Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2012 00:51:40

AURORA SHOOTING: Whistle blower spills beans on False Flag in Court Documents
Posted by Vatic Master
Vatic Note: We called it early on based on evidence provided by another author and we posted his proof of the sloppy job the false flag operators did. Remember this accuseds' father is a big part of the Libor scandel that is brewing internationally. This set up may have been an attempt to prevent the father from testifying in court against those manipulating the Libor which resulted in Billions of dollars being fraudulently extracted from the markets.
Remember, this is also the case where one of the nurses alledgedly treating the victims of the shooting was killed in a unusual drowning situation just days after she treated the victims of the shooting. We posted a blog on here about that downing.
Look at that mans eyes, he is either mind controlled or drugged and if he is in prison, who is drugging him up for court? Is this the new gestapo railroad justice system we can expect from now on? 

BOMBSHELL!!! Newly released court document STRONGLY supports my case that no one died at the theater

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

BOMBSHELL!!! Newly released court document STRONGLY supports my case that no one died at the theater
Posted By: DannyCahalin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2012 04:20:54

Jim Stone reports with a follow up on the Aurora incident,if you missed his report it has been bumped back up on his blog below this follow up,take care all
"The stunning accusations, dated August 27, reveal a startling story by the claimant as having been visited at home by police chief Dan Oates and Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers where they forced the unnamed individual to testify as a fake victim of the shootings, under the threat of being arrested for prostitution and escort services and charity fraud, for the purposes of garnering an easy conviction against alleged shooter James Holmes. But not before being shot by the police chief in “non-life-threatening areas” of the body, according to the motion, to appear as having been shot by James Holmes himself. The motion also claims that it is likely some of the victims in the theater were merely paid actors working on behalf of the conspirators"
Quoted from The Examiner: Friday's report by the online version of Denver's Westword Magazine details shocking claims made by, what appears to be, a new victim in a case that has throttled a community still in mourning over the tragic events. According to the court documents an individual, whose name has been officially redacted from the documents, came forward to file a “Motion to Intervene” for the right to be reasonably heard under the Crime Victims' Rights Act (a)(4), for the purposes of presenting newly discovered evidence to the court.
Corroborating much of a recent Conspiracy Examiner story maintaining the situation as potentially being another horrific (rogue government faction) conspiracy and possible false-flag event, the newly discovered evidence, thrown out of court by Judge William Sylvester days later, details stunning accusations against billionaire Philip Anschutz, Police Chief Dan Oates, Arapaho County Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers and, according to the alleged victim, the Illuminati as being potential co-conspirators in the crime.
The stunning accusations, dated August 27, reveal a startling story by the claimant as having been visited at home by police chief Dan Oates and Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers where they forced the unnamed individual to testify as a fake victim of the shootings, under the threat of being arrested for prostitution and escort services and charity fraud, for the purposes of garnering an easy conviction against alleged shooter James Holmes. But not before being shot by the police chief in “non-life-threatening areas” of the body, according to the motion, to appear as having been shot by James Holmes himself. The motion also claims that it is likely some of the victims in the theater were merely paid actors working on behalf of the conspirators and wants multiple individuals involved in the situation to take polygraph tests to prove their innocence.
Claiming that their conscience will not let fraudulent testimony contribute to an improper conviction of James Holmes, the new mystery victim asked that the judge submit the case to the FBI and the US Congress for further investigation into the alleged conspiracy. The judge, however, instead of taking a closer look, decided to strike down the motion as fraudulent, claiming the motion as likely being forged by an individual or individuals unassociated with the events. The judge also suggested the situation be investigated by the Arapahoe County Sheriff's office and those responsible for the motion be taken into custody by the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services and “referred to the appropriate mental health agency.”
But it may in fact be the judge that needs the mental attention as all the evidence collected in the case thus far seems to point toward mostly agreeing with the individual who filed the claim, despite the media and the court's attempts to suppress any evidence that doesn't support the official story. Multiple and corroborating eyewitness testimony stated what appeared to be multiple individuals involved in the shooting, including supporting official dispatch audio. Individuals interviewed by local media immediately after the event also claimed to have seen teargas canisters being deployed in the theater simultaneously from two different directions, in addition to side-by-side images of James Holmes prior to the shootings and the orange haired individual taken into custody as the alleged lone gunmen after the event looks startlingly like two different individuals. There also seems to have been two different gas masks found at the scene, in addition to other damning evidence that doesn't jive with the official version of the events.
The individual who filed the motion also added that they wanted their portion of the charity to be donated to James Holmes' prison commissary, after using the money to find Mr. Holmes “real” attorneys who are actually willing to act in the honest defense of James Holmes.
The motion, as certified by the Arapahoe County Dist. Atty. And public defenders offices, was sent via the United States Postal Service, then was quickly denied and subsequently released days ago to the public for reasons yet to be determined.
Perhaps one of the most telling aspects of the circumstances, however, happens to be the creepy dead silence about the motion by the media, especially considering every little detail about a situation like this is normally scrutinized at every angle after being groomed with a fine tooth comb and examined under a microscope.

