Friday, September 14, 2012

Thanx G.E.

General Electric Makes New Lear Jet In Mexico Where Unemployment is 4.9%: U.S. Taxpayers Bailed Out G.E. For $182.5 Billion. Thanx G.E.

Five years ago, the building’s site in QuerĂ©taro, Mexico was dry cactus fields. Now it is a booming assembly line of half-built fuselages where they employ 1600 people.

The main draw is price. Executives say its cost of labor offers savings of 25% to 30% over the U.S. and at least 30% over Japan. Proximity to North American companies means shipments can arrive in days, not weeks, and executives can coordinate plans during working hours. Carlos Bello, head of the aerospace industry group, says the idea is to begin with parts and basic manufacturing before expanding into more advanced areas like assembly and design.
Its not just G.E. Its Many More:
It is the latest project of Mexico’s budding aerospace industry, a sector that has averaged 20% growth the past five years while attracting the likes of engine-maker General Electric Co., Textron Inc.’s Cessna Aircraft Co. and an array of suppliers tapped by giants Boeing Co. and Airbus, a unit of European Aeronautic Defense & Space Co.
Despite Violence, U.S. Firms Expand in Mexico

Tell me again what a triple-A rating is good for? Not a whole lot, if one of the iconic triple-As in Americanindustry, General Electric, has to go hat in hand to the federal government for a $182.5 billion bailout.
  1. CLOSE TIES: Administration approves GENBCCOMCAST merger AND makes CEO Immelt part of Administration — in same week!
Or maybe G.E. isn’t the bulletproof financial juggernaut the rating agencies say. The company’s vaunted GE Capital unit has supposedly been a money machine for years, having generated solid returns come rain or shine. By now, the unit generates upwards of 40% of G.E. overall profits.

Except there’s one problem: G.E.’s financial services business may be the blackest box on Wall Street. The unit has little transparency, no regulatory oversight, and now, we are finding out, an unstable funding model.
In particular, G.E. has chosen to fund its finance business with short-term commercial paper rather than secure more stable long-term funding based on its triple-A rating–which, it appears, turns out to be fiction.
Odd, isn’t it, that even though it operates in the same economic environment as regulated financial behemoths, G.E. never seems to get hit by outsized credit losses or asset writedowns? Is that because a) the people at G.E. are just smarter than everybody else, or b) the company has wide latitude to paper over problems since it doesn’t have a regulator looking over its shoulder?
  1. True Cost Of Debt Ceiling Alone By ‘Too Big To Fail Bailout’ ~ From $700 Billion To $12.8 Trillion.
  2. Breaking => Banking Cabalist’s Global Warming Scheme Blown Out Of The Water: NASA Satellite Data.
I vote for b. We know, for instance, that GE is not above skimping on non-cash discretionary items in order to plump up its near-term results. And not in a small way, either: one reason Jack Welch could show such sparkling earnings gains toward the end of his tenure as CEO is that in the late 1990s and early 2000s, G.E. systematically underreserved for losses at its reinsurance unit. When the company sold the business in 2005, it had to pump in an extra $10 billion to make up the shortfall.

Opaque assets and unstable funding. That’s some combination. In any event, yet another pillar of the “shadow banking system” founders.
We’ve been hearing over and over again about the astonishing $182.5 billion in bailout funds that the federal government has been pouring into AIG, but you might be surprised to learn that a close runner up to AIG in the bailout sweepstakes is General Electric, which got its own $139 billion bailout in November. So with Congress and the media in a frenzy over AIG bonuses, where’s the GE outrage?
In a wild rant on MSNBC—owned by General Electric–Keith Olbermann denounced Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit’s salary, AIG, Northern Trust, and other bailouts recipients, which he called “vast engorged gluttonous multinational corporations whose sneezes can be fatal to our jobs, whose mistakes can turn us into the homeless, whose accounting errors can be so panoramic that they can make our economy tremble and force us to hand them billions after billions in a blackmail scheme that has come to be known as ‘bailout.’”
That’s great stuff, but somehow, in his righteous indignation, he forgot to mention his own employer’s massive bailout or his own hefty salary on the list of horribles that followed. That’s a heck of an oversight, because even though GE CEO Jeff Immelt decided to forego his 2008 bonus (which the board granted to him even though he missed every one of his performance measures) other GE executives are receiving their bonuses– in some cases millions of dollars.
Chief Financial Officer Keith Sherin and Vice Chairman Michael Neal were given 2008 bonuses of $5.2 million and $5.8 million, and chose to return only half. The average GE executive bonus only dropped 19 percent from 2007, even thought GE stock lost 53 percent of its value.
  1. Kucinich: International Banking Cartel Lose Derivative Foreclosure Ruling By Massachusetts Supreme Court ~ If Congress is serious about lowering the debt ceiling, there is no better place to start than with the Glass Steagall Act.
Then there’s Olbermann himself. In November, with GE already in the depths of crisis and just two days before its $139 billion bailout deal was announced, Olbermann signed a lucrative new contractjust two years into his then four-year deal, with a hefty raise from $4 million a year up to $7.5 million a year. It’s unknown whether he also got a bonus, but either way that’s a heck of a raise to be paid using freshly given taxpayer bailout dollars.
MSNBC’s other leading light, Chris Matthews, who’s been bashing AIG bonuses nightly, just signed a new contract this week that reportedly pays him over $5 million per year. This is the same Chris Matthews who said his job at MSNBC is to do everything he can to “help” President Obama succeed.
It actually gets worse. My friend Tim Carney has brilliantly described how General Electric (with its MSNBC unit cheering every step of the way, I’ll add) has been one of the prime movers behind the push for the cap-and-trade energy tax, one of the major pieces of President Obama’s budget and economic agenda. In 2008, while GE stock was losing more than half its value, the company spent upwards of $18 million on federal lobbying — the majority of it pushing for cap-and-trade. GE is positioned to make a fortune on a cap-and-trade scheme, rebooting its failed financial derivatives business for every aspect of carbon trading that the Wall Street wizards can dream up.
None of this is to say that Congress should step in and block GE bonuses or tax them away as they’re considering doing to AIG. The rule of law matters, and contracts should be honored (even though Olbermann himself said contracts should be torn up — and overpaid employees of bailout companies should be fired — an idea MSNBC should consider taking him up on). The real problem is the bailouts themselves, which create impossible choices. We’ forced to decide between tax dollars being spent on unpopular things and Congress micromanaging businesses after bailing them out — in essence substituting political decisions for market decisions and greatly damaging our economy and capitalist system.

Is MSNBC taking a hard left-stance to keep the federal bailout dollars flowing from an appreciative Obama administration? It’s impossible to say, but that there could even be the appearance of such a thing is un-American. I’ll be consistent–if GE can’t survive without taxpayer bailouts, it belongs the same place AIG does: bankruptcy court.
Mr. Kerpen is director of policy for Americans for Prosperity.
via General Electric: The Worst Bailout in the World « FOX Forum «

From the evidence below, one can easily understand why MSM (Main Stream Media) Distorts History, Panders Obama’s Agenda, Censors Real Time News, and Distorts Real Time News.
In toto, Less Morality increases commercial exploitation, thus Distortion By The History Channels. Biased reporting is congruous and supportive of The History Channels and the American citizen becomes mesmerized ( synchronizing the brain alpha wave) with this data as being authoritative. One must be educated, to prevent media indoctrination driven by the ulterior motives of greed. Thus, one can recognize the advantages taken by MSM/G.E./ Democratic Party/ Obama/George Soros/India Trading Co. in collusion, to make the future generations subsidize the Democrats bilking of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac via the dilution of the USD being printed by Obambi.
George Soros is now 78 and also a billionaire, I still have some doubts about his desire to be richer although greed is a powerful vice. I’m also thinking that it is due to hate, being a child who suffered from Nazi fascism, he may have grown up despising government manipulation of people. The most powerful nation on Earth, The United States, destabilized many a government via the CIA. Maybe this is Soros’s way of providing CIA Blowback, via collusion with the Democratic Party, of which both are very much in general anti-Christian and anti-conservative. Either way, the effects are the same.
This contrived weakening of the social/economic fabrics of The Constitution, is by their design, to usher in socialism/communism thus bilking further the treasures of America by appropriations. This is how ole George Soros continues to make Billions by buying SEIZED INDUSTRIES, which Bernanke and Geithner are trying to get passed in Congress as we speak. Its called the Pump/Dump scheme in the stock market and here it is called TREASON!
The Pump
Pump = Democrats took President Bush’s surplus tenure from 2001-2005 and converted it into a Pump cycle. This began when Gore lost to Bush, Democrats felt they were going to win and when they could not muscle a victory by attempting to usurp the election results in Florida, Democrats began to bilk. They began a steeped up frenzy of abusing President Clinton’s bill to make it easier for low income citizen’s to obtain mortgages, by practicing predatory lending schemes to create a financial black hole. Everything looked rosy and everyone and I mean everyone was getting home mortgages. One incident worth mentioning was a McDonald Hamburger employee who obtained a $500,000.00 home mortgage of which there was no way that person could afford the monthly payments. To the predatory lenders it mattered not..they knew that Uncle Sam would probably bail them out sooner or later anyways. (The Housing Bubble/PUMP)
In 2003 President Bush recognized these surreptitious acts and wrote a Bill to create an Oversight Agency to REGULATE Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Democrats blocked this bill from being voted on. This predatory scheme continued and once again the Republicans wrote S.190 which would have effectively REGULATED Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2005, the Democrats again blocked this Bill from being vote on. Please click the link for S.190 and read all the questions and answers. After 2006, when the Democrats took control of both houses due to the Media Blitz Krieg Propaganda and clueless Americans, President Bush’s surplus was now a fomenting pile of Democratic Treasonous Debt. From 2006 to 2008 Gas hit $4.75/gallon, The Pump was beginning to falter and the propaganda blame game began in earnest. How dare those Oil Companies make so much money off the poor American people (who just got bilked by the Democrats to the tune of a $Trillion). I think the Democrats took the Florida loss rather hard.
The Media Blitz Krieg To Bastardize Their Opponent
Contemporaneously with the above, even though nearly all Democrats voted to unseat Saddam Hussein at the close of President Clinton’s term, they did an about face and then publicly attacked President Bush w/o mercy on Iraq. Just prior to that however, Congress’s INDEPENDENT REPORT on Iraq, contained the SAME foreboding data as The President’s Report and President Bush went ahead WITH Congress’s Approval, to ENFORCE THE FIRST GULF WAR TREATY!!!!! It was NEVER an act of war as the Democrats/MSM had Media Blitz Kriegd it, nor was it an invasion, as the United States Jets (protecting the no fly zone) were already occupying Iraq. MSM of course called it an Invading War Power.
During the 2008 campaign season, MSM completely ignored Michael Huckabee, Ron Paul and focused upon (politically hamstrung) John McCain who was previously asked to be John Kerry’s Vice Presidential running mate by crossing over party lines in 2004. Both Michael Huckabee and Ron Paul are both Republicans (whom in my opinion could have carried the day) and MSM knew this and denigrated their positions. Hillary clearly won the Democratic nomination, save by treason, the usurper was floated in and thus we are now where we’re at. Thus begins the cover up! Who will inherit this massive Black Hole Of Debt created by the Democrats?
The Dump
Usher in the Usurper, Barry Soetoro. Barry says, he inherited President Bush’s debt, from the Party who does not like to REGULATE. Well now we see, that the Democrats were the one’s who did not want to REGULATE and were the ones who bilked Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Barry Soetoro inherited his own debt, but the liberal believes HE’S THE ONE!

Some Background Evidence.

More evidence can be viewed in the Study Halls and Post Archives.

General Electric is a true behemoth: the conglomerate is the world’s third largest company with market capitalization of nearly $370 billion and annual revenue of $173 billion (2007). The company produces practically everything – from aircraft engine to locomotives to medical devices.
GE’s media holding includes television networks NBC and Telemundo, 27 television stations in the United States and many cable TV networks, including the History Channel, A&E, and Sci Fi Channel. It also owns the popular web-based TV website Hulu.
G.E.’s TV Stations In Particular:
  • NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households.
  • NBC Network News: The Today Show, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, NBC News at Sunrise.
  • CNBC business television; MSNBC 24-hour cable and Internet news service (co-owned by NBC and Microsoft); Court TV (co-owned with Time Warner), Bravo (50%), A&E (25%), History Channel (25%).
The “MS” in MSNBC means microsoft
Other Holdings:
  • GE Consumer Electronics.
  • GE Power Systems: produces turbines for nuclear reactors and power plants.
  • GE Plastics: produces military hardware and nuclear power equipment.
  • GE Transportation Systems: runs diesel and electric trains.
Immelt has basically bankrupt G.E. and was the last to leave Iran by American pressure.
From Houston, Texas:
Not only has General Electric lost stockholders money for years, aids and abets our enemies by dealing under the table with known terrorist countries, Syria and Iran, but also owns Obama-supported MSNBC and NBC with their own liberal propaganda machine. The force behind GE, NBC, and PMSNBC is none other than BDS sufferer and anti-American Jeffrey Immelt.
Obama is showing the full breadth of his economic ignorance by appointing Jeffrey Immelt to his Recovery Advisory Board. Is Obama out of his frikkin’ mind?
What about a corporate CEO having to sell it’s company stock and take bail-out money makes anyone, even stupid liberals, think that they have enough intelligence to help the rest of the country become solvent?
Obama has already tapped Paul Volcker, a former Federal Reserve chairman and a top Obama adviser, as the leader of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Members will include former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson, TIAA-CREF President-CEO Roger Ferguson and Harvard University professor Martin Feldstein, who wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece last year titled “John McCain Has a Tax Plan To Create Jobs.”Obama friend and campaign finance chairwoman Penny Pritzker also is on the board, as is Caterpillar Inc. Chairman-CEO Jim Owens and General Electric Co. CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt. Two labor officials — Anna Burger of Service Employees International Union and Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO — also were named to the 15-member board designed to offer Obama advice as he seeks a way to weather the crisis and rebuild the economy.
I am stunned to see how low Obama can go. If Obama thinks that this is wise counsel, he is obviously floundering in his own egotistical delusions of grandeur. This does not bode well and should further reinforce Republican AND Democrat Senators not to pass this SHAMULUS bill.
The hurting middle class of this country do not deserve this idiocy. God help us all.
  1. The Wall Street Journal, A Conspiracy So Vast!: George Soros may be a nut case, but he’s still dangerous.
  2. Ice Melt At Lowest Levels In Satellite Era: Proof General Electric’s Media – Jeff Immelt/Al Gore Committed Acts Of Treason Picking And Choosing Data To Commit Fraud On America Violating RICO Statutes
Don’t Forget G.E. Was Awarded The Contract To Produce The F-35 Engine Which They Shut Down. G.E.
Is Obama Socialist Thug Partner, Who Also Controls Main Stream Media MSNBC Etc.Common Sense Dictates To Maintainthe current 95,000 Jobs Producing The F-22 During Stimulus Money Printing And NotTo Shut Production Of The F-22 Down.
This Ultimately Make U.S. Inferior To Russia/China.We produced 183 F-22s And Needed A Minimum Of 300, As Russia Is Producing 300 T50s. The F-22 Stealth Fighter Engine was made by Pratt And Whitney!
At First, U.S. Was To Produce 700 F-22s For Israel Who Was Willing To Buy Them And Thus Keep Our People Employed. But With Socialist Jeffrey Immelt (CEO Of G.E.) On Obama’s ‘Recovery Panel, Well Its Easy To See Where the money got funneled to and displaced 95,000 jobs as G.E. shut down the F-35 Engine ~ Its A Flying Turd.

National Security Failure: F-35 Stealth Fighter Spy Cover-Up

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Benjamin Fulford 9-11-12…(finally)… “Japanese finance minister murdered, new Chinese leader missing, Climax Approaching”

             Hello All:
                      Here is Fulford's latest Post.
                                              God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart

Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 10:55:15 +0000

Subject: [New post] Benjamin Fulford 9-11-12…(finally)… “Japanese finance minister murdered, new Chinese leader missing, Climax Approaching”
kauilapele posted: "After returning from Kauai, I had little desire to post this, although I read it on the day it came out. There's always a few murder mysteries going around with Ben's reports. But I feel we can all bring a strong Light to these events, which, in the end, "

New post on Kauilapele's Blog

Benjamin Fulford 9-11-12…(finally)… “Japanese finance minister murdered, new Chinese leader missing, Climax Approaching”

After returning from Kauai, I had little desire to post this, although I read it on the day it came out. There's always a few murder mysteries going around with Ben's reports. But I feel we can all bring a strong Light to these events, which, in the end, mean that the cabal is quickly reaching their end.
A note about the Chinese leader... Ben mentions here, in his TypePad blog,
"Ingore the disinformation about Xi Jinping having gone missing, says a senior Chinese source. The 9 members of the new politburo have been selected as previously announced and the transition is proceeding smoothly, he says. The real reason for the widely published disinformation is that he snubbed Hillary Clinton when she went on a recent begging mission to China. The United States Corporation is scrambling to avoid bankruptcy when its September 30 fiscal year ends. Perhaps they should talk to the White Dragon Society and we can get them some gold on the condition they stop all their mayhem. "
[There is a bit at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one could donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]
I'm holding off on Highlights this week as I have music commitments tomorrow and Sunday. Feel free to find your own!
Tadahiro Matsushita, Japan’s Finance Minister, was murdered Monday in an attempt by the cabal to extort more money out of Japan. In addition, upcoming Chinese leader Xi Jinping has vanished from public view after shunning a meeting with Hillary Clinton and refusing to finance her cabal last week. Furthermore, Neil Keenan and his family have all been recently hit by a nasty virus that we hear was spread by Italian agents working for former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Also last week NATO went on full military alert and was planning to attack Syria and provoke war with China and Russia before it was stopped by a UK RAF whistleblower who alerted colleagues at the Pentagon, according to both MI5 and CIA sources. All of these incidents are part of the final death throes of the Satanic cabal that was attempting to install a fascist world government after starting World War 3.
Multiple death threats have also been directed at this writer along with a raid on my house by Japanese tax police. The time for talk is over and direct action to deal with these mass murdering scum has begun.
The biggest immediate threat now is cabal plans to set off nuclear terror attacks in Europe in an attempt to provoke Muslim/Christian warfare, according to MI5 sources. Message to the P2 lodge: Satan has already left this universe and you are now just a bunch of scared old men about to go to jail.
Remember, if these people are not arrested, if you personally see any of them, you are legally entitled to kill them on the spot because they are trying to murder you and your family and that has been proven beyond a doubt.
Here is the latest from MI5 and other sources on the cabal’s plans for mass murder in Europe.

Directive to Mr. Neil Keenan By CM

Directive to Mr. Neil Keenan
Sep 14, 2012 - 11:56:40 AM

same as in the summary field.

Dear Mr. Keenan,  I want you to listen up to ME.  We have intelligence that you are planning something quite devious against Candace's person and against the AbundantHope website.

Mr. Keenan,  I highly advise against this.  You see, I AM GOD and I do PROTECT MINE ONES  of AbundantHope, which is my 2nd Coming Organization and it would behoove you to keep your distance.  I do have the ability to interfere very directly in your activities and if I am forced to do that, you may well find yourself removed from the planet.   I have had more than enough of the wide spread interference from you, and various other resistance members.  This is not a threat, its a promise, you shall pay the price.   I AM Michael of Nebadon.


John's Comment - NOW I AM CONFUSED ---- Does anyone know what is going on here?

Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)

Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)
By CM thru Candace
Aug 22, 2012 - 3:09:21 PM
Update on the Three Days of Darkness  (3DD)
Aug. 20, 2012
Christ Michael thru Candace

Dearly Beloveds, this is Christ Michael and an update is due.

The time is close. We give no dates but I am here to update today about a small change of plans that will affect you. The craft to eclipse the sun has been behind the sun and ready for some time,  close and easy. We have begun to move it more "forward".

Now,  because folks are NOT aware of what is planned,  and most are NOT listening within, the 3DD   will start with a partial eclipse of the sun.  This will last for about 24 hours so that everyone can prepare for something coming. It gives "notice".   There are many countries in which the news will cooperate during this time, but some don't plan on it. I think the pressure will require it, when the whole world notices an unexpected partial eclipse and wonders WHY.

Last Updated: Aug 20, 2012 - 3:13:17 PM

Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)
By CM thru Candace
Aug 22, 2012 - 3:09:21 PM

Update on the Three Days of Darkness  (3DD)
Aug. 20, 2012
Christ Michael thru Candace

Dearly Beloveds, this is Christ Michael and an update is due.

The time is close. We give no dates but I am here to update today about a small change of plans that will affect you. The craft to eclipse the sun has been behind the sun and ready for some time,  close and easy. We have begun to move it more "forward".

Now,  because folks are NOT aware of what is planned,  and most are NOT listening within, the 3DD   will start with a partial eclipse of the sun.  This will last for about 24 hours so that everyone can prepare for something coming. It gives "notice".   There are many countries in which the news will cooperate during this time, but some don't plan on it. I think the pressure will require it, when the whole world notices an unexpected partial eclipse and wonders WHY.

The eclipse will look somewhat different than a partial eclipse by the moon.  You will NOT see a huge round  dark disk as the method is different but it will be obvious and certainly much more obvious that this is not NIBIRU or any such other thing, in the method we will use.  You will not see a gradual eclipse forming.  Due to the method used, it will be sudden.

At the end of the 3DD there will be another 24 hours of similar events.  The electricity will be turned off shortly after the total eclipse is manifest but not before.  And hopefully most news stations around the world will be making that statement about the electricity, so people can prepare some sort of lighting in their homes. People will be advised to GO HOME.  For those traveling, home would be of course the hotel or whatever other temporary arrangements are being used.  ALL aircraft will be landed during these first 24 hours, we will see to that.

Countries are being encouraged to bring ships into port, and this has been out for a time to leadership, but not much seriousness has been taken by some players on the world stage. Generally however,  the big boats make their own electricity and will be fine and smaller ones, if the people are so dumb to not come in to port, and have no way to generate heat or light, it is their problem.

Hospitals of course will make scarce use of electric generators and hopefully during the initial 24 hours will send stable patients home.  Ditto other circumstances.  Since most businesses require electricity, everyone is going home, there is no need to run any services except for emergency needs.

This is WELL planned beloveds.  Do not fear.  But we will not be dropping flashlights to people.  They will be challenged to manage.  Of course native types will get thru it fine.  There is still the mini stasis during this.   All intelligent animals will be in stasis, those requiring human care.  We do not let cows go un-milked, they go to sleep too. This is but one simple example.

The mini-stasis will last at least one week and likely more.  Those of you coming aboard during the mini-stasis will be lifted on our schedules devised.  Generally shortly after the electricity goes off, but will fluctuate according to local circumstances.

We need those of course in the know, to be working with those who are going to be afraid.  If you can have some sort of extra candles, flashlights and batteries that might be useful to share.  MANY are NOT needed, one per house is enough, as to flashlights, you chose on candles.    It is not hard to get thru 3 days without  electricity and in the dark, but it is made easier if the house has some sort of lighting to find the way to bathrooms and the like.  It will NOT be pitch black in the day time.  The sun's corona extends a fair distance from the sun and the corona will not be completely blocked, so it will not be pitch black in the daytime, but more like a heavy dusk.

You can assure people that its fine to go outside and look out windows. It is the thugs who put out that one needs holy candles and must stay inside flat on the floor in prayer. People will be in prayer though, I assure you.

Where media will cooperate, this will be told in fact.  People will be given some time to get small amounts of lighting to find their way in the dark. That is truly all that will be needed anyway, except in hospitals, and nursing homes and most all of them do have generators.

Anything to make light will work as long as its not on the grid.   Most people with solar electricity and battery storage may have some light and it will be friendly of these who do,  anyone with generators also, to invite neighbors in.  There will be NO removals during the darkness.  That occurs ONLY during the mini-stasis which is scheduled in the middle of the period of darkness.

The 24 hours of fading eclipse afterwards, allows the grid to be gradually brought back on line and the increase in natural light then will encourage those "left behind" to begin gathering and dealing with what has happened.

Many of our team are to be lifted, including those not known to AH who have roles in this.  These ones will all help during that 24 hours of "half light" after the 3 days are over, and  many of them will be triggered into action in the preliminary 24 hours. Most of the ones brought up shortly after the darkness starts, will be returned a few hours before the end of the darkness.

Now, during the mini-stasis, the plant and animal life NEEDS the sun and the planet cannot be allowed to cool to much, so of course the eclipsing craft will be moved so the sun can shine.  And then the craft moved back when the mini-stasis is over.   With the two "half light" days,  this makes a total of 5 days plus the mini-stasis.

As soon as it is visually obvious the sun is partly occluded, you in the know, go to work.  Some of you may awaken even to news in the morning if this starts during your individual sleep cycles.  This 1/2 "light" initial day also provides a powerful motive to some of the dark to clean up their act, but it mostly so ones can prepare as best they can.  It will make the shock and awe LESS.

Plan now accordingly and simply LIVE until the time happens.  These 3 days are generally done on any planet  where possible in the seasons of fall and spring, or the approaching of those times, so the planetary people do not have to deal with so much cold of winter months.   Your southern hemisphere is beginning to warm, generally speaking. And the food is near harvest, in the north.   Man will be busy with harvest as appropriate after this is over.

This is more than enough and should probably be the last update that will be needed.  In great love of you ones who serve AbundantHope, my 2nd Coming Organization,   Christ Michael.

This piece is under copyright protection of It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site.  It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link.  Thankyou, Candace.

90 Day Timeline on the Road to RootA!

             Hello All:
                      Here is the latest from Bix.  God Bless  Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart 

Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 10:49:52 -0400
Subject: SPECIAL REPORT: 90 Day Timeline on the Road to RootA!
I'm not going to mince words is TIME for the Good Guys to take down the Bad Guys. There are signs that it is happening but at a slower pace than desired. Having said that one of the prime objectives of this process is to have leadership in place to guide us through the transition away from unbacked fiat money and back to our Constitutional money of gold and silver coin. In there lies a definable timeline for certain things to happen and the following is my take on this timeline using my Road to Roota Theory as my guide. Here is the report for Private Road Members:

SPECIAL REPORT: 90 Day Timeline on the Road to RootA!

DISCLAIMER: I know how dangerous it is to try and predict the future and I do not claim that I will be 100% correct. As a matter of fact history has shown that although much of what I have predicted has transpired, it usually happens later than my predicted time frame and the final take down has yet to materialize. But that does not stop people from being interested in my timeline analysis and I have always held that it's much better to be prepared early than trying to prepare a second too late.

To sign up for the Private Road and gain access to the Timeline article as well as over 1,000 others (can't believe I've hit 1,000!) click on the link below:

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir



----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "
BILL; My brother and his family live in Jerusalem - he is a minister - and a former Navy SEAL - his office is close to one of Israel 's largest underground military bases.

He called me last night which is very unusual - usually it is email.

He called to tell me that he is sending his family back to the US immediately due to what he is seeing happen within the last week and what he is being told by his military contacts in both the Israel and US military.

He said he is seeing with his own eyes military movements the likes of which he has never seen in his 20+ years in Israel .

What he called a massive redeployment and protective tactics of forces is underway.

Over the last two days he has seen anti-aircraft missile deployments throughout the Jerusalem area including 3 mobile units that he can see from his office windows.

In addition, he has seen very large Israeli armored columns moving fast toward the Sinia where Egypt has now moved in Armor.

There are reports of the top military leaders meeting with Israel 's Sr. Rabi which is something that has happened preceding every prior military campaign.

His admonition is to watch carefully and pray for Israel and its people.

He is convinced that barring something extraordinary Israel will attack Iran - with or without the US - and very soon.

It is the belief in Israel that Obama does not stand with Israel but with the Arab countries.

He has told me before that Israel will saber rattle from time to time but that this time is very different from what he is seeing and hearing.
He was at the Wailing Wall 2 days ago and there were hundreds of IDF soldiers there. As he was leaving he passed at least 20 military buses full of soldiers in route to the wall.

He has never seen this before either.

Just thought I would pass this along.
My brother is not an alarmist by any means.

When he talks like this it gets my attention for sure and usually I find he knows more than he shares.

There are reports that Israel is asking Obama to come to Israel immediately but they are being answered with silence.

My opinion is that I see the making of the perfect storm.

Forget Lipitor and other statin drugs - The top 7 natural remedies to reduce cholesterol levels

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Forget Lipitor and other statin drugs - The top 7 natural remedies to reduce cholesterol levels
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Friday, 14-Sep-2012 11:57:52

Cholesterol is a natural byproduct of the liver and a necessary component of good health. Normal cholesterol is essential for cellular repair and development. It plays a critical role in the improvement of memory and learning, is the precursor to vitamin D production, and synthesizes sex hormones and natural steroids -- which control blood sugar, fluid balance and blood pressure. It helps to convert fats in the liver, and is a potent antioxidant acting to scavenge free radicals and reduce metabolic syndrome.
The American Heart Association notes that cholesterol isn't dissolved in the blood and must be transported throughout the body by lipoproteins. Research indicates that HDL, the high density "good" cholesterol, guards the cardiovascular system. LDL, or low density "bad" cholesterol, can build deposits on arteries. Problems occur when HDL levels are reduced, creating inflammation in the cardiovascular system. Too little HDL cholesterol prevents production of pain-controlling steroid hormones, limits the body's ability to properly digest foods, and damages the body's ability to create energy reserves. Too little HDL leads to pain and inflammation, which is the real cause of heart disease, according to the latest studies.
Learn more: 

SaLuSa 14-September-2012

Hello All:
                      We will all have a lot to learn and the time is getting short. There are so many Questions to be answered.          God Bless    Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart 

Subject: [] SaLuSa09.14.12.
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 07:31:42 +0100
SaLuSa  14-September-2012

Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs will be amongst the last to accept the truth. That problem has been foreseen and the respective teachers on whom their beliefs are based, will return to explain what their true message was. Over time its interpretation has been deliberately changed to place more power and control into the controllers hands, so much so that the true meaning has become obscured. Our presence and your understanding of our service to you, has helped you realise that a point can be reached in your evolution when you can go within to find the truth. It clearly does not mean that you should not converse with others, as it is always useful to consider other points of view.

We have already set out our beliefs as a creed that we uphold, and expresses our place of service to others within the Universe. At our level of vibration only the truth can exist, and it is one that you are also moving into very soon. So we ask you to be open to new ideas which in general terms are based upon the Oneness of All That Is. The problem you have had is that your civilization has become fragmented and separated into so many schisms, you find it difficult to know what to believe. Furthermore, it has brought about so much conflict that you have fought amongst yourselves, to prove who is right and who is wrong.

On Earth tolerance is not found in abundance, and is caused by those trying to hold onto their power whether that be in religion or politics. We encourage you to accept that other souls will not necessarily be at your stage of understanding, and realize that in time all will evolve at their own pace. No one should be persecuted because of their beliefs, but neither should they try to impose them upon others. The period you are going through shows how dependent you all are upon each other, and it sometimes takes adversity to bring you together.

People are realizing that class distinction based upon wealth and education is keeping the divide in place, and that every person should have equal opportunities. Some come from deprived backgrounds and that is something that will be addressed with the changes. All will be considered as equal as they are in the eyes of God, no matter what karma they are serving out. Indeed, in these end times many of you are taking on whatever is needed to clear it. Much of it refers to relationships with each other and some hard lessons are being learnt. Where minor lessons are concerned these can in fact be marked out, when it is apparent that your consciousness levels have been lifted up.

Once you ascend it will be very different to what you have experienced in your present dimension. The harshness and conflict you normally encounter will no longer come about, as there is total harmony and cooperation as all help each other for the greater good. You will meet your guardians and Angelic Beings that have stood by your side through life after life. You will have developed consciousness levels that will give you a greater understanding of all things, and you will truly have become a Galactic Being. Your civilization is already a member of our Federation of Light, and a place awaits all those who wish to join us.

A fantastic life awaits you that releases you from the darkness that has accompanied you on your journey through your present dimension. You have done your bit and it is time to leave the cycle of rebirth that you have been experiencing. In the future you will simply change bodies when you feel it is necessary, as natural decay and death will no longer be part of your experience. As you are no doubt aware, you also live for hundreds of years as you would count it, but with no aging and instead maintain a body in its prime condition. You will have all the time you need to follow your hearts desire, and unlike on Earth you will not need money to do so as it will not be necessary.

Much that you view as an essential part of your life now will no longer be required, and as you dispense with material objects so they will be returned to source without any waste. In time you will have your personal craft, but join others for inter-dimensional travel into the depths of space. You call these bigger craft Motherships and some are cities in their own rights. You could travel around in one for years at the time, and find all of your needs available at all times. They are totally self sufficient and take advantage of free energy that is all around them. In those circumstances life is far from dull, and always offers a sense of excitement as you travel into the unknown.

You will have noticed that where we have met your people, they have commented on our apparent skin tight one piece outfits. That is because they are thought into being and are literally our second skin, and follow every movement of our body. Unlike you, when we travel we do not have to take a suitcase full of essential belongings. In that respect our needs are very limited as for example, we do not have daily chores such as shaving or other bodily requirements. You will have quite a lot to learn when you commence your new lives, yet they are nowhere as complicated as life on Earth. Life in the higher dimensions is a joy and so satisfying in all respects.

When you feel downhearted just remember where your future lies, and the indescribable upliftment that will start a whole new chapter in your evolution. The pain and suffering you have experienced will pass, and such memories will eventually fade into the past to be finally forgotten. So keep your sights on what is to come and not what has been, and do not allow negative thoughts to distract you. No matter what fears are raised by the news or speculation about your future, it will all be short lived. Until the dark Ones are removed they will still try to interfere with your progress, believing that somehow they will still succeed. They will learn that they have little power left, and cannot return to their previous level of control.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring the best wishes of the Galactic Federation for you, and a successful conclusion to your lives. You have worked hard and long to achieve it, and deserve to experience a most satisfying fulfilment.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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