Wednesday, September 12, 2012




You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
You can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for being in the country illegally.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more that we have to borrow.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately discipline them while children of"underprivileged" drug addicts are left to rot in filth infested cesspools.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
Working class Americans pay for their own health care (and the health care of everyone else) whileunmarried women are free to have child after child on the "State's" dime while never being held responsible for their own choices.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid and subsidized housing.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
The government's plan for getting people back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
The rights of the Government come before the rights of the individual.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
Parents believe the State is responsible for providing for their children.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
You pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor defaults on his mortgage (while buying iphones, TV's and new cars) and the government forgives his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax dollars).
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you "safe".
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
You have to have your parents signature to go on a school field trip but not to get an abortion.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
An 80 year old woman can be strip searched by the TSA but a Muslim woman in a burqa is only subject to having her neck and head searched.

Drake Sunday Replay - 9/9

Dwell in possibility.  ~ Emily Dickinson

Obama-Hugger Scott Van Duzer - Founder of The Van Duzer Foundation

Obama-Hugger Scott Van Duzer - Founder of The Van Duzer Foundation

11 September 2012

Scott Van Duzer gained a lot of attention from the media after this video of the Obama-hugging Republican went viral.
According to The Huffington Post,
On Monday, Van Duzer appeared on "The Situation Room," explaining to Wolf Blitzer the hug was spontaneous, not staged, as some have alleged. "I guess I got caught up in the moment," Van Duzer said. "I had a brief moment when I knew he was coming. He opened up the door and he was like, 'Where's Scott at?' ... I was just so excited, I just gave him a big hug and picked him up. It was crazy."
Though Van Duzer was taking a chance that Secret Service agents would rush to pry the president from his impressive arms, the entrepreneur made it clear to Blitzer that he did not consider security a deterrent to hugging. "We didn't plan it, we didn't have no communication with the Secret Service about it or anything like that. It was just a genuine moment ... it was an incredible experience." Van Duzer indicated that his ebullience was not an action, but a reaction, saying Obama's "enthusiasm was contagious."
The media also reports that this incident has prompted some Republicans to boycott Van Duzer's restaurant and also sparked bipartisan debates over... some stuff I don't care about anymore.
What I AM interested in is this - Van Duzer's work in raising awareness for blood donations and the fact that he founded The Van Duzer Foundation.
Here is some information from the home page of The Van Duzer Foundation's website. Visit the link at the bottom to find out more.
The mission of the Van Duzer Foundation is to assist families and individuals in St. Lucie County Florida, who are experiencing financial and personal hardship brought about by unforeseen crisis or tragedy.
A couple of years ago, our founder, Scott Van Duzer, learned about two little boys in desperate need of blood to combat different types of cancer. Because of a shortage of blood, one of the boys had to wait nine hours in an emergency room for life-saving blood to arrive. This was more than Scott could bear, and he challenged the Van Duzer Foundation board to host a blood drive, partnering with Florida’s Blood Centers. Over 300 pints was collected at the first drive, which was followed up shortly thereafter with the inaugural Be a Hero Day, which garnered over 1,000 pints of blood. The Foundation has encouraged and hosted several drives since, and a total of over 5,500 pints of blood has been collected. Since each blood donation is separated into components, such as red blood cells, platelets and plasma, the blood collected through the Van Duzer Foundation has impacted over 15,000 people!

This year, the Van Duzer Foundation is delighted to partner with a number of wonderful local businesses and organizations to present Be a Hero Day 2012 on Wednesday, November 14th. Among those who will be rolling up sleeves and encouraging staff, customers, and community to donate together to save lives will be sixty teams comprised of businesses, clubs, organizations, and groups in the community who want to help raise awareness about the importance of donating blood, including last year’s Be a Hero Day Blood Bowl winner, Indian River State College.

