Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Obamas Already Preparing for Move to Hawaii in January 2013

he Obamas Already Preparing for Move to Hawaii in January 2013: Hyde Park neighbors talking about Chicago house being sold soon

Posted on August 31, 2012 by  // Breaking NewsFeatured Content
[ Click above to embiggen:  Iolani Palace is no doubt where Barack and Michelle Obama would like to live, but it's not available to them as it's a museum now.  Instead, the Obamas are using Chicago proxy-buyers to purchase a $35 million oceanfront estate for them in the most posh area of Oahu, where they coincidentally vacation frequently already.  Move-in date is scheduled for January 2013 ]
UPDATE:  Just found out that the asking price of the house they are looking at is most likely $35 million.  Bobby Titcomb, the Hawaiian native who brings Obama “fish and poi” (that’s code for “weed and coke”) to the White House is most likely involved in the purchase of the estate on Oahu that the Obamas will most likely be moving into in January.  Possibly watching Titcomb’s movements will give more clues as to which house, exactly, Obama will move to in January 2013.
UPDATE #2:  Found it!  Here’s the only property that matches all the clues we’ve been given.  It is on the market for $35 million, which matches what Mrs. Robinson has been saying about the “$35 million house she’d be living in soon”.  This estate was also featured on TV’s remake of Hawaii 5-O recently. Do you see how that’s a little in-joke that Obama would like…the “O” in the show’s name, like the “O” he’s used as his personal emblem since 2008?  A man who named his dog BO, after his own initials, would love to own a house that was featured in an “O” show, like after his last name.  This is a photo of the house as featured on TV and in Honolulu Magazine so you can see a little inside.  The link above has more pics of the house that Barack Obama will soon be living in as an ex-president.
UPDATE #3 – Weird coincidence, but Drudge Report is right now running stories about the shootings that happen just blocks from the Obamas’ house here in Chicago in the area of Hyde Park. The whole city has gotten MUCH more dangerous in the last four years.  This jives with what Mrs. Robinson told friends here in Chicago about her not moving back to Chicago and about the Obama’s Hyde Park house going on the market soon.
Barack and Michelle Obama will be moving to Hawaii in January of 2013 and preparations are now being made to purchase an estate in close proximity to land owned by the University of Hawaii, where the Obama presidential library and “political center” will be located.
Here in Chicago, it’s pretty obvious that Michelle does not want to move back to this city and its winters (for any reason) and Michelle’s mother, who’s been living in the White House with her daughter and her family, will be happily making the move to Hawaii as well.
I have a friend whose family knows Michelle’s mother; they have been crystal clear that the elderly Mrs. Robinson regularly says that she’ll be in Hawaii next year permanently with her daughter and granddaughters. There is neither talk of returning to Chicago to live nor of living in the White House for another four years — instead, there’s a sense of “it was fun while it lasted” coming from Mrs. Robinson in her talks with her Chicago friends.
Democrats are already working to locate an acceptable property in Hawaii for the Obamas to live;  this land and its complex of buildings must be ready to move-into in January and must meet all the requirements the Secret Service demands since the Obamas will be granted continued protection, by law, for nine years after Barack leaves office.  The Reagans, Clintons, and second Bush family all had their post-presidential homes purchased quietly on the side by friends when their times in office were coming to an end.  The Obamas are doing the same thing now.
They are not talking about building a complex on vacant land because there is not time for that.  They will need a place to live come January, and they are not returning to their home in Chicago that was purchased with the help of convicted felon Tony Rezko.  Chicago served its purpose in Obama’s life and moving back here provides him no additional benefits. As a former president, he’d always be the second most powerful man in a town where the Mayor of Chicago is essentially a feudal king.  In Hawaii, the Obamas will hold court as a new royal family on the islands.
Back in 2009, the University of Chicago showed interest in obtaining the Barack Obama Presidential Library and Museum (and Political Action Center) but all of that cooled when Chicago lost its ill-fated bid for the Olympics;  those plans included the construction of parking garages and other support buildings that would have been centered around a temporary stadium that was meant to be demolished and replaced with the Obama Library Building.  Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor to the President, purchased large tracts of tenement land near the proposed sites of all this construction hoping to cash in with a huge windfall when first the Olympics and then the Obama Library were supposed to be there.  But neither of these things is coming to Chicago now.
