Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11th 2001 - eleventh anniversary - celebrate freedom

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

September 11th 2001 - eleventh anniversary - celebrate freedom
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2012 03:54:33

no, 9/11 will not go away, and this is the ELEVENTH YEAR THAT NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE to the real perpetrators of the Patriot Act-instigating corporate cyber event, intended navy coup and mainstream media money-shot demolition horror job.
celebate freedom - because you are free to do what you are told, free to buy what you are told to buy, free to like what you are told to like. 


Joel Gilbert's ad in the New York Post
The New York Post has accepted a full-page ad declaring Barack Obama’s real biological father is the late Communist Party activist Frank Marshall Davis, not the Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama.
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert makes the case in his full-length documentary“Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception.”
The ad will run in the Post’s New York City, national and international editions Tuesday and Sunday.
Convincing the newspaper to accept the full-page ad required Gilbert to go personally to the Post’s main editorial office in Manhattan.
“It took a lot of discussion,” Gilbert told WND, “but we were given a very favorable position at the front of the newspaper in the news section.”
Gilbert told WND the placement of the ad is “part of our national publicity campaign, designed to circumvent the mainstream media that is either too afraid or too corrupt to cover the evidence presented in this film.”
In an effort to reach the voting public directly, Gilbert is planning to mail out millions of DVDs in bulk across the United States.
Advertising anti-Obama DVD a ‘tough sale’
In July, Gilbert tried to place a similar version of his full-page advertisement in three of the nation’s most prominent newspapers – USA Today, the Washington Post and the New York Times – offering first to pay USA Today $90,000.
All three newspapers rejected the advertisement, with the New York Times specifically telling Gilbert, “The ad isn’t for us.”
“You would think the print media could use the money,” Gilbert told WND. “But apparently, an ideological bias toward supporting Barack Obama is more important to the newspapers than the money.”
Gilbert’s problems getting his DVD advertised have not been limited to establishment newspapers.
Newsmax.com also rejected the “Dreams from My Real Father” banner advertising campaign in early May, even after Gilbert had reached an agreement and paid for the campaign in advance.
“Newsmax pulled the banner advertising campaign at the highest level of the organization,” Gilbert said. “Newsmax told me the organization was trying to appeal to the political center and the concern was that publicizing Gilbert’s DVD might make the news organization appear too conservative.
Newsmax’s Tom Mulcrone told WND that Newsmax never accepted Gilbert’s banner ad.
“We are a news organization, and we need to be careful with what we send out,” Mulcrone told WND.
The cell phone call to Mulcrone ended abruptly and Mulcrone did not return voice messages WND left requesting to complete the interview.
A Communist Party mentor
“Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics,” Gilbert explained. “His father was a goat-herder from Kenya, so Barack Obama would bring people together, so the story went.
“However, as I show in the documentary, the truth is Barack Obama has a deeply disturbing family background, including a father who was a propagandist for the Communist Party USA – a fact Obama has intentionally hidden in order to obscure his Marxist political foundations.”
Gilbert acknowledges voters are willing to overlook many faults a politician may have.
“However, providing a false family background to hide a Marxist political agenda is irreconcilable with American values and a totally unacceptable manipulation of the electorate,” Gilbert stressed.
Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to Public Affairs, an openly Marxist political review, made the first positive identification of “Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis.
In March 2007, Horne gave a speech at New York University on the occasion of the Communist Party USA archive being placed at a NYU library.
In the speech, Horne discussed Davis, noting Davis, who was born in Kansas and lived much of his adult life in Chicago, had moved to Honolulu in 1948 at the suggestion of his good friend, actor Paul Robeson. In the 1940s, Robeson was an outspoken critic of segregation and racial discrimination in the United States, who was also a strong advocate of the Soviet Union and a member of the Communist Party USA.
Horne also documented Davis’s friendship with the Dunham family in Hawaii.
“Eventually, [Davis] befriended another family – a Euro-American family – that had migrated to Honolulu from Kansas and a young woman from this family eventually had a child with a young student from Kenya East Africa who goes by the name of Barack Obama, who retracing the steps of Davis eventually decamped to Chicago.”
Lorne further documented Davis was “a decisive influence in helping [Obama] to find his present identity as an African-American, a people who have been the least anti-communist and the most left-leaning of any constituency in this nation.”
After Horne’s speech, the identity of “Frank” was never in doubt, nor his importance in the development of the young Barack Obama.
On Dec. 5, 1956, Davis appeared in executive session before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee investigating “the scope of Soviet activity in the United States,” one of the McCarthy-era committees seeking to expose communists considered to be a security threat.
Invoking his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination, Davis refused to answer a direct question asking if he was then a communist.
A year earlier, in 1955, a Commission on Subversive Activities organized by the government of the Territory of Hawaii identified Davis as a member of the Communist Party USA; the committee singled out for criticism several articles Frank Marshall Davis published in the “Communist Honolulu Record” that were critical of the commission.
See the “Dreams from My Real Father” trailer:

911 BS Cover Stories Prepared In Advance by the mass media

We produced this video back 
in 2006.