Benjamin Fulford – Full Update – Japanese Finance Minister Murdered, New Chinese Leader Missing, Climax Approaching – 11 September 2012

Benjamin Fulford – Full Update – Japanese Finance Minister Murdered, New Chinese Leader Missing, Climax Approaching – 11 September 2012

Tadahiro Matsushita, Japan’s Finance Minister, was murdered Monday in an attempt by the cabal to extort more money out of Japan. In addition, upcoming Chinese leader Xi Jinping has vanished from public view after shunning a meeting with Hillary Clinton and refusing to finance her cabal last week. Furthermore, Neil Keenan and his family have all been recently hit by a nasty virus that we hear was spread by Italian agents working for former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Also last week NATO went on full military alert and was planning to attack Syria and provoke war with China and Russia before it was stopped by a UK RAF whistleblower who alerted colleagues at the Pentagon, according to both MI5 and CIA sources.
All of these incidents are part of the final death throes of the Satanic cabal that was attempting to install a fascist world government after starting World War 3. Multiple death threats have also been directed at this writer along with a raid on my house by Japanese tax police. The time for talk is over and direct action to deal with these mass murdering scum has begun.
The biggest immediate threat now is cabal plans to set off nuclear terror attacks in Europe in an attempt to provoke Muslim/Christian warfare, according to MI5 sources. Message to the P2 lodge: Satan has already left this universe and you are now just a bunch of scared old men about to go to jail.
Remember, if these people are not arrested, if you personally see any of them, you are legally entitled to kill them on the spot because they are trying to murder you and your family and that has been proven beyond a doubt.
Here is the latest from MI5 and other sources on the cabal’s plans for mass murder in Europe.
Their long term goal and the reason they justify their mass murder is that they plan to “merge all religion after a prolonged period of tribulation and war,” according to MI5 and other sources.
The starting point for this will be the Middle East, Peter Hans Kolvenbach’s base of operations. Kolvenbach was recently spotted in Tripoli with Giorgio Balestrieri, a Senior P2 Lodge member and one of the mid-level planners of the 911 terror attack on New York, MI5 says.
The planning for this has all been very long term. During World War 2 the Nazis recruited and trained 750,000 agents for the Muslim Brotherhood to help implement this plan.
These agents were then sent to Saudi Arabia and other places as teachers to raise a second generation of Muslim extremist agents. Bin Laden, who reported to George Bush Senior, was a second generation member of this group.
Another senior agent is Frank Wisner II who was sent by Obama to take control of the contrived “revolution” in Egypt. Wisner’s father was a Nazi CIA who was involved in the Hungarian uprising and other operations. Egypt’s new Nazi puppet leader has been following the script he was given by trying to fan the flames of religious extremism most recently, for example, by berating Syria’s secular government.
In Europe we can see the P2 plot in public now. The key players are the Satanic part of the Vatican, the EU and Goldman Sachs. The leaders imposed last winter on the people of Greece and Italy, Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti, as well as Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank, all worked for Goldman Sachs, which is a Rockefeller front company. Monti and Draghi together with the unelected President of the EU Herman von Rumpoy are all Jesuits. Pope Benedict (maledict) XVI revealed his involvement in an encyclical calling for a ‘new global economic order’.
The P2 and their fake Muslim terrorist allies were responsible for the 7/7 subway terror attack in London. They were also behind the Anders Breivik mass murder in Norway, according to MI5.
The French Freemasons are gearing up now to play their role. A likely target for a mass terror attack designed to provoke the planned Muslim-Christian civil war is Marseille with its large Muslim immigrant population, the MI5 source says. Furthermore, Serbian extremists have been handed nuclear weapons so that they can play their part in fomenting religious strife through mass murder.
After causing all this turmoil, of course the people who caused it are planning to present their solution which is a one world religion controlled by the Satanic P2 lodge.
In Asia meanwhile, the situation is not going at all according to cabal plans. However, we have received warnings and threats of a planned series of strategic assassinations aimed to trying to keep control over the financial system here.
Last week this writer phoned the Ministry of Finance to ask if Japan’s foreign assets had declined after the 311 attacks. The Ministry of Finance replied through their public relations office that in fact they had increased slightly to just under 600 trillion yen ($7.7 trillion). They said they no longer denominate their foreign exchange reserves in dollars. This may be one of the reasons the Finance Minister was murdered last night.
Here is a link showing some of the key fascist players sent to us by White Dragon Society members inside the NSA:
www.benjaminfulford.net link to original article

