Monday, September 17, 2012

Health -- 6 Secret Facts About Cholesterol You Didn't Know

6 Secret Facts About Cholesterol You Didn't Know 
I recently spoke at a health seminar and after my presentation I opened
up the floor to questions from the audience.

One woman asked me why I said it's OK to eat eggs and other foods with cholesterol, since everyone KNOWS that cholesterol is bad and can lead to heart attacks.
My response was: "Sorry, but it appears you have been misled about cholesterol like many other people, and your statement is not accurate. Cholesterol is actually a good thing that is vital to your health."
I heard several gasps from the audience.
WHAT did you say?
Have you gone MAD?
Cholesterol? The demon behind heart disease?
The monster that clogs up arteries?
The vile substance that is death on a plate?
Yes, that would be the one.
Here is what I told the audience, and am now telling you:
What you MUST know about cholesterol (but won't hear in statin ads)
Nothing your body does as a result of Nature's design is bad or an accident, and cholesterol is certainly no exception to that is a tool for survival of the body.
It actually is NEEDED by your body and serves several vital functions including these:
1- Cholesterol is your body's healing ointment
First and foremost, cholesterol is your body's internal healing ointment. Your blood vessels become damaged by things such as aging, inflammation, high blood pressure, injuries, wear and tear or free radical damage.
When this happens, cholesterol comes to the rescue to repair the damage and promote healing of the vessel.
Now, if the damage is allowed to worsen in your blood vessels and becomes chronic, cholesterol is continuously summoned to do its job over and over and over...and that's when you can run the risk of cholesterol accumulation, plaque buildup and possibly heart disease.
But note that it's the damage and inflammation in your blood vessels that's the real culprit here. The cholesterol is only trying to help and ends up guilty by association. If this was a murder mystery, "Cholesterol" heard a scream and came running, found a dead body at the scene, picked up the gun next to it, was seen with the gun in hand by witness, and thus was arrested for murder. But Cholesterol is innocent, of course, and wasn't there when the crime took place.
2- Nervous system health depends on cholesterol
Mother's milk is inherently very rich in cholesterol -- that should clue you in that it's pretty important.
Babies and children MUST have cholesterol to ensure proper development of their brain and nervous system.
And we adults need it, too.
Cholesterol is crucial for proper functioning of the serotonin receptors in your brain. (Serotonin is your body's "natural antidepressant.") Low levels of cholesterol have been linked to aggressive and violent behavior, depression and suicidal ideation.
3- Cholesterol is necessary for digestive health
Bile salts are made from cholesterol. Since bile is needed for the digestion and assimilation of dietary fats, low cholesterol levels can lead to inadequate bile salt production and poor digestion of fats.
Plus, cholesterol helps maintain the strength and health of your gut wall. That's why low-cholesterol diets have been shown to lead to leaky gut syndrome and other intestinal disorders.
4- Cholesterol helps make Vitamin D & hormones
Your body uses cholesterol to manufacture Vitamin D when you're exposed to the sun.
Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and nervous system, proper growth, mineral metabolism, muscle tone, insulin production, reproduction and immune system function.
In addition, your body needs cholesterol to make your stress hormones (like adrenaline and cortisol) as well as the sex hormones androgen, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.
So if your significant other says, "Not tonight, honey" more than you'd like, low cholesterol might be the reason!
5- Strong cell walls & the ultimate deception
Both cholesterol and saturated fat work together to give your cell membranes their necessary strength and stability.
It's also an avenue for another gross misunderstanding that makes food companies richer.
You see, saturated fat in its natural form (from animal foods) is another misunderstood fat that is absolutely vital to your body's functioning--with cell health being one of its many jobs.
The danger with saturated fats arises when you either consume WAY too many of them or especially when you eat trans-fats--a deadly saturated fat that is not found in Nature but is found in abundance in processed foods (under the terms "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils).
Trans-fats are very sticky, they clog up your arteries and make them resemble French fries, and cling to your tissues like a leech, spurring the development of free radicals.
Now, similar to the cholesterol scare, people have been frightened into thinking ALL saturated fats are bad, and this has provided a golden opportunity for food companies to make a fortune marketing "healthier" polyunsaturated vegetable oils.
There are 2 problems with that.
First, when polyunsaturated oils are heated, they turn into trans-fats! So the "heart-healthy oil" you're cooking with is anything but once you turn the stove on.
Second, an excess of polyunsaturated oils in your diet makes your cell walls weak and flabby. When your body senses this, it pulls cholesterol from your blood and drives it into your cells to give them structure and integrity.
When this happens, your blood cholesterol level understandably goes down.
Now, processed food manufacturers use this as a grand stage to take a bow and purport that their healthy oils are truly life savers--after all, they help lower cholesterol!
But nothing is farther from the truth! Blood cholesterol levels go down because of weakened cells caused by too many polyunsaturated oils and too few saturated fats.
See the deception?
And last but not least, cholesterol is also...
6- An emerging antioxidant!
Recent research is now showing that cholesterol acts as an antioxidant, actually protecting your body against the free radical damage that leads to heart disease and cancer.
It also helps to explain why cholesterol levels typically go up with age. The older we get, the more free radical protection our aging tissues need.

