Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monopoly - I did not know this!

Monopoly - I did not know this!

(You'll  never look at the game  the same way again!)

Starting  in 1941, an increasing number of British Airmen found themselves as the involuntary guests of the Third Reich, and  the Crown was casting about for ways and means to facilitate their escape...
 Now  obviously, one of the most helpful aids to that end is a  usefuland accurate map, one showing  
not  only where stuff was, but also showing the locations of 'safe houses' where a POW on-the-lam could go for food and shelter.
Paper  maps had some real drawbacks -- they make a lot of noise when you open and fold them, they wear out rapidly, and if they get  wet, they turn into mush.

Someone  in MI-5 (similar to America 's OSS ) got the idea of printing escape maps on silk. It's durable, can be scrunched-up into  tiny wads, and unfolded as many times as needed, and makes no  noise whatsoever.
At  that time, there was only one manufacturer in Great Britain  that had perfected the technology of printing on silk, and  that was John Waddington, Ltd.
When approached by the government, the firm was only too happy to do its bit for the war effort.
By  pure coincidence, Waddington was also the U.K. Licensee for  the popular American board game, Monopoly. As it happened,  'games and
pastimes' was a category of item qualified for  insertion into 'CARE packages', dispatched by the  International Red Cross to prisoners of war
Under  the strictest of secrecy, in a securely guarded and inaccessible old workshop on the grounds of Waddington's, a  group of sworn-to-secrecy employees began mass-producing escape maps, keyed to each region of Germany or Italy where
Allied POW camps were regional system). When processed, these  maps could be folded into such tiny dots that they would  actually fit
inside a Monopoly playing  piece.
As  long as they were at it, the clever workmen at Waddington's  also managed to add:
1. A playing token, containing a small  magnetic compass
2. A two-part metal file that could easily  be screwed together
3. Useful amounts of genuine  high-denomination German, Italian, and
French currency, hidden  within the piles of Monopoly money!
British  and American air crews were advised, before taking off on
their first mission, how to identify a 'rigged' Monopoly set  -- by means of a tiny red dot, one cleverly rigged to look  like an ordinary printing glitch, located in the corner of the  Free Parking square.
Of  the estimated 35,000 Allied POWS who successfully escaped, an estimated one-third were aided in their flight by the rigged  Monopoly sets.. 
Everyone who did so was sworn to secrecy  indefinitely, since the British Government might want to use  this highly successful ruse in still another, future war.  
The  story wasn't declassified until 2007, when the surviving craftsmen from Waddington's, as well as the firm itself, were  finally honored in a public  ceremony.

It's  always nice when you can play that 'Get Out of Jail' Free' card!

Happy Anniversary by Drake

Drake posted: " Happy Anniversary 911? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLXyB5GtfBU&w=640&h=360]    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jLXyB5GtfBU#! "

New post on ANMilitia

Happy Anniversary

by Drake
 Happy Anniversary 911?
Drake | September 11, 2012 at 2:21 pm | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-pl

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Ode to 9/11

                                    Ode to 9/11
A nation mourned, its heart was struck,
The battle had just begun.
The attack hit home so unannounced,
Many perished before it was done.
Forever changed, the nation watched
As smoke billowed up to heaven.
That fateful day what once felt safe
Changed suddenly on 9/11.
The buildings burned and collapsed into rubble,
The sight so horrifying to see,
All eyes were turned to ponder the evil,
And what the purpose could be.
Amidst the confusion, concern, and strife,
The heroes began to arise,
Who placed others lives ahead of their own,
Kept compassion in front of their eyes.
The day was so fraught with shock and dismay,
Many families lost loved ones so dear.
The dust didn’t settle for quite a few months,
And the legacy left there was fear.
But then from the ashes, a new plant was born,
It was tempered by suffering and woe,
It was tested in the fires of affliction,
Emerged victorious over the foe,
For the unity and purpose of spirit,
Grabbed the nation by its very heart.
The tragedy wove the people together,
In a closeness that couldn’t tear them apart.
The lessons learned should be well remembered,
For the change we were all called to make.
May the caring and concern for one another,
Be the flower in this tragedy’s wake.
                           Frances Renaudin


