Monday, September 17, 2012

WHATS BEHIND THE JPMorgan, Bank Of America Probed Over Money-Laundering Allegations ?

WHATS BEHIND THE JPMorgan, Bank Of America Probed Over Money-Laundering Allegations ?
author: V.K. Durham, CEO, Tom Flocco and MULTIPLE AUTHORS
Considering it has been the Unauthorized illegally hypothicated Durham Trust Collateral used by JP MORGAN, Little Jamie Diamon, Little Timmy Geithner, Rubin, Greenspan, Brady, Bush, Clinton and the dogs on the corner to create a NEW GOLDEN AGE by creating a NEW GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM see:
Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14, 1998 "If a President of the United States ever lied to the American people he should resign."-- Bill Clinton, in 1974
As the noose tightens on the Global Banking, Financing and Economic "Hostage taking" Crisis...OCC has finally decided to check information provided to INTERPOL years ago..[VKD]
Saturday, 15-Sep-2012 Feds Probe Major U.S. Banks Over Money-Laundering Allegations

JPMorgan, Bank Of America Probed Over Money-Laundering Allegations: New York Times

The report said the OCC could soon take action against JPMorgan Chase & Co., and that it is also investigating Bank of America Corp. Money laundering allows people to make money - often obtained illegally - appear like it came from another source. Read more:  link to

Obama v. Netanyahu
by Stephen Lendman
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Much has been made about an Obama/Netanyahu rift. At times, it's hard separating rhetoric from reality. Nonetheless, neither leader, it appears, particularly likes the other. Disagreement between them is palpable. It's over Iranian red lines and deadlines.

Former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz said he doesn't believe in "red line policies." He responded to Netanyahu saying:

"The world tells Israel 'wait, there's still time.' And I say, 'Wait for what? Wait until when?' Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel."

"Now if Iran knows that there is no red line. If Iran knows that there is no deadline, what will it do? Exactly what it's doing. It's continuing, without any interference, towards obtaining nuclear weapons capability and from there, nuclear bombs."

A previous article called Netanyahu the mouth that roars for good reason. He repeatedly puts both feet in his mouth and risks swallowing them.

He's arrogant, offensive, duplicitous, thuggish, and dangerous. He's an embarrassment to legitimate governance. It's hard imagining why any Israelis put up with him. If ever a bum deserved to be thrown out it's Netanyahu. continued at source

 link to
To understand this international squabble, one must take a look at the root cause. You should read REVISED 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT [see excerpts pages 11-12]

C. The Israeli intelligence organization, with responsibility for these attacks, has extensive links to the Russian Mafiya and ex-KGB resources, all of which had motive, involvement and knowledge pertinent to crimes being investigated by several agencies in the World Trade Center;

D. The Israeli links to September 11th are based on Russian KGB/oligarch ?migr?s to Israel, who have created a rogue operation in the KGB, but are funded through operations born from the September 1991 bonds, created by Bush, Greenspen, et al.

E. Six groups were involved in the attack on the WTC:
a) Khashoggi, a major investor in Oryx (financial backer of Huffman Aviation - the flight school that provided training to eleven 9/11 hijackers) and business partner with General William Lyon - founder of diploma mills which are linked to the access to the US for two hijackers. Khashoggi also is linked to the funding of the "9/11 Truth Movement" in an attempt to monitor and control civilian inquiries into the events surrounding 9/11;
b) Richard Secord: a former U.S. Air Force major general, who had been helping to recruit and train the Azerbaijani army, as well as regional secret services, in conjunction with David Kimche and was reported to have assisted in the recruitment of Al Qaeda mercenaries and Osama Bin Laden for deployment in Azerbaijan;

c) Richard Armitage: who managed illegal gold funds for George HW Bush during Iran-Contra period; who acted as a consultant to Halliburton and Unocal at the time, and was President of the US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce. Armitage had demonstrated a history of visits to Pakistan and the rest of Central Asia and was reported to have assisted in the recruitment of Al Qaeda mercenaries and Osama Bin Laden for deployment in Azerbaijan;

d) Farhad Azima, a US arms merchant with Iranian background, a member of the US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, who assisted Richard Secord in recruiting, transporting and training mujahedin mercenaries. He was owner of the Azerbaijan Airlines and has a twenty year old relationship with the Iran-Contra syndicate. He is significant co-investor with Wally Hilliard, of Huffman Aviation, in a small California electronics company (Spatialight Inc);

