Wednesday, September 12, 2012

911 & the Fate of The Jews

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

911 & the Fate of The Jews
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Sep-2012 05:35:30

By Stuart Wilde
At 3 a.m. this morning I got up and prayed for the firemen and office workers that died in 911. I felt for them, they were betrayed.
The official story of 911 has been shot to bits. It was a coup d’etat. The Moslems were innocent. 911 established the final take over of America by the Israeli Zionists. A lot of high-up government officials in the US are Israelis with American passports.
The heist brought in the Patriot act, the phony war on terror (there is no Al Qaeda), Home Land Security, endless surveillance and nastiness; Carl Levin’s arrest without trial law (NDAA); and the American army was ordered to go to war and suffer casualties against the Moslem enemies of Israel, like Iraq (one million Iraqis died) Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan.

Jackals of Jekyll Island - Federal Reserve Audit

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Jackals of Jekyll Island - Federal Reserve Audit
Posted By: SARTRE [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Sep-2012 06:56:59

The supreme illicit fraud of central banking embodied in the Federal Reserve, acts as a private piggybank for favored cartel thieves. The liquidity of unlimited credit transfers to banksters, especially at zero interest, financed by unimaginable new Treasury Bonds, indebting the American public; is a crime committed by outlaws. The significance of the evidence for the extent of the crony financial manipulations, that the controllers of international capital use to maintain their power strangle hold on humanity, needs to be fully exposed. Only when the beleaguered and downtrodden become sufficiently indignant to usury incarceration, will heads start to roll.
Read the entire article on the Negotium archive page
Discuss or comment about this essay on the BATR Forum 