It was made from live footage 
taken the morning of 9/11.

What you'll see is that the
cover stories ("Osama did it"
"Fire melted structural steel")
were methodically disseminated 
by dubious experts and
eye witnesses immediately
after the attack while everyone
else was in shock. 



- Brasscheck

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US Government’s Secret Army: Foreign Troops to be Deployed After Marital Law is Declared

US Government’s Secret Army: Foreign Troops to be Deployed After Marital Law is Declared

By Susanne Posel
September 10, 2012
The US Air Force document entitled Psychological Operations published in 1999 explained how for the purpose of hiding in plain sight, psy-ops are a “low-cost, high-impact” way of conducting military operations without having to deal with questions by the American public.
The control of “selected information” being leaked out to the public through mainstream media, press conferences and other designated outlets has ensured that the targeted audience will support the governmental campaign out of ignorance.
Of late, reports and rumors about foreign troops in America working with our armed forces have been surfacing. And in response, the US government has (at first) dismissed the claims. Now, official reports are confirming what eye witnesses have been seeing.
The question is: why are foreign troops training with US military forces for urban warfare, civil unrest and disturbance?
Scheduled for September 12th through the 16th, the Canadian military will be training for domestic operations in locking down urban populations. The supposition is that a massive revolt could break out as global civilian revolution is believed to be imminent.
Foreign troops have been working with US Armed Forces and law enforcement for years in preparation for civil unrest in America. Back in 2010 in Chicago, under Operation Vigilant Guard (OVG), where Polish Armed Forces not only “observed” urban warfare drills, but also participated in exercisesspecializing in detaining Americans during counter-terror drills.
According to one Polish major, the exercises were “the next step” in combining both the Illinois National Guard and Polish military personnel in a psy-op campaign to acclimate Americans to seeing foreign troops in the domestic US and gain acceptance for these soldiers assisting local law enforcement in everyday duties.
In Colorado, rumors of Russian troops practicing to deal with terrorist raids and martial law scenarios have been proven correct by our US Armed Forces.
Back in April, Commander Wendy L. Snyder, U.S. Defense Press Officer, stated that “The Russian soldiers are here as invited guests of the U.S. government; this is part of a formal bilateral exchange program between the U.S. and Russia that seeks to develop transparency and promote defense reform.”
In Oregon, under OVG, NORTHCOM and NORAD joined with the Oregon National Guard and the Portland Police Bureau to train to disarm Americans. This drill included armed soldiers from Bangladesh in connection with the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program which forages partnerships with American and foreign troops.
Both Russian and American airborne troops held training exercises that included tactical landing operations with specialized focus on “parachuting, operation planning, reconnaissance, assault operations and evacuations by helicopter.”
Back in May, mainstream media reported that Russian army paratroopers were in Colorado training with the 10th US Special Forces Group at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This collaboration was agreed upon more than a year ago with the purpose of joining forces in “humanitarian operations such as anti-terrorism measures and disaster relief.”
Lt. Col. Steven Osterholzer confirmed that Russian and American soldiers were conducting anti-terrorism exercises, including firing weapons and practicing parachute drops.
The Air Force Reserve Command has requested that Congress authorize US armed forces to be used against Americans as a newly formed response team for domestic disturbances.
The Obama administration, during high-level talks with US Marine Corp officials, ordered war games exercises to train US troops in tactical operations for the known purpose of continuity of government and territorial sovereignty. The location of the exercises “is irrelevant”, according to Ensign Bryan Mitchell, spokesman for the U.S. Marines Corp.
The planned training “happens to be in Palawan”; however the focus on anti-terrorism was designed to ready troops for all possibilities in combat situations.
Most recently, NORAD have been working with Canadian and Russian Air Forces at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado for training in aerial assault scenarios wherein a high-jacked commercial flight would mirror what happened in the official story of 9/11.
However, these exercises are more than simply collaborating with foreign troops to stop a potential terrorist takeover of a commercial airliner. Both Russian and US Air Force are practicing in tandem with F-22 Raptors in defense of the domestic US.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been amassing an estimated 1.8 billion rounds of hollow point bullets through their agency; as well as the Social Security Office, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), and the US Forest Service. These solicitations have spawned great debate as to who the US government intends to shoot.
The DHS has also recently solicited for 1,400 pounds of high density ammonium nitrate and A-5 Flake RDX that will build improvised explosive devices (IEDs) without explanation as to why they would require the exact ingredients to manufacture a fertilizer bomb.
