Friday, September 7, 2012

No proof Obama/Soetoro was ever in Hawaii before age 5

> Subject: No proof Obama/Soetoro was ever in Hawaii before age 5

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> I encourage everyone to watch this four segment video interview with Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lead investigator Mike Zullo, just returned from Hawaii.

> Zullo is absolutely spot on: The impostor in the White House has committed several crimes.

> Your congress critter and mine are gutless cowards. So are the judges who have had this in front of them - including the U.S. Supreme Court.

> So is Georgia's Secretary of State, Brian Kemp and Arizona's Secretary of State, Ken Bennett.

> There is no other explanation and it's all race based fear of a backlash.

> In segment two, Zullo, reinforces what we've seen in the putative president's entire unlawful term:

> The birth certificate released was uploaded in error. Another flub by someone hired by the White House.

> Inept employees at every level of Soetoro's "administration" over the years.

> Zullo just got back from Hawaii and he stated there is absolutely no evidence Barry Soetoro was ever in Hawaii before age 5.

> More shockers in segment three.


(CARMEL PINE CONE) — AFTER A week as topic No. 1 in American politics, former Carmel Mayor Clint Eastwood said the outpouring of criticism from left-wing reporters and liberal politicians after his appearance at the Republican National Convention last Thursday night, followed by an avalanche of support on Twitter and in the blogosphere, is all the proof anybody needs that his 12-minute discourse achieved exactly what he intended it to.
“President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” Eastwood told The Pine Cone this week. “Romney and Ryan would do a much better job running the country, and that’s what everybody needs to know. I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.”
Breaking his silence
For five days after he thrilled or horrified the nation by talking to an empty chair representing Obama on the night Mitt Romney accepted the Republican nomination for president, Eastwood remained silent while pundits and critics debated whether his remarks, and the rambling way he made them, had helped or hurt Romney’s chances of winning in November.
But in a wide-ranging interview with The Pine Cone Tuesday from his home in Pebble Beach, he said he had conveyed the messages he wanted to convey, and that the spontaneous nature of his presentation was intentional, too.
“I had three points I wanted to make,” Eastwood said. “That not everybody in Hollywood is on the left, that Obama has broken a lot of the promises he made when he took office, and that the people should feel free to get rid of any politician who’s not doing a good job. But I didn’t make up my mind exactly what I was going to say until I said it.”

Labor Numbers Adjusted?? by Drake

Labor Numbers Adjusted??

by Drake
  Adjusted numbers...?
    Try  27.5 %  not 8.1 %
    Read the report below:

Record 88,921,000 Americans ‘Not in Labor Force’—119,000 Fewer Employed in August Than July

September 7, 2012

(AP Photo)
( - The number of Americans whom the U.S. Department of Labor counted as “not in the civilian labor force” in August hit a record high of 88,921,000.
The Labor Department counts a person as not in the civilian labor force if they are at least 16 years old, are not in the military or an institution such as a prison, mental hospital or nursing home, and have not actively looked for a job in the last four weeks. The department counts a person as in “the civilian labor force” if they are at least 16, are not in the military or an institution such as a prison, mental hospital or nursing home, and either do have a job or have actively looked for one in the last four weeks.
In July, there were 155,013,000 in the U.S. civilian labor force. In August that dropped to 154,645,000—meaning that on net 368,000 people simply dropped out of the labor force last month and did not even look for a job.
There were also 119,000 fewer Americans employed in August than there were in July. In July, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 142,220,000 Americans working. But, in August, there were only 142,101,000 Americans working.
Despite the fact that fewer Americans were employed in August than July, the unemployment rate ticked down from 8.3 in July to 8.1. That is because so many people dropped out of the labor force and stopped looking for work. The unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the labor force (meaning they had a job or were actively looking for one) who did not have a job.
The Bureau of Labor Statistic also reported that in August the labor force participation rate (the percentage of the people in the civilian non-institutionalized population who either had a job or were actively looking for one) dropped to a 30-year low of 63.5 percent, down from 63.7 percent in July. The last time the labor force participation rate was as low as 63.5 percent was in September 1981.
Drake | September 7, 2012 at 9:42 am | Categories: News | URL:

WHO forced the "EVIL" Bankers to DESTROY OUR ECONOMY ?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
WHO forced the "EVIL" Bankers to DESTROY OUR ECONOMY ?
Posted By: LetFreedomRing
Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 12:49:28

Forcing them to give loans to those who could not repay the loans was the initiative the Dems did to the banks.
The Banks - not wanting to "eat it" , passed these WORTHLESS loans on to others.
The ECONOMY and WE THE PEOPLE suffer as a result.
22 September 2008
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton Share Blame for Subprime Mortgage Recession, Government Overshoot
The current Wall Street quakes have their origins in the Jimmy Carter administration of the late 1970s, and the "affirmative action" banking laws Carter instigated. Bill Clinton only made things worse by adding more muscle to affirmative action banking enforcement.To hear today's Democrats, you'd think all this started in the last couple years. But the crisis began much earlier. The Carter-era Community Reinvestment Act forced banks to lend to uncreditworthy borrowers, mostly in minority areas.
Age-old standards of banking prudence got thrown out the window. In their place came harsh new regulations requiring banks not only to lend to uncreditworthy borrowers, but to do so on the basis of race.
These well-intended rules were supercharged in the early 1990s by President Clinton. Despite warnings from GOP members of Congress in 1992, Clinton pushed extensive changes to the rules requiring lenders to make questionable loans.
Lenders who refused would find themselves castigated publicly as racists. As noted this week in an IBD editorial, no fewer than four federal bank regulators scrutinized financial firms' books to make sure they were in compliance.
Failure to comply meant your bank might not be allowed to expand lending, add new branches or merge with other companies. Banks were given a so-called "CRA rating" that graded how diverse their lending portfolio was.
It was economic hardball.
"We have to use every means at our disposal to end discrimination and to end it as quickly as possible," Clinton's comptroller of the currency, Eugene Ludwig, told the Senate Banking Committee in 1993.
And they meant it.
In the name of diversity, banks began making huge numbers of loans that they previously would not have. They opened branches in poor areas to lift their CRA ratings.
Meanwhile, Congress gave Fannie and Freddie the go-ahead to finance it all by buying loans from banks, then repackaging and securitizing them for resale on the open market.
That's how the contagion began.

CLS Military Report 9/7/12 Big Battle for Earth Rages On. Damage Reports. QUAKES. Real. Physical. NOT CHANNELED! Real.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CLS Military Report 9/7/12 Big Battle for Earth Rages On. Damage Reports. QUAKES. Real. Physical. NOT CHANNELED! Real.
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 10:35:46

