Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nuclear Reactor Facility Evacuated In Austin

Nuclear Reactor Facility Evacuated In Austin

Man with middle eastern accent claiming to be Al-Qaeda member phoned in bomb threat
Friday, September 14, 2012
A research facility at the University of Texas in Austin that houses an active nuclear reactor has been evacuated after a man with a middle eastern accent claiming to be a member of Al-Qaeda warned authorities the campus had been booby-trapped with explosives.
“The university received a call from a male with a Middle Eastern accent claiming to have placed bombs all over campus.
He said he was with Al Qaeda and these bombs would go off in 90 minutes. President Powers was notified and it was decided to evacuate all of the buildings out of an abundance of caution,” reports We Are
UT’s JJ Pickle Research facility in North Austin was also evacuated. The facility houses a a fully functional nuclear reactor operated by the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Lab department.
The Pickle campus is protected by a guard shack that visitors have to pass through to enter the building.
As we highlighted earlier this year, the nuclear reactor was started in the 60′s and is hidden beneath the monolith of the LBJ Library.
There was no incident 90 minutes after the call was made, suggesting the bomb threat was a hoax.
However, it does coincide with attacks on U.S. embassies by radical Islamists as well as protests across the Middle East in response to a dubious film said to insult the Prophet Mohammad
A campus-wide email has been sent to all students, according to the Dallas News. “Evacuation due to threats on campus immediately evacuate all buildings get as far away from the buildings as possible. Further information to come,” the email reads.
Students at North Dakota State University in Fargo were also evacuated this morning. An unspecified threat was also made via graffiti to Valparaiso University.

Producer Of Anti-Islam Film Was Fed Snitch

Subj: Producer Of Anti-Islam Film Was Fed Snitch


Producer Of Anti-Islam Film Was Fed Snitch

L.A. man began cooperating with prosecutors after 2009 fraud bust

SEPTEMBER 14--In remarks stressing that the U.S. government had “absolutely nothing to do with” the anti-Islam film that has touched off violence in the Middle East, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday sought to quash Arab concerns that the “disgusting and reprehensible” movie was somehow produced or condoned by American officials.
However, Clinton’s attempt to distance the U.S. from “Innocence of Muslims”--and, by extension, its felonious producer--may be complicated by the revelation that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula became a government informant after his 2009 arrest for bank fraud, The Smoking Gun has learned.
Though many key documents from the U.S. District Court case remain sealed, a June 2010 sentencing transcript provides an account of Nakoulas’ cooperation with federal investigators in Los Angeles (and how his prison sentence was reduced as a result).
Nakoula, 55, was arrested in June 2009 for his role in a check-kiting ring that stole nearly $800,000 from six financial institutions by using stolen Social Security numbers and identities. Nakoula was named in a six-count felony indictment accusing him and unnamed “co-schemers” of perpetrating the bank fraud.
Denied bail, Nakoula, a married father of three, was locked up at the Metropolitan Detention Center in L.A. when he began cooperating with Justice Department lawyers and federal agents. During a series of debriefing sessions, Nakoula provided investigators with a detailed account of the fraud operation and fingered the man who allegedly headed the operation, according to comments made by his lawyer at sentencing.
Nakoula identified the ring’s leader as Eiad Salameh, a notorious fraudster who has been tracked for more than a decade by state and federal investigators. In his debriefings, Nakoula said he was recruited as a “runner” by Salameh, who pocketed the majority of money generated by the bank swindles, according to James Henderson, Nakoulas’ attorney.
As a result of Nakoula’s cooperation, Henderson told Judge Christina Snyder, “We all know what's gonna' happen. Salameh is gonna get arrested some day and based on the debriefing information turned over, he is gonna enter a guilty plea or if he doesn’t, then Mr. Nakoula is gonna be called on to testify at trial”.
It is unclear whether Salameh, whose whereabouts are unknown, has been charged in connection with the bank fraud. Salameh was named in a 2006 federal criminal complaint charging him with felony fraud. That complaint--filed under one of Salamehs’ many aliases--was dismissed last year by federal prosecutors. A court docket shows that no filings were made after the initial complaint, likely indicating that Salameh was never apprehended.
With an Arabic interpreter standing by, Nakoula told Snyder about his decision to inform. He explained, “I decided to cooperate with the government to retrieve some of these mistakes or damage happened. I want to cooperate with the government that they can catch with this other criminals who is their involvement.”
In return for Nakoulas’ cooperation, prosecutors provided Snyder with a letter noting that his substantial assistance to authorities warranted a sentence reduction.
Along with citing the government missive--known as a 5K1 letter--Henderson told Snyder that Nakoulas’ kin would suffer financially during his imprisonment since he was he family’s sole breadwinner. Henderson also reported that Nakoula suffered from various maladies, including Hepatitis C, a “serious diabetes problem,” and “prostate issues” for which he had undergone surgery. “He is on ten medications at this point,” added Henderson.
Nakoulas’ involvement in the fraud, Henderson stated, was caused by his need to support his family, including his elderly father. “At the time he did this, he was out of work in the gas station industry, which is what he's really familiar in this country,” said Henderson, adding, “and he was working swap meets for a few dollars every weekend trying to support his family.”
Snyder eventually ordered Nakoula to serve 21 months in prison to be followed by six months in a federal halfway house. The sentence was about a year less than the punishment sought in separate submissions by probation officials and federal prosecutors.
Before Snyder announced her sentence, Henderson referred to a character letter written by a friend of Nakoulas’ who offered to provide work for the convicted felon. The friend, the lawyer said, reported that he attended church with Nakoula, whom he described as “a God-fearing man”. ( ; 8 pages)

