-sponsored Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, training is being given to help soldiers’ spot extremists within their ranks. In a military version of DHS civilian See Something, Say Something campaign that turns citizens into government spies, the federal government is using and enacting the Nazi model of Fascist takeover.
The psychiatric community in collaboration with pharmaceutical corporations has come forth to call support for the 2nd Amendment as a mental disorder .
Globalist puppets like Daniel Webster, co-director of the anti-firearm John Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, asserts that “gun ownership—a precursor to gun violence—can spread ‘much like an infectious disease” and wants healthcare professionals to have influence over whether or not American citizens are legally allowed to possess firearms. Webster would like to see Obamacare have ultimate control of the classification of mental states with regard to purchasing and obtaining FBI clearance for a gun.
A staged “event” will be carried out within the domestic US. While many outlets are purveying false information to confuse the issue, the upper levels of the DHS had “a major slip up” and this information was released to the informant.
It has been suggested that Obama would save his political image if he were to have his own Oklahoma City Bombing.
The US government, under the global Elite’s control, is:
• Arming federal agencies
• Amassing fertilizer bomb ingredients
• Releasing bacteria under the guise of practicing for a terror attack
• Framing US veterans to be involuntarily committed to psychiatric hospitals
• Using psychiatric hospitals in lieu of infinite detention
• Planning a false flag assassination attempt on Obama to support white supremacists are threats
• Lockdown America under declaration of martial law
The dots connect in an obvious way when the plans are laid out in plain sight. Their success depends on your continued slumber.




story link :
CORVALLIS, Ore. – Engineers at Oregon State University have made a breakthrough in the performance of microbial fuel cells that can produce electricity directly from wastewater, opening the door to a future in which waste treatment plants not only will power themselves, but will sell excess electricity.
The new technology developed at OSU can now produce 10 to 50 more times the electricity, per volume, than most other approaches using microbial fuel cells, and 100 times more electricity than some.
Researchers say this could eventually change the way that wastewater is treated all over the world, replacing the widely used “activated sludge” process that has been in use for almost a century. The new approach would produce significant amounts of electricity while effectively cleaning the wastewater.
The findings have just been published in Energy and Environmental Science, a professional journal, in work funded by the National Science Foundation.
“If this technology works on a commercial scale the way we believe it will, the treatment of wastewater could be a huge energy producer, not a huge energy cost,” said Hong Liu, an associate professor in the OSU Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering. “This could have an impact around the world, save a great deal of money, provide better water treatment and promote energy sustainability.”
Experts estimate that about 3 percent of the electrical energy consumed in the United States and other developed countries is used to treat wastewater, and a majority of that electricity is produced by fossil fuels that contribute to global warming.
But the biodegradable characteristics of wastewater, if tapped to their full potential, could theoretically provide many times the energy that is now being used to process them, with no additional greenhouse emissions.
OSU researchers reported several years ago on the promise of this technology, but at that time the systems in use produced far less electrical power. With new concepts – reduced anode-cathode spacing, evolved microbes and new separator materials – the technology can now produce more than two kilowatts per cubic meter of liquid reactor volume. This amount of power density far exceeds anything else done with microbial fuel cells.
The system also works better than an alternative approach to creating electricity from wastewater, based on anaerobic digestion that produces methane. It treats the wastewater more effectively, and doesn’t have any of the environmental drawbacks of that technology, such as production of unwanted hydrogen sulfide or possible release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
The OSU system has now been proven at a substantial scale in the laboratory, Liu said, and the next step would be a pilot study. Funding is now being sought for such a test. A good candidate, she said, might initially be a food processing plant, which is a contained system that produces a steady supply of certain types of wastewater that would provide significant amounts of electricity.
Continued research should also find even more optimal use of necessary microbes, reduced material costs and improved function of the technology at commercial scales, OSU scientists said.
Once advances are made to reduce high initial costs, researchers estimate that the capital construction costs of this new technology should be comparable to that of the activated sludge systems now in widespread use today – and even less expensive when future sales of excess electricity are factored in.
This technology cleans sewage by a very different approach than the aerobic bacteria used in the past. Bacteria oxidize the organic matter and, in the process, produce electrons that run from the anode to the cathode within the fuel cell, creating an electrical current. Almost any type of organic waste material can be used to produce electricity – not only wastewater, but also grass straw, animal waste, and byproducts from such operations as the wine, beer or dairy industries.
The approach may also have special value in developing nations, where access to electricity is limited and sewage treatment at remote sites is difficult or impossible as a result.
The ability of microbes to produce electricity has been known for decades, but only recently have technological advances made their production of electricity high enough to be of commercial use.
About the OSU College of Engineering: The OSU College of Engineering is among the nation’s largest and most productive engineering programs. In the past six years, the College has more than doubled its research expenditures to $27.5 million by emphasizing highly collaborative research that solves global problems, spins out new companies, and produces opportunity for students through hands-on learning.