e) Khalid bin Mahfouz, owner, with the bin Laden family and members of the Saudi royal family of the Saudi oil companies Delta Oil and Nimir Oil. Both are partners with Unocal in Azerbaijan and partners in multiple Bush family enterprises. He is a major investor, along with Khashoggi, in Barrick and TrizecHahn. (TrizecHahn was the landlord to the corporate headquarters of Halliburton and Enron.);

f) Dick Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, lobbyist for the Azerbaijan International Operating Company, on the US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce; participant in Congressional hearings that let Iran-Contra participants off-the-hook. Dick Cheney's role in the attack on the WTC is most thoroughly treated in the book 'Crossing the Rubicon', by Michael...;

C. Ruppert, where Cheney is demonstrated to be fully accountable for the activities of NORAD and FEMA on September 11. John Mann, in 'Rise of the Vulcans - The History of Bush's War Cabinet', describes Cheney as "one of the principal defenders of the Reagan administration's conduct in Iran Contra". THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 12

g) David Kimche, Israeli Mossad agent, who brought Israeli agents and mercenaries into Azerbaijan', at the request of Secord and worked with Secord and the regional secret service organizations of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. He was a participant in the October Surprise, the Iran-Contra scandal and consultant to Manuel Noriega.

h) Porter Goss, former CIA agent and Congressman, now Director of the CIA. He met with Mahmoud Ahmad, Director of the Pakistani Secret Service (ISI), shortly before and after 9/11. Mahmoud Ahmad was responsible for providing $100,000, in funding, to Mohammed Atta. Goss has not been identified with any Azerbaijani activity, but has been identified with Iran-Contra activity.

i) George Bush Sr., who (according to several eyes witnesses) authorized the Iran-Contra and October Surprise operations (although Congressional investigators concluded he was not involved), initiated the US covert operations in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, authorized the creation of the illegal Durham/Brady Bonds, which went secretly to Russia and authorized the assignment of $10 billion in, un-mined, gold reserves to Barrick. He, later, sat on the Advisory Board of Directors for Barrick.

j) Robert Mueller, who as US Attorney, headed the Iran-Contra and the BCCI investigations and trial, found little fault with Bush Sr., also was responsible for the FBI investigation of 9/11. 4. Members of the US group that arranged for the September 11 cover-up most likely used the attack for multiple purposes related to financial gain and obstruction of justice, and set the timing of the attack to resolve a major financial fraud involving $240 billion in securities backed by illegal gold holdings (Durham/Brady Bonds). [page 12] source

Study these transaction documents put down through Israel.
By V.K. Durham (Widow Herman).


09/1291/DM/USD/30B/001 [Japanese Yen through UST}

and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001

and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001 and


to which the payorder identifies the following accounts:
THE SECOND PARTY (ref: pg. 1)

Name: Trans Tech International
Address: Moshav Yishi 68, Israel
Represented by: Jonathan Tiede

BONUS BANKING (ref. pg. 3):

Bank Name: Security Pacific Bank
Address: 26929 102 NW

$120 Billion Dollars in Japanese Yen, a second $120 Billion Dollars in German Deutch Mark (Helmut Kohl).


Bank Name: Chase Manhattan Bank, NYC, New York
Address: Main Office
Account Name: DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc.
(** DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc, associated through NEAL BUSH, NSA, NASA & HUDD -JACK KEMP, NICHOLAS BRADY, ALAN GREENSPAN, ARIEL LIFE SYSTEMS affiliated with NASA.)
Routing ABA: 0210-0021 F/A GOLDMAN SACHS A/C 930-1-011-/183,
Account No. FCC TO DFT, INC. A/C 027-020882039
Federal Tax Id: 33-0457266
Transaction Code: 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002 [D. Mark]


Address: 55 Water Street

New York, NY
c/o Sherson Lehman Brothers
Account No: 02100128 for the account number 066027209

Address: 55 Water Street

New York, NY
c/o Sherson Lehman Brothers
Account No: 02100128 for the account number 066027209

