Sunday, September 9, 2012


Anyone want to know the definition of "AUDACITY"?

HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Secret Service Buys Two New $1.1 Million Buses for a Three-Day Presidential Campaign Trip while Obama flies ahead of the buses for his campaign stops.

Obama FLIES into an airport somewhere in the Midwest, hops into one of two brand new $1.1 Million buses, paid for by you and me, for a ”bus” tour around the Midwest' and, after an hour or so, gets driven back to the airport for ANOTHER FLIGHT, lands at another airport, where another $1.1 Million brand new black Canadian bus is waiting for Obama and then, repeats all that until Obama's Midwest "bus" tour is done!! [These buses are Canadian-built, by the way, because Obama is SO CONCERNED about American manufacturing, creating American jobs and supporting American productivity.

And don't forget... those brand new shiny black Canadian buses AREN'T DRIVEN to the location where they meet Obama. Oh, no…They are loaded up on one or more C-17s so they can be flown to the destination ahead of Obama who is flying in Air Force One.

AND!.. Believe it or not…this process is REPEATED FOR EVERY CAMPAIGN STOP.

During this “bus” tour, Obama will lecture the 'little people' on how they need to live within their means while hinting of possible future government cut-backs and a need to raise revenues (aka: taxes)!

Remember, too,
Obama’s “sage advice to a family man to 'GO BUY A HYBRID VAN' when the man said he couldn't afford to fill up his truck'!!!!!!

Obama's personal 'carbon footprint' must be as large as most cities by now.

Unbelievably, ALL of this is on the taxpayers’ dime!

But remember, this is NOT a campaign trip - It is a "Meet With the People" trip only!

Consequently, the Democrat National Committee does NOT have to pay a cent for all of this extravagant 'campaign' spending.

Please forward this on to all of your taxpaying and voting friends so that they, too, can see just why the federal government needs more of our taxes for revenue!

"Convention" speech by George Carlin.

Hopefully, you heard yesterday's
"Convention" speech by George Carlin.
(If not, it's probably still on the
home page.)

Today, another talk, this time
from a man who paid the ultimate
price for his opinions.

A presidential candidate murdered
in broad daylight in the prime of

How soon we forget.

How soon we accept junk candidates
and forget that there used to be
real ones.


- Brasscheck

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Why haven't we heard this on the nightly news ???? Remember November 2012.



“Down Low Club”
(DLC (not to be confused with the Democrat Leadership Conference)
The “DLC” at Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ was a place where closeted gay men of public prominence can meet guys for sex and fun without blowing their covers. These are NOT male prostitutes…but rather young men who want to get ahead in politics
Gay doctors, lawyers, football players, and politicians were all introduced to other closeted gay men…all of whom were usually married John Travolta/Tom Cruise/Rock Hudson style. The “DLC” set these guys up as “buddies”, so they could have their wives and public images while getting up to all their mano-y-mano shenanigans, too. The black community is extremely bigoted and homophobic in general — much more so than the rest of American society. Gays are actively hated in churches like Trinity United, but efforts like the DLC are seen as endeavors to “cure” these men…or at the very least keep their activities within the club so that they are not putting themselves or their wives at risk by doing things in bathhouses, back alleys, or in sex clubs like “The Hole”.
Globe magazine and other publications have put together concrete evidence of Obama’s membership in the “DLC” at Trinity United. Maybe they were able to infiltrate the church and get people to talk on record. That would be impressive, because church members are terrified about talking on the record on this subject.
Obama and Emanuel: Members of same gay bath house in Chicago
President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.
The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.
Members of Man’s Country are also issued club identification cards. WMR learned that Obama and Emanuel possessed the ID cards, which were required for entry.
Obama began frequenting Man’s Country in the mid-1990s, during the time he transitioned from a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School to his election as an Illinois State Senator in 1996. Emanuel, reportedly joined Man’s Country after he left the Clinton White House and moved back to Chicago in 1998, joining the investment firm of Wasserstein Perella and maintaining his membership during his 2002 campaign for the U.S. 5th District House seat vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who was elected governor.
Man’s Country appears to be a “one stop shopping” center for gay men. The club’s website advertises steam rooms, “fantasy rooms,” bed rooms, male strippers, adult movies, and lockers.
However, Man’s Country was not the only location for Obama’s predatory gay sex activities. The Chicago gay community is aware that Obama often made contacts with younger men at his famous “pick-up basketball” games. It was at these “pick up” matches where Obama first met Emanuel and a young Democratic campaign worker and senior bank vice president named Alexi Giannoulias.
Currently running for Obama’s old U.S. Senate seat now occupied by Roland Burris, Giannoulias successfully ran for Illinois Treasurer in 2006 after being drafted for the run by Chicago’s Democratic machine.

