Monday, September 10, 2012

Obama policy on assassination drone strikes amounts to war crimes: Lawyer

Obama policy on assassination drone strikes amounts to war crimes: Lawyer
Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:11PM GMT

Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, war crimes lawyer, Vancouver.

The only way that the drone attacks could be legal is if this would be invoked in the inherent right of self defense, that is, to protect the country from an imminent threat of violent attack."
Yemen is not an imminent threat to the US; however, over 300 Yemenis have been illegally murdered in US drone attacks this year that includes women and children.

Press TV has interviewed Alfred Lambremont Webre, war crimes lawyer, Vancouver about the illegality, under the United Nations Charter, of US assassination drone strikes on the civilian population of several Middle Eastern countries. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: US assassination drone strikes are becoming quite a concern as it is no longer just one country that’s bearing the brunt of it.

The US claims they’re necessary despite the civilian death toll. Can the US continue to violate humanitarian and international law in the name of national security?

Webre: Well, no. More and more it’s becoming clear even by their own words of US officials and by leaks now by the Arab Times that the US laws are violations of Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which is the only article that permits the inherent right of self defense.

The only way that the drone attacks could be legal is if this would be invoked in the inherent right of self defense, that is, to protect the country from an imminent threat of violent attack.

Now… It is very, very difficult to argue that drone attacks in Yemen or in any other country in that region are protecting the United States from imminent threat of violent attack even though Obama himself argues that, oh, if the United States can target someone who is ‘planning an attack’ against the United States, then it is legal.
But the problem with that is that the way the US is carrying it out violates the four principles that are contained in Article 51and that is necessity, distinction, proportionality and humanity because these drone attacks are carried out by secret legal standards by the CIA.

Now… these standards have become public because of a leak through the New York Times and they are as follows and I want to quote: all military-aged males in a strike zone are considered targets unless explicit intelligence ‘posthumously’ proves them innocent.

I.e. the US orders - and these are secret legal orders - assumes that any military-aged male, which I assume goes from 18 years old to 65 years old in a strike zone, which may be any zone in any of the countries in the region are considered targets unless explicit intelligence posthumously proves them innocent - meaning that they’re justified unless after they’re dead there’s a report that comes back that says, oh, they weren’t planning any imminent physical attack against the US.

This is beyond the pale, legally. Only a power that considers itself above international law…

Press TV: Speaking to CNN on drones, Obama talks about a due process, but then still says that these “targets” are eliminated because it is not possible to capture them and then try them etc etc. Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?

Webre: Yeah. No, no you see that is what we call legal sophistry because those aren’t the true standards because the true standards and I’m quoting, “Anyone who is an area of known terrorist activity found with an al-Qaeda operative in an al-Qaeda operative zone is, quote, probably up to no good”.
And they don’t have precision targeting. So that by the very, very act of the drone attack say for the 300 civilians that have been killed in Yemen perhaps, perhaps they say, that one legitimate strike that would fall within that zone… But I’m not even willing to concede that - that falls within a zone that’s sanctioned by Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which is based on self defense.

Self defense means an imminent attack upon the United states.

That falls under crimes against humanity and genocide and aggressive war. So in that case, it is the United States, which is the aggressor. 


Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
Skype: peaceinspace
EXOPOLITICS.COM: "Relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse" "Continuing education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Exopolitics"

The PLANNED Silver End Game

Everything going on these days behind the scenes is interconnected to the take
down of the Bad Guys.
From the US elections to the European situation to the silver market volatility
- it's all interconnected. It is all an orchestrated play that is coming to it's climax.

OUR TIME is approaching fast and this go-round there is no stopping what is
to come.

Play it it SAFE!

The PLANNED Silver End Game

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

9/11 Mastermind Osama bin Laden: America’s Anti-Soviet “Peace Warrior” and CIA “Intelligence Asset”

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

9/11 Mastermind Osama bin Laden: America’s Anti-Soviet “Peace Warrior” and CIA “Intelligence Asset”
Posted By: DannyCahalin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 16:10:18