Websites that question the status quo on vaccine safety are under a censorship assault today, organized by the "online science mafia."

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) - please forward

Dear NaturalNews readers,
Websites that question the status quo on vaccine safety are under a censorship assault today, organized by the "online science mafia." Your help is needed (see below) to protect the reputation of as well as other key sites that inform people about the dangers of vaccines.
Here's what's happening:
Militant leaders of the "science mafia" have discovered a website reputation rating tool called WoT (Web of Trust), which was originally designed to flag websites that promote phishing scams, spam and malicious code. But the science mafia, being completely unscrupulous and routinely engaged in acts of "internet terrorism," have figured out how to game the WoT system by flagging all vaccine truth websites as running "phishing scams" (or other malicious code).
This wouldn't even matter, except that Facebook uses this site rating to BLOCK SITES that have a low reputation. So right now, the website is being hammered by the science mafia, and their Facebook posts are completely blocked.

The same group is now attacking, and other websites.
Fortunately, their group is small compared to the much larger numbers of NaturalNews readers. So all we have to do is vote for vaccine truth websites and our reputation scores will remain high.

This is where we need your help today: I'm asking for your help to RATE and other websites using the link below.
The ratings require you to enter an email address, but you don't have to use your real email address for it, because email confirmation is not even required.

Vote now at:

Thank you for your support!

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Don't give up.....

Don't give up.....

One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
'God', I asked, 'Can you give me one good reason not to quit?'
His answer surprised me...
'Look around', He said. 'Do you see the fern and the bamboo?'
'Yes', I replied.
'When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light.
I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.
Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.
'In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit.
In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would
not quit.' He said.
'Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared
to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6
months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.
I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.'
He asked me. 'Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots'.
'I would not quit on the bamboo.
I will never quit on you.'
'Don't compare yourself to others.'
He said.
'The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern.
Yet they both make the forest beautiful.'
'Your time will come', God said to me.
'You will rise high'
'How high should I rise?'
I asked.
'How high will the bamboo rise?' He asked in return.
'As high as it can?' I questioned.
'Yes.' He said, 'Give me glory by rising as high as you can.'
I left the forest and brought back this story.
I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.

Never, Never, Never Give up.
For the Christian Prayer is not an option but an opportunity.
Don't tell the Lord how big the problem is,
tell the problem how Great the Lord is!
Heavens door open this morning, God asked me...
'My CHILD, what can I do for you?'
And I said, 'Daddy, please protect and bless the one reading this message.'
God smiled and answered, 'Request granted.'

This message is now in your hands.
What will YOU do with it?

send this to at least 10 people so they too will have their lives in God's hands

You never know when GOD is going to bless you!! Good things happen when you least expect them to !!!

                         TAKE CARE & GOD BLESS...

Saturday, September 15, 2012


I have just been informed that more reports of Debt Forgiveness of 1st Note Mortgages in California. The complete note is being paid off by Global Settlements. A large number of mortgages were with Chase Bank.

Owner will get the title free & clear.

