Thursday, September 6, 2012

“The Window”…9-6 through 9-12…2012… and The Mission…

“The Window”…9-6 through 9-12…2012… and The Mission…

Why I am calling this period of days, “The Window”? It has felt to me, for some time now (weeks, months?) that this 9-9 window was the most potent of the three windows, 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, prior to the 12-12. There is no “evidence” I can present to you about this. There is nothing I can say to prove it. This is simply what I have been “feeling”. And it’s been a pretty deep “feel”.
Also I have been getting this “in your face” passion calling, or desire, to go to a particular place for this 9-9 window, for some time as well. This “going to a particular place” deal is what I often call a “mission”. To BE in that place… to DO something in that place… and/or to LIGHT UP something within or around or via that place. It’s always a very deep calling. And it’s always a very deep Joy that does the “calling”. So I have made arrangements to BE, DO, LIGHT UP… in that place. There. Wherever “There” is. And that will be revealed only after I am “There”.
(Most likely. Unless Guidance tells otherwise.)
I’ll just list a few Highlights about what has come to me about this window.
  • 9-6 through 9-12… a 7 day period.
  • 9-9-2012 = 18+5 = 23 = 2+3 = 5. That number has a strong Andromedan connection (to me).
  • The 9-11-12 is the 11th anniversary of 9-11-01. 9-11… the 11 anniversary. To me it stood out that we have 9, and 1111.
  • 9 = completion. 1111 = a Grand New Beginning. A Grand Apocalypse (unveiling, uncovering) beginning. About the 9-11-01 events.
  • So here we have the 9-9, which opens a portal, a window of opportunity, shall we say. Followed by the 9-11 11th anniversary. A perfect time to close the past (9) and to begin (1111) to unveil the actual events, and what was behind the events, of that day.
  • 12-12 to 12-21… a 9 day difference. Another 9. And both “12-12-2012″ and “12-21-2012″ add to 11. A 9 and 11 again.
  • This is a worldwide “New Portal Opening” period. A bunch of new ones, whose locations have been veiled, will be activated and start doing their “thing”. Whatever that “thing” is.
Okay, a lot of that up there may just seem like “playing with numbers”, but these connections have kept coming up (several times) again and again during the past couple weeks.
11 Points of Connection throughout the Planet
Some of you may recall that I spoke earlier about this 9-9 mission, in this post. And here are a couple points from that message.
“If you thought it was intense these past ten days, just wait… It’s only just begun, and it will get more and more and more… Intense, that is. During the buildup to, and through, the 9-9-2012 portal.”
“More of this message, was that I was given a mission… I am not to unveil any details of this until it is finished, but it will be a connecting mission meaning it connects with several other points throughout the world.
“A few of you to whom I’ve been guided, will be sent something to assist in this mission. I know of a couple of you, but I’m not sure who the rest are… yet.
“While this “pressure” is building, I have got that it is most helpful and “important” that we remain in close contact with our Passion-Self…”
So there you have it. That was the prelude. As things progressed, I was moved to send packets of a certain Hawaiian sacred material to 11 people throughout the planet. Here are the locations of those individuals (and the number at each location).
  • Japan (1)
  • Australia, west (1)
  • Australia, east (1)
  • Hawaii (1)
  • California (Los Angeles) (1)
  • Oregon (1)
  • Illinois (Chicago) (1)
  • Costa Rica (1)
  • Ireland (3)
This was strictly a Guidance thing. I had no idea, until a few days ago, to whom these packets would go. And one at a time, it became clear. And off they went. It just “happened” that there were 11 points to which they went. Again, we have the 9-11 connection. So we have 9-11, 11, 11.
I will also have one of those packets. And will connect it with the water, where I will be located.
Instructions for those 11 with Hawaii Packets
The only instruction received for this was that these should be connected in some way, with water.
At the 9-9-12, at 9:09 AM (your local time).
Other than that, follow your Higher Guidance. If it tells you something in addition to that, please feel free to follow. If it tells you, go here, then please do so. If it tells you, go there, then please do so. Only you will know where you need to go.
So What is Happening Here and What is All This Going to Do?
From what I have seen (and I’m sure I am not seeing everything at this time), this process is to open a multitude of new portals throughout the planet, through which some type of “new” Higher D Light may shine. It’s almost like this Light will be coming from within the planet, up through these new portals, out to the surface, and casting a whole new Light perspective for the bulk of humanity.
This may very well be part of a 9-11 wake up process. This may very well not have anything to do with that, but I’m getting a very intimate connection among the fact that here is 9-9, 9-11, 11 (th anniversary), 11 locations. 9-9-9-11-11-11.
The three 9′s to me indicates a very strong closing down (completion) of something. The three 11′s indicates a very powerful activation, or beginning, of something brand new.
It likely involves the 9-11-01 event, but goes far, far beyond it.
So that’s what I’ve got. I’m supposed to publish this on the 9-5-12, so I’ll stop here. But all I can say is, hold on to hats!

