Monday, September 3, 2012

Today is National Empty Chair Day!!

Today is National Empty Chair Day!!

This idea is going viral. People are putting out empty chairs on their lawns with signs on them, like: "We have to let you go," "Gone golfing," etc. How fitting on Labor Day, with 27 million unemployed.

Here is the National Empty Chair Day FB page.

[link to]

Anybody in?


Breaking - Afghanistan - America's "Total Lie War"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Breaking - Afghanistan - America's "Total Lie War"
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Sep-2012 08:56:40

Source: Vetrans Today
Breaking: Afghanistan - America's "Total Lie War"-South African Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu has called for the trial of former US President [sic] George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for their role in the Iraq war
Americans and Northern Alliance “Friends”…False Flag Terror, Drugs, Staged “Taliban” Attacks
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Everyone in the world knows America’s invasion of Iraq was a lie, an oil raid, from day one.
Everyone who stood against Bush and Cheney is dead, in jail or in hiding.
Similarly, anyone who, from day one, knew 9/11 had a “smell” about it was eliminated, down to academics, diplomats, intelligence agents, anyone who spoke up and thousands did ON 9/11.
Not only is there no Al Qaeda, but what we know to be “the Taliban” is actually the Northern Alliance.
The terror acts, persecution of women, the extremism, is all orchestrated and staged by CIA contractors with Blackwater and related companies, using Northern Alliance drug lords and their gangs pretending to be “Taliban.”
This, in itself, is only one of the Bush era scandals. Now we have had access to an intelligence dump from Afghanistan.
The facts are startling.
That war, our “good war,” was even worse and is being continued by trickery.
We have startling reports of human trafficking, children being stolen around Afghanistan and sold into sexual slavery by the tens of thousands, stories of terror bombings and assassinations meant to prolong war, rig elections, end negotiations and compromise and control key regions to maximize drug profits.
With full access to “on the ground” intelligence in every province of Afghanistan, the truth about that war will make you sick.
Not one word that hits the press is true.
We will start with the recent visit by General Dempsey.
He had just left Tel Aviv after telling Netanyahu that America would never support an attack on Iran. NEVER.
When Dempsey landed, his plane was rocketed and blamed on the Taliban.
Solid intelligence cites the Northern Alliance in cooperation with Israeli agents in Afghanistan, some of the hundreds there, mostly with false German passports who run half the phony UN NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations).
They, along with Indian intelligence, the RAW, train bomb makers, stage attacks, supply detonators and the endless stream of Indian built weapons, run training camps that actually do exist and have been managing a covert war on Pakistan while the US has turned a blind eye even though they are responsible for hundreds of attacks on Americans.
More Here:

The Republican Convention and the Ron Paul Revolution

"I don’t think (Ron Paul supporters) have been disrespected." - Mitt Romney

The Republican Convention and the Ron Paul Revolution

The Grand Old Party produced a scripted appeal to the faithful. The 2012 Republican Party convention in Tampa, designed to sell a filtered image of a country club version of conservatism, begs the historic substance of a traditional embodiment of true timeless values. Hitting a range of obligatory themes is not equivalent to standing for the principles of a constitutional republic. Appealing to the estranged elements of the GOP needs more than words to restore faith and hope. Reasoned policy stands require a refutation of the failure of the Neoconservative agenda. So do not be duped by the language in the platform.

The indomitable Phyllis Schlafly loves the planks, in the article: Republican Party platform best yet.
"It rejects a long list of United Nations treaties, including the treaty on women’s rights, the treaty on the rights of the child, the treaty on persons with disabilities, the arms trade treaty and the Law of the Sea treaty. The platform also rejects Agenda 21, including its proposal for a global tax and various U.N. declarations on the environment.
Altogether, the 2012 Republican Platform is an excellent document written by grass-roots conservatives. It is a true reflection of American values."
Now how can any red blooded conservative disagree with a political party that rejects the globalism of the United Nations? Well, our distinguished champion at the Eagle Forum engages in wishful thinking, if she believes that the platform is anything more than tomorrows fish wrapper paper.

For a concise analysis of the irrelevance of the planks in the platform, view the John Nichols: Mitt Romney Versus the Tea Party video. In politics, deeds count, while rhetoric blows away with the wind.
Judge a campaign by the political handlers and their records. Examine the viewpoints that the political endorsers are committed to their core. The notion expressed by the New York Times in Platform’s Sharp Turn to Right Has Conservatives Cheering may give temporary joy, but the ugly underbelly of the NeoCon purity sect is at work to purge the party of the residual of real conservatives.

