Friday, September 7, 2012

Former Reporter Amber Lyon Exposes Massive Censorship at CNN

Former Reporter Amber Lyon Exposes Massive Censorship at CNN

07 September 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012 16:02 
saw first-hand that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting.- Amber Lyon
The Amber Lyon story is just the latest in a series of articles that expose the total Joseph Goebbels like censorship rampant in mainstream media today.  The first one I posted several weeks ago exposed how the NY Times basically just regurgitates whatever government officials tell them, while the other showcased how an NPR reporter covering D.C. had to leave and do her own thing out of frustration.  This is precisely why alternative media sites are taking off.  They provide the only outlets left for genuine journalism.
So back to Amber.  Back in March 2011, CNN sent a four person team to Bahrain to cover the Arab Spring.  Once there, the crew was the subject of extreme intimidation amongst other things, but they were able to record some fantastic footage.  As Glenn Greenwald of the UK’s Guardian writes in his blockbuster article from today:
In the segment, Lyon interviewed activists as they explicitly described their torture at the hands of government forces, while family members recounted their relatives’ abrupt disappearances. She spoke with government officials justifying the imprisonment of activists. And the segment featured harrowing video footage of regime forces shooting unarmed demonstrators, along with the mass arrests of peaceful protesters. In sum, the early 2011 CNN segment on Bahrain presented one of the starkest reports to date of the brutal repression embraced by the US-backed regime.
Despite these accolades, and despite the dangers their own journalists and their sources endured to produce it, CNN International (CNNi) never broadcast the documentary. Even in the face of numerous inquiries and complaints from their own employees inside CNN, it continued to refuse to broadcast the program or even provide any explanation for the decision. To date, this documentary has never aired on CNNi.
Having just returned from Bahrain, Lyon says she “saw first-hand that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting.”
After Lyon’s crew returned from Bahrain, CNN had no correspondents regularly reporting on the escalating violence. In emails to her producers and executives, Lyon repeatedly asked to return to Bahrain. Her requests were denied, and she was never sent back. She thus resorted to improvising coverage by interviewing activists via Skype in an attempt, she said, “to keep Bahrain in the news”.
In March 2012, Lyon was laid off from CNN as part of an unrelated move by the network to outsource its investigative documentaries.
“At this point,” Lyon said, “I look at those payments as dirty money to stay silent. I got into journalism to expose, not help conceal, wrongdoing, and I’m not willing to keep quiet about this any longer, even if it means I’ll lose those payments.”
Amber Lyon, I salute you.
Please forward this post to everyone you know.  I for one want to live in a country with some real and free press.  Not some CIA propaganda arm that pretends to be a reliable source of news.
Read Greenwald’s excellent article here.
In Liberty,
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Thank you to Before Its News and The Daily Sheeple

09-09 Portal: Your time has arrived, dear ones. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

09-09 Portal: Your time has arrived, dear ones. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
Posted By: MESETA
Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 06:31:17

The topic we wish to discuss today is the opportunity you have at this time due to the opening of the nine-nine portal. The build-up we promised you has begun. You will have a full week of opportunity without precedent to realize more of the new selves you desire to be. Each of you has been working on different aspects of your lives.
Your Higher Selves, those immense beings of whom you are facets, know already what those are. In fact, more than likely you have been guided by them to those things. Some are trying to manifest new skills or talents. Some are trying to clear old habits. Some are trying to heal. You may stop trying now. Place yourselves into the care of your Higher Selves and your Creator. Make it your aim now to intake and assimilate all of the available love and light that you are capable of at this time. Understand that we are speaking of the consciousness of which you are made. Your prayers and desires have been heard. Your needs are known. We would guide you to open, allow, and trust. Breathe in all of these new energies that you can and, in gratitude, allow them to make all the changes in you that are needed.
If you have reached a point that allows you to feel the incoming energy in some way, imagine it flowing into you and increasing as much as possible. Who do you want to be? Imagine that. What do you wish to do? Imagine that. Imagine it in your hearts. If your mind is still raising reasons why you can’t be that, or why it would be difficult, remind it that the force which has created universes will have no problem with such small things.
Your time has arrived, dear ones. Most are picturing this portal as some kind of opening for incoming things, and perhaps it is that, but let it be for you a doorway home to your true selves. Enter it now with playful enthusiasm.
This short message is enough for today. We will speak several more times before this doorway closes. We are walking beside you each moment. Know we are here with you. Be well.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/3/12 'We are now Stepping up our Game' Audio Version

Experience the Planetary Shift on an Uptilt

Experience the Planetary Shift on an Uptilt

06 September 2012

Experience the Planetary Shift on an Uptilt

A planetary shift is under way. Many sense this shift internally and we perceive that time is accelerating. It’s hard to keep up. We’re constantly bombarded by an ever-increasing number of choices. Emotions peak and ebb to extremes in the span of hours, even minutes. Uncertainty seems to be on the rise about our personal direction and the world’s. 
Amid the stress and chaos, concern mounts over climate change, rising oil prices, economic instability and global insecurity, but people are coming together. A momentum is building among those who want to give back to society and take care of each other and our planet. Social networking is bringing these people together and there is an energetic sparkle in the air and a sense of hope that something new will emerge.