September 10, 2012
Print Version
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
“On September 11, 2012, let us not only renew our efforts to expose the truth, but also take our awareness a step further to understand that the wars launched since that fateful autumn day in 2001 - in the bitterly ironic name of “justice” and supposedly to combat “terrorism” - continue to take lives of people across the world. These wars are based on lies and their costs are staggering.”
The eleventh commemoration anniversary of 9/11 brings to the forefront the issue of 911 truth. The official story is that Al Qaeda, with the complicity of the Taliban government was behind the 9/11 attacks.
Both George W Bush and Barack Obama claim that the late Osama bin Laden was the architect of 9/11, responsible for overseeing the 9/11 hijackers.
And that is why, we are told, that America is waging a “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT) under the Pentagon’s doctrine of “preemptive warfare”.
The Global War on Terrorism not only targets “non-State” terrorist entities including Al Qaeda, it is also directed against alleged “state sponsors” of terrorism. In this regard, several Western countries including the US, Britain and Canada consider that Iran is supportive of the “Sunni jihadist terror network”, an absurd proposition. In December 2011, a Manhattan court judgment (based on selected testimonies and fabricated evidence), accused the Islamic Republic of Iran of supporting the 9/11 Al Qaeda hijackers.
The investigation into Tehran’s alleged role was launched in 2004, pursuant to a recommendation of the 9/11 Commission “regarding an apparent link between Iran, Hezbollah, and the 9/11 hijackers”. The 91/11 Commission’s recommendation was that the this “apparent link” required “further investigation by the U.S. government.” (9/11 Commission Report , p. 241). (See Iran 911 Case).
In the December 2011 court judgment (Havlish v. Iran) “U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels ruled that Iran and Hezbollah materially and directly supported al Qaeda in the September 11, 2001 attacks and are legally responsible for damages to hundreds of family members of 9/11 victims who are plaintiffs in the case”. (See Michel Chossudovsky, the 9/11 Reader, Global Research, September 3, 2001)
Who was Osama bin Laden, the Alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks?
The US administration tacitly acknowledges that Osama bin Laden had been recruited by the CIA in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war. Osama bin Laden was the leader of Al Qaeda which was supported covertly by the CIA.
The Blowback: The official version is that “we supported” Al Qaeda’s jihadist crusade against the Soviet Union. “It was for a good cause.:
According to Washington’s narrative Osama bin Laden “turned against us” in the wake of the Soviet-Afghan war, which broadly coincided with the end of the Cold War (1946-1989), .
In intelligence parlance, “the blowback” refers to an “intelligence asset” which goes against its sponsors, namely the CIA.
In the immediate wake of the Cold War, bin Laden was said to have abandoned the jihad. He was portrayed with some hesitation as a “Peace Warrior” involved in humanitarian undertakings. The byline of this post Cold War photograph of Osama bin Laden published by the Independent in 1993, describes Bin Laden as an “anti-Soviet warrior” “on the road to peace”.
* * *
Robert Fisk’s 1993 report, published at the outset of the post Cold War era. described Bin Laden as a former “freedom fighter”, “Saudi businessman” and philanthropist:
Osama Bin Laden sat in his gold- fringed robe, guarded by the loyal Arab mujahedin who fought alongside him in Afghanistan. Bearded, taciturn figures – unarmed, but never more than a few yards from the man who recruited them, trained them and then dispatched them to destroy the Soviet army – they watched unsmiling as the Sudanese villagers of Almatig lined up to thank the Saudi businessman who is about to complete the highway linking their homes to Khartoum for the first time in history.
With his high cheekbones, narrow eyes and long brown robe, Mr Bin Laden looks every inch the mountain warrior of mujahedin legend. Chadored children danced in front of him, preachers acknowledged his wisdom. ”We have been waiting for this road through all the revolutions in Sudan,” a sheikh said. ”We waited until we had given up on everybody – and then Osama Bin Laden came along.”
Al Qaeda in the 1990s
Did Bin Laden abandon the jihadist cause?
The evidence amply confirms that in the wake of the Cold War, Bin Laden maintained his links with the CIA –indirectly through Pakistan’s military intelligence (ISI)– and continued to perform the role of a US sponsored “intelligence asset”
Al Qaeda was directly involved in the US-NATO sponsored civil war is Bosnia, providing support to the Bosnian Muslim Army.
Ironically, the links of Al Qaeda to the Clinton administration are fully documented by a lengthy Congressional report of the Republican Party Committee (RPC) published in 1997.
The RPC Congressional report accuses the Clinton administration of having “helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base” leading to the recruitment through the so-called “Militant Islamic Network,” of thousands of Mujahideen from the Muslim world.
Ironically, Osama bin Laden’s Sudan based NGO, alluded to in Robert Fisk’s 1993 article, is identified in the Republican Party Committee (RPC) as a “phoney humanitarian organization” linked up to with the Bosnia terror network, and directly supported by the Clinton administration:
… The role of one Sudan-based “humanitarian organization,” called the Third World Relief Agency, has been well documented. The Clinton Administration’s “hands-on” involvement with the Islamic network’s arms pipeline included inspections of missiles from Iran by U.S. government officials… the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA), a Sudan-based, phoney humanitarian organization … has been a major link in the arms pipeline to Bosnia. … TWRA is believed to be connected with such fixtures of the Islamic terror network as Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman (the convicted mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing) and Osama Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi émigré believed to bankroll numerous militant groups. [Washington Post, 9/22/96] (The original document is on the website of the US Senate Republican Party Committee (Senator Larry Craig), at emphasis added)
The Republican Party accused president Bill Clinton and his National Security Adviser Anthony Lake (who subsequently headed the CIA) of abetting and supporting the recruitment of Mujahideen, who were then dispatched to Bosnia.
The unspoken objective was to destroy Yugoslavia as a nation state.
From Bosnia to Kosovo
In the late 1990s, Al Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden –acting in liaison with the Western military alliance– was involved in providing support to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
The “Bosnian pattern” described in the 1997 Congressional RPC report was replicated in Kosovo. With the complicity of NATO and the US State Department. Mujahideen mercenaries from the Middle East and Central Asia were recruited to fight in the ranks of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in 1998-99, largely supporting NATO’s war effort.
Confirmed by British military sources, the task of arming and training of the KLA had been entrusted in 1998 to the US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and Britain’s Secret Intelligence Services MI6, together with “former and serving members of 22 SAS [Britain's 22nd Special Air Services Regiment], as well as three British and American private security companies”.7
The US DIA approached MI6 to arrange a training programme for the KLA, said a senior British military source. `MI6 then sub-contracted the operation to two British security companies, who in turn approached a number of former members of the (22 SAS) regiment. Lists were then drawn up of weapons and equipment needed by the KLA.’ While these covert operations were continuing, serving members of 22 SAS Regiment, mostly from the unit’s D Squadron, were first deployed in Kosovo before the beginning of the bombing campaign in March. 8