Israeli science & technology looked into this and agree that Obama's birth certificate was forged.

Israeli science & technology looked into this and agree that Obama's birth certificate was forged.

Open letter to Drake from many listeners

Open letter to Drake from many listeners

Hello Drake,
This letter is from many concerned people that really like you , and listen to your show. We all want to believe you BUT?
We all have been listening to your 3 hour shows since April.  We have listened intently from week to week and followed your postings.
When you first appeared from out of nowhere you said the good military appointed you as spokesperson for keeping us informed.  Well, it is time to let us know the truth… Don’t tell us from week to week any longer that this or that is being done as we have not yet seen evidence that most of what you say is, indeed, happening…. We ALL hope we are wrong about our combined concerns, but we have questions about what is and what is NOT taking place, and we believe that you and the “good”? military owe us some explanations.
1.     The chemtrails continue to be sprayed overhead, destroying earth’s water, soils, foliage, food crops, insects (like the bees and various birds very important for pollinating), and infecting and killing animals and humans alike daily. 
2.     You say most foreign troops are on our side when others in the know, folks such as Alex Jones and many others, including average watchful patriotic Americans, are saying otherwise…
3.     We, meaning the folks writing this, are observing with our own eyes the FEMA railcars equipped with shackles, railcars carrying loads of heavy military equipment, and truckloads of guillotines moving daily throughout the country… Some of us have seen them. Look at the abandoned military base near Rocksprings WY. 2 years ago it was loaded with Chinese troops.. PERHAPS it still is....
4.     We do not know who or what entity is feeding you the information you claim to be providing on your broadcasts, nor is that which you are reporting taking place. 
5. You even wanted us to be at risk and arrest these creeps.... We really started thinking someone was totally loosing it. Did you want us to get arrested?
6.     The arrests of various high level traitors in this nation were to have occurred 5 months ago.  When the ‘news’ about the ‘arrests’ of Geitner and later on, on your broadcast Pelosi were reported to have occurred, within hours both were back on the streets carrying on their traitorous activities per usual.   ‘Arrested’ to us means off the streets and no longer able to carry out their BS.
7.     A few of us, until we see proof and evidence, do not believe anything being said on the broadcasts any more, as all being ‘reported’ is unsubstantiated hearsay with little to no evidence.
8.     When the ‘big shots’ are arrested and put away (those at the top devising their evil schemes and issuing the orders), all the mid to lower echelon staff will not know what to do, thus positioning them as easy pickings to be removed from harming fellow Americans.
9.     It seems to us that the US military is NOT honoring their oath and are dragging their feet on making any decisions or actions to break away from the NOW/NATO to defend America. We do know that the US military has not been a servant for the united States for many years now, having been taken over and put under the control and orders of the United Nations and the NWO to carry out their Nazi agenda.
10.     We want to give a limit to them to get er done or get out of the way. You once gave the Military a date and nothing happened… Are you not wondering where the military is at with all this? If you want to WIN - -  control both sides just like the Rothschilds and Rockerfeller did during WW2.... they made a fortune from a war they started and supported at our cost....
11.  Many of us are older like you with upper end professional lifestyles, ex-military officers, and college degrees including many who have studied logic.  Looking at current events logically, so many things you say are illogical and do not line up or seem to ever happen.  An example:  If 75% plus of the US military is on the side of defending America against this tyranny, it is our belief that the chemtrails would by now be history and ALL of the BIG SH-TS would be in the slammer. How much more death and destruction has to occur before the US military gets off their butts and demonstrates  (by visiable arrests) their loyalty to their oaths and to their nation?
12.  Drake, is the cabal/the US military using you to keep the Americans  sedated and trusting what you are ‘reporting’ while they get ready to bring forth the ‘surprise’ and begin to round up good loyal Americans?? People are already disappearing all around the nation, and it is believed there are already people in the camps.
13. How much more ‘evidence’ does the US military need to conduct the arrests and to lock up those fully known to be traitors to America?  If an American breaks a simple law, they are subject to being sent to jail. These crooks, thieves and assholes are in our faces daily with their continued heinous crimes and experience NO repercussions for their continuing traitorous activities.  Americans are loosing their homes, money, health, lives, even family relationships due to the stress as well as other losses and NOTHING appears to be getting done on their behalf.  In fact, QUITE THE CONTRARY. Actions speak louder than words, and if it is not seen it isn't.

