Thursday, September 6, 2012

Video: House of Rothschild - The Money's Prophets

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: House of Rothschild - The Money's Prophets
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Sep-2012 11:11:48

Uploaded by HumanityWins on Jan 24, 2011
Secret History of the International Bond Market
A commentary on Niall Ferguson's The House of Rothschild by
youtube user Realpolitikdocs:
The House of Rothschild - the Money's Prophets - full 56min!

The Destroyer-In-Chief ... Do You Remember this?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Destroyer-In-Chief ... Do You Remember this?
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Sep-2012 10:13:03

Do you remember how Obama intentionally allowed the oil well in the gulf to spew oil for months? Do you remember how he punished the conservative Gulf states by not allowing them to lift a finger to do anything about the oil washing up on their shores? Do you remember the oil containing equipment that sat idle because Obama sent his g-men to prevent them from being used?
Watch this short clip to remember. This was not the result of incompetence, this was deliberate.

Oil Spill Timeline from RightChange on Vimeo.

Obama knew of the omission of God and Jerusalem from the platform before the convention

Obama knew of the omission of God and Jerusalem from the platform before the convention
September 6, 2012
Ed Lasky

“Obama had seen the language prior to the convention, a campaign source said, but did not seek to change it until after Republicans jumped on the omissions of God and Jerusalem late Wednesday.”

Two days into the Democratic National Convention, uproar has emerged as the Democratic Party platform was released. Among the controversial platform positions was the removal from previous years' platforms  of "God," the removal of support for Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the refusal to meet with Hamas, refusal of the right of return for Palestinian refugees to Israel.
When controversy ensued, the DNC was forced to backtrack -- at least on the topic of "God" and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In an embarrassing display, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was forced to hold three voice votes before finally deeming the two amendments regarding God and Jerusalem to be reinserted into the platform. See the video here.
CNN reported that the nays seemed to exceed the ayes regarding the amendments. Then Villaraigosa just declared the amendments passed - to boos and rancor. Shades of Mayor Daley and the 1968 Convention.
Pro-Obama "journalists" spun the story as if Barack Obama suddenly intervened and rode to the rescue and personally intervened to get the two amendments passed.
That part may be true.
But the bigger story is that he knew of the language in the platform before it was released and passed.
Reid Epstein reports in Politico:
Two platform planks sparked division at the Democratic National Convention here Wednesday.
Things got so bad that President Barack Obama was forced to personally intervene, ordering language mentioning God and naming Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel be added.
Obama had seen the language prior to the convention, a campaign source said, but did not seek to change it until after Republicans jumped on the omissions of God and Jerusalem late Wednesday. And even then, it had to be forced through a convention hall full of delegates who nearly shouted down the change.
It was only when blowback occurred that could hurt his political prospects that he stepped forward and inserted the language to assuage critics.
There is additional support for Epstein's reporting. Not only had previous reports indicated that the platform's original language was meant to conform to Obama's positions but the people on the drafting committee, and one in particular, have close ties to Barack Obama.
Eliot Abrams writes in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (What is Israel's Capital? Democrats Have Trouble Saying):
Among the Democratic committee members this year were Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, former Florida Rep. Robert Wexler, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, and former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland.
None of these people are strangers to Barack Obama and no doubt were quite aware of his priorities and policies - and agenda going forward.
But did one person in particular play a key role in the sections regarding Israel?
All signs point to Robert Wexler as being that person.
Since 2008 he has been a defender of Barack Obama when it comes to his treatment of Israel. He has served as Obama's emissary (or at least one of them) to the Jewish community. When he served in Congress he was involved in Israel-related legislation. After he left Congress (he chose not to run for reelection because he was caught having lied about his residency) he went to work for a "think tank" that focused on the Middle East: the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation . This is an appeasement-oriented think tank funded by a billionaire donor to Democrats. I wrote about Wexler in 2009  that this sinecure could be perceived as a thank you for promoting Obama's campaign in 2008. His role in defending Obama even extended to the convention itself when he delivered a speech on this topic. He is not just promoting Obama for partisan reasons - his paycheck may depend on it.
So it can be presumed that Robert Wexler has been very much in contact with Barack Obama and his campaign and was very aware of how Obama wanted the platform drafted. Wexler helped draft that platform, was very aware of what Obama's agenda is and Obama was more than in the loop.
Wexler is one of the more disgraceful former members of Congress - and, when controversy erupted, he pointed the blame at a prominent pro-Israel group. He lost this blame game (see Jennifer Rubin's blog) when his story was found to have many holes in it.
Of course, this is just one of many examples of Barack Obama pushing a policy regarding Israel and then being forced to back track when his political fortunes compelled him to trim his sails.
In a second term, Obama will need to do no more trimming. He will have a great deal more flexibility.
UPDATE: The Washington Post published this column on the controversy that confirmed Wexler helped write the controversial section on Israel:
"The language in the platform is 100 percent pro-Israel language," said Robert Wexler, a former Democratic House member from Florida who now runs the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace in Washington.
Wexler, who acted as a liaison for Obama to a sometimes-suspicious Jewish community during the 2008 campaign, served on the platform-drafting committee and helped write the section on Israel.
So this is how Obama's emissary and spinner to the Jewish community defines 100 percent pro-Israel language? That says a lot about what Anderson Cooper might describe as the alternate universe people like Robert Wexler and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz live in - as does their President.