A major misconception about HDL and LDL
Another common cholesterol misconception comes from what's commonly called the "2 types of cholesterol" -- HDL and LDL.
Actually, HDL and LDL are not cholesterol at all, but instead are lipoproteins that are cholesterol "carriers."
They function like the candy coating on M&Ms. Just as the candy shell on M&Ms prevents the chocolate insides from getting all over your hands, the lipoproteins HDL and LDL form a coating around cholesterol (and other nutrients) and transport them to wherever they're needed -- without getting their messy insides smeared all over your arterial walls.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) carry cholesterol to the various cells and tissues of your body where they're needed, "dropping off" a portion of their "chocolate" insides and then it's off to the next stop.
Following this, high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) come through, pick up any excess cholesterol and other "leftovers" and bring them to your liver to be recycled.
Then your liver "repackages" any remaining usable cholesterol with its own "candy coating" (called VLDLs or Very low-density lipoproteins) and sends them back off into circulation.
When this process works properly as Nature intended, your arteries can stay wide-open, pink, healthy and CLEAN.

Should you look for "low cholesterol" on food labels?
Contrary to what most people think, only 25% or less of the cholesterol in your body is from your food--your liver and most of your other cells produce the vast majority (at least 75%) of it.
And of the cholesterol that you do eat, your body only absorbs about half of it.
So don't bother buying those expensive, taste-like-shredded-cardboard low cholesterol foods that make the food companies richer and you no healthier.

So...what IS the real problem with cholesterol?
The real problem with cholesterol stems from a malfunction with the lipoprotein/cholesterol delivery and clean-up process I just described.
That is the result of two things:
1- Poor elimination of worn-out, excess cholesterol and
Here's the scoop:
Cholesterol is a very hard, waxy substance which has a melting point of 300 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes it difficult for your body to eliminate excesses of it from the digestive tract or anywhere in the bloodstream.
Your body depends on strong intestinal activity and the assistance of Omega-3 essential fatty acids and fiber to get rid of excess cholesterol through your GI tract.
If excess cholesterol is not eliminated, it can be reabsorbed back into circulation...and mess up your artery walls.
So if you're like MANY people who can't remember the last time you had a decent BM, if you eat a typical modern processed and fast food diet (which is deficient in Omega-3 EFAs) and wouldn't know fiber if it jumped up and bit you in the derriere, you may be in cholesterol-elimination trouble.
Plus, sugar (especially in the form of refined carbs) "mixes up" the lipid cycle, causing LDLs to miss their cholesterol "deliveries" and be in circulation too long, and the HDL "clean-up crew" to get jammed up.
What that means is your cholesterol doesn't get to the cells that need it and excesses don't get cleared instead the cholesterol can accumulate on your blood vessel walls.

How to REALLY keep your cholesterol "healthy"
In order to keep your cholesterol levels healthy you need to support the cholesterol drop off and elimination cycle in your body.
And that can be accomplished with the help of these 3 steps:
1- Eat your way to healthy cholesterol
Eating refined carbs, too much saturated fat and especially ANY amount of trans-fats can all contribute to elevated cholesterol.
Plus, since fiber acts like a broom in your body to help sweep away excess cholesterol, a diet low in fiber can add to a cholesterol problem as well.
So it's crucial to have a healthy, balanced diet that minimizes refined carbohydrates and excess saturated fat, avoids trans-fats and helps you get natural dietary sources of fiber.
The Great Taste No Pain system delivers on all of those
The GTNP manuals show you ALL of the dangers of eating too much saturated fat, trans-fats and refined carbs, and help encourage a more balanced diet of real foods including lean proteins, plus fiber-rich fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and legumes.
Plus, Great Taste No Pain shows you which combinations of food digest best together to help encourage regular, healthy BMs.
And the best part is Great Taste No Pain truly lives up to its name--every single dish in the recipe book is mouth-watering delicious.

2- Get a healthy essential fatty acid balance
When you have too many Omega-6 EFAs and too few Omega-3s (like most people with a typical diet), you're encouraging inflammation in your arteries (where cholesterol can build up) as well as not being able to eliminate cholesterol as well as you should.
But when you bring the balance closer to the ideal 3:1 range, the Omega EFAs act together in harmony to keep inflammation low in your body and help you get rid of excess cholesterol.
VitalMega-3 can help you achieve this optimal balance.
Based on recent studies, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported decreases in cholesterol of up to 20% in just 10 DAYS by boosting Omega-3 EFA's through diet and supplementation!
VitalMega-3 is a molecularly distilled fish oil formula that provides an artery-healthy 1,200 mg of medical-grade Omega-3s in each daily two-capsule serving.