As presidents, presidents families are being blackmailed over the unauthorized 1991 Bank Frauds/Failures and Brady Bonds, which ultimately brought down the WTC's...see:


 link to

You darned near have to be in the financing or banking industry to understand what went on back then. The only way I understand is "it was Trust Property" which had been illegally hypothicated to set this global nightmare loose on an unsuspecting world. Lets go back and review these documents, to wit;
Study these instruments, then, perhaps, you will understand WHY Benjamin Nethanyahu is so upset with Obama, but, you must know both men, including Hillary Rodham Clinton, were a part of the LaSalle Banking Group in Chicago, Illinois, which was involved in this mess of Money Laundering, which has become International Financial Terrorism, involving the UST and Federal Reserve Banking Systems Regional Banks. Read: 17-Feb-2012. ROTTEN TO THE CORE: Chicago and Illinois, Leading the Pack in Corruption Anti-Corruption Report
Keep in mind while studying these instruments, which brought down Cantor Fitzgerald on 9/11/01, these "Terms were for 10 years or until the US Dollar Provider is Exhausted." This tells me and should tell anyone with a smidgen of grey matter between their ears...The Fed. R. Banking System was in on the Bankrupting of its-self, which would explain the Rubin allowing of Identity Theft of US Treaty Corporations and Treaty international agreements, other than treaties Sec. 12087, put together back during 1984-86, as the Money Laundering Arm of the Contras and the Depository Trust Co. 55 Water Street, NY., NY., the Inter American Development Bank, such as mentioned by WHITE HOUSE OPERATIVE.

Quote: "Taking down the U.S. DOLLAR which the entire Global
Banking, Financing and Economics are "peged".. along with setting up all of those "DEVELOPMENT BANKS" mentioned by E.J. Ekker: "Inter-American Development Bank just set up little nice banks all around, you know; the little Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank, Hong Kong Development Bank, po-dunk Development Bank and ever so many more. This sprang out of Inter American Investment Corporation, MINE originally, set up by the Bush's, but never through Incorporation; OOPS, BIG GOOF!! This was, also pretty inclusive of the DEPOSIT TRUST [Depository Trust Co. 55 Water Street, New York, New York] outfit, who runs all the stocks, etc. [end quote] source

All of Which ties directly to the Banking Information recovered from Far East Banking..documents relating to FAR EAST BANKING, which involves U.S. BANKS, other International Banks, involved (and we wonder why the U.S. former Allies have turned away) the UNAUTHORIZED USE OF GOLD COLLATERAL, tied directly with THE BRADY BONDS -1991 BANK FAILURES are as follows (the documents are down loadable from

09/1291/DM/USD/30B/001 [Japanese Yen through UST}

and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001

and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001 and

09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002 (D. Mark through Fed. R. Banks)

to which the payorder identifies the following accounts:
THE SECOND PARTY (ref: pg. 1)

Name: Trans Tech International
Address: Moshav Yishi 68, Israel
Represented by: Jonathan Tiede

BONUS BANKING (ref. pg. 3):

Bank Name: Security Pacific Bank
Address: 26929 102 NW

$120 Billion Dollars in Japanese Yen, a second $120 Billion Dollars in German Deutch Mark (Helmut Kohl).

Bank Name: Chase Manhattan Bank, NYC, New York
Address: Main Office
Account Name: DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc.
(** DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc, associated through NEAL BUSH, NSA, NASA & HUDD -JACK KEMP, NICHOLAS BRADY, ALAN GREENSPAN, ARIEL LIFE SYSTEMS affiliated with NASA.)
Routing ABA: 0210-0021 F/A GOLDMAN SACHS A/C 930-1-011-/183,
Account No. FCC TO DFT, INC. A/C 027-020882039
Federal Tax Id: 33-0457266
Transaction Code: 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002 [D. Mark]


Address: 55 Water Street

New York, NY
c/o Sherson Lehman Brothers
Account No: 02100128 for the account number 066027209

Address: 55 Water Street

New York, NY
c/o Sherson Lehman Brothers
Account No: 02100128 for the account number 066027209
As presidents, presidents families are being blackmailed over the unauthorized 1991 Bank Frauds/Failures and Brady Bonds, which ultimately brought down the WTC's...see:

John D'Acquisto, CEO, Ariel Life Systems, Inc., CEO, DFG, Inc and Trustee, Cosmos Seafood Energy Corp. [FedEx Acct. #1429-4274-7], whose name was on the currency transfer agreement with an Israeli corporation, Trans Tech International--represented by Jonathan Tiede.

