Friday, September 7, 2012

Naval Personnel at the highest level being investigated

American Terrorists: White House Terror Czar Richard Clark and Admiral Cosgiff Named (videos)

Assassination and Terror Bombing of Americans  (part of Rogue Navy PLAN)

Vice Admiral John W. Miller, commander of the US 5th Fleet has officially requested a full investigation of Todd’s charges against naval personnel.  The Inspector General’s office has “stonewalled” Miller thus far.
Evidence supports that naval personnel at the highest level, authorized by Vice President Cheney planned the assassination of a top US official, the bombing of US personnel and a staged false flag attack on America’s Fifth Fleet to begin a war with Iran in 2007.
Additionally, top White House advisor, Richard Clarke, is implicated in years of top level spying against the US, lasting well over a decade.  White House officials, including cabinet level officers were advised to stay silent about Clarke’s involvement in spying and aid in the criminal cover up.

CONTINUED (plus videos)

The John Moore Show 8-30-2012 – Special Report: Chinese and Russian Troops Poised on US Border!!! from Erasmus Of America Sept. 7, 2012

The John Moore Show 8-30-2012 – Special Report: Chinese and Russian Troops Poised on US Border!!!

Apple using slave labor in Taiwan for iPhone 5 production

Students say they are forced to work on new iPhone 5

Students from Huai'an in Jiangsu Province were driven to a factory in the city run by Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Company after the plant couldn't find sufficient workers for the production of Apple's much-anticipated iPhone 5, they said in online posts.

A student majoring in computing at the Huaiyin Institute of Technology said 200 students from her school had been driven to the factory.

They started work on the production line last Thursday and were being paid 1,550 yuan (US$243.97) a month for working six days a week, she said.

But they had to pay hundreds of yuan for food and accommodation, she said in an online post under the name of mengniuIQ84.

Several other students from at least five colleges backed up what she said, saying they were being forced to work for 12 hours a day.

[link to

Reality Check: DNC Runs Over Delegates With Scripted Platform Vote

Ben Swann Reality Check looks at how the DNC scripted a vote to change the party's platform one week after the Republican leadership did the same thing at the RNC

Break-up of the US begins: Kingdom of Hawai'i Restored and Seeking Full Independance

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Break-up of the US begins: Kingdom of Hawai'i Restored and Seeking Full Independance
Posted By: X_Hermes [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 03:32:53

For some years Russian academics have predicted that the US - like Russia before it - would soon break into its major component parts. The first to go will be those detached territories that were over-run militarily, annexed by the invading power - but never actually gave up their independance.
This splendid speech by the King of Hawai'i rejects the old reality, and paints a picture of what is to come around the world, in a Hawai'ian context. It is clear from his speech that he is a wise leader, and that, given modest financial resources he will lead his nation back to self-sufficiency and abundance. If you do nothing else, watch the video:

The whole fascinating story and much more detail of what is under way can be found on the nation of Hawai'i web site:
Read the executive summary from that site: especially part 2, the ALOHA AINA PROJECT. It is a truly enlightened vision for the Hawai'ian future - and it can apply in many other places as our New Reaity now evolves!
And not least, listen to the Song of the Kingdom:
This is one key to our future as suppressed sovereign Nations re-emerge, along with larger countries breaking up into city states as a way to redress the pressures and inequalities of the old powers and their control regimes. The latter is already reported as beginning in Greece.
All power to Hawai'i and their bravery in seeking to restore a great nation!
Xavier Hermes 

New 9/11 Truth Documentary Among 'Most Watched' on PBS this Week

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

New 9/11 Truth Documentary Among 'Most Watched' on PBS this Week
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 07:42:30

New 9/11 truth documentary among 'most watched' on PBS this week
Written by Victoria N. Alexander,
Wednesday, 05 September 2012 09:33
"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out" is getting public attention and casting doubt on the scientific validity of the U.S. government's investigation into the WTC tragedy. PBS is the first major network to air the program.
More at:
Discovered at: 