Sand Flea Jumping Robot

Sand Flea is an 11-lb robot with one trick up its sleeve: Normally it drives like an RC car, but when it needs to it can jump 30 feet into the air. An onboard stabilization system keeps it oriented during flight to improve the view from the video uplink and to control landings. Current development of Sand Flea is funded by the The US Army's Rapid Equipping Force. For more information visit

John's Comments --- Been told this blog has been going to the dogs ----- Now going to the Fleas! LOL!

Disaffected Delphi workers to rally against Obama for transparency, accountability

Published: 5:10 PM 09/05/2012

As a scandal develops surrounding the Obama administration’s termination of 20,000 non-union Delphi Corp. salaried retirees’ pensions, many of those disaffected workers plan to rally on Thursday in Dayton, Ohio.

At 10 a.m. at least 200 retirees who lost their pensions during the Obama administration’s auto bailout will join Ohio Republican Rep. Mike Turner at a rally outside a shuttered Delphi plant in Dayton to demand transparency from the Obama administration and accountability from government officials responsible for the decisions that led to their losses…

On Aug. 7, TheDC published internal PBGC emails showing senior White House and Treasury officials were behind the pension terminations.

Those emails demonstrate that Geithner and his Treasury Department were the driving force, and contradict sworn testimony in which several Obama administration figures have said that the decision to terminate the pensions came from the PBGC. (RELATED: Geithner, Treasury drove cutoff of non-union Delphi workers’ pensions)


 Saturday, February 25, 2012




A false statement about Dinar taxation was circulated earlier today.
The obsolete material was drawn from the Tax Almanac at this  LINK

That information was obsolete. The last update to the tax almanac was
2005. It is completely wrong even if you were researching mere capital
gains or other currency issues. The Almanac provides big colored boxes
warning that you use it at your own risk and that it cannot be relied
on legally.

 Original IRS code is updated each year but the Almanac is no longer
updated. Conversion of Dinar into other currencies does not produce
capital gains.

The IRS provided clear information by telephone documented with the
Agent’s ID number within the Special Accounts Division.

A prior explanation was published back in early January but it may not
have circulated adequately. It is updated below in larger font.
(SORRY not in larger font)

Recently we have learned that the US Treasury will siphon $1.00 per
Dinar off the top. That way the government will receive real and
instant benefit when we convert Dinar to US dollars.

 We won’t be aware of it. If we are told the rate is $6.00 (for
example) the real rate was actually $7.00. The extra dollar will be
silently deposited into the US Treasury. No one should feel that the
government is being cheated.


When you convert Dinar to US dollars, you are not selling anything
that brings taxable capital gain. You aren’t selling a house, or
stock, or any of the normal capital-increasing gains. The IRS read-out
below states this, and it makes sense.