On September 13, 1991, a currency exchange/transfer agreement was made, involving Trans Tech International Ltd, located in Moshav Yishi, Israel- represented by Jonathan Tiede 1TransTechYen.gif

Evidence Herman and Durham Signatures forged

Jonathan Tiede, representing Israel's Trans Tech International, sent a fax through Dallas firm Daniel International to John D' Aquisto at DFG, Inc., referring to "problems". The Evidence page can be viewed at
A. The wing of the Pentagon, hit on 9/11, was the ONI Office investigating the unauthorized use of two $120 Billion Dollar gold collateral transactions, which were banked through Cantor Fitzgerald and Goldman Sachs, due on or about 9/11, when the "10 year term" payment came due, which relates to that which is held in Trust mentioned in the before mentioned (j) as (Durham Brady Bonds).

B. All of Which ties directly to the Banking Information recovered from Far East Banking...documents relating to FAR EAST BANKING, which involves U.S. BANKS other International Banks, involved (and we wonder why the U.S. former Allies have turned away) the UNAUTHORIZED USE OF GOLD COLLATERAL, tied directly with THE BRADY BONDS-1991 BANK FAILURES are as follows (the documents are down loadable from

D. Which ties directly to IDENTITY THEFT of US Corporations, Treatys international agreements, other than treaties of the legitimate U.S.A., which were set up under a group of Nevada Corporations designed to deliberately use IDENTITY THEFT OF US CORPORATIONS [NON GOVERNMENTAL OFFICES) to destroy the Lawful U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, by swamping the US FED. R. with Unauthorized Counterfeit Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO'S), sold by OTC (Over the Counter) through more entities set up through IDENTITY THEFT, funded by Unauthorized Collateral, such as the Collateral underwritten by Cantor Fitzgerald, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan/NY Fed. R. Bank, which co-operated with the following AL QAEDA Black Ops of the Philippine Money Group, which Prince Bandar put up 20% of his nations wealth to cover in concert with MILF NUR Misauri, Ely Pamatong, Atty., as they raided the MARCOS GOLD then Laundered through the following Banks, which was discovered in the BRUNEI Blog written by ONI/BANK OF AMERICA TRADER, WORKING THROUGH COMEX GOLD TRADERS...using non authorized gold collateral, which has brought about this current "Global Banking, Financing and Hostage taking crisis"...see:

E. This is a direct quote.
Quote: "Taking down the U.S. DOLLAR, which the entire Global Banking, Financing and Economics are "peged"...along with setting up all of those "DEVELOPMENT BANKS" mentioned by E.J. Ekker: "Inter-American Development Bank just set up a little nice banks all around, you know; the little Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank, Hong Kong Development Bank, po-dunk Development Bank and ever so many more. This sprang out of Inter American Investment Corporation, MINE originally, set up by the Bush's, but never through Incorporation; OOPS, BIG GOOF!! This was also pretty inclusive of the DEPOSIT TRUST [Depository Trust Co. 55 Water Street, New York, New York] outfit, who runs all the stocks, etc. [end quote] source

F. CANTOR FITZGERALD WAS HIT over the following: see 9/11 CANTOR FITZGERALD, GOLDMAN SACHS, FED. R., UST, BUSH ETAL 'FINANCIAL TERRORISM' Cash payoffs, bonds and murder linked to White House, 911 finance Documents point to attack on America by White House crime families, CORRUPTION AT THE TOP OF US CORP. GOVT. SEE: GRAND CAYMAN ACCOUNTS OF FORMER PRESIDENTS, author: MULTIPLE AUTHORS.

These former Officers of Public Trust practiced unparalleled greed, ignoring the plight of the People as they plundered "private property", belonging to the People.

GRAND CAYMAN ACCOUNTS, GO TO: "Bank account numbers, entities and trust documents, also linked to former Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, have been delivered to Fitzgerald by agents, who originally leaked the evidence for the purpose of exposing the largest embezzlement of taxpayer funds in the history of the United States,"
Illinois Civil Codes Utility Statutes forbid FOREIGN CORPORATIONS from owning utility companies funded by BONDs ...Have you not checked into the CIVIL CODES? Bond after Bond was previously floated for ILLINOIS (Iowa) POWER. Of course, the money went through GRAND CAYMANS and more bonds were raised.