CLS Military Report 9/7/12 Big Battle for Earth Rages On. Damage Reports. QUAKES - No Aftershocks. Real. Physical. NOT Channeled. Here. Now. Real. LISTEN
It started Thursday before last, 11 days ago. As in my 2 previous reports, Reptilian alien forces hiding in the folds between dimensions just outside our range of sight attacked our Sovereign Multinational Earth Defense Forces. Naturally, the Creation Lightship Defense Fleet immediately came to their aid.
SOURCE can do ANYTHING. It sent LightBeing healers and airmen/soldiers to help us. Creation Light Ship CLS gave our once completely defeated and destroyed defense forces very advanced concentrated pure Light weaponry, complete with instantaneous inter-dimensional & inter-temporal targeting systems that instantly dissolve the Reptilian and GFL soldiers and ships when hit. They also were given all the alien ships ever captured by the CLS Defense Fleet after having them totally upgraded. All the ships and soldiers that Earth had just lost in battle were re-created and resurrected off the timelines.
Since our forces cannot be killed or permanently damaged, because CLS doctors use SOURCE Energy to resurrect or repair them, we win every battle.
As the first alien invader ships were instantly being dissolved into nothing but a puff of orange red smoke, their whole fleet rushed in to the breach in the tunnels and air and in the water to see what was happening. The aliens are not able to see who was dissolving them, as they were being picked off from outside of any dimensions and from above time. Like a beehive being swatted, they pour out to defend their bases, but do not understand why they are disappearing one by one when they do.
They are darkness invading Light's territory finally meeting the results of their aggression and bullying.
They try in vain to discover the source of their CLS adversary's Light cannon, but their limited by being in time sensor arrays are unable to reach above these created space and time worlds we live in. They only understand their enemy is cloaked somehow, and search in vain for pattern disturbances in the background. They cannot conceive of CLS being above all dimensions, time, and anything else they are capable of being aware of, and of CLS being sent by SOURCE to defend Its' territory and free all here that have been invaded. They can blow shit up around them, but there is no defense to being a darkness minion under the spotlight of SOURCE.
The CLS Defense Fleet is made up of living LightShips with their own intelligences. The most that can happen to them is a slight lasered discoloration on the outer hull skin where they interface with things in dimension. The lasers just pass through the ship and LightBeing crew as there is nothing solid enough to hit.
Here's the recent score as of last night, with 11 days of battle to go:
Earth Multinational Defense Forces:
No permanent loss or damage.
There is, so far, now 2-3% less mind control on humans.
Reptilian GFL Losses:
5,500 alien ships turned into instantaneous non-being.
Each ship had 50 to 500 aliens aboard.
560 underground alien bases were destroyed
There was no suffering or casualties involved, just instantly gone.
Suffering and casualties are food for darkness.
OUAKES. All the mysterious earthquakes and rumblings with no aftershocks have the scientists puzzled. They have never seen this before. This is because they are not earthquakes, but explosions as the alien bases' weapons and fuel blow up or implode. No Tsunamis or radiation because CLS will not allow any structural or collateral damage to Its creation. The ultimate ally really is on our side.
As a Catholic child in the fifties, I was told we never lost a war because “God is on our side.” I remember during that garden raid standing among the vegetables and being impressed and proud of that. It made sense deeply. And now that I know the god referred to back then by my little friend was an alien imposter, I take solace in hearing that SOURCE, the highest reality, really IS on the side of Humans with SPIRITS, and all the Free Will Free Choice beings.
Eat Light Slaver Scum.

DRAKE Wednesday Update Replay

DRAKE Wednesday Update Replay

The Obama Dead Pool & Kill List!

Veil Of Politics

The Obama Dead Pool & Kill List!

 Posted by  on September 7, 2012

Deaths connected to the Obama White House

Stephen Ivens FBI special agent :
Body Found. Worked in counter terrorismIs the FBI Investigating Obama? Video: What Really Happened To FBI Special Agent Stephen Ivens ? ; FBI Agent Fleeing Massive Manhunt Warns “They’re All Insane” : Speculation of a ‘False Flag’ operation such as Operation Northwoods. Shortly before his death: Donald Sachtleben, former FBI agent, arrested on child pornography charges. Note: Two Hikers happened to find Ivens’ body, but over 100 FBI agents could not.