Huffington Post Censors Jesse Ventura 9/11 Article

Flashback: Huffington Post Censors Jesse Ventura 9/11 Article

Read the Daily Intel Hub News Brief:  
By Alex Thomas
September 11, 2012
Originally published Febuaray 7th, 2011
The popular mainstream news site, The Huffington Post, has been sold to AOL.
On the day that Arianna Huffington sold her website for 315 million to internet giant AOL, it is even more important to remember what has happened in the Huffington Posts “illustrious” six years in operation.
Not only has The Huffington Post been a liberal mecca, some have claimed that they have censored documented 9/11 evidence on the grounds that they do not support “conspiracy theories.”
On March 9th, 2010 Jesse Ventura posted an article to The Huffington Post titled,“What Really Happened On September 11th?”
In the article Ventura questioned the official story of 9/11 and documented the thousands of architects and engineers who believe that the three towers were taken down by controlled demolition.
The article asked legitimate questions that most believe any real media outlet should be willing to investigate.
Over 1,200 highly educated individuals have asked the exact same questions but apparently the “editors” of Huffington Post had a better understanding of engineering then trained professionals.
Editor’s Note: The Huffington Post’s editorial policy, laid out in our blogger guidelines, prohibits the promotion and promulgation of conspiracy theories — including those about 9/11. As such, we have removed this post.
This “note” is all that is left of the original article which was removed very quickly after briefly appearing on the front page of the popular news site.
The following reproduction of Ventura’s article asks very reasonable questions that were literally ignored by the 9/11 Commission.
One question remains: In this day and age is it impossible to sell a website for 315 million while at the same telling the truth?
Jesse Ventura
March 9, 2010
You didn’t see anything about it in the mainstream media, but two weeks ago at a conference in San Francisco, more than one thousand architects and engineers signed a petition demanding that Congress begin a new investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11.
That’s right, these people put their reputations in potential jeopardy – because they don’t buy the government’s version of events.
They want to know how 200,000 tons of steel disintegrated and fell to the ground in 11 seconds. They question whether the hijacked planes were responsible – or whether it could have been a controlled demolition from inside that brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7.
Richard Gage, a member of the American Institute of Architects and the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, put it like this:
“The official Federal Emergency Management [Agency] and National Institute of Standards and Technology reports provide insufficient, contradictory and fraudulent accounts of the circumstances of the towers’ destruction.” He’s especially disturbed by Building 7, whose 47 stories came down in “pure free-fall acceleration” that afternoon – even though it was never hit by an aircraft.
This is a subject I take up in my new book, American Conspiracies , published this week by Skyhorse. An excerpt follows:
Some people have argued that the twin towers went down, within a half hour of one another, because of the way they were constructed.
Well, those 425,000 cubic yards of concrete and 200,000 tons of steel were designed to hold up against a Boeing 707, the largest plane built at the time the towers were completed in 1973. Analysis had shown that a 707 traveling at 600 miles an hour (and those had four engines) would not cause major damage. The twin-engine Boeing 757s that hit on 9/11 were going 440 and 550 miles an hour.
Still, we are told that a molten, highly intense fuel mixture from the planes brought down these two steel-framed skyscrapers. Keep in mind that no other such skyscraper in history had ever been known to collapse completely due to fire damage.
So could it actually have been the result of a controlled demolition from inside the buildings? I don’t claim expertise about this, but I did work four years as part of the Navy’s underwater demolition teams, where we were trained to blow things to hell and high water. And my staff talked at some length with a prominent physicist, Steven E. Jones, who says that a “gravity driven collapse” without demolition charges defies the laws of physics.
These buildings fell, at nearly the rate of free-fall, straight down into their own footprint, in approximately ten seconds. An object dropped from the roof of the 110-story-tall towers would reach the ground in about 9.2 seconds. Then there’s the fact that steel beams that weighed as much as 200,000 pounds got tossed laterally as far as 500 feet.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) started its investigation on August 21, 2002. When their 10,000-page-long report came out three years later, the spokesman said there was no evidence to suggest a controlled demolition. But Steven E. Jones also says that molten metal found underground weeks later is proof that jet fuel couldn’t have been all that was responsible. I visited the site about three weeks after 9/11, with Governor Pataki and my wife Terry.
It didn’t mean anything to me at the time, but they had to suspend digging that day because they were running into heat pockets of huge temperatures. These fires kept burning for more than three months, the longest-burning structure blaze ever. And this was all due to jet fuel? We’re talking molten metal more than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Probably the most conclusive evidence about a controlled demolition is a research paper (two years, nine authors) published in the peer-reviewed Open Chemical Physics Journal , in April 2009. In studying dust samples from the site, these scientists found chips of nano-thermite, which is a high-tech incendiary/explosive.
Here’s what the paper’s lead author, Dr. Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen’s chemistry department, had to say about the explosive that he’s convinced brought down the Twin Towers and the nearby Building 7:
“Thermite itself dates back to 1893. It is a mixture of aluminum and rust-powder, which react to create intense heat. The reaction produces iron, heated to 2500 degrees Centigrade. This can be used to do welding. It can also be used to melt other iron.
So in nano-thermite, this powder from 1893 is reduced to tiny particles, perfectly mixed. When these react, the intense heat develops much more quickly. Nano-thermite can be mixed with additives to give off intense heat, or serve as a very effective explosive. It contains more energy than dynamite, and can be used as rocket fuel.” [i]
Richard Gage is one of hundreds of credentialed architects and structural engineers who have put their careers on the line to pointout the detailed anomalies and many implications of controlled demolition in the building collapses. As he puts it bluntly: “Once you get to the science, it’s indisputable.”



This is exactly the same look you get from your friends if you tell them you plan to vote for Obama.

911 and the Road to Roota Theory

911 and the Road to Roota Theory

I get a lot of people telling me to "stick to your gold and silver analysis and don't stray into politics or conspiracies". Their thinking behind this is that my arguments to own gold and silver are strong and understandable whereas all else are just my rambling thoughts running wild. I will lose all credibility if I keep it up.

My answer is always...BUT THEY ARE ALL CONNECTED!

Gold, silver, monetary policy, manipulation, foreign policy, the Presidential election, market rigging and YES...911 plays a major role in what is happening today.

To limit myself to the "mainstream" analysis would be totally and completely intellectually dishonest. The only reason that ANY of my work has proven credible is that I am NOT constrained by what the "mainstream" says is fact. I follow the bread crumbs where they may lead...even if it ends up shattering my current understanding of what it REAL. Even if I lose followers of my work along the way. So for those who are seeking the truth about 911...the REAL TRUTH you should read the following:

911 and the Road to Roota Theory

The TRUTH is available to anyone and as they say...

"The Truth Will Set You Free!"