Man’s Country, one of Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses” and located at 5015 North Clark Street in Chicago’s “Boystown,” was a frequent hangout for State Senator Obama and Rahm Emanuel
Sources in Chicago’s gay community report that Obama was attracted to Man’s Country’s older white clientele because he generally enjoys being fellated by older white men. Obama would regularly be seen at Man’s Country on Wednesdays.
Obama reportedly has never engaged in reciprocal activity. The sources also confirm the allegations made during the 2008 campaign by Larry Sinclair, a Chicago visitor who revealed that in 1999 he engaged in such oral sex activity and crack cocaine use with then-State senator Obama on two occasions, once in the back of a Chicago limousine operated by Five Star Limousine Service, and the other at a Chicago area motel, the Comfort Suites in Gurnee, Illinois.
(Editors note: Sinclair reportedly failed a lie detector test on this allegation.)
After revealing details of the encounter at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, Sinclair was arrested by Washington Metropolitan Police on a fugitive warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of Obama’s vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden. Sinclair was charged with a misdemeanor count of theft of money orders, however, the state of Delaware declined prosecution.

WMR spoke to several well-placed sources in Chicago who reported that Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Obama’s former church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) on Chicago’s south side, ran what was essentially a matchmaking service for gay married black professional members of the church, including lawyers and businessmen, particularly those with children. The matchmaking club was called the “Down Low Club” but references to it over the phone and email simply referred to the group with the code phrase “DLC.” The ruse, according to our sources, was to make anyone who was eavesdropping on the communications believe that the references were to the Democratic Leadership Council, also known as the DLC.
The gay DLC’s services were intended to keep ensure TUCC’s gay members avoided posting solicitations on web services like Craig’s List and refrain from cruising gay bars. The strategy was to protect them from getting busted and being “outed.”
Among the members of the gay “DLC” were Obama and TUCC’s choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had a sexual relationship with Obama. Two other gay members of the church were Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. Young and Bland were brutally murdered, execution style, in late 2007. Bland was murdered on November 17, 2007 and Young on December 24, 2007. The latter was killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Spencer reportedly died on December 26, 2007, official cause of death: “septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV.”
“DLC” members often went on camping trips arranged by TUCC. Wright reportedly was the head of the “DLC” matchmaking services and ensured that its members protected each other.
The “DLC’s” clientele included Obama and other gay members of TUCC, including, reportedly Young, Bland, and Spencer. Fox 32 Chicago reported that Bland’s mother, Josephine Bland, was so upset at her son inviting men into their home as a result of contacting them through gay web sites like “Adam4Adam,” she moved out.
The gay community in Chicago knows to keep away from the TUCC and “DLC” stories because of the “creepiness” of the operation and the suspicious deaths of the three TUCC gay black men.
Although Obama protected his alternate life style through the secretiveness of the “DLC,” he was not so careful when he proclaimed he was a state senator while frolicking at Man’s Country in uptown Chicago.
Love: Obama’s personal trainer
Reggie Love, a former Duke basketball and football player and unsuccessful National Basketball hopeful, currently serves as Obama’s personal trainer and White House “special assistant” — he has been called Obama’s “body man” — who receives a salary of $104,000 a year. Love is also reportedly one of Obama’s regular gay sex partners. Love joined Obama’s Senate staff in a senior staff position in 2006.
Media General’s tabloid, the National Enquirer, proffered a story last year about Michelle Obama being furious about the relationship between her husband and his “body man.” TheEnquirer’s sister tabloid, The Globe, later floated a story about Obama having a relationship with a Democratic campaign official named Vera Baker. WMR has been told that this relationship was a clever ruse to throw off speculation about Obama’s actual past sex partners. Baker has apparently left the United States for relatively more obscurity in Martinique. Media General’s tabloids have scooped the mainstream media on sex scandals involving Bill Clinton and Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky, Tiger Woods, and John Edwards and Rielle Hunter.
WMR’s Chicago sources believe the Secret Service records of presidential candidate Obama’s activities in Chicago would show that Obama regularly arrived at Love’s Chicago residence at 9:00 am and departed at 9:15 am. Sources told WMR that while 15 minutes is much too short for a personal training exercise, it is ample time for fellatio.
Bill Frist, “Brokeback Mountain,” and Obama
In 2006, after Obama became the junior senator from Illinois, WMR’s sources in the Congressional Black Caucus reported that there were persistent rumors of gay trysts between Obama and then-GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee. The allegations at the time seemed unbelievable.