Aurora massacre:
several links between James Holmes and U.S. government research (Salk Institute involved in neurologically enhancing soldiers’ abilities on battlefield…connections to DARPA); Holmes Family Has Deep DARPA Connections ; A growing number of alternative media publications are now claiming that an October 2011 photograph of an Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protester getting carted off by law enforcement officials in New York is of none other than the Colorado Killer, James Holmes. ; More Signs Point to James E. Holmes As Occupy ‘Black Bloc’ Member-… Plotted to Kill Cops With Firebombs Just Like Black Bloc Chicago; Picture ofHolmes arrested in New York Protest
More on the Aurora massacre:
Colorado Shooting victims: Was Colorado Shooting Staged By The Government? (video link on YouTube here) New York Times openly admits domestic terror plots masterminded by the FBI; FBI ‘entrapment’ tactics questioned in web of phony terror plots and paid informants ; FBI intercepts its own terrorist plot against US Capitol, Pentagon ;
FBI nabs five mastermind geniuses after teaching them how to blow up a bridge in Cleveland ; New York Times...Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.…-Question: How does an unemployed medical student afford$20,000 in weapons gear? -…Holmes had $26,000 Federal grant for studies…. Colorado theater shooting suspect was neuroscience Ph.D. student:
Where does an unemployed, introverted medical school student get the training to deploy sophisticated booby traps, tactical body armor, weapons systems, and more..; Staged just in time for the vote on the UN Small Arms Treaty? Was it part of a deliberate plot like the Fast and Furious Scandal? (see file on Gunrunner-Gate), Obama made sure to visit the victims...
-More claims that the shooting was a staged event: Colorado Shooting Patsy Was Under Air Force Psychiatrist’s Care ; Real life shooting imitates training exercise at Parker medical school
Donald A. Perry:
Chick-fil-A’s public relations director dead of heart attack : Is Rahm Emanuel bullying Chick-fil-A over gay marriage? : Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss’ anti-gay views ; Rahm: Chick-fil-A Values Are Not Chicago Values ; Rahm backs down: We never said we’d block Chick-fil-A from Chicago, says spokesman
Victoria Windsor:
Blogger, researcher into ancestry: .. .reported that.she had “found evidence that the records of Madelyn Payne Dunham and Stanley Armour Dunham had been “tampered with.” Cause of death not yet revealed. Said to have died from a “sudden illness”.
Eva Rausing:
Found dead with no cause of death yet established. Her husband has been suspected as the killer. Rausing’s family says she was at Occidental College at the same time as Obama. ”Family of tragic Tetra Pak wife Eva Rausing reveal she began dabbling with ‘hard drugs’ while at the same college as Barack Obama as husband is arrested for murder”… Suspected cause of death from drug overdose.
Alex Okrent:
-Apparently found deat at Obama’s campaign headquarters in Chicago. Witnesses say he collapsed, found dead after. Okrent had long been a staffer back the Obama 2004 U.S. senate campaign, on staff for eight years. Parents immediately say the cause of death was “heart attack”, but no autopsy was yet performed. Medical examiner said the cause of death was ”inconclusive”.
Internet recornds have been scrubbed. Twitter account timeline also makes no mention of his work for Obama:Okrent Twitter file (on Twitter). - Speculation as to whether he was a witness to an Obama gay connection:Who Is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent?
Jaime Zapata:
- Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent who was murdered in an ambush. Revelation that I.C.E. Report of Investigation on seizure of Fast & Furious weapons in Texas in August 2010 wassigned by Zapata. Speculation that he was murdered as part of a coverup the Gunwalker scandal. (Nachumlist Gunrunner-Gate scandal files here)
John McCarthy Roll:
- was the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, murdered by the same gunman attacking Gabrielle Giffords. Theory that Roll’s prelimiary ruling on “United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al” (Case Number: 4:2010cv00703 Filed: November 30, 2010) was cause for the assassination and that the shooter used the mass shooting as a cover for the government. -Claim: Giffords hit a planned assassination: Judge Roll real target