All you have to do is open your eyes.

Bix Weir

PO Box 10626, Oakland, CA 94610, USA 

Take this ad down right now! by Drake

Drake posted: "  Dear Friends: It's just shameful... Standing before thousands of partisans and Democratic delegates, President Obama again exploited the service of Special Operations Forces for political advantage during his acceptance speech at t"

New post on ANMilitia

Take this ad down right now!

by Drake


Dear Friends:
Sign the PetitionIt's just shameful...
Standing before thousands of partisans and Democratic delegates, President Obama again exploited the service of Special Operations Forces for political advantage during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.
Osama Bin Laden was killed as justice for 9/11 -- not to help Barack Obama. But the Obama campaign has repeatedly claimed credit and even released a highly partisan ad exploiting the work of thousands of Americans and one heroic SEAL team to promote the president's re-election and criticize his political opponent. It demeans those who serve our country and is unconscionable political grandstanding.
The President's shameless campaign ad, "One Chance," is a monument to President's ego and what has amounted to a crusade on the part of his administration to make our secrets public in an effort to make themselves popular.
The national security of the United States is in grave danger because of the gross misconduct of President Obama, his administration, and political opportunists. Our enemies are stalking our national secrets while members of our own government are unpatriotically divulging the classified information our enemies are lusting after to TV reporters and Hollywood filmmakers for nothing more than their own personal political gain.
OPSEC's revealing documentary "Dishonorable Disclosures," has gone viral -- with almost 3.5 million views on YouTube, the video the Obama Administration doesn't want you to see has become the video everyone is talking about. This film was created by some of America's most respected warriors – former members of the Navy SEALs, Green Berets, and CIA -- and they need your continued help to keep this cause alive.
Please sign our urgent petition demanding President Obama take down his "One Chance" ad today!
Dishonorable Disclosure
Fred Rustmann
CIA Clandestine Service, Retired
Fred Rustmann is a retired member of the CIA's Clandestine Service who served more than 24 years with the agency. He served in senior posts in eight different countries in Asia, Europe and Africa during the Cold War. 

Paid for by Special Operations (OPSEC) Political Committee
Contributions are not tax deductible.
Not authorized by and candidate or candidate committee.

Drake | September 11, 2012 at 10:19 am | Categories: News | URL:

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Andrea Shea King Interviews Kevin Dujan and Dr. Jerry Corsi

Andrea Shea King Interviews Kevin Dujan and Dr. Jerry Corsi
DuJan: “Frank Marshall Davis was not only a known pedophile, but he was also a known Communist… The poem Obama wrote titled ‘Pops’ is clearly a poem of a little boy being abused by an older man.”
Corsi: “The only thing we know about Obama’s father is that the Kenyan is not the father – that’s for sure.”
Featured Host in Politics Conservative

Mon, September 10, 2012

“The American people would be shocked if they knew the full extent of the depravity which has become endemic at the highest levels of government and business in this nation.”

                         Robert “Bobby” Titcomb with his old pal Barack Obama

In her Monday Sept 10 show, Andrea Shea King interviewed Hillbuzz blogger Kevin DuJan (, a Hillary Clinton supporter from the Chicago homosexual community who has been one of Barack Obama’s strongest critics.

While DuJAn’s opposition to Obama originated in his outrage at the treatment of Hillary Clinton by the Obama campaign in the 2008 Democratic primaries, he has become increasingly alarmed and disturbed by the hypocrisy of Obama’s concealed homosexuality and drug use; the extreme corruption which has become a prominent characteristic of the Obama administration; and the disastrous effects of Obama’s economic policies.

Andrea Shea King advertised a surprise guest for this show – the surprise guest turned out to be Dr. Jerry Corsi, author of Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President”.

As usual, Dr. Corsi provided valuable insight to the issues under discussion relating to the fraudulent Obama presidency.

Robert 'Bobby' Titcomb, Close Friend Of Obama, Arrested On Suspicion Of Soliciting Prostitute

HONOLULU -- One of President Barack Obama's close friends has been arrested in Honolulu on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute. Honolulu police say Robert "Bobby" Titcomb was one of four men arrested in an undercover sting operation late Monday and released on $500 bail.
The 49-year-old Titcomb attended Punahou School in Honolulu with Obama. The two often golf, play basketball, go to the beach and dine together when the president returns home to Hawaii for vacation.

