Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Seen on the road

Subject: Seen on the road

Hopefully, the images will come through. 'What does DHS need these for' is a valid question. Why do any of these need to be on the streets in America? Duh, do ya think that some big event is in the making?    ....Jerry
Ok, please someone explain to me and the rest of us Christians what DHS needs this kind of equipment for.. I am beginning to think I need bigger guns and ammo...and by the way, the order for 450 million rounds of ammo has now been increased to 750 million rounds
Seen on the roadWhat could they need equipment like this for here in the US? Think seriously about that for a minute!

They are hitting the road. Caravans of National Guard equipment, but with new never before seen equipment in the caravans. Take a close look at what is painted on the side of the Black Humvees. The Humvees are fully armored to the same standard used by our military. They are gearing up and now have enforcement vehicles and are training with the National Guard, FEMA and Police. They just took possession of 2,500 GLS vehicles which don
t get anymore armored, the GLS is the larger vehicle on the trailer. The GLS is a serious piece of equipment, the likes of which have never been used inside the US until now. Let’s not forget the 450 million rounds ammo that was purchased last year by DHS. 




This and many other facts were left out of the “Obama 2016"movie. By 2016, most Christian Conservatives might be in re-education camps being built today in fly-over country. Army troops are being taught civilian crowd control.

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this: You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery," and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.

Hackers find file containing info on 12,000,000 Apple iOS devices and their owners on FBI agent's laptop

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Hackers find file containing info on 12,000,000 Apple iOS devices and their owners on FBI agent's laptop
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Sep-2012 10:20:24

Just one more indication that the government is way too interested in everything we do...
Hackers leak '1 MILLION records' on Apple fanbois from FEDS
FBI laptop with data on 12m iThings 'pwned via Java hole'

By John Leyden • 4th September 2012

Hackers have dumped online the unique identification codes for one million Apple iPhones and iPads allegedly lifted from an FBI agent's laptop. The leak, if genuine, proves Feds are walking around with data on at least 12 million iOS devices.
The 20-byte ID codes were, we're told, copied from a file extracted from the Dell notebook of a senior federal agent, who was tracking the activities of hacktivists in LulzSec, Anonymous and related groups. Supervisor Special Agent Christopher Stangl's machine was compromised via a AtomicReferenceArray vulnerability in Java in March, the black hats claim.
Once his computer was infiltrated by the hackers, a file was allegedly seized containing 12 million device records that included Unique Device Identifiers (UDIDs), usernames and push notification tokens as well as a smaller number of names, mobile phone numbers, addresses and zip codes. Members of the AntiSec crew leaked edited extracts of this data, having mostly stripped it of fanbois' personal information, on Monday.
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The hacker's statement is here:

What is Stimulus?

BREAKING NEWS: What is Stimulus?

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive illusions
Monday September 3, 2012

By Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America Reality check: The alleged stimulus programs being discussed by the central banks is nothing more than marking up worthless bank derivatives aka I.O.U.s that are worth nothing and then have the banks pretend they are worth something.

The worthless derivatives are then used as bogus collateral to create a new alleged stimulus that is nothing more than replacing old derivatives with new worthless derivatives aka accounting fraud.


Translation: This is nothing more than, once again, bailing out crooked banks with U.S. Taxpayers' money.

Item: The only job the Federal Reserve could create is at a crooked bank.

P.S. Warning: The spread between the front end and back end of the yield curve is already becoming inverted, this could indicate that the Fed has already illegally injected themselves and the result has been to suck all liquidity out of the financial markets in derivative costs.

Given the fact that the front end and the back end of the yield curve is already inverted any new stimulus aka derivative hocus pocus could easily collapse the back end of the yield curve and send interest rates skyrocketing and trigger a collapse in stock and commodity prices.

Reference: This derivative ponzi scheme locks the banks into zombi status without any ability to really loan money, but only pay for the derivative costs.

This policy, of course, is deflationary not inflationary. The solution remains bank consolidation and recollateralization.

P.P.S. Remember what happens when the helium comes out of the hot air balloon.