Andrew Breitbart:
- Died of a massive heart attack, walking outside late at night, alone, in the dark approximately one week before he was to produce tapes of Obama’s extremist activities in college.
More speculation:Breitbart: “Wait ‘Til They See What Happens March 1st”Breitbart’s Footage Shows Obama ‘Palling Around’ With Terrorists….. Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I Spoke with Andrew Breitbart Shortly Before he Died……An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart’s Death Scene… Breitbart’s skin color described as bright red. … Was Andrew Breitbart assassinated?..
.More murder speculation: Was Andrew Breitbart Murdered?……….Coroner: Breitbart Died of Heart Failure…* Christopher Lasseter, Dissapears…..witness to Breitbart’s death vanishes -Follows suspicious demise of member of coroner’s team (possibly in hiding to avoid reporters), …. Breitbart witness: He dropped like sack of bricks Describes ‘thick white band’ around forehead at death
Michael Cormier:
- respected forensic technician for the Los Angeles County Coroner died under suspicious circumstances at his North Hollywood home April 20, the same day Andrew Breitbart’s cause of death was finally made public. Medical examiners in Los Angeles are investigating the possible poisoning death……Conspiracy theorists cry foul after Andrew Breitbart’s ‘coroner’ dies of arsenic poisoning- ….Police Debunk Theories Linking Breitbart, L.A. Coroner Tech Deaths
Steve Bridges Dies At 48
- Impersonator Who Offended 0bama …Steve Bridges as President Obama – August 2011 ….It appeared that he died of natural causes…: On the Steve Bridges website, they are now calling his death ‘an accident”...that the probable cause of death was due to “upper airway anaphylaxis”, caused by a severe allergic reaction.. —CSI Show: Murder by anaphalaxis?… A real life example of possible murder by anaphalaxis
The deaths of Seal Team Six
…who never would fly an entire company in one helicopter alone.
Robin Copeland, 46, 11/4/2011:
former Energy Department official who took part in several significant disarmament programs, died suddenly
Matt Simmons,
an investment banker and whistle blower in the British Petroleum oil spill. Died suddenly at home of a heart attack at the age of 67. An autopsy by the state medical examiner’s office concludes that Simmons died from accidental drowning “with heart disease as a contributing factor.” Speculation of murder: Assassinations by induced heart attack and cancer.
Kam Kuwata
- was found dead inside his Venice home after friend — concerned that they had not heard from him for a few days — alerted police. Political consultant in California. Democratic insider. Possibly the Obama consultant referred to in the Ulsterman Report: Alledgedly viewed bizarre drug induced behavior from Obama during the the 2008 campaign.: “The Troubling Timeline”…. The Death of a Political Operative – The Troubling Timeline… (UPDATED)
Bill Gwatney,
a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a Clinton super delegate at an upcoming convention in Denver andwas fatally shot in 2008. Shooter had a post-it note with a mystery phone numberDid Obama Assassinate Clinton delegates? Bill Gwatney and Stephanie Tubbs Jones?
Stephanie Tubbs Jones:
found brain dead in 2008. Democratic Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Cleveland, a super delegate and one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent black supporters, was found in her car unconscious Also: Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates? Additional: Hollywood Producer Bettina Viviano: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible – ….Caucus death threats (audio)… also reported by Jerome Corsi at WND:Hillary supporter’s untold Obama horror stories Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, sudden death
Madelyn Payne Dunham:
Obama’s grandmother, died 2 days before the general election. Flew up to see her for one hour – alone. No records. Cremated immediately, ashes dispersed.
Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.
- A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church. Obama’s Passport Breach: Unanswered Questions, and an Unsolved Murder
  1. FBI Witness Murdered Who Had Access & Was To Testify In Obama/Soetoro Passport FBI Investigation.

