Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Permanent Unemployment Economy

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Permanent Unemployment Economy
Posted By: SARTRE [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Sep-2012 07:01:04

The official underreporting of the unemployment statistics is a well-known fact. The cavalier dismissal of the systemic dismantling of the market economy by the Obama administration is undeniable. Notwithstanding, the lack of living wage jobs is not simply a partisan issue. Ever since the adoption of the globalist free trade betrayal, the national suicide of the free enterprise economy has continued. Transiting skilled employees into government dependents is an overt component of the "New Age" of reduced wealth and servitude for the ordinary American.
Read the entire article on the Negotium archive page
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"...Heneghan Reports The Wanta Protocol Trillions are FINALLY being released."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader CT: "...Heneghan Reports The Wanta Protocol Trillions are FINALLY being released."
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Sep-2012 22:49:49
In Response To: Ben Berna(n)ke Plots More Mayhem? (Lion)

Thanks CT
Re: Ben Berna(n)ke Plots More Mayhem?
Sorry Lion, not a reply to your excellent Bernanke post.
Actually, he may be barking up the wrong tree, as Tom Heneghan, by the way, reports that the Wanta Protocol Trillions are FINALLY being released.
But that's another story than what I am contacting you about.
Nevertheless, new stuff daily on financial breakdown at:
Heneghan maintains Bernanke is a crook, of course.
NOW, to my point...On Aug. 31st, Alfred Lambremont Webre uploaded his latest interview with Lauren Moret, entitled:
"HAARP/Chemtrails Psyops - Hurricane Isaac
The video on YouTube is over an hour in length.
Lots of info on the 2012-13 re-election of Obama, engineered by the Queen of England, the agenda for unification of USA-Mexico-Canada, poised to succeed with HAARP'S melting the Arctic and Antarctic Navigation Passages, HAARP manipulation of Hurricane Isaac, and more.
I am amazed that it's four days and this interview has not yet been picked up.
I just check the YouTube channel for Webre every so often, and found it that way.
Hope you can post this....
: Ah...the berna(n)ke - the 16 trillion 'dollar' fiat droid.
: Like a bad penny, it just keeps popping up at the wrong time -
: which only happens to be any time it pops up.
: But remember; the berna(n)ke fiat droid is only acting on
: programing from the greenspan fiat droid, who acts on
: behalf of the rothschild fiat droid, the queen fiat droid,
: and the other fiat droids from The City.
: Is gold money, Ben?
: Is silver money, Ben?
: The real people of the world were having a picnic, on a
: beautiful sunny day.
: Along came swarms of fiat droid mosquitoes, and ruined the
: whole picnic.
: Time for the lead filled mosquito swatter.
: I'm a real person, and I don't like mosquitoes interrupting my
: picnic.
: Lion
: ----------------
: Source: Daily Bell
: Editorial
: Ben Bernanke Plots More Mayhem?
: Saturday, September 01, 2012 – by Anthony Wile
: Anthony Wile
: Hasn't he done enough?
: Apparently not. Meeting at an annual Jackson Hole central
: banking get-together, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke
: apparently announced his determination to continue to print
: money, thus further debasing the value of the dollar in his
: quixotic quest to save it.
: Here's how AP reported on Bernanke's apparent intentions:
: Chairman Ben Bernanke sent a clear message Friday that the
: Federal Reserve will do more to help the still-struggling
: U.S. economy ...
: He stopped short of committing the Fed to any specific move.
: But in his speech to an annual Fed conference in Jackson Hole,
: Wyo., Bernanke said that even with interest rates already
: at super-lows, the Fed can do more ...
: Some economists predict the Fed will unveil some bold new step
: as soon as its Sept. 12-13 meeting, possibly a third round
: of bond purchases meant to lower long-term interest rates
: and encourage more borrowing and spending.
: That policy is called "quantitative easing," or QE.
: Lord, save us from more such solutions!
: The economy needs to unwind, not be further puffed up by
: unnecessary and ineffective money printing.
: Bernanke has been at this five years. These policies don't
: work. Unemployment in the US is somewhere between 20 and 30
: percent. Tens of millions have lost homes and jobs.
: The real rate of return adjusted for inflation is something
: like negative two percent.
: Those who have savings have lost them.
: Those who held stocks in the 2000s have not benefitted. Those
: who expected an end to the recession have not experienced
: it.
: The Fed, like other central banks, has been printing endless
: torrents of paper money.
: But much of that money has remained trapped in banks because
: the Fed has insisted on paying 0.2 percent interest
: approximately on the funds.