In closing, we will once again report that the Spanish Prime Minister and the Spanish national Bankia has received the $5 billion, which is the first installment in the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds, that will make the activities of the both the U.S. Federal Reserve and the ECB (European Central Bank) irrelevant.

At this hour, we can divulge that major redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets continues (eyes over Switzerland).

Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will include an update on the role of Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian banks, as well as the Union Bank of Switzerland and private investors in the sell of red mercury (RM 20/20 chemical weapons) to the governments of North Korea and Syria.

Hello Federal Reserve Bank of New York!

The Ultimate Eastwooding: Empty Lincoln Memorial Chair Becomes Barack Obama’s Monument in Washington

The Ultimate Eastwooding: Empty Lincoln Memorial Chair Becomes Barack Obama’s Monument in Washington

Posted on September 4, 2012  

[ Click above to embiggen:  how to take Eastwooding to the next step in the future when the Left pushes for a national monument to "The One" in our capitol ] 
It’s sick, I know, but just you wait — unless Republicans are smart and run a black candidate for President like Allen West or Mia Long in the next 20 years or so, the Left will demand a grandiose monument to Barack Obama in coming decades smack dab in the middle of the National Mall.  My gut tells me they will get all of the restrictions waived and Obama’s Monument will ultimately be placed on the other side of the Washington Monument from the WWII Memorial.  They’ll try to make it something outrageous too — like a pyramid or a giant sphinx.
How about just an empty chair?
The one in the Lincoln Memorial is pretty sturdy and well-made.
Just copy that, enlarge it to the size of Obama’s ego…and VOILA! the perfect memorial to four years of American history that everyone would just as soon forget!
PS — I don’t care if this is somewhat random to this post, but there’s a great article today by Timothy P. Carney about how Obama lies all the time and the media lets him get away with it.  He really goes right for the throat of all of these people and makes them all look as stupid as they truly are.  It’s quite wonderful.  I laughed and laughed and nodded my head all through it.  It is almost as accurate and comical as Clint Eastwood’s same effort to make this sort of point about how empty this president is and how the corrupt media just keeps covering for him.

The Secret Kill List

The Secret Kill List
by Andrew P. Napolitano, May 31, 2012
The leader of the government regularly sits down with his senior generals and spies and advisers and reviews a list of the people they want him to authorize their agents to kill. They do this every Tuesday morning when the leader is in town. The leader once condemned any practice even close to this, but now relishes the killing because he has convinced himself that it is a sane and sterile way to keep his country safe and himself in power. The leader, who is running for re-election, even invited his campaign manager to join the group that decides whom to kill.
This is not from a work of fiction, and it is not describing a series of events in the Kremlin or Beijing or Pyongyang. It is a fair summary of a 6,000-word investigative report in The New York Times earlier this week about the White House of Barack Obama. Two Times journalists, Jo Becker and Scott Shane, painstakingly and chillingly reported that the former lecturer in constitutional law and liberal senator who railed against torture and Gitmo now weekly reviews a secret kill list, personally decides who should be killed, and then dispatches killers all over the world — and some of his killers have killed Americans.
We have known for some time that President Obama is waging a private war. By that I mean he is using the CIA on his own — and not the military after congressional authorization — to fire drones at thousands of persons in foreign lands, usually while they are riding in a car or a truck. He has done this both with the consent and over the objection of the governments of the countries in which he has killed. He doesn’t want to talk about this, but he doesn’t deny it. How chilling is it that David Axelrod — the president’s campaign manager — has periodically seen the secret kill list? Might this be to keep the killings politically correct?
Can the president legally do this? In a word: No.
The president cannot lawfully order the killing of anyone, except according to the Constitution and federal law. Under the Constitution, he can only order killing using the military when the U.S. has been attacked, or when an attack is so imminent and certain that delay would cost innocent American lives, or in pursuit of a congressional declaration of war. Under federal law, he can only order killing using civilians when a person has been sentenced lawfully to death by a federal court and the jury verdict and the death sentence have been upheld on appeal. If he uses the military to kill, federal law requires public reports of its use to Congress and congressional approval after 180 days.
The U.S. has not declared war since World War II. If the president knows that an attack on our shores is imminent, he’d be hard-pressed to argue convincingly that a guy in a truck in a desert 10,000 miles from here — no matter his intentions — poses a threat to the U.S. so imminent and certain that he needs to be killed on the spot in order to save the lives of Americans who would surely die during the time it would take to declare war on the country that harbors him, or during the time it would take to arrest him. Under no circumstances may he use civilian agents for non-judicial killing. Surely, CIA agents can use deadly force to protect themselves, but they may not use it offensively. Federal laws against murder apply to the president and to all federal agents and personnel, wherever they go on the planet.
Since 9/11, the United States government has set up national security systems that function not under the Constitution, not under the Geneva Conventions, not under the rule of law, not under the rules of war, not under federal law, but under a new secret system crafted by the Bush administration and personally directed by Obama, the same Obama who condemned these rules as senator and then extended them as president. In the name of fighting demons in pickup trucks and wars that Congress has never declared, the government shreds our rights, taps our cellphones, reads our emails, kills innocents abroad, strip searches 87-year-old grandmothers in wheelchairs and 3-year-old babies in their mothers’ arms, and offers secrecy when the law requires accountability.
Obama has argued that his careful consideration of each person he orders killed and the narrow use of deadly force are an adequate and constitutional substitute for due process. The Constitution provides for no such thing. He has also argued that the use of drones to do his killing is humane since they are “surgical” and only kill their targets. We know that is incorrect. And he has argued that these killings are consistent with our values. What is he talking about? The essence of our values is the rule of law, not the rule of presidents.