3- Probiotics can help cholesterol too
Probiotics can help reduce blood cholesterol by creating acids that counter cholesterol production, by breaking down bile acids so excess cholesterol is used up to make more, and by downright eating excess cholesterol!
And when it comes to a probiotic that's up to the cholesterol-lowering job, look no further than Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.
One of Super Shield's powerhouse strains of bacteria, Lactobacillus Acidophilus DDS-1, is a powerhouse when it comes to fighting cholesterol.
L. Acidophilus DDS-1 "eats" cholesterol like I mentioned above, plus it also helps digest proteins and carbs, and produces B vitamins, folic acid, and lactase (which reduces lactose intolerance).

Congratulations -- now you know the REAL truth about cholesterol and will no longer be a victim of needless scares or clever marketing by food companies.
And now that you know the truth, if your cholesterol is elevated, don't think that dangerous statins are your only option!
When you instead help your body carry out the lipid process like it's designed to, a whole new life free of deadly statins opens up for you.
Start that whole new life for yourself today.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Julie's cholesterol dropped to 140!
Dear Sherry,
After experiencing 12 hours of agonizing abdominal pain and having a CAT scan all in one day last May, I decided I HAD to follow your "Great Taste No Pain" eating plan, no excuses, no cheating.
As long as I stick scrupulously to the plan, my two prescription GERD pills stay in the medicine cabinet.
But even better, since then I easily Iost 20-25 pounds; and as of 3 days ago, my blood pressure has dropped to 118/70, and my cholesterol has dropped to 140.
These are additional, unexpected benefits that are music to the ears of this 64-year-old lady.
Thank you, Sherry.

Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
A medical-grade fish oil like VitalMega-3 can help fight high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as keep your joints feeling good, reducing chronic inflammation.
Learn more about VitalMega-3 and all the great things it can do for you here.
Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's best gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few thousand health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Sep-2012 14:23:28

It Is Finished
It Is Finished
By Aton thru Rubens
Sep 17, 2012 - 11:48:31 PM
It Is Finished
Rubens: How may I be of service today?
Aton: By taking this message down. I and the others assisting have been very busy as you were advised earlier. The ones in control of this planet out of their will believe that they cannot and should not let go of their control hence, our needing to intervene so that all could go according to plans. As most of you know already, they have the least intentions of cooperating and simply want to annihilate all of you along with Gaia instead of repenting and rectify their actions that they so much have to pay for.
We have had to work arduously to bring their plans to a halt and we have assured that they will no longer be a problem. Now to those who have doubted that I would carry this out to the end, I would suggest that you revise your commitment, although I know that you mean well, and it is quite human to doubt. In light of the assistance given to you, it is quite fair on my part to ask much more of you.
We shall implement , that is we shall assure that the source of your planetary light becomes dimmed as to bring the 3DD to full implementation per our earlier announced plan.
Do not fear dear ones, this is the end of a long struggle and nothing can stop it for My Will is in alignment with Source.
I, Aton Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon, place my seal of approval upon this message
Original post:


"Never before has there been so much learning, and so little knowledge of the truth." - B. Stanley
     "Whoever does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is Antichrist, and whoever does not profess the testimony of the cross is a devil, and whoever perverts the sayings of the Lord to his own evil the first-born of Satan." - St. Polycarp of Smyrna. He had been trained and ordained by the Apostle St. John the Divine who wrote the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. He was the oldest living bishop of Christianity after the Apostles several of whom he had personally talked to. He had also talked to many of the witnesses left from the 500 witnesses who saw Jesus Christ after His Resurrection from the dead. He is our historical link with the witnesses who saw Jesus after His Resurrection. He was burned at the stakes by the Roman Governor in his province after refusing to renounce Jesus Christ whom he knew was the Messiah of the human race on earth. He died around 130 years after the death and then resurrection of Jesus from the grave. He was the venerated head of the Eastern half of Christianity in the Roman Empire. His trained successor was Bishop Irenaeus who left us many of the teachings of Bishop Polycarp including on Bible prophecy. Our faith in Jesus Christ is based upon historical fact, not myth, not legend of false teachers.
     Some driving force within me caused me instinctively to push my last report Saturday on the Chinese General who talked about killing 2/3rds of all Americans and then leaving the remaining 1/3rd of Americans to be the slaves of Chinese settlers coming over the Bering Straits to then occupy North America. And our Serbian prophet impressed me far more than Nostradamus because his predicted events matched later headlines of world society such as predicting the rise of Tito to Yugoslavia who fought major battles against the Nazis in World War II and how many days he would even fight some of these battles he named for Tito. He predicted the landing of man on the moon and later landing equipment in outer space on another planet away from earth. Among a long list of stunning correct predictions, he left about the only thing to yet occur will be a great new energy source to give mankind a future better than oil which he predicted the importance of long before anyone saw this happening. And our final item when World War III occurrs, the only nation in the world safe from potential annihilation in this world war will be the land which has the community with the three crosses in the mountain area. That is my planned Camelot Project with the three crosses representing the Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, and Protestant branches of Christianity and sitting down all three sides until we iron our our differences and return Christianity to the unity that Christ founded Christianity upon. I hold to the position that early Apostolic Christianity knew the true Christianity that Jesus had given them. And we are blessed with the writings of first Christianity that survived the fall of the Roman Empire. With these early writings as our guide, surely we can identify what first official Christianity taught for all followers of Christ on earth. If you can't agree with that position, then no use joining my conference to return Christianity back to total first Apostolic Christianity including even  the Christian community of total Christians living as a community as was headed by Peter and other Apostles in Jersusalem, only our equivalent  community will be called at first the Camelot Project and not located in Jerusalem which is impossible due to present political and military unrest in the Middle East.
      If our Serbian prophet hit a final bulleye in saying the only land or nation safe from annihilation in this coming World War III will be the land possessing the community with the three crosses in the mountain area which can only be my Camelot Project in prophecy, then America should welcome this to save up to 300 million Americans from being annihilated if this World War III comes in our lifetime. I still hold to the Bible position that if America as a nation seriously returns to God, then God can postpone this pending World War III to a later generation after man grows cold to God again. But the way America is heading now, we are directly in line for a nuclear World War III as soon as maybe even 6 months from now. Obama is heading us into just about a guaranteed annihilation of America in a coming world war. He is headstrong, is motivated by fanatical loyalty to Communism and Islam but trying to hide this from the American people until it is too late to stop him, and that Wash., D.C. did not return the federally stolen $525,000 to me last week, that tells you a lot about the Obama Administration. Even if God did not exist, they don't want this Vatican endorsed food process as a major new industry for America. They don't care if the human race goes extinct because this was blocked from being available for the diet of the American people and diet of the rest of mankind on earth.They don't care about the prosperity this world food industry would bring to America. To be blunt about it, this clearly shows that the Obama Administration does not give the "slightest damn" about the American people. All acts of caring about the American people by Obama are just that, acts of supreme con and hyprocrisy to fool the naive and gullible among the American people.
     Obama and con artist Democratic leaders in Congress are trying to pull a fast one on the American people. Timed too late so you won't know about this until the November election is over if they can't stage an October Surprise first which I have hopefully gummed up their plans for that, they have their pet project called HR 4646. Starting on January 2, 2012, the US Government under Obama plan will be requiring everyone to have direct deposit for SS checks. You will be charged a 1% service fee for all money deposited in banks, transferred from bank account to another bank account, 1% service fee for the government when you write any checks to any source. Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) put this bill forward. Obama's plan is to sneak it in for vote after the November election. All these service fees are taxes. But let's show you a bit of the subtle math to this. You deposit money to your bank account. Deduct 1% from money dposited. Now you write out check for same amount depositd. Deduct 1% from what you wrote from your account on top of 100% for check amount. You just paid 2% in service fees which is actually now a 2% federal tax on every dollar you deposit in your bank account. That original $100 or whatever you started with if you do weekly transactions times 50 times times 2% federal tax is potentially 100% of all the original money taxed away each year. Actually the math is more complicated than this simple math shows, but with this system of Obama and Democratic allies, you withdraw so much potential money from national circulation per year as to guarantee the national bankruptcy of America is only a matter of time. And Obama claims that he is clever at national economics and knows how to "stimulate" with Democratic economic brainchilds like this! Folks, if you don't pass this report around nationally and fast before the November election, don't blame me if America goes bankrupt if you vote Obama back into the White House now.
      Now with a very somber summation of reality. America stands a good chance of getting nuclear attacked or even nuclear annihilated as a nation in 2013 if Obama gets back into the White House. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel warned that what is common evaluation of military intelligence services across the world that Iran will likely have nuclear bombs by six months from now. His warning was yesterday Sept. 16, 2012. Regardless of the opinion many may have of Israeli Intelligence (Mossad), still Israel is in a jam as Iran already warned that once she is ready, she will hit Israel with a nuclear attack and also "The Great Satan" which is an Islamic name for America. I met with Israeli Intelligence many years ago. They spoke frankly with me and surprised me with how much respect they showed for me. I guess they knew a lot about me is why they offered me a starting rank of Colonel with the Israeli Army (think they actually were hinting at Israeli Army Intelligence at that time.). I did not join with them, but got a good insight into how the Israeli military think concerning the Middle East situation. At some point Iran is going to nuclear attack Israel or else Israel is going to nuclear attack Iran first. Then all the Middle East goes ballistic in wild Muslim hysteria. When all the dust is settled, the hothead Muslim nations will get themselves nuked which means end of their nations on earth. Russia and probably China will nuclear respond when Iran is hit by Israel. First thing anyone knows, Russian missiles are hitting America with nuclear warheads and this could be soon as March, 2013. Russia and China think that Obama is the most amateur military leader in American history and expect to totally defeat America if Obama is the leader of America when all this happens maybe as fast as March, 2013.   