A massive ray of hope on climate

Dear friends,

There's new hope on climate change, with 20% of the world's electricity being produced by renewables! China's aggressively invested billions in solar energy, making it almost as cheap as fossil fuels. But, instead of meeting that investment, the EU and US may be about to slap tariffs on Chinese solar panels, preventing a green revolution. Sign the petition to stop a trade war, and hold talks to save solar:

Click here to sign the petition
Climate change is accelerating, but there’s a massive ray of hope: clean energy is booming, producing nearly 20% of the world's electricity! Incredibly, the US and EU are threatening to stifle this breakthrough -- but together we can stop them.

In the last decade the Chinese government has invested billions in solar, sending panel prices plummeting and making clean green tech almost as cheap as dirty fossil fuels. But the US and EU, who give billions in taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil and Coal, are about to drive solar prices back up by putting tariffs on China, and now China is threatening to retaliate. A full on trade war is brewing that could kill the crucial green energy revolution.

The EU and US are deciding right now. Most of the solar industry is against tariffs -- and now massive public support could tip the balance. Sign the urgent petition to save solar – if we build a 500,000 strong petition, Avaaz will make a formal submission to the US International Trade Commission and EU trade Commissioner calling for talks not tariffs:

China has a poor human rights and environmental record, and its strategy of flooding the global market with subsidised goods could be found to be too aggressive. But the right response to this is not tariffs, it is investment. While China, the EU, and the US all funnel billions into Big Coal and Oil to destroy our planet, China is also providing huge loans and subsidies to the solar industry. And that's exactly what other governments have failed to do.

Following the bankruptcy of a handful of US and EU solar manufacturers, some lobbyists are pushing politicians to blame China, instead of their own insufficient and inappropriate subsidies. Some claim that domestic jobs are threatened by low cost Chinese panels, but the truth is the opposite -- experts predict that tariffs could cost 60,000 jobs in the US alone. The vast majority of jobs in the solar sector outside of China are in installing and servicing panels, not manufacturing them, so cheaper panels now means more work, and more jobs. And less climate change.

The EU trade Commissioner initiated the investigation into tariffs today and the US ITC proceedings are about to kick off. Written statements to both must be submitted in days to be considered. We're in a race against the clock to green our economies and prevent catastrophic climate change, and Chinese success in green tech could be the perfect catalyst for the rest of the world to scale up the technology and sustainably bring down prices. Let's make sure the EU and the US don't kill our ray of hope:

In the world most of us everywhere want, our governments would incentivise clean energy, and not hand out our tax money to polluters making record profits from dirtying our land, air and water and destroying our planet. Today, we can save solar, and take one step closer to that future.

With hope,

Iain, Joseph, Alice, David, Julien, Emma, Ricken and the rest of the Avaaz team

PS - Avaaz has launched Community Petitions, an exciting new platform where it's quick and easy to create a campaign on any issue you care strongly about. Start your own by clicking here:

More information:

BBC -- "China solar panel imports investigated by European Union"

Forbes – "Solar Trade War Widens To Europe, SolarWorld Called 'Crazed Agent Provocateur'"

CBS -- "Chinese solar industry faces weak sales, price war"

NYT -- "U.S. Slaps High Tariffs on Chinese Solar Panels"

Bloomberg – "U.S. Solar Tariffs On Chinese Cells May Boost Prices"

The Butler Firm -- "Fighting Fair: A legal analysis of SolarWorlds trade dispute with China"

Support the Avaaz Community!
We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way.
Donate to Avaaz

Special Prayer

God Opens Doors That No Man Can close And closes doors No man Can open."
Consider this a special prayer for someone special; yes, you are!
It's a POWERFUL PRAYER! When you are
 DOWN to nothing ... God is UP to something'
Dear God, in, please Bless me even while I'm reading this prayer and Bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. Open doors in our lives today, Save and set free!
Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that the devil has stolen:
****Emotional Health
****Physical Health
**** Jobs
I cancel every plot, plan and scheme the enemy has devised against us.
And I declare:
I speak LIFE into every dead situation. And, I thank You that nothing is over until YOU say it's over! Speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations:
****our households are blessed;
**** our health is blessed;
**** our marriages are blessed;
**** our finances are blessed;
**** our relationships are blessed;
**** our businesses are blessed;
**** our jobs are blessed;
**** our children are blessed;
**** our grandchildren are blessed;
**** our parents are blessed;
**** our siblings are blessed;
**** our ministries are blessed;
**** our decisions are blessed;
**** our friends are blessed.
**** Mortgages are paid and debts canceled; our hearts' desires are on the way;
According to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives.
Say this prayer, and then send it to EVERYBODY YOU KNOW.
Within hours countless people will have prayed for you, and you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other 'Safety is not the absence of danger, but is the presence of God'

