Sunday, September 9, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/8/12 ‘Blueprints for Your New World’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fwd. reader G: Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/8/12 ‘Blueprints for Your New World’
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 9-Sep-2012 01:18:20

Thank You reader G!
Turning another page of this storybook of your lives and your journey here, we come to the final few pages of the chapter that will close out your incredible story in sensational and suspenseful climax. It has been many long eons as many of you now better understand since you began to write and live your own story, your very unique tale that has brought you to the brink of annihilation at times, and at other times very close to complete and total peace and harmony. Your story has ‘run the gamut’, many times taking you far to both sides of war and to peace.
It has not always been just one or the other, peace or bloodshed, poverty or boom, instead it has been more a seesaw ride for you, as it was foreseen that it was this seesawing affect that would enable you to learn greater lessons and advance sharper your learning curve and that is just what has occurred here. All of our planning as well as yours together has paid off exceptionally well for you and for we, for we too have learned such a great deal from assisting you, for being your eyes or your Angels in the sky, so to speak. So it is with great joy and honor we too reach these last few pages of our tale, for we too are ready for a long rest or vacation, removed from our assignment here.
This will be, as we have planned for ourselves a jaunt, a trip if you will, that will take us far away from here and our duties and concerns just for a little while, and we will then return here and continue our work. We will not, of course, pull out of here in our entirety, as naturally we will leave great numbers of our ships and our personnel here to watch over you, to protect you, to make sure there are no repercussions or revenge vendettas at the hands of the cabal who we foresee in many cases will be quite unhappy in defeat and will, for at least some time, continue to plot and scheme to thwart our mission and our progress together with you here.
We will always until it is no longer necessary monitor the movements, the meetings, the phone calls, the letters and electronic mail and other forms of communication of the cabal, their secret societies, their members, associates, affiliates and minions, all of them. Each and every one of them is now fair game to us and to you, our Earth allies, and even in some ways to the people of Earth, the citizenry of your planet, for it is each and all of our responsibility to govern our new world, to manage our new world, to protect and secure our new world. No more will the tasks that are necessary for the overall good of this planet be entrusted to just one group or one person. For now on, each and every area of concern in the form of governance, management, security, cleanliness or efficiency will be entrusted to each and every individual who calls this planet their home, and it will be all of our responsibilities to watch over, protect and help manage and operate all of the systems that go into running what will be your new highly technological advanced society.
We have come across some ‘murmurs’ we shall call it, some complaints if you will, that your new systems will be technological in nature and that your new world will be a technologically advanced place to live. This is the ‘name of the game’ dear ones, where worlds advance from the state that you are in now to a highly advanced and efficient technological world. This is the natural progression of things. There are those of you who may wish for all green pastures and fields and no technology whatsoever, and we tell you that this does not work if your planet is going to harbor and be a nest for humans or any intelligent sentient life forms.
You see, there is always going to be a need for food, for shelter, for clothing, for transportation, for pollution purification systems, for waste management systems, and we say to you how are these things going to be furnished if not for technology? This is our question for you today; do you see another way here? Do you see how you could possibly leave your planet in its pristine natural state without any technology being designed and implemented anywhere and yet be a safe, efficient and pleasurable experience for the sentient life forms that inhabit it? We say to you, to cut right to the chase, that no, this is an impossibility.
This has been tried, yes. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, in all our explorations and missions and experiments have tried many different setups or scenarios for a world. We have planned some worlds with very limited technology and some worlds with great levels of technology and we say to you we believe that we have devised what we consider perfection, or at least very near perfection in regards to this delicate balance where there will be plenty of areas of your world that are left in their pristine natural states, and there will be other areas of your world that will be achievements of technological breakthrough, advancement and implementation. We see this as creating a very viable as well as pleasurable, exciting and beautiful landscape across your entire planet. We strongly believe that you will too, our brothers and sisters. You too will see, enjoy and respect all of these benefits of these two different types of systems, peacefully and harmoniously coexisting throughout your entire world.
We believe we are very experienced and capable planners and builders, and if we can add one more essential element to this mix, and that is your confidence, your trust and your faith in us, teamed with your cooperation with us, then we say to you in the years to come your planet will be so beautifully transformed that there will be many of you today who will barely recognize her. Yes, your beautiful national parks and mountain ranges and rivers flowing and grass fields growing will still be there and they will be purified, their air, their lands and their water, and they will be even more beautiful than they are today. Many of you do not know what clean air looks like, what purified air smells like, what it tastes like, what it feels like on your skin, but you will, and you will be very happily surprised and you may not even believe that you have never tasted clean air before, for many of you feel when you travel to the mountains or to the beaches you may be breathing in fresh, clean air, but we tell you there is barely no fresh, clean air throughout your entire planet as it has all been polluted and contaminated.
Yes, we must report this to you as we do not hold back any truths from you. Your planet is extremely polluted, from its oceans through it soils through its air, all throughout and into the higher reaches of your highest atmospheres. We say to you it is one great contamination zone. This is one of the reasons why your planet has been held in quarantine for so long. This kind of pollution, this kind of destruction, this kind of rampant disregard and irresponsibility for your planet and your own people could not be allowed to spread to neighboring worlds, and we made sure that this would not happen. Please understand the quarantine of your planet was not made to imprison you here, was not implemented to make you inmates of your own world, no not at all. The quarantine of your planet was for the safety and welfare of others in this universe from a people that have yet to learn responsibility, have yet to learn kindness, decency and empathy for others and have not learned to treat others with respect and also honor laws, rules, regulations and policies that have been set throughout this universe, and these worlds cannot be allowed to reach these other worlds simply because they have achieved technological breakthroughs in the form of space travel.
Do you see the problem here dear ones? Could we possibly allow your fighting forces of your secret space commands to take their highly destructive weaponry to other worlds and invade them just like today here in your world? Your cabal run governments invade other countries at will. Today in your world your cabal still walks across borders as if they mean nothing and ransack other nations, killing the innocent and stealing all of the wealth and possessions of another. That is what is going on when you see that there are wars, battles or ‘skirmishes’, as your news teams whitewash them, all over your planet. This is your cabal stealing more from others. That is all that is going on.
These wars are not in the name of religion or in the form of national or governmental disagreement. These are not even wars of territory, as no one is really interested in some of the land that these other people possess. What they are interested in is getting their greedy little hands on more wealth. They see some of these nations with oil or they see some of these nations with gold or another resource and so they invade them under the pretense that these nations were hostile or planning their own attacks or invasions on these larger nations. Do any of you really believe that these smaller nations would ever pick a fight with your superpowers of your world? If any of you believe these lies, it is time you sat down and thought about this long and hard. Do you really think that these small, almost defenseless countries compared to your superpowers would instigate war with say the United States, Russia or China? You are only fooling yourself if you believe that this is the case.
This is what your news reports to you, and this is why we ask you why do you watch these news programs, as they are nothing but thirty minutes or one hour of one continuous and great lie. They fill your head with disinformation, propaganda and outright lies simply to convince you, to persuade you, to trick you, to con you, to scare you into following their agendas and supporting their agendas and not do anything to speak out or stop or slow their agendas. That is what your news programs are, even though once in a while they will throw in a few minor stories to perhaps peak your interest and keep you watching, but even these minor stories are reported to you in such a way as to keep you living in fear, insecurity and even paranoia. That’s what your six o'clock news teams are paid for and they do their jobs exceedingly well, and we again advise you to turn off the news, turn off your TV sets completely. Leave them off as long as you can throughout your day, for the damage you're doing to yourselves in body, mind and spirit is, in many cases, borderline irreparable.
You must, because it is your responsibility to protect your being, your essence, who it is you are, and who it is you are is someone far smarter and far wiser and far more experienced than to turn a television set on and sit in front of it with your eyes wide open all day and all night long, for you have come too far on your journey through this universe to allow something as unrewarding, unproductive and unhealthy as television programming to harm you and slow your progress now. We tell you these things not because we wish to nag you or to run your lives, we offer you this advice for it is constructive, it is helpful, it is the truth. We never tell you anything that we are not sure about. You do not hear many ‘maybes’ and ‘this may be the case’ when we speak to you. We say to you that this is this way and that is that way because we know it to be this way or that way, for we have lived it, we have experienced it for ourselves and we have studied all of the subjects that we discuss with you.
We do not throw out wild hypotheses and possibilities when we speak to you about certain subjects. We know our business, and from our perspective we better know our business, we should know our business, for we have many tools and years of experience behind us and we have many great minds here who study in the light of truth, unhampered, unhindered, un-coerced and uninfluenced by those that today in your world thwart most of your attempts to get to the bottom of just about everything in your lives. Your scientists, your researchers, your historians, your inventors, all of these people have never been allowed to do their jobs the way they could have done them. This goes on to this very day, where there are scientists and researchers trying to get to the bottom of your diseases, your illnesses, your pollutions, your transportation and energy problems and we say to you that all of these problems could have been solved by now and not in recent years, but many decades ago. Yes, this is true.
Your scientists could have cured even your most common and fatal diseases. You could have already been operating your systems with free, pure and clean energies. You could have transportation systems that would take individuals from one corner of the world to another in just minutes my friends. Yes, you could have already had all these things and in some cases some of these technologies do exist on your planet, but they are only offered to the few, the extremely wealthy, the very powerful, the elitists of your societies. Does that not sicken you dear friends? Does that not cause you to drop what it is you are doing and get more involved and get to the heart of these matters and do whatever is you can to rid your world of these parasites, these insects that have done this to you, that have kept you living in an antiquated state, far beyond the time periods where these technologies should have been and could easily have been introduced to your people through the ingenuity and the effort of your scientists, researchers and inventors who are members of your family, the true human family, not these imposters, these intruders, these counterfeiters who today rule over your world.
It is you, the people, that have reached these technological breakthroughs through your hard work and sweat, drive, motivation, determination and ingenious vision and imagination. They do not possess these things. These people herd you like sheep and they have no more ingenuity or intelligence or genius than a sheepherder. That is all they are. They are individuals with stick in hand and they poke you and scare you into moving in certain directions at their call, at their whim, at their discretion. This is all they are. They are not the geniuses of your societies, they are not the talented, they are not the sophisticated, they are none of these things. They are what they are and they are not much, and we do not say this either to insult them or to poke fun at them. No, we say this because it is truth, and from us you will always receive the truth, no matter if it hurts someone's feelings or not.
This kind of behavior is unique to lower dimensional worlds where one will not speak his truth for fear it may hurt the feelings of another, for you see it is the individual who allows their feelings to be hurt by truth that is exhibiting the lower dimensional behavior, not the being who speaks his truth. We wish you to always remember that especially when you are reading our words and some of you are allowing your feelings to get hurt so much you discontinue reading our messages or even block them entirely from you or your web pages, where at one time you were sharing these communications to those they were intended for, but today you are boycotting them for you feel that they have insulted or talked down to your people. We say to you that nothing we have ever said is insulting or condemning, and we do not in any way talk down to you, for we see you as our brothers and sisters and even in many cases our elders for you, the people of Earth, have experienced in some cases a great deal more than we have, for you have been blessed with the opportunity to experience this 3rd dimensional realm and through this experience you have molded yourselves, sculpted yourselves into great, powerful and very wise and experienced beings. So how is it we would even think we could speak down to you?
The truth is we do not. We offer you advice and suggestions and tell you how things are, how we see things from our higher and broader perspectives, this is all. We do not demean you, we do not speak down to you, we do not insult you and we do not make fun of you. We would never do these things and we never have. We say to those of you who have occasionally found problems with our messages and ask you exactly which parts of our messages are you not resonating with, you are not agreeing with, that you think are insulting to you or defaming to you, that put you down, that make you feel bad, or inadequate, or unintelligent or immature in any way.
We ask you to share your feelings with us because we wish to gain greater insight and learn just what it is that we are saying to you that you disapprove of or that you feel is insulting to you or condescending to you. This is what we ask of you today. We ask you to share openly with us your feelings about these messages and which parts of them you feel you could do without, that you do not need to hear, that are unimportant and only serve to insult you or put you down or make you feel bad about yourselves. This is what we look for today throughout your comments and we, as we always do, greatly appreciate and thank you for your insights and your assistance in our mission together here with you.
We encourage all of you to get involved in these discussions. Do not worry about those few dark or negative or cabal paid individuals who leave their comments here and there under our messages. Just completely ignore them. You will in just a few days time memorize the names that most of these individuals go by, and even if they change their sign-in names which they do occasionally you will immediately recognize their bloated and inflated opinions of themselves and their perspectives and you will recognize the usual slanted rhetoric designed and posted to divide you, to cause argument, debate and dissension within your ranks, and you will learn to not even read another word from them as soon as you recognize where it is their usually long comment is going. Just skip over and go to the next comment. You will in time immediately begin to recognize a comment left in the light, of higher vibration, or one posted in the darkness of a negative vibration and at the hands of an individual who exists, acts and behaves through the pulsation of a low, slow, dense or negative vibration.
We say this to you for we wish to encourage more of you to join in on our conversations. We remind you that we read all of the comments that you leave for us, and we encourage you and we wish for more of you to get involved, for we wish to learn and to gain greater insights and a larger scope of what you are thinking and what you are feeling and how you are progressing throughout your journey here and on your mission here, and we have no other ways in most cases of learning these things, so we ask you to join us in our conversations.
You will notice that we have begun to do our best to incorporate in our messages answers to some of your more popular questions. We make apology that we cannot answer personal or specific questions that are not asked by the majority of you. We must, because it is the proper method, respond to questions and concerns that are asked by the majority of you, and that is how we are proceeding at this time. In time, we may be able to ‘dwindle down’ the list and begin to address questions that are asked by only a smaller percentage of you, and we do see a time period where this will be more likely than it is at this current period.
So again, we say to you we look forward to your comments beneath our message today throughout your online communities and we thank you once again for participating and say to you your efforts are not in vain and they are assisting us greatly assist you, and that's really what it's all about right now, that's the name of the game. ‘Help us help you’, and we will do just that.
We are your friends and your family. We are those helping you help yourselves make your world a better, cleaner, safer, more prosperous, rewarding, fun and educational place for all of you. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections

Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections

Software programmer says US elections are rigged and that
US Representatives tried to pay him to rig their election vote counts.

the truth about 9-11 on PBS                           watch this 2 hr movie   the truth about  9-11   on PBS

Why Barack Obama does not deserve to be re-elected

Why Barack Obama does not deserve to be re-elected

05.09.2012 16:31
By Peter Baofu
Why Barack Obama does not deserve to be re-elected. 47914.jpeg
Four years ago, in 2008, Barack Obama the Democratic Party presidential candidate promised many Americans that "he would change America,...put aside partisan differences, restore hope to those without jobs, begin the process of saving the planet from global warming, and make America proud again," as reported by The Economist on September 01, 2012. He even won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize prematurely for his promises (only after a few months in office). This is his "audacity of hope" in action, so to speak.
Today, four years later, he has not achieved any of them. In a recent poll, "more than 60% of voters believe their country to be on the wrong track. Mr Obama's approval ratings are well under 50%; almost two-thirds of voters are unimpressed (however harshly)" by his performance, as reported by The Economist on September 01, 2012.
Therefore, as the U.S. presidential election on November 06, 2012 is approaching, an important question to ask here is, Does Barack Obama deserves a second term (for four more years)? The answer is a resounding "no," for the following 11 reasons, which reveal what can be called his audacity of failure.  
(1) First, Obama did not turn the economy around, as he promised four years ago. On the contrary, as of today, "three million more Americans are out of work than four years ago"; worse, "the national debt is $5 trillion bigger" to pass $16 trillion (on Obama's watch), as reported by The Economist on September 01, 2012. In other words, Obama broke his promise "to cut the deficit in half" in his first term, and John Boehner therefore warned against the consequences of this growing national debt: "This debt is a drain on our economy and a crushing burden on our kids and grandkids, and it's yet another indication that the president's policies have made things worse," as reported by Olivier Knox on September 04, 2012. 
Even his former teacher at Harvard Law School, Professor Roberto Unger, who "taught President Barack Obama classes such as Jurisprudence and Reinventing Democracy" criticized his former student last month that "President Obama...has subordinated the broadening of economic and educational opportunity to the important but secondary issue of access to healthcare," as reported by Gregg Re for the Daily Caller on June 17, 2012.
(2) Second, Obama did not make American politics less partisan, as he promised four years ago. On the contrary, he has much polarized American politics, and an excellent example is his "health-care reform," such that "partisan gridlock is worse than ever," because he used a procedural trick to force his reform proposal through Congress without a single Republican vote and without the support of the majority of the American public at the time, so his "health-care reform...has become a prime source of rancor," as it remains so today, as reported by The Economist on September 01, 2012. In fact, the rise of the Tea Party in recent years has much to do with this, although there are other causes too. 
(3) Third, Obama did not fulfill his liberal cause, as he promised four years ago. On the contrary, his former teacher at Harvard Law School, Professor Roberto Unger, also recently said that "Obama...has failed to advance the progressive cause. He has spent trillions of dollars to rescue the moneyed interests and left workers and homeowners to their own devices," as reported by Gregg Re for the Daily Caller on June 17, 2012. So, Unger's conclusion is that "President Obama must be defeated in the coming election."  
(4) Fourth, Obama did not create a post-racial America that he promised four years ago. On the contrary, he repetitively showed a pro-black bias in his dealing with domestic racial relations. For example, in July 2009, shortly after the arrest of a black professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., "President Barack Obama, who regards himself as a black and a friend of Gates, called the arrest 'stupid,' even though he acknowledged of not knowing all the facts about the incident (and later had to call the arresting white police officer, Sgt. James Crowley, in order to quell the public uproar against his biased remark)," as already reported in an article "The Politics of Reverse-Racism in America" on July 30, 2009.
Then, in June 2012, Obama "protected" Attorney General Eric Holder, a black, "with a first-in-his-presidency claim of 'executive privilege,'" when Holder refused "to comply with House Oversight Committee subpoenas for documents involving the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 'Fast and Furious' program of 2009-2010," and this is so, even after the House voted "to hold...Holder in contempt of Congress" on June 29, as reported by Debra Saunders for Real Clear Politics on June 24, 2012.
Later in July 2012, in another incident involving the shooting of a black teenager Trayvon Martin who was in conflict with a neighborhood security officer George Zimmerman, Obama reacted by saying: "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," but this, for the critics, was "a coded message to black people that Obama is on their side," as reported by Jesse Washington for The Associated Press on July 30, 2012.
And he continued to show his pro-black racial politics by "siding against white people through actions such as his Justice Department's decision to drop voter intimidation charges against New Black Panthers and in a program to turn out the black vote called 'African-Americans for Obama,'" as reported by Jesse Washington in the same article. 
(5) Fifth, Obama did not remake the Muslim world based on "mutual interest and mutual respect," as he promised on January 27, 2009 in his interview by Al-Arabiya host Hisham Melhem, as already explained in the article "The Silent Violence Behind 'Smart Power' in U.S. Foreign Policy" on August 17, 2009. On the contrary, "America's standing in the Muslim world is no higher than it was under George W. Bush," as reported by The Economist on September 01, 2012.
The best way to show how much the Muslim world becomes disillusioned with Obama is the "first visit outside of the Middle East" by the newly elected Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi (since he came to power in June) to China on August 27, 2012, not to the U.S. or any other Western power; worse, Morsi also attended the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Teheran on August 30 and attempted to establish a closer tie with Iran.
In addition, the U.S. under Obama vetoed the Palestinian bid for statehood recognition by the UN Security Council in 2011 (although it passed the majority of votes in the General Assembly) and continued to allow the illegal Israeli settlements in occupied territory, in spite of the condemnation by the international community (except the U.S. and a few of its allies). Also, he continues to dangerously side with Israel for a possible military strike against Iran over its nuclear programme, while allowing Israel to possess nuclear weapons (but denying any other state in the region to do so).  
(6) Sixth, Obama did not "reset" the relations with other major world powers, as he promised four years ago. On the contrary, "his global-warming efforts have evaporated....Russia and China are still prickly despite the promised resets," as reported by The Economist on September 01, 2012.
In fact, he worsened the current relation with Russia by unsuccessfully attempting to derail Putin's election campaign in 2012 by supporting government opponents, as "Putin accused" the U.S. "of inciting unrest in Russia," as reported by David Herszenhorn for the New York Times on December 08, 2011. So, after the election, Putin responded by refusing to meet Obama as scheduled during "the G20 summit in June in Mexico," but chose to visit China instead, and Putin's pretext was that he was "too busy" to meet Obama, as reported in the Turkish Weekly on May 11, 2012.
(7) Seventh, Obama did not stop torture and illegal killing, as he promised four years ago. On the contrary, "the prison in Guantánamo remains open," as reported by The Economist on September 01, 2012. Even "Christof Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions,...has called on the Obama administration to justify its policy of Qaeda or Taliban suspects, increasingly with the use of unmanned drone aircraft that also take civilian lives," especially "in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, in addition to conventional raids and air strikes," as reported by Stephanie Nebehay for Reuters on June 19, 2012.
In fact, "although figures vary widely with regard to drone attack estimates, all studies concur on one important point: there has been a dramatic increase in their use over the past three years," as Heyns thus accused the Obama administration of killing innocent civilians in those poor countries.
After all, "Jimmy Carter, America's 39th president, denounced the Obama administration for 'clearly violating' 10 of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, writing in a New York Times op-ed on [on June 25, 2012] that the 'United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights,'" as Carter thus explained: "Instead of making the world safer, America's violation of international human rights abets our enemies and alienates our friends," as reported by Amy Bingham for ABC News on June 25, 2012.
(8) Eighth, Obama did not make the world safer for a nuclear-free word, as he promised four years ago. In spite of his premature receipt of a Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, partly because of his promise for a nuclear-free world (among other things), he continues to support the U.S. to have the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet (and allows militarist states like Israel to possess nuclear weapons but denies any other state in the region to do so), while dangerously siding with Israel for a possible military strike against Iran over its nuclear programme.
In addition, he continues to follow the same policy of upgrading the U.S. ant-missile arsenal, which has led to an arms race with both Russia and China. For instance, "Putin accused the United States of attempting to destroy the global strategic balance with its anti-missile system" and "said that development of strategic nuclear forces, air and space forces, radio and communication combat systems and others would be a priority during the rearmament of Russian forces" to counter the U.S. threat, and China had expressed the same desire of rearmament to counter the U.S. threat, as reported in on February 23, 2012.
(9) Ninth, Obama did not stop the U.S. violation of international laws like the secretive dirty operations which were "unfavorably associated with the Bush-Cheney administration's disregard for international norms," as he promised four years ago.
On the contrary, starting in 2010, Obama "authorized a massive expansion of clandestine military and intelligence operations worldwide, sanctioning activities in more than a dozen countries and giving the military's combatant commanders significant new authority to conduct unconventional warfare," especially "in the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and Central Asia," like "secret American bases and operations in countries like Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and in the Dagestan region of the North Caucuses," as reported by Marc Ambinder for the Atlantic on May 25, 2010.
(10) Tenth, Obama did not improve the American relations with its immediate neighbors, like those in Latin America and the Carribbean, as he promised four years ago. On the contrary, gone were those days when Obama received the warm welcome by his fellow Latin American leaders at the OAS Summit in 2009.
But now, in 2012, "the illusions about the policy of President Obama vanished; a gap between his speeches and his actions widened. There were no major changes in the policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean. The blockade against Cuba continued and it was even tightened in the financial sector, despite the international condemnation and the overwhelming vote against it at the United Nations General Assembly," as reported in Da Vibes on April 20, 2012.
In fact, at the OAS Summit held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in April 2012, Obama vetoed the proposal to cease the blockade of Cuba and its exclusion from the organization, which then led to "a rebellion of Latin America and the Caribbean against the imposition of 'one and a half government' [that is, the U.S.] which applied the imperial veto against the paragraphs of the Draft Final Declaration of the...Summit of the Americas that demanded the ceasing of the blockade and of Cuba's exclusion from hemispheric events." 
(11) And eleventh, Obama did not save the planet from global warming, as he promised four years ago. On the contrary, even an important political leader from his own party like Al Gore, who also "won the Nobel Prize for his environmental efforts in 2007," had "sharply criticized President Obama's 'failed' approach to global warming, forcing the White House to defend its record on climate change," and this is true, even though "Gore was supportive of Obama's action in the first six months of his administration, but the former Democratic presidential nominee said the administration has not made the case for action among the American people," as reported by Gabriella Schwarz for CNN on June 22, 2011.
As Gore thus explained, "President Obama has thus far failed to use the bully pulpit to make the case for bold action on climate change. After successfully passing his green stimulus package, he did nothing to defend it when Congress decimated its funding. Without presidential leadership that focuses intensely on making the public aware of the reality we face, nothing will change"; worse, for Gore, Obama has not even bothered to "defend...the science of global warming or provided a 'presidential venue' to bring the data before the public."
Surely, there can be other reasons, so the 11 examples above are not exhaustive but solely illustrative. The important point to remember here is that Barack Obama does not deserve a second term in the upcoming presidential election on November 6, 2012.
Of course, this does not mean that Obama has done nothing in the last four years, which is absurd. Even the mainstream British magazine The Economist recently acknowledged on September 01, 2012 that Obama could take some credit for the mere fact that things "could all have been a lot worse. He inherited an economy in free fall thanks to the banking crash and the fiscal profligacy that occurred under his predecessor; his stimulus measures and his saving of Detroit carmakers helped avert a second Depression; overall, he deserves decent if patchy grades on the economy."
Yet, The Economist was quick to add: "But this does not amount to a compelling case for re-election, in the view of either this paper or the American people. More than 60% of voters believe their country to be on the wrong track. Mr Obama's approval ratings are well under 50%; almost two-thirds of voters are unimpressed (however harshly)" by' his performance so far.
If Obama is not doing his job well as promised, it is time to pass the torch to the next candidate. Although there is no guarantee that the next candidate will do his job well either, he should be given a chance. If the next candidate does not do the job well, he will be voted out of office in 2016; but if he does the job well, he will be reelected in 2016.
In either case, it is time for Obama to go. This is so, even though Obama is a good talker, with amazing oratory skills to cheer up any crowd, but in the history of liberal democracy, those who are good talkers are often lousy doers, and those who are excellent doers often let their achievements speak for themselves, not empty promises.
As Abraham Lincoln, one of the few great American presidents, once aptly said, "You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time."
It is quite appropriate to therefore suggest that Obama, were he a honorable man, should return the Nobel Peace Prize to the Nobel Prize Committee, due to his failure to address global warming, a nuclear-free world, and other promises (as discussed above), for which he was awarded the prize, prematurely, because of his misleading promises.
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu, recently (on September 02, 2012), "called for Tony Blair and George Bush to face prosecution at the International Criminal Court for their role in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq," as Tutu thus explained: "Those responsible for this suffering and loss of life should be treading the same path as some of their African and Asian peers who have been made to answer for their actions in the Hague," as reported by David Stringer for The Associated Press on September 2, 2012.
But what Tutu did not say is that the name of Obama should be added to the list of Western leaders to face prosecution for "the suffering and loss of life" as a result of his "war of necessity" in Afghanistan and numerous clandestine military operations elsewhere, which had led to the killing of so many innocent civilians, to the point that even Christof Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions, had accused the Obama administration of killing innocent civilians around the world. As already pointed out earlier, even his fellow Democrat, Jimmy Carter, also a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, "denounced the Obama administration for 'clearly violating' 10 of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." Needless to say, all this violates (or betrays) the very spirit of peace in the Nobel Peace Prize.
It is thus no coincidence that some Occupy protesters shouted the slogan "Obama is a traitor" outside the Democratic National Convention on September 04, 2012, and their disillusion with Obama as a politician spoke volumes, as reported by Liz Goodwin for Yahoo! News on September 04, 2012.
Obama therefore does not deserve to be re-elected, for the reasons as explained above. In the end, Obama's "audacity of hope" thus becomes his audacity of failure.
Peter Baofu

Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 07, 2012 4:31 PM
Image: Buda Castle, Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest
I don't know about you, but I would label my personal knowledge of Hungary as wanting, if not painfully incomplete. It's not an easy country to come to grips with, not least of all of course because Hungarian doesn't look like any western language we know with the possible exception of Finnish. I did visit just after the Wall came down, and remember huge contrasts, almost paradoxes, between rural poverty and a capital, Budapest, that was much richer than other capitals such as Prague, a leftover of Budapest's status as meeting place between western and eastern diplomats and businessmen.
The riches were not for all, though, the city center was full of beggars and panhandlers, mostly Roma. To keep up the paradox, Mercedes sold more luxury models in Hungary than just about anywhere else back then, reportedly mostly also to Roma; just not the same.
In the years since, precious little attention has been and is being devoted to the former eastern bloc countries in the Anglo press. We know most of the countries are now members of the European Union, but only a few have been allowed to enter the hallowed grounds of the eurozone.
One thing I did pick up on last year was the news that Hungary's PM Victor Orbán had thrown chemical, food and seed giant Monsanto out of the country, going as far as to plow under 1000 acres of land. Now, I have little patience for Monsanto, infamous for many products ranging from Agent Orange to Round-Up, nor for its ilk, from DuPont to Sygenta, all former chemical companies that have at some point decided they could sell more chemicals than ever before by applying them on and inside everyone's daily food. Patenting nature itself seems either unworthy of mankind or its grandest achievement. I don't care much for either one. So Orbán (who has a two-thirds majority in parliament, by the way) has my tentative support on this one.
This is from July 22, 2011, International Business Times:
In an effort to rid the country of Monsanto's GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. This looks like its going to be another slap in the face for Monsanto. A new regulation was introduced this March which stipulates that seeds are supposed to be checked for GMO before they are introduced to the market. Unfortunately, some GMO seeds made it to the farmers without them knowing it.
Almost 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said. The GMO maize has been ploughed under, said Lajos Bognar, but pollen has not spread from the maize, he added.
Unlike several EU members, GMO seeds are banned in Hungary. The checks will continue despite the fact that seed traders are obliged to make sure that their products are GMO free, Bognar said. During their investigation, controllers have found Pioneer and Monsanto products among the seeds planted.
It's remarkably hard to find sources on this, ironically. It’s even harder, even more ironically, to find anything that mentions the Wikileaks report on the connections between the US government and the chemical/seed industry. Which is curious, in my opinion; it's not as if there's nothing newsworthy in the topic. Just about the only thing I could find was this from Anthony Gucciardi at
The United States is threatening nations who oppose Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) crops with military-style trade wars, according to information obtained and released by the organization WikiLeaks. Nations like France, which have moved to ban one of Monsanto’s GM corn varieties, were requested to be ‘penalized’ by the United States for opposing Monsanto and genetically modified foods. The information reveals just how deep Monsanto’s roots have penetrated key positions within the United States government, with the cables reporting that many U.S. diplomats work directly for Monsanto. [..]
Perhaps the most shocking piece of information exposed by the cables is the fact that these U.S. diplomats are actually working directly for biotech corporations like Monsanto. The cables also highlight the relationship between the U.S. and Spain in their conquest to persuade other nations to allow for the expansion of GMO crops. Not only did the Spanish government secretly correspond with the U.S. government on the subject, but the U.S. government actually knew beforehand how Spain would vote before the Spanish biotech commission reported their decision regarding GMO crops.
It doesn't look like Orbán and Hungary have a lot of support in their fight against Monsanto and GMO in general on the political front. But that still does little to explain the radio silence.
There was more international reporting earlier this year, when Orbán again faced up to two other major forces, in this instance the IMF and the EU. On January 1, the Hungarian parliament and president signed a new constitution into law. And it contains a number of things that the Troika members don't like. In particular, they are probably at odds with taxes levied on bank transactions, and especially central bank transactions. Not the kind of thing the IMF is likely to ever agree with. It all gets clad in protesting (the EU even threatens with courts) the independence under fire of the central bank, the media and other parts of Hungarian society.
The IMF and EU, like the tandem team of Monsanto and Washington before them, act like schoolyard bullies. It's become their standard MO, and it usually works. Portraits of Orbán as a fool, a reckless idiot and a dangerous populist, on par with that of Hugo Chavez or newly found international enemy Rafael Correa, are much easier to find than those links to Wikileaks Monsanto cables. It would be good to see Orbán continue to stand up to the IMF bullies, but he may not have that choice. They can simply financially bleed him dry, like they have so many other countries and their leaders. It's a time tested model.
So maybe we’ll have to do with a good and hearty chuckle, and enjoy his announcement yesterday:
Hungary's prime minister has long had a testy relationship with the International Monetary Fund — and on Thursday he used Facebook to unfriend the agency and reject its allegedly tough loan conditions.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a video message on his official Facebook page that Hungary could not accept pension cuts, the elimination of a bank tax, fewer public employees and other conditions in exchange for an IMF loan that other officials have said could be about €15 billion ($18.9 billion). The IMF's list of conditions, Orban said, " contains everything that is not in Hungary's interests."
Orban's announcement took the markets by surprise, in part because just a day earlier he had said loan negotiations with the IMF and the European Union were going according to schedule and both sides were willing to reach an agreement. [..]
In late 2008, under a Socialist government, Hungary became the first EU country to receive an IMF-led bailout. The Orban government, however, decided not to renew the loan agreement in 2010 so it could implement its economic policies without IMF control. But the increasing weakness of the forint, the Hungarian currency, and investors' growing loss of trust in the country's economy made the government abruptly change its mind late last year, when it again sought IMF help.
Basically, what the IMF demands is what it has always demanded through the years from countries it lends money to: cut pensions, cut the public sector, cut benefits yada yada, and then privatize, open markets, and open financial systems, so international operating conglomerates can move in and divvy up the spoils - "create a more 'business friendly' environment to boost growth" -. The IMF is the poster child for disaster capitalism, no matter how you twist and turn it. And Orbán can see clearly what is being done to Greece, which is just around the corner from Hungary.
A “list of horrors”. That’s how Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán described on Thursday the conditions given by the IMF / EU for a deal, via a video on his Facebook page. [..]
Orban blamed the “long list” of onerous conditions that had, supposedly, been leaked to Magyar Nemzet, a slavishly pro-government daily, on Wednesday. The list contains a number of Orbán’s most sacred political themes, including cuts in pensions, family allowances and transport perks, an increase in the age of retirement, the introduction of a property tax, the abolition of the bank and financial transaction taxes, and modifications to the flat-rate, personal income tax regime.
And here's a bit more:
Hungary threw hopes for a new loan to prop up its sagging economy into disarray on Thursday as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban rejected what he called unacceptable IMF conditions, crushing prospects for a fast agreement. Orban, in a video posted on his Facebook page, cited demands from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a raft of changes that he said were too high a price for Hungary to pay.
"From cutting pensions to reducing bureaucracy to scrapping the bank tax and the funds to be made available to banks, everything is in there that's not in Hungary's interest," Orban said. "The parliamentary group meeting (of the ruling Fidesz party) took the view, and I personally agree with it, that at this price, this will not work," he added. [..]
To reverse that momentum, Orban is pushing a 300 billion forint ($1.33 billion) job saving plan, partly funded by a new tax on central bank operations, a key sticking point in the IMF talks, which the European Central Bank has also criticised. [..]
"Junk"-rated Hungary faces a repayment hump in the next five quarters, with the equivalent of €4.6 billion euros falling due from its previous IMF/EU bailout alone.
It's enough of a David vs Goliath fight, or a Little Red Riding Hood vs the Wolf, to make one question the bullies. Now, I don't really know Victor Orbán, all I know is western media descriptions of him, not a very reliable source, and he could well be a bully himself. But I still like the Little Red Riding Hood story (and dislike Monsanto and the IMF) enough to give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
And besides, it's as refreshing as it is high time to talk about something else than Greece or Spain. We'll have to get back to them soon enough, after Draghi's unlimited buying bailout boondoggle yesterday


The Book by G. Edward' Griffin called "The Creature From Jekyll Island" says that the Elitist decided to buy out and control the entirity of the media sources in  1913, AND GOING FORWARD. They are  creating their own truths , as they like it ! That is why ; we have been brainwashed for about 100 years.




 Could 2012 be our last election..?

Something to think about!!!

Radio Talk Show Host, Michael Savage is saying what I have been saying for the last two years.
A Dictator in the making.  Radical...maybe not?  Could 2012 be  America 's Last Presidential Election?
Michael Savage
I've asked this question to a number of people and most them respond as if I were crazy for asking. They tell me that this is America , land of the free and that there will always be elections. I tell them that we are no longer the land of the free and that if Obama gets re-elected in 2012, that this just may be  America 's last election.

In the past three years, the Obama administration has been very carefully crafting the nation for a political take over by his Marxist regime and this isn't just my opinion. Popular radio talk show host Michael Savage is the son of Russian immigrants and is very familiar with Soviet and European history. Savage warned his listeners this week saying, "I have to tell you that if this man, God forbid, is the next president of the  United States , we're going to be living in something along the lines of - people say Europe . I don't believe it's going to be like  Europe- I think it will be closer to Chavez's South American dictatorship.

"This is the most corrupt, incompetent, dangerous tyrannical administration in American history. It's not politics as usual. It's not just Democrats versus Republicans. Obama has a long history of being at odds with American values and with  America itself and the core principles of this country. They don't want government-sponsored opinions. They only want government-sponsored 'Pravda.' That's exactly what the government-media complex tells you on a daily basis - nothing but the government-media complex party line. Pay attention. Your freedom may be at stake."
Over the weekend, Rick Santorum told a small group of people in a coffee house that, "Barack Obama is not incompetent, ladies and gentleman. He knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it. He sees  America differently than you see  America .

[Obama] has gone out of his way to divide this country in a way I haven't seen since the Great Depression when Franklin Roosevelt went around to divide his country. That's his hero. What makes  America great [in Obama's mind is that] the government takes money from somebody and gives it to somebody else. No, that's what makes America France."

With his control over the Executive and Judicial branches of the government, the stage is set for a complete takeover of the government. Think about it.
Since taking office, instead of helping the economy, Obama has purposely escalated the economic crisis by plunging the country into unprecedented debt. (The last thing a failing government does is to raid the treasury)  He has a number of programs that are designed to go into effect in January 2013, just in time for his second term of office. The economic burden and increased taxes on everyone will be enough to cause the final economic collapse of the country.  As soon as that happens, Obama declares Martial Law and assumes dictatorial control of the nation.

The Department of Justice has already been subverting federal laws to strip us of a number of freedoms. The Supreme Court and many of the other federal courts have been seeded with socialistic liberal judges that will rule in Obama's favor on virtually anything, thus ending constitutional rule and law.

He's already changing the face of  America 's military. Allowing homosexuals to openly serve along with changing the retirement program is causing many conservative military leaders to resign commissions and leave the military. Some Pentagon officials are also noting that an increase in the enlistment of radical Muslims into the  US military where they get all the training they need on weapons and defense systems. We have no idea how many of them there are in the armed forces or in what positions they may hold.
Obama has been wielding executive powers this past year as if he were already a dictator. When Congress is not doing his bidding, he simply bypasses them and used an executive order to accomplish it anyway.
Friday afternoon, March 16, 2012 President Barack Obama issued an Executive Order that authorizes peacetime martial law in the  United States of America . The Executive Order is titled, National Defense Resources Preparedness Order. In effect that document gives full and complete control over the entire countries natural resources in case of a natural disaster or during a time of war.
Barack Obama granted to himself authority to approve the dispensing of all domestic energy, production, transportation, food, and water supplies as he deems necessary to protect national security. The document itself though is not limited to a time of war or even of that of a natural disaster. Rather the text of the document says that the President can invoke these powers for national defense in the “full spectrum of emergencies” (Sec 103a). This has set the stage for his disbandment of Congress. He would not be the first world leader to take control of a nation and disband the legislative branch of government.
He has been effectively using the media to anesthetize the public to the dangers he poses. Like a patient being prepped for surgery, people are numb to the changes and won't have a clue what took place until they wake up in recovery and realize that free  America has been removed and replaced with a regime that may parallel those of Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Chavez and Castro.
For the sake of our children and grandchildren, I earnestly pray that we are spared from what seems a certain future and that Obama is overwhelmingly defeated in 2012. Otherwise, heaven help us.

         "Socialism is GREAT - UNTIL you run out of other people's money". Margaret Thatcher

Excellent Analysis of Obama and the Galactics --- MUST READ

Hi John,

You are welcome to post this on your blog. After posting Steve Beckow’s article “President Obama’s Re-election Part of the Golden Age Master Plan” I saw the great division in comments that followed. The problem is that most people haven't figured out just what we are dealing with when it comes to President Barack Obama.

Apparently not too many people listened to Drakes program last Sunday either. If you did you would have heard that the game plan has changed. The new game plan is to go through with elections. I doubt that is set in stone but this is the new game plan for now until Drake gets word from his sources that it has changed. Therefore, don't expect an interim president. Mass arrests happen if those in the higher realms decide Obama must go. My comments below may help many people understand just what we are dealing with when it comes to Barack Obama. Put yourself in his shoes after your read everything and go through all the links.  

Below are my comments on the current situation. If you have not checked out the links below yet, I encourage everyone to do so and then make up your own mind. I believe they will help you connect the dots.

Steve Beckow posted this today. It has many quotes from those in the higher realms on what they have to say about Obama. Some of the quotes are quite old. I have no problem believing who Obama was before incarnating here.

President Obama’s Re-election Part of the Golden Age Master Plan

It is clear that Obama was divinely chosen to be president at this time, but he is supposed to be a Trojan Horse to the dark cabal.

Since the dark cabal knew Obama was going to be president as far back as the early seventies because of the black projects such as the chrono-vision experiments (See Andrew Basiago: – Vid (12:07) chrono-vision at the 6 min. mark.), no doubt the dark cabal groomed Obama all the way. I believe they gave Obama a new identity and sealed all his records.

Now watch this excellent video by Glenn Beck who points out all the falsehoods that are said by Barack Obama. I am not a Glenn Beck fan but this is very well done.

Who is the REAL Barack Obama?

So Barack Obama says certain things that Beck clearly shows are not true. I believe Obama really believes the stuff he is saying because he was programmed to believe it. In other words, he is a Manchurian Candidate (programmed with a false identity). He was manufactured and we are waiting for him to wake up to his true identity carry out his divine mission. We are also waiting for the dark cabal to turn to the light.

Lately those in the higher realms have been silent on Obama. They do that rather than criticize him. Criticizing someone is an aspect of duality and is not part of their makeup. So they choose to be silent instead. They are merged with their Higher Selves. What they say about Obama before this incarnation of his soul may be totally correct. But I don't believe things have turned out the way the galactics and ascended masters expected. So far, Obama is still playing the role of the puppet to the dark cabal. No doubt blackmail is a good reason why. And it looks like until the dark cabal is completely taken out of way, they have their thumb on him. So the light forces really have their work cut out for them. Rather than removing all elements of the dark cabal, the galactics and ascended masters have chosen to use a strategy called "containment." AA Michael said on "An Hour with an Angel" last Monday evening that they are having good success with it. I could be wrong but I believe the problem is that it is not working fast enough. AA Michael said they have removed some from the planet where “containment” just wasn’t working. Because of all the delays those in the higher realms need Obama to get reelected to a second term so that he can fulfill his divine mission. Also, I believe they don't want to have to eat their words. If he is arrested, it validates their divine plan has gone awry and they have to go into plan B which they never planned for. I still don't know why they would have selected someone who was not eligible to be president in the first place and someone who has so much controversy in his background and someone who was mentored in Communism by Frank Marshall Davis and other radicals. That is something we can ask later. As a Trojan horse his job is to play along like he is one of the dark cabal and turn on them later. It looks like the dark cabal has gotten Obama to do so much stuff on their agenda because of his Manchurian Candidate programming that they have entrapped him. Drake says he is dirty and I agree. He has committed treason against the American people by his numerous violations of the Constitution. I know all about the corporation stuff that may technically let him get away with it, but it doesn’t matter, our freedoms are still being stripped away anyway by this guy.

I believe the plan for highest good of all is for those in the higher realms to just bite the bullet, overthrow this government (arrest Obama and his corrupt administration) and put in Ron Paul as the interim president. Why? 1) It would raise the vibration of the people and help with the ascension. The people would know that we finally have a man of integrity that stands with the people and who never votes against the Constitution and whose message is Freedom and Liberty. You could remove Obama by simply saying that he was not eligible in the first place so we have to nullify everything he did. (Maybe that is why they chose someone who was not eligible. It keeps all options available.) What a convenient way to just wipe the slate clean of all his unconstitutional stuff. I believe Ron Paul could just as easily usher in NESARA as Obama, and probably better because the people respect this man. I don’t believe that the majority of Americans that are awake have much respect for Obama because of all the fraud in his background. 2) Another reason for regime change is because it doesn't look like Obama has much of a chance of getting reelected again away, unless we have massive vote fraud by that Spanish company owned by George Soros that will be counting the vote overseas. Drake said the real numbers are that Romney has 15% lead over Obama. I believe that it may be even higher than that. Even Obama and his advisors don’t believe he can win. The bigger the percentage difference the greater the risk of getting caught. The Obamas are already planning their exit strategy and are planning on purchasing a $35 million dollar beach front estate in Hawaii. Like Drake said, how does a guy on a presidential salary have the money to buy a $35 million estate in Hawaii? Read this links in their entirety.

The Obamas Already Preparing for Move to Hawaii in January 2013: Hyde Park neighbors talking about Chicago house being sold soon

Check out these articles of the various voting groups that will most likely not vote for Obama.

Electoral Calculus Guarantees an Obama Defeat in November

Mainstream Media Grossly Misrepresents Election Polling Data In Obama’s Favor

You can also add the military and intel groups, many blacks, Jews, conservatives, Christians, and health conscious people that are probably not going to vote for Obama because of too many broken promises and feeling stabbed in the back. Wall Street is dumping Obama and going with Romney.

Unless there is massive vote fraud, it doesn't look like Obama is going to get reelected. I could name 10 national radio talk show hosts on the radio that are trashing him every single day all across the U.S. with millions of listeners. Radio talk show hosts do influence many people. I can't think of one talk show host on the radio that praises this president or says what a great job he is doing. These listeners are not going to vote for him again. Our local news said yesterday that Obama has broken over 83 promises. That’s got to be a record. We also have a documentary that millions are going to see right now. Those that see it will probably not vote for him.

But who wants Romney? He is not much different than Obama. The time to get Ron Paul in is before the elections not after. Romney should be arrested also because of his background and the corruption that took place during the elections and at the convention.

Therefore, I believe the best thing to do for the highest good of all, is to make Ron Paul the interim president, whom some believe had his hand in creating NESARA anyway and suspend the elections. Time is running out and we need the changes to go forward now. We need someone with Ron Paul’s background, who stands for freedom and liberty, who wants to end the Fed and get rid of TSA and many government organizations (down-size government), and bring our troops home. Because Ron Paul is such a humble guy, I believe he would most likely go forward with ET disclosure as well. In my opinion, Obama is no longer the best choice. I know that may be a tough pill to shallow for those in the higher realms, but they must do what is best for the highest good if all. No doubt they are hashing all this stuff out. Zorra from the Hollow Earth said last Saturday that the plan so far is to keep Obama. He did not sound all that enthusiastic. He is just one vote and probably has to go with majority vote. No doubt those in the higher realms wanted the conventions to go through so that they could take a reading of the people after the conventions. I hope they reconsider the game plan and consider Ron Paul. It would be easier to get him into the position of president by doing a regime change instead of trying to get his name on the ballot and having an election because of all the vote fraud. Ron Paul would probably take more votes from Romney than Obama and just cause an Obama win; a repeat of Ross Perot. Drake said the positive military is ready to do a regime change if necessary. I believe they were overruled or at least delayed until after the conventions. I guess we will just have to wait and see how they play it and who we end up getting. It is down to Obama, Romney and Paul. Paul is my pick and we wipe the slate clean. There is no controversy with this man. Time to 'get er done!' That may be blow to the Master Planners because removing Obama means they goofed. lol. So be it.

Here is my response to a question I received on Skype that helps explain things.

Skype Question & Answer

[10:25:13 TP: Mr T, there was a story out of Europe where someone of the elite bragged that Obama's birth mother was a satan worshiping witch and that he was conceived during a sex magick ritual with the intention he would become a world (mis) leader. That, and his actual words and actions are why I always doubted he was a lightworker. Obama's official story is so full of holes.

[11:42:21 Mr T: I haven't seen the story that you are referring to. I do believe that Obama was chosen by the Master Planners to be a Trojan horse to stab the dark cabal in the back and usher in the Golden Age because of his leadership roles in previous lifetimes. The problem is...that the dark cabal knew that he was going to be president as far back as the early 70s because of their chrono-vision experiments. Therefore, I believe they turned Obama into a self-serving Manchurian Candidate. In other words, they manufactured a new Identity for him and sealed all his records. Those in the higher realms are waiting for him to do what he came here to do and they know now that it is going to require a second term. I believe the dark cabal entrapped Obama by getting him to do their bidding because of his Manchurian Candidate programming. He is now guilty of crimes and treason against the American people. They probably update and adjust his programming as need. He could be under "containment" (surrounded by a bubble of light) and getting new programming during his sleep time by those in the higher realms to help dismantle the Manchurian Candidate programming. I don't think it is going to work fast enough. What we need to do is ask Prime Creator Source to overrule the Master Planners, go forward with the arrests, and usher in a new regime with an interim president like Ron Paul or whoever you want. Tell Prime Creator Source that it needs to be done for the highest good of all. As far as Obama being a lightworker, I have this to say. First of all, he has done nothing so far to help the lightworker community. So far, he has been more about service to self than service to others; expensive vacation trips and he is planning on purchasing a $35M beachfront estate in Hawaii, etc. If Obama is fully cognizant of his divine mission and he can't go forward because of death threats from the dark cabal like many lightworkers say, then he is still living in fear and lightworkers do not work in fear. The two are diametrically opposed to each other. Also, an enlightened being does not perform their duties in fear. When you are an enlightened being, fear is not part of your make up. Over two years ago, Obama was told by the galactics that he has divine protection and he still has not gone forward with the necessary changes, rather he is still playing the role of a puppet of the dark cabal and passing executive orders and legislation that is preventing advanced technologies from getting out (Keshe Foundation), stealing our freedoms, and seizing more power for himself. He also won’t do ET disclosure. Zorra form the Hollow Earth says that he is now talking with the Galactic Federation of Planets so we’ll see, but time is running out. If he is playing the role of a puppet because they have him blackmailed and we are all waiting for the dark cabal to turn to the light, well...all I can say is that we are out of time. We can't wait any longer for either Obama to wake up to his divine mission, or if he has, for the dark cabal to come to the light. I believe we need to commence with the changes to the Golden Age now. The Master Planners need to just accept the fact that they goofed or miscalculated and bite the bullet. It time for Plan B. If he gets reelected I believe it will only be because of massive vote fraud and then the wait continues. Will massive vote fraud be acceptable to those in the higher realms to get their guy? What about the will of the people? So, let your wishes be known to Prime Creator Source, because the more of us that do so the more likely that Prime Creator Source will intervene.

If you wish to keep Obama so that he can fulfill his divine plan (personally I do not believe there is enough time) then you need to realize what we are dealing with…a Trojan Horse Manchurian Candidate. Pray that his Manchurian Candidate programming be dismantled. Pray that the programming not continue. Pray that he wakes up to his to his divine mission. Pray that the dark cabal will come to the light. Pray that he be placed under “containment.” Pray that all dark members of his administration will be placed under “containment.” Pray that the Ascended Masters reprogram him in his sleep state. I am sure there are other things you could pray for also. This does give him an opportunity to balance out his karma, but there is no guarantee that he will follow through and reverse things.

So those are your two options. Petition Creator Source for an interim president (my choice) or if you like Obama want him to stay then pray the payers I listed above. The main thing is that we all get in unity with what we are dealing with and pray and/or petition Creator Source to do what is best for the highest good of all.

Below is a link to an ‘An Hour with an Angel’ in which Archangel Michael gives an update on “containment.”

Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother

2012 September 5
Posted by Steve Beckow

In this edition of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael discusses the gradual and sudden views of Ascension and tells us that his view is that we will ascend on Dec. 21, 2012 to the Fifth Dimension. However, he does not want to focus on that date lest people put off their preparations till closer to it. He reports on the success of containment in regards to international affairs, the economy, and Disclosure.

He looks at all our “what if?” fears around Ascension and other matters and suggests that the fear of “what if?” will slow us down in preparing for Ascension. He discusses the wise course of action for listeners in China and how international audiences and readers will be coming to an awareness of 2012 and want to reach out to connect around the planet.

Thanks to Ellen for such a swift transcription.


Blessings to all,

DHS downgrades Coast Guard sailors to faulty weapons

By James Smith
8 Sept 2012
If a day of the week ends with the letter Y, then you can be assured that the Department of Homeland Security has made a purchase of either ammunition, explosives, overpriced bagpipes, or firearms.
Well, this time it’s firearms.
But not any kind of firearms, we’re talking a rifle that is scary looking and under performs. The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center requested the purchase of fourty Colt M4 Carbines to replace the existing inventory of M16 service rifle at the Coast Guard Military Law Enforcement Academy rifle training center.
This is EXACTLY what they want:
  • 3-round bursts; removable carrying handle;
  • 5.56×45 NATO (.223 rem.);
  • Weight 6.11 lbs (2.771 kg);
  • Overall length (stock retracted) 29.8 in. (75.69 cm);
  • Overall length (stock extended) 33 in. (83.82 cm);
  • barrel length 14.5 in. (35.56 cm);
  • Rate of fire 700-950 rpm; rifling 1/7 rh;
  • Effective range 600 m.
And when they described the needs, they redacted the requesting official’s information, “Description of Supplies/Services”, and signatures to hide the responsible persons requesting the purchase from the American public. See below images.

Attorney Orly Taitz: Two Obama ballot challenge hearings set - September 24 in MS and September 26 in IN

Attorney Orly Taitz: Two Obama ballot challenge hearings set - September 24 in MS and September 26 in IN

Other states to follow at later dates

California Bar Association: “The alleged forgery of Obama’s birth certificate is a matter of national security”

Press release
September 8, 2012
Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
Honorable Sherry K. Reid granted a motion by Attorney Orly Taitz to conduct an emergency hearing for an injunction preventing candidate for the U.S. President in 2012 Barack Hussein Obama to be on the ballot in the State of Indiana due to fraud committed by Obama and due to his use of forged IDs.
Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro, aka Barack (Barry) Soebarkah, a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still a citizen of Kenya, committed fraud by submitting his candidacy to be on the ballot in Indiana and other states, as he is using a forged birth certificate, forged Selective Service certificate and a stolen Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 as a proof of his identity.
The hearing in Indiana is scheduled only two days after a hearing in Jackson, Mississippi before federal judge Henry Wingate.
It is expected that the hearing in Indiana will be more fruitful, as there is still a question of jurisdiction of Federal court in Mississippi and legitimacy of removal of the case from the Supreme Court of Mississippi to the Federal court by the defendants Democratic party of Mississippi and Secretary of State of Mississippi. While the decision of Judge Wingate in MS might be limited to jurisdiction of the Federal court (as there was a stay on Plaintiff’s filing on other issues) there is expected to be a ruling on preliminary injunction in Indiana.
Judge Reid is asked to bar/block/ prevent placement of Obama’s name on the ballot in the general election due to Obama’s use of forged IDs, or (to) temporarily block placement of his name until valid original IDs are provided to overcome a mountain of evidence of fraud.
Fraud and forgery were detected in his alleged birth certificate, Selective Service certificate and Social Security number.
Additionally, in MS Plaintiff Taitz sought sanctions and an evidential hearing against attorneys Sam Begley and Scott J. Tepper, who submitted to the court Obama’s alleged copy of birth certificate, seeking judicial notice, de facto legitimization of it, while they had in their possession evidence pointing to forgery in that certificate.
The California Bar Association responded to a complaint by attorney Taitz regarding breach of ethics by attorney Scott J.Tepper, who is a CA attorney, representing the Democratic party of MS under pro hac vice. The alleged forgery of Obama’s birth certificate is a matter of national security and needs to be resolved by the trial court and law enforcement.
Criminal complaints have been submitted to the Attorney General of MS, District Attorney of Hinds County MS, District Attorneys of Los Angeles County and Orange County CA, as well as the MS bar. There has been no response from them as yet.
Currently Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz is making arrangements to fly to MS, and from there to Indiana.
Taitz is asking supporters to be there in court to support her and to donate for her work, and for the expenses of these cases and other cases currently in different stages in TX, CA and other states.
MS hearing
September 24, 9:30 am
Federal Court building
Jackson MS
U.S. Federal District Court Judge Henry Wingate
IN hearing
September 26, 1:30 pm
Marion County Superior Court
Indianapolis , IN
Judge Sherry K.Reid

End of Press Release

Dr Orly TaitzESQ
29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411  fax949-766-7603