     A recent immirant to America starts a small run-down-looking general store. Through his business genius and a brand new business philosophy, his business grows over time and even revolutionizes the way business is conducted. This immigrant rises from rags to riches, making his own way in America based upon sheer merit. This would not be possible under the heavily regulated social structure in other parts of the world. Examples like this one symbolizes the American dream. This was possile when the government kept clear of every sector of the economy. While this was true in America's past, is it still true in the present?
     World Net Daily says, "For more than half a century, capitalism in the United States has taken a beating from the socialist revolution. Despite the best efforts of conservatives since the Roosevelt era, socialists have made great strides towrd converting the nation to socialism."
     What exactly is socialism? American Heritage Dictionary 2009 defines socialism as "Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the mens of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy." This definition, although quite long and conplicated, is essentially defining socialism as a centrally planned and a centrally controlled economy.
     The U.S. government is taking over banks, car manufacturers and the energy industry. It is leaping down the road towards socialism. It is just a question of what they will take over next. America is only a few years from being an utterly socialist state.
     Also according to American Heritage Dictionary 2009, socialism is "The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfuly achieved." Essentially, this says that socialism is an intermediate step from capitalism to communism. Intermediate steps are not permanent. If America switches from a capitalist nation to a socialist state, there is no reson to suppose that it will not continue the descent, and inevitatably fall into Communism!
     What a travesty for internal forces of Communism to destroy the greatest beacon of freedom on earth! The question is: What are we to do about this danger? Freedom is protected through the use of four boxes: the soapbox, the ballot box, the jury box and the ammo box. Although not everyone may agree with these four boxes, these are the same boxes our founding fathers used when they founded the free country in which we live. We can take their example to resist the forces of Communism, or we can do nothing at all and be enslaved by our own apathy.    
                                                                                                        Josh Arnold, 14, Seneca

     This young man showed more sense than most adults in Congress what the economic future of America is facing good or bad depending on whether the people care or else are indifferent and let the nation fall to utter ruin. Pass this article all over America. This young man knew the truth and was telling the truth! - Erasmus of America

     SOUNDBITES OF EARLY CHRISTIANITY! By Erasmus of America, May 21, 2006.

     "Early Christianity by early Christian writings correctly explains the Bible to us!" - Erasmus of America
     "If you would know Christ, read the Scriptures!" - St. Jerome, translator of the Vulgate Bible for the Roman Empire

      Irenaeus Against Heresies around 180 A.d. wrote the political teaching of early Christianity in Book IV, Chapter XV: "...and that God has always preserved freedom, and the power of self-government in man, while at the same time He issued His own exhortations, in order that those who do not obeyHim should get righteously judged (condemned) because they have not obeyed Him: and that those who have obeyed and believed on Him should be honored with immortality." In other words act as Christians politically, vote as Christians, make the government Christian if you can, and live legally under the laws of God so you won't be condemned by God for rejecting God as ruler over your life, family, and nation. And you should have prayer and the Bible in your schools so your child will then know God!
     Old Testament Covenant concluded with John the Baptist and New Testament Covenant established by Jesus Christ. Irenaeus, Book IV, Chapter IV: "Since, then, the law originated with Moses, it terminated with John (the Baptist) as a necessary consequence. Christ had come to fulfill it: wherefore 'the law and the prophets were' with them 'unto John." The Old Testament was to prepare the way!
     Book IV, Chapter VIII: If Christians do not bear good fruit (good works in life), they are rejected by Jesus as Christianity and Christians without good works are not Christianity and Christians before Jesus. "Wherefore also, Paul says, 'I do not seek after a gift, but I seek after fruit (Phil. IV, 17.)... For every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down, and cast into the fire' (Matt. III, 10.) and "whoever shall defile the temple of God, him shall God defile.' (I Cor. III, 17)" To slander Christ or commit heresy is defilement. To say the works of the Holy Ghost are of Satan is to defile )blashpehmy)!
     Bishop Irenaeus demonstrated that first Christian laity elected (by big mother city churches) and the Apostles ordained including deacons, bishops, etc. (Acts VI, 3-7). After the Apostles were dead, their successors they had ordained as bishops (overseers) then examined candidates for bishops elected by the big city mother churches, approved their loyalty to Apostolic Christianity, and then ordained as bishop of that city church the candidate locally chosen by the church members          and clergy in that city.
     Book IV, Chapter XVIII, "...that the bread over which thanks had been given (in Holy Communion) is the body of their Lord, and the cup His blood, ..." (Early Christianity such as Justin Martyr 120 years after Christ described in Latin Holy Communiohn as "transmutation" meaning changing one substance into another.) "For as the bread which is produced from the earth, when it receives the invocation of God, is no longer common bread, but the Eucharist (body of Christ), consisting of two realities, earthly and heavenly: so also our bodies when they receive the Eucharist (body of Christ) are no longer corruptible, having the hope of the resurrection to eternity." (Early Christianity taught you became of the flesh of Christ to resurrection by this. But confess and repent of any sins before Holy Communion!)
     On Prescription Against Heretics, Tertullian, around 200 A.D., Chapter XXXIII: "To this test, therefore, will they be submitted for proof by those churches, who, although they derive not their founder from apostles or apostolic men (as being of much later date, for they are in fact being founded daily), yet since they agree in the same faith, they are accounted as not less apostolic because they are akin in doctrine." (Churches teaching the same doctrines as the original churches founded by the Apostles are also Apostolic churches! But do join with one of the original Apostolic mother churches as soon as the new independent church can for the sake of unity!
     Ad Nationes I, Chapter III, "...we make Sunday a day of festival (day of worship)." Tertuallian, Against Marcion, love God totally and your neighbor as yourself fulfills all the law of Christianity!
     Irenaeus Book IV, 7: "He shall also judge those who give rise to schisms (divisions), who are destitute of the love of God, and who look to their own special advantage rather than to the unity of the Church; ad who for trifling reasons, or any kind of reasonwhich occurs to them, cut to pieces and divide the great and glorious body of Jesus, and so far as in them lies, (positively), destroy it (the Church-the Body of Christ on earth),...For no reformation of so great inportance can be effected by them, as will compensate for the mischief arising from their schism." (Reformation if needed was to be done by councils of bishops, not by private revolt against Church unity!)