: In an economy like this one where business is uncertain and
: regulation makes it difficult to create a genuinely
: successful startup, banks are apt to take the two percent
: rather than lend.
: And so money doesn't circulate and the velocity doesn't pick
: up. Of course, there are plenty of private methodologies of
: business funding but these are not expanding, either, in
: the current environment.
: Animal spirits are apparently at an all-time low, in the
: modern era anyway.
: And it is not just America. There is a great deal of trouble
: in Europe with joblessness.
: And the BRICs, the world's great hope for recovery, are
: struggling with various levels of price inflation.
: They, too, have printed too much.
: A Keynesian analysis of what's gone wrong would not yield up
: much of an explanation because Keynes doesn't tend to deal
: with underlying problems, only with "solutions."
: And Keynes's solution was to suggest central bank money
: printing followed by government pump priming.
: It didn't matter WHAT kind of job was created so long as a job
: was pro-offered via government programs.
: In the 1930s millions were put to work building walls and
: painting bridges. But there was little "recovery"
: until AFTER World War II, when the US and to a lesser
: extent Britain found themselves presiding over the shards
: of a ruined world economy.
: The two countries dominated this economy with a tough, skilled
: work force and joblessness began to climb down.
: But this didn't solve the biggest problem of all, which was
: that money was still being driven by monopoly, fiat central
: banking. Over time, money printing is a most corrosive
: enterprise.
: In a normal economy where central bankers don't interfere with
: money stuff, currency competition and especially the
: circulation of gold and silver can provide a governor for
: economic activity. The volume of money is regulated, in
: other words, by how much the market will bear.
: But in a fiat environment there is no limit to how much money
: can be printed. And people will always print too much.
: Human nature.
: With so much money pouring into the marketplace, it is not
: long before the market grows distorted.
: Every corner has a fast-food restaurant; every alley provides
: a computer store; every highway off-ramp presents a
: sprawling car dealership.
: Bigness reigns. Fiat money is the lifeblood of corporatism.
: Large corporations, in fact, are a lot like government.
: They don't work very well. But torrents of fiat money cover
: up a plethora of sins.
: And when the trans-national business sector founders, central
: banks and government facilities ride to the rescue with yet
: more torrents of money.
: During 2009, the Fed printed US$16 trillion in quickie loans
: and spread them around the world.
: The justification was that the Fed was "saving" the
: financial system. But whom does the system actually
: benefit? The modern world economy is entirely a false one.
: Just as no one knows what a certain kind of bodybuilder would
: look like without steroids, so we have no idea what a
: normal economy would look like without monopoly fiat money.
: We can speculate, of course. The state itself would not be
: nearly so expansive. Nor would there be money to fund
: endless wars. Society would be more agrarian, less
: consumerist and its industrial endeavors would be more
: modest.
: Knowledge would shine because it would not be stifled by
: state-run universities.
: Parents would live with children instead of in senior citizen
: mills. The legal industry would be less ubiquitous; the
: penal-industrial system would be found insupportable.
: Contrast this with the bloated bigness we have today. Every
: part of Western society suffers from clumsy gigantism.
: Puffed up by fiat money, incompetence, conspiracy and
: brutality are increasingly the order of the day.
: This is the system Bernanke and his fellow central bankers are
: dedicated to "saving."
: Once we would have thought it was normal. No more.
: The information and insight provided by what we call the
: Internet Reformation inevitably informs us that modern
: monetary enterprise is NOT worth saving.
: They are doing it for themselves, not for us.
: It is their system, not ours.
: Even more malevolently, what the powers-that-be see as salvage
: is actually intended to further degrade the system.
: The power elite wants world government and the easiest way to
: get it is to continually ruin the economy while squeezing
: the middle class via inflation and joblessness until people
: are willing to accept ANY solution to remove the pain, even
: world government.
: It really is a clever system, and one that allows central
: bankers to pretend to be saviors of the civilized world
: even as their incessant money printing continually ruins
: and centralizes what is left of the global economy.
: AP writers, reporting on Bernanke's speech, explained that
: Bernanke assessed the economy's weaknesses, defended the
: extraordinary steps the Fed has taken to date and insisted
: it can do more.
: Sounds something like a threat.