GRAND CAYMAN ACCOUNTS, GO TO: "Bank account numbers, entities and trust documents, also linked to former Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, have been delivered to Fitzgerald by agents, who originally leaked the evidence for the purpose of exposing the largest embezzlement of taxpayer funds in the history of the United States," according to informed sources close to the investigation, who spoke with

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State court ruling deals blow to U.S. bank mortgage system
An Occupy Wall Street demonstrators pastes tape and signs to a foreclosed property in the East New York section of Brooklyn in New York City December 6, 2011. REUTERS/Mike Segar

Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:04pm EDT
(Reuters) - The highest court in the state of Washington recently ruled that a company that has foreclosed on millions of mortgages nationwide can be sued for fraud, a decision that could cause a new round of trouble for the nation's banks.
The ruling is one of the first to allow consumers to seek damages from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, a company set up by the nation's major banks, if they can prove they were harmed.
Legal experts said last month's decision from the Washington Supreme Court could become a precedent for courts in other states. The case also endorsed the view of other state courts that MERS does not have the legal authority to foreclose on a home.
"This is a body blow," said consumer law attorney Ira Rheingold. "Ultimately the MERS business model cannot work and should not work and needs to be changed."
Banks set up MERS in the 1990s to help speed the process of packaging loans into mortgage-backed bonds by easing the process of transferring mortgages from one party to another. But ever since the housing crash, MERS has been besieged by litigation from state attorneys general, local government officials and homeowners who have challenged the company's authority to pursue foreclosure actions.
A spokeswoman for MERS said the company is confident its role in the financial system will withstand legal challenges.
The Washington Supreme Court held that MERS' business practices had the "capacity to deceive" a substantial portion of the public because MERS claimed it was the beneficiary of the mortgage when it was not.
This finding means that in actions where a bank used MERS to foreclose, the consumer can sue it for fraud. If the foreclosure can be challenged, MERS' involvement would make repossession more complicated.
On top of that, virtually any foreclosed homeowner in the state in the past 15 years who feels they have been harmed in some way could file a consumer fraud suit.
"This may be the beginning of a trend," says Elizabeth Renuart, a professor at Albany Law School focusing on consumer credit law.
The company's history dates back to the 1990s, when banks began aggressively bundling home loans into mortgage-backed securities. The banks formed MERS to speed up the handling of all the paperwork associated with recording the filing of a deed and the subsequent inclusion of a mortgage in an entity that issues a mortgage-backed security.
MERS allowed the banks to save time and money because it permitted lenders to bypass the process of filing paperwork with the local recorder of deeds every time a mortgage was sold.
Instead, banks put MERS' name on the deed. And when they bought and sold mortgages, they just recorded the transfer of ownership of the note in the MERS system.
The MERS' database was supposed to keep track of where those loans went. The company's motto: "Process loans, not paperwork."
But the foreclosure crisis revealed major flaws with the MERS database.
The plaintiffs in the Washington case, homeowners Kristin Bain and Kevin Selkowitz, argued that the problems with the MERS database made it difficult, if not impossible, to determine who really owned their loan. It's an argument that has been raised in numerous other lawsuits challenging the ability of MERS to foreclose on a home.
"It's going to be very easy for consumers to say they were harmed because it's inherently misleading," says Geoff Walsh, an attorney with the National Consumer Law Center. If consumers can't identify who owns their loan, then they don't know whom to negotiate with, and can't even be certain of the legitimacy of the foreclosure.
In a statement, MERS spokeswoman Janis Smith noted that banks stopped using MERS' name to foreclose last year. She added that the opinion will "create confusion" for homeowners in the state of Washington while the trial courts consider its effect on pending cases.
Meanwhile, MERS is attempting to remake itself. The company has a new chief executive and a new branding campaign. In Washington D.C. federal lawmakers have recognized the need to create a national mortgage-recording database that would track all U.S. mortgages. MERS is lobbying to build it.
The case is Bain (Kristin), et al. v. Mortg. Elec. Registration Sys., et al., Washington Supreme Court, No. 86206-1.
(Editing by Dan Wilchins and Prudence Crowther)