If you believe in God, you will send this to everyone on your list. I like you because of who you are to me. I treat you as a true friend. But if I don't get this back, I get the hint, you don't have time..
Send this to all people in your list within 30 mins. and something good will happen to you NOW.
This is not a fake...apparently. ..copy and paste this to 15 people in the next 10 min.. And you will have one of the best days of your life tomorrow!!!

Best Wishes,


Mexico catches leader of Gulf Cartel drug gang

Mexico catches leader of Gulf Cartel drug gang

06 September 2012
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has captured a leader of the country's Gulf Cartel in one of the highest-profile arrests in months in President Felipe Calderon's war on drug gangs.

Mexican marines escort Mario Cardenas Guillen (R), alias ''El Gordo or El M-1'', as he is presented to the media in Mexico City September 4, 2012.
Credit: Reuters/Henry Romero
By Lizbeth Diaz and David Alire Garcia
MEXICO CITY | Wed Sep 5, 2012 12:01am EDT
Mario Cardenas, alias "Fatso," was captured in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas on Monday by Mexican marines. He was paraded in front of the media in Mexico City on Tuesday.
"The capture was carried out following an infantry operation yesterday in Altamira, Tamaulipas, as (Cardenas) brandished a large weapon in the entrance of a building," Navy spokesman Vice Admiral Jose Luis Vergarathe said.
The Gulf Cartel's power has waned in recent years in a feud with Mexico's most brutal gang, the Zetas, which began life providing protection to the cartel's operations in northeastern Mexico.
"This is certainly a hit to the cartel, but historically new leaders are tapped very quickly," said Vicente Sanchez, a Tijuana-based security researcher with Mexico's Northern Border University.
Sanchez added that it's too soon to tell how Cardenas' capture will affect the balance of power between the Gulf Cartel and the Zetas going forward.
Cardenas has helped run the Gulf Cartel since his brother Antonio Cardenas, known as "Tony Tormenta," was killed in a 2010 gunfight with the Mexican government.
Wearing a blue flak jacket and flip-flops and flanked by two masked marines wielding semiautomatic rifles, the balding Cardenas stood impassively, looking up occasionally, as officials read out details of the operation to capture him.
An official said he was caught with weapons, ammunition, around $10,000 worth of pesos in cash, and four small envelopes containing a white powder that appeared to be cocaine.
Cardenas was arrested and convicted on organized crime charges in 1995. He was first incarcerated in a prison in the city of Matamoros, across the U.S.-Mexico border from Brownsville, Texas, where he was caught organizing large shipments of cocaine and marijuana from inside the prison walls.
In 2003, he was transferred to the Puente Grande prison in western Mexico, the same facility where Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, head of the Sinaloa cartel and Mexico's most wanted man, escaped in a laundry cart in 2001.
Cardenas was released from Puente Grande in 2007. Authorities suspect the Gulf Cartel split in two branches following his brother's killing, with some following him and others a rival.
During Calderon's six-year offensive against cartels, there have been more than 55,000 drug-related killings. More than 3,000 police and soldiers have died, although many were involved with the gangs.
(Editing by Simon Gardner, Eric Beech and Jackie Frank)

DNC Protest Leads To Arrest Of 10 Undocumented Immigrants

DNC Protest Leads To Arrest Of 10 Undocumented Immigrants

06 September 2012
Huff Post - Elise Foley, 9/5/12
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Ten undocumented immigrants filed off a brightly-painted bus here on Tuesday and walked to an intersection across from the Time Warner Cable Arena, where the first speeches of the Democratic National Convention would be delivered hours later. They walked out into a busy intersection downtown, sat down with signs that read "undocumented," and refused to get up.
Police quickly swarmed, surrounding the protesters from all sides as they stopped traffic. They didn't intervene, though, until an hour and a half later, even with the pouring rain. At first it looked like they might not disrupt the protest at all, but one of the protesters told an officer they wanted to be arrested to get their point across. After two warnings that they would be removed for impeding traffic, police stood the 10 protesters up one by one and put plastic zip ties around their hands. They led them to police vans to be taken to jail -- which, along with drawing the attention of passing convention-goers, was their goal.