Directed Questions To Drake

From a reader

Kudos are in store -  the broadcasts are getting better and better - more interesting reports and answers to good questions with less time spent in ongoing banter -  

Several members of the huge listening audience in Texas commented on the report given in the Sunday, Sept 2nd, broadcast concerning the 'arrest' of big mouth NP and others said to being arrested.  This would, indeed, be exciting were it to be proven to be true along with the arrests of the many many others who deserve same. 

Two questions were posed over and over, and I was asked to put these before you:

1.  WHY arrest ONE A DAY?  WHY NOT ROUND THEM ALL UP AT THE SAME TIME - GET IT OVER WITH - AND AVOID ANY ONE OR ALL GETTING AWAY?  If you have a 'group' - go for the entire group - as we all thought would be done with the Cmt 300, Bilderbergers, CFR, Tri Lats, etc at recent meetings.

2.  A few weeks/months back we were given earlier reports of the arrests of those such as:  Bernanke, Geitner, Bush, Clinton, Bill Gates, etc and subsequently then observed these same individuals on TV and read about them in the papers, blogs, etc. conducting their 'business as usual' - even as it is now.    Although everyone wants to see and to believe that the arrests are taking place, the report of these 'arrests' is not yet believable until credible proof that the arrests are, indeed, factual is  provided.   The people are asking for PROOF  THAT THE ARRESTS ARE FOR  REAL AND,  IN FACT, ARE BEING DONE.

Hopefully, proof can be provided very soon.   

New 9/11 Truth Documentary Among ‘Most Watched’ on PBS this Week

New 9/11 Truth Documentary Among ‘Most Watched’ on PBS this Week

By Bob Tuskin

September 4, 2012
We are coming up on the 11th anniversary of the largest false flag in our lifetimes.
Richard Gage AIA, a regular contributor to my radio show and the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, believes his non conspiratorial approach is having great success in “waking people up”.
An article recently published by The Digital Journal, highlights the success of AE’s approach looking at  the current popularity of their new documentary.
“9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” is getting public attention and casting doubt on the scientific validity of the U.S. government’s investigation into the WTC tragedy. PBS is the first major network to air the program.
Just days away from the 11th anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy and months away from the U.S. presidential election, a game-changing 9/11 documentary is ranking number three among “most watched” documentaries on PBS and number one among “most shared.”
Available for free online August 18th – September 4th, the documentary could have a significant effect on public opinion. Both the Republicans and Democrats, as equally staunch defenders of the official story, stand to be affected if the public’s suspicion of government corruption grows deeper.
I hope that this means that some people are finally able to look out what really happened on that dreadful day.
The article written about the success of the film goes on to make some great additional points.
An earlier report on Digital Journal found that the claims made in the documentary can be verified by reading the government reports themselves. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the government agency charged with the investigation, did not provide any data — no measurements or estimates — of the mass or energy that would be required to bring down the buildings in about ten seconds.
Normally a scientific report would present all the data that is used to construct a theory. The omission of data is a red flag to any one familiar with scientific procedure. It appears that the investigators may have intentionally produced reports that the scientific community would reject.
According to the experts appearing in Explosive Evidence, the scientific community did reject the reports immediately, but it has taken a very long time for this message to reach the public.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the producers of the documentary, have been trying to educate the public for a number of years. The PBS broadcast of their work represents a major step forward for them.
While most people have probably heard that a scientific investigation has been conducted and that the building collapses were explained, few have probably looked at the NIST reports themselves. Links to the NIST reports can be found in the above mentioned Digital Journalarticle. NIST provides no data whatsoever on the actual collapse sequence itself.
The new attention to the issue could be significant for the U.S. presidential election. Prior to the publication of the reports in 2005 and 2008, almost half the population was suspicious of the official story of 9/11, according to several opinion polls.
For those who say we should move on, not until justice is served will I be moving on. And even with justice being served, if we do not learn from history it is bound to be repeated.