The US Army Military Personnel Exchange Program allocates US soldiers in exchange for officers from foreign nations for the purpose of cross-training due to an international crisis. This provides an international army for the global Elite that will potentially disarm American citizens, but more effectively work with the US military that are advancing the global Elite’s agenda to takeover America in the event of martial law.
Knowing that nearly half of active military will not cooperate with this foreign insurgency, the use of foreign troops begins to make sense. This new army will work with the members of the current US military that will take orders from the global Elite.
Many US veterans, active duty military, members of domestic militias and constitutionalists have openly stated that they will become active for the sake of preserving our Constitutional Republic once martial law is declared.
In 1994, former President Clinton signed the Presidential Decision Directive/NSC-25 which states that if needed by the US government, foreign troops would be allocated for the expressed use by the US president to assist the US military, federal agencies and local law enforcement in the event of civil disturbance and necessity of marital law. This request would be directed to the UN and would immediately suspend the US constitution so that foreign troops could be sent to America to take over and work with the global Elite funded military to combat the opposition.
As we have seen through news media and eye witness accounts, foreign troops are on US soil training with US armed forces in tactical operations, urban warfare drills, and counter-terrorist exercises to combat the expected threat posed by those who will not willingly go along with the lockdown of America. It is estimated that anywhere between 200 to 400 thousand foreign troops have entered through US borders.
According to an anonymous source close to the Sovereign Movement, there is a growing number of active and non-active military that are preparing for the final directives to be given before martial law is declared in the domestic US.
These men and women have agreed not to follow orders. This also includes local law enforcement and various federal agencies that have members that will not stand in defense of the global Elite’s plan to take over our Constitutional Republic.
The hollow point bullets, riot gear and IED material that DHS has been gathering may well be to arm the foreign troops that are actively training with our US armed forces to fight against the members of the Sovereign Movement, constitutionalist and militias that are spread throughout the nation.
These arms would be needed to “beef up” DHS already expanding Special Forces units that would be under directives of the President in the event of civil unrest and not subject to the Congress.
Those able and willing to fight against the global Elite’s usurped US and foreign military would be the target of most of the violence. In many documents published by the US government and globalist think-tanks, explanation of effective urban combat has been discussed and plotted. One such document is entitled Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain , dating back to 2002.
Here the “characteristics” of urban centers are explained and how to successfully lock down a major US city is posed to combine the most effective course of action.
From aerial attacks, to small-unit battles on the ground, the scenario of combat through intelligence, through knowledge of the terrain, and preparation is analyzed and presented so that commanders and leaders can consider all options before beginning such an endeavor.
This is the reason why the US veterans are being demonized in the mainstream media, forcibly sequestered in psychiatric wards and having their guns taken. The US veterans would be the ground troops, or guerilla soldiers that would attack against the global Elite’s army. Having them removed from the equation now is a strategic move.
The plans for marital law are going to be met with abandonment of the US military forces by those who do not want to participate in the destruction and occupation of our nation by the global Elite. They will collaborate with US veterans to build a defense against the enemy.
The civil war that is being talked about in the alternative media is not directly focused on the American public. DHS, with collaboration with the Obama administration and foreign troops are creating a separate army to fight for the New World Order.
The opposition is our brave men and women that believe in our nation as it was created by our Founding Fathers and whom are willing to fight for its survival.

Video: ObamaCare diagnosed in one sentence


Addressing The Parasite Called Rome


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Picture: High Mass. Pope. Addressing the parasite callled Rome.

On Monday 3rd September 2012, it was reported from Japan (
here) that Alexander Romanov (aka Slasha Zaric) and his Gnostic Illuminati powergroup are insistent in their view that a rogue, alien, artificial intelligence is running Rome (Italy).

This rogue AI is said to control and direct the P2 masonic lodge, the Mafia, the Vatican, the Vatican Bank, the Jesuits and Opus Dei. Romanov's group says that the only way to destroy the alien AI parasite is to "eliminate the city of Rome and its surrounding hills."

Alexander Romanov does not appear to be a flaky nut job. He and his group are understood to be serious global players involved in the international drugs trade, the smuggling of stolen nuclear warheads and the kind of covert power plays which occupy much of the time and the resources of the world's intelligence organisations.