Christopher Kelly 
-Committed suicideunder pressure to testify against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich
John Wheeler
- former presidential and Pentagon aide John Wheeler III was found in a Delaware garbage dumpWheeler’s cell phone discovered - Cause of death released in Wheeler case, blunt force trauma – Wheeler’s cell phone found in a taxi – His family wants information - John Wheeler was assassinated by a hitman in a targeted killing, his widow has claimed - Who killed Jack Wheeler?
Donald Young
-Openly gay friend of Obama’s at Murdered at Trinity Church in Chicago-…Key Witness In Obama Passport Fraud Case - Video report: Obama-Donald Young murder (December 24, 2007)……….All 3 Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Trinity Church Murdered Within 6 Weeks.
  1. Breaking => Mother Of Obama’s Murdered Gay Partner Speaks Up ~ All 3 Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Trinity Church Murdered Within 6 Weeks.

Larry Bland and Nate Spencer:
Two other black members of Trinity Church Murdered at the same time - Report: Mother Of Obama’s Murdered Gay Lover Speaks Up – With Video
Continental Flight Victim, Was 9/11 Widow (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW), was at the White House with Barack Obama, part of a meeting the president had with relatives of those killed in the 2001 attacks
Michael Scott 
- Although Chicago school board president Michael Scott’s death had been ruled a suicide by the Cook County medical examiner’s office, Chicago police characterized the case as a death investigation, and have not concluded that Scott’s death was a suicide- was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury looking into the admissions practices of Chicago’s elite schools. -also was under scrutiny over Olympics-related real estate dealings.
David Koschman,
Mudered in a Chicago Rush Street brawl by Richard J. “R.J.” Vanecko, a nephew of Mayor Daley and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley- Homicide case involving Daley nephew closed without charges Witness to Killing Involving Daley Nephew: Deceased Didn’t Start It
Ashley Turton
wife of the Obama administration’s House of Representatives liaison, Dan Turton, was found dead in a burning car Monday morning, Roll Call and other news outlets are reporting. Fire officials said it appeared the car crashed as it was pulling in or out of the garage behind a rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., at about 5 a.m. Neighbors dialed 911 after spotting the fire. The body was discovered after fire crews doused the blaze. The fire also charred part of the garage. Nobody in the house was injured, fire officials said. Ashley Turton worked as a lobbyist for the utility giant Progress Energy, according to Politico. She was a former staffer for U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn. The Rahm Emanuel Connection to the Deceased Ashley Turton, – The ATF investigates - Ashley Turton Crashed Under the Influence
Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz,
Obama’s First Dog Trainer Dies At 52. Rumored to be salaried at over $102,000 per year at tax-payer expense
Mama Lois
Anderson, 79, and her 52 year old daughter Zelda White: Two US women aid workers were shot dead in Nairobi in Kenya (2008) were the retired Presbyterian Church missionaries of Pennsylvania (USA), known to thousands of Africans. The suspected killers of the US women, who were travelling in a car with diplomatic license plates, allegedly shot dead by police later. They were well known for their work. There is speculation that they possibly had knowledge of the birth and care for Barack Obama in Kenya and were later murdered to cover the trail. When murdered, the Husband had his full wallet which the thieves/car jacker didn’t take, and there was never a connection made to the said attackers the police later shot dead, but blamed for the double homicide/car jacking. Their church was burned in 2008, possibly to destroy any possible birth records there. Then police chief Mohammed Hussein Ali was later removed from office by Obama supported Kenyan strongman Odinga. All possible witnesses ended up dead, all possible records of the care of infant Obama burned in the church fire, and the public official responsible out of office.
Holiyah Soetoro Sobah, aka Lia Soetoro,
Obama’s adopted sister: died under mysterious, sudden, and unusual circumstances just as she was getting ready to be reunited with her childhood companion and adopted brother. She spoke of many specific incidences in the household, where she grew up with “Barry” in Indonesia. She saved many items that Barry used during childhood. She was looking forward to seeing him, because she’d seen him on TV and was told that was “Barry”, her little brother; however, Lia had reservations about it and so was anticipating seeing the scars he had from falling out of the mango tree and the limp she said he walked with. That was not to be because she up and died. Read about it here and watch video of here……..PDF document from a web site of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia appears to confirm a relationship between Lia and Barack Hussein Obama. Update On The Sudden Death Of Obama’s Sister Lia Soetoro: Information From The Consulate General Of The Republic Of Indonesia.
  1. Update On The Sudden Death Of Obama’s Sister Lia Soetoro: Information From The Consulate General Of The Republic Of Indonesia.