While British SAS Special Forces in bases in Northern Albania were training the KLA, military instructors from Turkey and Afghanistan financed by the “Islamic jihad” were collaborating in training the KLA in guerilla and diversion tactics.10
Bin Laden had visited Albania himself. He was one of several fundamentalist groups that had sent units to fight in Kosovo, … Bin Laden is believed to have established an operation in Albania in 1994 … Albanian sources say Sali Berisha, who was then president, had links with some groups that later proved to be extreme fundamentalists. (Michel Chossudovsky Osamagate, October 9, 2001 numerals refer to endnotes in the original article)
According to Ralf Mutschke of Interpol’s Criminal Intelligence division also in a testimony to the House Judicial Committee:
“The U.S. State Department listed the KLA as a terrorist organization, indicating that it was financing its operations with money from the international heroin trade and loans from Islamic countries and individuals, among them allegedly Usama bin Laden” . Another link to bin Laden is the fact that the brother of a leader in an Egyptian Jihad organization and also a military commander of Usama bin Laden, was leading an elite KLA unit during the Kosovo conflict.” (US Congress, Testimony of Ralf Mutschke of Interpol’s Criminal Intelligence Division, to the House Judicial Committee, 13 December 2000).
Macedonia: Al Qaeda and the US Military in the Months Preceding 9/11
On the 10th of September, eleven years ago, I published an article entitled Washington Behind Terrorist Assaults In Macedonia, which confirmed that the US military and Al Qaeda were collaborating in supporting a self-proclaimed National Liberation Army (NLA), involved in terrorist attacks in the FYR of Macedonia. This text was among the first articles posted by Global Research, which was launched on September 9, 2001.
The NLA was an offshoot of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The NLA-KLA terrorists were trained and supported by a private mercenary company, Military Professional Resources International (MPRI), on contract to the Pentagon.
“Among the foreign mercenaries now [ June-July 2001] fighting with the KLA-NLA are Mujahedin from the Middle East and the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union as well as “soldiers of fortune” from several NATO countries including Britain, Holland and Germany. Some of these Western mercenaries had previously fought with the KLA and the Bosnian Muslim Army.12
While Washington was arming the National Liberation Army (NLA) terrorists which included Al Qaeda mercenaries in its ranks, some 3000 heavily armed NATO troops were given the mandate to “disarm the rebels” and enforce the cease-fire. Code-named “Essential Harvest” this NATO endeavor was officially launched on August 22, 2001.
The actual NATO operation under a “humanitarian mandate” consisting of troop deployments started on August 27, two weeks before the September 11, 2001 attacks.
At the time, this bogus R2P “peacekeeping” operation under British command was intended to weaken the Macedonian Armed Forces and destabilize national institutions. In the words, of the Prime minister of FYR of Macedonia Ljubco Georgievski:
“As much as their text ["peace plan"] is brutal, more brutal and worrying is the fashion in which they are trying to break up Macedonian state institutions,’ … All of the terrorist actions in Macedonia have been supported by the Western democracies… all threats and blackmails have been presented so far, except that NATO will conduct an air-strike on us.” (Macedonian Prime Minister Mr. Ljubco Georgievski, quoted in Washington Behind Terrorist Assaults In Macedonia, emphasis added)
In a bitter irony, Washington was behind the terrorist NLA assault in Macedonia integrated by Al Qaeda mercenaries, which preceded the August 27 NATO intervention. The objective of Operation “Essential Harvest” was not disarm the NLA terrorists. The hidden agenda was twofold: coverup and regime change.
While Secretary of State Colin Powell had, at the time reaffirmed America’s resolve to “combat terrorism”, US military advisers were fighting alongside the NLA terrorists. The NLA was not only integrated by Al Qaeda mercenaries, the rebels were being supported by US special forces:
Among the rebels that were withdrawing were 17 “instructors” – former [MPRI] US officers that provided military training for the rebels. Not only that: the Macedonian security forces claim that 70% of the equipment that the guerrilla fighters took with them are of US production and the latter includes highly sophisticated third generation night vision devices.” (Ibid, See also Hamburger Abendblatt, Hamburg, 27 June 2001, English translation by OK-Macedonia, Skopje, 28 June 2001, at )
What is significant in these events is that barely a few months before 9/11, former US military officers, which had integrated the ranks of the terror brigades, were caught red-handed (June 2001) together with Al Qaeda mercenaries.
In other words, in the weeks preceding 9/11, there is evidence of active collaboration between Al Qaeda and US military officers on contract to the Pentagon in blatant contradiction with the 9/11 narrative.
The official 9/11 story is predicated on the “blowback”, namely that Al Qaeda, the alleged perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks “turned against us” in the wake of the Cold War (1989). The events in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia confirm unequivocally that Al Qaeda was an intelligence asset throughout the 1990s up until June 2001, when NLA Al Qaeda operatives were arrested with their US military instructors.
The KLA-NLA terrorists are funded from US military aid, the United Nations peace-keeping budget as well as by several Islamic organisations including Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. Drug money is also being used to finance the terrorists with the complicity of the US government. The recruitment of Mujahideen to fight in the ranks of the NLA in Macedonia is implemented through various Islamic groups.
US military advisers mingle with Mujahideen within the same paramilitary force, Western mercenaries from NATO countries fight alongside Mujahideen recruited in the Middle East and Central Asia. And the US media calls this a “blowback” where so-called “intelligence assets” have gone against their sponsors!
But this did not happen during the Cold war! It is happening right now in Macedonia. And it is confirmed by numerous press reports, eyewitness accounts, photographic evidence as well as official statements by the Macedonian Prime Minister, who has accused the Western military alliance of supporting the terrorists. Moreover, the official Macedonian New Agency (MIA) has pointed to the complicity between Washington’s envoy Ambassador James Pardew and the NLA terrorists. 17 In other words, the so-called “intelligence assets” are still serving the interests of their US sponsors. (Michel Chossudovsky, Osamagate, Global Research, October 9, 2001)
Throughout the post 9/11 era (2001-2012), there is ample evidence that Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda affiliated entities (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria), have continued to play a central role in US sponsored covert operations.
Macedonia versus Syria: Déjà Vu
Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia: The strategic objective of the US-NATO military operations was to destabilize and destroy the Yugoslav Federation using Al Qaeda terrorist operatives as a means to triggering sectarian strife and ethnic divisions within a socially and culturally diverse national society.
The Bosnia-Kosovo model was replicated in Libya and Syria.
The National Liberation Army (NLA) of Macedonia integrated by Al Qaeda terrorists versus the Free Syrian Army (FSA) integrated by Al Qaeda mercenaries recruited by NATO, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Macedonia’s Prime Minister Georgievski’s statement (above) `focusing on the threats of NATO airstrikes and the breaking up of state institutions,’ is remarkably similar to that of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad.
Al Qaeda Déjà Vu? The FSA terrorist attacks in Syria in 2012 bear a canny resemblance to those conducted in Macedonia in 2001. The Syrian FSA integrated by Al Qaeda operatives is supported by the same Western powers, which intervened in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. 