At the time of writing, Romanov is reported to be held in protective custody by the Japanese police.

The "seven hills of Rome" lie immediately to the East of the River Tiber. They include the Palatine (Imperial Palace complex), the Quirinal (Temple of Mars; Baths of Constantine), the Capitoline (Temple of Jupiter; site of Tiburtine Sibyl prophesy to Augustus), the Esquiline (Temple of Minerva Medica; Baths of Trajan), the Aventine (Aeneid Cacus myth), the Caelian (five major churches), and the Viminal (Viminal Palace - modern - current Italian Ministry of Interior).

One reason why Romanov's Gnostic Illuminati powergroup argues that the only way to eradicate the alien AI control complex on Earth is to "eliminate the city of Rome and its surrounding hills" is probably because they have evidence that beneath these ancient "sacred" hills there are ancient underground bases with ancient, off-planet, but still functioning, control technologies.

It is difficult to quantify the extraterrestrial presence on Earth, although it seems to have long antedated human arrival and evolution. The best figures we have seen suggest that since the 1980s there have been a minimum of twelve million extraterrestrial space vehicles in, or close to, the Earth's atmosphere at any one time. Some of these craft are miles long, with the biggest being a cigar-shaped mothership said to be 4.2 times the mass of Earth. Vehicles of this size, when visiting, are usually stationed outside the asteroid belt to minimise energetic turbulence around the inner planets.

What all this means is that wherever you are on the surface of Planet Earth, when you look up into the sky, there are at least seventy to one hundred active ET UFOs overhead - either cloaked or in closely adjacent, but physically non-visible, dimensions or realities.

Since the late 1990s, all these ET UFOs have been benevolent. Some of the ET craft have been in place, here, since before the Earth itself arrived from the Sirius water planet system ("Spaceship Earth"). Many of the UFOs are themselves alive; they are sentient, self-contained, self-renewing and self-repairing vehicles. Some have huge forests, oceans, mountain ranges and cities inside. Some of the spheroidal craft have these things on the outside as well. If we know about them, we tend to think of them as "planets".

It should be noted that some UFOs sighted on Earth are of human origin and many of these are certainly not benevolent. They are secret, stealth war machines - including the triangular surveillance command-and-control weapons-platforms - managed by the G5 Western cabal's military-industrial complex. An example of this type of plausibly deniable human "UFO" is the Aurora antigravity USAF TR-3B vehicle. Other pictures here,here and here. More background herehere and here.

The large cigar-shaped ET motherships have sometimes been photographed. For example, one can be seen in this Hubble telescope infrared image here, and this second image here shows some French newspaper reportage of three such craft parked on one of the rings of Saturn. This French report was based on the (suppressed) Hubble data.

With regard to the number of active ET bases currently on, or in the Earth, the best estimate is about four hundred thousand (source: downpage here).
During the summer after the 911 False Flag attacks on New York City and Washington DC, the pictographic nature of agriglyphs began to change. Agriglyphs are sometimes called crop glyphs or crop circles.

On Thursday 15th August 2002, at Crabwood Farm, Hampshire, UK, the glyph pictured below was manifested overnight. It was too large, too complex and produced too fast to be of human provenance.
Picture: Alien face crop glyph. Crabwood Farm, Hampshire, UK. August 2002.

Other photographs of this agriglyph can be found here and here. And Martin Keitel's artistic reconstruction of the image is here.

An emerging thought following the Romanov group's comments cited above is that this ET-sourced pictograph may have a secondary subtext which refers to Rome and to organised religious deception involving an evil artificial intelligence.

At first sight, the image depicts an alien face holding up a computer disc in its left hand. On the disc, a decipherable 8-bit binary ASCII code says: "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing. Bell sound."

The contemporary analyses of the image are legion, among which the three herehere and here are, perhaps, worth noticing in particular.

Looking at the agriglyph, many sense a strong negativity implied in the physiognomy of the face. This is not the depiction of a positive influence. We are confronted by a shadowy enemy. The large circle, as well as (obviously) representing a computer disc, is also reminiscent of the priest's theatrical display of the elevated host at the Mass. And the ringing of the Sanctus bell at the elevation is signalled in the ASCII code.

Consider the following run of images in this context:
Picture: Addressing the parasite called Rome. High Mass.

Picture: High Mass. Elevation of the host. Priest.

Picture: High Mass. Elevation of the host. Pope.

Picture: High Mass. Elevation of the host. Priest.