Check out Debt Forgiveness with NESARA

NESARA Was Intended to be Announced on 9/11

    Hello All:
                      Nesara  was first supposed to be implemented on 9/11. Then the twin towers were taken out.                     God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart
             NESARA Was Intended to be Announced on 9/11 
This is not money. The NESARA funds are, and are intended to be, love.
You recall I said that, if I were a member of the highest universal council, planning the events of these times, I would plan for NESARA to have been announced on 9/11 – Sept. 11, 2012 – exactly eleven years after 9/11. (1)

Listen to Geoff West on Cosmic Vision News tonight at 4:00 pm Pacific Time and 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time for a repeat of this announcement and details of other exciting events.

The events of 9/11 were planned in part to forestall the signing into law of the NESARA Act, which was to happen in one of the World Trade Centers at 10:00 a.m.
The first plane struck the first tower around 9 a.m.
NESARA gold was stored beneath the Twin Towers. The documentation was there. Everything was in readiness and then … the rest is history.
Archangel Michael confirmed today in a personal reading I had with him that this 9/11 was intended to be the day NESARA was announced. And then the group behind the anti-Muslim video released on Youtube, inflamed the Middle East, and again forced a postponement.
This is how the forces ranged against NESARA have worked for many years. However AAM says that the delay will be brief. NESARA will indeed soon be announced.
And yes, the top levels of the Illuminati are in containment. These are lower-level people who are not in containment. Here is the portion of that reading that concerns NESARA:
Steve: Many people are asking what is holding NESARA up, when will NESARA begin. Any comment on that?
Archangel Michael: It was intended to begin, as you have guessed, on…
S: On 9/11?
AAM: Yes, 9/11. And there has been disruption as you know.
S: No, I don’t really. Can you say what that disruption was?
AAM: There has been disruption with the bombings in the Middle East.
S: OK. The bombings in the Middle East. You mean the embassy protests?
AAM: Yes.
S: Can I say that?
AAM: Yes, you can.
So it’s a brief interruption, not a long interruption.
Now even having said this, I still say: be prudent. Don’t do anything that you might regret later. Just wait patiently a little while longer and don’t make any large moves until the money has actually been released. Please. We all need to remain safe and nothing is sure until it’s right here in front of us.
There was more said in the reading but I’m unbelievably busy these days with matters that also will be announced soon (whether cosmically soon or terrestrially soon I don’t know).
It’s a hectic time and all is bent towards the wonderful culmination that we’re all expecting.
And it’s going to get a heck of a lot more hectic as time goes on.


(1) “If I Were Asked to Schedule NESARA….,” at        


Looks like Star Trek. Can you say, Captain Kirk??