[rod-class] Talkshoe ID # 118140 Sep 10, 2012 9:00 EST Roundtable Mortgage Discussion topic: “FILE, FILE, FILE”

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

[rod-class] Talkshoe ID # 118140 Sep 10, 2012 9:00 EST Roundtable Mortgage Discussion topic: “FILE, FILE, FILE”
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 16:52:28

Received via e-mail:
You are cordially invited to Talkshoe ID # 118140 Tonight Sept 10th, 2012 9:00 pm EST
This will be a Roundtable Discussion on Mortgages the topic is “FILE, FILE, FILE”.
When to file, How to file, Where to file, What to file.
This is a special Q and A session with a very knowledgeable and involved panel of concerned speakers
Mr. EJ (Tort and Title 42), Clayton Cherry, (the Bloomberg Auditor), and others
We plan to have a VERY SPECIAL GUEST, Make Plans to be with us..

Communist Party USA (CPUSA) Endorses Obama for President

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: Communist Party USA (CPUSA) Endorses Obama for President
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 16:31:36

But then, you ask “So what; the Republican Party is backing Romney, so what’s all the tiff about?“
Gratefully, to no one’s surprise, neither backed Ron Paul or Virgil Goode.
September 10, 2012
Obama’s Communist Party Endorsement
By Daren Jonescu
Painful as it may be, please take two minutes out of your life to peruse the following list of “accomplishments” touted by an Obama campaign website making its case for his re-election.
The huge voter surge in 2008 elected Barack Obama, the first African American president. In the face of non-stop opposition, he pushed through:
Read full story>>


     Jesus said, "Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us."