This is a fascinating and compelling interview. The American people would be shocked if they knew the full extent of the depravity which has become endemic at the highest levels of government and business in this nation. Among the points made by Mr. DuJan were the following:

1.       The facts of Obama’s homosexuality and drug use prior to the 2008 campaign were well-known in Chicago political circles as well as throughout the Chicago gay community.
2.       The Obama marriage is a contrived marriage of convenience which was arranged to provide a cover for Obama’s gay lifestyle.
3.       Obama’s high school pal from Punahou School in Hawaii, Bobby Titcomb, visits the White House regularly to deliver “fish and poi” (code words for marijuana and cocaine) to Barack Obama.
4.       Obama’s mother-in-law has talked openly of plans currently underway for the Obamas to move to Hawaii in January 2013.
5.       Obama insiders either do not believe Obama can be re-elected, or they anticipate an event which will disqualify Obama from serving in the presidency.
6.       Obama is a figure-head. The Obama administration is being run and controlled by Valerie Jarrett. Obama has little interest in the substance of the presidency – he rarely attends the Daily Presidential Intelligence Briefing.
7.       Valerie Jarrett is a mean, manipulative, and extremely vindictive individual who hates America. She is not only a Communist, but she is also a person of only average intelligence who has little understanding of American culture, its system of government, or its political traditions. She is not a smart person, and the decisions which she has dictated to Obama have caused great harm to the nation.
8.       DuJan and Corsi both believe that the national security of the United States requires the removal of Obama from the presidency.
9.       An Israeli publication has published new independent research “declaring openly that the Obama birth certificate is a forgery… the potential for blackmail for a president like Obama is a serious national security matter”.
10.   The Obama life narrative is a joke… the Democratic Convention was a charade.
11.   The identity of the person who murdered Obama’s gay lover in Donald Young will eventually come out. It will be a person connected with either Trinity United Church of Christ (The Jeremiah Wright Church which Obama attended for twenty years) or the Obama campaign. The Chicago Police Department investigation of the Donald Young murder has been shut down by politically powerful figures in the Chicago Democratic machine.
12.   The Obama campaign will not bring up the Mormon issue out of fear that the Romney campaign will respond with further disclosures about Obama’s connections with Jeremiah Wright and so-called “Black Liberation Theology”.
13.   Obama’s hypocrisy is very much a part of who he is and who he has been.
14.   It is extremely unlikely that the intelligence services of major foreign nations are unaware of the fraudulent status of the Obama presidency. At minimum, Mossad (Israel), the KGB (Russia), and MI-5 (U.K.) almost certainly have complete dossiers on Obama, including his origins and parentage, his true identity, and the facts of his life history which are concealed from the American people. The national security implications of this fact are most disturbing.
15.   Conservative media have protected Obama just as they protected JFK. If the truth were allowed to come out, a lot of careers would be ruined. One important factor is that Republicans are also concealing widespread homosexuality among Republicans in Washington D.C. Media organizations want to protect their revenue stream by avoiding any stories which touch on the gay issue, or which could jeopardize the career path of the decision makers.
16.   A “Gay Mafia” controls both Republican and Democratic staffers in Congress, as well as access to lucrative jobs on Wall Street.

The ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW - Hillbuzz's Kevin DuJan

Mon, September 10, 2012
Kevin DuJan of Hillbuzz has his ear to the third rail on the tracks that run thru Chicago. He's picking up vibes that a long train's ‘a comin’ -- The Obama Ex-Pres.
DuJan says he has reliable knowledge that the Obamas are moving to Hawaii post-election. Mama Robinson sez so. A $35 million oceanfront mansion is being built by Obama's friends. the POTUS Pad is near the site for the "Presidential Library".
Tune in tonight for the details -- what does Kevin know, and when did he know it, and who told him?

Dinar Rumors - O Stopping RV

Circulating on Skype (text), morning of Sept 11    7:45 am

brokenwrench: what did you think of the post about Mr. O stopping the Dinar RV and fighting with Madam Wu?