Scientific research shows these flickers of hope are qualities of the heart and spirit. The heart feelings of happiness, care and compassion are enhanced by:
  • Spiritual practices like meditation and prayer that connect us to something greater than ourselves.
  • Heart connection with others, close friendships within and outside the family.
  • Gathering with others frequently for uplifting purposes: church, social causes, etc.
We call these actions that help nurture us emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually aspects of heart-based living. As the planetary shift continues and people experience greater stress, overstimulation, overload, stress-induced physical and mental health problems, the imperative to shift toward heart-based living increases.

As life’s pace continues to accelerate, we’ll be presented with even more choices and have less time to make them. The good news is that when we approach our choices with sincere heart intent it’s easier to access the energy required to shift quickly into the most beneficial mental and emotional states.

Incoherence – When a person feels stress, overwhelm, anxiety, uncertainty and fear, the heart is sending chaotic and incoherent signals to the brain/mind, triggering stressful responses. The higher cortical functions are inhibited, meaning the heart and brain are out of alignment, so solutions to personal or world problems elude us.

Collectively, these negative emotions are registered in the heart and brain’s electromagnetic fields, generating a global stress and incoherence wave that goes out to those around us and around the globe. Stress and incoherence are intensified by instant massmedia reports – the natural disasters, social upheaval, economic turmoil and more.

Coherence – When you feel genuine hope, care and compassion, your heart is sending harmonious and coherent signals to the brain/ mind, replacing feelings of separation with a sense of connection. The heart and brain are aligned and in sync. The higher cortical functions are enhanced, facilitating objective, sober assessment and intuitive perception. You perceive more wholeness, and solutions to problems are more apparent.
Collectively, positive emotions such as hope, care, compassion and appreciation generate a global coherence wave whose electromagnet field goes out to those around us and across the globe. Increasing heart alignment and focusing on heart-based living have the potential to create a global coherence wave to facilitate new solutions for the world’s problems.

More than ever people need to understand the physiology of coherence that underlies heart-based principles and the science behind global coherence. Click here to learn more about global coherence and the Global Coherence Initiative.

Tips for Heart-Based Living

  1. Increasing the textures of your experience: Positive feelings such as genuine care and appreciation add greater texture and richness to our lives: Sunsets are more beautiful, spring days feel fresher, and even food seems to taste better.
  2. Practice genuine appreciation for everything in your life, especially anything you may take for granted. Increasing heartfelt positive emotions like care and appreciation helps you move through difficult times with greater ease, security and grace. When you’re not aligned with your heart, the textures and richness of life can quickly diminish.
  3. Practice care, not overcare, for yourself and others going through the shift: Ask yourself: Is my care producing or reducing stress? Be aware of how you feel about an issue at hand, place your focus in the heart area and breathe in a positive feeling or attitude. Be objective, as if the issue or problem is someone else’s. Relax in the heart area and become neutral about the issue, allowing your heart intelligence to offer new perspectives and possibilities.
  4. You can increase the potency of your care and intentions and the effectiveness of your choices and actions. Listening to what your heart prompts you to do can make your caring more effective. Excessive care, or overcare related to an issue or situation can create stress and negative emotions, so it is important for your care to be balanced.
  5. Watch out for negative projections – the down slant: Negative projections actually are negative thoughts and feelings about you, someone else or the future. Say you’re planning to meet someone with whom you have a hard time communicating. Instead of projecting judgment or anxiety, generate appreciation, care and calm. You’ll enter the meeting with a more balanced and intuitive perspective.

‘Collapse of America’ or the ‘Republic Reclaimed’ – Stand Up & Decide

You know how dire and important this election is when many in the military from high ranking officers and the SEALS to lower enlisted are putting their careers on the line by creating ads and writing books to inform the public. These men took the oath of office to defend this country from ALL enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC. This is the same your congressmen and senators took but ignore it in order to do what is best for them many times being bribed to vote certain ways. You notice that whatever they pass they exempt themselves from it like ObamaCare. They will not give up their premium plan and have to sign up for ObamaCare.