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Japanese Finance Minister Murdered, New Chinese Leader Missing, Climax Approaching

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Japanese Finance Minister Murdered, New Chinese Leader Missing, Climax Approaching
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 23:38:03

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
Taddition, upcoming Chinese leader Xi Jinping has vanished from public view after shunning a meeting with Hillary Clinton and refusing to finance her cabal last week. Furthermore, Neil Keenan and his family have all been recently hit by a nasty virus that we hear was spread by Italian agents working for former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Also last week NATO went on full military alert and was planning to attack Syria and provoke war with China and Russia before it was stopped by a UK RAF whistleblower who alerted colleagues at the Pentagon, according to both MI5 and CIA sources. All of these incidents are part of the final death throes of the Satanic cabal that was attempting to install a fascist world government after starting World War 3.
Multiple death threats have also been directed at this writer along with a raid on my house by Japanese tax police. The time for talk is over and direct action to deal with these mass murdering scum has begun.
The biggest immediate threat now is cabal plans to set off nuclear terror attacks in Europe in an attempt to provoke Muslim/Christian warfare, according to MI5 sources. Message to the P2 lodge: Satan has already left this universe and you are now just a bunch of scared old men about to go to jail.
Remember, if these people are not arrested, if you personally see any of them, you are legally entitled to kill them on the spot because they are trying to murder you and your family and that has been proven beyond a doubt.
Here is the latest from MI5 and other sources on the cabal’s plans for mass murder in Europe.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Why You Must CARE About 9/11 Truth; Plus, Massive Evidence That 9/11 Was an Inside Job

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Why You Must CARE About 9/11 Truth; Plus, Massive Evidence That 9/11 Was an Inside Job
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 22:21:24