Impunity for the rich and famous leaves Thais outraged

Impunity for the rich and famous leaves Thais outraged

07 September 2012
Reuters - By Martin Petty, BANGKOK | Tue Sep 4, 2012
(Reuters) - A dented silver Ferrari, a dead Thai policeman whose body was dragged for 200 meters under its wheels, a family driver ready to take the fall for the wealthy 27-year-old heir to the world-famous Red Bull energy drink empire.
Policemen examine a damaged Ferrari at the home of the late Red Bull founder Chaleo Yoovidhaya in Bangkok September 3, 2012. REUTERS-Stringer
Policemen examine a damaged Ferrari at the home of the late Red Bull founder Chaleo Yoovidhaya in Bangkok September 3, 2012. Credit:
This was the story splashed across the front pages inThailand on Tuesday and a hot topic on web boards, where the common assumption was that a culture of impunity for the wealthy business and political elite would once again prevail.
Vorayuth Yoovidhya, a grandson of the late founder of Red Bull, billionaire Chaleo Yoovidhya, had initially fled the scene but later confessed to hitting the policeman, police said. He was released hours later on 500,000 baht ($16,000) bail.

Nigeria: EFCC Arrests Kaduna Socialite Over N1 Billion Pension Fraud

Nigeria: EFCC Arrests Kaduna Socialite Over N1 Billion Pension Fraud

07 September 2012
All Africa - By Chuka Odittah, 3 September 2012
A Kaduna socialite, Hajiya Fati Mazangari, who parades herself as an oil and gas magnate, was recently arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) as part of ongoing investigations into the billion-naira pension scam in the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation.
She was however released on bail after interrogation. LEADERSHIP gathered from competent sources that the agency is holding on to her passport to prevent her from fleeing the country.

Protesting Police Officers Block Riot Police From Protests - Greece

video on this page

Protesting Police Officers Block Riot Police From Protests - Greece

07 September 2012
Published on Sep 6, 2012 by SurvivalWithBushcraf Great channel! =)

Protesting Police vs Riot Police in Greece Today.
Greek Police are protesting austerity cuts. Greek policemen protesting austerity cuts blocked the entrance to the country's riot police headquarters preventing buses carrying riot police from leaving for the site of major demonstrations.


Sept. 6, 2012-Greek police block riot police in anti-austerity protest- Scuffles broke out as riot police tried to clear the entrance of several dozen police union members - many in uniform - chanting anti-austerity slogans and holding banners.
"They would not let riot police buses depart for Thessaloniki," a police official said
source: :,...

VIDEO: Sept. 6: Riot police clash with colleagues outside an Athens police station angry over proposed wage cuts in the Greek government's austerity overhaul.

Sept. 6, 2012- Protesting police officers in Greece, angry at a new austerity measures, have defied their own colleagues in the riot police and blocked the entrance of one of their own stations.

Senate Committee Launches Probe Of JPMorgan's 'Whale' Losses

Senate Committee Launches Probe Of JPMorgan's 'Whale' Losses: Report

07 September 2012
                                                               September 7, 2012 
 * Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations looking at CIO activities

* Committee is interviewing current and former JPM employees

By Emily Flitter

NEW YORK, Sept 6 (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee has launched a probe into JPMorgan Chase's "London Whale" trading losses, according to a source familiar with the investigation.

The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, chaired by Senator Carl Levin, is interviewing current and former employees of JPMorgan's Chief Investment Office in connection with the bank's $5.8 billion loss on trades in an obscure corner of the credit market, according to the source.

A spokeswoman for the committee declined to comment.

JPMorgan's losses stemmed from bets by London-based CIO trader Bruno Iksil on an index for credit default swaps. His outsized positions earned him the nickname "London Whale" from the hedge fund traders taking the other sides of his positions.

An internal investigation by the bank revealed the possibility that the trades may have been deliberately mismarked in JPMorgan's books to make the losses look smaller.

On Thursday, JPMorgan named Craig Delany as the new head of the chief investment office, filling a role that had been vacant for over three months after his predecessor, Ina Drew, and other executives and traders from the CIO resigned.

Federal investigators and the Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into whether anyone involved in the incident committed a crime. 
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