      Later comment added: 2 Thess. 2:1-7 which refers to he who hinders the Antichrist from appearing is the final Roman Imperial authority. Early Christianity taught the Apostle Paul taught the first Apostolic churches this oral teaching passed on orally because it would have triggered off savage persecution of the Christian churches if it was known that they were predicting the eventual fall of the Imperial authority of Rome which would have been treated as treason against Rome to predict this. To correct Dr. Jack Van Impe who taught many fine points but slipped up here, the hinderer who keeps the Antichrist from being able to rise to power under Satan's influence is not the Holy Ghost, but the Roman Imperial authority. When the final Roman Imperial authority is removed, then the Antichrist can arise. The secret is once the preset number of Christians is won from the human race to God, then God has obtained the population He wanted for Heaven. Then God allows the Antichrist to win power to lead the corrupt on earth to their own final destruction before God since they hate God so fiercely. These two items were taught by first Christianity from the time of the Apostles of Jesus Christ on and is recorded in the writings of first Christianity which survived the fall of the Westen half of the Roman Empire long ago. Constantinople survived as the Eastern Rome of the Roman Empire. Erasmus of America is the final lawful branch of the Imperial Line of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. Long ago, Erasmus of America with Heaven as witness declared that Jesus Christ was the successor to all claims to the Roman Empire. This automatically fulfills that Jesus is now King of Kings and Lord of Lords over mankind on earth by even the laws of man as well as of God very soon. The final sign is being shown that Jesus will soon return to earth to His Bride Church on earth which is the church militant, not the church of the cowards, whimps, and hypocrites. Jesus is heir to all temporal claims of Erasmus of America including the Vatican endorsed food process, the Jefferson Davis authority for the Confederate States of America which never legally surrendered to the Union, and to the claims to the Louisiana Purchase which Wash., D.C. by legal stupidity sold legal title back to and defaulted legal title back to the descendant French royal line with authority to handle all claims to the Lousiana Purchase . In the end all title to the United States will have to be granted to Jesus Christ when He comes as the price the Confederate States of America and the Louisiana Purchase will not leave the federal union. The delegates for the Confederate Government years ago at Hot Springs, Arkansas already by 100% vote legally declared Jesus Christ as the King of the Confederate States of America. In the end, the rest of America should accept Jesus as one more their Lawful King as George Washington had written into the U.S. Constitution ending with Jesus Christ declared in the U.S. Constitution to be "Lord" meaning King already of America. Also, George Washington when asked to be King of America declined stating that Jesus Christ was already King of America, but George Washington would agree to be President of the United States of America. The covenant of America with Jesus Christ starting in 1776 will be restored to legal power when this godless would-be Antichrist government of Obama is overwhelmed by the Confederate movement of the real Christians of America.
     Like military intelligence, God has His secrets He hides until the right moment. Jesus Christ will soon be King of all of America. But it starts in the South! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name). Send emails to fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com When our Omni Law is passed, the Christians will obtain the commanding heights over Wash., D.C. and restore America to its founding Christian roots of 1776. Look up our Omni Law in the search box at the top of Nesara News. Also, the many reports released by Erasmus of America and posted with Nesara News. Financial support welcome. Send checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC. 29679                                                                       