You can trust such social outcasts as the John Birch Society, when their columnist, Joe Wolverton II reveals what really transpired at the convention in the article, RNC, Romney Combine to Quiet Ron Paul and his Delegates.
"As we have reported, on August 24 the RNC voted to rob Ron Paul of half of Ryan's fellow Maine delegates won by the iconic Texas congressman at that state’s Republican convention held in May.
Later that same day the RNC Rules Committee voted 63-38 to create a new party rule granting the ruling cabal — and by extension their candidate, Mitt Romney — unchecked power to change the party’s rules.Does the RNC believe that such effrontery will somehow convince the Ron Paul delegates to quietly consent to the coronation of Mitt Romney? Perhaps they believe that flexing their manipulative muscle will pressure Dr. Paul to endorse Romney’s run for the White House."

The irony of the name of our publication site, Breaking All The Rules, should not be misconstrued as support for the criminal corporatist methods of crushing the grass root activists within the Republican Party. Quite to the contrary, the Ron Paul militants are the essence of the Tea Party revolt. So when the armchair convention watcher settles into their recliner to catch the victory melody for the Amerikan hegemony, as the speakers sing the glory of military superiority to expand the empire, all loyal nationalists hit the mute button. Keep the visuals on in the background so you know whom not to trust.

The exact extent of the methods used to beat down the legitimate Paulist delegates, not reported in the mass media, is appalling. Consider these exerts from a message of a Ron Paul activist, David Andrew Gay, attending the GOP convention:
"Properly elected Ron Paul delegates were stripped from us. And when a motion was made to amend the Credentials Committee Report, it was ignored.
Morton Blackwell, a longtime conservative activist and RNC Rules Committee expert, found himself indefinitely detained – along with the rest of the Virginia delegation.
The RNC’s bus driver responsible for transporting delegates somehow "got lost" for well over an hour until a critical Rules Committee meeting adjourned.
Blackwell and the Virginia delegation were heading up the efforts to defeat new RNC rules proposed by Washington, D.C.-based insider attorneys.
These rules are designed to turn the Republican Party into a top-down organization and strip power away from state parties and grassroots activists of every stripe."
So much for the "Big Tent" of the Romney GOP, that has all those resurrected Rockefeller Republicans intoxicated from drinking the toxic NeoCon kool-aid. There is a reason why the NeoCons are former Trotskyists.

Note the frustration from Justin Phillips of Tea Party Nation in the YouTube, Tea Party Leader Compares GOP To Old Communist Party Of Soviet Union. It is obvious that Romney is an establishment insider anointed to continue the global governance and has little tolerance for anyone who rejects and challenges the phony conservative pleading.
The magnitude of eradicating Ron Paul supporters and grassroots Tea Party proponents from representation in a possible Romney administration, forecasts a repeat of the 2008 Senator John McCain debacle. The same warmongering support for the rogue Israeli Zionists is a central part of a Romney capitulation to the dark side. Worry not about the oblique Mormon cult influence, when you have the real deal in the likes of NeoCon cultists like Connie Rice conning the nation once again.
Even if you wish to ignore the monumental topic of fostering an American First foreign policy, what would Romney do to restrain the inexplicable power of the Federal Reserve? If the GOP standard-bearer seriously wanted to reconstruct the economy, the most significant step would be to offer the chairmanship of the Fed to Ron Paul. The idea of reappointing Ben Shalom Bernanke to a third term would allow "Helicopter Ben" to become the "manna from heaven" idol of the New World Order.
The prospects of giving the keys to the kingdom to Ron Paul; with the instructions to transition into a debtless created currency, would prove Romney’s credentials as an authentic patriot. Of course, the reality that this would happen is on the same level as enacting the other planks of the platform.
The Irrelevance of the Republican Party, demonstrated at this establishment-orchestrated convention is building a backlash. The social network is abuzz with a call to action. The accomplished cartoonist Kevin George Tuma leads the charge with a posting of a public event on Facebook: MASS EXODUS from the REPUBLICAN PARTY.
"A special invitation to members of the Ron Paul Revolution, libertarians, and real conservatives who are fed up with the shady dealings of the Republican Party and its failed and useless 'Socialist Party B' ways. Boycott the Republican Party and vote Third party!"
Now for Republican "True Believers" such a movement will be condemned as an endorsement for a second Obama term. Only the meatheads that keep voting for the lesser of two evils, and believe they are making a difference will be sucked, again into the aiding and abetting the global governance of another Republican enabler administration.
When will the public accept that: "Since national elections have proved to be irrelevant,tweedledum and tweedledee charades, what’s the point in getting worked up over the next cycle?" If you doubt the wisdom in this conclusion, join either one of the branded political parties and work on the local level to affect party policy. During this election year, that is exactly what the Ron Paul supporters attempted to accomplish.
How did that turn out?
Until a nationwide movement for a third party coalition is agreed upon as the only plausible option to beat back the corporate controlled media propaganda machine, will the voice of patriotic dissent be heard. This billion dollar presidential campaign changes nothing significant in the consolidation of the financial global gulag.
As fundamentalists pray for a Romney triumph over the diabolical Obama puppet, they will need to obtain their salvation without the Ron Paul loyalists. Would a Romney regime be better than a second Obama term? Well, let us hope so; but that answer ignores the fact that essential and bold re-institution of constitutional and bill of right precepts no longer are part of the Republican hierarchy agenda.
If a mercenary army of a despotic political party can impose a tyrannical security around their GOP convention, why will the same political elites not demand that troops be deployed to close down our open and undefended borders?
Mitt Romney is John McCain lite. The Republican Party power structure will not accept a Ron Paul partisan to gain any significant position of authority. The money interests that control both heads of the two party fake rivalries are unwilling to allow a restoration of the vision for the original Republic.
Unfortunately, Rand Paul still needs to learn this lesson. Now that Ron Paul is ending his term in Congress, the prospect for passing the torch awaits a new champion of liberty.
SARTRE – September 2, 2012