 Gen. Chi Haotain was the Minister of National Defense of the People's Republic of China from 1993 to 2003. In his 2005 speech, he detailed how to militarily smash the West, then kill off 2/3rds of the Americans, and the remainder get the privilege of being the coolie slaves of the hundreds of millions of Chinese colonists coming over the Bering Straits. You never read about this in your censored newspapers of America. I had two men, one from U.S. Army Intelligence, and one from U.S. Naval Intelligence, who obtained and read the top secret C.I.A. report where C.I.A. boasted of having murdered Pres. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy "for political control over America." You never read about this in your newspapers even though I had released publicly what these two men from U.S. military intelligence wanted to go public, but the newspapers froze them out and the public did not care. I have several times released the boast of this Rothschild who would be one of the Illuminati elite rulers that he and his ruling buddies were the "secret government of America" since the American people "were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit" to be allowed to govern America, so this secret super wealthy clique did. As known in advance. Total silence from the American news media that I exposed this Rothschild's boast that he and allies were the secret government of America and laughed in utter scorn at the American people too sheeplike to ever take control of their own nation of America. Senator Robert Taft, "Mr. Conservative" of the Republican Party, was a good friend of my industrialist father. When the Rockefellers with Chase Bank funds bought off the Republican Convention for Gen. Eisenhower whereas the original delegate count showed Senator Taft was going to win the Republican nomination for President of America, Senator Taft called in my father to help him save the Republican Party from being split into two national parties. A number of Taft delegates being outraged at what had just happened in the Republican Party and Sherman Adams on behalf of the Rockefellers handling the funds to buy off the Republican Convention, they told Senator Taft they were going to form a third party in protest over this. At Senator Taft's request, my father rented out "Cathedral Hall" at the University Club of Chicago, met with the enraged Taft delegates, and used what is called "Fabian's tactics" on them. Gen. Fabian of ancient Rome used stalling military tactics on the enemy until Rome would be ready to fight their enemy and win.  He as the representative for Senator Taft kept telling them how they could form a third party but kept stalling them until the Republican Convention was over. Then my father told them, "Sorry boys, but it looks like we are too late to do anything!" And Senator Taft thanked my father for saving the Republican Party from beind destroyed by being split into two parties. As Senator Taft said, if the Democratic Party was the only true national party in America, then we would have a one party government which would automatically lead to dictatorship as the government of America. A historical note here. Gen. Eisenhower was not dishonest, but Sherman Adams as the Rockefeller front agent could control Gen. Eisenhower and that meant the Rockefellers then secretly controlled the White House through Sherman Adams. Sherman Adams had secret books on the Taft delegates. He knew which ones could be blackmailed to change their vote or else face criminal charges. He knew which delegates could be bought out with a great week with hired street prostitutes or else gay lovers. He knew which ones were in trouble with their mortgages, etc. and so these debt notes were quick picked up and then the Taft delegates threatened they would lose their homes, etc. if they did  not change their votes. I think the figure was $20 million to buy off those who would take money to change their vote. And $20 million to buy up mortage notes, etc. on those who tried to maintain their legal integrity in politics.
     By the way, the Communist Party of America with no newspaper coverage endorsed Obama as their loved choice for President to be elected for 2013. An openly admitted Communist labor union in California the prior election provided heavy finances for Obama to be elected to the White House the prior national election for the White House. Of course, the news media never told you that! I once was walking the hallways of one high school and noticed a teacher's manual in the wastecan. I got curious and took it out. It was from a national teacher's organization telling how to politically brainwash the American students in high schools across America. The teacher seeing some student held a political view contrary to the listed lines of political dogma to be taught to the students in the class, then that teacher would hold the student up to ridicule by his or her "social peers" meaning fellow students. This was intended to silence the independent thinker in the classroom. Americans have been heavily trained to be terrorized of being "politically correct" in public opinions. A Communist German intellectual fled Nazi Germany in the '1930's, came to America, and with heavy financial backing from some wealth American families, set up the Communist "politically correct" movement in America. You see you are supposed to be terrified if you think or say anything contrary to the Communist "politically correct" stands pushed by our elitist society in America. You must never have your "social peers" disapprove of you because you said something contrary to what they believe after being brainwashed into being "politically correct." I noticed an interesting trained in the feature of American character after some experiences. I around 20 years ago wrote some strongly pro-Christian articles in "Letters to the Editors" in three or more state newspapers. I ran into local people who had read these newspapers. Probably 30 or more told me how much they liked and approved of my pro-Christian stands in the newspapers. But not one of them had ever written to the newspapers their approval or backing for what I said. Then I would see one or two very anti-Christian types write their cynical comments with acid level assertions about Christianity. If you didn't know better, you would think these one or two Antichrist citizens represented 90% of all the American people as only their comments got printed up in reply to what I had written. Either the newspapers then censored public comments backing my side. Or likely the real reality was that Christians were so afraid of saying anything publicly, they almost never backed publicly what pro-Christian articles they saw in the newspapers. 