The University of Hawaii will host the Library, Musuem, and “Political Action Center”.  Most likely, it will be called the Obama Center, like the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia.  Just like the Carters, the Obamas want to live as close to the Library complex as possible so Barack can hold court there, give speeches, and walk through a replica of his Oval Office to relive past glories (which is what Jimmy Carter does on a regular basis, FYI).  This is pretty common for former presidents, actually.  Both of the Bush families moved close to where their respective presidential libraries were built and the Reagans before them had a post-presidency life in close proximity to Ronald Reagan’s library.
The Clintons are anomalous for not moving back to Arkansas and living in New York state instead.  The Obamas will resume the tradition of the former president living in a new home purchased quietly by friends and allies in the last days of his presidency to be occupied immediately after he leaves office and begins the construction of his post-presidential office and archives of his administration.
I’m not familiar with the real estate process in Hawaii, but I bet some of you who are industrious could start to look at transactions and available estates and note those that meet the following criteria for the Obamas’ new home:
* must have gorgeous ocean views and a private beach
* must be easily accessible via a short drive from an airfield, as Obama will want to travel a lot to give speeches in Jimmy Carter fashion after he leaves office
* must contain a main house with at least six bedrooms (one for Barack, one for Michelle, one for Mrs. Robinson, and one for each of the daughters); ideally the estate will have a separate in-law suite for Mrs. Robinson as she’d like some privacy I’ve been told
* must contain outbuildings for the secret service to occupy (as they will maintain a command center there for the family’s protection for nine years after he leaves office)
* must not have any close neighbors (or if it’s adjacent to another property, there must be high fences and some kind of barrier between the properties)
* must be easily accessible to a location where the University of Hawaii can maintain the Obama Library and Obama himself can work in his Obama Center
That last one is the big clue to where you will find a spot for their new home…since Barack Obama will want to be able to commute easily to the “Obama Center”, wherever that is built.  He’s a young-for-an-ex-president man, so he’s got a good 40 years ahead of him to make use of that Obama Center when it’s built…and I imagine he wouldn’t want to drive any further to it every day than Jimmy Carter does to the Carter Center in Atlanta.
Where’s a good location that the University of Hawaii would want to build his library, so that it becomes a tourist attraction for Hawaii and also afford the University the Prestige of having it on a campus? The University will be picking up a lot of the cost of the Library’s construction as private fundraising for this project has thus far been anemic.  In Chicago, Penny Pritzker has already started making soft calls to inquire if people would be willing to be generous to the Obama presidential library project and she’s gotten mostly polite declines (and some hang-ups).  Someone who works for Penny told me that.
Figure out where the University of Hawaii could build this, and you’ll figure out the radius of a 20-30 minute drive (at most) for where the Obamas will have their next home starting in January of 2013.
Also keep an eye on architect Frank Gehry’s activities.  The Pritzker family funded the Pritzker Pavillion in Millennium Park in Chicago, which Gehry designed.  He’s the architect that designs buildings to look like crumpled paper that has been wadded up into a ball and placed on a pedestal.  The idea for the Obama Library building is for it to resemble the US Constitution as crumpled into a ball during Obama’s term in office.  Frank Gehry will design it, Penny Pritzker will spearhead the fundraising for it, and the Obamas will be living very close to where it will be built in Hawaii.
The clues are there…now we just need to figure out where this will be.
It’s a place I doubt I’d ever want to visit, but it’s not sitting well with Chicagoans here on the ground that it’s not being built in Illinois because without the Chicago political machine Obama would not have gotten to where he is.  But now that he’s there, and will be leaving the White House soon…there’s no more need for Chicago or Chicagoans.
Hawaii, here they come!