However, based on Obama’s penchant for receiving fellatio from older white men, a column written by The Washington Post’s “In the Loop” columnist Al Kamen on April 7, 2006, some four months into Obama’s Senate term, may have expanded relevance. Kamen reported he received an invitation to attend Frist’s “5th Annual VOLPAC ’06 Weekend” in Nashville from April 21st to 23rd and that the invitation card required one to “unbuckle the cowboy’s pants and look inside to see what this was all about.” Kamen opined that the invitation seemed “a bit too ‘Brokeback Mountain.’”
The invitation advertised that the shindig would feature “one-of-a-kind music and special friends,” although Kamen said there was no indication what made the “friends” so “special.” Kamen then wrote, “The back of the card shows the cowboy from behind with a red flowered handkerchief sticking out of his right pocket. Wait a minute — wasn’t there something about how this used to be some kind of code in the gay community years ago? A way to signal each other in crowded, noisy bars? So we checked the’s Hanky Codes. Sure enough, there it was in the chart explaining what they mean: red hanky in right pocket. Oh, dear.”
Rumors about Obama and Frist ran amok in Congressional Black Caucus circles in 2006.
Although Frist ran on the pledge of only serving two terms, he became Senate Majority Leader with all the perks of the office. WMR’s sources in Chicago’s gay community revealed that Frist’s Majority Leader predecessor, Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, was also known to seek the services of male prostitutes. Frist, who said he planned to run for President in 2006, decided against a run for the White House and also declined a run for Tennessee governor in 2010.
With the rumor mill running at full speed in 2006, it is obvious why Frist abandoned politics so quickly for the medical business. Frist later endorsed Obama’s health care proposals. A year later, when GOP Senator Larry Craig was arrested while soliciting for sex in a men’s toilet stall at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, he changed his mind about immediately resigning his Senate seat. Knowing about his colleagues’ behavior, he dug in his heels and completed his term in January 2009.
Rahm the “Sugar Daddy”
Obama’s chief of staff Emanuel, who won a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet but turned it down to attend college, is married and, like Obama, has children, in Emanuel’s case, a son and two daughters.
However, Emanuel, who is 50, also travel frequently with a male companion, a wealthy Chicago real estate developer, some five to six years his senior. WMR has learned from Chicago’s gay community as well as political sources that Emanuel and his friend have gone together on a trip to India, skiing vacations, and soon plan a vacation in Florida, sans Mrs. Emanuel and the kids.
In Chicago’s gay community, Emanuel is known as “sugar daddy,” promising young men with perks and lucrative positions if they sleep with him. On occasion, Emanuel has been with older men, such as his travel companion, but his preference is young, according to WMR’s sources. Emanuel also often uses bicycling and basketball venues to make his approaches. Being an Emanuel “basketball buddy” is a key to professional success.
WMR spoke to one member of the gay community in Chicago who had first hand knowledge of one of Emanuel’s bed partners, an older man who runs a non-profit symphony organization.
Obama’s other sex partners
WMR has previously reported on Obama’s past trysts with Alabama Democratic U.S. Representative Artur Davis, a current primary candidate for governor of Alabama. Although not in the same class, Obama and Davis attended Harvard Law School during an overlap of their attendance at the law school.
The information on Davis and Obama was gathered by opposition researchers for former Alabama Representative Earl Hilliard, who Davis defeated in the 2002 Democratic primary. Recently, WMR was informed by sources in Alabama that Attorney General Eric Holder traveled three days ago to Alabama to inform Davis that if he loses his primary race, he would be nominated by Obama to fill the job of U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, a position still held by Bush-appointee Leura Canary, one of the main prosecutors of convicted and jailed former Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman.
Chicago sources also informed WMR of another past gay partner of Obama, Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick.
Men who have reportedly had sexual relations with Barack Obama
Donald Young, TUCC Choir director
Larry Sinclair, gay escort
Reggie Love, White House presidential assistant and Obama’s “body man”
Artur Davis, US Representative from Alabama and gubernatorial candidate
Bill Frist, former GOP Senate Majority Leader
Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts
The Clear and Present Blackmail Threat
Leading secret alternate life styles, Obama and his chief of staff provide classic blackmail threats. Considering Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, who is reputedly a semi-open lesbian, the question must be posed how much Obama’s and Emanuel’s own covert life styles led to the decision to nominate Kagan, someone with no experience on a judicial bench.
Similarly, the fact that so much is known about Obama’s and Emanuel’s trysts in Chicago begs another important question. If politicians, gay community activists, and journalists in the Windy City are aware of Obama’s and Emanuel’s highly blackmailable gay life styles, the same can certainly hold true for the executives of one of Chicago’s corporate headquarters — that of BP America’s Production Operations.
Throw in the intelligence agencies of America’s allies, friends, enemies, and the situation becomes a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.
(You can access the original information above, by going to the following web site:)