Remove yourself from ALL background check websites

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: HOW TO: Remove yourself from ALL background check websites
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Sep-2012 01:41:25

I decided to go ahead and use this list to collect removal procedures from ALL of these websites and provide direct links or instructions to do so.
The following list was provided as being the “big boys”, so if you remove your name from these ones then all the smaller “sites” should fall afterwards.
Read more & Get LIST with links>>
HOW TO: Remove yourself from ALL background check websites

US Ambassador Killed: Fingers Pointing at Israel

US Ambassador Killed: Fingers Pointing at Israel

إلى رئيس الوزراء سلام فياض: كورس إنجليزي لوزرائك بدلا من تهجير الفلسطينين للعمل في صحراء ليبيا
الشعب جوعان وعاف حاله من الفقر والبطالة, والسلطة الفلسطينية تبحث عن شراء فيلا لسفارة فلسطين في النمسا
وفد فلسطيني يصل للنمسا للمشاركة في مؤتمر وزارء العدل في أوروبا

The murder of the US Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens, due to riots after the offensive film attacking Islam’s Prophet Muhammad has many signs which warrant pointing fingers towards Israel. (Pic. Credit: AFP).
Without hesitation Israel declared through its official media that “Sam Bacile”, 56-year-old author identifies as an Israeli Jew, and he says that he believes that his film will help Israel to expose the flaws of Islam to the world.
הכותב והבמאי סאם באסילה שוחח עם כלי תקשורת ממקום שאינו ידוע, והתעקש כי הוא דבק בעמדתו: “האיסלאם הוא סרטן, נקודה”. הוא אמר כי באמצעות הסרט ברצונו להעביר מסר פוליטי. היוצר בן ה-56 מזדהה כיהודי ישראלי, ואומר כי הוא מאמין שהסרט שלו יסייע לישראל לחשוף את פגמי האיסלאם לעולם. לפי דיווחים בעולם, מדובר ביזם נדל”ן ישראלי-אמריקני. מובאות מהסרט, שדובבו לערבית, פורסמו ביוטיוב. באסילה אמר כי צר לו על האדם שנהרג הלילה בקונסוליה האמריקנית בבנגזי, אך האשים בכך את האבטחה הרפה במקום
At the same time official Israel is concealing information that filmmaker “Bacile” must have served with the Israeli army intelligence. In Hebrew media, “Bacile” presents himself as fluent in Arabic, what is to my knowledge, almost exclusive to intelligence operatives in israel.
The media of the State of Israel stated that filmmaker “Bacile” went into hiding on Tuesday after his movie attacking Islam’s Prophet Muhammad sparked angry assaults by Muslims on US diplomatic missions in Egypt and in Libya, where the US Ambassador Chris Stevens became one of four Americans killed in the attack.

What the speaker did not state for foreign audiences was that
Israeli zionist intelligence had protected the filmmaker since the beginning and that after having accomplished his mission. He is probably now back in his Israel enjoying full protection in Tel Aviv or Herzliya or somewhere else under a pseudonym.
There are suspicions that “Bacile”, now in Israel, carried a passport with another name. The elements of the Israeli zionist mossad and intelligence customarily carry several falsified passports under different nationalities and names. The suspicion that the film was made not by “Bacile” alone and on his own initiative, but that the whole thing was a premeditated operation of the Israeli zionist intelligence, designed to have exactly the effects it has had until now.
According to this website ( “the Libyan security forces hired to protect the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya moved Ambassador Chris Stevens to a second building within the consulate, then told the militant crowds where he was”. Libya has been essentially under the control of mossad since Gadhaffi was deposed by NATO-backed terrorists.
The attack on the consulate in Benghazi reminds us of the American-Israeli mossad agent Ilan Chaim Grappelli/Grapel, (אילן גרפל ), who was captured in Egypt during the revolution for inciting people to commit acts of violence.
Grapel was a war criminal who participated in the atrocities of the Lebanon “second war” in 2006, a former paratrooper who infiltrated the Egyptian revolutionaries and was causing trouble, inciting his acquaintances to perpetrate criminal acts against police stations and the military, spying on the military and the revolutionaries, photographing people and reporting to the Mossad, distributing money to some Egyptians and recruiting them to cause chaos, to steal and to sabotage public infrastructure in the country. Grapel had also been organizing a series of protest movements and preparing them to disobey orders of the military authorities after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak.
What Grapel did was the same scenario as in Benghazi, Libya. It is more than plausible that israeli elements had infiltrated the angry Libyan masses after showing them the film and incited them to shoot at the American embassy, where Ambassador Stevens and his team were killed. Such “false flag” attacks are the hallmark of mossad, which always play the same dirty games, putting oil on the fire, kindling hatred and inciting the unaware to perpetrate crimes.
Simply said, the offensive film made by an extremist zionist jew from the USA, together with an Egyptian Copt, served to kindle the flames of hatred in a region where restraint is almost unknown, preparing the terrain for “justifiable” violence.
The murder, of the American Ambassador and three of his team, was the logical consequence, if one takes in account the guidance of the Libyan “security” team hired by the embassy. In sum, all well done, a plausibly deniable operation cooked up in the hellish kitchen of the Israeli intelligence, against their, supposedly, best friend and nearest ally.
According to what can be read, Ambassador Stevens had previously been a teacher in Morocco, he spoke fluent Arabic; he was very open towards the people and did not host racist prejudice against Arabs. Knowing the Israeli mentality, this may have been enough for him to become hated and ultimately marked as disposable at the zionist, jewish-dominated US Department of State.
Another possible background for this operation, also from my knowledge of the Israeli zionist mentality, would be that they don’t know what to do to sow dissent in the Arab world since Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood won the elections in Egypt. This is strange because Morsi can be seen as a US/Western stooge who is ultimately favourable to Israel behind a facade designed to quiet his constituency.
Israel, the country which sickens everybody with their endless bellyaching about “anti-semitism” whenever their crimes are criticized, it is the same country which employs all its energy to think about ways to cause trouble and chaos for other countries and peoples.
The question is: what does israel think to do after this dirty game? It is becoming clear that israel has put this false-flag crime in scene as a cover of another big crime, or that that they want something from the Americans and will try to use this to twist their arm. What could it be that that they want? Is it the war against Iran or there is something else they want to force the USA to do? As of now, their dirty game would appear to have failed, as the whole event reeks of their participation.
We want to express our unqualified condemnation of the provocative film which insulted the religious feelings of Muslims all over the world. We also express our condemnation of the incident in which the American ambassador and three of his team were murdered in Benghazi / Libya at the hands of a group of extremists most probably infiltrated by Israeli operatives, an incident aimed at exploiting the natural anger of the people against such an anti-Islamic film. The anger of the people was misdirected and abused to provoke tragic bloodshed, which has nothing to do with freedom to express ones opinion. We demand that those who provoked and used this conflict be arrested and that they receive fair trials of law for what they did, and in the same way we demand that those who financed the unnecessary film published by “Bacile” be arrested and tried for their part in this atrocity.

Keshe Foundation…”Start of the transfer of technology to the world scientists”, October 10-17, 2012 in Sierra Leone

             Hello All:
                      This sounds really interesting.
                             God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart 

Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 07:19:45 +0000

Subject: [New post] Keshe Foundation…”Start of the transfer of technology to the world scientists”, October 10-17, 2012 in Sierra Leone
kauilapele posted: "This has been going around several sites. I could not find this announcement on the Keshe Foundation website, but LadyDragon emailed me about it and has this article on her website. I later found it at Jean Haines blog. This is the start of something v"

New post on Kauilapele's Blog

Keshe Foundation…”Start of the transfer of technology to the world scientists”, October 10-17, 2012 in Sierra Leone