     Jesus said this in reference to a man healing in His name and the disciples of Jesus did not know him, so tried to forbid him from healing in the Name of Jesus. Jesus corrected them that people doing His work on earth and in His name should be allowed without church interference (symbolized by disciples of Jesus) to do the work assigned to them by Will of Jesus. Recognizing the policy that Jesus established then, I am no enemy of Christian healing in the Catholic branch of Christianity, the Protestant branch, or shall we say also the independent branch of Christianity. I am no enemy to capable Christian scholars defending the doctrines of true Christianity whether from the Catholic, Protestant, or independent side. I do judge that outstanding Saints of God with their Miracles of God have done more to keep Christianity alive with some of the real spirit of Apostolic Christianity than the formal church leaders from any side of formal churches of Christianity. Of course, it could be pointed out that 20,000 or so independent churches is not what Jesus taught nor founded. Jesus founded one world church, not 20,000 independent denominations. All sides of Christianity need to do some soul searching why Christianity is so divided and weak when Jesus founded One Church, One Religion, And gave us one Bible for all Christians to use. I look to the founding fathers and documents of America before, during, and shortly after the American Revolution of 1776. I find near zero legal intergrity to the founding principles of America in 1776 either honored or upheld by the present federal judges. the members of Congress, our present counterfeit "President" in the White House who was not born in America but believes endless lies is how for him to keep in power, and our heads and personnel of federal agencies who too many do not believe in what America was founded about, do not care and are not loyal to the America founded in 1776. I look to the founding Apostles who worked with Jesus Christ to found Christianity on earth. I look to the best translations of the Bible to get the flavor of what Jesus and the Apostles said and taught. I look to the first mainline writings of Christianity shortly after and up to maybe 400 years after Christ, and I find glaring problems with what "politically correct" and "fearful" (means cowardly in Revelation) churches teach today versus the Apostolic Christianity taught by Jesus Christ and His Apostles. As Bishop Irenaeus commented around 150 years after Christ, look to the first writings of Christianity to find the right answers for later disputes and problems in Christianity. The first Christians taught by Christ and the Apostles got their Christianity straight. I see too many cowardly and doctrinally corrupted churches today. When I see that, I know why Jesus wants me to shake Christianity up and return them to their first love which is supposd to be Jesus Christ. How does any real Christian vote for a candidate for President who stands for "Gay Marriages," lies nearly all the time, military chaplains complain how he is out to wipe out all Christian rights in the U.S. military and get rid of Christianity in the U.S. Armed Forces. This same scoundrel as reported by a Major General and a number of other patriotic sources is trying to set up a civil war in America so he can declare martial law, and then kill off from an apparent 25 million Americans up to maybe 150 million Americans before it is all over. He wants to put a Communist-Islamic national government over America and Christians would still vote for him? Real Christians should be exposing him before all of America for his plans for a Communist-Islamic government to be established even as early as October, 2012 if events will play into his hands right. The documentary movie "2016; - Obama's America" now playing at movie theaters across America interviewed people who knew him over the years and shows that he was raised to be an ardent Communist over the years and what are you Christians doing to expose the man who does not believe in America but wants to smash Christianity in America and destroy America as a nation forever? 
     One man does not want me to head off the planned Obama military takeover of America which was planned for ten days before the national election on November 6, 2012. He does not want me to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process university tests predicted would be needed to keep the human race from going extinct like the dinosaurs. He does not want me to get the American people back their God-given rights under American law. He wants to see that Obama is able to set up his planned Communist-Islamic military takeover without any opposition from the American people who did not expect such treachery from the Obama White House. He does not want God to be honored in America. He thinks it wonderful that Wash., D.C. stole from me large sums of money that were going to the cause of Jesus Christ called Christianity. He fooled me! He says he is not a C.I.A. operative and implies a private citizen. I thought only federal operatives like the C.I.A. hate the American people so strongly and want only evil for them.  My apologies to think he must be a C.I.A. operative to show so openly his hatred of the American people and wish only evil for them in America. My apologies accepted now?  Sorry you could cause me to think something as low of you as to be a C.I.A. operative when my military sources tell me that C.I.A. is supposed to be the one to make things work right and America soon end up as a Communist-Islamic national dictatorship and police state. Shall we get to the real truth now? Why do you hate the American people so intensely as your words clearly show?
     Two points to follow. As Jesus said, when you give to one of the least of these, you give unto Me (Jesus)? Also, the Bible teaches that he who backs a prophet shares in the reward of the prophet. An important part of my mission for Christ is to reestablish Jesus Money on earth which was the greatest monetary system used in human history and 4 times skyrocketed economies like nothing else seen in history. One time when used, for the first time in history, people even paid off real estate taxes two and three years ahead of time as there were no unemployed left, no poor left, businesses booming and only the banks buying off the national high court finally stopped this and brought back into power unemployment, poverty, poor business, etc. I was in Europe and interviewed people who had lived in this area of the Jesus Money system. They still remembered it as the greatest economic blessing that had ever come to that part of Europe. As soon as the Omni Law is passed, we can set up the Jesus Money system if the people want a booming economy, full employment, booming business, taxes getting lower and lower, and when used in medieval France from 1170-1270 A.D., people retired at the age of 45-55 and lived off of their investments in real estate and business, no poor, no unemployed, nearly no crime nor war, historians wrote a virtual golden age had descended on mankind. But the bankers did not like all this prosperity for the people, businesses, churches, government, etc. and a virtual golden age for all in society. They overthrew it and censored this from your history books to keep you controlled in poverty created by corrupt bankers. Just to not scare the bankers to death. We can help you set a very profitable banking system working WITH the people, not AGAINST the people. Wouldn't it be nice for you to have clean consciences to go to sleep at night with? And feel like a good member of society?
      I have "tons" of bits and pieces of information from military intelligence sources. I brought together information I had on Soviet Nuclear Arsenals Abandoned and Forgotten by Moscow today and suddenly I spotted some very ugly information for America. When I derailed the secret cell of the Communist Party ready to seize control of America with 15 nuclear bombs they had if I understood the number right, I figured what they needed to make their plan work and unhinged them. They had offered me the Communist dictatorship of America if I would carry out their plan. Two terrorist leaders told them that I was "the deadliest political brain in America" and one man who could keep the Americans under control while the Communists took over all of America. I was secretly about the most anti-Communist leader in America, but I successfully hid that from them while they briefed me in on their plans for America. I didn't take their offer, but it seems that Obama has accepted the offer of the Communists to make him dictator for life over America if he will keep control of the American people while America is made totally Communist under them. Also, America will be divided into many regions under Obama and America will no longer exist as a nation but all these regions occupied by foreign powers. At some point they will get rid of Obama when no longer needed, but he is too dumb to know that.
      I had many spies on the Communists during the Cold War and still do have secret connections I don' admit to right now. Separately I had a Warsaw Pact officer who gave me information on a super secret Soviet plan to militarily smash America with. The style of the plan was like what would be produced from the nuclear warfare teachings of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies, but this actual plan I had not seen before. That might be explained by what one KGB official explained of the circle within a circle within a circle within a circle. A secret plan or conspiracy woud be created surrounded by a circle of an outer layer secrecy surrounded by another circle, etc. I had successfully cracked the basic security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies through my defector from there, but there may have been this circle within a circle tactic so something did not reach him and therefore did not reach me. The plan shown me by this Warsaw Pact officer lacked one thing to make it work right to basically wipe out America with. The way to get the missing Soviet bombs to their target areas was not shown in the plan. Last night it hit me. The 15 Soviet nuclear bombs from the failed effort of the Communist cell to take over America by blowing up Wash., D.C., New York City, and the third city I did no know, these 15 Soviet bombs would logically have been moved to make operational this plan shown me by this Warsaw Pact officer. If these Soviet bombs were detonated, they with this method used, should have been able to kill off basically 300 million Americans now and most or all of Canada and Mexico as well. The Soviets played for keeps as they had no room for a Pearl Harbor where America would rally afterwards and then defeat them later. All my logic says the betting odds are that these missing 15 Soviet nuclear bombs were moved into place for this later plan set up by Moscow before fall of the Communist Regime in Moscow. If these bombs were made to last and be usuable in enough later years, then one earthquake or mishap with equipment laying around too long and all America annihilated in a colossal shock that would scare all the world to death when this explosion occurs. My hands are tied until the Omni Law is passd. Once passed, I can set up a super secret military team and check this out two ways. I know the names of two who were connected to this Communist cell. They remember other names and we might be able to locate these missing 15 bombs. Option two is use logic to guess where they would be located to create this colossal super explosion and check out locations until by Grace of God we find them. I recall some scientific report indicating the possibility of a colossal earthquake soon hitting America. We had better disarm these before this earthquake or America may be overnight wiped out as a nation and history note to history books by other nations that survived this colossal disaster in North America.
      Around 100 Soviet-era nuclear suitcase bombs are probably in America now and even Moscow may no longer have any way to know where these are located. They lost a lot of Communist records and organization when Moscow went bankrupt under Communism. I have two ideas of how to locate these and get rid of them once the Omni Law is passed.
      Third angle on abandoned Soviet nuclear bomb arsenals forgotten by Moscow. My defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies under Moscow authority had once visited the super secret Soviet arsenal of nuclear bombs hidden outside of America but in the Western World. He told me how it was hidden from aerial surveillance and had entered by the secret entrance that cannot be seen from the air. I understand the nuclear arsenal had at least one upgrading maintenance over the years, maybe more. If the weapons are still operational, I know the security to where they are located. After the Omni Law is passed, I can arrange for a military commando team to go there, tell them how you get into that site, and get these bombs out and handled with great respect. If they detonate, they may wipe much or all of North and South America. My defector from Moscow did not know it and I never told him, but I had two other foreign intelligence sources confirm to me about this hidden arsenal of Soviet nuclear bombs.Folks, unless you wish strongly to be annihilated by Soviet-era  nuclear bombs, smart to pass the Omni Law and before November election.
      I keep remembering some report I saw somewhere where it predicted that America may be hit by a giant earthquake before 2012 is over. Pass the Omni Law and fast! I cannot work with traitors in Wash., D.C. and will not let my answers be used to back their plans for a Communist-Islamic dictatorship and police state over America.
      With this information released, maybe the key military in Wash., D.C. will realize that 2012 is not the year for the planned Obama military takeover of America.
      But if the  Omni Law is not fast passed, sorry I can make no guarantees for the continued survival of the American people or America as a nation. And I still hold that federal sources pay me a minimum of $525,000 by this coming Friday Sept. 14, 2012. If God won't breathe fire down your neck, I will if I don't have this symbolic amount of federally stolen money returned to me by this coming Friday which is this week. But I said the curse seriously and if God honors it, sorry boys, you are burned cinder ash or equivalent for all eternity in hell or wherever God assigns you then.
      People wanting the Omni Law to be passed, ignore the C.I.A. plants, etc. and send financial support for the Omni Omni Law as follows. Make check, etc. out to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. See fast copy of the Omni Law at the searchbox at upper left top of Nesara News. Put in Omni Law and see copies. Put in Erasmus of America and read many other reports of mine posted with them. If you want, can send email copy of Omni Law to you. Send your email to . And after we win, will need "tons" of workers for our Camelot Project, business sources wanting to set up businesses there, good Christian people to move there as we will not make a reproduction of our Babylonian Harlot of Wash., D.C. as that is no example for us to follow. Send your names, etc. and what way you want to join with us.
     Show this report to people all over America. I guess God made me not think of the three Soviet nuclear arsenals abandoned in the Western World until now. God intended I was going to win regardless. Only I can locate the missing 15 Soviet nuclear bombs if still in America and that large arsenal of Soviet nuclear bombs outside of America, I know where they have been located unless they can move them quickly before my commando teams get there once the Omni Law is passed!
       Since they teach such poor quality history in the public school systems of America, don't teach the real American Revolution based upon God-given rights, etc., let me give you a capsule version of the civil tribunes under Roman Law which the Omni Law copies for America. By the way, my good friend Jim of the American Indian tribe just died and so his best friend Allen  from this American Indian tribe who is also a veteran and head of local veterans in this area agreed to become a civil tribune under the Omni Law. I wanted the American Indians also represented  among the 10 American Civil Tribunes.