:39 PM msevepee: I am hearing the reason that LeGarde called it off and put the RV on hold indefinitely the other night 3 minutes before midnight was because of a showdown or confrontation with Obama late Thursday night after his speech. and argument with Wu.

O had no problem with the tier 1 payouts, [to congressmen and whales] but it was the rest he disapproved of.

He didn't want the American people getting over 6 bucks because they don't deserve it. Wu wants otherwize.

They argued, and Legarde put it on an indefinite hold. On Friday, 7,

O relented, agreeing to the original tiers and Legare ok'd the go anytime after 12 cst. Last nite.

O relented, about 7pm cst after he saw he didn't get that much of a bump in the polls from his speech and he needs this NOW or it wont have the time for the effects he needs..

Intel From Israel on What’s Getting Set to Happen in the Middle East

“Pray for Israel and its people”

My brother and his family live in Jerusalem - he is a minister - and a former Navy SEAL - his office is close to one of Israel 's largest underground military bases.

He called me last night which is very unusual - usually it is email.

He called to tell me that he is sending his family back to the US immediately due to what he is seeing happen within the last week and what he is being told by his military contacts in both the Israel and US military.

He said he is seeing with his own eyes military movements the likes of which he has never seen in his 20+ years in Israel .

What he called a massive redeployment and protective tactics of forces is underway.

Over the last two days he has seen anti-aircraft missile deployments throughout the Jerusalem area including three mobile units that he can see from his office windows.

In addition, he has seen very large Israeli armored columns moving fast toward the Sinai where Egypt has now moved in Armor.

There are reports of the top military leaders meeting with Israel 's Senior Rabbi which is something that has happened preceding every prior military campaign.

His admonition is to watch carefully and pray for Israel and its people.

He is convinced that barring something extraordinary, Israel will attack Iran - with or without the US - and very soon.

It is the belief in Israel that Obama does not stand with Israel but with the Arab countries.

He has told me before that Israel will saber rattle from time to time but that this time is very different from what he is seeing and hearing.
He was at the Wailing Wall two days ago and there were hundreds of IDF soldiers there. As he was leaving he passed at least 20 military buses full of soldiers in route to the wall.

He has never seen this before either.

Just thought I would pass this along.
My brother is not an alarmist by any means.

When he talks like this it gets my attention for sure and usually I find he knows more than he shares.

There are reports that Israel is asking Obama to come to Israel immediately but they are being answered with silence.

My opinion is that I see the making of the perfect storm.
Sep 11, 2012

Real-life Mowgli kept alive by cats

Real-life Mowgli kept alive by cats

A one-year-old boy has been found living rough on the streets, apparently being kept alive by cats.

By Chris Hastings
8:46AM GMT 20 Dec 2008
The boy, whose ordeal mirrors that of the character Mowgli from Rudyard Kipling The Jungle Book, was discovered by police in Misiones, in Argentina, surrounded by eight wild cats.
Doctors believe the animals snuggled up with him during freezing nights which would otherwise have killed him.
The boy was seen eating scraps foraged by the animals while they licked him, it has been claimed.
Policewoman Alicia Lorena Lindgvist discovered the child by a canal in the Christ King district of the city.
She said: "I was walking and noticed a gang of cats sitting very close together. It is unusual to see so many like that so I went for a closer look and that's where I saw him. The boy was lying at the bottom of a gutter. There were all these cats on top of him licking him because he was really dirty.

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"When I walked over they became really protective and spat at me. They were keeping the boy warm while he slept."
The officer, who noticed scraps of food near the boy, added: "The cats knew he was fragile and needed protecting."
Police have found the boy's father who is homeless and said he had lost the boy several days ago while out collecting cardboard to sell. He told officers cats had always been protective of his son.

A spokesman for Thames Valley Animal Welfare, which deals with feral cats and strays in Berkshire, said: "They would have viewed the baby like a big hot water bottle. Cats will cuddle up to anything to keep warm, even dogs.
He added: "In our experience of cat colonies when a mother has a litter, all the other cats will go and fetch food. The baby could have been feeding off the scraps they brought. Cats in Argentina stay in large packs to survive - much more than cats over here."
In the Jungle Book, Mowgli is raised in the Indian Jungle by wolves.