Obama has appointed most U.S. gay officials

At least 150 during first two years

ASSOCIATED PRESS John Berry, director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, is the highest-ranking openly gay presidential appointee in history. The OPM oversees the nation’s 1.9 million federal workers.
By Sam Hananel
Associated Press
6:44 p.m., Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Less than halfway through his first term, President Obama has appointed more openly gay officials than any other president in history.
Gay activists say the estimate of at least 150 appointments thus far – ranging from agency heads and commission members to policy officials and senior staffers – surpasses the previous high of about 140 reached during two full terms under former President Bill Clinton.
“From everything we hear from inside the administration, they wanted this to be part of their efforts at diversity,” said Denis Dison, spokesman for the Presidential Appointments Project of the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute.
The pace of appointments has helped to ease broader disappointment among gay rights groups that Obama has not acted more quickly on other fronts, such as ending the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that bans gays from serving openly in the military.
In a sign of how times have changed, few of the appointees – about two dozen required Senate confirmation – have stirred much controversy. It’s a far cry from the 1993 furor surrounding Mr. Clinton’s nomination of then-San Francisco Supervisor Roberta Achtenberg as assistant secretary for Housing and Urban Development.
Miss Achtenberg was the first openly gay official to serve at such a senior level, and she won confirmation despite contentious hearings and Sen. Jesse Helms, North Carolina Republican, who denounced her as a “militant extremist.”
“It’s both significant and rather ordinary,” said Michael Cole, a spokesman for the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign. “It’s a simple affirmation of the American ideal that what matters is how you do your job and not who you are.”
Gay activists, among Mr. Obama’s strongest supporters, had hoped he would be the first to appoint an openly gay Cabinet secretary. While that hasn’t happened – yet – Mr. Obama did appoint the highest-ranking gay official ever when he named John Berry as director of the Office of Personnel Management, which oversees the nation’s 1.9 million federal workers.
Other prominent names include Nancy Sutley, chairwoman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and Fred Hochberg, chairman of the Export-Import Bank. Mr. Obama also named Amanda Simpson, the first openly transgender appointee, as a senior technical adviser in the Commerce Department. And David Huebner, ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, is the third openly gay ambassador in U.S. history.
White House spokesman Shin Inouye confirmed the record number, saying Mr. Obama has hired more gay officials than the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations combined. He said Mr. Obama “is proud that his appointments reflect the diversity of the American public.”

Lest We Forget - Absolute Campaign Promises/LIES by Obama -recap vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Lest We Forget - Absolute Campaign Promises/LIES by Obama -recap vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 9-Sep-2012 10:29:07

Let's revisit - Absolute Campaign Promises/LIES by Obama - Says "I promise and take it to the Bank, it will happen"
This is a post I did in December 2011. I am bringing it back up to the top. WHY?
Because no other person has gotten elected based on so many LIES! Also here is a New Video that everyone should see of Obama in his own words. People believed in his lies! I believed his Lies in 2008! I thought we would get our freedoms back and we would get a government "For the People and by the People once more." I became awake though at the end of 2008. For some reason when I watched the inauguration I knew the man was not going to be what he said he was. Since then I have Never watched one speech of his. I have never even watched the "State of the Union" speech by him, though previously I watched every single one for the last couple of decades.
This does not even cover all the things he has done over the last 4 years. He has signed all types of Executive orders which gives him complete control over the U.S. and almost all resources of it. The media has never publicized what all he has done. He has been creating a dictatorship for himself (his masters).
Here is the new Video... that should be passed to everyone.