30 local people or so orally backing me when seeing me after reading my pro-Christian article of mine in a newspaper and then not one comment backing me in print when I read following comments in the same newspapers. This gave me the strong impression that most Christians were afraid to publicly back the side of Christianity in America. I also rememeber the words of Jesus Christ in the Bible, "He that is ashamed of me before men, him will I be ashamed of before my Father which is in heaven." In Revelation, among the class of claimed Christians that Jesus will not allow into New Jerusalem are "the fearful" meaning the cowardly. I am creating shockwaves in some Christian circles because I am calling for the Christians to be strong men and women for Christ, not shaking cowards hiding in the dark so no one will notice them. Now I happen to know very certainly that many people privately approved of my strong stand to return to real Apostolic Christianity. But does fear silence your tongue? A battle is going on in America between good and evil. The evil are bold. The good (too many) are too cowardly or else ashamed to stand up for Christ. The Christians still have the large numbers to control America, but if the evil will stand up and the good will flee for their lives from facing evil, who do you think is going to win America? The good or the evil? Of course you know the answer as well as me! If I am bold for Christ, that is "arrogance." If the evil is bold for evil, why isn't that "wonderful" character of him? See the switch in labels being used here!
     We have the illiterate Serbian peasant in Kremna, Servia in the 19th century who had an incredible track record of his prophecies coming true! His name was Mitar Karabich (1829-1899) and his visions over the years were recorded by Zaharie Zaharich (1836-1918), the family friend and local Serbian orthodox priest. He predicted a long line of prophecies all of which true! He predicted the overthrow of the Czar of Russia and rise of Communism in Russia for 1917, rise of Nazis in Germany, military campaigns of Tito and how many days were involved in some batles, etc., predicted the invention of TV before it existed. predicted the land of man on the moon and running equipment on a planet other than the moon. He predicted the car before it existed, mass drilling for oil, founding of Israel as a nation.He predicted the coming World War II, and then a later World War III. He predicted that oil would be replaced by a better energy source for the world. I think my group probably has the energy replacement he was predicting. He said this new answer would save the future of mankind on earth. Again, sounds like the answer in technology we have! And the final prophecy to be fulfilled. When World War III breaks out, it will be horrible beyond human imagination. Entire nations will be annihilated. The only nation safe from annihilation potentially in the world will be the nation with the community with the three crosses in the mountains. That is my Camelot Project folks with the world headquarters for my father's Vatican endorsed food product there as needed by all mankind on earth! The three crosses represent I take the three main sides of Christianity, Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, and Protestant (three crosses symbolically in this Serbian prophecy) in a large land surrounded by oceans on two sides (America or else likely Australia, depends which nation I pick in 2013 to set the project up in. We three branches of Christianity will be in this mountain area and will be the foundation to reunify true Christians into the one Christianity Jesus wants us to instead of 20,000 snarling dogs with symbolic rabies ready to attack each other and hate their fellow brethren in Christ far worse than vicious, fanatical enemies of Christianity such as Communism, Islam, etc. determined to wipe out Christianity in the world. Power sources such as Hitler, Stalin, and the Vatican saw that the nation having this food process my father invented by blessing of God (how the Antichrist enemies hate I give credit to God for this!) will become the leader of the world. If I set up this Vatican endorsed food process in America (Omni Law has to be passed as I will not set this up under Obama if he is to be authority over this otherwise!), the Serbian prophet says that America will be the only nation on earth safe from nuclear annihilation when this terrible World War III breaks out. The nations will not destroy the nation which has the food needed for the survival of 7 billion people on earth so they don't become extinct like the dinosaurs. This Serbian prophet tells the American people in your large land surrounded by two giant oceans and big or bigger than Westen Europe that you need my Vatican endorsed food process to protect your land from being annihilated in a pending World War III. Despite denials to the contrary, God is on my side and did not have me get this powerful Vatican endorsed food process without knowing that I would use it to build up the power of Christianity throughout the world. No engineers in the world know how to duplicate this family trade secret industrial process. The nation I back becomes the economic leader of the world. Back me so I can get permission from God to locate this in America. I am under moral obligation that I am supposed to commit to the nation to receive the world food industry based upon this great discovery as of 2013. My food industry backing the U.S. dollar, the world cannot afford to dump American money and make America bankrupt as a nation overnight. Folks, you need to study what hyperinflation does to a nation! You don't want this to hit America like it did the Weimar Republic of Germany during the 1920's. Where one to four German marks formerly bought a loaf of bread, now a wheelbarrow of money up to one million to four million German marks was needed to buy a loaf of bread in Germany. Do you want that to happen to you maybe as soon as 2013 under our stinking poor economic brain Obama who also happens to be a Communist and Muslin which are both bad news for America in national economics if you let that fool run the American economy in 2013? Folks, pass my Omni Law and now! Stop the stalling games! We can win if we unite now! I am obligated before God to make my commitment for the world industry by 2013.  I cannot betray the Will of God in this matter. God expects me to put the survival of the human race first in my final commitment coming soon. I want America to win the super prize of gold that God will allow me to give to America for its future if you pass the Omni Law now. Other choices would include Russia also as a large land for wheat growing is required for this world food industry.