     If Americans don't mind having potentially 300 million Americans all dead maybe as soon as March, 2013, then why not elect Obama as the national death wish and national suicide act of America? If the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon had not been so busy planning the military October Surprise for America to kill off for Obama maybe 25 million Americans up to maybe 150 million Americans so Obama could then be the undisputed Communist-Muslim dictator of America for life, maybe they could have made the moves so America would not be facing potential and likely nuclear annihilation of America as a nation come March, 2013 or a little later in 2013.   
      But to encourage the Southern States which were the Confederate States of America, there is apparently this old prophecy from this area I guess 30, 40 or more years old. I did not pay much attention to it when I heard it locally long ago, but local people thought the source credible which this prophecy came from. A great Christian revival begins in this area I am in, spreads up to Virginia where it becomes strong, spreads to all the Southern States. When the Northern States are mass nuclear attacked, the Southern States will not be nuked with the North because the Southern States honored God and the North did not. But if Northern States also belonging to the original Thirteen Colonies joined with the South, then God may extend His protection to these Northern States honoring God seriously now, and they live while the Northern States not honoring God will all be mass nuked. I am rusty on this prophecy so may not have all the fine details remembered as told me years ago, but I askd a friend in Roanoke, VA last night if he had ever heard a prophecy like this. He said it sounded like some prophecy he had heard long ago, but could not be sure.
       Don't forget that as head of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America by authority of three descendant Jefferson Davis families, I proposed and all Confederate delegates at our Confederate conference at Hot Springs, Arkansas years ago voted to legally declare that Jesus Christ was the declared King of the Confederate States of America. So if the North is annihilated in a nuclear attack and the South not even touched by nuclear attack, among reasons for this can be the following. Jesus as King of the South will not let His people be destroyed. Russian intelligence following what I have been posting for months now judges that the South is a militarily occupied nation and people, but legally under international law an independent nation and people. Therefore, we ar not a military target for Moscow to hit with nuclear weapons. Also, Moscow knows how to sell her energy supplies from Russia, but very poor in otherwise creating an industrial economy for Russia. I had more than once said that Russia was also on the list to have potentially set up there my father's Vatican endorsed food process as a world food industry. Now if Russia wants my food industry set up in Russia, then she can't attack my Southern States and win my goodwill to make Russia a giant world industrial power with this worldwide food industry. Or if I by any secret means obtained the type nuclear weapons or supplies to build Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs with, then it would be suicidal of Russia to launch a nuclear attack against the Southern States. The price for the real estate of the South then would be the death of Russia. Now if Northern States want to be protected by a Southern arsenal of Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs, pass my Omni Law before the November Election and we can propose a bill for a unified military command where Southern Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs would also protect the North from nuclear attack by Russia, China, etc. Foreign intelligence services think Obama is a marshmallow military leader. As for me, they rate me as a total "son-of-a-bitch" tough as nails military leader who would use the Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs to annihilate any enemy power trying to nuclear attack America then as the Omni Law would give us the authority to protect all of America, not just the South and Louisiana Purchase land. These other states not belonging to the South before would now all be under the military protection of the Confederate nuclear arsenal at that point and off limits to Russian attack as well as the Southern States. I represent a much tougher style of military warfare than the "politically correct," softee version of warfare by the Pentagon today. When spending eleven calendar years in military academies, an Army Captain commented my military thinking was more "Prussian" in style than straight American democratic style. But I bet that Gen. Patton of World War II if he had met me would have commented, "We think alike!" But privately I judge my style of military thinking is very strongly "Roman" in style, not Prussian. The Romans conquered the world because they respected the practical more than their enemies did.
      You Christians don't seem to care. Fellow Christians are being mass hunted down in the Middle East like a national sport of the Muslims. Our Christian brethren abroad will have strong friends in us when Christians once more lead America rather than people recruited by our Communist-Muslim leader Obama in the White House.We have around 10% of Egypt is Coptic Christians who were the majority in Egypt before Islam arose in the seventh century. Around 8 million Egyptians are Christians and I care about them as well as millions of Christians elsewhere in the Middle East. First Christianity cared about all Christians in the world, not just those in this nation or that nation. That is why Christianity became so powerful in the world. They did not abandon their brethren in the world like modern Christians do. If Muslims know how to express moral outrage, so do I. Stop killing the Christians in the Middle East and respect their rights also. The Muslims are beginning to make people across the world think they are barbarians, not civilized people, when all they seem to know to do is explode into wild anger all the time and then see how many people they can kill in their rage.  They are beginning to cause Americans and Europeans to grow more and more concerned if Muslims can be trusted to be civilized in nations if allowed to join them as citizens. We expect them to "Do As The Romans Do When Living In Rome," or "Do As The Americans Do When Living In America," not turn our nations into battle zones and civil war because we practiced Christian toleration towards you and you practiced Islamic intoleration towards us when guests in our nations founded upon Christian principles.
      Folks, we are heading towards an apparent nuclear World War III. It is time to head it off and act fast as events are acting fast to lead us into this World War III only the Muslim fanatics want in the world. Sane people do not want a world war. Only the insane want a world war. People, get serious. Pass my Omni Law and before the November election. Put heat on the politicians and miracles can happen in Congress! Look up Omni Law in the searchbox at the top left over the archive listing for Nesara News. The Omni Law gives us the means to head off the pending nuclear World War III before it happens. And with Obama in the White House after 2012, what is going to prevent World War III? Obama is the wrong leader for this wrong time in history. If the Omni Law is passed now, whoever is elected President has a new power to reckon with in Wash., D.C. The 10 civil tribunes created by the Omni Law will be the legal oversight committee over Wash., D.C. forcing it to carry out the will of the American people, respecting the legal rights of the American people, create fast answers to solve the problems of America when fast answers are needed, etc. Read other national reports of mine which were posted with Nesara News. Put in my pen name of Erasmus of America in the searchbox at the top left of Nesara News and read many of my other reports that were posted there. If stuck, send an email request for a copy of The Omni Law to . And for those who realize that finances make any serious movement stronger, send any financial support to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. By the way, to help this movement, I have offered technology I was not going to sell before to help raise more fast money for this movement. If no sale fast, then offer withdrawn if not in time to back this movement when it counts. We can all sacrifice to help save our country of maybe 300 million Americans from pending nuclear World War III and then annihilation on up to most or all Americans dead maybe early as 2013
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Was smart tactic for now.)