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“I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.”
- President Jefferson


“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.
As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money powers of the country will endeavor to prolong it’s reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.
--Abraham Lincoln

Richard Clarke is a 9/11 person of interest

Gwenyth Todd: Richard Clarke is a 9/11 person of interest

by Kevin Barrett

Gwenyth Todd on the lookout for false-flags!

I just broadcast a 90 minute interview with Veterans Today editor and hunted US government whistleblower Gwenyth Todd (to be archived here later today).

Gwenyth Todd is the highest-level former US government operative I’ve yet interviewed. A White House Middle East policy adviser under Clinton, she was personally recruited by Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle to become the Bush Administration’s geo-strategic adviser to the Admiral(s) running America’s crucial 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Unbeknownst to Perle – who thought she was a loyal neocon – Gwenyth agreed with the first Admirals she worked with to undermine neocon plans to arrange a war-trigger incident vs. Iran. When the neocons replaced the loyal admirals with potentially treasonous ones, and set up a false-flag operation to trigger a 2007 war on Iran, 

Gwenyth violated direct orders by alerting loyal officials in the State Department, stopping the false-flag warmongers in their tracks and possibly saving the lives of hundreds of US sailors. In retribution.  She was targeted for legal and extra-legal harassment, and had to flee for her life to Australia, where the harassment continues. (She was prevented from recording this show for several hours by apparent telephone and internet jamming – and 
the moment she suggested that Richard Clarke is a prime 9/11 suspect, our connection was cut!)

In this special 90-minute interview, Gwenyth tells the first half of the story about how she stopped the neocon false-flag plans for war on Iran. (Stay tuned for the follow-up Sept. 18th!) 

She also reveals the real story about how uber-stalker Monica Lewinsky got access to Clinton (she was there)! And she describes her hilarious spy vs. spy escapades gathering information for the FBI to bust confessed Israeli spy Steve Rosen, whose legal defense was, “Of course I stole American secrets for Israel! What do you think AIPAC does?” Gwenyth actually went out with Steve Rosen to get the goods on him – an act of patriotism so far above and beyond the call of duty that it should have won her a purple heart.

Surprisingly, she suggests that the prime 9/11 suspects are not necessarily the best-known PNAC neocons (Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, Libby, etc.) Having worked with Richard Clarke from the time he was busted for spying for Israel and immediately promoted to Clinton’s National Security Council, Gwenyth pointedly does not disagree with Webster Tarpley’s and Gordon Duff’s suggestion that the prime suspect for hands-on designer and operational manager of the 9/11 attacks is none other than “Terror Czar” and out-in-the-open Israeli spy Dick Clarke himself. She says Clarke is one of the “untouchables” and that he…well, you’ll just have to listen to this amazing interview!

VeteransToday: Cheney & SOCOM Admirals Fallon & Cosgriff Led 2007 False Flag on U.S. Troops

VeteransToday: 911 Perpetrators = Zelikow, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, and O’Brien

U.S. NAVY MILITARY SOCOM /JSOC COMMANDERS (like Cosgriff, Fallon, & McRaven) are OUT OF CONTROL MURDERERS of our military troops

PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!   U.S. NAVY MILITARY SOCOM /JSOC COMMANDERS (like Cosgriff, Fallon, & McRaven) are OUT OF CONTROL MURDERERS of our military troops.  There is evidence they were also involved in 9/11, as the Navy was named as perpetrators (along with the CIA, NSA, FBI, and Bush administration) by Dr. Pieczenik in several youtube interviews with Alex Jones.  


VeteransToday:  A Brave Loyal American Woman Prevents a USS Liberty Type False Flag Attack   Saving Hundreds of Marines and Sailors

Seniors being deported? HUMOR --- NOT TRUE BUT FUNNY!

This is cute, a friend sent to me…  At least I think she is a friend...
To help save the economy, the Government will announce next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting seniors (instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs.
Older people are easier to catch and will not remember how to get back home.
I started to cry when I thought of you.
Then it dawned on me ... oh, crap...
I'll see you on the bus!