Sunday, September 9, 2012

(Important) Keshe: The world peace invitation and release of technology / US Presidential Decree and Keshe Foundation response / Georgi Stankov: The Dark Soul

On September 21, 2012 Dr. Keshe will be releasing his patents and inventions to all countries that have signed up with his foundation. Patents to advance technologies will be released world-wide in the areas of free energy, antigravy, growing lost limbs, communications, etc. as a power play against the dark cabal and help establish world peace. Dr. Keshe is married to a Belgium women and the Keshe Foundation is based in Belgium. Obama recently signed an Executive Order / Presidential Decree to prosecute any U.S. business that does business with the Keshe Foundation. See link to Executive Order below. Don’t miss advanced lightworker Georgi Stankov’s information below and his latest newsletter at the bottom. –B

The world peace invitation and release of technology: The 2nd international presentation: How to become an axis of evil
Details Category: News
We have been asked to make our point clear about the upcoming expected and possible war between Iran and US.
We release the new information below to pre-empt any new plans for a new war in the world and as a prelude to our conference in September.
We explain here how nations like Iran are made to look as if they become an axis of evil in the eyes of the international community through pre-planned actions of some nations to start new international crises.
Prepare yourselves as this will be a long read, but it is important that one understands why we call upon nations for our upcoming meeting. We are fully aware of what we are releasing and now we want not only the nations but the citizens of the earth to understand the real depth of the Foundation's knowledge of the hidden working of all nations and the reasons for our actions, even though sometimes they look as if they are against our ethos. (Please advise if you see any mistakes in the text for them to be corrected.)
The second part of this statement will be released soon by the Foundation.
For those who do not know, here we lay the groundwork for the effort of the Foundation for the peace conference due on the 6th of September of 2012 in Keshe foundation center in Belgium.



The text below is the copy of the official invitation to the leaders of your governments through their embassies in Belgium.
These emails will start leaving the Foundation and will be forwarded to every ambassador in Belgium in the next two weeks.
We will publish the name of the country and the email address used so that you can follow the progress of your government’s response.
From now on it is up to you to see that the implications of this technology are understood in your country of origin.

Read more:


US Presidential Decree and Keshe Foundation response

Details Category: News

Question from the forum:
Mr. Keshe, News of Barack Obama's censorship of the Keshe technology is disgusting to all of us here in the US that have been anxiously following your developments. Could you please cite the specific Executive Order that created this situation. The White House posts allegedly all executive orders at this URL, I would like to report this on my own website, but need a specific identification to verify the claim.

Keshe Foundation response

The space defense technology developed by the Keshe Foundation using magnetic and gravitational force fields (Magravs) has proved to be the best method for blocking magnetic field communication systems at any frequency.

The system is capable of jamming all communication lines and when used correctly can directly block all communication in a large area even from a distance.

This means that with a minimum effort all satellite communications can be blocked.

We tested this system 4 years ago and saw the results.

When this system is used effectively by forces that are active in a certain area, the opposite side cannot send information to its destined receiver.

The recent US decree proves their concern about how advanced the technology is and shows that the opposite side is being prevented from carrying out its operations.

Thus there is more to this decree than is seen at first glance.

In reality it shows that the US does not have any system that can overcome such a powerful and advanced technology, and by means of the decree they are trying to outlaw new technologies so that they have an excuse to label organizations like the Keshe Foundation as a rogue organization.

We are open, we stay open and we invite US scientists to join us so that we can use this technology effectively for the protection of craft in deep space.

This technology was developed by the Keshe Foundation, as described in our patent applications, so that in deep space crafts can be protected from any high level magnetic field radiation zones that are detected, and the systems and passengers can be safe when the crafts are traveling through them.

One of the uses of this new technology is to block any magnetic field carrying information throughout a large target area in space. This is how the Drum was captured, as it was blocked from receiving information from its control satellites during the procedure.

In a word, “Welcome to the real space technology,” and to seeing it working in real life on a large scale.

Our technology is on offer to the US government also, if they are prepared to accept that Iranian nuclear physicists are not necessarily betraying their nation if they share space technology with them.

We are here to bring about world peace so that mankind will be ready to join the universal community.

If sharing technology between friendly nations like Iran and the US is a criminal act then man of today has sunk lower than in the days of the cavemen.

We have invited NASA to explain their UFO technology and we are ready to do the same and explain our Magravs system to them.

This offer was made to them in an interview in a livestream conference in LA last Sunday and we will see what their response will be.

Our message to the US President.

Your Excellency President Obama,

We offer you a path towards real world peace through the development of this new technology for the whole human race, using advanced technological know-how, and we hope you are open enough to listen first and then to enact a decree that can bring about this peace.

There are times when being attacked only makes the opponent stronger; with a decree such as that of 23 April 2012, more people now want to know what is the weakness in the US defense capability that has led to such a decree.

Your Excellency President Obama,

We offer you a path towards real world peace through the development of this new technology for the whole human race

I invite you to a direct presentation of our technology to you and your cabinet, to be given on neutral ground where the president of Iran could also be present and where no one betrays anyone else, so that we can all understand the fundamental change that is about to be brought to mankind. Then let us talk about genuine world peace.

As I said in my Sunday interview in Los Angeles, let us convert the military factories of the US to provide resources for a US space organization, so that the tools of war become the craft of universal peace.

The aircraft carriers of the US will become nothing but floating bathtubs if our Magravs technology is used effectively, and the runways full of F16s and 18s and so on will be nothing but runway museums of iron birds, as these craft will not be able to fly if their electronic systems are once touched by Magravs space technology. These crafts and battleships would have to be rewired from A to Z before they could ever operate again.

President Obama, we invite you to understand this change and to let us show you the technology that is bringing it about. Then we invite you to the table of world peace.
Please sign a decree for genuine peace and not a gagging order for science and technology, which your people understand fully what we have developed as they try to protect the pride of your nation.

This is not a question of the pride of one group or country, but pride for all of us in the advancement of the human race to new levels of understanding of the universal order of creation, in which we each have our place.

Your Ambassador and Consul in Belgium have direct access to me from our previous talks and correspondence with them and would pass on any communication.