Drake's Response to the "OPEN LETTER"

             I would post this as one response to that 'open letter' :
      It is not up to me to be people's mother or nanny.
      I will not do other people's homework nor am I willing 
to offer up my contacts to those who are no more interested 
in securing our FREEDOM than to sit at a keyboard complaining.
      IF any of you can do better, show me so I can regroup and
 post it. Show me your documents proving I'm wrong...?
      I am able to offer what I do because I am unafraid. I am
willing to serve my country any way I am called to do so.
      Interesting that NATO stated that it was about to launch 
the largest propaganda effort ever, and no one heard this?
      The actions that were supposed to take place that have not?
      -Could that be the Martial Law Obama promised? 
      -Maybe that we had foreign troops here to come get us?
     >There are very few who do know what is, has, and will happen.
      The main duty I was given was to offer as much information 
as possible to as many people as I could reach. 
      To Awaken everybody...
      To let them know there are people trying to FREE them.
      To encourage people to stand together against an obviously 
oppressive government.   
      That each American has a duty to return to freedom by removing
both the structure and people who decided they are our rulers. How?
      The 'how to' of Citizen Arrests, Insurrection Act, and Article 1, 
Section 8 : Powers of Congress, are posted so a person knows how.
      Many say a lot, nothing at all, and do less...
      Very few offer real action that can be taken, so I posted it.
      I suggest that the things we are all looking for are very close to
being done.
      How many are ready is The question?
      Got the neighbors together?
     Talked to your Sheriff?
      If needed or requested to do so, I will lead or clean the toilet as need be.
      I pledged myself in 1966 : To defend the constitution of The United States
 of America against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic.
      Have you?


If you owe the IRS, Homeland Security may question you at the airport. Taxpayers traveling to and from the United States with unpaid U.S. tax assessments can be detained at the border, questioned, and flagged for follow-up enforcement. If a taxpayer has an unpaid tax liability and is subject to a resulting Notice of Federal Tax Lien, the IRS may submit identifying taxpayer information to the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS), a database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. U.S. or non-U.S. persons with an unpaid federal tax liability whom the IRS has been unable to contact may be unaware of the tax debt until they come through U.S. Customs and are detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE agents may ask them what assets they have in the United States, the purpose and duration of their trip, where they are staying, vehicle registration information, and similar information. The agents also may inquire about a taxpayer's employment relationships in the United States or any personal services performed in the United States, to establish wage garnishment opportunities. Thereafter, ICE agents alert an IRS coordinator and transmit this information through a referral program. A withdrawal or release of the lien, along with certain other prerequisites, is required for removal of the taxpayer's information from TECS. Thus, the lengthy process may result in detention at the border for travelers to and from the United States for a period after the IRS has withdrawn or released a lien. A taxpayer may not be aware of outstanding federal tax liabilities if the address on record for the taxpayer is outdated or otherwise incorrect. If the taxpayer is no longer required to file U.S. returns, then the IRS still is able to contact the taxpayer about previously filed returns. Taxpayers should be advised that a failure to keep the IRS apprised of a change in mailing address may result in an unwelcome-and potentially embarrassing-surprise when the taxpayer seeks to enter or leave the United States. Wishing you many happy returns,

If you owe the IRS, Homeland Security may question you at the airport.

Taxpayers traveling to and from the United States with unpaid U.S. tax assessments can be detained at the border, questioned, and flagged for follow-up enforcement. If a taxpayer has an unpaid tax liability and is subject to a resulting Notice of Federal Tax Lien, the IRS may submit identifying taxpayer information to the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS), a database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security.
U.S. or non-U.S. persons with an unpaid federal tax liability whom the IRS has been unable to contact may be unaware of the tax debt until they come through U.S. Customs and are detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
ICE agents may ask them what assets they have in the United States, the purpose and duration of their trip, where they are staying, vehicle registration information, and similar information.
The agents also may inquire about a taxpayer's employment relationships in the United States or any personal services performed in the United States, to establish wage garnishment opportunities. Thereafter, ICE agents alert an IRS coordinator and transmit this information through a referral program.
A withdrawal or release of the lien, along with certain other prerequisites, is required for removal of the taxpayer's information from TECS. Thus, the lengthy process may result in detention at the border for travelers to and from the United States for a period after the IRS has withdrawn or released a lien.
A taxpayer may not be aware of outstanding federal tax liabilities if the address on record for the taxpayer is outdated or otherwise incorrect. If the taxpayer is no longer required to file U.S. returns, then the IRS still is able to contact the taxpayer about previously filed returns.
Taxpayers should be advised that a failure to keep the IRS apprised of a change in mailing address may result in an unwelcome-and potentially embarrassing-surprise when the taxpayer seeks to enter or leave the United States.
Wishing you many happy returns,