This has been going around several sites. I could not find this announcement on the Keshe Foundation website, but LadyDragon emailed me about it and has this article on her website. I later found it at Jean Haines blog.
This is the start of something very BIG. This technology is being GIVEN FREELY to the world. I believe it was either Tom Bearden or Steven Greer that said the best way to ensure a technology was kept free of interference from "dark" types, was to give it away. That's what Keshe Foundation is doing, it appears. It will transform this planet, quickly (along with, I'm sure, many other technologies that are "releasing" during this time period).
Below is a short video describing the principles and applications of the Keshe technology.
Start of the transfer of technology to the world scientists.
Following the success of the 21.4.2012 and 6.9.2012 ambassadorial presentations of the technology at the Keshe Foundation centre in Belgium, the Keshe Foundation is proud to announce the presentation of the first series of its international lectures for transfer of technology to the world scientists.
To this effect we have been invited and we have accepted to give the first series of lectures in spaceship technology and its application and implications in the university of Freetown in Sierra Leone starting from 12.10.2012 to 17.10.2012.
If you are near to this location and other countries in Africa, please contact the embassy of Sierra Leone in your country for you to be present in these first lectures and transfer of technology to the world scientists.
As we promised, we take our technology to people of the world through the support of their governments and through our ambassadorial invitations program and we are fulfilling our promise and we are implementing the goal of the Keshe Foundation to unite the scientists of the world in knowledge and peace in harmony through our spaceship program.
We would like to thank the ambassador of the Sierra Leone in Belgium Dr. C. S. Kargbo and the officials of the government of the Sierra Leone for inviting the Keshe Foundation for the presentation of the Keshe technologies in their universities and for their openness in accepting and organising the first international teaching conference in the continent of Africa.
As we promised, the continent of Africa will have its own spaceship program as it is planed for by the Foundation and now we are here to deliver our promise.
M T Keshe
The founder and caretaker of the Keshe Foundation

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Libyan president says attacks were planned and reported weeks in advance

Libyan president says attacks were planned and reported weeks in advance
[link to]

[link to]

Attacks were planned, this has nothing to do with any video, and Obama needs to be replaced, he is riding dirty on us(sorry, couldn't help it).

Colonel Allen West a decorated military genius and very admirable congressman is calling out Obama and wants an end to this catastrophe(obamas presidency) [link to

Obama’s 3 a.m. call comes; he hits snooze button


Obama’s 3 a.m. call comes; he hits snooze button

By Rick Manning 09/14/12 11:08 AM ET
Reading the pundits, you would have thought that Mitt Romney said something wrong about the failed Obama Middle East policy.

However, the predictable reaction from the left shows us that in fact, Romney hit the nail on the head.
Obama’s policy of overthrowing stable governments that kept the lid on the radical Islamists in their own country in favor of the mob on the street has led to a more unstable, dangerous time in the region. Team Obama preened and crowed about the Arab Spring; now they own it.
News reports indicate that it is reasonable to question whether Obama understands the severity of the situation. His habit of missing his intelligence briefings reveals a president who is disengaged from the fundamental responsibilities of his job. Obama apparently prefers to read the briefing book without the regular give-and-take from the experts who can fill in the gaps. At best, this left him less prepared than he should have been when that 3 a.m. call finally came. 
Foreign news media are now reporting that the U.S. government had a full 48 hours’ warning that our missions in the Middle East, and perhaps specifically the one in Libya, were likely to face some kind of attack on Sept. 11. Yet they were left virtually naked from a security standpoint. If these reports prove true, this is an inexcusable dereliction of responsibility by this administration and someone should be fired.
Rather than indignation at this president’s failure to perform even his most basic functions, what do we get from our pundit class?
It’s Romney’s fault. The left blames the Republican candidate for pointing out that a policy that offered no support for the legitimate democratic, anti-Islamist movement in Iran during their electoral attempt to replace a mad nuke-seeking regime, but chose to spend eight months bombing Libya to put a radical Islamist mob in control, is inconsistent and weak. Obama’s failure to provide consistent, strong leadership in the region is to blame for his policy failure, not Romney’s pointing out this fact.
Somehow, in the warped world of the left, Romney got it wrong, because they believe the problem lies not with the mobs, and Obama’s policies that unleashed them, but in the freedoms that we enjoy in the United States. 
Yes, to the left, the problem is that a couple of U.S. citizens freely exercising their constitutional rights made a poor movie that shows the Muslim prophet in an unfavorable light. To them, it is that freedom of expression that needs to be restrained. 
Perhaps Team Obama also believes that the Dutch cartoonist who tooned an image of Muhammad that resulted in riots across Europe and the Middle East was to blame for that violence.
The truth is that we have a problem. It is time that our nation has an adult discussion about the ongoing Islamist jihad against the West. Thank goodness that Mitt Romney has shown that he is willing to lead that discussion.

Rick Manning (@rmanning957) has served in the Bush administration’s Labor Department and currently runs an association communications department. His views are his own.