Why was a Navy adviser stripped of her career?

Why was a Navy adviser stripped of her career?

Matthew Abbott/FOR THE WASHINGTON POST - Gwenyth Todd, a former American political adviser, now lives in Australia.

But Cosgriff seemed as eager as the Bush administration hawks to mix it up with the Iranians.
When Cosgriff instructed Todd and other staff not to tell the State Department about his plan to marshal the big decks (two aircraft carriers, an amphibious helicopter assault carrier and five supporting warships) that May in 2007, Todd said, it was just too much. She immediately called a family friend at the State Department’s Iran desk. Her contact alerted superiors, according to sources familiar with events, and Cosgriff was told to stand down, at least until the critical conference with the Iranians was over. He was also told to notify the Saudis and other gulf allies before resuming the maneuver.
The armada passed through the strait a week later, on May 23, without incident. Likewise, in Baghdad, Iranian and American diplomats met as scheduled.
Cosgriff was furious about “the [expletive] storm” coming down on him from Washington because of the leak, according to Todd and another staff member.
Cosgriff declined to comment for the record, but a retired senior naval officer said Cosgriff “was collaborating with ... Adm. Fallon” and had “taken a little heat. ... It was a ‘lessons learned’ thing — you gotta notify people.”
Administration officials privy to the affair, meanwhile, said they were surprised when Fallon portrayed himself, in a much-talked-about 2008 Esquire interview, as nearly single-handedly stopping Bush administration hawks from starting a war with Iran. Because of the uproar over the article, he resigned shortly after.
As for the big-decks conspiracy scenario presented by Todd and others, Fallon called it “B.S.” in an e-mail, but declined to answer further questions.
Todd was relieved. The big-decks surprise had been defused, and Cosgriff didn’t seem to suspect her of leaking the plan.
Then another emergency popped up, this one personal. Two FBI agents showed up in Bahrain with questions about her, Cabelly and Sudan. They told her Cabelly’s business dealings with the regime, prohibited by trade sanctions, were under investigation. Todd was surprised. Cabelly had been granted an exemption in 2005, and she assumed U.S. officials were using him as a back channel to the regime.
After an outcry by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), Cabelly had dropped his $530,000 annual contract with Sudan to provide PR advice to its embassy in Washington. The government believed he had quietly pursued other business in Sudan, notably oil and aircraft deals.
Todd said she told the agents she had as little to do with Cabelly as possible, outside of child support. She was now romantically involved with Capt. Charles Huxtable, a handsome Royal Australian Navy captain who was a liaison officer to the 5th Fleet.
“I was not helping Robert re Sudan,” Todd said in a recent e-mail. “I thought (and still do) that Robert was working on behalf of the USG.” Fifth Fleet commander Walsh, for one, met with Cabelly when he came to Bahrain.
Todd opened her house, as well as her computers, to the FBI agents, she said. They talked for hours. The FBI agents wanted to know about $30,000 Cabelly had given her. She said she explained that it was for emergency surgery — Bahrain hospitals demanded upfront cash guarantees from foreigners — but that she had returned it, because Colakoglu, her Turkish client, had stepped in to help her first.

