Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Two dogs in a restaurant

Two dogs in a restaurant

THIS HAS GOT TO BE A CLASSIC........................

This is so cleverly done, I didn't know which dog to watch!!!

The Truth About 2012 And The New Beginning

The Truth About 2012 And The New Beginning

Posted on by Jean
Permit me to suggest that this info is more important than any other ‘news’ items you will read today. Why not discuss the ideas shared in this video instead of Kerry Cassidy’s words on her blog or Gordon Duff’s efforts to prevent false flag operations. To my mind, Kerry’s and Gordon’s words are only worthy of observation. Period. They are nothing more than a temperature reading of where we are in the collapse. The collapse is coming. It cannot be stopped, so why spend time on it. We are moving into a higher dimension. The ONE has decided!
Do you really want to leave 3D – or not? If you do, then permit me to suggest that you need to begin living like you do, and you really need to demonstrate that fact beginning now. Fact: The more time you spend focusing on outer events the less time you have for your own inner work. The choice is yours. How do you value your time?
Let me ask you all some questions to perhaps direct your thoughts in a more valuable direction: What have you contributed to the global consciousness today? What are you doing to move yourself into the higher dimension? Would you care to share it with us here? Have any synchronicities happened for you today? What have you recently intuited that was of value to your ongoing growth? What ah-ha moments have you recently had? What painful experience have you recently healed so that it no longer runs your life in a negative way? What sort of a social community do you belong to? Are they of spiritual mindfulness? Should they be? 
Friends and family, we are running out of time, and those of you who haven’t begun to make the inner changes that you need to make simply won’t be able to make it through into the higher dimensions. You can’t cram – last minute study – for this exam! It is a matter of changing habits, developing new, disciplined ways of looking at the world and life, and you can’t do that overnight. Not everyone is going. Only those who are willing to do their inner work. How seriously are you doing yours? 
It’s decision time. Have you seriously considered what you want to do?
Please take the time to read the thoughts expressed underneath the video. 
SaS has written a wonderful OpEd for us, one of a serious nature that I also ask you to consider! I’m posting it separately, but it ties in deeply with the information in this video. 
Love and hugs,

Uploaded by jiloun3 on Aug 2, 2010
Maybe just the end of the world as we know it. No, the world is not going to implode or explode or be completely destroyed in any form for that matter. 2012 is a new beginning, not an end.
There has been so much said about all this, from the bible, from Nostradamus, from Edgar Cayce, from the Mayans. In 2012 we will truly be able to experience heaven on earth. For some, this has already started. We are already feeling these changes. There are many people on this earth who have Ascended from the 3D reality to the 5th Dimension reality already. The Earth herself has ascended from 3D to 5D. In 5D time and space are different, they do not exist in the same way as they do in 3D. This is why so many people are having experiences outside what the “norm” has been the past few thousand years.
Some people think the financial meltdowns etc. are really bad news. It is just a change, different things going on, it doesn’t have to be bad news. Everything is perception. A lot of people are being forced to change the way they have been thinking, or the way they have been doing things. So much of the world’s issues right now are related to the old 3D ways crumbling. It is a new beginning, not an ending.
Jesus (or whatever Ascended Master you relate to based on your religion or lack thereof), IS coming. It is the Christ Consciousness in us all. Jesus “the man” is not going to just show up one day to save us. Its not quite like that. The consciousness of Jesus will show up for us all as soon as we realize that we have access to it. It is your own greatness, your own Christ Consciousness that will save you. Your realization that you are God. We ourselves are the second coming.
What makes things so hard is the separation from the divine light and love of all that is. For many years people have turned to religion, or leaders that tell us that things are outside of ourselves. Those in perceived power don’t want us to know that the power of EVERYTHING is within us. We are all one.
The talk of hellfire and hell coming to earth for those that do not accept Jesus into their lives is true in some ways, but not in the literal sense that some organized religions would have you believe. It has to do with those that accept they are the creators themselves. Those that can see and feel their own greatness will truly be creating a heaven on earth for themselves and those around them.
Those that rely on (or “worship”), things from the 3D reality — money and ego and external power — truly will be in a hell on earth. Earth and her energy is changing, has already changed. We, as a species, are learning that we can create whatever we want here. It has very little to do with ego and power. There are many on the earth right now who are here to help with this transition. Many lightworkers who are ascending and “getting it” are here to help you. Many are actually devoting their lives to helping others remember where they came from and what divine beings they are. The first wave of Ascension is over.
There are many Masters on this plane of our planet right now. Willing to help you to realize you don’t have to stay stuck in 3D any more. Many people think Jesus is a saviour, as in separate from you, that will come and rescue you from your life, your existence, yourself, your perceived sins. God is not going to “make people go to hell”. What kind of loving God would actually make people go to hell? If all one does is worship money, control or power they WILL likely end up in their own hell.
This will be their own doing (or undoing) though. It will not be something that is done TO them.
Look at how things are right now. The world financial crisis is HUGE. Anyone who is very centred in, or worships, money or power at this point in time is RIGHT NOW in their own personal HELL. God certainly isn’t putting them there. It is their perception of their time on earth that is putting them there.
Those that are suffering right now just need to look inside themselves, at the Christ Consciousness, at the God in THEM. Hanging onto the old 3D reality and the worship of external things like money or power or ego is what is causing them suffering. The always wanting more is causing suffering. There is enough on this earth for everyone. Some say they don’t believe that…I’ve had people tell me to my face that I’m full of you know what just for suggesting such a thing.
The reality of it though….at least MY reality of it is that there is enough for all. If we take the greed, the control, the lusting for external power away, there is enough. All through the bible it states that God is in all of