Read more http://hillbuzz.org/the-obamas-already-preparing-for-move-to-hawaii-in-january-2013-hyde-park-neighbors-talking-about-chicago-house-being-sold-soon-63935

[ President Barack Obama's living room with ocean view, beginning in January 2013 ]
Click HERE for Part 1 of this investigative report
I’ve done some more digging here in Chicago on the story we brought you on Friday about plans currently underway to purchase a $35 million beachfront estate on the island of Oahu in a part of Hawaii called “Kailua” for the Obama family to move into in January 2013 when they leave the White House.
It’s funny, but “kai” means “victorious” in Mandarin Chinese and you probably know that “lua” is close to the Hawaiian word “luau”, which is of course a large party.  It’s more than ironic that a spot in paradise that conjures a mental image of “victory party” will be the place the Obama family moves to in just four months or so, after they’ve been booted from the White House. They surely won’t be in a festive mood after being downgraded from “First Family” to ordinary citizens again, but no doubt the rest of the world will be celebrating.

The woman who is organizing the funding of the Obama’s post-presidential estate is Penny Pritzker (pictured above, in between the worst President since Jimmy Carter and a woman who only dresses appropriately on Halloween or April Fool’s Day), who is also in charge of raising the donations for Obama’s presidential library and museum.  The two are more or less the same project, with the priority being to get the $35 million together to fund the purchase of the Obamas’ new home.  It appears that Pritzker herself may contribute up to half of the total purchase price, making up the difference from whatever the Obamas could not afford and the fundraising wouldn’t cover. Pritzker is a billionaire who in recent years resolved a long-standing family feud over her late father’s vast business empire that includes the Hyatt Hotel chain as well as assorted manufacturing operations. The wealthiest families in Chicago are being leaned on heavily to contribute with Penny aggressively guilting them with “appeals of you don’t want the President to be homeless in January, do you?”.  That’s more or less an exact quote from Penny, if my source within her social group is not paraphrasing.
Fundraising has been lackluster, though, as there is not much interest in helping to fund either the presidential library or the Obama’s new home since Chicagoans are feeling stabbed in the back that the Obamas are abandoning Illinois for the warmer clime of Hawaii;  the general consensus is that Chicagoans are waking up to the fact that the Obamas have gotten everything they could out of Chicago and are now moving on to bigger and greener pastures.  Kailua offers them all the fancy restaurants, the shopping, the golf, and other amenities they like plus the sunny weather they love and it’s closer to the Pacific and Middle East where Obama believes he’ll command the highest speaking fees as an ex-US president who’ll happily denounce America for years to come for paying foreign crowds, in much the way that Jimmy Carter has earned his living since 1981.
You might not realize this, but this is actually not the first time someone in Chicago has helped the Obamas buy a house beyond their financial reach:  convicted felon and Chicago machine political “fixer” Tony Rezko helped the Obamas assemble the funding for the home they currently own in Chicago’s murder and robbery-prone neighborhood known as Hyde Park.  Penny Pritzker is making aggressive use of the recent headlines about gunshots being fired and people killed just two blocks or so away from the Obamas’ Hyde Park home, with Pritzker saying, “You don’t want them moving back where there’s gunfire, do you?  DO YOU?”.
It’s actually quite common for very wealthy friends of a President to buy him a new home for after he leaves the White House, since most of the people who’ve been President so far were not very rich before they entered office (with Obama being an exception since he had several millions from his book sales before his election).
Here’s how post-presidential homes typically work:  the President’s friends and wealthiest supporters chip in to ensure the family leaving the White House has someplace “suitable” to occupy once they are no longer living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  Another part of Penny’s fundraising push is that “the Obamas can’t go back to Hyde Park, it just wouldn’t look right, that house is too small and is not suitable for their new stature”.  The Obamas are never going to live in Chicago again.  They never planned to.  But this election has gone south in ways they did not expect before Obama’s infamous “You didn’t build that” comment last month. The plan was always to get them an estate in Hawaii, but it had been to buy them land and then construct a home especially for them.  Now that there’s a rush to have something ready by January, the most opulent available home on Oahu must be secured for the Obamas “lest they be homeless” as Pritzker is arguing.
Before that “you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen” revelation, there was still a (delusional) belief in Obama’s inner circle that Democrats could pull off a win in this election.  They also expected Mitt Romney to select Rob Portman or Tim Pawlenty as his VP…and the most delusional of them believed if Paul Ryan was in fact chosen that the Mediscare attacks would sink him…and Romney’s campaign too.  When it became quickly and resoundingly clear that Romney/Ryan was a winning combination, the emergency contingency protocols went into effect and Penny Pritzker started the aggressive fundraising push for the post-presidential purchase.
There is no hope of Obama winning the election, and though the corrupt media and Democrats will never admit it, behind the scenes those close to the Obamas have thrown in the towel and are helping plan the Hawaiian move four years earlier than they anticipated just a few months ago.
In the past, friends and large donors had more time to prepare for a President’s departure from the White House.  Ronald Reagan’s California pals assembled a funding operation to buy Nancy and him their post-presidential ranch.  The Clintons used Bill’s book advance to buy their new home and the Bushes had their friends help them secure the place they moved into in suburban Dallas.  Presidential homes are purchased with private funds through false-front entities that hide the true owners to ensure their privacy. Penny Pritzker no doubt has many on her staff working out all these details as well as managing whatever checks come in to support the “Obama Relocation Project”.
Later today I’m interviewing a few people in Hawaii who have more on the ground information of what’s coming towards Kailua with the Obamas’ move there.  I’ve made calls and sent emails to both the realtor handling the sale of this property and to Penny Pritzker’s office for a comment from her, but so far I’ve received no answer.

Read more http://hillbuzz.org/who-is-funding-the-purchase-of-the-35-million-beachfront-hawaiian-estate-for-barack-and-michelle-obama-to-move-into-come-january-2013-2013

Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, has been bragging about getting to live in Hawaii next, in a $35 million beachfront mansion after leaving the White House in January 2013.  "It was fun while it lasted", Miss Marion is quoted by Chicagoans as saying, "but wait until you see the place they're buying for Michelle and Barack!" ] 
Part 1 of this report — HERE
Part 2 of this report — HERE
Today has been declared “National Empty Chair Day”, in honor of Clint Eastwood’s speech on the closing night of the Republican National Convention where he dragged a chair onto the stage and held a Vaudevillian conversation with an invisible “President Obama”, inquiring about all the Hope and Change we were promised back in 2008 and all the other things the Obama administration has disappointed with in the last four years. Taking a picture of an empty chair and posting it on the Internet is now being called “Eastwooding”.  It’s proving to be a craze that could very well sweep the nation, so get in on the ground floor.
I couldn’t help running a photo of the private screening room inside the $35 million Kailua, Hawaii estate that Penny Pritzker and other extremely wealthy Chicagoans are currently in the process of acquiring for Barack and Michelle Obama to move into when they leave the White House in January of 2013.
Sure are a lot of empty chairs in there!
And the lighting’s great for picture-taking.  
There’s also plenty of room for the Obamas, their daughters, their Secret Service agents (which they’ll have on staff for nine years after leaving Washington), and Michelle’s mother, Marian Robinson (“the First Grandmother) to enjoy once they’re no longer the First Family and Barack is just a “resident of the United States” without the White House to call home any longer.  Somehow, I doubt these people will be watching any documentaries by Dinesh D’Souza while munching on their popcorn (with extra butter and cheddar cheese, because who are you kidding if you think Michelle eats as “healthy” as she tells YOU to eat in her ongoing“Crusade Against Other People’s Obesity” Let’s Move Campaign).
Miss Marian (as she’s called in Chicago’s black community, employing a common honorific for older women who are well-liked and/or eccentrics) has been bragging for about two months now that she’s never going to have to come back to a Chicago winter and is instead going to live the rest of her days in Hawaii, where her daughter’s insisting on a fabulous and exotic mansion being purchased for the Obamas by the wealthy Chicagoans who want favors from the soon-to-be-ex-President in the last days of his administration.
Penny Pritzker, heiress to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, escaped several financial investigations related to her involvement in a banking scandal because she’s been Barack Obama’s “money woman” since his 2008 fundraising campaign.  Just as he quashed investigations of Black Panthers involved in voter intimidation in the 2008 election, it seems Attorney General Eric Holder tabled any exploration of possible wrongdoing by Obama’s “money woman” in the banking mess.  Nothing to see here, move along!
Pritzker has not lifted a finger to help with the 2012 campaign financing because she’s in charge of leaning on large donors to fund both the Obamas’ post-presidential home and the Obama Presidential Library.  If you’ve wondered why Pritzker’s been absent from the Obama campaign team and why his fundraising has been so anemic, it’s because the wealthiest donors do not believe he’s going to win a second term and are instead giving their campaign contributions to Mitt Romney so they can have some clout and favor with the incoming White House.
The people who are responding favorably to Pritzker’s pleas to contribute to the “Preventing Obama Homelessness Fund” (or whatever they’re calling it) are those who would like to receive pardons or other preferential treatment in the period of time between November 2012 and when Obama vacates the Oval Office in January 2013.
This is a time-honored way that Democrats have raised money for their post-presidency, with all sorts of generous and unrestricted financial gifts awarded to them AFTER they’ve left the White House but pledged to people like Pritzker while the current lame duck president stares at a calendar and counts the days remaining to turn a mega-profit off his place in history.  You’ll remember that Bill Clinton pardoned several felons on his last day in office and relatives of those criminals drew many zeros on checks to both the Clinton Presidential Library fund and also to a very private account that assisted the Clintons with the purchase of their Chappaqua, New York residence for his post-presidency.
Some people out there are confused about Ronald Reagan’s post-presidential home…which is separate from the ranch he and Nancy owned in Santa Barbara (land that is now some sort of camp); the Reagans’ friends helped them buy the home in Simi Valley, California where they lived after the White House (and the presidential library and museum was built adjacent to this, where Reagan’s tomb is also located).   Gerald Ford had help buying his home in Vail, Colorado near the village of Beaver Creek for his retirement and George W. Bush and his wife Laura had help from friends in the purchase of their home in suburban Dallas.  This is how the post-presidency kicks off: with very wealthy people contributing one last time to a President before he leaves office, since there’ll never be another presidential campaign to fund (or quid to pro quo as a result).
Today’s Labor Day and I’m headed to a barbecue in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood hosted by a woman who knows Miss Marian Robinson well and is very well connected to the professional black community in this city.  No doubt, we’ll be talking quite a bit about who would benefit the most from donating generously to Penny Pritzker’s “Preventing Obama Homelessness Fund” or to the presidential library project. It should be a fun and interesting day.  I’ve baked some of Ann Romney’s M&Ms chocolate chip cookies to take with me (the ones she entered into the First Ladies BakeOff this year).  I hope everyone loves them, because they certainly wouldn’t have wanted the dry, bitter-tasting, burnt offerings that Michelle submitted to the contest.
I’m hearing quite a bit about what the Obamas want in the library and the tone they wish to set for the first of his presidential memorials…so tune in tomorrow for more of that, as well as in in-depth look at how an Obama Presidential Library will most likely present his place in history as compared to these monuments to other recent presidents.
For parts One and Two of this investigative report, click HERE and HERE.
Whether you’re in Hawaii or Chicago or wherever, don’t forget to snap a pic of an empty chair and upload it to the Internet so you can be part of the special “National Empty Chair Day”…just like Obama’s soon-to-be-purchased Hawaiian Mansion is already participating!
© 2012, Kevin DuJan. All rights reserved.