With kindest regards from a peace loving man who has developed this powerful technology for the good of mankind,

M T Keshe

Drake has also posted the same info on his website:


Advanced lightworker Georgi Stankov has the following posted on his website. –B

Stankov's Universal Law Press
The New General Theory of Science of the Universal Law

The Dark Soul of Obama Fully Exposed

By Georgi Stankov
Posted on July 14, 2012
Technical Information

I had to delete the direct links to Obama’s executive orders in this article as they prohibited the access to my article for some readers. We had this technical problem already in the past. You still have the link to the official website of the US-government where you can find these executive orders.



Five minutes after I published this article, the Keshe Foundation website was blocked by Google on the Internet. Shame on all the dark forces and on the abominable Obama-government.
15.00 CET, July 14, 2012
After the Keshe Foundation website was blocked, I was so angry with the dark Cabal that I performed my Christed Light meditation, published on this website and in a first step I threw away all Rothschild and Rockefeller dark entities out of this planet and the universe. The energies I sent were so powerful that I visualized immediately how these dark entities flew away and out of this universe enveloped in an energy spiral.
If I am an ascended master and in full power of my creative forces since July 9, I must also achieve that the Internet blockages of the dark forces should immediately stop, I thought under the impetus of my HS. I did another mantra with Christed light and then immediately checked the link to the Keshe Foundation website and…. it was accessible again.
This was a very powerful demonstration of my HS that we can now really create anything that is of light. Hence I urge you to begin to purge mentally in an active manner any negative aspect on the earth that worries you and elicits your discontent or even disdain.
Use my meditation method with Christed light for this purpose and concentrate all your emotional power to achieve this purge of the rest dark forces and their patterns from the earth. The more we purge now, the quicker we will ascend. This is what I received as information today from my HS (Higher Self). I will discuss this issue also in the coming days. But start to believe strongly that you can achieve anything from now on.


This is from Stankov's Universal Law Press

Meditation with Christed Light
I have written in my previous reports about this powerful energetic method as to how to protect against dark entities, but will summarize it for you one more time as you may not find it easily on my website. I assume that you will easily learn to apply it, as you said, “you have a steep learning curve”. Use it as often as you can in the coming days beginning today:

You start immediately with the following meditation. You relax in your bed and then ask loud your soul, your soul family, your soul tribe, all forces from the causal worlds, all forces of light, all angels and archangels, until the 12th dimension up to the Source (in this order please)  to help you cope with these dark attacks from your family and be Christ protected.

Then you begin to visualize a spiral of white christed energy from the source and how it wraps your whole body. Then you begin to spin this energy into an impermeable energy ball around your body in the following way:

Three times you make an energy circle like the equator from left to right and then three times you make a meridian from left to right (or from above to bottom) and three time a circle starting from your body and circulating it away from the body. All circles are thus perpendicular to each other and build a complete 3d- ball. You have to use your Imagination until you become more experienced in this procedure.

Then you expand the energy ball of white christed light and wrap up your house and then you repeat the three circles each one three times again. Then you expand the energy ball for a third time as much as you can imagine, say the whole Delaware, and repeat the above procedure.

When you have finished with this part of the procedure you do it once again, this time wrapping the reptilian entity in your family that attacks you – first his/her body, then her house and then as far as you can reach.  While doing this, you are sending all the time your love and good wishes and then you should cry as loud as you can  and as often as you wish: “Leave my energy fields immediately” while imagining how this entity is wrapped in the ball of white christed light and is taken away by the energy spiral and thrown out of the galaxy.

When you have trained this procedure it takes about 15 minutes to complete it. Start immediately and do it several times a day – especially in the morning and before going to bed, and as often as you can during the day. You will feel the difference very soon.

Do this meditation and purging  procedure for at least a month and then anew each time you feel vulnerable. Now the energies are such that it will have even greater power than half an year ago. I had problems with an aggressive neighbor and I neutralized him to such an extent that I have not seen him after that for more than a year and a half and he stopped bothering me.

It works fabulously. It is important that you send as much love and as intensively as you can as in this way you imprison this dark entity in christed love and she/he can no longer move and escape this light prison, in which you have wrapped him and you are thus protected.

A letter from advanced lightworker Georgi Stankov to Gwen. –B

Dear Gwen,

This is a very explosive controversy and indicative of what will come very soon. Although I have no means to verify the claims of the Iranians, this is a very clever move that offsets with one stroke the technological aspirations of the USA and makes their ineffective present-day technology ready for the museum.

This is what we will actually bring to humanity when we will ascend and implement the new 4d-technologies.

The executive orders of the US-president against Iran and Syria have nothing to do with their regimes, which are dictatorial, no doubt about it, but with the clandestine technological warfare that is now being waged between the Western Cabal and some independent Asian countries, which are under the umbrella of the forces of light and have now started to cooperate with the GF on new technological inventions.


My information is that there is also ancient technology in Syria and Iran, just as this was the case in Libya and Iraq, and the Rothschild, Rockefeller Cabal faction wanted to take control over this technology, which is expected to be activated in the End Times when the crystalline grid of Gaia will work with full power. This is the only reason why they invaded both countries, respectively bombed Libya and occupied it in a clandestine manner, just as they now want to invade Syria, but encounter a fierce opposition from Russia and China, which learned from their debacle with Libya.

I published some time ago about a similar ancient site with advanced alien technology, most probably of Pleiadian origin, in Romania, which was activated simultaneously with another ancient site near Baghdad in 2004, soon after the American invasion of Iraq.

This story with the Keshe Foundation carries all the elements that clearly prove that Obama is a very dark entity and only has in his mind to promote the agenda of the Western Cabal that have heaved him on power. There is no better proof than this one, and the initiative of the Keshe foundation, even if it remains a “paper tiger”, as the Germans use to say, clearly exposes the dark side of this president with a very black soul and his criminal government. What more proofs does one need?

With love and light


Below is advanced lightworker Dr. Stankov’s latest newsletter. –B

We are in the End Times, the most glorious times in the history of earth and mankind.

Dr. Georgi Stankov, MD
August 25, 2011

The End Times are the Times of Ascension of this planet and most human beings to the 5th dimension, which is the “Paradise” promised to humans by all religions.
Humans will be able to overcome in the course of this and next year the physical death and transform their biological bodies to crystalline light bodies. Human race will be transmuted in the blink of an eye to a transgalactic multidimensional civilization with highly expanded consciousness. Humans will again become Gods, as they always are as pure souls in the higher realms. from where they incarnate on earth.

This is the Divine Plan for this planet and human race in the current End Times.

A central piece of this plan is the mission, which the author of this website, Dr. Georgi Stankov, had to accomplish in his last incarnation on earth.
With the help of the Highest Realms of Cosmic Providence, from where he comes as a soul, he discovered the Universal Law of Nature, which is the physical presentation of the Law of Oneness, also known as Logos in Antiquity.
With the help of the Law, Stankov integrated the whole modern physics by deriving all known physical laws and natural constants from the Universal Equation (see Table below).
In addition, he developed the new General Theory of Biological Regulation of the human organism and furnished the scientific basis for the Light Body Process that leads to human Ascension.
He thus developed a complete new General Theory of Science of the Universal Law, which integrates all physical and other natural, and social sciences currently established on earth.

At the same time, the new Theory eliminates all wrong basic concepts of present-day empirical science, which rejects the existence of the soul and the higher realms of Creation. In other words, the author eliminates the ignorance of current human science and substitutes it with the divine knowledge of the Universal Law of All-That-Is.

The new Theory also eliminates all religions on this planet, which have so far failed to furnish an irrefutable proof for the existence of God. They will not enter the new Matrix of ascended humanity, which will be installed on earth in the course of this and next year.

This new website is the scientific “Proof of God” (“Gottesbeweis”), which humanity has always endeavored to find, but has so far failed to render.

It represents a complete library (archive) of the lifetime intellectual achievement of the author as a scientist, a researcher, and a thinker. This website encompasses the edition of 15 books in four languages (English, German, Bulgarian, and Russian) and many publications on 5000 pages in total.

The new Science of the Universal Law also integrates philosophy, theology, and esotericism to a new scientific Transcendental Human Gnosis. It is the basis of the new Science of Ascension of humanity that will emerge in the fall of this year.

Purely for this reason, the Divine Plan foresees that the author will transform his carbon-based organic body into light body in the fall of 2011 and will officially appear in front of humanity as the first Ascended Master of current End Times.

He will herald the Ascension of earth and mankind in 2012 and will demonstrate to the whole world the immortality of the human soul and the incarnated entity. Other Ascended Masters will soon follow his example.

This demonstration will be the material “Proof of God”, which slumbering, agnostic mankind so desperately needs as to finally awaken to the transcendental reality of All-That-Is.

The spiritual, intellectual “Proof of God” can be already found on this website. One has only to read and comprehend all the books and publications of the author.

The full apprehension of his Theory will be, however, possible only after Ascension in the 5th dimension, when all ascended entities will enjoy a hugely expanded consciousness, This kind of awareness is not possible in the low frequency three-dimensional density of this planet. Hence the necessity of mankind to ascend.

This website was created in a tour de force in the first three weeks of August 2011. All the summaries of the books and many publications on Ascension 2012 and Economic Collapse in 2011 were written or revised during this time and are of great actuality.

This achievement was only possible because of the incredible expedience, competence, and creativity of Chris, who designed and developed this website with such a sovereignty and dexterity that I still could not stop admiring him.
The Integration of Physics on a Single Page With the Help of the Universal Law (click on image for full screen)

Iran threatens to bring war to U.S. shores

WND Exclusive: Iran threatens to bring war to U.S. shores

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Reports: Terror cells preparing to strike from South America

Published: 4 hours ago
Reza Kahlili served in CIA Directorate of Operations, as a spy in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, counterterrorism expert; currently serves on the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, an advisory board authorized by Congress. He is the author of the award winning book "A Time to Betray" and regularly appears in national and international media as an expert on Iran and counterterrorism in the Middle East.More Less

The deputy chief commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards warned this past week that any aggression against Iran will expand warfare onto the turf of its enemies.

“Our nation is ready to rub the enemies’ snout into dust and send thousands of coffins to their cities,” Gen. Hossein Salami told Fars News Agency.
“Any aggression against Iran will expand the war into the borders of the enemies,” he warned. “They know our power, and we won’t allow any aggression against our land.”

The general cited two reasons for what he called the greatness of the Islamic regime: “One is that the supreme leader, who is the deputy of the Hidden Imam [the Shiites' 12th Imam], rules with power, knowledge, penetrating the hearts; the other is the martyrs who shed their blood for the greatness of the country.”

In praising those martyrs, he said, “God states in the Quran that martyrs are alive and not to consider them as dead, as they had the art to exchange death to life and reach eternal life.”

Salami likened the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to a sun shining on the Islamic world, and that despite all the international sanctions and threats, Iran is progressing on all fronts.

Fars News Agency also reported a stern warning by Gen. Hassan Firoozabadi, head of the Army’s Joint Chiefs of Staff. Although he accused the U.S. and European nations of supporting al-Qaida and “terrorists” in Syria, he warned that America and the European countries should expect major attacks by al-Qaida and other terrorist groups in their homelands.

As reported earlier this year, terror cells have been placed on high alert to attack targets in the U.S. and Europe should Iran be attacked. Hundreds of terror cells have infiltrated America and, in collaboration with Hezbollah, are awaiting orders to strike American targets.

Thousands of cells have also been placed in Latin America.
“The Quds Force has established a command and control center in both Bolivia and Venezuela,” a former Iranian official with knowledge of the regime’s terror network recently revealed. “Though it has presence in Europe and other parts of the world, it has focused on Latin America. Thousands of such cells have been placed in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela.”
A recent report from within Nicaragua indicated that Iran has established a training base in the northern part of that country, where operatives, including Hezbollah terrorists, are being readied for an attack on U.S. and Israeli interests should a war break out with Iran.

Hassan Abassi, a former Guard commander and a current strategist, has stated that many of the cells are of Latin American origin, including from Mexico, and that several hundred targets have been identified in the U.S. for a possible attack.

“If America dares to destabilize the Islamic Republic of Iran, it should have no doubt that we will destabilize America,” Abassi said.
Another senior commander of the Islamic regime, Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, recently warned America, “In the face of any attack, we will have a crushing response. In that case, we will not only act in the boundaries of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf; no place in America will be safe from our attacks.”

Khamenei has also warned America that any conflict will expand beyond the region. That same warning was issued days ago by Hassan Nasrallah, the general secretary of the terrorist group Hezbollah.

The response by Iran in case of an attack on its nuclear facilities will be “very great,” Nazrallah said.

Thousands of Revolutionary Guards and paramilitary forces of the Basij are set to conduct exercises in the coming weeks within Iranian cities on the occasion of the week of holy defense, an annual event commemorating the Iran-Iraq war. According to a source within the Guards intelligence division who has defected to Europe, the exercise is a practice to use force against the Iranian population and to militarize and take control of major cities because the regime expects another uprising over deteriorating economic conditions and major resentment by the majority of Iranians against the Islamic regime.
Reza Kahlili translated this Iranian video about Islamic prophecies of a coming messiah and the destruction of Israel:

Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and author of the award-winning book “A Time to Betray” (Simon & Schuster, 2010). He serves on the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and the advisory board of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI).

FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America

Guilty until proven innocent - only in AMERIKA - welcome to Swaziland

FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America

Published: 08 September, 2012, 00:38
FBI logo.(Foto
FBI logo.(Foto
Birthmarks, be damned: the FBI has officially started rolling out a state-of-the-art face recognition project that will assist in their effort to accumulate and archive information about each and every American at a cost of a billion dollars.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has reached a milestone in the development of their Next Generation Identification (NGI) program and is now implementing the intelligence database in unidentified locales across the country, New Scientist reports in an article this week. The FBI first outlined the project back in 2005, explaining to the Justice Department in an August 2006 document (.pdf) that their new system will eventually serve as an upgrade to the current Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) that keeps track of citizens with criminal records across America .
“The NGI Program is a compilation of initiatives that will either improve or expand existing biometric identification services,” its administrator explained to the Department of Justice at the time, adding that the project, “will accommodate increased information processing and sharing demands in support of anti-terrorism.”
“The NGI Program Office mission is to reduce terrorist and criminal activities by improving and expanding biometric identification and criminal history information services through research, evaluation and implementation of advanced technology within the IAFIS environment.”
The agency insists, “As a result of the NGI initiatives, the FBI will be able to provide services to enhance interoperability between stakeholders at all levels of government, including local, state, federal, and international partners.” In doing as such, though, the government is now going ahead with linking a database of images and personally identifiable information of anyone in their records with departments around the world thanks to technology that makes fingerprint tracking seem like kids' stuff.
According to their 2006 report, the NGI program utilizes “specialized requirements in the Latent Services, Facial Recognition and Multi-modal Biometrics areas” that “will allow the FnewBI to establish a terrorist fingerprint identification system that is compatible with other systems; increase the accessibility and number of the IAFIS terrorist fingerprint records; and provide latent palm print search capabilities.”
Is that just all, though? During a 2010 presentation (.pdf) made by the FBI’s Biometric Center of Intelligence, the agency identified why facial recognition technology needs to be embraced. Specifically, the FBI said that the technology could be used for “Identifying subjects in public datasets,” as well as “conducting automated surveillance at lookout locations” and “tracking subject movements,” meaning NGI is more than just a database of mug shots mixed up with fingerprints — the FBI has admitted that this their intent with the technology surpasses just searching for criminals but includes spectacular surveillance capabilities. Together, it’s a system unheard of outside of science fiction.
New Scientist reports that a 2010 study found technology used by NGI to be accurate in picking out suspects from a pool of 1.6 million mug shots 92 percent of the time. The system was tested on a trial basis in the state of Michigan earlier this year, and has already been cleared for pilot runs in Washington, Florida and North Carolina. Now according to this week’s New Scientist report, the full rollout of the program has begun and the FBI expects its intelligence infrastructure to be in place across the United States by 2014.
In 2008, the FBI announced that it awarded Lockheed Martin Transportation and Security Solutions, one of the Defense Department’s most favored contractors, with the authorization to design, develop, test and deploy the NGI System. Thomas E. Bush III, the former FBI agent who helped develop the NGI's system requirements, tells, "The idea was to be able to plug and play with these identifiers and biometrics." With those items being collected without much oversight being admitted, though, putting the personal facts pertaining to millions of Americans into the hands of some playful Pentagon staffers only begins to open up civil liberties issues.
Jim Harper, director of information policy at the Cato Institute, adds to NextGov that investigators pair facial recognition technology with publically available social networks in order to build bigger profiles. Facial recognition "is more accurate with a Google or a Facebook, because they will have anywhere from a half-dozen to a dozen pictures of an individual, whereas I imagine the FBI has one or two mug shots," he says. When these files are then fed to law enforcement agencies on local, federal and international levels, intelligence databases that include everything from close-ups of eyeballs and irises to online interests could be shared among offices.
The FBI expects the NGI system to include as many as 14 million photographs by the time the project is in full swing in only two years, but the pace of technology and the new connections constantly created by law enforcement agencies could allow for a database that dwarfs that estimate. As RT reported earlier this week, the city of Los Angeles now considers photography in public space “suspicious,” and authorizes LAPD officers to file reports if they have reason to believe a suspect is up to no good. Those reports, which may not necessarily involve any arrests, crimes, charges or even interviews with the suspect, can then be filed, analyzed, stored and shared with federal and local agencies connected across the country to massive data fusion centers. Similarly, live video transmissions from thousands of surveillance cameras across the country are believed to be sent to the same fusion centers as part of TrapWire, a global eye-in-the-sky endeavor that RT first exposed earlier this year.
Facial recognition creates acute privacy concerns that fingerprints do not,” US Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota) told the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on privacy, technology and the law earlier this year. “Once someone has your faceprint, they can get your name, they can find your social networking account and they can find and track you in the street, in the stores you visit, the government buildings you enter, and the photos your friends post online.”
In his own testimony, Carnegie Mellon University Professor Alessandro Acquisti said to Sen. Franken, “the convergence of face recognition, online social networks and data mining has made it possible to use publicly available data and inexpensive technologies to produce sensitive inferences merely starting from an anonymous face.”
“Face recognition, like other information technologies, can be source of both benefits and costs to society and its individual members,” Prof. Acquisti added. “However, the combination of face recognition, social networks data and data mining can significant undermine our current notions and expectations of privacy and anonymity.”
With the latest report suggesting the NGI program is now a reality in America, though, it might be too late to try and keep the FBI from interfering with seemingly every aspect of life in the US, both private and public. As of July 18, 2012, the FBI reports, “The NGI program … is on scope, on schedule, on cost, and 60 percent deployed.”