     If you want to study in detail the history of the Roman Civil Tribunes and how they make national law honest and representing the will of the Roman people, read writeups in the encyclopedias or else read the fine historic book "When The World Was Rome" by P.S. Books and N.Z. Walworth and copyrighted in 1972. It did an excellent job showing how the office of civil tribune was set up and functioned in ancient Roman law. Civil Tibunes of America will relase the genius and greatness of the American people like it did with the Roman people. We copy the legal rights and authority of the ancient Roman Civil Tribunes who kept the Roman Republic basically honest for several centuries until the corrupt interests figured out how to overthrow this position so they could make the Roman Republic corrupt like the U.S. Republic in Wash., D.C. today! They were able to veto bad laws by the Roman Senate hostile to the rights or best interests of the Roman people. Substitute American people in this modern application of the old civil tribune law of Rome! They could release falsely arrested citizens, stop fraudulent legal court cases we call Kangaroo Courts in modern law which means rigged in mockery of all honest law. They could initiate new laws by national referendum whereas the states now vote by majority within their states to cast their one vote per state as copied from old Roman law but back then instead used the voting tribes of Rome to accept or reject the proposed national tribune law! If treason was going on in government the people could not stop, they could order the arrest of the traitor or traitors and put them on trial for high treason against the nation and the people being Americans in this modern case! They were feared!
     Because America is much bigger in population than ancient Rome was, I modified the civil tribune position from being elected for one year under Roman law to four years under American law. I could say more here, but this is the capsule version of how the Omni Law works for America.