“The commission had to subpoena the F.A.A. for documents, had to subpoena NORAD for documents and they will never get the full story. That is one of the tragedies. One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9/11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up.” [1] -Max Cleland, 9/11 Commission member
Tomorrow is the 11 year anniversary of the September 11, 2001 tragedy. Regarding the events of that tragic day, we can be certain of one thing: we have not been told the truth. Many of the 9/11 Commission members, who authored the official 9/11 Commission Report [2], have admitted as much. In addition to the above statement by Max Cleland about a White House cover up, commission members have revealed that they “were setup to fail,” [3] [4] the “CIA obstructed our investigation,” [5] the statements made by NORAD officials “was just so far from the truth,” [6] that they were “extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting,” [7] and they “don’t believe for a minute that we got everything right.” [8]
This report provides compelling evidence showing that the events on September 11, 2001 did not occur as documented in the 9/11 Commission Report [9] and in the World Trade Center Disaster Study [10]. In addition, documented evidence of the motive for the attacks is provided, as well as information as to who was involved and how it could have happened in secrecy.
Most importantly, the reason for why, now more than ever, you should care about knowing and spreading the truth about 9/11 is presented.
This article focuses on some of the most compelling evidence: the physical evidence regarding the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings, the physical evidence that the Pentagon was hit with a missile, and the incriminating words spoken by numerous political figures.
Please take the time to click through and read this very important and informative article by Ross from Conscious Life News. You might want to take a wander around his site. He has an amazing amount of carefully documented articles on a great number of subjects.

Are You Awake Yet? Revolution 2012

14 minute video on corruption by bankers and big business.

Are You Awake Yet? Revolution 2012

Navy SEALS Respond against Obama After Media Matters Calls Them "Gutless"

The ONLY Thing I have in this , IS Osama AKA, TIM ,  Ha you Guess,  Died over 10 years BEFORE!! 

 Subject: Navy SEALS Respond against Obama After Media Matters Calls Them "Gutle ss"

There is no "I" in team!!!!!!!

This video made by the U.S. Navy Seals may cost Obama his second term in office.  It’s just incredible how effective this video is in convincing Americans that Obama is a very serious national traitor.  History will judge him negatively for 1,000 years.  Incredibly powerful video!  Senior CIA, FBI, Military and many other U.S. government intelligence officials describe for the viewer how Obama has compromised U.S. national secrets and the very serious consequence of those actions.  And what’s worse, he did it all for political gain so he could win a second disastrous term in office.

Navy SEALS Respond After Media Matters
Calls Them "Gutless"

Watch the video.

This is lengthy but please view it to the end.  It is important!!!

Important message from Ron Van Dyke Secretary of free state of Florida Restored Republic

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Important message from Ron Van Dyke Secretary of free state of Florida Restored Republic
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 17:08:26

Important message from Ron Van Dyke Secretary of free state of Florida Restored Republic
Agent note: Brother Ron called me today about this topic. I told him Montaque Keen just brought up the same subject...so I have included an excerpt for all to see below.
I stand firmly along side Ron with his position on this and hope others can see the importance of his stance. We have been lied to forever and manipulated by government and religion. Please take 20 minutes to view this video to better understand the issues. Mr.Ed
An excerpt from Montague Keen - September 9, 2012 http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=252179
"Look forward to getting to know fellow human beings from parts of the world that are not familiar to you. Remember that divisions of religion and race were weapons used by the Cabal to prevent you from discovering your real enemy. It turned human beings against human beings while the usurpers took control. You have to admit, it worked. They thought that all they had to do was to bide their time until the right moment for the TAKE OVER to come. How arrogant of them to believe that they would be allowed to take a planet and use the beings on it for their own purposes. Their LIES are no longer accepted without question. They are getting worried about what the man in the street will do when he realizes what has been done to him. They will not have to wait long. Those are the people who have manipulated everything to deceive and control you. They wrote "Holy Books" to control your minds; they wrote history that is not true and has left you confused."

They went and did it; creating a very heart wrenching decision for me! Yesterday I was at the statewide meeting of the Florida Free State in which, as Secretary of State, I presided over the election confirmation of one of our Senators that had been appointed upon the death of the man previously elected, and one new legislator to replace one that had resigned. Then we were presented with new citizenship papers that had to be signed under oath or affirmation without alteration. The wording included naming the "Holy Bible" as a foundational law venue of the Republic, without establishing a religion. I could not sign that document in good conscience. Let me explain why...