Top US military commander: ‘I don’t want to be complicit’ if Israel attacks Iran

RT: Top US military commander: ‘I don’t want to be complicit’ if Israel attacks Iran

Posted on by Jean
Wasn’t there just an assassination attempt on this man? I do not think the ‘good’ military is too happy with the cabal :)and I’m betting that Dempsey is one of the good guys. ~J
Published: 31 August, 2012, 20:07

US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey (AFP Photo / Karen Bleier)
The highest ranking officer in the United States military has announced that he is against American participation in any Israeli-led attack on Iran, even as pressure to destroy the Islamic Republic’s rumored nuclear program remain unrelieved.
Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters in London on Thursday that an Israeli attack would “clearly delay but probably not destroy Iran’s nuclear program,” adding that he was against US cooperation in a unilateral assault.
“I don’t want to be complicit if they [Israel] choose to do it,” Dempsey told reporters.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been adamant that the nation’s nuclear facilities exist solely for peaceful purposes and that the country is not in the market for procuring nuclear warheads, a sentiment echoed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who earlier this week told heads of state, “Our motto is nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none.”
So far, no foreign nations have been able to independently confirm or deny that claim. On Thursday, however, the United Nation’s International Atomic Energy Agency wrote that Iran has been uncooperative with attempts to investigate their facilities and suggested that they could be procuring nukes.
Israel, a close ally of the United States, has also claimed that Iran’s intentions are motivated by manufacturing of warheads. In May of this year, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated, “Our position has not changed. The world must stop Iran from becoming nuclear. All options remain on the table.”
From an executive standpoint, President Obama has also remained willing to strike if necessary, but has not pushed for pressure on Iran aside from the sanctions currently imposed by the United States.
“I also don’t, as a matter of sound policy, go around advertising exactly what our intentions are. But (both) governments recognize that when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say,”President Obama said earlier this year to The Atlantic.
On Thursday, Gen. Dempsey commented that a strike against Iran over fears of their nuclear program, if conducted, could be without merit and might even erode the pro-Israeli alliance currently in place.
“International coalition” applying pressure on Iran “could be undone if [Iran] was attacked prematurely,” Dempsey said, adding that “Intelligence did not reveal intentions” to procure nukes.
Gen. Dempsey was in the UK to attend the Paralympic Games, where he is serving as the head of the U.S. delegation.

Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare: What Is the US Government Planning?

Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare: What Is the US Government Planning?