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No Charges Filed on Harsh Tactics Used by the C.I.A.

No Charges Filed on Harsh Tactics Used by the C.I.A.

Published: August 30, 2012   
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced Thursday that no one would be prosecuted for the deaths of a prisoner in Afghanistan in 2002 and another in Iraq in 2003, eliminating the last possibility that any criminal charges will be brought as a result of the brutal interrogations carried out by the C.I.A.'
Mr. Holder had already ruled out any charges related to the use of waterboarding and other methods that most human rights experts consider to be torture. His announcement closes a contentious three-year investigation by the Justice Department and brings to an end years of dispute over whether line intelligence or military personnel or their superiors would be held accountable for the abuse of prisoners in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The closing of the two cases means that the Obama administration’s limited effort to scrutinize the counterterrorism programs carried out under President George W. Bush has come to an end. Without elaborating, Mr. Holder suggested that the end of the criminal investigation should not be seen as a moral exoneration of those involved in the prisoners’ treatment and deaths.
“Based on the fully developed factual record concerning the two deaths, the department has declined prosecution because the admissible evidence would not be sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt,” his statement said. It said the investigation “was not intended to, and does not resolve, broader questions regarding the propriety of the examined conduct.”
The Justice Department did not say publicly which cases had been under investigation. But officials had previously confirmed the identities of the prisoners: Gul Rahman, suspected of being a militant, who died in 2002 after being shackled to a concrete wall in near-freezing temperatures at a secret C.I.A. prison in Afghanistan known as the Salt Pit; and Manadel al-Jamadi, who died in C.I.A. custody in 2003 at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, where his corpse was photographed packed in ice and wrapped in plastic.
Mr. Holder’s announcement might remove a possible target for Republicans during the presidential campaign. But the decision will disappoint liberals who supported President Obama when he ran in 2008 and denounced what he called torture and abuse of prisoners under his predecessor.
“It is hugely disappointing that with ample evidence of torture, and documented cases of some people actually being tortured to death, that the Justice Department has not been able to mount a successful prosecution and hold people responsible for these crimes,” said Elisa Massimino, president of Human Rights First. “The American people need to know what was done in their name.”
She said her group’s own investigation of the deaths of prisoners showed that initial inquiries were bungled by military and intelligence officers in charge of prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan. She said Mr. Holder, whose statement referred to consideration of “statutes of limitations and jurisdictional provisions,” should have been more explicit in explaining exactly why charges could not be brought.
While no one has been prosecuted for the harsh interrogations, a former C.I.A. officer who helped hunt members of Al Qaeda in Pakistan and later spoke publicly about waterboarding, John C. Kiriakou, is awaiting trial on criminal charges that he disclosed to journalists the identity of other C.I.A. officers who participated in the interrogations.
The C.I.A. director, David H. Petraeus, who as an Army general had spoken out against brutal interrogations, issued a cautious statement to agency employees about Mr. Holder’s announcement. He thanked C.I.A. officers “who played a role in supporting the Justice Department’s inquiries” and added, “As intelligence officers, our inclination, of course, is to look ahead to the challenges of the future rather than backwards at those of the past.”
Representative Mike Rogers, the Michigan Republican who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, welcomed the announcement. “I am pleased that the attorney general’s re-examination of these cases has come to a close and that he recognizes that filing criminal charges in these cases is inappropriate,” he said. “These intelligence officers can now continue to focus on the hard work at hand, protecting our national security.”
Mr. Holder’s decision in 2009 to open a new investigation into the C.I.A. interrogations was sharply criticized by some former intelligence officials and Republicans in Congress. The harsh interrogation methods, including the near-drowning of waterboarding, had been authorized in Justice Department legal opinions, and the deaths in custody had been previously reviewed by prosecutors during Mr. Bush’s presidency.
But after reviewing secret documents describing the treatment of prisoners, most of whom had been held in secret C.I.A. prisons overseas, Mr. Holder directed John Durham, the organized-crime prosecutor already looking into the C.I.A. destruction of video recordings of waterboarding, to broaden his inquiry.
Mr. Holder said interrogators would not be charged if they had acted strictly in accordance with the department’s legal advice, though the legal opinions involved were later withdrawn. The review focused more narrowly on cases in which interrogators exceeded legal guidelines, including instances of prisoners waterboarded more often than permitted and of one prisoner who was threatened with an electric drill.
In November 2010, the Justice Department said there would be no charges in the destruction of the videotapes of C.I.A. interrogations. In June 2011, Mr. Holder said that of more than 100 prisoners whose treatment had been reviewed, only the final two cases remained under investigation.
On his first full day in office in January 2009, Mr. Obama banned coercive interrogation methods and ordered the closing of the C.I.A.’s remaining prisons overseas. But he said that month that while he did not “believe that anybody is above the law,” he preferred “to look forward as opposed to looking backwards” and that he did not want C.I.A. employees to “suddenly feel like they’ve got to spend all their time looking over their shoulders and lawyering.”
The Senate Intelligence Committee has largely completed its own three-year investigation of the C.I.A. interrogation program, but its report is still classified and its conclusions are not yet known. In April, responding to a book by a former C.I.A. official asserting that brutal interrogations had produced the intelligence that helped locate Osama bin Laden, the Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein, called that claim “misguided and misinformed.”
The moral and political debate over responsibility for the abuse and death of prisoners is unlikely to be ended by Mr. Holder’s announcement. Senator Patrick J. Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who is chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has long called for a “truth commission” to look into interrogation and other matters, offering immunity from prosecution in return for candid testimony. But Mr. Obama never supported the idea, and with prosecution all but ruled out, it seems unlikely to gain new momentum.
Ms. Massimino noted that in some other countries, the torture and death of prisoners have been the subject of public inquiries decades after the events. “I don’t think this is over,” she said. “I take the long view.”

The History of DHS Ammunition Purchases.

Hi John,
  This evening RMN had posted the schedule of ammo orders by various government agencies  have been accumulating since 2005.
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The History of DHS Ammunition Purchases.. 1.88 BILLION Rounds bought since 2005...That's a half-clip for each Citiserf..
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 3-Sep-2012 20:28:02
For more, including some very interesting charts showing yearly accumulation, go to the link at the bottom of this post...
The question of whether a leader is good or a tyrant is an age old question. Being the one who wears the crown opens you up to criticism from all levels, and to be quite frank, you can’t make everyone love you.
This article is to outline purchases by the Department of Human resources since August 2002, a ten year span. The Department of Homeland Security was created by then President Bush as a preventative measure from further terror attacks on American soil. And since its inception, has been fodder for skeptics and fuel for those demanding a smaller, unintrusive government.
Below you will find the lists of solicitations, hyper linked to their pages located at http://www.fbo.gov. The following filters were used:
US Coast Guard and Secret Service were not accounted for. The USCG rarely requested ammunition, and the Secret Service were mainly “Award Only” notices. No amounts of ammunition could be obtained.
Any “Award Notice” only entries were omitted due to the lack of needed information.
In the first chart, you find the hyper linked solicitation, the total number of rounds requested, and the agency requesting the ammunition. Of all of the sub-departments, only Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) ordered ammunition outside the filters discussed above.
Solicitation Link Date Quantity Agency
Solicitation Number: NFU040075 3/2/2004 970,000 ICE
Solicitation Number:04FAD0085 6/23/2004 200,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 05FAD0041 7/6/2005 100,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 05FAD0059 8/22/2005 300,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 05FAD0060 8/26/2005 100,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number:HSCEOP-05-P-00778 9/10/2005 1,222,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: LGL06Q00043 12/12/2005 1,500,000 FTETC
Solicitation Number: 06CHS0034 1/10/2006 317,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number:NFU060173 4/19/2006 166,000 ICE
Solicitation Number:NFU060209 5/4/2006 39,600 ICE
Solicitation Number: 06FAD0044 5/12/2006 300,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCEOP-06-R-00011 6/7/2006 100,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: LGL06R00063 6/29/2006 21,570,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number:06CBPBP069 7/25/2006 270,000 FLETC
Contract Award Number: LAR06P00100 7/25/2006 5,000,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 0088 8/9/2006 50,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 06FAD0079 9/13/2006 200,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 06FAD0076 9/21/2006 15,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: LGL07Q00011 3/14/2007 32,425,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCEOP07P01183 6/25/2007 106,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCEOP07P01185 6/26/2007 83,000 ICE
Solicitation Number:07CBPBP060-061 8/9/2007 109,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number:07ART0450 8/28/2007 100,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCEOP-07-R-0020 8/31/2007 256,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSBP1007Q1489 9/25/2007 57,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-08-Q00003 4/17/2008 375,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-08-Q-00005 5/12/2008 100,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU080145 6/4/2008 149,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU080174 6/6/2008 85,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 08ART0181A 6/18/2008 600,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 08ART0181 7/2/2008 6,000,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSTS0708Q00081 7/22/2008 19,572,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 08CBPBP072 7/25/2008 208,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: NFO080239 8/8/2008 200,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-08-Q-00018 8/20/2008 7,375,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-09-Q-00003 12/19/2008 200,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 192109NFU00000064 2/2/2009 240,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 192109NFU00000061-62 2/3/2009 135,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 09FAD0034 3/4/2009 25,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-09-R-00003 4/28/2009 18,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU00000242 7/6/2009 30,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU00000247 7/7/2009 92,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU00000253 7/8/2009 65,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 192109NFU0000291 8/24/2009 130,800 ICE
Solicitation Number: 09CBPBP076 8/25/2009 69,920 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLAR-10-Q-00018A 4/19/2010 213,920 FLETC
Solicitation Number: NFU00000246 8/12/2010 109,200 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU00000264 8/12/2010 350,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 20056107 8/22/2010 49,400 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-11-Q-00002 12/17/2010 375,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: SSA-RFQ-10-2159 5/9/2011 25,750,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-11-R-00004 7/12/2011 450,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 20066169 8/8/2011 24,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-12-R-00002 2/6/2012 165,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSFLGL-12-Q-00119 3/1/2012 10,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLGL-12-Q-00029 4/12/2012 8,450 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLGL-12-B-00003 4/17/2012 70,000,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-12-P-0000 6/6/2012 12,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSFLAR-12-Q-00046 7/20/2012 43,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLAR-12-Q-00063 8/16/2012 75,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLAR-11-Q-00090 8/17/2012 58,000 FLETC
The second chart, show below, demonstrates the total number of ammunition requested by year. After that chart, is the breakdown by percentage of the year against the total amount requested. As can be seen, 58% of all the ammunition that has been ordered, was ordered under the Obama Administration.

 It was enormous amount, in the billions of rounds of devastating hollow point rounds.It is  shocking that we have these Satanist involved in our government and possibly planning  brutal murder of Constitutional orientated American Citizens. They are trying to steal not only our freedoms and  fortunes , but are proceeding to maim and poison ' We The People" . Now they are accumulating enough ammunition to put a  quick clip full of ammo into every man , woman and child in the U.S. 
   These bastards need to be rounded up, and imprisoned while waiting for Nuhrenberg Trials for Treason and genocide they plan for humankind, starting here. Who is going to get the drop on who; that is the question ! 
   Drake has apprised us of other prosecution involving financial crimes ,war crimes, but this situation is so much worse. 

   We are being stalked by the ' sociopaths of Satan', for sure. There is little time to head these fiends off.
 We The People must make progress in this area , and head them off, ambush them in the World Court. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

WHILE YOU WERE ASLEEP. The Story of the 2012 Revolution By HopeGirl


Given the current state of the world today, it is clear to just about anyone that something is going to happen. But just what will happen?  I’ve been chasing down some interesting information, most of which can only be presented in theory form. The reason for this is that the mainstream media is heavily controlled, and the only way to try to get to the real information is through a variety of alternative news sources and the internet.  When gathering information in this way, it is not always packaged together in an easy-to-digest format.  I am attempting to do that now for you in this document.  In addition, there is a lot of secrecy in the world, and not much information is freely available. Some of this information is from “inside sources” who claim they can’t tell you everything. Wherever applicable, I have provided links to documentation so that you can track down these sources of information on your own to help you to form your own conclusions.


10 Signs That You Are Fully Awake..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
10 Signs That You Are Fully Awake..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Sep-2012 19:27:26


Isn't it obvious that there is a significant global awakening happening? Just as the Mayans predicted so many years ago, the apocalypse would become apparent in 2012. But many misinterpret the apocalypse to be the end of the world, when in fact it actually means an "un-covering, a revelation of something hidden."
As many continue to argue the accuracy of the Mayan calendar, it can no longer be argued that a great many people are finally becoming aware of what has been hidden from them for so long. Of course this awakening is not an overnight process. It takes time to peel away the many layers of lies to get to the core of the ultimate truths.
It would be beyond pretentious for us to claim to know all of the secrets of the universe. We don't. Everyday we are humbled by what we don't yet know.
However, it is becoming clearer by the day what isn't true. And by that measure alone, it is possible to determine if you're one of the people beginning to wake up.
Here are ten signs you may be fully awake:
1. You know there's no meaningful difference between major political parties (Democrats and Republicans): It's so easy to get caught up the left-right debate and believe there's a difference between the two major political parties. However, debate is one thing, while actions are another. By their deeds you shall know them, and it is indisputable that there is no significant difference between political parties when it comes to action on the most important issues. Even hardened ideologues like John Cusack are beginning to wake up.
2. You understand that the Federal Reserve, or international central banking more broadly, is the engine of our economic problems: Debt slavery is the totalitarian force that threatens all of humanity, not some temporary political puppet or some greedy Wall Street trader. When a small group of people have the ability to create wealth out of nothing and charge interest on it, they have the ability to enslave the planet to their ownership despite what type of government a country claims to have.
3. You know that preemptive war is never necessary: When we realize that self-defense is the only acceptable form of violence, then we become awakened human beings. To suggest war because someone is different from you, or they may pose a threat in the future is simply ludicrous. And when did the idea of bombing civilians become humanitarian? No one wants war except for the immoral creeps that benefit from it.
4. You know that you're being systematically poisoned, how, by whom, and why: Admittedly, there's a lot to learn in terms of how we are secretly being poisoned. But the fact remains that we are being systematically poisoned, and it is likely for the deliberate purpose of dumbing us down and, ultimately, culling the population. Who could believe anyone is so evil to do that to innocent people, you may ask. Well, once you begin to seek the answer to that question, you're one step closer to enlightenment.
More here: http://www.activistpost.com/2012/09/10-signs-that-youre-fully-awake.html