Insider: U.S. Ambassador Killing an Inside Job!

video on this page

Insider: U.S. Ambassador Killing an Inside Job!

Posted on by Jean

VATIC ALERT: Suicided Insider: U.S. Ambassador Killing an Inside Job!

Posted by Vatic Master
September 18, 2012
Thanks to D.

This is it folks,  this is a must read and listen and ACTION, or we end up getting what we ask for if we do not ACT on this info.   This man DIED TRYING TO GET THIS INFO TO US.   Please lets not have his death in vain.  Read, watch and ACT.  He gives us the true skinny on Romney.  Wolfowitz will be in his administration, and he is a big fat neocon who has orchestrated all  of this to date.  No Romney, write in Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich.   If we do not, then the battle becomes much tougher.  No Israeli voting machines either.  Oh, and a call out to the British people….. stop your armada heading toward the gulf,  its guaranteed we in Europe and in the USA will be nuked by Israel and blamed on the Iranians.   Time we turned our naval fleets around and headed for Israel to remove all the dispora Jews and palestinians,  then blow the hell out of the khazars.  I am sick of them. Remember the IRan President is one of them, so ARE THE US SHIPS BEING SET UP FOR TOTAL DESTRUCTION AND THE FULL CONTINGENCY OF MARINES ON THOSE SHIPS DESTINED TO DIE BY THE HAND OF TREASON????  WE WILL FIND OUT SHORTLY.
Vatic Note:  Oh, my Gawd,  No wonder they suicided him. The Doctor is Jewish and he is exposing the true underbelly of all of this. It fills in all the gaps. Alex just interrupted him in the middle of his  expose of all of this.  That interruption of his explanation may well have cost the man his life, since he did not finish what he wanted to say.  Now  we won’t get the balance of what he was saying.   He never mentioned that the saudi family is also Jewish, or Khazar, nor did he get a chance to explain the role of Britain in all  of this as well.  Britain in NOT our ally, just like Israel is NOT OUR ALLY either. Both have manipulated us into destruction as JFK warned us before he was killed.   Your going to have to listen to this several times to catch all that he was saying.  Notice he said that a separate intel agency was set up internationally which then was under control of the globalists.  He didn’t use that word, but it means the same thing…… listen for it and stop the audio and go back and replay it…. its what we have been saying for a while now.  THE CIA DOES NOT WORK FOR THE USA, RATHER BRITAIN AND ISRAEL.  OR ROTHSCHILD BANKERS.  ALL OF THE BANKERS must go as well.
Ahhh,  this is the reason the neocons sabotaged Jimmy Carter….. I always wondered what happened, listen to his explanation.  Jimmy Carter was in the end, a hero and paid the price for it.   He says that Netanyahu will be the new Hitler setting Israeli up for another holocaust in order to get the US into another World War III.  Now,  Remember,  VAtic Project proved on this blog that Netanyahu and his neocons are NOT  DISPORA JEWS…. THEY ARE KHAZARS.  And they have no love for the real Jews, so they use them  as a front for their satanic agendas that will result in global armageddon with Khazars left standing and the globe destroyed,  and that is why these animals set up the seed bankand underground facilities and all of this he says will happen in October or there abouts.