75 Year Old Grandmother Held Down At Gunpoint As Police Shoot & Kill Her Dog

75 Year Old Grandmother Held Down At Gunpoint As Police Shoot & Kill Her Dog

by Davy V.

On August 15, 2012 Wayne County Sheriff's deputies, along with Macedon, NY Police broke into 75 year old Phyllis Loquasto's Plank Road home in the town of Walworth, NY, forced her at gunpoint to lay on her bathroom floor, screamed at her to close her eyes and stay down, then executed her dog "Duke."

Minutes earlier, Loquasto, who has had three strokes and a knee replacement, was on her computer when she heard loud smashing sounds, then saw what she described as several men dressed in black with masks on.

As she was laying on her bathroom floor Loquasto could hear the men talking in loud voices.

"The dog hadn't even barked, yet I heard one of them say, he's aggressive, shoot him! I'll never forget the sound of that gunshot and the blood flying everywhere. They did all this while forcing me to lay on the bathroom floor, screaming at me to stay down, and holding me at gunpoint. I couldn't get up if I wanted to. I'm 75 years old, had three strokes and knee replacement, and can hardly walk. There was nothing I could do to help my pet."

Unfortunately, Duke died a slow death.

"They shot him with a shotgun in such a manner that he ran around in pain and bled all over the house and suffered a slow, cruel death. There was no reason for this kind of treatment, they killed my dog for no reason. This was the sweetest and most gentle animal anyone could want, I would trust him with a baby."

Trail of blood on Phyllis Loquasto's stairs after her beloved dog "Duke" was shot by WayneNET Task Force officers.

As you can see in the photo, Duke did indeed suffer, bleeding out throughout the house, leaving a trail of blood in the hallways, stairs, walls and bedrooms, including on the bed where he used to sleep in.

Afterwards, Phyllis Loquasto was taken outside and placed inside a police car for over an hour in the heat.

It was then when officers showed her a search warrant, and it was then that Loquasto realized who these masked men who had just broke into her home, held her at gunpoint, screamed at her and executed her dog were -- police officers.

The 75 year old Loquasto was so afraid, she urinated on herself.

As a filmmaker, writer and activist exposing police misconduct and corruption, hearing stories of police officers abusing and violating innocent citizens' rights is nothing new.

In fact I receive an average of 20-25 calls weekly from people who either themselves, or a loved one, has been abused, harassed, or assaulted by law enforcement.