     I tried to keep it simple for the American people to understand here.

      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America

Obama care and women ---- scary

                Dr. Jill Vecchio, a Colorado radiologist ...

  So much in the Healthcare Law that the Obama Administration is hiding!
This should be frightening to women everywhere!!

In God we trust!       

Don't sound right?    Go to the center of the Bible, the very center verse of the Bible: 

"It is better to trust in the Lord, than to place confidence in men."    Ps. 118:8

Now you know where "In God we trust" came from...

It is only through the Lord that we may be saved, all others end in tragedy and the loss of life.

Really Good Quotes

Subj: FW: Really Good Quotes

2012 is election year in the US, Russia, China, France, Egypt, Mexico, Kuwait, Taiwan, Venezuela and about 30 other countries around the world, so the following quotes are in order...

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. ~Aesop, Greek slave & fable author
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato, ancient Greek Philosopher
Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge, even where there is no river. ~Nikita Khrushchev, Russian Soviet politician
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it. ~Quoted in 'Clarence Darrow for the Defense' by Irving Stone.
Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel. ~John Quinton, American actor/writer
Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. ~Oscar Ameringer, "the Mark Twain of American Socialism."
The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. AND The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it. ~P.J. O'Rourke, American comedian and writer.
I offered my opponents a deal: "If they stop telling lies about me, I will stop telling the truth about them". ~Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952..
A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country. ~ Texas Guinan, 19th century American businessman
I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. ~Charles de Gaulle, French general & politician
Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks. ~Doug Larson (English middle-distance runner, who won gold medals at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, 1902-1981)
The problem with political jokes is they get elected. ~ Variously attributed to Will Rogers and George Bernard Shaw

Message from Montague Keen - September 9, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - September 9, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 13:07:42

Message from Montague Keen - September 9, 2012
What you have been observing lately is the dividing line between good and evil, with governments making decisions that affect every one of you. It is time to find your voice, or be led, like sheep to the slaughter. The decisions that are being made are too important to be left to corrupt politicians. You do not want a world war with the mindless slaughter of millions of human beings on your conscience. This plan for war is the last effort to gain complete control of your planet. Is this what you want? It is time for you, the slaves, to find the courage, to realize who you are, and to exercise your right as human beings on Planet Earth. The evil ones leave no stone unturned to achieve world domination. They do not belong in your world. This is why they make such efforts to change it to suit themselves. You have all stood idly by and watched them take control of everything. It was done by stealth. They took their time as they did not want the sheep to wake up and see what they were doing. They fooled you into believing you had enemies through clever brain-washing techniques. How they laughed at you as you bought into every lie - hook, line and sinker. The only thing they did not bargain for, was mankind waking up to the great deception.
We in Spirit are assisting you to see for yourselves, and to open your eyes and see clearly how you have been manipulated by the few who want to control the masses. You are the masses and you have now decided that you no longer wish to be treated as slaves; for you are quite capable of running your planet for the good of all and not just for the few, as it is now. Everything is opening up for you to do this. You are being shown the way forward.
Their weapon is MONEY. But soon you will not need their money. It was created by them as a weapon to control you and it has worked until now.
Good people are coming forward to lead the way to a better and just world for all. You are taking back your world from the usurpers. Once you make the decision to step forward, all will be made clear and assistance will be provided. The people of other planets are standing by: watching and waiting to come to your rescue with everything you could possibly need. Look up in your skies and you will see them. Why do you think your governments are using chemtrails to block your view, as well as to block the wonderful energy of light that is beaming down on you from on high. You are on the greatest adventure imaginable and all are welcome. Sadly, some are still locked into three-dimensional thinking, where the acquisition of money is paramount. They are frightened to leave the rat race.

Our plans, on the other hand, are moving forward beautifully. We have no doubt that we will be successful. Each step is taken when guided, and one day, you will understand why it had to be done in this way. There has never been so much evil in your world as there is now. Care must be taken to get everything absolutely right. Act only when guided to do so. Only have people with you that you can trust...if there is any doubt, then you must act on it, as there is a lot at stake. It is time for all good people to come together in love and truth.
Soon the bastions of evil will be exposed for all to see. They will be removed from Earth forever. You cannot keep a rotten apple in the bowl, it contaminates everything that touches it. The cleansing of your planet has begun. There will be no hiding place for those evil creatures who have destroyed so much. They will not be allowed to hide in their underground lairs. They will not be welcome on Planet Earth...underground or overground. They will be removed as their time is up.
Look forward to getting to know fellow human beings from parts of the world that are not familiar to you. Remember that divisions of religion and race were weapons used by the Cabal to prevent you from discovering your real enemy. It turned human beings against human beings while the usurpers took control. You have to admit, it worked. They thought that all they had to do was to bide their time until the right moment for the TAKE OVER to come. How arrogant of them to believe that they would be allowed to take a planet and use the beings on it for their own purposes. Their LIES are no longer accepted without question. They are getting worried about what the man in the street will do when he realizes what has been done to him. They will not have to wait long. Those are the people who have manipulated everything to deceive and control you. They wrote "Holy Books" to control your minds; they wrote history that is not true and has left you confused.
There are wise countries which now want to know the truth. They are researching it for themselves. We will guide them. Always remember what I told you when I first passed to Spirit: NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. Everything is the exact opposite. Your soul is who you are, not your body; the body is just the vessel containing your soul. You have had many bodies over time, some very different to what you have today. The soul enjoys many different experiences of life. You will begin to remember different lives and experiences that make you the person you are today.
Concentrate on truth and light and the coming together of all who wish to live in peace and harmony on Earth. Create in your minds the world you want for the future. There is much that I cannot disclose now. We cannot show our hand, otherwise our enemies would take action. One big step needs to be taken, and it will. We are prepared.
My dear wife has much to do. She does see the full picture. I surround her with love and I am with her always. Love is what drives her forward to follow my guidance and to trust my judgement on matters pertaining to our mission on Earth. When people come together in love, everything is possible. It is time to say GOODBYE to the past...the future is ours.
Trust your judgement, my dear. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - September 10, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - September 10, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 12:52:51