New York Police Department Opens a New Branch in Kfar Saba, Israel

New York Police Department Opens a New Branch in Kfar Saba, Israel

By Madison Ruppert
September 8, 2012
In what just might be one of the strangest recent news stories, Israeli news outlets are reporting that the New York Police Department (NYPD) is opening a branch in Kfar Saba, a city in the Sharon region of the Central District of Israel.
The above are just a few examples among countless others showing the NYPD to be a corrupt, deplorable entity which apparently has no problem with going far beyond the legal limits.
The above are just a few examples among countless others showing the NYPD to be a corrupt, deplorable entity which apparently has no problem with going far beyond the legal limits.
Now the NYPD has made all their past activities look almost reasonable by actually opening up a branch in Israel supposedly in order to strengthen the NYPD’s ties with the Israeli security forces according to the Ma’ariv newspaper (non-translated version here) in Israel.
The Times of Israel reports, “the prestigious police force was looking to cooperate on a daily basis with the Israel Police, one of the main police forces worldwide with which NYPD has strong ties.”
The NYPD’s Israeli branch is to be headed up by veteran NYPD detective Charlie Ben-Naim. Ben-Naim reportedly is of Israeli origin and married a native New Yorker after traveling to New York to study. He later decided to join the NYPD while maintaining close ties to Israel.
According to Al-Monitor, Ben-Naim dealt with a range of responsibilities for the NYPD including “the extradition of criminals, the transmitting of intelligence information and assistance in the location of missing persons, both in the United States and in Israel.”
In concert with the Israeli police, it was decided that Ben-Naim would not work out of the United States embassy but actually “from a building of the Sharon District Police headquarters, situated close to the Kfar Sava station.”
They even went as far as to hang the NYPD sign at the entrance of the district headquarters with one wall bearing a sign reading, “New York Police Department, the best police department in the world.”
One must wonder what a domestic police force in the United States has expanded into a foreign country, but unfortunately it is not just Israel which houses intelligence liaison offices for the NYPD.
Indeed, according to an article published in the SpyTalk blog on The Washington Post in 2010, the NYPD had opened intelligence division liaison offices in a whopping 11 countries.
In the article, the author Jeff Stein noted many concerns about the lack of oversight and accountability for the NYPD officers stationed abroad. Furthermore, he noted the fact that the foundation that actually funds the NYPD intelligence division’s International Liaison Program (ILP) has a striking lack of transparency.
The ILP is actually supported by private donations through the New York Police Foundation and the foundation will not disclose how much they have actually given to the NYPD beyond stating that they sought to raise $1.5 million for the program in 2010 alone.
The NYPD refuses to state if or how much of their $178 million intelligence and counterterrorism budget goes towards placing officers in foreign countries and the New York City Council member himself tasked with police oversight barely knows anything about the ILP.
The council member, Peter Vallone, Jr., doesn’t even know the full budget allocated to the ILP and when asked if it was “fair to say” that he had no idea what the ILP was actually spending he replied, “that’s fair. But my main concern is their use of taxpayer funds here in NYC,” according to Stein.
Leonard Levitt, former veteran police reporter for Newsday, called it “a mini-CIA,” adding, “There are no safeguards to ensure that the NYPD doesn’t break the law.”
Even the former head of the FBI Office of International Operations from 2004 to 2008, Thomas Fuentes, called the ILP “a complete waste of money.”
Laura Rozen puts it well in writing that one of the major concerns is, “that the NYPD intelligence division operates overseas entirely outside the chain of command, or oversight, of US federal agencies.”
Indeed, this is quite troubling and the fact that a domestic police agency is operating overseas seems outright absurd, yet it doesn’t seem to bother anyone enough to actually bring this issue to light and question the legitimacy of the practice.
Hopefully this latest revelation will help push Americans, and especially New Yorkers, to begin demanding increased transparency and scrutiny.
Note from End the Lie: Please support our work and help us start to pay contributors by doing your shopping through our Amazon link or check out some must-have products at our store.
This article originally appeared on End the Lie

Obama Executive Order Will Nationalize the Demonization of US Veterans as Mentally Ill


Obama Executive Order Will Nationalize the Demonization of US Veterans as Mentally Ill