But I must admit, to hear of a 75 year old lady having been terrorized in her own home by a bunch of rogue, thugs in uniforms and masks, in a "home invasion-like" style, before executing her dog, left me speechless.

I Called Macedon, NY police and asked to speak to a public information officer. The woman who answered the phone asked me "What's that?" I explained to her it's usually a department official who is in charge of communicating with the press.

She replied "We don't have that."

I then proceeded to tell her about the incident with Duke, and before I could finish, she angrily cut me off and said "I'm sure if a grandmother would have been held down at gunpoint, I would have heard about that."

She then abruptly transferred me to the Chief, with whom I left a message on his voicemail.

About an hour later, I received a call from Macedon, NY Police Chief John P. Colella.

After I thanked him for getting back to me, Chief Colella laughed and said "The media campaign continues."

I asked Chief Colella what he meant by that comment, but he completely ignored my question.

I then asked the Chief exactly what law enforcement agencies were present at the Plank Road residence.

Chief Colella said that a search warrant was executed by the Wayne County Narcotics Enforcement Team (WayneNET) on the residence.

He also said that he is the Task Force Commander.

Chief Colella told me that his task force seized several marijuana plants from the location, which he said belonged to Phyllis Loquasto's grandson.

He explained that the WayneNET team consists of the Wayne County, NY Sheriff's office, Macedon, NY Police, Clyde, NY Police, Lyons, NY Police, Newark, NY, Palmyra, NY Police, Sodus Point, NY Police, Wolcott, NY Police and the Wayne County, NY District Attorney's office.

Chief Colella confirmed that the only person inside the location was 75 year old Phyllis Loquasto.

Having sensed an obvious sense of sarcasm on the Chief's part, with his earlier comment, about the "media campaign continues", as well as what I would describe as the non-chalant, hesitant, and "careful" tone of his voice, not giving many details, I decided to get down to brass tax with the Chief.

I asked him about police officers holding down a 75 year old grandmother at gunpoint on her bathroom floor, and it was clear that Chief Colella wasn't comfortable answering my question.

But perhaps more interesting, he never denied officers doing this to Loquasto.

Instead, Chief Colella made sure to choose his words very carefully, stating that all he would say is that she (the grandmother) was "held in place" by officers.

Again, when I asked Chief Colella if in fact officers with his WayneNET task force held a 75 year old grandmother at gunpoint on her bathroom floor, Chief Colella replied "I don't care if she is 2 years old or 75 years old."

I think Chief Colella must have realized that his statement would not look good, so he decided to do some 'damage control' by quickly adding "We needed to secure the location and since there was a dangerous animal, we were holding her down for her own safety."

Are you kidding me?

"Dangerous animal?"

"Holding her down for her own safety?"

Duke was her pet!

After a few more minutes of talking with Chief Colella, it became more and more clear that as is common with law enforcement officials, especially in cases of misconduct and abuse, the "cover-up" had already begun, and Chief Colella, along with his WayneNET task force, clearly have their story which they have every intention of sticking to.

Contact Macedon, NY Police Chief John P. Colella and let him know how you feel.

Macedon, NY Police Chief
and WayneNET Commander
John P. Colella
315-986-7103, -7262, -5932
E-mail: jpcolella@rochester.rr.com

WayneNET Sgt.
Roger LaClair
(315) 947-9711

Chief Deputy
Bob Hetzke
(315) 946-9711
Davy V. is a Cuban-American Filmmaker, Video Producer, Photographer and Freelance Writer, best known for using the power of video and film to expose Police Brutality, Corruption and Misconduct. Davy V.'s work has been featured in publications such as THE SOURCE Hip Hop Magazine, URBAN AMERICA Magazine, The Ave. Magazine, Insider Magazine, La Voz Newspaper, Minority Reporter Newspaper, CNY LATINO Newspaper, DOWN Magazine, as well as on television news stations, and programs such as CNN and Inside Edition. In addition to his freelance writing, Davy V. also writes a monthly Op/Ed Column for LA VOZ Magazine and Minority Reporter Newspaper.

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