By Susanne Posel
August 30, 2012
The Pacific Southwest Region of the US Forest Service has solicited ammunition that is supposedly needed for target practice.
In this instance, the amounts of hollow point bullets, 12 gauge rifle slugs, and other accessories are smaller than the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has requested through other federal agencies.
DHS previously ordered more than 63,000,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point bullets (JHP).
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published a solicitation for 16,000 rounds of .40 S&W JHP.
The Social Security Office has also made a solicitation for 174,000 rounds of .357 hollow point bullets.
Earlier this month, DHS requested 700 pounds of high density ammonium nitrate and 700 pounds of A-5 Flake RDX explosives. These ingredients are known to be very high powered explosives.
When creating a “makeshift terrorist bomb” ammonium nitrate is an integral ingredient. The DHS was given oversight of procurement of ammonium nitrate after Congress requested they “regulate the sale and transfer of ammonium nitrate by an ammonium nitrate facility…to prevent the misappropriation or use of ammonium nitrate in an act of terrorism.”
The Ammonium Nitrate Security Program focuses on preventing a terrorist attack by use of ammonium nitrate in a home-made bomb by requiring that its sale and those that purchase it be registered with the DHS. Purchasers are screened against the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).
While DHS arms itself for alleged target practice, they are releasing a mystery bacteria into the Boston subway system to “test” sensors that detect biological agents in a supposed terror drill.
In a DHS press release, they state: “A rapid alert from a detection system can locate and identify these materials and provide for immediate and appropriate response to protect people and contain the hazard.”
This scheme has been planned since May of this year when it was announced that the bacteria B-subtilis was to be released in heavily populated and semi-contained areas like underground train stations; however this bacteria “has no adverse health effects for low exposure in healthy people.”
The plan concerning a false flag attack released the warning of an anonymous DHS informant is explained as a staged assignation attempt on Obama that will be linked to a white supremacist group that will be used to incite black and Hispanic Americans into starting riots all across the nation.
In this scenario a race war will be the situation needed to implement martial law effectively locking down the US, US Army control of the urban cities, erecting DHS checkpoints on all major points of travel, severe restrictions on travel for all citizens and the suspension of elections to ensure that Obama remain seated as the President of the US.
The DHS informant stated: “The DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it.”
In the end, “the whole purpose is to keep Obama in office for another term, no matter how unpopular he is, as he is not finished changing our country from a Constitutional Republic.”
Now the DHS informant is saying that the “final authorization was reportedly given to DHS directly from the White House” on the “plan, or whatever specific operation that was devised, being put into motion.”
There have been “several different plans or scenarios developed, ready to be implemented at a moment’s notice”; however they are so diverse that they require specified timing to be successful.
The global Elite are monitoring the political landscape, the poll numbers, the general public’s psychological demeanor and waiting for the right moment to make Obama a martyr at the hands of white supremacists in order to finally destroy the 2nd Amendment while classifying certain types as “fringe” who will be gone after by the federal governmental agencies allocated to round up political and anti-US government citizens.
By framing US veterans , certain talk-show hosts and gun owners in recent shootings , they are enacting their scheme by these evidences.
Framing US veterans and current service men and women as white supremacists who support the US constitution is running rampant within the US Armed Forces.
With the assistance of the FBI-sponsored Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, training is being given to help soldiers’ spot extremists within their ranks.
In a military version of DHS civilian See Something, Say Something campaign that turns citizens into government spies, the federal government is using and enacting the Nazi model of Fascist takeover.
The psychiatric community in collaboration with pharmaceutical corporations has come forth to call support for the 2nd Amendment as a mental disorder .
Globalist puppets like Daniel Webster, co-director of the anti-firearm John Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, asserts that “gun ownership—a precursor to gun violence—can spread ‘much like an infectious disease” and wants healthcare professionals to have influence over whether or not American citizens are legally allowed to possess firearms.
Webster would like to see Obamacare have ultimate control of the classification of mental states with regard to purchasing and obtaining FBI clearance for a gun.
A staged “event” will be carried out within the domestic US. While many outlets are purveying false information to confuse the issue, the upper levels of the DHS had “a major slip up” and this information was released to the informant.
It has been suggested that Obama would save his political image if he were to have his own Oklahoma City Bombing.
The US government, under the global Elite’s control, is:
• Arming federal agencies
• Amassing fertilizer bomb ingredients
• Releasing bacteria under the guise of practicing for a terror attack
• Framing US veterans to be involuntarily committed to psychiatric hospitals
• Using psychiatric hospitals in lieu of infinite detention
• Planning a false flag assassination attempt on Obama to support white supremacists are threats
• Lockdown America under declaration of martial law

The dots connect in an obvious way when the plans are laid out in plain sight. Their success depends on your continued slumber.
Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporate-funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.