"They won't even let Ron Paul speak. They're going to give him a tribute video.
After 30 years in the Congress, he gets a tribute video and they can't give him 15 minutes to speak.
Why not? What are they afraid of?" - Jon Antoine

Special Report: The hidden story behind "Fast and Furious" no one is talking about

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A Brasscheck TV exclusive

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Call to recruit Ron Paul

Last night we had a conference call – has said that Ron Paul would consider taking the VP slot with Gary Johnson if he got enough encouragement to do so – if he did so it would boost the Libertarians to the point of being included in the debate to where the Demopublicans & Republicrats could no longer monopolize the sick game they run

Ron Paul could not take the Prez slot because of the ballot access laws – but if the current VP nominee were to voluntarily leave RP could take his place without controversy – could you check this out and include this in your newsletter today?  Thursday conference call 559 726-1200 811476# details to follow as to time


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Sep-2012 04:49:18

The Dulce Report, Part 3 of 5: Investigating Alleged Human Rights Abuses at a Joint US Government-Extraterrestrial Base at Dulce, NM
Vatic Note: In the very first part of this, we maybe looking at the solution to our problems. First we have to understand if we have this power, especially those who are hybrids, Then its simply a matter of learning how to tap into it and direct it, or does it require some sort of external object to direct the energy? It could explain why they are so afraid of us, among other reasons, such as we can kill them with our guns which was an unknown at one time, but no longer.
What is good about this, is the neutral treatment he uses to try and determine the validity of these stories. Its very well done and matches the concept of deductive reasoning and critical thinking. He asks all the right questions and searches for the answers. Even his conclusions are conservative and allow for some flexibility in alternative options for what has gone on. The thing I got out of this so far, is, Dulce may still exist but some top secret functions may have been moved due to the attention it has gotten.

The Republican Convention and the Ron Paul Revolution

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Republican Convention and the Ron Paul Revolution
Posted By: SARTRE [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Sep-2012 06:48:58

The Grand Old Party produced a scripted appeal to the faithful. The 2012 Republican Party convention in Tampa, designed to sell a filtered image of a country club version of conservatism, begs the historic substance of a traditional embodiment of true timeless values. Hitting a range of obligatory themes is not equivalent to standing for the principles of a constitutional republic. Appealing to the estranged elements of the GOP needs more than words to restore faith and hope. Reasoned policy stands require a refutation of the failure of the Neoconservative agenda. So do not be duped by the language in the platform.
Read the entire article on the BATR archive page?
Discuss or comment about this essay on the BATR Forum 


A dear friend just sent this to me and I think this is a great idea.
Will you please join me?
Beginning tonight. And if you like the idea, pass it on to your friends.


This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever faced, and from the looks of the polls, the Christians aren't voting Christian values. We all need to be on our knees.

Do you believe we can take God at His word? Call upon His name, then stand back and watch His wonders unfold. This scripture gives us, as Christians, ownership of this land and the ability to call upon God to heal it. I challenge you to do that. We have never been more desperate than now for God to heal our land.

This election is the scariest I remember in my lifetime. 2 Chronicles 7:14.  'If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.'

During WWII, there was an advisor to Churchill, who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every night at a prescribed hour for one minute, to collectively pray for the safety of England , its people and peace. This had an amazing effect, as bombing stopped.

There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America .  The United States of America , and our citizens, need prayer more than ever!!! If you would like to participate, each evening at 9:00 P.M. Eastern Time (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific), stop whatever you're doing, and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, for peace in the world, the upcoming election, that the Bible will remain the basis for the laws governing our land, and that Christianity will grow in the U.S.