For the past four years, the Van Duzer Foundation has found unique ways for everyone to positively impact the community and has raised and donated over $650,000 to St. Lucie County residents in need. The Foundation is equally committed to saving lives through the donation of the most important natural resource – life. We’d love for you to consider participating in this year’s Be a Hero Day Blood Drive on Wednesday, November 14th. Whether you come as a team to donate blood, or whether you come as an individual to give back to the community and honor the memory or courage of someone you know who has needed blood, we welcome your participation and support. Each of us has the power to become a hero – let’s celebrate that and show the world that St. Lucie County is full of heroes. For additional information on how you can become involved call Scott Van Duzer at (772) 528-346
Like us on Facebook and share the page with your friends and community.

13th Amendment – Are You Aware? by Drake

Drake posted: "  Are you aware?         Do you know?      Watch and Learn : [youtube=]"

New post on ANMilitia

13th Amendment – Are You Aware?

by Drake
  Are you aware?
        Do you know?
     Watch and Learn :
Drake | September 11, 2012 at 2:25 pm | Categories: News | URL:

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Here we inter in haste our offerings of ashes to Ashur**,  their inundating infill hopefully laying to rest rumors of our rulers' underlying fault;
Over three thousand sacrificial victims vaporized in the soaring twin temples of Enki**
Likewise incinerated on the larger island, together mingled before being disrespectfully dispersed upon this plotters' field;  bloated, blighted mounds pregnant with miscarriage of justice -- 
Swelling with ripe swill riparian marshes anointed by concentrated oil, reflecting in filthy rainbow-wreathed refractions those of ancient Asian lands:
A tribute of Fresh Kills.

A myriad more will follow these to their fate; so many more, they must be elsewhere laid:
The betrayed -- they who sought to honor those who died by seeking their remains, as well as neighbors of the sacrificial site, and those we process through prolonged provincial wars --
Finding in the great necropolis of the larger island only dustclouds of doom to cover leaders' lies,
Entombing them with the future of our nation:
A tribute of Fresh Kills.

Here we inter the truth about fell treason in high places, soon set to fall through
 falsehoods removed, to see the real hoods of executioners --
Evidence of evil embedded in burial plots, along with guilt and implausible denial,
Of immolative implements of empire employed in our names --
Now blotted by bloodshed flooding our own soil  --  to wage our war of terror on the world:
A tribute of Fresh Kills.

A myriad more capital offenses against nature and humanity -- particularly our own --
Will propritiate through profits the deities of death we serve, until we consciously exhume from tells untold 
Concealed costs of hidden holocausts our country has committed,
Consigning them by right to be consumed -- like those whom we have criminally cremated -- in searing rays of shared reality we resurrect in reverence:
A tribute to Fresh Kills.

Here we inter the American dream materialized; its illicit illusions having nightmares made:
We have become the wretched refuse of our scheming shores -- the tempest-tossed --
force-fed the images of our own destruction cunningly conceived
 By those who -- with blackened marble hearts they hide in whitewashed marble halls --
 most hate our freedom.
Yet Liberty still stands:  she beckons that we now with her uphold the torch of truth that can yet set us free:
A tribute to Fresh Kills.

A myriad more must together with us take the torch of truth to all unholy relics of our past, while giving sanctuary to our sacred oracles;
Must use the torch of truth to crimes reveal, while cauterizing traumas they have caused, then treating wounds and wounders with compassion. 
With our own admissions, we can fling wide the golden door; by carrying her torch, we can coax Liberty from off her pedestal
To freely move among the peoples of the earth, appointing us new paths --
Finally healing, by full exercise of human rights, all extended human wrongs:
A tribute to Fresh Kills.

*     The world's second-largest landfill on Staten Island, New York, meaning, ironically, "pure riverbed or estuary" in Dutch, its double meaning in English being more sinister.
**    Gods of ancient Assyria, now Iraq:  Asshur, the nation's namesake and prinicipal deity; Enki, the mercurial trickster god of commerce, communication and crime. 