In a regular, public Mass the elevated host is usually displayed in the priest's right hand (dextral). In a private, after hours, Black Mass, in a "Christian" church such as the Basilica of St John Lateran (Rome) or Chiesa del Gesù (Rome), the host is often elevated with the left hand (sinistral). And often the "host" in this latter case is not a wafer, but a fresh body part from the sacrificial victim.

So an expanded, secondary reading of the Crabwood crop glyph might be a warning relating to the left hand path elevation of Church evil posing as theatrical good will: "Beware the priestly bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there. We oppose the sinistral deceptions of organised religion."

U.N. triggers "Plan B" on global gun control


U.N. triggers "Plan B" on global gun control

'What's at stake is the entire fate of firearms in America'

by Michael Carl <http://www.wnd.com/author/mcarl/>  <mailto:mcarl@wnd.com>              Published: 1 day ago

Americans who thought the United Nations’ gun-grabbing agenda collapsed with the adjournment of the Small Arms Treaty meetings in July are in for a surprise.

Enter the U.N. Programme Against Small Arms, an administrative program that National Association for Gun Rights <http://www.nationalgunrights.org/>  Executive Vice President Dudley Brown says wouldn’t require a vote in Congress to be enacted, but has so far flown under the radar of most gun-rights groups.

A U.N. conference called the “Second United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects) that concluded this past week drafted a 2012 report <http://www.poa-iss.org/RevCon2/Documents/RevCon-DOC/Rev1/Draft-Outcome-CRP3-Rev3.pdf>  that says the body maintains its commitment eliminate small arms trade, despite the July setback.

Obama and the U.N. are conspiring to steal your gun rights. Get the final copies of “America Disarmed.” Extremely limited supply. When these books are gone, they will not be reprinted. <http://superstore.wnd.com/books/Wayne-LaPierre/America-Disarmed-Inside-the-U-N-Obama-Scheme-to-Destroy-the-Second-Amendment-Hardcover>

“In implementing the Programme of Action at the national level,” the report said, “States, where they have not yet done so, undertake: To support the development and implementation of adequate laws, regulations and administrative procedures to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects, including diversion of small arms and light weapons to unauthorized recipients.

“To establish or strengthen, as appropriate,” the report continued, “national coordination mechanisms to improve coordination among governmental agencies, in particular among law enforcement, national border and customs control agencies, and arms transfer licensing authorities, to implement the Programme of Action.

“This should include aspects of the illicit manufacture, control, trafficking, circulation, brokering and trade, as well as tracing, finance, collection and destruction of small arms and light weapons,” the report concluded.

The full scope of what the program intends to accomplish are explained on the U.N. Office for Disarmament Affairs web site <http://www.un.org/disarmament/convarms/SALW/> .

The site lists the groups the body is hoping to impact: “Insurgents, armed gang members, pirates, terrorists.”  (Note: Just WHO do you supposed would be included in the list of ‘t’s??)

Further, the site says, “The illicit circulation of small arms, light weapons and their ammunition destabilizes communities and impacts security and development in all regions of the world.”

The website further explains what the program intends to implement in the participating countries.

“If national law enforcement officials were able to trace small arms back to their last legitimate owner, who might then be held accountable, this would form an effective measure against illicit trade and diversion,” the website states. “For that purpose, it is essential that the weapon be marked upon production and import, and that appropriate records be kept. Existing stocks should also be marked. Although many weapons are marked upon production and import, international cooperation in marking and tracing of small arms is in its infancy.”

Brown says the U.N. gun ban is difficult to stop.

“This fight, however, is on such a massive scale,” Brown said in a statement, “with so many moving targets and on so many fronts, that it has been a virtual course in adapting tactics to fit the battle.”

Brown told WND traditional gun-rights groups have thus far dismissed the U.N. program!!!!!!!!!

“When this fight with the U.N. first surfaced,” Brown said, “the institutional gun lobby dismissed the threat as paranoia, but we knew the U.N.’s agenda put the United States’ freedoms squarely in their sights.”

Brown also says that the U.N.’s target is nothing less than complete control of all guns and ammunition.

“What’s at stake is the entire fate of firearms in America,” Brown said.

And Brown says there’s only one way to stop the U.N. Programme Against Small Arms. It starts with diligent, local lobbying and activism.

“Grassroots activism – led by my organization, the National Association for Gun Rights – derailed the U.N.’s Small Arms Treaty,” Brown said. “   But now they’re using a more insidious avenue called the Programme Against Small Arms to push for global gun control. And it just might work, unless we mobilize Americans against it.”