Who Serves Who?

Who Serves Who?

Questions and Answers for American Soldiers and Nationals


Is the US Government a Republic for “We The People?” Or is it a Corporation?


First answer; the original and organic structure of the US Government is a Republic established “For the People of these several United States.” As such, each of us “Americans” are actually defined as an “inhabitant” of one of the several united States of America. As inhabitants, we are natural born “American Nationals” of these several united States.

Second answer; our current US Government is a “CORPORATION” that is a false overlay that has illegally usurped our original organic government structure and masquerades as the legal and lawful US Government. Additionally, one default and key mechanism of this manipulated fraud, is that each one of us previously defined “inhabitants or Nationals” has been be replaced with the term “US Citizen”. This term actually means means a “dead person or other entity; ie: a Corporation or other “non-living entity”.  US Citizen in this context refers to “non living property (dead), or other non living asset owned by the CORPORATION. This entire false and illegal overlay is designed at making the government the “Master” of the people, instead of the way it was intended and written as “We The People” as the Masters of the Government.

What is an Executive Order?

An Executive Order is an order given by the CEO (Chief Executive
Officer) of a corporation.

To whom does the Exectutive Order apply?

An Executive Order applies to all the employees of that corporation.

If the CEO of Acme Corporation gives an executive order that all
persons must wear pink ties with yellow shorts does that mean that
all Americans are subject to this Executive Order?

No, only employees of Acme Corporation are subject to this Executive Order.
All others may completely ignore this Executive Order.

If the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation issues an executive order that
Americans are to be dragged from their homes and detained, or that roadblocks
are to be set up to prevent freedom of travel, must soldiers and American
nationals obey this order?

First, this Executive Order (in fact any order or command from the WHITE HOUSE
Corporation) is only valid and applies only to employees of the WHITE HOUSE
Corporation, and absolutely no one else.

Second, Soldiers and American nationals are under no legal or lawful obligation to
obey Executive Orders from the WHITE HOUSE Corporation, nor soldiers in response
to orders from superiors that are based on Executive Orders from the WHITE HOUSE

What is the address of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation?

The address of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation is
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500-0004

Who is the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation?

At present, Barack Obama.

Is the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation the Commander-
in-Chief of the armed forces?

No, the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation is an appointed
position and he/she can not be the Commander-in-Chief of the
armed forces.

Can anyone be the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation?

Anyone who is appointed by the Board of Directors may be CEO of the
WHITE HOUSE Corporation. There are no particular requirements
such as being a natural-born citizen; anyone – even Vladimir Putin
can be CEO/President.

Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces?

Both the question and the answer are very embarassing. Presently,
there is no Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

Urgent Update from the International Common Law Court of Justice

video on this page:

Urgent Update from the International Common Law Court of Justice

Urgent Update from the International Common Law Court of Justice

Posted on September 17, 2012

Hello again and welcome. This is September 17, 2012, and I’m Kevin Annett with the International Common Law Court of Justice.
Today, the Prosecutor’s Office of our Court is issuing Public Summonses to thirty two officials of church and state around the world, charging them with criminal offenses and summoning them to appear in our court. This Summons and the names and positions of these officials will be read today so that the world is able to follow these historic proceedings.
This Summons has particular force right now because of the refusal of the named churches and persons to respond this week to ten measures of justice demanded of them by their victims – and by a consequential Banishment Proclamation that has been issued against these churches by organizations of abuse survivors around the world.
Our Court has received reports that yesterday, in Ireland, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States, roman catholic churches were occupied by church victims and other citizens, and church officials there were issued with banishment and eviction notices, which declared these churches to be open, public space in which these same church officials were now trespassing. These notices were also posted in town council offices and public places in these countries.
In the light of these actions, we call upon the church and government officials named in this Public Summons today to appreciate the seriousness of the protest and reclamation movement that is growing against them – a movement for real justice and recovery – and to therefore respond to this Summons and answer for their actions before the world, in our public court of law.
Let me read now the Public Summons that is being sent today the officials who will be named afterwards:
Issued under De Jure Naturalis by the Human Rights Trial Division of The International Common Law Court of Justice (Established under the Customary Land Law Jurisdiction of Sovereign Nations)
September 15, 2012
To: (Name of Defendant)
In the Matter of HRTD Case Docket Numbers A-091512-001 through 005 inclusive
BE ADVISED that you have been named as a defendant and a primary witness in a matter brought before this Court for adjudication, in that you are charged in a personal and corporate capacity with ordering, aiding and abetting, colluding in and concealing Crimes against Humanity and other criminal acts, and with personally and deliberately participating in a Criminal Conspiracy.
BE FURTHER ADVISED that you or your attorney have ten (10) working days as of this date to respond in writing to this Public Summons and to indicate your willingness to participate in a pre-Trial Conference and Examination.
Failure by you or your attorney to respond to this Summons can be understood and interpreted by this Court to mean that you do not dispute or challenge the charges made against you by the Plaintiffs named in these cases, and that by your silence you are consenting to the proceedings. As a potentially incriminating admission, such a refusal to respond may cause a guilty verdict to be delivered against you by this Court in absentia.
If you do not respond to this Summons, the Court will reserve the right to appoint a legal counsel to represent you in your absence.
A complete list of charges, specifications and Plaintiffs in these cases will be forwarded to you separately.
Following depositions, the opening arguments before this Court will commence on Monday, October 15, 2012, in the absence of a pre-Trial Conference and Examination.
Issued by the Office of the Clerk of Court, Human Rights Trial Division, ICLCJ, Brussels, and through the Offices of the Court in Rome, London, Dublin, New York and Toronto.
Signed and sealed, 17 September 2012
This Summons is being issued today to the following persons in their named capacities:
Joseph Ratzinger, alias Pope Benedict, Head of the Roman Catholic Church Incorporated, Rome
Adolfo Nicholas Pachon, Superior General of the so-called Society of Jesus, or Jesuit Order
Pedro Lopez Quintana, Papal Nuncio to Canada
Angelo Sodano, College of Cardinals, Rome
Tarcisio Bertone, College of Cardinals, Rome
Angelo Bagnasco, College of Cardinals, Rome
Elizabeth Windsor, alias Queen of England, London
Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, London
Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada
Bob Bennett, Bishop of Huron Diocese, Canada
Steven Harper, Prime Minister of Canada
Murray Sinclair, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
John Milloy, TRC officer
Nora Sanders, General Secretary of the United Church of Canada
Gary Paterson, Moderator of the United Church of Canada
Jon Jessiman, legal counsel of the United Church of Canada
Marion Best, former Moderator of the United Church of Canada
Brian Thorpe, Art Anderson, Foster Freed, Bill Howie and Phil Spencer, officers of the United Church of Canada
John Cashore, former minister of the government of British Columbia
Robert Paulson, Superintendent of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of Canada
Inspector Peter Montague, E Division, RCMP
Daniel Fulton, Chief Executive Officer of Weyerhauser Logging Corporation
Ron Huinink and other members of the Law Society of British Columbia
Former members of the congregation of St. Andrew’s United Church, Port Alberni, Canada
Sean Atleo, so-called Grand Chief, Assembly of First Nations
William Montour, Chairperson of the Six Nations Confederacy
Head officers of the New England Company, London
These persons have until October 2, 2012, to respond to this Public Summons, after which criminal proceedings will commence against them.
In closing I wish to add a personal appeal and message to all of you watching this broadcast.
Last year, after commencing preparations for this court, I was arrested, imprisoned and then deported from England without any reason given. I was informed recently that the British Home Office has ordered my detention if I try returning to England.
So let me say that in the course of my travels throughout Europe over the next few weeks, or upon my return to north america, if I am arrested and held in communicado, I rely on each of you to confront the authorities about my arrest, and their crude attempts to obstruct justice and shut down our efforts to protect the children of our world from predators in power.
No amount of repression can stop the wave of justice represented by the survivors of church terror who are now coming forward. By jailing or harrassing individuals, the state is simply empowering more of us by awakening us to the tyranny around us.
But let me say on the record that if anything happens to me or to those I work with over the next, crucial period, I ask you all to hold the following auhtorities responsible: the Home Secretary and security forces of  Great Britain, the Vatican secret service and assassination network known as the Holy Alliance, and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the RCMP.
Once again, I call upon the police forces of every country to obey their oaths of office and defend our civil liberties, and refuse to protect and aid child raping criminal organizations like the Vatican and other churches named in our Court.
Please stay tuned on October 2 for more updates from that Court. And  remember the words of the English poet Percy Shelley, who wrote after the infamous Peterloo massacre of the poor in Manchester in 1819,
Rise like lions after slumber, in unvanquishable number;
Shake your chains to earth like dew, which in sleep had fallen on you.
You are many; they are few.
Thank you.
See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at .
Messages for Kevin Annett can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada).
Watch Kevin’s award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his
“I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him.”
Chief Louis Daniels – Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba

New documentary that reveals the serious health impacts of genetically engineered foods in our diets


When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an infant technology.
After two decades, physicians and scientists have uncovered a grave trend. The same serious health problems found in lab animals, livestock, and pets that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the US population. And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their health improves.
This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of Americans, especially among children, and offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future.
This week only, watch for free online a new documentary that reveals the serious health impacts of genetically engineered foods in our diets and shows how you can protect your family.  Available from September 15-22 at

“It is in fact one of the most important stories ever told.”
—John Robbins, Bestselling author of Diet for a New America and Food Revolution

Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives has audiences rushing home to clear out their cupboards of dangerous genetically modified (GM) foods. The evidence presented in the film makes the best case yet for why genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are linked to disorders such as allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, infertility, autism, and cancer, to name a few. One health practitioner, Mary Tobin, L.Ac., said the film “provides abundant evidence that eating a GMO-free diet is the single most important change Americans can make for their health.

That evidence not only includes doctors and patients testimonials, but also veterinarians and farmers who describe dramatic health improvements in animals that switched to Non-GMO feed. The categories of diseases that improve in humans and animals are the ones found in lab animals fed GMOs.  And these are many of the same categories, e.g. immune, reproductive, and gastrointestinal disorders that have been on the rise in the US population since GMOs were introduced.

Exposing the Dark Side

This 85 minute documentary reveals what Author John Robbins calls, “the bullying and deceit of the biotech industry,”— including manipulation of research, attacks on independent scientists and their findings, and infiltration and control of government regulators.

The film also reveals for the first time to horrific impact among workers on a South Africa farm, who were consuming a higher amount of GMO corn than probably any other group in the world.

Upbeat, Empowering and World Changing

Although this film’s eye-opening evidence in the film is some times shocking, it is by no means a downer. According to Robbins, it “shines a bright light of hope that we can reclaim our health and our food systems.” Smith explains that as little as 5% of the US population switching to Non-GMO foods should deliver a tipping point, inspiring food companies to kick out GM ingredients. It was such a consumer rejection that already kicked GMOs out of Europe.

The film is being released right in the throes of the California campaign for Prop 37. If it passes in November, food companies will have to label products made with GM ingredients (like they do in nearly 50 other countries). Not only will this make it far easier for people to buy healthier Non-GMO choices, the expected migration away from labeled GM products will probably accelerate the tipping point.

Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives is a production of The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT). Those who view the film during the free showing week are encouraged to support IRT’s efforts, through donations, by subscribing to the Spilling the Beans free e-newsletter, and by joining with other citizen advocates through the Non-GMO Tipping Point Network—to help get the word out in California and beyond.

“GENETIC ROULETTE unveils a world most of us have never seen. It raises alarming questions about GMOs, and we deserve answers. For all that you love, hear this message and act now.” Frances Moore Lappé, author of Diet for a Small Planet and EcoMind

Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives is a film that lays bare the serious health impacts of genetically modified foods (GM) as reported by scientists, doctors, veterinarians, as well as other experts. We are launching this free viewing week now because the movie can better equip voters in California with additional information on GMOs that they need to make sensible choices for Prop 37, which would require labels on GE foods. Otherwise they might fall prey to Monsanto’s multi-million dollar disinformation campaign.
Get involved!
Tricia Sheldon

SHADE the Motion Picture - Trailer 2 (Official Version)

SHADE the Motion Picture is a groundbreaking high quality documentary project that will fully expose the global depopulation agenda. The film will include numerous interviews from experts and victims as well as 100% exclusive and NEW information proving the agenda.

Needless to say, this is not simply another "truther" documentary.

This Film Made Possible by My Patriot Supply

*We give everyone permission to re-upload this to their channels.

An Ambellas & Bermas Film

We are risking life and limb as crucial footage and testimony will be withheld from trailers and protected by several sources until the final production version of SHADE the Motion Picture releases sometime this winter.

The films powerful presentation is intended to make global crime syndicate faultier, while testing their mettle to the fullest potential possible.

Their diabolic sinister plan to exterminate 90% of the worlds population will soon be exposed worldwide and backed with evidence.

Key players have been identified, black operations will be exposed.

And yes, we do need your support.

PRE-ORDER Your Copy of the Film Today!

This is not a left or right issue, black or white, up or down — Depopulation affects us all.

Our children and future generations are doomed if we do not take action now. Please share this information with everyone you possible can and you can help make a difference.

"The elites are poisoning our food supplies as we speak. Now is the time to get safe, sortable food from" - Shepard Ambellas

NEW! Obama BC Forger Can Run But Cannot Hide

NEW!  Obama BC Forger Can Run But Cannot Hide – Centerfold - Washington Times – 17Sep2012 « CDR Kerchner (Ret)'s Blog

Tim Turners RUSA Vice President is resigning

Tim Turner's RUSA --- News Update

I just been informed that Tim Turners -- (aka Benedict Arnold) Vice President is resigning.

This is a rumor and not confirmed yet.