Foreclosure - Deutsche Bank Not Allowed To Dismiss

Defendants have alleged that Plaintiff is not the original owner of the debt, the transfer in question is improper, and the filing of this foreclosure is fraudulent. According to case law, if these statements are proven, Plaintiffs could be found in violation of the named statutes. With Defendants' claims of fraud and invasion of privacy, they have sufficiently pled their claims according to the above standards.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - September 11, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - September 11, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2012 19:15:05

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - September 11, 2012
4 Cauac, 7 Zip, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come today to give you a message. This message is about the coming transformation of your world. At present, a number of spectacular events are happening around your globe. They herald the great change that is preparing to manifest. Humanity is awakening from its long slumber and is no longer inclined to allow its earthly masters to dictate which path to follow. Humanity is now actively advocating that true democracy be established on your world, and the old guard who led the former global kleptocracy is no longer able to force you to blindly obey their commands. The multitudes are calling for a general discussion on every issue. The protests in Mexico, the formal decrees in Iceland, and the active rebellion in Syria demonstrate the degree of determination that lies behind what humanity is demanding en masse from its 'rulers.' The time has come for a clean sweep, leading to a wholly new paradigm which can supply real solutions to age-old problems; but above all, it must be a time when universal sovereignty becomes a living, breathing reality that is honored and safeguarded by every nation on the planet.
Eleven years ago on this very date, the dark cabal staged the second part of its coup d'etat whose opening salvo was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This coup succeeded beyond all expectations, reducing the world to the point where it became possible to order and control all manifested events. This easy setup changed abruptly when the Anunnaki and their dark overlords downed their weapons and 'came to the table' with the Galactic Federation in the Truce of Anchara. Suddenly the Earth minions where set adrift without the firm guidance which they had come to rely on heavily and their subsequent actions reflected the lack of this leadership. The result was a more crudely prepared series of events. Happily, we are now benefiting from the dark cabal's unsophisticated modus operandi, as it is this very ineptitude, coupled with Heaven's steady increase of humanity's consciousness, that has created the predicaments that are to push the cabal from power. Now the cabal is out of options, and all that remains is for it to let go of its relentless grip on global affairs and accede to the demands of Heaven for its immediate surrender.
We in the Galactic Federation have guided humanity's rebellion to its present level. Your Inner Earth family has likewise provided the expertise to get many governments to the point of surrender. The key to these resignations is the global monetary system. As the fiat system that governs your economies is on the verge of collapse, the final straws will be the series of changes in the way international banking operates coupled with the move to new precious-metals-backed currencies. This precious-metals standard will have two vital repercussions: first, international speculation in gold is to be brought under stringent regulation to ensure the stability of the new monetary system. Second, the advent of hard currency will flush fiat money from the money markets. Value must follow value, and this can precipitate world trade and its banks into an immense crisis. Enter the new system waiting in the wings! Those banks unable to secure their place in this system will be plowed under, putting enormous pressure on each nation's central bank.
Each government will undergo a number of critical days. Governments will resign under the pressure; new caretaker regimes will be put in place; and the global upheaval will help to bring on the proclamation of N.E.S.A.R.A. in North America. In short, the multiple objectives of our Earth allies will be realized as all these changing regimes will allow a global version of N.E.S.A.R.A. to come into being. This will be followed by the formal announcements. These are the statements that make your new reality possible. The Light can then trump what the dark cabal set in motion in the mid-1960s with the Kennedy assassination. The truth of many things will be brought forth, including the 'odd' events of the 2000 US presidential election and the destruction of New York's World Trade Center and the attack on the Pentagon. One of the goals was the two illegal wars, waged to continue US control over the increasingly corrupt global financial system. All these crimes are to be adjudicated when the War Crimes Tribunal shortly begins its special sessions.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come this day to relate some more news about your world. Gaia is in the midst of great changes, and we have asked her to slow down temporarily the pace of her surface changes. She dearly wishes to reorder her reality and reunite her surface and interior realms. She knows what we are doing and sincerely asks us to accelerate the momentous operation of transforming her surface peoples. This we are doing. Our many adherents are busy working to put into play a new society for each and every one of you, and this is getting to the point where a series of actions are to force massive change. The key to these actions lies, in the East, with Quan Yin and a celestial helper, and with Count St. Germaine and other Ascended Masters in the West. Their conjoined activities are being coordinated by liaisons assigned to us by the Galactic Federation's first contact team.
These actions will create a new financial system for your world, whose centerpiece is a global monetary system tied to precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum. This new monetary system will be administered by a number of nations and operated by a new banking system. This will end the dollar-oriented fiat system established at the end of WWII by the newly founded United Nations. The central determinant of the new system is the completely reoriented, interlocking cooperative of central banks. It will work under a set of laws that encourages full transparency and the divulging of all monetary procedures. These new laws will effectively put the old-order banks into a state of bankruptcy. This development will lead to the breakup and re-chartering of the present multifaceted, criminal financial corporations. The new banking will precipitate new governance.
The new governments will be the natural outcome of the growing frustration of the public concerning the nonsensical, criminal activities of the international political environment that spawned and supported a banking system that would have destituted your entire world. Your new form of governance, like the new financial system, is to be truly transparent and will rid the planet of its biggest blight: professional politicians! These scoundrels and assorted hangers-on are to go the way of the dinosaurs. Because of the untold damage they wreaked on the planet and her life forms, they are to acknowledge their 'crimes against life' and ask forgiveness of those blessed creatures whom they helped toward extinction. In this regard we hold it to be our duty to create a realm whose blessedness provides joy and prosperity for all. The time for these heavenly blessings has come!
Today, we continued our discussion of the events of the day. The moment has arrived for a new reality. It is also time for you to end the veil of ignorance that envelops you and for you to learn that you are not alone. A grand entourage of Beings, both ethereal and physical, has come to assist you in your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Obama is an ass

Obama is an ass. 

He is choosing to campaign than do the job he was elected to do of meeting with heads of state in this case Israel because he is more concerned in being re-elected. He chooses golfing over meeting with his Jobs Council or both parties trying to work out legislative compromises. He has only attended 44% of the daily intelligence meetings. He lets his 32 Csars do his job and Valerie Jarrett make all the major decisions plus Valerie Jarrett has a full Secret Service detail. He and Eric Holder suppress any references to God and denies that he had any input to dropping God and Jeruselem from the Democratic platform. When it is to his advantage, references God. He shows distain for the military, but shows up for the photo ops. meeting with the troops, claiming credit for Osama Bin Laden, and laying the wreath at Arlington Cemetary and walking among the head stones, yet guts the military to save his budget, removes Don't Ask, Don't Tell, denies the following at military funerals and hospitals. He forbids any mention of God, No praying, No fly overs, and no Bibles in military hospitals. Has no National Day of Prayer yet has meetings with muslims at the White House. For those that do not know when the family takes a trip somewhere, they have BO's handlers fly in a separate jet because animals are not allowed to travel with them. I guess he could strap him in a carrier on top of Air Force One. So One plane for him with multiple planes for his many vehicles like his bullet proof SUVs and busses (made in Canada), another plane for Michelle and the kids, and a third plane for Bo and his handler all on the taxpayer dime. Possibility of more planes if Michelle takes her friends along. Want to reduce the budget? Fire Obama and his csars and entourage, then repaint the American symbol on Airforce One replacing the Obama logo. 

Our Open letter answers.. to Drake's response…..

Our Open letter answers.. to Drake's response…..
Our answers / questions are in RED after
Drake’s comments in black…. Have fun….

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


      I would post this as one response to that 'open letter' :
      It is not up to me to be people's mother or nanny.
      I will not do other people's homework nor am I willing to offer up my contacts to
      those who are no more interested in securing our FREEDOM than to sit at a
      keyboard complaining.

Drake, this is an assumption based on BS…. This is exactly what you do…

Drake, no one here has suggested that you be our mother or nanny!  No one here has asked you to do their homework. No one here has asked for you to offer up your contacts.  What we ARE asking for is proof to back up your statements, one being that 75% of the US military – yes, the one that serves NATO and the UN/NWO – to PROVE to the people of America  that they ARE for FREEDOM and saving America. So far, NONE has been forthcoming.  We ARE asking for PROOF that the arrests of the ‘government’ and Federal Reserve/ banking traitors in America are being done and that they are NOT being let out on the streets to continue their ‘business as usual.’  And, as for ‘sitting at a keyboard complaining,’ no one here is ‘complaining.’  We are asking for accountability for statements being made. 
      IF any of you can do better, show me so I can regroup and post it. Show me your
      documents proving I'm wrong? 

Show us your documents proving you are right

Drake, during your broadcast you encouraged your listeners to send you information. Someone on  the last show emailed you information then was accused  of ‘fear porn’ by Denise at the conclusion of your last broadcast.  Emails are being sent to you, Drake, with information providing updates  on sightings of foreign troops in this nation, foreign military equipment being moved nationwide, locations of foreign troops busy preparing for whatever is coming, and other info.  However, it appears that our emails are being intercepted and responded to by Paul, some times with less than acceptable and friendly responses. 

      I am able to offer what I do because I am unafraid.  

So are we unafraid …. What does that have to do with the ‘truth’? 

Drake, are you saying that your listeners ARE ‘afraid’? Most of us ARE informing others about what is going on, encouraging them to prepare, speaking out in public forums – tv, radio, blog sites, public forums, etc.  – and doing what we can as we can to ready ourselves and this nation for the pending battle.  It takes guts to do this when EVERY thing – the net, cell phones, our travels followed by corner cameras and the chips in everything we wear and own, and even our mail and our conversations are totally surveiled in this nation. 

Some of those who send emails to you with certain information are being accused by your staff (Denise AND Paul) of distributing ‘fear porn’!!!  I don’t understand why you would say that we are ‘afraid’  when most of your listeners are doing our best to inform you and our fellow Americans about what is going on in our nation!

     I am willing to serve my country any way I am called to do so. 

So who is really calling the shots, and are they really telling the truth or some more fluff to make us all happy until the next show?

Serving our country can be done in MANY different ways, my friend.  Not all have the same gifts and talents, financial means, intel or abilities to perform physical feats.  Paul Revere rode a horse for a few miles – was that not serving his country? 

      Interesting that NATO stated that it was about to launch the largest propaganda
      effort ever, and no one heard this? 

Who knows…You are supposed to have the information. Don’t talk about something unless you have something definite. We are tired of wilted carrots.

Drake, since when has NATO and the NWO/UN  NOT BEEN DISTRIBUTING PROPAGANDA????  It has never stopped!!!  Those ‘in the know’ are fully aware of the constant continuing PROPAGANDA. We are aware that there is no TRUTH, particularly in the American media, being told to the people.  Those who have true intel sources and knowledge of how the enemy works know how to discern and how to use what is being put out there.

      The actions that were supposed to take place that have not?  

All the arrests were supposed to have happened 5 months ago and have not happened…

Pelosi is ‘arrested’ and back on the street within 24 hours to continue her traitorous activities
Geithner is ‘arrested’ and back on the street within 24 hours to continue his traitorous activities
Is this the meaning of your term ‘arrests’? 
WHY aren’t these traitors along with the rest in the so called US ‘government’ and the federal reserve/banking system NOT IN JAIL WAITING TRIAL?  Or better yet being hung for being traitors?

      -Could that be the Martial Law Obama promised? 
      -Maybe that we had foreign troops here to come get us?

Interesting that you list these two scenarios!!!!  Especially since these two are very real threats to this nation.  There have been numerous reports of all the ammunition and military hardware being purchased by the Nazi phony government agencies, including the ‘departments’ of social security, post office, forest service and many other  US  ‘government’ departments.  FOR WHAT REASON would these departments be purchasing ammo and hardware?  WHAT ENEMY ARE THEY PREPARING TO SHOOT AND KILL?  Care to provide the correct answer, Drake?

      There are very few who do know what is, has, and will happen.
      The main duty I was given was to offer as much information as possible to as many
       people as I could reach. 

Drake, is the ‘information’ that ‘they’ want you to provide to us propaganda and lies to mislead us?  We say this because most of what we are being told in the broadcast simply does not ‘compute.’
      To Awaken everybody... To let them know there are people trying to FREE them.
      To encourage people to stand together against an obviously oppressive

You’re waking people up alright.  The information so far has been two steps off the port side.

Most definitely America is under an oppressive government, as are many other nations worldwide. People will stand together. The problem we see right now is that there are no real ‘leaders’ who are organizing worthwhile actions and carrying them out. For instance, why aren’t the arrests being done?  What is the military waiting for?  There have been meetings of these traitors and thugs all summer long, perfect opportunities to conduct these arrests enmasse, and NOTHING WAS DONE!  Now, what kind of (dis)encouragement is that?????  That lack of action simply does not ‘encourage’ us, nor does it let us know that ‘people are trying to free us’.
Drake, most tuned in to your broadcast are fully AWAKE.  Most know more than your handlers think they do!!!  Most are testing the information your handlers are providing to you to tell us!!! Intel works in two directions – not just one!  Being provided with scripts to read to us what ‘they’ wants us to know provides no real ‘intel,’ as most Americans are obtaining intel from their own intel efforts.  We are letting your handlers know that we are reading their mail!!!!!

      That each American has a duty to return to freedom by removing both the structure
      and people who decided they are our rulers. How?
      The 'how to' of Citizen Arrests, Insurrection Act, and Article 1,  Section 8 : Powers   
      of Congress, are posted so a person knows how.
      Many say a lot, nothing at all, and do less...

So let us get this straight. You want us to go up to one of these dirt bags, that probably have several aho secret service agents around them, and arrest them? … Is this how they arrested Pelosi and Timmy boy Gagner?? Drake both you and Militiaman said you were going to do this!  What happened??

Drake, get real! There is no way any American can approach any ‘government’ or Federal Reserve employee without being shot to death before ever reaching them.  This approach does NOT accomplish the needed results.  Citizens making arrests will take a well organized concerted strategy orchestrated by and working with those within all levels of law enforcement in this nation who will agree to cooperate and work with each other, and who will pledge to protect those Americans these law enforcement agencies may need to work with them to carry out the arrests.  So far there has been NO  demonstration of this ever occurring – and NO demonstration of qualified leadership to make it happen. 

      Very few offer real action that can be taken, so I posted it.
      I suggest that the things we are all looking for are very close to being done.  

You have said this more times than I have fingers or toes.

We ARE offering very real suggestions here, suggestions that should have ALREADY been thought of and begun across this nation!

      How many are ready is The question?
      Got the neighbors together?
     Talked to your Sheriff? 

The Sheriff on the take so he knows who to arrest?? Duh!! really a smart comment Drake.

Drake, WHY aren’t the Sheriffs across America informing those in their jurisdiction of what is pending?  Why aren’t the Sheriffs doing the community organizing?  Why aren’t they taking the leadership roles that their positions afford them?   

      If needed or requested to do so, I will lead or clean the toilet as need be.
      I pledged myself in 1966 : To defend the constitution of The United States of America against ALL enemies, both foreign and
      Have you?

You DO KNOW there are 2 DIFFERENT Constitutions? To which Constitution did you pledge?? The US Corporation’s?  Or the Republics??

Many of us are pledged fully to our God and to this nation to defend this nation in whatever way we are able to serve.  As in the days of Washington and the less than 1/3 of Americans who fought to be free from England, there are probably that or less today who would give everything they are and have to defend this nation right now.  Numbers is not so much the important issues.  HONESTY AND INTEGRITY and COURAGE are!  Those who are making a stand to defend this nation are fully aware that the enemy is not just without – BUT DEFINITELY WITHIN.  We are well aware that defending this nation may well cost us our very lives.  Better to die fighting for freedom than to live in slavery and totalitarianism. 

9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA US Consulate

9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA US Consulate Whistleblower | XRepublic