She had nothing to hide, she told the agents as they departed with her computers. When they left, they presented her with a summons to appear before a grand jury in Washington.
She hired a lawyer.
Months passed. Todd heard nothing more from the FBI. But at work, she believed Cosgriff started freezing her out.
Then, on Dec. 13, 2007, he summoned her to his office. An intelligence report had come in about a possible Iran-backed attack on U.S. personnel in Bahrain. The report, which she guessed originated with the local CIA station, said the attacks were to be led by Bahrain’s top Shiite religious figure, Isa Qassim.
Todd thought the report was fishy. Although Bahrain’s Shiites did oppose the U.S.-backed Sunni monarchy, they’re Arabs, eternal enemies of the Persian Iranians. And Qassim himself, it happened, had warned Todd just the previous day that anti-monarchy demonstrators might attack places frequented by U.S. personnel.
The report “looked like a fabrication by someone trying to kill two birds with one stone, by making the Bahraini Shia appear to be anti-U.S. terrorists who also happened to be taking orders from Iran,” Todd said. “I knew, really knew, that the Bahraini Shia were trying to ensure U.S. personnel were nowhere near the possible violence.” She suspected the intelligence report was cooked up by Bush administration hawks.
Cosgriff “asked me if I could go out and verify the information at the source — an informant in Dirza, a Shia village — saying that he realized it was dangerous,” Todd said.
Cosgriff declined to answer questions for the record about his meeting with Todd; a retired senior naval officer familiar with his thinking said he did not issue an order.
Todd’s boss, Martin Adams, recalled the event. “I saw the incoming report,” Adams said. “Someone — I do not remember who, but it was a junior officer — brought it to the office I shared with Gwenyth and showed it to her and to me. Subsequently, Gwenyth got a call, asking her to go down and see Cosgriff — an unusual event in itself. When she returned, she said she had to work that evening, as Cosgriff had asked her to go out to confirm the information in the report.”
But first, they called Cmdr. Carl Inman, the assistant Fleet N2, or intelligence officer. “He was very surprised Cosgriff had called me, not him,” Todd said. Inman said he could not recall that.
According to Todd and Adams, however, the three decided that going at night to Diraz, a restive Shiite area seven miles north of Manama, was too dangerous. Instead, she’d try a foreign businessman in town who had good contacts among leading Shiites.
That night, she met at a Manama restaurant with the businessman and a Shiite dissident, a man the CIA station chief had once warned her was a “terrorist” but who she was confident was not. It soon became clear they were being watched by Bahraini security men, she said.
The dissident batted away the report. The last thing the Bahraini Shiites wanted, he said, was to antagonize the Americans. But violence definitely could erupt between protesters and security forces, he said. U.S. personnel should steer clear.
Todd returned to the base at 10:30, but at the gate, her security badges didn’t work. A glitch, she thought. She talked the guard into letting her in and wrote up a warning report.
At 2 a.m., Inman came in. “This is important,” she remembered him saying. “It has to go out now.”
Inman did recall that “we then made sure the right people had her information, her observations and her analysis.”
Exhausted, Todd walked out of her office — for the last time, it turned out.
At 7:30 the next morning, her badge still wasn’t working. Again she wangled her way past a guard. An “agitated” Inman appeared.
Go home, he said. “The front office is very upset.” He couldn’t say more.
“Freaking out,” Todd went to a nearby Starbucks. She called Cosgriff, but got shunted to an adjutant, who told her: “You have to come in for an explanation.”
Now wary, Todd refused.
The next day, her computer access was shut down. The day after that, Cosgriff’s chief of staff called to demand she come in to turn in her badges. Instead, she gave them to Adams for delivery.
Then came a stunning revelation: Todd said she learned from a friend that her access had been suspended the same day Cosgriff had dispatched her into the night to verify the threat report.
What? Todd said she felt the room spin. Cosgriff had given her a sensitive assignment — to meet a suspect Shiite — after her clearances had been suspended? It didn’t make sense.
Ten days later, on Christmas Eve, her contract was abruptly terminated without explanation. Stripped of clearances, she was not only out of a job, it appeared, but finished altogether, her career in tatters.
* * *
As the holidays passed, she gloomily assessed her prospects. Huxtable, her Australian navy captain, presented her with an escape plan: Go to Perth, his next duty assignment. Get a house for us. Wait for me there.
She gathered up her daughter and fled. While she appealed to the Navy for an explanation, she solicited recommendations from old colleagues, hoping she might find work again, somehow, in foreign policy. Many stepped forward.
Adm. John W. Miller, now 5th Fleet commander, called her judgments “sound and invariably on the mark.”
Todd’s departure from Bahrain was “a serious loss,” Inman wrote. “Her appraisals of events are almost uncanny in their accuracy.”
Huxtable finally arrived from Bahrain, and she busied herself in wildlife restoration at a national park, helping rescue injured kangaroos.
Then, events in Bahrain caught up with her. On Feb. 27, 2008, a letter from Cosgriff’s chief of staff, Capt. Joe Sensi, arrived via “unregistered snail mail.” It was dated Dec. 13, 2007, the day of her strange intelligence mission. For the first time, she read that her contract had been terminated because of “unreported foreign contacts ... financial irresponsibility ... [and] the disclosure of classified information to unauthorized persons.”
Todd shot back a six-page response, demanding a “detailed substantiation.”
“I have no unreported foreign contacts,” she said in the letter. “On the contrary, every contact of interest I have come across during my time at [Naval Forces Central Command] I have factored into my reporting to the Command.” She referred to several, including “the meetings I knew Mr. Cabelly had arranged between Sudanese and Bahraini businessmen.”
Next: “If there were concerns about my finances, they were never brought to my attention.”
Next: “I have not knowingly disclosed classified information to any unauthorized person.” Her clearances routinely had been renewed.
Finally, Todd demanded “a full explanation” of why the Navy had violated personnel rules in canceling her clearances without notice or a chance to appeal.