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - September 10, 2012
Bear in mind that the events that have been unwinding are directly for your benefit. As much as you learn through the various sources of information, the truth is difficult to convey in a way that you will fully understand, without being backed with firm evidence. That will come after those who block such information are removed, and we will do it in such a way that you are left without any doubts as to the truth. However, whatever course of events follow the main focus, will remain upon you who are preparing to ascend. We are pleased to see that people are now speaking more freely among themselves about Ascension and what it means for your civilization. After all it will affect every single soul regardless of whether they have any foreknowledge of what is about to take place. Simply put, you either stay in your present level of vibration, or it is sufficiently raised to enable you to ascend with Mother Earth.
There is no question of souls being chosen for Ascension, as it is a state of being that you achieve yourselves. If you are ready you cannot do anything else but rise up as the higher vibrations take hold. Obviously it means that you will find yourselves with those souls who are very much like you, and ready to participate in creating a new environment fit for a civilization that works with Light and Love. We will by then have been able to openly work with you and we will progress together, and build a society that is based upon harmony and balance in all things. Until you are lifted up out of the lower vibrations, you will always find it difficult to create and hold on to your vision of the New Age.
We share your frustration where delays are experienced, and are preventing you from being aware of what is happening behind the scenes. However, it is not always wise to reveal too much where our activities are concerned, but be assured we are constantly working to bring about completion. The projects involved are quite challenging and involve a tremendous amount of co-operation, and we must thank our allies for what they have achieved in extremely difficult circumstances. The objective has always been to involve you in the changes, as it was never intended that we should do it all for you. Together we will proceed to create the conditions that allow for Disclosure, but be prepared for it to come out in a series of revelations.
A tremendous amount of work has been put in by our allies, and that includes all of you who are spreading the truth. Yet, because of the success of the dark Ones in spreading false information, there are still many souls who are finding it difficult to shift from their present beliefs. Whatever they are, it is hard to believe that you have been fooled, particularly when you have leaders that have become respected for their knowledge. The answer is to think for yourselves and be prepared to change your views to those that you can comfortably live with. In time you will be confronted with irrefutable facts and information that will leave you in no doubt as to the truth about you and your civilization.
Ascension is to be your total release from the lower vibrations, and lift you into a level that is your true state of being where your creative powers become more evident. Your power of thought is still creating in your present dimension but it rarely provides you with an instant result. However, as a civilization you have set each turn of events, and it is only in comparatively recent times that you have lifted yourselves out of the pit where the lower vibrations were pulling you down. It is true that you have always had help, but that has been in response to your pleas and never placed upon you without it. Our role is not one where we are forcing changes upon you, as they are taking place as a natural result of the upliftment of your vibrations.
What is beyond all of our abilities to change, is the process of Ascension that has been divinely decreed. It is affecting the whole Universe and you are but a small but nevertheless important part of what is taking place. You could describe us as the servants of God as we carry out God's bidding, and that is indeed the function of the Galactic Federation of Light. Living in peace and harmony is a joy that you will yourselves soon experience, and your words do not really describe how it feels to be in the higher vibrations. There are no harsh or repulsive energies such as you experience on Earth, and all aspects of your life are satisfying and uplifting. If you could only sample what we describe you would never want to return to your old ways or experiences. Keep it in mind and let events on Earth find their own path to completion.
Back on Earth you are getting nearer to the actual end time, and in the weeks that remain you will experience many surges of energy. Gradually you will recognize the changes that they are bringing about within you, and most likely it will be a calmness that you have created around you that is unaffected by outer happenings. Start to live your lives as though you have already ascended, and release any attachments that you know will not serve you when you have done so. It is not perfection that is expected while you are on Earth, as that is virtually impossible. However, by being such an example you are doing much that will help uplift other souls, and your Light will pass on your calmness to others.
Dear Ones, we are close to bringing about some of the events that you have been waiting for and you must realize by now that we are reluctant to talk of actual dates. In fact it is not always possible to be so precise as events on Earth shift so quickly, and we move according to the most appropriate time. We can remove the Illuminati but that will not immediately bring a cessation of their activities. Their controls go deep into society and we have to cut it off bit by bit. They cannot resurrect their power bases which have been seriously weakened by our allies, and total collapse is not far away.
I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and see the day we can get together looming large, and will so pleased when we can acknowledge each other in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.