In saying the above, I do not believe there is one difference between Romney and Obama. They are both playing their parts of a game. They are both controlled and do as their masters say, just like every single elected official in Washington D.C. They have all sold their souls and votes to the corporations and banks.
They do not work for the citizens of the U.S., they work for their puppet masters. That is why, I will never again "sanction" any of their plans for what they are going to do in the future. I will never walk into a voting booth again! To me the best revolt is to NOT play the "game" anymore. I won't ever vote again! I am standing outside their system! I am saying "NO" to anything they plan on doing by not voting. In the linked article I have gotten a lot of negative feedback. People saying "You have to vote."
Much more here:

Guidelines on drone usage get support

Guidelines on drone usage get support

By Keith Rogers  LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Posted: Sep. 9, 2012 | 1:59 a.m.
Civil rights groups and law enforcement agencies often clash when privacy rights are pitted against police searches.
But Dane Claussen, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, generally agrees with guidelines from the International Association of Chiefs of Police for using drones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, equipped with high-tech spy cameras.

The article is at :

Fall of the Reptilian Empire

Fall of the Reptilian Empire
We are in the last phase before the fall of the Reptilian empire. Reptilian empire on the etheric and astral planes around the surface of planet Earth under the dictate of the Archons and black nobility guided Cabal financial slavery system on the physical plane of the surface of this planet is the last stronghold of once vast Orion dark empire that was feared throughout the Galaxy for countless millennia.

However, the progress of Light in the last few decades was such that we are just before the final breakthrough that will bring this Reptilian empire to its knees. There was a very successful operation of the Light forces completed on this planet on August 25th that sent a very clear signal to the leading Archons that their defeat is near and undeniable. This has set them in panic mode and inside the time window between August 25th and October 7th they are trying to do everything they can to stop the progress of Light. This is their last chance to create as much division, confusion and conflict between all people that are working towards the liberation of this planet as possible. 

During this time frame you will read all kinds of accusations, distortions and disinformation on the internet. My suggestion would be for everybody to turn inside towards the still small voice of Truth and learn not to judge people or get involved into conflicts. The Archons will try to instill as much conflict as possible, commanding their Reptilian minions on the etheric and astral planes to pressure on the weak spots, doubts and insecurities of everybody.

During this time frame, fears about world war 3 and martial law will arise. Although the Cabal has plans to make those things happen, they will not be successful. Positive ET races and the Resistance Movement want peace and it is within their power to prevent world war 3 or martial law simply by pressuring the key members of the Cabal. 

Today is September 9th. No "doomsday clock" will go off as some people are afraid. Instead, this day is a portal of Light that is very much needed to brighten up the atmosphere. Today I would ask as many people as possible to join our Weekly Liberation Meditation to reinforce that Light.

Between September 15th and September 23rd there will be the most critical period as this is the exact time of the second Uranus Pluto square in 2012 and Archons will then try to provoke as much violence and conflict worldwide as possible.  This Uranus Pluto square will be even stronger than the one in June because its exact moment will happen just one day after Pluto turning direct:

This is Archons' last chance before the breakthrough of Light. As it was said in my previous post about Uranus square Pluto, here are instructions for that challenging time:

"Regardless of the events in the next few days, please remain calm, but alert.

Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness."

Before October 7th, billions upon billions of Reptilians will be cleared away daily from the astral and etheric planes by the Light forces. This is a very volatile time during which the Event will not happen as it would be very unwise to trigger things during the peak of the Archons attack as this could lead to many casualities.  After that,  more Light will come in and after October 7th I will be able to release more intel about the Event.

