Thursday, September 13, 2012

Christ Michael Aton : The Wait is Over : I,ve Pressed The Button For The 3Days of Darkness

    Hello All:
                      We are told the button has been pushed and the wait is over. We will wait and see hoping he is correct.  He is also saying we will have three days of darkness. If I remember right Salusa says where would not be darkness. We wait to see what happens. Either way do not be afraid.                      God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart


Christ Michael Aton : The Wait is Over : I,ve Pressed The Button For The  3Days of Darkness.

Stay Informed Do not get Left Behind


Behold cometh the darkness upon your world

The darkness that shall in the end cause the great shining of light

For those that have found their light, shall come the opportunity to perceive great glory
For those who made the final rejection shall come the loss of glory and for most, the lost of who they be, as they are returned to the great uncreated to become again remade in the light, but not as their former selves

It is but the cycling of the universe. For old to new to old to new, to brighter even then the lastAfter  the days of no light, the planet will come forth in the beginning of its new glory. The Mother has won her great battle.

The Wait is Over
By CM thru Rubens
Sep 13, 2012 - 11:55:29 PM
Rubens: Who am I communicating with?
Aton: This is I, CM Aton beloved
Rubens: I am all ears dear brother
Aton: I am here to make a public announcement and not to say hello as I have in the past few days
Rubens: All right, I am ready
Aton: This is CM, Sovereign Creator Son of  Nebadon; I have chosen to come to this scribe to announce officially that the wait is over. Yes, dear ones, as you were told by Siraya and Esu, 3DD  is upon you, that is to say that it can transpire within moments of your time; I am not by any means telling you the exact time that it will occur but, I want it known that I have PRESSED THE BUTTON, to use one of your phrases.
Manifestation will take shape in your realm shortly. Watch the sky and you will know unequivocally that it is so. I know that we have told you that on my instances and that, in a way, is a hindrance because many of you do not know whether or not this a message addressed to the dark ones or to you, my children per say; I want this information to be known around the world and there are many around the globe who will receive this information and pass it on to the populace. THIS IS SERIOUS folks. Belief is a choice that you will not have in this very instance for it will impact you no matter where you are.
Prepare yourselves as we have told you many times and remain CALM.
This is CM, Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon and I have given my seal of approval upon this message
Rubens: Thank you dear
Aton: Salu

Short UPdate from  Siraya By Siraya thru Johan Sep 11, 2012 - 11:13:03 PM
I AM  Siraya,
Representative of Creator Source To Orvonton.
With the most Esteemed Greetings from Creator Source, The Ancient of Days of Orvonton and your Sovereign of Nebadon, Christ Michael and  Monjoronson, I Greet and Bless you ALL once again.
Another important meeting has just resulted in outlining and  finetuning the vast project that will be undertaken shortly during this northern hemispherical harvest time on your planet after more has been accomplished in the month that just passed you by. It was thought THIS WAS IT, but due to persistent but failing dark actions AND grand decisions and considerations from your Sovereign to have better options available after and during the 3 DD' , in which alot of work to your Mother Planet will be undertaken, it has brought us to this new month of your earthly calender still.
When I brought you great news about the results of your jointly work towards the Vatican, We thoughts this to be the beginning of revelations that would shock your world, but the dark were keeping their cloth of lies and deception really intact and tight. More and continuous work from Christ Michael and his most loyal staff has brought even more evidence to the surface in the mean time what will enhance the explanations and teachings that will follow their removal and handling your Mother Earth with delicate care. So have you received extra opportunities to sharpen your telepathic abilities even more, getting to know yourself better and preparing in greater depth for the cleansing coming.
With this in Mind, We like to thank you once again, Our Dearly Beloved Light Warriors and Star Seeds to have stood your ground sofar in sturdy patience that will be well rewarded as your Sovereign will not forget who stood by His side through Heart, Soul and Oneness of Mind.
Greeting you warmly and sincere,

in Service of Creator Source.
Love and Light, Johan
Siraya Update on 3DD By  Siraya thru Shellee-Kim Sep 11, 2012 - 10:35:58 PM
Through  Shellee-Kim
It is I, Siraya, wishing for you to take a message if you are in agreement.
Time draws very, very near now to the D Day. Please be in position, ready for the events to occur. We know you have many times previously being given warnings and asked to make necessary preparations. Perhaps some of you, as with this channel, will see this as another ‘boy who cries wolf’ scenario, as she fondly refers to these.
However, now it really is TIME. There are no further hindrances in our path, although conditions are not as perfect as we wish them to be. Yet we are choosing to proceed at this time, nonetheless.
We wish you all to know there are major flyovers to take place globally. We will create something of a show for the people of earth. It is important that Starfleet be perceived as playful and accessible, rather than the invasive, controlling dark forces your media and entertainment industries have painted us to be.
Also now there will be many Starfleet members ready to join with you. You have already been told somewhat about this. They will be on standby and available in an advisory capacity.

Please be warned of that element in your various societies whose fear will drive them to lead an attempted revolution against us. They will not succeed in overturning our operation but they will certainly make big efforts in trying.
You ones who are to be the wayshowers now will be specially equipped with the activation of yourselves and, in addition, gifts that will be entrusted to you. These will serve to assist on your earth in numerous ways during this teaching period and beyond. The ones in receipt of these will have been specially selected for their integrity, level of commitment and therefore ability to use these most responsibly and for the benefit of the whole. This channel has already made mention of this gifting some time ago in a previous channeled message.
In the ensuing chaos of the first week or two after 3DD we will make food available for people. This will be distributed from various depots to supermarket outlets, which will temporarily be run by us. Thereafter and once things have settled down, a new system will be in place with coupons/vouchers being used to exchange for food.
One of the first things to be addressed will be an alternative to the harmful fossil fuels your multinationals have so encouraged for profit. And it will no longer be necessary to use this type of fuel for the running of your vehicles, as we will be introducing one of our technologies. This will mean your cars will largely be running on a form of hydro electricity/water. Thus eliminating all the harm fossil fuels have brought to your beloved planet. There have already been past efforts to bring forth this alternative to your people, but once again this was either met with dismissal or suppression, by all except a tiny portion of the population.
Forewarned is forearmed, as they say on your planet. There is more which will follow in the days ahead, if you would be so gracious as to co-operate.
As you go forth with cheer in your hearts
I AM Siraya.
Views: 346


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Comment by LuzNJoe  1 hour ago
Believe it when I see something, anything. All Talk and No Action. For an Intergalatic Fleet with Devine and Angelic participation, you are like old women trying to get ready to go to the store - two hours go by and you can't find your purse. Get On With It. In all likelyhood, you have dallied and been manipulated by earth forces so long, we have missed this procession of the equinoxs. That means another 26,000 years and 10,000 incarnations.

Show us results.
Frustrated, but with Love and Light.  Namaste.
Comment by Cortex 1 hour ago
I guess there are at least as much different spiritual/religious believes as there are conscious beings. Maybe even many more... :) Let's try to respect all of them as good as we can.
I usually do so as long as they do not promote unjustness or violence (except in cases of self defense).
Comment by TheOne 2 hours ago
Hello ones in oneness is there anything i need to get done?
Comment by Fence Sitter 2 hours ago
I tried to tell my wife but she mocks me and says get of the computer chicken little. What does one do.
Comment by alveta of light 2 hours ago
I know we are all waiting, and waiting, and like a lot of us we hope this will happen sooner than later. In love and light my patience is very well intacted. Let the good times rolls!!!!
Comment by Andreas Botsaris 7 hours ago

Chariot of the Sun God

The 12 Names of Surya { the Sun God
Mitraya namah (The friend of all)
Ravaye namah (Praised by all)
Suryaya namah (The guide of all)
Bhanave namah (The bestower of beauty)
Khagaya namah (Stimulator of the senses)
Pushne namah (The nourisher of all)
Hiranyagarbhaya namah (The creator)
Marichaye namah (Destroyer of disease)
Adityaya namah (The inspirer)
Savitre namah (The purifier)
Arkaya namah (The radiant)
Bhaskaraya namah (The illuminator
Comment by Frenzy44 12 hours ago
Rev siraya is the master spirit of orvonton if you have read the Urantia book he is the highest representation of source in our super verse. I hope so I want the show to get going.
Comment by rev.joshua skirvin 12 hours ago
This is good news, if it is correct. I do believe in Creator Michael if the channel is not false. As you all know we have heard that this would happen many times in our recent past. I knew about the 3dd 24 yrs ago, but t never came about. But now he has given us a date of sorts. He said it would be around the time of Harvest, to me that would mean ''Thanks giving time'' I think its the last thursday of Oct, which would make it around the 25th or last wk of Oct. Now once again I have something to tell people when they kid me about all the things that never came about, that I had told them about. But I will still be cautious. As for the flybys or sightings that this entity Siraya has said will start occuring in a friendly manner, I will also take this with a grain of salt. We have been also told that this would occur many times before. But I do welcome it with open arms and I am ready to go out and explain to people what is really going on. The 2nd Sun that has been seen for the last 5yrs has now been video taped in England. So we can now tell people that after the 3DD there will be a new sun, smaller but should set and rise with our old one. One of the mean reasons that there will be 5DD is to give the Earth time to cool down from these two Suns. The Grand Awakening should speed up quite a bit after all of this. I have been waiting 41 yrs for the 3DD, when I had seen it in my visionary dreams brought to me by my spirit guides. Bring it on OK. Adonai
Comment by Frenzy44 yesterday
Yeah let's hope it is go time.

It is Not QE3 the Fed Goes Out with a Whimper

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Thursday September 13, 2012
It is Not QE3 the Fed Goes Out with a Whimper
By Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America 
The announcement today by Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke that the Fed will buy $40 billion a month of mortgage backed securities is a face saving capitulation.

Reference: The Fed is not buying any more bonds so rates are actually going to go up and create a stronger U.S. dollar.
Ben S. Bernanke (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski)
Bernard Bernanke
AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski

The U.S. budget crisis deadline, which is due at the end of the year, will limit the Fed to buying a maximum of $200 billion of worthless mortgage backed securities aka derivatives from noted banks.

QE3 aka QE minus 2 will do nothing to stimulate the economy but only absorb derivative costs and clean up the books of select U.S. banks aka Bernanke's 'handlers'.

QE3 aka QE minus 2 will create more contraction in the U.S. economy, with banks still not able to lend money.

Economic Lesson: A zero interest rate policy will actually create more deflation not inflation. There is no real demand right now for iron ore.
Mariano Rajoy, Spain Prime Minister
source source

P.S. At this hour, the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has told the ECB (European Central Bank) that he does not need any bailout since the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols proceed at full speed.

P.P.S. In closing, we can divulge that financial regulators across the world are beginning inquiries into noted financial exchanges involving co-mingling of customer funds, money laundry and massive illegal electronic front running involving none other than the NSA (National Security Agency) operating computers in the state of Nebraska.

The inquiry also deals with noted worldwide banks and hedge funds who have a 4 - 5 second lead time over the average investor including floor traders.