By Susanne Posel
September 3, 2012
The demonization of US veterans has been a reoccurring theme in mainstream media as of late.
Last week, it was recounted by mainstream media (MSM) that Terence Tyler, former US Marine had opened fire on his co-workers at a New Jersey supermarket called Pathmark before turning the gun on himself.
Tyler was reported to have been carrying an AK-47 with several rounds of ammunition, as well as a handgun when he began “shooting seemingly at random” into the supermarket.
The semiautomatic weapon Tyler used in the shooting is purported to be illegal according to New Jersey state laws if it is enhanced with elements that would raise the gun to the level of assault rifle.
Bruce Kaplan, Middlesex County prosecutor said that there were 16 shots fired in the Pathmark store at 4 am wherein 2 co-workers of Tyler were killed. Kaplan asserts that he does not “believe they were specifically targeted. I believe everybody in the store was a target. It appears he opened fire on the employees that he observed in the store when he entered the store.”
Richard Ulsh, Marine Corps Captain and spokesman confirmed that Tyler had been in active duty between March of 2008 and February of 2010 in California and was discharged as a lance corporal with a specialty as a rifleman.
Ulsh also stated that Tyler was part of the “national emergency” unit that would be deployed in the event of a terrorist attack.
By using Tyler’s Facebook and Twitter accounts to demonize him, the MSM are claiming that Tyler was a depressed, ticking time-bomb just waiting to explode. By citing a post on his Twitter account (which has since been locked to public view) Tyler allegedly said three years ago: “is it normal to want to kill ALL of ur coworkers?”
This comment does not fit the facts begin reported by the MSM that Tyler began his employment with Pathmark only 2 weeks ago – when the Tweet about co-workers was stated over 3 years ago.
In case of former US Marine Brandon Raub , we witnessed the indefinite detention of a decorated solider under the guise of mental instability for speaking out against the US government on Facebook.
Many others, including a radio talk-show host and more former military have been forcibly removed from their homes and taken to VA psychiatric wards where they were sequestered and threatened with the intention to not only remove their guns, but also possibly use dangerous cocktails of psychotropic drugs to control their minds.
Last week, Obama signed an executive order (EO) entitled, “Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families” with the supposed focus on strengthening “support for the emotional and mental health needs of our service members and their families.”
In this EO, Obama takes control over the evaluation of the mental health of our returning service men and women by providing US government controlled “effective mental health services for veterans, service members, and their families.”
Obama is authorizing the coordination of the Departments of Veterans and the Department of Defense (DoD), as well as the Departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Defense to “transition” veterans back into “civilian life”.
Keeping in line with touting all veterans as mentally defective, substance abusers and suicidal, Obama demands that the VA and the DoD collaborate to provide proactive measures and a psychiatric pre-screen of returning service men and women to prevent erratic behavior.
The DoD will “review all existing mental health and substance abuse prevention, education and outreach programs” within the military services and access their effectiveness.
During a private “roundtable” discussion at Fort Bliss in Texas, Obama met with members of the military and addressed active duty troops. The Obama administration’s focus is on identifying and “providing additional support” to soldiers who have been diagnosed with “post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries (TBI)”.
Previously, the DoD have come out publicly to state that US veterans suffering from TBI and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) are considered potentially violent and dangerous.
Doctors for the DoD claim CTE is an incurable disease soldiers may develop after having injured their brain in battle. CTE is explained as causing large bursts of anger and depression while having their vital motor skills and memory impacted; as well as being degenerative of whose effects can manifest themselves days, months or years after the initial trauma.
The DoD is tracking soldiers diagnosed with TBI/CTE because, according to the US government agency, they may display personality changes that could come on without warning and effect their ability to acclimate back into American society.
At Fort Detrick and Fort Bragg, in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the US military is conducting clinical trials on 2,000 solders to create a medical screen to detect a person’s propensity toward TBI/CTE by measuring biomarkers.
The Obama administration devised a report in 2011 entitled “Strengthening Our Military Families” that focuses on the mental stability of our US service men and women. It questions whether or not their exposure to battlefield conditions, TBI/CTE, and diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) is causing them to be a potential danger to society.
Hidden under bureaucracy of promising to develop governmental systems to aid veterans, the document is directed at identifying all veteran’s potential to become mentally incapacitated due to some psychiatric disorder which would cause them to become violent, depressed, aggressive and inevitably dangerous to society.
The EO also allocates the US government-sponsored use of local community mental health clinics, community health centers, substance abuse treatment facilities, and rural health clinics to assist the DoD in identifying veterans who may be suffering from mental illness and would therefore have federal agencies working with private sector health providers to ensure veterans get the psychiatric help they need in “a timely way”.
Obama has ordered 15 “pilot projects” to be established to create an integrated mental health system wherein the DoD would have complete oversight. The DoD would also be at the liberty of defining the parameters of the objective need of mental healthcare of veterans.
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs (SVA) will employ 800 peer counselors by 2013 that will be controlled and disseminated by the DoD under directives of the SVA. Collaborative tools and monetary oversight will remain with the SVA as an estimate 1,600 mental healthcare workers is expected to be needed to deal with the issue of mentally ill veterans nationally.
A National Research Action Plan will be established by May of 2013 that will be sponsored by the US government to use biomarkers for “early diagnosis and treatment” of veterans who tested positive for a propensity toward TBI/CTE.
Obama wants to integrate electronic data sharing of information about veterans and their predetermined mental status between federal agencies, academia and state-sponsored research facilities to create pharmaceutical and psychiatric answers to this supposed burgeoning problem.
The goal of the Obama administration is to devise a “comprehensive longitudinal mental health study with an emphasis on PTSD, TBI, and related injuries” to identify mental health issues in veterans and enroll veterans in a long-term plan coordinated with the Department of Veteran Affairs which will be directed by the DoD.
The creation of a Task Force to advise Obama on how to deal with mental illness and veterans will be established within 180 days of the EO. This Task Force will alone define specific goals on how to best combat veterans alleged fall into mental illness with specific regard to TBI/CTE and post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD).
The US government’s goal is to identify these veterans and label them with a progressive, unstable and degenerative disease so that they can refer them to mental hospitals for further evaluation and/or admittance.
The manufactured threat of US veterans stems from the 2009 Department of Homeland Security report entitled Rightwing Extremism. This report clearly outlined that veterans, because of their diverse training in tactical operations, would be a decisive threat to the US government’s plans to declare martial law against the American public in the near future.
Defined in the document were domestic extremists, particularly white supremacists, were proposed to be the newest and most dangerous threat to the US since al-Qaeda.
The US Armed Forces have “discovered” that white supremacists have infiltrated the US military and will the assistance of the FBI-sponsored Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Zionist-controlled Anti-Defamation League (ADL), they are creating a training course to teach active duty military how to spot those infiltrators in their own ranks.
This new EO, the Obama administration’s focus on being able to label military active and former as mentally ill and detain them in psychiatric hospitals is happening right now.
This new EO, the Obama administration’s focus on being able to label military active and former as mentally ill and detain them in psychiatric hospitals is happening right now.
As we have seen in the recent weeks, many of our former service men and women are being carted away to mental wards because the indefinite detention provision in the NDAA has been ruled unconstitutional by New York District Court Judge Katherine Forrester.
However, committing an individual to a mental hospital is not illegal. Our veterans, under this new attack for their sanity is also weighing against their right to bear arms. In every case of detention by way of mental illness of late, those removed were also relived of their guns.
This kind of control over citizens by government was practiced by Mao in China, Communist Russia and Nazi-controlled Germany.
As following in the footsteps of previous dictators, Obama is proving himself to be the next in a dangerous line of Fascist controllers who will imprison his own military if need be to accomplish his goals set forth for him by the global Elite.
Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporate-funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.

On the Verge of War: The Bogus Iranian Nuclear Threat

On the Verge of War: The Bogus Iranian Nuclear Threat

By Stephen LendmanContributor
September 08, 2012
Red lines, timelines, deadlines, sanctions, sabotage, subversion, cyber attacks, assassinations, saber rattling, falsified IAEA hype, ad nauseam warmongering, Netanyahu/Barak bluster, spurious accusations, manipulated to fail P5+1 talks, and inflammatory headlines up the stakes for war.
When America and Israel plan them, they’re coming. Pretexts are easy to invent. False flags precipitate them. Expect Washington to use them against Syria and Iran. War weary Americans are manipulated for more of what they want ended.
Israelis get the same hype. The region heads for rubicon trouble too risky to cross. Most Israelis and Americans oppose it, yet stay sidelined in silence.
No matter how contained or widespread, war is hell. Nuclear war is unthinkable. On September 7, Progressive Radio News Hour listeners heard Francis Boyle explain the potential deadly consequences. Discussion focused on Iran.
He said a British think tank estimated a minimum 2.8 million Iranian deaths. Radiation poisoning could kill double that number. All Israelis will be threatened. Many will die.
The entire country and large parts of regional ones may be irradiated. US Gulf forces, ships, and facilities will sustain heavy losses.
In January 2012, Boyle spoke publicly about The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence Today. He discussed his book by that title. Nuclear terrorism is unconscionable. America alone used these weapons. It’s poised to do so again.
After multiple acts of aggression since 9/11 alone, “(t)oday the world is at a precipice of another world war,” said Boyle. Attacking Iran could precipitate it.
Tactical nuclear weapons are fully integrated into US military theaters. Field commanders have full discretion to use them. They’re one of many WMDs in their arsenal.
War on Iran was planned years ago. GW Bush once publicly threatened World War III. Boyle said no leader was so irrational since Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo.
Bush warned Russia, not Iran. He told Moscow not to challenge America’s agenda. US leaders then and now are over the top. They’ll risk WW III by attacking Iran.
At issue is regional and global dominance. It’s about replacing independent governments with subservient ones. It risks blowing up the world to control it. What better definition of insanity than that.
“We stand on a nuclear precipice,” said Boyle. Its origin “was conceived in the original sins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” Nuclear weapons “have always been criminal!”
Using them against Japan constituted crimes of war and against humanity. Wanton destruction of cities and towns is lawless. No justification warrants it. Saying so compounds the crime.
In his Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence book, Boyle devotes an entire chapter to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He discusses all legal violations committed. They’re codified in international law. America helped write it.
They’re more than wore in documents. They’re inviolable codes too sacred to breach. Doing so constitutes the supreme crime against peace. Nuremberg principles say so.
Risking WW III amounts to cocking a loaded gun at all humanity and squeezing. America threatens innocent people globally with mass extermination. Today Syria and Iran. Tomorrow nations anywhere on every continent. Russia and China comprise the final frontier. Risking armageddon is indefensible.
Bush threatened preventive nuclear war. Obama maintains his policy. In a second term, he’ll likely implement it. So will Romney. US administrations don’t change their spots. They twist law and logic to justify the unjustifiable. They’ll risk millions of lives and perhaps humanity.
America faces no threat. Neither does Israel. Saying so is categorically untrue. Article 2, paragraph 4 of the UN Charter prohibits threats and use of force except in self-defense if attacked.
Article 51 and Nuremberg set inviolable standards. Breaching them constitutes the supreme unforgivable crime. Boyle calls ill-defined “nuclear deterrence” “nuclear terrorism.”
At issue is “planning, preparation, solicitation, and conspiracy to commit Nuremberg crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.”
Lawyers call them “inchoate crimes.” They constitute more than the offenses themselves. They involve preparatory crimes ahead of “substantive offenses.”
Nuremberg criminalized them. Red lines never again to be crossed were established. Approaching them alone constitutes criminality. Nuclear war may end all wars if humanity doesn’t survive to wage them.
America and Israel comprise the greatest threats. Leadership in both countries reflect irresponsible, unconscionable governance. What greater priority than stopping them before it’s too late. It’s no idle threat. Their madness endangers everyone.
Boyle is frank and clear saying:
“Humankind must abolish nuclear weapons before (they) abolish humankind!”
Who gives rogue criminals the right to threaten everyone? What right have they to jeopardize humanity? What goals are more important than life, security, peace and stability?
A basic international law rule says “(r)ight cannot arise out of injustice! Ex iniuria jus non oritur!”
A Washington-led international conspiracy threatens it and much more. NATO is a dagger pointed at humanity’s heart. It’s a global brigand, a killing machine, a menace surpassing all others. Israel is a regional partner.
Everyone has the right to live free in peace. No one has just cause to jeopardize it. Civil resistance is vital. Slaying these beasts is essential to sustain life.
They’re criminals. “We are the sheriffs!” It’s our responsibility to stop them. The choice is simple. Live free or perish in a radioactive wasteland. It could happen any time, says Boyle. Sustained preventive action is the only way to stop it. Reasoning with rogues doesn’t work. In their face activism is called for.
On September 6, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said attacking Iran risks a regional “apocalypse.” He added that “peace, prosperity and stability” initiatives must prevent it.
He stopped short of explaining his role in America’s proxy war on Syria. If full-blown, Turkey will be directly threatened. Instead of risking it, he should categorically oppose it.
War on Syria and/or Iran potentially affects the entire region and beyond. Rational leaders should join with others against it. Erdogan wants it both ways. It doesn’t wash.
Internal elements opposes him. He’s hell bent on allying with Washington. Targeting Assad risks internal blowback. He’s putting his own career on the line. He exposed his unconscionable irresponsibility.
Canada’s Stephen Harper matches him blow for blow. He heads its rightwing government. Canada is one of 28 NATO countries. Harper partners in America’s wars.
On September 7, Foreign Minister John Baird said Canada closed its Tehran embassy. It expelled Iranian diplomats in Ottawa. They have five days to leave. He claimed a nonexistent Iranian threat. He took a page from AIPAC’s playbook. He bogusly called Tehran the gravest threat to global security.
He accused Iran of “providing increasing military assistance to the Assad regime.” He ignored Washington’s war Syria. He said nothing about Canada’s role.
He didn’t explain how America, NATO partners, and regional allies recruit, arm, fund, train, and direct ravaging death squads. He was silent on what matters most.
He included a litany of lies about Iran. He unconscionably pointed fingers the wrong way. Canada is a committed imperial partner. It supports the worst of Israel’s crimes. Ottawa’s on the same fascist slippery slope as America. Sleeping with the devil rubs off.
Sooner or later expect war. Boyle told Progressive Radio News Hour listeners to expect it any time. He warned of its potential catastrophic consequences.
If launched, blame game finger pointing won’t help. It’ll be too late to matter. Top priority is preventing what’s too dangerous to risk. The time to do it is now.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.netHis new book is titled How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War
Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

Treasury Department Announces Public Offering


this is yet another smooth and very not in our face transfer of ownership from corporate banking and Federal Reserve in to Treasury Banking system, which includes The Office of the Postmaster General, Divine Province... Yes, this looks like a selloff of these 7 institutions, but it is gentle transer of ownership under We the People... Enjoy the show, PSG... 


Treasury Department Announces Public Offering of Preferred Stock of Seven CPP Institutions

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced today that it is commencing secondary public offerings of the preferred stock it holds in the following seven institutions:

  • Taylor Capital Group, Inc., Rosemont, IL
  • Ameris Bancorp, Moultrie, GA
  • First Defiance Financial Corp., Defiance, OH
  • Farmers Capital Bank Corp., Frankfort, KY
  • LNB Bancorp Inc., Lorain, OH
  • First Capital Bancorp Inc., Glen Allen, VA
  • United Bancorp Inc., Ann Arbor, MI
The offerings are expected to price through a modified Dutch auction.  Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (“Merrill Lynch”) and Sandler O’Neill + Partners, L.P. (“Sandler O’Neill”) are the auction agents and joint bookrunning managers for the offerings. 
Merrill Lynch and Sandler O'Neill, in their capacity as auction agents, have specified that the auction will commence at 8:30 a.m., New York City time, on June 11, 2012, and will close at 6:30 p.m., New York City time, on June 13, 2012 (the “submission deadline”). During the auction period, potential bidders for the preferred stock will be able to place bids on the offered preferred stock (in increments of whole shares) at any price per share (in increments of $0.01) at or above the minimum prices set forth in the applicable preliminary prospectus supplements.
At settlement, winning bidders will be required to pay the clearing price for the preferred stock plus accrued and unpaid dividends on the preferred stock from and including May 15, 2012.  Investors may bid on individual or multiple preferred stock positions
The auction procedure and terms of the respective preferred stock are described in the applicable preliminary prospectus supplements referenced below.
The preferred stock of Taylor Capital Group, Inc., Ameris Bancorp and First Defiance Financial Corp. is being offered pursuant to effective shelf registration statements that have been filed by the applicable issuer with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”).
Registration statements relating to the preferred stock of Farmers Capital Bank Corp., LNB Bancorp Inc., First Capital Bancorp Inc. and United Bancorp Inc. have been filed with the SEC but have not yet become effective. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective. 
A preliminary prospectus supplement related to each offering will be filed by the applicable issuer with the SEC and will be available on the SEC’s website at
Copies of the final prospectus supplements relating to the offerings may be obtained, when available, from Merrill Lynch via email at or (800) 294-1322 or from Sandler O’Neill via email at or (866) 805-4128. 
Before you invest, you should read the prospectus and prospectus supplement in the registration statement and other documents the applicable issuer has filed with the SEC for more complete information about the issuer and the preferred stock.
This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.

Some Pointed Questions Requiring Answers

Submitted by a disgrunted smart patriot. Sure would like to be able to answer these questions.

Hi John,

I want you to know that this has been one big lie....I have just read what you posted from Steve on Obama. I understand now that we are holding elections with more BS to them, more voter fraud, and the people dying from STARVATION. Our so-called help is now leaving. And our so called higher ups are going to be the ones to have a say on our lives. Who died and left them in charge of our lives?????? With just what you posted today, was seeing more than red. They have no intentions of doing what they have said. Will you receive your dinar??
I have no idea, will Nesara come through for the people ???? We were told that this was our last chance.., even Drake said that. How are the people supposed to feel right now????? Are we going to have Martial Law now that Obama has what he wants ????? When is he going to kill the people now, I would like an answer on that.

*Congressional Reform Act of 2012*

Watch for this on the ballot this year . . . . . . . .
Winds of Change....
*Congressional Reform Act of 2012*     
Warren Buffet is asking  
    each addressee to forward
this email to a minimum of  
twenty people on  their
address list; in turn ask  
each of those to do likewise.     
In three days, most people  
in The United
States of America will  
have the message.
This is one idea that  
really should be
passed around.   
*Congressional Reform Act of 2012*

1. No Tenure / No Pension.  
A Congressman/woman  
    collects a salary while in office
and receives no pay when
they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future)
participates in Social Security.   All funds in the  
Congressional retirement fund move to the
Social Security system immediately.
All future funds flow into the
Social Security system, and Congress
participates with the American people. It  
may not be used for any other purpose.  

3. Congress can purchase  
their own retirement plan,
just as all Americans do.  

     4. Congress will no longer  
vote themselves a pay raise.        
Congressional pay will  
rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their  
current health care system and
participates in the same health  
care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws
they impose on the American people.  

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void
effective 12/31/12.   The American
people did not make this contract with  
Congressmen/women made all  
these contracts for themselves. Serving in  
Congress is an honor, not a career.
The Founding Fathers envisioned
citizen legislators, so ours should
serve their term(s), then go home and  
back to work.
If each person contacts a minimum
of twenty people then it will
only take three days for  
most people (in the U.S. )
to receive the message.
Don't you think it's time?


If you agree with the  
above, pass it on. If not, just delete.  

    You are one of my 20+ -  

    Please keep it going, and thanks

Architects, Engineers and Psychologists on 911 Explosive Evidence

Architects, Engineers and Psychologists on 911 Explosive Evidence

         Psychologists on coping with 9-11 truth

         9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out -

Architects and Engineers Speak Out
Patriots Question 911