9/ll Documentary on PBS Goes Viral!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

9/ll Documentary on PBS Goes Viral!
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Sunday, 9-Sep-2012 08:08:44

9/11 Documentary on PBS
PBS Airs Explosive 9/11 Documentary
Dear friends,
A 9/11 documentary aired on PBS and available for free viewing on the PBS website is going viral. '9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out' was produced by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a courageous group of over 1,500 architects and engineers which has dared to ask hard questions about 9/11 and present the disturbing hard evidence.
In this beautifully produced, 90-minute documentary, over 40 scientific experts share their professional insights about the events of 9/11.
To watch the full revealing video on the PBS website, click on this link:
(if outside the US, click here)
To watch a concise, 15-minute version of this excellent documentary:
As of Sept. 8, 2012, the PBS website shows this 9/11 documentary is the second most watched documentary of the week on PBS. According to this Digital Journal article, it is also the most shared of all PBS documentaries at this time. You are invited to watch this highly educational film and spread the word to your friends.
In addition to these 1,500 architects and engineers who are calling for a new, impartial investigation of 9/11, over 1,000 government and military officials, professors, pilots, and 9/11 survivors and family members have publicly stated that the 9/11 Commission Report is fatally flawed.
Among these respected individuals are two former U.S. Senators, a former FBI director, the former president of Italy, and many more. To explore their compelling statements, click here.
More at this link:
Discovered at: 

Can lightworker please answer me this.

Posted as a comment by a reader --- NEEDS ANSWER

Can lightworker please answer me this.

IF we get past december 21 2012 and the current system is still in place. The cabal are still actively working against us. There has been no great spiritual awakening. Nobody has come up from hollow earth. No prosperity funds. No meaningful change to our oppressive global economic system. No ET contact.No mass arrests. etc etc etc.

Will you give back all the money from the lightworkers fund or charges for webinars?

Will you apologize to everyone?
Will you move the goal posts as always and say the real date is 2013 or 2014 with many excuses?

I am not against you in any way. In fact the message you preach is a wonderful 1. But I would like to see some real proof and lets face it you have provided nothing concrete. You can talk about universal law but in my opinion if these ET's can use channels, spray nanotech on the cabal and turn off nukes. Then they can provide real concrete proof that this message is correct. I have seen many channeled messages and predictions that have been completely and utterly wrong. I have also witnessed the many odd and non-plausible excuses that followed.

This is a message to our star family. Please provide us with some cast iron proof that these guys are not in it for what they can get.

Please show me that my hard work trying to expose the corruption within our financial system. That the friends I have lost or the people I have alienated from my self are wrong and I am right.

Give me some proof that I can put my faith in you to aid me providing a future for my children.

Just do something. Anything to make these guys plausible.

Because as it stands your complete lack of tangible proof only serves to slow awakening and slow progress because if people think there are god like beings that will do all the work for them. They will not fight!

I am sorry if I have offended anyone.

Hungary Is In Trouble After Throwing Out Monsanto AND The IMF

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Hungary Is In Trouble After Throwing Out Monsanto AND The IMF
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 9-Sep-2012 08:11:19

I don’t know about you, but I would label my personal knowledge of Hungary as wanting, if not painfully incomplete. It’s not an easy country to come to grips with, not least of all of course because Hungarian doesn’t look like any western language we know with the possible exception of Finnish. I did visit just after the Wall came down, and remember huge contrasts, almost paradoxes, between rural poverty and a capital, Budapest, that was much richer than other capitals such as Prague, a leftover of Budapest’s status as meeting place between western and eastern diplomats and businessmen.
The riches were not for all, though, the city center was full of beggars and panhandlers, mostly Roma. To keep up the paradox, Mercedes sold more luxury models in Hungary than just about anywhere else back then, reportedly mostly also to Roma; just not the same.
In the years since, precious little attention has been and is being devoted to the former eastern bloc countries in the Anglo press. We know most of the countries are now members of the European Union, but only a few have been allowed to enter the hallowed grounds of the eurozone.
One thing I did pick up on last year was the news that Hungary’s PM Victor Orbán had thrown chemical, food and seed giant Monsanto out of the country, going as far as to plow under 1000 acres of land. Now, I have little patience for Monsanto, infamous for many products ranging from Agent Orange to Round-Up, nor for its ilk, from DuPont to Sygenta, all former chemical companies that have at some point decided they could sell more chemicals than ever before by applying them on and inside everyone’s daily food. Patenting nature itself seems either unworthy of mankind or its grandest achievement. I don’t care much for either one. So Orbán (who has a two-thirds majority in parliament, by the way) has my tentative support on this one.
This is from July 22, 2011, International Business Times:
Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields
In an effort to rid the country of Monsanto’s GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. This looks like its going to be another slap in the face for Monsanto. A new regulation was introduced this March which stipulates that seeds are supposed to be checked for GMO before they are introduced to the market. Unfortunately, some GMO seeds made it to the farmers without them knowing it.
Read more: