Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Potato Chips

Potato Chips

Take 60 seconds to read this wonderful story.  It will give you time to settle your brain, gather your thoughts, calm down and be blessed.

A little boy wanted to meet God.  He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with a bag of potato chips and a six-pack of root beer and started his journey.
When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old man.  He was sitting in the park, just staring at some pigeons.  The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase.  He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old man looked hungry, so he offered him some chips. He gratefully accepted it and smiled at him.
His smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer.  Again, he smiled at him.  The boy was delighted!

They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word.
As twilight approached, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave; but before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old man, and gave him a hug.  He gave him his biggest smile ever..
When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face.     She asked him, "What did you do today that made you so happy?"

He replied, "I had lunch with God."  But before his mother could respond, he added, "You know what?  He's got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!"
Meanwhile, the old man also radiant with joy, returned to his home. His son was stunned by the look of peace on his face and he asked, "dad, what did you do today that made you so happy?"

He replied "I ate potato chips in the park with God."  However, before his son responded, he added, "You know, he's much younger than I expected."
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. 

People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime!  Embrace all equally!
Have lunch with God.......bring chips.
Send this to people who have touched your life in a special way.  Let them know how important they are.  I did!!!!
God still sits on the throne.  You may be going through a tough time right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the faith!
My instructions were to pick four people that I wanted God to bless, and I picked you.
Please pass this to at least four people you want to be blessed.  This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive.  There is no cost but a lot of rewards.  Let's continue to pray for one another.

Here is the  prayer: 
 Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and e-mail  buddies. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power.  Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment.  Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.  Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace.  Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.  In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

I  know I picked more than four, so can you!

Wall Street Insider - Obama Is EVIL

WALL STREET INSIDER: Sadly, Every Concern About This Man Calling Himself Obama Has Proven True – And Far Worse Is Yet To Come…
by Ulsterman on September 12, 2012
A message from a longtime Wall Street insider expresses further worry and anger over the seemingly purposefully dangerous actions of President Barack Obama.
“That is not simple ignorance friend.  What that is, so willfully exhibited by this man calling himself Obama, what that is, is outright evil.” 

My Friend,
 You receive this message as you likely look over the latest reports coming from the crisis that is now truly engulfing the Middle East.  What symbolism to be found in such tragic events for America taking place yesterday, September 11th?  As we all remember with a mixture of sadness, horror , and righteous anger those events of 2001, we are then greeted with yet more tragedy yesterday from the very same hatred that flew those planes into those buildings not so long ago.
And as you so rightly put it yourself, the man calling himself Obama has indeed built this crisis.  Built it with his own arrogance, his own ignorance, and his own evil intent to destroy America as it exists and replace it with something far less strong, far less capable, and far more prone to defeat.
Many months ago I shared with you information pertaining to a growing rift between Israel and the Obama government.  It was a rift born directly from the anti-Jewish policies of those closest to the false president.  A manifestation of biases found deeply rooted in such figures as Valerie Jarrett, a figure our mutual friend has of course spoken of often and with such frightening accuracy.  She, Iranian-born, who long ago embraced the patronage and radicalism of the Muslim Brotherhood, that institution who now controls Egypt, much of Libya, and intends to spread like an aggressive cancer across the Middle East.  Even the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia is not safe within the confines of their collective trillions.  They helped to create this monster, but as the story so often goes, the monster inevitably turns against its master.  So it now is with the Muslim Brotherhood.
What then of Israel?  Alone in this wilderness of vile hatred and violence, surrounded by the most vile of extremism that would like nothing better than to snuff it out of existence.  Netanyahu has been treated by this Obama regime as a dog.  Kicked and cornered, rebuked and reprimanded. 
And now, on the eve of action, the Man Calling Himself Obama, does so yet again with even more sinister intent.  You have likely read the reports of screaming matches between officials of both governments.  Those are most certainly true, and tell less than the whole regarding just how fractured the relationship has been.  But what of Netanyahu and Obama themselves? 
Do you recall something I hinted at before – how Obama himself demanded of Israel?  How this false president threatened the only true ally America has in that troubled part of the world?  Since then you have often asked what it was that was told to the Prime Minister.  For my own reasons, both personal and professional, I did not comply with your requests.
I will do so now.  And please note, what I tell you is absolutely accurate.  This information was delivered to me from sources at the highest levels of the Israeli government.
Prime Minister Netanyahu, when last at the White House and during an extended period of private conversation with “Obama”, implored the president to be far more forceful in his public comments regarding the United States’ devotion to Israel’s safety and protection and its very right to exist.  Netanyahu warned the president that his administration’s half-hearted gestures of friendship to Israel were in fact emboldening the more radicalized elements in the Middle East and thus endangering not only Israeli lives, but the lives of everyone in that part of the world.  And then he also remarked this condition would further endanger American citizens within the United States as well, that the capitulation policies of the American government in the 1990s were instrumental in forming the attack of September 11th, 2001.
Obama’s reaction to these words were, “agitation followed by derision”.  The president then leaned toward the Prime Minister and said:
“You have just as much blood on your hands as they do.  They got a right to exist as well.  Everybody does.  And I don’t want this thing…this back and forth…you and them…I don’t want this turning into an election issue for me, right?  I can’t be telling those people how to treat your country any more than you want me telling you how to treat them, right?  You see where I’m at in this? 
Don’t you turn this into something that might take away Jewish votes for me.  That’s what you got going here – I know what you’re up to.  Don’t do it.  This thing…Iran…don’t try…don’t  hurt me politically with it.  You need us.  We don’t need you.”
Now I must put that statement by Obama further into context to ensure you realize the stunning implications of what he was communicating to the Israeli Prime Minister.  
Netanyahu had spent considerable effort attempting to detail to the Obama what Israeli intelligence had gathered regarding Iran’s nuclear capabilities.  He had also warned of the very real and serious threat of nuclear materials being handed over to terrorists both capable and willing of detonation in other parts of the world, including inside the United States.  The Prime Minister indicated his own government was unwilling to take that risk, and was preparing to take very specific measures to try and ensure Iran was not given that option to do so.  And to that Obama, this man so tragically elected president, to that he replied to Netanyahu to not make this an election issue for him? To not make it something that might take away Jewish votes from him?
Imagine you are sitting in a room with a man who oversees the most powerful military in the world.  The most powerful military in the history of humankind.  And you are communicating earnestly, based upon knowledge you have from your own considerable intelligence sources, that not only is the Middle East in danger, but citizens living inside the United States as well, and these concerns are met with a self-serving plea not to harm an election.  To in essence, simply shut up about it so as to not influence voters?  How horrifying that must have been for a man so honorable as Benjamin Netanyahu.  How frightening to know that the government of the United States was now being represented by the likes of “Obama” and Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, two creatures so detached from the rich and proud history of the United States, who view that history with disdain and a desire to punish.
That is not simple ignorance friend.  What that is, so willfully exhibited by this man calling himself Obama, what that is, is outright evil.  Look now on what Obama, as you describe, has built in the Middle East.  American embassies being overtaken.  Ambassadors and citizens murdered.  Their bodies dragged through the streets.  And what does the Obama administration do during all of this but apologize and promise billions more to the very people who are committing these atrocities against us.  What of the fact that during their own recent political convention, these Democrats stood below a massive photo depicting Russian naval vessels?  The Russian military!  The very same Russian government Obama promised to be more accommodating to “after the election”.  Or their purposely removing God from their own platform, and the public denunciation of Israel that occurred by over half of the delegates on their own convention floor?
Sadly, Every Concern About This Man Calling Himself Obama Has Proven True – And Far Worse Is Yet To Come.
My work to help defeat this threat continues, as most certainly does your own and so many others who have realized the dangers now facing all of us who love this country that was blessed since its inception by the Divine.
There are now fewer than two months to Election Day.  And then fewer than five months to Inauguration Day.
I pray God deems me worthy enough to share with all of you in that moment.  You and your many wonderfully intelligent and patriotic readers.  If I had only come to know what they already knew so much earlier in my own life.
Better late than never.
 In Friendship,

Jerusalem official accuses White House of lying

Jerusalem official accuses White House of lying about requested Netanyahu-Obama meeting
Despite US denials, senior official insists the prime minister asked to see Obama on sidelines of UN General Assembly
By Raphael Ahren September 12, 2012, 4:13 pm

     President Barack Obama with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington, DC in March
The Israeli government on Wednesday accused the White House of lying by denying that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had requested to meet US President Barack Obama later this month in the US.
The accusation will likely serve to further escalate diplomatic tensions between the two countries, which have ramped up in recent days.
“We requested a meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York and also suggested that the prime minister could come to Washington,” for a meeting, a senior government official in Jerusalem told the German DPA news agency on Wednesday.
White House spokesman Tommy Vietor had said earlier that no such request was made or rejected.
On Tuesday evening, after reports surfaced claiming Obama refused to meet Netanyahu during his short US trip later this month — reportedly due to a scheduling issue — it seemed like bilateral relations were headed toward a serious crisis.
But later that night, the president called Netanyahu and the two leaders spoke for about an hour, seemingly calming the situation.
According to a statement the White House published after the conversation, Netanyahu and Obama agreed to continue holding “close consultations” regarding the Iranian nuclear program in the future.
Both Jerusalem and Washington fear that Tehran is pursuing nuclear weapons and agree the regime should be prevented from reaching that goal. The two governments differ regarding the means to achieve this, though. While Netanyahu seems to favor a preemptive military strike some time soon, Obama wants to first exhaust diplomacy and sanctions aimed at convincing Iran to give up on its nuclear ambitions.
Earlier on Tuesday, Netanyahu launched an unprecedentedly bitter attack on the US administration, saying that countries that refused to set deadlines for Iran to give up its nuclear program have no right to tell Israel to hold back on taking preemptive military action to thwart the regime’s nuclear ambitions.
“The world tells Israel to wait because there is still time. And I ask: Wait for what? Until when? Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel,” Netanyahu said.
His statement constituted a harsh rebuttal of comments made by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who said on Sunday that the US will currently not set deadlines or give ultimatums regarding Tehran’s refusal to curb its nuclear program.



An Englishman, a Scotsman, an  Irishman, a Welshman, a Latvian, a Turk, a German, an Indian, several  Americans (including a Hawaiian and an Alaskan),
an Argentinean, a  Dane, an Australian, a Slovak, an Egyptian, a Japanese, a Moroccan,  a Frenchman, a New Zealander, a Spaniard, a Russian, a Guatemalan,
a  Colombian, a Pakistani, a Malaysian, a Croatian, a Uzbek, a Cypriot, a  Pole, a Lithuanian, a Chinese, a Sri Lankan, a Lebanese, a Cayman  Islander, a Ugandan,
a Vietnamese, a Korean, a Uruguayan, a Czech, an  Icelander, a Mexican, a Finn, a Honduran, a Panamanian, an Andorran, an  Israeli, a Venezuelan, an Iranian,
a Fijian, a Peruvian, an Estonian, a  Syrian, a Brazilian, a Portuguese, a Liechtensteiner, a Mongolian, a Hungarian, a Canadian, a Moldovan, a Haitian,
a Norfolk Islander, a Macedonian, a Bolivian, a Cook Islander, a Tajikistani, a Samoan, an  Armenian, an Aruban, an Albanian, a Greenlander, a Micronesian,
a  Virgin Islander, a Georgian, a Bahaman, a Belarusian, a Cuban, a  Tongan, a Cambodian, a Canadian, a Qatari, an Azerbaijani, a  Romanian, a Chilean, a Jamaican, a Filipino,
a Ukrainian, a Dutchman, a Ecuadorian, a Costa Rican, a Swede, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a  Greek, a Belgian, a Singaporean, an Italian, a Norwegian and 2 Africans,

...Walk into a fine  restaurant.

"I'm sorry," says the maƮtre d', after scrutinizing the group

"You can't come in here without a Thai. "

Bill Murphy on the JP Morgan/Silver "Announcement"

             Hello All:
                      The banking system as we know it is about to change.
                                        God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart  

Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 13:38:45 -0400
Subject: Bill Murphy on the JP Morgan/Silver "Announcement"

Bill Murphy sat down with Elijah Johnson to talk about the pending JP Morgan/Silver "Announcement" that is looming on the horizon. Here's the interview:

Make no mistake, announcing that the largest bank in the world and the largest derivative player in the world is being busted for manipulating the silver market is a Global Game Changer. And I mean GAME CHANGER. As in an instantaneous rush into silver. As in an instantaneous destruction of anyone holding a silver short position. As in ZERO sellers of silver at any price. As in an instantaneous monetary implosion. As in an instantaneous banking run.

And as in an instantaneous rise in the status of the Ron Paul for President campaign. 

Yes, the game is still being's just gonna be a harder transition than we had hoped. What's that song "I beg your pardon...I never promised you a Rose Garden"!

This week I will layout a new 90-day timeline for Private Road Members as we count down to the End of the World as We Know It.

Watch For A Fed "Mistake" Tomorrow

Hello All:
                      Bix says watch for the Feds. Announcement tomorrow it may be interesting.
                                   God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart 

Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 15:09:48 -0400
Subject: ALERT: Watch For A Fed "Mistake" Tomorrow

Just a heads up about the Fed announcement tomorrow...


I don't know what that backfire will be but in the Road to Roota Theory the Fed will have to be blamed for the global monetary meltdown. It may be the announcement of some form of QE3 as that would be something that is very visible.

Whatever comes from the announcement watch for the global meltdown to increase in speed over the weeks following.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

4 days to stop a corporate Death Star

Dear friends,

We have four days to stop a top-secret global corporate power grab that attacks everything from a free Internet to environmental protections. This agreement is being negotiated right now by bureaucrats backed by corporate lobbyists. Click below to crash their secret meeting with our global call to kill the TPP deal:

Sign the petition
Details are leaking of a top-secret, global corporate power grab of breathtaking scope -- attacking everything from a free Internet to health and environmental regulations, and we have just 4 days to stop it.

Big business has a new plan to fatten their pockets: a giant global pact, with an international tribunal to enforce it, that is kept top secret for years (even from our lawmakers!) and then brought down like a Death Star on our democracies. Big Tobacco, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Walmart and almost 600 other corporate lobbyists are all in on the draft -- including limits on smoking laws, affordable medicines and free speech on the Net.

The latest round of negotiations ends in just 4 days -- but outcries in each of our countries could shake the confidence of negotiators and scuttle the talks forever. Let's get to a million against the global corporate takeover. Sign below and forward widely. Avaaz will project our petition counter on the walls of the conference so negotiators can see the opposition to their plan exploding in real time:

The deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), is written to protect investors from government regulation, even if that regulation is passed in the public interest. Leaked versions suggest the TPP would undermine protections for air and water safety and reintroduce measures from the US Internet freedom attack as well as steamrolling efforts to produce generic affordable medicines. Worse still, lawmakers who fail to conform to the TPP’s rules face sanctions in an international tribunal -- a place where corporations can sue us for deals previous governments signed in secret!

Negotiators say this is just a trade agreement, written to facilitate investment and profit for all. But the leaked draft imposes so many limits on citizen protections, it's clear this "trade" agreement is skewed to put corporate profit above people's needs -- that's not surprising since it's been drafted in secret with almost 600 corporate lobbyists.

But there is hope: Australia is bucking against the international tribunal system, and New Zealand is objecting to the takeover of its medicine-pricing protections that keep drugs affordable. Massive public opposition, casting doubt over each country's ability to sell TPP at home, could derail the talks for good. Sign the petition now, and forward widely -- the delegates and lobbyists are watching the wave of opposition grow in real time:

US Senator, Elizabeth Warren in a recent speech said: “Corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they cry, they dance. They live, they love, and they die. And that matters, because we don't run this country for corporations, we run it for people." Let’s reach one million to stop the corporate takeover of our governments.

With hope,

Iain, Pedro, Laura, Ari, Emma, Lisa, Luca, Ricken and the whole Avaaz team

PS - Avaaz has launched Community Petitions, an exciting new platform where it's quick and easy to create a campaign on any issue you care strongly about. Start your own by clicking here:


The Nation: "NAFTA on Steroids"

The Guardian: "The Pacific free trade deal that's anything but free"

Huffington Post: "Leak Cracks Open Trans-Pacific Partnership Scandal"

Reuters: "Lawmakers press for open Trans-Pacific trade talks"

TechDirt: "Hollywood Gets To Party With TPP Negotiators; Public Interest Groups Get Thrown Out Of Hotel"

Electronic Frontier Foundation: "Background and analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement"


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Donate to Avaaz is a 15-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 19 countries on 6 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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When Someone Doesn’t Do Their Job, Let Them Go, Said Clint Eastwood

When Someone Doesn’t Do Their Job, Let Them Go, Said Clint Eastwood

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 5:44

“In the past four years, Barack Obama failed our country…We need a president who honors our U.S. Constitution instead of dishonoring it”

By Frosty Wooldridge
Back in 1974, at the Steamboat Springs Celebrity Ski Contest in Colorado, Clint Eastwood stood in a ski shop waiting for his new skis to be sharpened.  Being a bold and rather brash young man, I walked up to him, stuck out my hand, and said, “Hi Clint, my name is Frosty Wooldridge. Welcome to Colorado ski country.”
“Good to meet you, Frosty,” replied Clint, shaking my hand.
We spent five minutes with small talk and I wished him well on the ski slopes. I remember parting with, “Remember to cover your face with zinc oxide or you’ll get a hell of a sunburn.”
“Got you covered,” he said, smiling.
I know he wouldn’t remember me, but I remember him.  I watched him on the TV show “Rawhide” and in the movie “Play Misty for Me” and his epic “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.”  I also saw “A Fist Full of Dollars” and “For a Few Dollars More.”  And of course, the “Dirty Harry” series with his famous line, “Do you feel lucky punk, well do you…make my day!”
In that firm handshake and the five minutes of banter, I found him to be a genuine human being.  A good man.  A solid American.
I remember that moment in my life when I shook hands with Clint Eastwood, an American icon.
What do I like about Eastwood? He’s All-American.  He’s a product of America and the American way of life.  He served in the U.S. Marines.
At the Republican convention, he said, “When someone doesn’t do their job, we have to let them go.”
In the past four years, our half-Kenyan, half-American president, Barack Obama failed our country. 
We don’t know if he carries a valid birth certificate.  We know he possesses a fraudulent Social Security number. We are not sure he registered for the Selective Service. We know he grew up under the Muslim religion in Africa and elsewhere.  We know he lost his law license for unscrupulous activities.  We know he was a dope-smoking punk during his teens.  We know that he attended a church for 20 years by Pastor Wright who condemned our country by saying, “God d**n America.” 
We know he has not solved any of our national problems of 14 million unemployed, immigration invasion, secure borders, foreign trade, $16 trillion national debt and we still remain at war while our working poor suffer in the streets and food stamp lines at 46 million Americans living on handouts.
He usurped our U.S. Constitution with his executive amnesty of millions of illegal alien migrants.  Obama keeps his records sealed by law so we cannot know anything about his past activities.
He enjoyed the Nobel Peace prize through no effort on his own.  Obama never accomplished anything of merit while a junior U.S. Senator.  In effect, we voted, through our guilt from ages past as to racial injustice, an incompetent man with a silvery tongue.  Obama failed because he’s in over his head.
Dirty Harry (Eastwood) said, “I know what you’re thinking… “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”
Do Americans feel lucky about re-electing an incompetent president?
We Americans, not hyphenated-Americans, aka Barack Obama, must choose a new president within two months.  We need to make a choice for America’s future.
Clint Eastwood used the empty chair for a skit at the Republican National Convention, but as funny as he was, Eastwood  asked if you’re going to tell the enemy that you will leave Afghanistan by 2014, “Why don’t you leave tomorrow morning?”
Eastwood might have added, “Why don’t you bring jobs back to America by changing “free trade” to “fair trade”?  Why not enforce our immigration laws so our own citizens would instantly enjoy eight million jobs now worked by illegal alien migrants?   What’s that you say? No Mr. President, I can’t do that to myself.  How about a moratorium on 100,000 legal immigrants entering our country every 30 days so we can employ our working poor?  How about the 68 percent of African-American children brought up by single mothers?  How about creating jobs for their fathers so they could enjoy a decent life?  Any chance you could take our kids out of the Middle East and concentrate on securing our country?”
Obviously, the list could go on, but you get the idea.  We need a president who employs clear thinking, logical solutions and gains positive results—not “hope and change” that benefits no one.  We need an American president who is All-American so we can count on him working for our citizens instead of suing our own states when he doesn’t do his job.  We need a president who is honest with us and doesn’t hide his past.  We need a president who honors our U.S. Constitution instead of dishonoring it.
As Clint Eastwood said, “When someone doesn’t do their job, let them go.”
We need to let Barack Hussein Obama go sooner rather than later.

Frosty Wooldridge:

Description: Frosty WooldridgeFrosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as eight times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. In 2012, he bicycled coast to coast across America.  His latest book is: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, copies at 1 888 280 7715/ Motivational program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, click:
Age 61; Michigan State University graduate 1970, BA, Journalism/Advertising; Grand Valley State University graduate 1973, English with teaching certificate; served as a U.S. Army Medical Service Corps officer during Vietnam.

Frosty worked as a college guidance counselor for six years before taking up a career teaching in math and science. Along his journey, he became an 18-wheeler truck driver, bartender, dance teacher, ski instructor for the handicapped, freelance writer, cardiac catheterization technician, heavy equipment trainer, volunteer inner city teacher, public speaker, personal trainer and lifestyle coach. He created a drug/alcohol prevention program "Alcohol, Drugs, and Unique Alternatives" that he presented to hundreds of schools across the nation.
He has created an environmental program, "Closing Fast - a Global Environmental Crisis - and what you can do about it". Frosty is currently working on three books: "Incursion into America: How Immigration Adversely Affects American Citizens," "Rafting the Rolling Thunder," a 60,000 word nonfiction saga of friends rafting the Grand Canyon, and "When Your Father Left Too Soon," an 80,000 word non-fiction account of men, who between the ages of 8 and 18, have lost their fathers to an early death.
Frosty Wooldridge has been a guest lecturer at Cornell University, a teacher of creative writing workshops, a magazine writer at Michigan State University, and has presented environmental science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver and Regis University. He also lectures on "Religion and Ethics" at Front Range College in Colorado.

Judd et al v. Obama et al - Final Draft of Complaint

Judd v Obama
Final Draft
Posted on | September 12, 2012
“Plaintiffs are seeking a Declaratory Relief declaring Plaintiff Judd a winner of WV Democratic Primary election due to fraud and lack of eligibility of Candidate Obama, who was declared the winner of WV Democratic Primary election.”


Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ.
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy Suite 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Phone (949) 683-5411 fax (949) 766-7603
CA Bar license 223433
Counselor for Plaintiffs


CASE 30-2012-00582135 originally captioned
 as Taitz v Obama, Feinstein, Emken et al

First amended complaint FOR:

7) RICO predicate crimes:



Keith Judd,
Orly Taitz,
Thomas G. MacLeran, Leah Lax,
David Farrar Larry Rappaport,
Lucien Vita,
Carol Vita



NATALIE E. TENNANT, in her capacity of West Virginia Secretary of State;
DEBRA BOWEN, in her capacity of California Secretary of State;
BRIAN P. KEMP, in his capacity of Georgia Secretary of State;
WILLIAM M. GARDNER, in his capacity of New Hampshire Secretary of State;
NANCY PELOSI in her capacity of the Chairwoman of the 2008 Democratic National Convention and Signor of the Certificate of Nomination for Candidate for President Obama;
MICHAEL ASTRUE in his capacity as the Commissioner of SSA;
WILLIAM A. CHATFIELD In his capacity as former Director of the Selective Service;
ALVIN ONAKA in his capacity as registrar of the Health Department of Hawaii;
JANET NAPOLITANO in her capacity as Secretary of Department of Homeland Security;
ERIC HOLDER in his capacity as Attorney General of the USA;
BRIAN SCHATZ in his capacity as 2008 Chairman of the Democratic party of Hawaii and Signor of the Certificate for Presidency for Barack Obama;
LYNN MATUSOW in her capacity as 2008 Secretary of the Democratic party of Hawaii and Signor of the Certificate for Presidency for Barack Obama
ALICE TRAVIS GERMOND in her capacity as a secretary of the 2008 Democratic Nominating Convention; OBAMA FOR AMERICA;
DEAN C. LOGAN in his capacity as Los Angeles county registrar, ELIZABETH EMKEN in her capacity as a candidate on the ballot;
DIANNE FEINSTEIN in her capacity as a candidate on the ballot;
CLAY D. LAND in his capacity as a Federal Judge, Central District of Georgia;
JOHN AVLON, in his capacity as a reporter for Daily Beast;
CHRIS MATTHEWS in his capacity as a host of MSNBC; MSNBC FORBES MAGAZINE; KEVIN UNDERHILL in his capacity as a reporter for FORBES MAGAZINE;
KFI AM 640;
PATRICK R. DONAHOE in his capacity as Post Master General and Chief Executive Officer of United States Postal Service;



In the past 20 years or so the concentration of power in the United States of America obliterated delineation between the three once independent branches of the U.S. Government. Additionally, U.S. establishment and centralized media, which often referred to as the fourth branch of the government, became one monolithic conglomerate.

A vicious circle of corruption and fraud threatens the future of this once Constitutional Republic. Massive elections fraud, which is being reported by whistle blowers is allowed to fester, as all three branches of government and controlled lap dog media turn a blind eye, as whistleblowers and political dissidents are being ignored at best or viciously persecuted, harassed, impoverished, slandered and defamed at worst. Elected officials and some elected judges, who are the direct product and beneficiaries of the elections fraud, refuse to address it. High ranking state and federal officials and some appointed judges, refuse to address elections fraud on the merits on the merits, refuse to prosecute and eliminate such fraud.

This creates a pattern of racketeering and flagrant, repeated, willful and malicious violation of the Constitutional and civil rights of
the U.S. citizens, as they are being denied the most basic civil and human right of free and lawful elections.

The case at hand deals with such massive elections fraud, racketeering and violations of civil rights in the highest positions of power in the U.S. The plaintiffs herein can only hope and pray that this court will show integrity and will be true to its' oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies: foreign and domestic. A copy of this complaint is being forwarded to the civil rights commission of the Department of justice, Inspector General of the Department of Justice, Public Integrity Unit of the Department of Justice, House of Representatives Oversight committee, Judiciary Committee, Elections subcommittee, Civil Rights Commission of the United Nations, International Criminal Bar Panel in Hague, Inter-American commission for Human Rights as well as Domestic and International media.

A big part of this complaint relates to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama, who is occupying the position of the U.S. President and Commander in Chief of the U.S. military and who is currently running for the position of the U.S. President in the 2012 election, is doing so by fraud, while using forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers.

Forgery includes Obama's birth certificate, Selective Service Certificate (registration for the military) as well as flagrantly stolen
Connecticut Social Security number, which is being used by Obama even today, while in the White House, while both official verification agencies E-Verify and SSNVS show that this number was never assigned to Obama. His legal name is unknown, as in his school records in Indonesia he is listed under the last name Soetoro and in his mother's passport records he was listed under the last name Obama Soebarkah. His citizenship in his school records in Indonesia is listed as Indonesian and there is no record of it ever being changed to American.

Additionally, school and other records and dated photographs show multiple inconsistencies in Obama's reported biography. Most flagrant is existence of two parallel records of a boy by name Barry Obama residing in the U.S. between 1967 and 1969 and attending school in Honolulu Hawaii and a boy by name Barry Soetoro residing in Jakarta Indonesia during the same period of time of 1967-1969. We have a record of Barry Obama travelling to Indonesia with his mother and step father Lolo Soetoro, but we have no idea which one of these two boys returned back to the United States. We do not know, whether the boy, who returned to the U.S. is Barry Obama or Barry Soetoro.

Similarly, Student Clearing House shows Obama attending Columbia University for 9 months only. It is not clear how did he even get a degree from Columbia with only 9 month of attendance and more importantly, it is not clear where was Obama or Soetoro or Soebarkah or (whatever his name is) during June 1981-September 1982, when he claimed to be at Columbia, but was not there according to his school records.

It is not known what kind of training did he receive during this time, as it is known that Obama travelled to Pakistan prior to his commencement of studies at Columbia. It is not clear what name and what passport did he use for his travel. Lastly, in his school records from Indonesia he is listed as an Indonesian citizen, which of course disqualifies him from the position f the U.S. President and makes him liable for massive elections fraud for getting in the White House and currently on the ballot for the second time, while being ineligible and while using all forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers. Complaint at hand also brings forward allegations against high ranking governmental officials and members of the media, who were criminally complicit in aiding and abetting fraud committed by Obama and who acted in concert and in a form of a racketeering scheme.

Additionally, complaint at hand deals with invalid voter registrations. Latest Pew research shows that 24 million voter registrations are either flagrantly invalid or contain serious inaccuracies. It appears that a large number of these invalid voter registrations are in California. Individuals who control these bogus registrations, control the elections.

This situation is aggravated by the fact that most of elections software and hardware is concentrated in the hands of a couple of
foreign corporations, which are not subject to the U.S. laws, the citizens are denied access to the programming codes of the elections machines and ballot counting machines under the excuse of proprietary rights. All evidence of lack of reliability of electronic ballot counting scanners was previously ignored by the courts. This complaint also represents an elections challenge due to multiple violations of Section 303 (a) of the Help America Vote Act (“HAVA”), 42 U.S.C. 15483(a), and Section 8 of the National Voter Registration ACT (“NVRA”) and California Elections Code section 1250 a(5). In particular, in the state of California primary 2012 CA thousands of invalid votes were registered, while in fact those votes were invalid and were cast pursuant to invalid voter registration. Those individuals were registered as voters in violation of CA Elections code 2150, as well as National Voter Registration Act and Help America Vote act.

All of these acts demand specific information for a valid voter registration: birth date, country of origin, prior voter registration, driver’s license, four last digits of the Social Security number or a special assigned number and so on. Over 746,000 registrations were invalid due to lack of required information, over 300,000 are suspicious registration which are either duplicate or registrations of deceased individuals or registrations missing required information or are registrations of non-residents. Plaintiffs found in the databases individuals who are 150 years old, 200 years old, who are dutifully voting in each election.

When Registrars were asked about this occurrence, a number of employees of the offices of Registrars responded in e-mails, in writing, as well as in phone conversations, that the birth dates were fabricated, namely, when the birth dates were missing, they simply posted a made up birth date of a year of 1900 or 1850.

While currently registrars get information from some mortuaries in regards to deceased individuals, such reporting was not done previously and consequently toe voter rolls are believed to contain thousands of registrations of deceased individuals. Plaintiff Taitz resided in CA for 25 years and she does not recall the state of CA ever conducting a campaign of updating the voter rolls or a campaign of making them compliant. Plaintiffs provide as an exhibit a CA voter CD received by Plaintiff Taitz from the Secretary of State, which contains over a million of either invalid or suspicious voter registrations.

There are some eight parameters which have to be satisfied for the voter registration to be valid. A check of only one parameter, country of origin, which has to be filled out according to CA elections code 1250-1252 shows over 746,000 invalid registrations, which exceeds 458,832 votes difference between Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate Orly Taitz and Republican candidate Emken, who together with the Democrat Feinstein proceeded to the General election in the new top two primary.

Since the number of invalid voter registrations is enormous and exceeds the margin of victory, invalidations of the results is mandatory and the revote is needed after the voter rolls are purged from the invalid voter registrations and prior to the general election. Plaintiffs are seeking declaratory and injunctive relief for removal and de-certification of all and any votes obtained by Obama in 2012 Primary election and for preventing the Secretary of State of California and the elections commission from placing Obama’s name on the ballot in the 2012 General election due to the fact that Obama is not constitutionally eligible and submitted his candidacy based on fraud and use of forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers.

Plaintiffs are also seeking de-certification of the results of 2012 CA primary election for the U.S. Senate, purging the databases of all invalid voter registrations prior to 2012 General election and holding a re-vote of the CA senate primary prior to conducting CA 2012 U.S. Senate General election. Plaintiffs are seeking a Declaratory Relief declaring Plaintiff Judd a winner of WV Democratic Primary election due to fraud and lack of eligibility of Candidate Obama, who was declared the winner of WV Democratic Primary election.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: food4thought [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Sep-2012 11:12:08

My Catbird Seat September 12, 2012
The 9/11 cover up is America's greatest bamboozle and many Americans are apparently no longer interested in finding the truth ~ for it would indeed be too painful to acknowledge.
by Allen Rolland
Jonathan Briley was the falling man of 9/11 and one of 200 jumpers who leaped to their deaths on that infamous day in 2001. His image captured by Richard Drew continues to shock and it still demands the truth and justice for those who perpetrated or allowed this treasonous operation and carefully orchestrated cover up to occur.
The most despicable act of American treason was the 9/11 official attack storyline and carefully orchestrated cover up which continues to this day. The Obama administration is still determined to keep this bamboozle covered up and is, as such, is complicit in hiding the truth of 9/11.
It was Carl Sagan who wrote...
" One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge ~ even to ourselves ~ that we've been so credulous. So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new bamboozles rise."
Well worth the time:
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We have been bamboozled about a lot of things; it's easier to be bamboozled than it is to acknowledge the truth. Think about the other truths we know...JFK, for example. Isn't it time for us to be honest with ourselves?