TSA agents swarm Ron Paul's plane, demand explosives check

TSA agents swarm Ron Paul's plane, demand explosives check

Clearwater - A group of TSA agents attempted to stop Texas Congressman Ron Paul and his family from boarding their private plane at a small airport in Clearwater, Florida on Tuesday, insisting that they submit to an extensive screening and bomb check before flying.
Paul, his wife, Carol, and one of their granddaughters were preparing to depart when eight TSA agents confronted them, according to Lew Rockwell, Paul's former chief of staff.
The agents reviewed the pilots' paperwork, but demanded that they be allowed to search the aircraft for explosives. The pilots objected, pointing out that the fuel-laden airplane is an explosive itself.
"Then Carol Paul, who has a pacemaker, refused to be screened, and an aide started taking video of the whole rotten process," Rockwell writes. Eventually, the TSA backed down and allowed the Pauls to board the plane without further incident.
The purported video of this encounter has yet to be released.
Paul has been one of the most vocal critics of the TSA in Congress, lambasting the agency's use of naked body scanners and invasive pat downs in numerous campaign speeches. He also authored the American Traveler Dignity Act, a House bill that would prohibit the TSA from performing any activity that is illegal for other citizens. If passed, the bill could potentially bring the pat downs to a halt.
Paul announced the bill on the House floor in the following video:
Private aircraft are not subject to the prolonged security screenings that are required for commercial aircraft, raising the question of whether the Paul family was intentionally targeted by the TSA.
This isn't the first time that a Paul has had a run-in with the TSA. In January, Politico reported that Kentucky Senator Rand Paul was detained by TSA screeners after refusing to submit to an invasive pat down at Nashville International Airport. Rand was eventually allowed to board his flight after going through a body scanner at another screening area.

Read more:

"Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader, link: Matt Taibbi - "Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 1-Sep-2012 03:03:24

(Thanks, N. :)
Reader N. sends us the link to Matt Taibbi's Aug 29 article in Rolling Stone:
Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital
How the GOP presidential candidate and his private equity firm staged an epic wealth grab, destroyed jobs – and stuck others with the bill

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Best Day Of Fishing Ever!

The Best Day Of Fishing Ever!
I've heard of salmon jumping into boats, but never anything quite like this...  
Tom Satre told the Sitka Gazette that he was out with a charter group on his 62-foot fishing vessel when four juvenile black-tailed deer swam directly toward his boat.

The Best Day Of Fishing Ever!

I've heard of salmon jumping into boats, but never anything quite like this...
Tom Satre told the Sitka Gazette that he was out with a charter group on his 62-foot fishing vessel when four juvenile black-tailed deer swam directly toward his boat.

"Once the deer reached the boat, the four began to circle the boat, looking directly at us.  We could tell right away that the young bucks were distressed.

I opened up my back gate and we helped the typically skittish and absolutely wild animals onto the boat.  In all my years fishing, I've never seen anything quite like it!

Once onboard, they collapsed with exhaustion, shivering."

"This is a picture I took of the rescued bucks on the back of
my boat, the Alaska Quest.  We headed for Taku Harbour.

Once we reached the dock, the first buck that we had pulled from the water hopped onto the dock, looked back as if to say 'thank you' and disappeared into the forest.

After a bit of prodding and assistance, two more followed, but the smallest deer needed a little more help.

My daughter, Anna, and son, Tim, helped the last buck to its feet.
We didn't know how long they had been in the icy waters or
if there had been others who did not survive.  My daughter later told me that the experience was something that she would never forget,

and I suspect the deer felt the same way as well!"

American agents wounded in Mexico linked to CIA drug planes

American agents wounded in Mexico linked to CIA drug planes  
August 31, 2012
by Daniel Hopsicker   

In a violent incident whose explanation daily grows more murky the two "U.S. embassy officials" wounded by Mexican Federal Police officers in an attack outside Cuernavaca were revealed to be CIA agents by major Mexican news organizations earlier this week.

What has remained undisclosed-until now- is this: One of the wounded agents is linked to the drug trafficking operation out of St Petersburg, Florida in which two CIA-connected airplanes were seized-in separate incidents in 2006 and 2007-on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula carrying a total of ten tons of cocaine.
Read the full story:

KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is

KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is !

31 August 2012
Uploaded by CH3MTRAILS on Oct 18, 2010 - -
KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is !

Chance for soldiers to VOTE

Hello John,

Got this from xxxxxxx at Constitutional Emergency. See if you can get it posted to help our Soldiers families get the message to the Soldiers their vites can be counted.

In God's Love and Light,