If you know anyone who would like to participate, please pass this along.

Someone said if people really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.
"Be still and know that I AM GOD for I AM with you always!"
Please pass this on to anyone who you think will want to join us.

PS: I've sent to everyone and hope there are no duplications.
<)))>< .. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13 

Flu Shots are Worthless

video on page

Flu Shots are Worthless

02 September 2012
Published on Sep 1, 2012 by iHealthTube
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny cites a couple of studies that show that flu shots are no more beneficial than a placebo. However there's plenty of dangerous possible side effects from the shot that so many millions get every year.

Now Banks Can Legally Steal Retirement Accounts

Now Banks Can Legally Steal Retirement Accounts

02 September 2012
GFP Note: Following up on the article I just posted

(Sentinel ruling may hurt MF Global clients), this article reiterates that, thanks to the "Sentinel Ruling" banks can use customer funds to pay off creditors during times of duress and that customers might never get their money back because that money became the property of the bank.

Source: Fyx News
By Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 10:49:49 AM
“If you don’t understand what ‘get the hell out’ means, there’s not much I can do for you,” Ann Barnhardt passionately told blogger Warren Pollock, as she warned viewers of systemic failure in the U.S. financial system, as well as the certainty that American savers will be robbed of their retirement, brokerage and savings accounts in the process.
Barnhardt, the former commodities broker, cites the latest and hushed court ruling in the 2007 case of a failed Chicago-based futures brokerage firm Sentinel Management Group—another Ponzi bankruptcy, according to her, totaling $600 million of segregated customer funds tied up in bankruptcy awaiting determination of whether those segregated funds will be used to pay off a “secured position” of a $312 million loan held by Bank of NY Mellon.
According to a federal appeals court ruling, Thursday, Bank of New York Mellon’s secured loan will be put ahead of customer segregated accounts held by Sentinel—a landmark ruling that turns individual segregated accounts into the property of a third party under circumstances of duress. In other words, if a financial institution fails, clients, depositors and pension funds may not get some or all of their money back in a bankruptcy.
In essence, under the ruling, Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SPIC), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and other insurance programs no longer will/can protect customer funds, leaving millions of investors, depositors and retirees unaware that they are no longer account holders of their own funds, per se, but, instead, have suddenly become stockholders of the institution with which they have deposited their money.
Copy of the Sentinel Ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.
Barnhardt goes on to say that many emails she receives from readers of her blog mock her as a Cassandra, but the woman who warned last year of the coming failures and the government’s disregard of the basics of Common Law have been proved correct. Customers who thought their money was insured with MF Global, PFGBest and, now, Sentinel, were not insured after all, and will lose some or all of their money due to a bankruptcy of the firm in which they’ve placed faith.
She reiterates from numerous previous interviews: run for the hills with your money. The federal appeals court ruling in the case of Sentinel demonstrates that financial institutions have suddenly taken precedence over segregated customer funds, including their largest customers of all—pension funds.
Few know that the game has changed, and the lack of mainstream media coverage of the shock ruling from the seventh circuit court highly suggests fears within the Fed of a full-blown bank run if the news of Sentinel’s case were to become a front-page headline, underscoring the fragility of the banking system of the United States.
“Insurance is designed to cover discreet, individual catastrophes. Okay? If one bank fails, the FDIC can come in and backstop that one bank, no problem,” Barnhardt explains.
“What do you think is going to happen if the entire system collapses? What happens, do you think, if, even, let’s say 25 percent of the banks or the banking capacity in the United States fails?” she asks, rhetorically. “We are now talking trillions and trillions of dollars in deposits.”
In fact, the FDIC shows $15.3 billion (Q1 2012) available to insure approximately $4.7 trillion of deposits (last reported, Q4 2008), or an insurance pool equivalent to one-third of one cent (0.0033) held at the FDIC for each dollar insured within the banking system.
Presently, the FDIC cannot make whole on even one percent of bank deposits covered under its insurance program, though it claims to cover up to $250,000 for each account, a promise that surely will be broken (at least when compared with today’s purchasing power of one dollar) during a systemic banking system failure, according to Barnhardt.
“The analogy is to the fire department,” she adds. “The fire department work great if one house is on fire. What happens if the entire city, if every structure in the city is on fire?”
Barnhardt concludes her interview with two thoughts:
Firstly, in a democratic republic, collectively, Americans are ultimately responsible for the financial system by voting for “psychopaths” to guard against allowing other psychopaths to run the banking system. The coming financial collapse would not be possible with an informed and vigilant electorate, according to her.
Secondly, Barnhardt, a devout Christian, prays for people to wake up in time to protect themselves before the collapse takes place, which she says could be tomorrow, or as far out as two years from now.