Suppose that you have a Dinar note pre-RV of 1,000 Dinar. You could
simply fly to Iraq and spend the Dinar there to buy a flat screen TV
that costs 1000 Dinar).

Or, after cashing in here at the (say) $6 dollar rate, you now have
$6,000 US dollars. You could now fly to Iraq with your $6,000. At the
airport you would convert your $6,000 into Dinar so that you could buy
a TV there. At the currency booth they would convert your $6,000 into
1000 Dinar (approx) and you could then buy the TV for 1000 Dinar. The
conversion rate will change slightly day by day, of course.

At your Dinar cash-in time, (after the RV) you will be merely
converting one currency to another – Dinar converts into US dollars.
Assuming the RV has occurred, the dollars you get when you convert
them have the same value as the Dinar. You won’t get any more or less
than exactly the newly assigned value of the Dinar.

Therefore the IRS states below that no capital gains tax is due when
you cash-in Dinar. Read carefully the IRS findings shown below and
verify them for yourself.

Beware - if you put your US dollars into an interest bearing bank
account (for even one day), you will gain interest and you will owe
tax on the interest gained for each day. We’re advised to deposit
dollars into a non-interest-bearing bank or credit union account.

Examine this IRS opinion regarding form 8938. The form was designed
only to identify people with off-shore bank accounts or LLCs, or
Corporations and get them to report their secret holdings.

Fortunately, none of the hype [about form 8938] applies to private
citizens who happen to be holding foreign currency such as the Dinar
or Vietnam Dong.

IRS statements regarding Dinar follow:

I, [xxx,yyy], took the time to call the IRS [Special Accounts Division].

 I spoke to a supervisor named Ms. Theresa Klier (Employee# 1000349035).

She informed me that this form 8938 has been in existence since June
of this year [2011], following attempts by speculators in recent
months to shield themselves from federal tax levies.

This obligation to report income that people derive from foreign
currency accounts [bank accounts in other countries that hold non-US
currencies] didn’t suddenly become law last week.

[Reporting on your offshore accounts has been an IRS requirement for a
long time.]

She said that the IRS is targeting a specific group of individuals
who, until now, have been hiding assets with the specific intent of
avoiding taxation by the Treasury Department. Per Ms. Klier, the
federal government requires individuals to complete Form 8938 only
under the following circumstances:

1) If you hold stock issued by a foreign corporation [because stocks
eventually may generate capital gains when they are sold and US tax
will be due.]

2) If you earn capital or have accrued interest from profits earned
through a foreign business partnership

3) If you hold notes, bonds, debentures or other debt instruments
issued by a foreign entity

[ because notes and bonds produce capital gain sooner or later – for
which you will owe US tax.]

4) If you’ve earned interest in a foreign trust or a foreign estate
[tax on interest will be due – even in a US bank account.]

5) If you hold options or other derivative instruments with respect to
any of the forgoing examples or with respect to any currency or
commodity that’s entered into with a foreign counter-party or issuer.

[For example Forex Traders who use a computer to buy and sell
currencies, are not converting [Francs] from one currency to another.
Forex traders can buy 1000 Swiss Francs (a real purchase) and then
sell them back ten minutes later, hoping to have made a profit. Tax
will be due on that profit.

In contrast, Dinar holders aren’t selling anything when they convert
Dinar to US dollars. The US dollars will be exactly equal to the value
of the Dinar – assuming the RV has been announced.]

***I made a point of asking [IRS Klier] if currency secured through a
licensed currency trader [like Dinar ******] would bring a private
citizen under the purview of the laws that Form 8938 is designed to
enforce and she said “NO”.

Other than the conditions referenced above, Dinar holders are only
obliged to turn in Form 8938 if they purchased the currency directly
from a foreign agent or a foreign bank or agent operating outside of
our borders***


Anyone can call and get verification as was stated above.

Only in the event that Congress creates a retroactive tax bill, there
is currently no tax on currency conversions. If a capital gains tax
happens to be announced later, it would not be fully due until April
of 2013, but quarterly payments would be demanded throughout the year,
and late penalties for missing the quarterly payments are very real.

Some frightened people may choose to simply pay a flat 15% to the IRS
as a safe action. (go ahead)

Why would they do that? Because of the fearful rumors listed here:

- many banks can and do close for reasons of illiquidity or bankruptcy, and

- the FDIC did not recover client funds when MF Global bank went down
in December 2011, and

- martial law may possibly be declared in 2012, and

- the dollar is going down in value (faster and faster), and

- high tax increases are coming as healthcare hollows out middle-class
savings, and

- the price of gasoline may double, eating away at savings needed for
inflated property tax and/or rent fees, and

- ATM machines would stop working if a dreaded bank holiday is ordered, and

- gas pumps cannot accept credit cards when banks fail (requiring US
dollar cash only), and

- banks or government edicts may ration your access to your funds (as
in France), and

- wealthy people may be forced to pay much extra tax so that it can be
distributed to pay the free health care that illegal aliens are to be
given, and

- government committees will have direct access to all bank accounts
to withdraw whatever they think you are able to pay to support welfare
programs - the wealthy (us) should pay more, we hear, and

- A new gold or metals-backed US currency of unknown value may replace
current greenback dollars soon, and

- The US dollar may soon be devalued by 40% leaving little with which
to pay future taxes,

so the fearful may consider paying extra now.

If 2012 goes smoothly, any excess paid into the IRS will come back to
you in 2013. It would be sitting there in your IRS account as a credit
against future taxes in future years if you pay it now before the
value of the dollar falls further.

Seek verification in writing that the five points above are trustworthy.

Two separate people on two separate occasions obtained the points
above. Blue brackets above are my clarifying inserts.

Please try to understand:

When you converted US dollars into Dinar (at purchase time) you paid
exactly how many dollars the Dinar was worth at that time. And,

When you someday convert your Dinar back into US dollars, you will
receive dollars exactly equal to what the Dinar is then worth.

Either currency could have bought a car in Iraq – before the RV or after the RV.

Whether you are holding US dollars in your hand or Dinar, today’s
value tables determine that you should have more of one than the other
so that they are exactly equal in value – both in Iraq and the US –
both before and after the RV.

Law Prof: US Govt Ignoring Rule of Law & Harming Economy Further


I know there are suits pending regarding the lost pensions of the non-union employees because I heard the interview with the attorney for the plaintiffs. I believe there are additional lawsuits on the improper rejections of profitable dealerships, and the unprecedented violations of the rights of the bondholders. It is possible that the whole thing will unravel – another mess created by Obama which will take years to clean up, with no way to undo most of the damage caused by his outrageous violations of the rule of law.

I just cannot understand why the people in positions to stop Obama before the last election could not see this coming. I knew that this was exactly what we could expect of Obama if he was not stopped. It was perfectly clear that he was a Communist. Read “Mao: The Untold Story” and it will tell you exactly what a Communist will do once gaining power.

Obama is following the playbook to a T. If he can get re-elected, the next phase will be even more ugly, with death camps a very real possibility. He is on a path of destruction that will be unstoppable if he is allowed to have another term. Yet our fearless congressmen and Supreme Court justices let the constitutional violations, occurring almost on a daily basis, just keep rolling on.

Everything  about the Obama administration just makes me sick and disgusted. Even more sickening is that all my friends and relatives who ridiculed me for raising alarms about Obama (including both his Communist ideology and his fraudulent constitutional eligibility credentials) will not admit they made a mistake.

I never thought this could happen in our country. Now Bill Clinton is telling us we should “keep Obama on the job”! That man should be in prison if not in front of a firing squad for his many crimes. He has absolutely no shame. I could not show my face in public if I had a history like his, Including multiple conspiracies to commit murder.


Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 9:19 PM

Subject: Re: Law Prof: US Govt Ignoring Rule of Law & Harming Economy Further


What is the current status of the Chrysler bankruptcy case?  Is it still alive?


Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 10:04 PM

Subject: Law Prof: US Govt Ignoring Rule of Law & Harming Economy Further

This is a very interesting interview with University of Pennsylvania  law professor David Skeel regarding the dangers to the nation resulting from a growing pattern of Executive Branch actions which depart from the rule of law.

He offers the opinion that the current problems started with the Bear Stearns bail-out, but I believe the problems go back at least to 1913 with the fraudulent ratification of the 16th and 17th amendments to the Constitution, and the adoption of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act.

In any case, Professor Skeel asserts that it is the job of the courts to enforce the rule of law. The failure of the Supreme Court to overturn the illegal Chrysler bankruptcy was a disturbing indication that the courts do not have the resolve needed to block Executive Branch actions that violate the rule of law. 

Is that an understatement or what?


Note: There were numerous violations of the rule of law in the Chrysler bankruptcy, including politically-driven dealer rejections (rejected dealerships were almost exclusively owned by Republicans); disparate treatment of the pensions of union vs. non-union employees (Chrysler unions had close ties to the Obama administration); and gross violations of the rights of bondholders in order to fund protections for union pensions and health care benefits of union retirees. In effect, the Chrysler bondholders were stripped of their claims on Chrysler assets, in violation of the bond covenants, in order to pay off the unions. 

A recent interview on Fox News with an attorney for the non-union employees, including former management employees, who lost their pensions in the strange and unorthodox Chrysler bankruptcy suggested that the final resolution of the Chrysler bankruptcy engineered by the Obama administration may not survive a coming legal challenge.

Chrysler Bankruptcy, case of judicial fraud? Dealership Attorneys to appeal Motion denial

Public Docket For Chrysler Bankruptcy Has Been Sabotaged To Conceal The Fraudulent Dealer Rejection Opinion by Judge Gonzalez.

Mars Rover

Mars Rover

 Take your time and watch this at full screen, and as you watch, seriously reflect on what you are seeing. What makes this so comprehensible is the perspective approximates that from your eye level. We are jaded by constantly seeing exotic, special effects so one has to remind one’s self THIS IS FOR REAL.  Through the rover’s eyes you are standing there on another planet looking all around! What would have been Galileo’s reaction and those like him of our past if they could have experienced this? We are virtually traveling to other worlds and “walking” around.

 This is absolutely mind-boggling!

Full 360 degree panoramic interactive moving view of Mars as you've never experienced before.

Taken by Opportunity Rover and converted into a interactive panorama


MASS UFO SIGHTINGS | August 31, 2012 | Cancun, MEXICO

"On August 31, 2012 at 10: 30 pm there were more than 100 luminous objects flying over the sky of the hotel zone of Cancún, were observed for 15 min approximately. This video was taken at the end, the reason why only some of them are already. An impressive spectacle!" Courtesy of ZonaOvniSpain

Don't forget to vote on the Video!

Aldaelcrak10 channel:

OvniSpain channel:

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The Carpenter

The Carpenter

Once upon a time, two brothers, who lived on adjoining farms, fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side-by-side, sharing machinery and trading labor and goods, as needed, without a hitch.
Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference and finally, it exploded into an exchange of bitter words, followed by weeks of silence.
One morning there was a knock on the older brothers', door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenters' toolbox. "I'm looking for a few days' work", he said. "Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with? Could I help you"?
"Yes", said John, the older brother. "I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. That's my neighbor. In fact, it's my younger brother! Last week there was a meadow between us. He recently took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this to spite me, but I'll do him one better. See that pile of lumber by the barn? I want you to build me a fence - an 8-foot fence - so I won't need to see his place, or his face, anymore".
The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the post-hole digger and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you".
John had to go to town, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day.
 The carpenter worked hard all that day, measuring, sawing and nailing. About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job.The farmer's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all.
It was a bridge ... a bridge that stretched from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work, handrails and all! And the neighbor, Johns' younger brother, was coming toward them, beaming and his hand outstretched; the two brothers met in middle, taking each others' hand.
"You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I've said and done", exclaimed the younger one.
The two brothers stood  in middle of the bridge, momentarily talking, and then turning, saw the carpenter hoisting his toolbox onto his shoulder.
"No, wait! Stay a few days. I've a lot of other projects for you", said the older brother.
Turning to leave, the carpenter said, "I'd love to stay on, but I have many more bridges to build".