‘Collapse of America’ or the ‘Republic Reclaimed’ – Stand Up & Decide

National Call to Action Project

By Paul E. Vallely
MG Paul Vallely
Yes America, we are still on suicide watch over this great country as re-election victory scenarios are developed and employed to ensure Barrack Obama and his Progressive Socialist supporters, radical union thugs, Chicago cut-throat operators, and ardent admirers win in November at any cost.  We must understand that they have an “agenda”, and it’s not an agenda whose priority is America as we know it. They are following that ‘agenda’ closely, on all fronts, foreign and domestic, all portending the further deterioration of our country, its decline on the world stage, and its impact on the constitution.
After my recent visit to Europe, Turkey, and the Syrian border area, I was embarrassed to find a total lack of respect and trust of the United States government. I took pains to ensure those I met that America is not monolithic as a people; rather, we are a nation in the throes of an identity crisis of our own. I explained that we are a nation whose present government has deeply divided us, and that as a people, we strive to re-earn their respect – to help them in their journey as we proceed along ours as we have done for generations.
Despite these divisions, I am encouraged. I am finally sensing that Americans are starting to wake up and the winds of a new revolution are swirling to save the country. We are at a crossroads to right our own ship, and to help those who strive for freedom from tyranny as we have done so often in the American century past, and the goal of another American century today. But we must do something now, each of us, to release ourselves from the grasp of those who wish to continue down this path of ignominy.
If we act now, in a decisive way, with our voices unified, I predict Obama’s defeat. He will continue to fall in credibility and Romney will win in a landslide barring any ‘shenanigans’. Therefore the challenge before us is: “what are we citizens to do as the nation continues to decline in power, its financial stability faltering, its culture and morals in free fall, and the security of its people in jeopardy”? What do we do to ensure a victory and get on a the path to reclaim our Republic?
In November, we have this historic opportunity. Mr. Obama, the great reader/orator, continues to show his socialist and deceptive agenda of spending the American peoples’ money first and misleading our country down a path of continual destruction instead of curtailing the cancerous cause of over-spending, rabid regulations, and class warfare. Their “do or say anything” methodology means we must be must be alert. We must be quick to respond to each and every attempt to mislead, demagogue, twist facts, lay blame, cast aspersions, assassinate the character of others, and point out the obvious, outright lies from Obama and Biden, along with their surrogates. He only has an abysmal record to run on, so the mud will be flying.
Mr. Obama’s only identifiable skill is campaigning and this week he will have the grand stage at the Democratic National Convention. There he will be on his best ground, amongst his adoring sycophants; the very place he shines best. There will also be the cacophony of the complicit media; supporting his agenda, his mischaracterizations, his ‘cult of personality’.
He will continue to promote his great “heroism” in taking out Osama Bin Laden but may well execute a rumored “October Surprise” (possibly in the Middle East, or a contrived event at home, all to try and snatch the election). Our OPSEC “Dishonorable Disclosures” documentary has been very effective in getting out the word about National Security leaks coming out of his administration and placing American lives in jeopardy.
Obama and his amateur political cronies must be replaced. We need the people to stand up and make sure this happens. The economy is severely fragile and the feasting at the government trough is at an all-time high. The main stream media sees the obvious political advantage Obama seeks but appear to be clueless on the realities of the moment.  Obama and company choose to make a mockery of our system, again and again. All the while, Obama still places blame on Bush, the Congress as if it was a monolithic block, the private sector, and others for his dereliction of duty and lack of leadership seeking re-election and not working to fix America.
Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, and the perverted radical Islamists here and abroad are playing out their moves on the Chessboard very judiciously, seeking the domino effect of radical Islam, the caliphate, and Jihad.  The United States finds itself languishing in a ‘Sea of Ambiguity’ because of a lack of vision, wisdom, common sense, and courage of our elected and appointed leaders, or more dangerously, they have a clear agenda to do harm. We have a President in the White House, A National Security Council, and State Department under Hillary Clinton, and the Defense Department that seem to be as “clueless” as ever in forward strategic thinking. It is time to drain the swamp.
This is the current battle that we Constitutionalists face and we must be aggressive in our efforts, as we adhere to our Constitution ourselves. If re-elected, Obama and the people in his progressive agenda will continue to bypass Congress because that is who he is and that is what he believes he has the power to do. He will do so with an unfettered hand, without fear, because he and the left, along with the media, will declare a mandate if re-elected.
Now it is time to shake off this power grab. It is time change the people within this government – because they are not doing the job we hired them to do. When an employee is inept, unsuccessful, and failing in his duties, he must be replaced. When he is doing worse, tearing down the very foundations that created the job he holds, replacement is just the beginning. The job has just begun – it is then time to rebuild that which has been torn down.
Lincoln issued this warning in his first inaugural address:
“Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one. This is a most valuable and sacred right – a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world.”
We are a representative republic; not a democracy, where “rising up” means other than revolution by use of arms; the people must “rise up” now. (Stand Up as we say) We must educate ourselves and others, and vote from a knowledgeable, informed base; a base that is not reliant on personality, but the skills of the employee. We must rise from the grass roots across this great country as we think of the greater good of this and future generations.
We must make it a local and State imperative; a now or never movement –  ”Of the People… By the People… and For the People.”
The Obama White House and identifiable Members of Congress are now on a treasonous death march and are bankrupting the country beyond expectations. We have watched them violate their sacred oaths of office. This means raising your voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers, and friends. Grass roots efforts have begun; we were successful in 2010, but it is now time to put this effort into over drive. America, stand tall together and we will weather the storm – but we must act now!
“We, the People” have had enough.
MG Paul Vallely, US Army (ret.) is Chairman of Stand Up America