Request for The Freedom Of Humanity~ Make Viral


~ Request for The Freedom Of Humanity~ Make Viral

•       Target: The Galactic Federation of Star Nations
•       Sponsored by: Cosmic Storm
06 September 2012

We, the undersigned, sovereign human inhabitants of the planet Earth,
are aware our governments have long standing contracts with
extraterrestrial entities also referred to as Reptilian aliens from
the Orion Empire.

We are aware these contracts were made in secret without the
knowledge, or consent of the HUMAN FAMILY,

And, have been the source of UNBEARABLE AND OBSCENE SUFFERING to the

And, furthermore, these contracts were designed to benefit the few to
the disadvantage of the MANY.


We, the united Human Family, declare these illegal contracts NULL and VOID


blessed be as above & below so Mote it Be,
Keatish Fletcher Yahushua BACTUN

All his banking contacts - the FOREX - and Wash DC contacts are looking for RV TODAY!!!!

Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 16:40:28 -0400
As always... take with a grain of salt... & decide for yourself!!!

Subject: URGENT RV UPDATE - CLICK TO LISTEN Unscheduled PTR Call Today

This is a must listen to call. Dr. Todd gives a full history of the world global Settlements and the Revalue of the Iraqi dinar and how it all ties together. Dr Todd was one of the 10 people who put the Marshall plan in place in Iraq. He has been involved for all 50 years. He gives a fascinating history from 1958 on and how Queen Elizabeth, General MacArthur, all our presidents, and all the countries all fit in. Great news from Tony. All his banking contacts - the FOREX - and Wash DC contacts are looking for RV TODAY!!!! 

This should have been paid in 2008. What has held it up for 4 years- he tells all. It may be paid today . According to Tony's source at the World Bank. An incredible tangled web of intrigue. So if anyone was having doubts-this will make all clear!!!

Replay number  760-569-7699  Pin 732394

Shoot for the Moon, and even if you miss-you still land among the Stars

Israel Did 9-11: Important Video - 9-11 Q&A

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Israel Did 9-11: Important Video - 9-11 Q&A
Posted By: DannyCahalin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Sep-2012 18:43:00

Northerntruthseeker has this up on his blog,the video will be at the link,take care all.
Israel along with its agents operating within the United States of America absolutely did the attacks of September 11th, 2001, that saw some 3000 innocent American lives destroyed. That, readers, is absolute fact beyond any shadow of a doubt. The sooner more Americans realize this, and take action against these monsters, the better...
I came across a most important video just the other day, that I want to share with all of my viewers. It comes from Youtube user: "TheEndOfZion", and is simply entitled: "9-11 Q & A". It is narrated by Mark Dankof, and contains facts laid out in great details on exactly how the criminal state of Israel did the 9-11 attack on America. I have that entire video right here for my own readers to view, and of course my own additional comments to follow:

Daylight Video Shows UFO Hovering Between Skyscapers Over Boston

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Daylight Video Shows UFO Hovering Between Skyscapers Over Boston
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Sep-2012 18:33:52

INTERPOL: Judge Orders Extradition And Arrest Of Former U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David Mulford

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

INTERPOL: Judge Orders Extradition And Arrest Of Former U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David Mulford
Posted By: DannyCahalin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Sep-2012 18:34:25

BUENOS AIRES, Sept 4 (Reuters) - A judge in Argentina has ordered the arrest of Credit Suisse executive and former U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David Mulford because he failed to testify over a 2001 Argentine debt swap, the state news agency reported on Monday.
Federal Judge Marcelo Martinez de Giorgi will ask Interpol to issue an international arrest warrant seeking Mulford's extradition for questioning over the bond exchange carried out by the government in an unsuccessful bid to avoid default.
Mulford, who currently serves as vice chairman international of Credit Suisse Investment Bank, was seen as one of the debt swap's architects when he served as a senior official at Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB).
Argentina's government swapped about $30 billion in debt for new, longer-maturity issues in June 2001. But it stopped paying most of its debts six months later as the economy collapsed.
A local court has been investigating the swap for more than 10 years to see if Argentine officials committed any crime when they hired banks to carry out the swap. Former Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo and former Finance Secretary Daniel Marx have been charged in the case, which has yet to go to trial.
Mulford was first called to testify in the probe in 2002 but he has never done so, according to court documents cited by the Telam news agency.
Argentine officials have "made numerous attempts by all possible legal means to achieve David Mulford's compliance, in this country's territory as well as through U.S. authorities, and all of these have invariably failed," the documents stated.
Cavallo said that Mulford was one of the main engineers of the swap.
Mulford worked at the U.S. Treasury from 1984 to 1992 and was at the center of international economic negotiations under former U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.
He later served as the U.S. ambassador to India.