The Navy’s response: “As ... the manual states, commanding officers will suspend individual access to classified material as warranted.”
Her first year of exile passed slowly in Perth. On March 29, 2009, “in a lovely ceremony on a bright sunny day in the garden of our landlady,” she and Huxtable exchanged vows. They moved to Canberra, where her husband took a new post.
Things seemed to have died down at last. But on Oct. 27, 2009, the Justice Department unsealed its indictment of Robert Cabelly. According to the indictment, he had violated sanctions on Sudan, as well as engaged in money laundering, passport fraud and making false statements. Cabelly entered a plea of not guilty to all counts.
And to her alarm, Todd discovered she had been included as an unnamed, unindicted co-conspirator. Her lawyer warned her not to step on American soil until things were resolved.
Then came the oddest incident of all, according to Todd.
One night in February 2011, Todd said, she was preparing dinner when the doorbell rang.
On the doorstep was a man who introduced himself as “Bill Phelps, a consular officer from the American Embassy.”
He explained to Todd and her husband that Chinese hackers had been compromising U.S. passports, and he was warning ex-pat Americans about it. He was at the H’s. Could he see her papers, please?
“Mine begins with T,” she said. “My name is Todd.” She nodded at her husband, Charles. “He’s an H.”
The man appeared flustered. “Oh, wait, let me think,” she recalled him saying. “R, S, T. ... Oh, yeah, T’s were compromised, too.”
Todd said she “smelled a rat ... somebody connected with U.S. intelligence.” Huxtable was incensed. They told the man to leave.
Sure enough, “Phelps” returned the next day and confessed.
“I lied — I’m with the FBI, and we want to talk to you,” Todd recalled him saying. He wanted her to come to the embassy for a video conference with Washington officials to discuss her relationship with Cabelly. The FBI did not respond to requests to confirm Todd’s account, which she first provided to Australian television immediately after the incident.
It had been a comically clumsy ruse, but Todd wasn’t laughing. Neither was Huxtable, who alerted his superiors that the FBI was evidently conducting some kind of “rogue investigation” in Australia, an egregious violation of protocol.
Todd asked the agent whether he could guarantee her immunity if she came to the embassy. No, he said. Forget it then, she replied.
She called her lawyer in Washington. He made a few inquiries and told her that she had been dropped from the indictment months before: There had been a misunderstanding about the cash Cabelly had brought her in 2006 for the emergency surgery, she said.
Todd understands her story sounds improbable. Indeed, she spends at least part of every day spinning various conspiracy theories through her mind.
For a long while, she admits, “I thought I was perhaps being paranoid.” But when the mysterious FBI agent showed up, she decided somebody really was out to get her.
The question was who — or who first?
She wondered if maybe the whole Bahrain catastrophe came down to the FBI trying to pressure her to give up information they thought she had on Cabelly.
On the other hand, she thought it curious that the FBI man had showed up only days after she had been quoted in the New York Times harshly criticizing the Bush administration’s Bahrain policy, which was “consciously ignoring at best the situation of Bahraini Shiites.”
Was somebody in Washington still smarting over her Dec. 13, 2007, refutation of its intelligence report linking Shiite protesters to Iran?
Or was hers a classic Washington tale of a strong woman slapped down for standing up to powerful men? “Sisterhood” wasn’t a word that came easily to Todd’s lips, but now she felt a kinship to Valerie Plame, the CIA operative outed by Bush officials because her diplomat husband challenged their case for invading Iraq.
Todd swings from theory to theory.
“If you want my opinion, I am 100 percent convinced that this is about my thwarting plans to provoke war with Iran,” Todd said at one point.
One former official familiar with the events in Bahrain agreed. “She got on the wrong side of some powerful people,” he said on condition of anonymity in exchange for discussing anything about the case.
The Justice Department will not discuss anything about the Cabelly case. The FBI did not respond to requests to discuss the Australia incident, Todd or Cabelly.
Cabelly’s travails, however, may be reaching closure. A sentencing hearing, scheduled for June, was postponed, under seal.
* * *
Eighteen months later, Todd is still afraid to come home, lest the Cabelly case pop up and bite her again. Her parents have visited from Vermont, where they are retired, on a few holidays. Once in 2008 they gathered in Toronto, where she was meeting her lawyers.
At 47, she’s no longer a high-level player in big-think Middle East strategy (though, judging by her e-mail exchanges with past and present senior officers, Navy leaders still welcome her advice). She worries: The drumbeat for a military attack on Iran, she says, is being pounded “by the same people who gave us Iraq.”
“What happened to Gwenyth in Bahrain was shocking,” said her father, Kenneth Thompson, “but having spent much of my working life in the State Department, I know that such things are possible. The only way to curb such abuses of power is to make the facts public.”
Her continued inquiries to the Navy have been bounced from office to office. She complained to the Navy’s Inspector General Hotline, which responded that it “will neither confirm, nor deny, receipt of your Hotline complaint via email of 28 Feb 2008.”
After a Freedom of Information Act request, the Navy Central Command said it has no records of Cosgriff and Fallon discussing a plan to move the big decks, no records of the intelligence report on Shia unrest, no warning report by Todd and Inman on Dec. 14, and no “records related to the revocation of Ms. Todd’s security clearance.”
The Defense Security Service indicated that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service had a classified file on her; NCIS says it is working on a FOIA response.
In desperation in February 2011, Todd wrote to two high-ranking Navy officers, including Miller, who had provided her such a glowing recommendation in 2009.
“Can either of you help me?” Todd beseeched. “I do not want to cause more damage, but this whole situation is un-American. I just want to know the facts, and then I will shut up.”
Miller, who assumed command of the 5th Fleet this year, told her he would look into it. She is certain he will. As of press time, however, help has yet to come.
Jeff Stein, The Post’s former SpyTalk blogger, is a longtime Washington reporter and editor. To comment on this story, send e-mail to

Gwenyth Todd: Richard Clarke a 9/11 person of interest – by Kevin Barrett

Gwenyth Todd: Richard Clarke a 9/11 person of interest – by Kevin Barrett

Posted on by Jean
September 4, 2012
Source: Veterans Today

I just broadcast a 90 minute interview with Veterans Today editor and hunted US government whistleblowerGwenyth Todd (to be archived here later today).
Gwenyth Todd is the highest-level former US government operative I’ve yet interviewed. A White House Middle East policy adviser under Clinton, she was personally recruited by Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle to become the Bush Administration’s geo-strategic adviser to the Admiral(s) running America’s crucial 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Unbeknownst to Perle – who thought she was a loyal neocon – Gwenyth agreed with the first Admirals she worked with to undermine neocon plans to arrange a war-trigger incident vs. Iran. When the neocons replaced the loyal admirals with potentially treasonous ones, and set up a false-flag operation to trigger a 2007 war on Iran, Gwenyth violated direct orders by alerting loyal officials in the State Department, stopping the false-flag warmongers in their tracks and possibly saving the lives of hundreds of US sailors. In retribution, she was targeted for legal and extra-legal harassment, and had to flee for her life to Australia, where the harassment continues. (She was prevented from recording this show for several hours by apparent telephone and internet jamming – and the moment she suggested that Richard Clarke is a prime 9/11 suspect, our connection was cut!)
In this special 90-minute interview, Gwenyth tells the first half of the story about how she stopped the neocon false-flag plans for war on Iran. (Stay tuned for the follow-up Sept. 18th!) She also reveals the real story about how uber-stalker Monica Lewinsky got access to Clinton (she was there)! And she describes her hilarious spy vs. spy escapades gathering information for the FBI to bust confessed Israeli spy Steve Rosen, whose legal defense was, “Of course I stole American secrets for Israel! What do you think AIPACdoes?” Gwenyth actually went out with Steve Rosen to get the goods on him – an act of patriotism so far above and beyond the call of duty that it should have won her a purple heart.
Surprisingly, she suggests that the prime 9/11 suspects are not necessarily the best-known PNAC neocons (Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, Libby, etc.) Having worked with Richard Clarke from the time he was busted for spying for Israel and immediately promoted to Clinton’s National Security Council, Gwenyth pointedly does not disagree with Webster Tarpley’s and Gordon Duff’s suggestion that the prime suspect for hands-on designer and operational manager of the 9/11 attacks is none other than “Terror Czar” and out-in-the-open Israeli spy Dick Clarke himself. She says Clarke is one of the “untouchables” and that he…well, you’ll just have to listen to this amazing interview!
Read Gordon Duff’s recent article about Gwenyth Todd and then last week’s 5-page spread on Gwenyth Todd in the Washington Post)
Gwenyth Todd on the lookout for false-flags!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Sep-2012 23:09:19

Debtors' Prison Is Back -- The Final Step in Global Slavery - Britain/Zionist Bankers
Posted by Vatic Master
*** this is a bit outside our usual. Please read the Vatic note carefully as it finally puts this big picture together. This article triggered the final picture of the puzzle that has been niggling at me for sometime now. This is the final stage of globalizing and now its clean up time, with a one world political system (which is already in place) and a one world religion, which is still yet to come so they can use the religion to control the people since its cheaper than trying to do so militarily. The latter way would cost them their wealth they so dearly love and need for a while to feed their sexual and drug perversions until they have complete control and can forcibly take whatever they want. Your children, your wife, your mother, your sister, your brother, whatever and thus will not have to pay for it.
Vatic Note: Now if you are going to make a slave society globally, how would you go about doing it?
First you have to make sure that whatever you do cannot have any loop holes where people can get out from under it. That was the problem these Zionist bankers encountered in the eastern block of the Soviet sphere. Because there were western currencies outside the block, that could be smuggled in and used to build an underground economy, their plans were thwarted by the Soviet Bloc citizens at every turn. Its why they finally let it crash, since they had no control over the underground economy. Western goods the same way.
My ex grew up under that system in Poland and he explained how they got around it everywhere. They used US Dollars to buy goods from the West through smuggling. Everything was paid for in western currencies and that drove the bankers crazy. LOL Now that is why they had to do this world-wide instead of one country at a time. Globalizing is the only solution if they want to retain control.
Its the biggest reason they need a global one world currency and total control over production. Without it none of this below will work. People call it Communism, but in fact, the people own nothing and in a Communist society , only the people own everything. The bureaucrats and corporations own nothing. What they are planning is pure fascism where corporations own everything including the government and land, etc. The govt. only serves as a protection for the corps against the people. We are seeing that already. The corps make their money from your wages. Taxed and then given to corporations without competitive bids. You work for them.
To do this,they infiltrated or bought off all these countries at the top in leadership positions so they could infiltrate globally. Any one they could not buy off they murdered, Polish President ring a bell, or Wellstone, JFK? No wonder Congress is petrified to do anything that benefits the people or brings the criminals to justice. They let Holder off the hook for what he did with the Zena Cartel in supplying them with military weapons.
The foreign occupiers of our Nation, have killed more Americans, and the number is growing, than all the Muslim nations put together..... my goodness. Everything had to be done globally in order for it to work. Israel has control of the leadership of all Arab states. Surprised? Yes, so was I, even Iran, thanks to the Zionist Khazar Queen of England when she gave bogus asylum to the Immams of Iran during the Shah. We did a blog on that one too. Mark this down and never forget who has done all this to us. NEVER FORGET.....

Read it and weep… by Drake

New post on ANMilitia

Read it and weep…

by Drake
         Read it and weep...
        ~ Drake
Drake | September 4, 2012 at 3:10 pm | Categories: News | URL:

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Obama’s UN Gun Ban sneak attack by Drake

Amazing Kitten and Dog

This kitten is amazing. I would have to name him "Rocky".
The dog is amazing.  
Wait till you see the cat coming down the hall 