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 03:42:07

Stew Webb Files Federal RICO lawsuit against FBI, DHS and More!
Posted by Glenn Canady
Stew Webb is proud to announce that he has just filed a lawsuit against FBI, DHS and many more companies and individuals who have broken Federal RICO laws which require a prison sentence! If you break RICO, you go directly to JAIL and do not collect $200!
Here's the link to Case No: 12-CV-2588 EFM/GLR filed on Septemember 5th.
This is a step 1 of the process for a lawsuit that literally could run into the TRILLIONS of dollars - not for Stew himself but for the American citizen who has been ripped off by the Millman/Bush crime syndicate. Stew says that he has been setting this up for YEARS and has them in a box where some judges will go to JAIL if they try to dismiss the case because it's a RICO case.
Stew will be coming on "Late Night in the Midlands" tonight at 9:00 pm with all the incredible news he has gotten over the last month. Don't miss the show and spread the word so that the entire patriot community hears about Stew Webb who has been ignored by certain big personalities in the truth community because they are controlled opposition with an AGENDA!
This is a REAL lawsuit worth Trillions that could be put back in the US Treasury and it needs to be PROMOTED everywhere you can!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Greatest “Disclosure” Event Ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium - by the Keshe Foundation

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Greatest “Disclosure” Event Ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium - by the Keshe Foundation
Posted By: Bob
Date: Thursday, 6-Sep-2012 22:28:16

The world will never be the same again!
"Unfortunately" (as of 2 Sept, 2012), CANADA is NOT invited, and, the American government is 'trying hard'(according to its founder) to dissuade other govts from participating, because they say this INFO is from the 'AXES of EVIL' (countries/persons)
Let's just wait and SEE what will NOW ensue on Mother Earth, from this "HISTORIC" meeting on 6 Sept, 2012 and
The Keshe Foundation's simultaneous release to the world of its first Space (Ship) Technology and Gravitational/Magnetic System (Magravs), for Production and Duplication on 21 September, 2012.
There is, necessarily, some 'secrecy' surrounding this technology, obviously, I would say,
So, let's withold our initial and typical human 'reactionary' "judgment" for a moment, and follow this with a HUGE open-mind. . . . . . .
And watch our world CHANGE forever.
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The world peace invitation and release of technology
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The Greatest “Disclosure” Event ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium - by the Keshe Foundation
The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology
Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, our invitation now goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders
To attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).
As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012.
The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.
With this second invitation (to take place on 6 Sept, 2012) we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.
The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:
On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.
From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance.
This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.
The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet.
The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.
The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.
The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.
How we have done this?
For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession.
(Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)
Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.
In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.
The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens.
Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.
According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world.
The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation.
This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.
We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.
By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you.
Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.
Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation’s teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide.
Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.
At that point there will be two choices:
Either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or
The advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.
We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting, so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.
From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another,
Because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.
There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now, as the leaders of small regions of the Earth, it is
Your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology, everyone’s basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.
The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand.
Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them.
If you ignore this invitation, your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.
We call on your nation, to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.
We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through.
In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other, and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone, at the same time, and in the same measure.
M T Keshe
The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation (The Netherlands).
Further reading:
To view an 'intro video':

Obama's Citizen Kill List Goes Mainstream - Drone Kills 16 Year Old American!

U.S. To Bail-Out Egypt?

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