A Radioactive Nightmare

BREAKING NEWS ALERT: A Radioactive Nightmare

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptive illusions
Monday September 3, 2012

By Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Fukishima Radiation in CA Produce, Mutations Hit South CA
Cesium detected in California nuts and fruit; airplane radiation detected in two flights; new mechanism of Fukushima fallout exposed and mutations hit California


ATTENTION: !!! by Drake


by Drake
             As stated in previous postings and shows, arrests I said were going to happen
are now taking place.
        To date there are eight individuals whom are to be arrested.
        As everyone has heard, Nancy Pelosi has been reported as the first arrest. I
am waiting on the exact location of this incident. When it comes available it will
be posted.
        The List : Nancy Pelosi, Michell Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Barack Obama,
George H.W. Bush, Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder.
        These arrests are to be carried out one a day until the list is complete.
        The arrests are being carried out by Interpol and United States Martials.
        This is an effort being carried out by the international community.
             ~ Drake
Drake | September 3, 2012 at 12:38 pm | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-o0

Should Obama Have To Show His "REAL" Proof Of Birth-This Time Around?

Should Obama Have To Show His "REAL" Proof Of Birth-This Time Around?

Saw this on beforeitnews.com

The only proof that Hawaii has...HRS338-17.8 (for children born out of state)filled out and signed by Obama grandmother (RIP?)

[link to informamerica.net]

Note at the bottom of the page: Reason for (4 day!?!) delay:
Birthplace: Kenya;Registered Honolulu.

This is why a international boycott has been place against the Socialist (banana republic) state of Hawaii.

[link to www.boycotthawaii.com]

and his Kenyan birth certificate with his footprint on it:

[link to sites.google.com]

I guess with his and Soros, Marxist (AP) media and their 'corrupt'& 'racist' Federal Justice Dept. still in control...none of these crimes really matter.

Obama has gotten away with 2 fake birth certificates, over 20 social security numbers, revoked law license, illegal passport,a fake selective service number, treasonous law enforcements...just to name a few.

So I guess We will have to live with the fact that Our Marxist (RULING) Governing body is just plain 'corrupt' and enacting 'stupidity!'

And-NO...We are not going to give up on this treasonous act against Our United States of America...even if this foreign national "Criminal-In-Chief" is not relected...From now on We are going to make sure the the Law's of Our US Constitution are strictly and clearly enforced and this doesn't happen again.But, We have to get rid of the co-conspirator's behind these crimes, before We are able to do anything. And at this point most America will them wake up to the fact that they are in total control of the media,the Justice Dept.,the Unions, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Hawaii and the Democratic Socialist Party.

But America will rise (out of this socialist sewer)again..more awake and stronger.

Catch my drift...anti-American,Marxist,Obamatards!



If he did that, he'd have to admit that he's using a fake ID while holding office, and thus guilty of fraud, espionage, and treason.

'Obama' is really Bari Malik Shabazz...bastard son of Malcolm X. He's also a fugitive from justice for failing to appear in court for his car accident in Hawaii about 30 years ago.

It doesn't specifically matter WHERE Obamao was born, though the administration has done an effective job (with the help of the MSM) of making it look like it's the issue.

What matters is that:

A) There is no 'Barack Hussein Obama' Junior. The imposter in the White House is the bastard son (in more ways than one) of Malcolm X.

B) The Bastard In Chief knowingly presented a fabricated birth certificate as 'proof' of his (false) identity.

C) By taking the oath of office, he was in immediate breach of said oath and thus should have turned himself in for fraud. Since he did not, and he continued on to take office, he is now guilty of espionage, treason, and impersonating an officer.

D) 'Barry' has a completely fictional life; he is one big lie, incarnate. He and his people infiltrated the US government at the highest levels, aided and abetted by the Democratic Party, who is, IN THEIR ENTIRETY, guilty of conspiracy in all of his crimes.

E) The MSM has been exposed as being nothing more than the propaganda machine of the usurper and his cronies. They are not the 'free press'.

Where he was or was not born is irrelevant; not all of us fell for the 'pay no attention to the man behind the curtain' routine.