     Wash., D.C. played games and did not care about the American people in this food industry. I really did not expect Wash., D.C. to return the federally stolen $525,000 they owed me and was the safety net so I could found this food industry in America. When they did not repay to me the money federally stolen from me with the intent to make sure I could not start this food industry in America by their plan, they are now in such a black moral light before God as they would be terrified if they knew how badly God now thinks of Wash., D.C. Time is short. Without my food industry, the Serbian prophet says America can be annihilated in World War III. It is the only guarantee by his prophecy that America will be spared nuclear annihilation which might occur as soon as 2013, but I think it will delay. If we have one final good round of Christianity in America, we can buy time for America and the world. If we continue to play these games of mocking God by Wash., D.C., I fear the worse for America. Putin some while back boasted how his nuclear warhead missiles are designed to break through all American air defenses and annihilate America if Russia decides to. China has a clever system now so America cannot knock out her nuclear warhead missiles. China thinks that she can annihilate America now. And others on the nuclear list think they can do this to America also. I will not tell all I know here!
     Pass this report around America. Look up my Omni Law on Nesara News at their searchbox at the top left side above their archive listing of reports on their website. Look up other reports of mine under the listing of Erasmus of America. I posted many reports with them. One of the things that rattles enemies of Christianity is that I want to restore prayer and Bible studies to the educational system of America. An 1987 economic study concluded that it would add probably one trillion dollars or more annually to the jobs of America to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America. This would also create a one trillion dollars or more larger market for businesses to sell to. It also helps produce more revenue for government in America without raising taxes. But I guess Americans just love all that economic pain and poverty by dumb Wash., D.C. trying to war against God and think this will help the economy of America and the American people as such.
     And I studied enough economic science with six of the most economists of America and Europe, the second Obama tries to crash the American economy, if the Omni Law is passed, I will short term agree to be economic czar of America and your economy will be back on track and running like clockwork after that with the economic crisis over in no time flat. Sorry to disappoint Obama and Illuminati with an answer so they don't have to consent to the Obama engineered economic crash of America to trick the American people into civil war. Then Obama declares martial law and America has the glorious Obama as dictator for life. It is a shame that the boy knows absolutely zero about real economics! Letting the stupid have powers of dictatorship is the guaranteed pathway to complete disaster for America. My economics is all tested already in history and all principles work great. Hate to step on anti-Christian toes. My 25 key economic tactics from history are all based upon Bible teachings and worked great when used in history. I would have released my list of 25 Bible principles of economics until I saw the Christians so afraid to defend and stand up for Bible principles in American society. The enemies of Christianity would have attacked two or three of the key Bible economic principles while the Christians looked back in fear to stand up and defend what the Bible taught. If I had had men and women for Christ stand up all over America, I would have released this list of 25 major economic principles of the Bible some while back already! When the Christians show me that they seriously care for Christ, then we will storm America overnight. Corinthians 12:7-11 lists the gifts of the Holy Spirit with wisdom being listed as more important than just knowledge, faith, healings, other miracles, gifts of prophecy, etc. I believed guided by the Holy Spirit sought and studied under six of the most wise and brilliant economists of the world. I respected their wisdom and their knowledge. Invested in me is the wisdom and knowledge of six of the finest economists in the world. Even if I had no original answers of my own, I represent the combined wisdom and knowledge of six of the most brilliant economists in the world. One was endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. He taught scientific free enterprise based upon what worked in history. When I want to build a car, good to bring in someone trained in auto engineering. When I want to build a dam, bring in an engineer who knows how to build dams. When you want to build up your economy and skyrocket it into enormous prosperity,  bring in the economist who trained under six of the best experts in the world. Doesn't that make common sense, folks? Pass my Omni Law now and stop the million and one excuses now why it can't be done. As Napoleon once commented, "Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools."
      Financial backing for this Omni Law drive is welcome. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. And you may call it arrogance where I call it boldness, but I call for Americans to pass the Omni Law and we will have Christ rule over America through economic principles He taught and had taught in the Bible. Wash., D.C. wants to prove it can solve the problems of America it has created by not honoring God in America. I will prove that America will solve its problems when we as a nation honor God as our forefathers did and listen to the wisdom of God offered us in the Bible of God. And don't forget as I am loyal to God, my food industry gets set up in the nation willing to honor God, not the nation hating God and wants to divorce God from its nation entirely as Obama wants to do!
     Yours For God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. When justified soon, I will use my regular name which is an honorable name starting as an important industrialist family of America.)


This is from a reader per the DEBT FORGIVENESS LETTERS which are being distributed from the banks.

This one is from Bank Of America.

No Time To Waste

Roy Process for the Neutralization and Elimination of nuclear waste: interview with theoretical nuclear physicist Dr Radha Roy from 1991 Satellite Broadcast of EIS, Earth Information System.

The following youtube needs to go viral around the world.  If this will work holds the key to cleaning up the mess that man has made on this planet through irresponsible nuclear inventions and their use. This approach would immediately deal with the contamination in Japan and the ability to eliminate all nuclear waste and spent fuel.  The mere fact that it look possible to drop all the half life element to 14 days, would obsolete nuclear weapons all together and would negate the driving war engine.  Get this viral so it lands in the hands of people to make this a scientific breakthrough into a momentum of reality.  For those motivate by things other than saving the Earth from assured destruction, then thinks of the business opportunity of becoming a planetary "cleaner" ....