High Crimes and Misdemeanors? by Drake

High Crimes and Misdemeanors?

by Drake

Subject: Panetta admits O committed TREASON

Panetta on National Security Leaks: President Obama Did It, and That Makes It Okay

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta made a striking admission today. In an interview with CBS’ Norah O’Donnell, Panetta threatened legal action against the Navy SEAL who wrote, under a pen name, about the raid that killed terrorist Osama bin Laden. Panetta said that any sanctions against the SEAL, who wrote No Easy Day under the name Mark Owen, would be intended to send a message that others entrusted with national security secrets should not divulge what they know.
O’Donnell then asked Panetta a direct question: What’s the difference between what the SEAL did and the leaks that have come from the administration to journalists and filmmakers? Panetta spun: “There’s a fundamental difference. The people that presented some of the details of the operations were authorized to do that by the president of the United States, who has that authority to do that, and inform the American people as to what happened. In this case, that was not the case. And that’s the difference.”
Among the information that Panetta now says the president authorized to be released were the identities of the leaders of the SEAL team that killed bin Laden. Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers released that classified information to Hollywood producers who were working on the film Zero Dark Thirty, which was at that time intended for release just weeks before the 2012 presidential election. Vickers remains in his job. No one in the administration has come under any penalty for the numerous and damaging leaks of other operations, including President Obama’s “kill list,” US assistance to the rebellion in Syria, and the ongoing cyber war against Iran.
Now we know why: Despite the administration’s denials, President Obama himself authorized those leaks.
Drake | September 11, 2012 at 9:26 am | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-pe

BillsBest: $648 Trillion Derivatives Market Faces New Collateral Concentration Risks

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

BillsBest: $648 Trillion Derivatives Market Faces New Collateral Concentration Risks
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2012 12:48:26

From CGI's BillsBest:
09/11/2012 09:22 -0400
In a sad case of deja vu all over again, the over-reliance on 'shaky' collateral and concentration of risk is building once more - this time in the $648 trillion derivatives market. New Clearing House rules (a la Dodd-Frank) mean derivatives counterparties are required to pledge high quality collateral with the clearing houses (or exchanges) in a more formalized manner to cover potential losses.
However, the safety bid combined with Central Banks monetization of every sovereign risk asset onto their balance sheet has reduced the amount of quality collateral available; this scarcity of quality collateral creates liquidity problems. The dealers, ever willing to create fee-based business, have created a repo-like program to meet the needs of the desperate derivative counterparties - to enable them to transform lower-quality collateral into high quality collateral - which can then be posted to the clearing house or exchange. More>>

Paris Club Pivots

BREAKING NEWS: Paris Club Pivots

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Monday September 10, 2012

By Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Christine Lagarde, President, IMF
(International Monetary Fund)

UNITED States of America It can now be reported that IMF President Christine Lagarde and the Paris Club have signed off on the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

French President Francois Hollande, Spanish President Mariano Rajoy and Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, along with the German Bundesbank, are fully in accord.

The final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols will wipe out Chinese debt, reduce derivative exposure of the European Central Bank (ECB) and reduce the U.S. budget deficit to ZERO within 60 days.

P.S. German Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann and IMF President Christine Lagarde have warned the German Deutsche Bank to re-collateralize now or face nationalization.

P.P.S. At this hour, forces close to U.S. Flag Officers are reporting that a direct warning has been sent to Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke that Bernanke is not going to be allowed to use the insured FDIC savings accounts of average Americans as collateral on the back end of the yield curve to do another derivative ponzi scheme disguised as alleged stimulus to bail out Bernanke's 'handlers', the crooked banks and his crony private investors.

Sheila Bair, former FDIC Chairman

In closing, we want to congratulate former FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair for fingering Bernanke and his cronies for even considering such an outrageous policy.