This is serious and we need to call our reps and tell them NO WAR, STAY AWAY FROM IT, LET THE BRITISH DO THIS ON THEIR OWN…. ITS WHY THEY SET UP THE KHAZAR SAUDI ROYALTY BACK IN 1920S AFTER WW I to garner control over the oil in the region and why they created Israel as the vehicle for garnering control for them in the middle east, all of this has been a set up to bring down the US and turn all our natural resources,  land, wealth, and people back to the British to control.   Tell our reps,  get rid of Israel out of our country, out of our white house and out of the Pentagon and intel and homeland security.   Demand it now, not later, NOW…. or we will experience something never before experienced in this country, the deaths of millions of our people, your relatives, children, and friends, co-workers, right before our very eyes.  Remember, israel stole those Russian Nukes when the Berlin wall fell,  so you know they will nuke us and blame it on the Muslims.
This has got to stop.  AND ONLY WE CAN DO IT…. NO ONE ELSE.  CALL YOUR SENATORS, REPS, WHITE HOUSE ETC.  PROMISE THEM WE WILL “NOT” fight and die  for ISRAEL.  Call the Pentagon and tell them to hang in there with Petraes and not fight this war…… no one sign up or go to war that is bogus.  Trust me, the reps will hear the anger and commitment in your voice to not support anything for  Israel until she goes back home and behaves herself or leaves the planet.  THIS IS IT AND ITS UP TO US, ONLY WE CAN STOP THIS WITH MASSIVE CALLS TO WASHINGTON, SO START TODAY AND DON’T GIVE UP, PASS THIS ALONG AND HAVE OTHERS CALL AS WELL.   THANKS LIFE FORCE FOR SENDING THIS.
Published on Sep 16, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
Critically acclaimed author and former State Department official Steve Pieczenik talks with Alex about the unfolding geopolitical situation in the middle East and who will start world war three.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Hezbollah Terror Camp in Nicaragua

From The SUA Blog

Hezbollah Terror Camp in Nicaragua

Editor’s Note – The Obama administration may not think Iran and its allies in Central and South America are a threat, but a terrorist base in Nicaragua? Iran’s proxies, Hezbollah (Hizbullah) are at our southern door; its time the federal government got serious, maybe its time for a new administration, one that recognizes real threats!

Iran Creates Hizbullah Terrorist Training Base in Nicaragua

Iran has established a Hizbullah terrorist training base in northern Nicaragua, according to a report in local media there.
By Chana Ya’ar – Arutz Sheva
Iran has established a Hizbullah terrorist training base in northern Nicaragua, according to a report by local media there. Operatives are being trained at the base to attack Israeli and U.S. targets in the event of a raid on Iranian nuclear installations, according to a report quoting the media, broadcast Thursday on Israeli radio.

Some 30 members of the Lebanon-based Hizbullah terrorist organization are allegedly stationed at the base, located near the border with Honduras. The base reportedly also serves as a central hub for weapons smugglers and money laundering by organized crime lords and drug cartels.

The area has been blocked off the local residents, and all supplies are reportedly being shipped in from Tehran.

Less than two weeks ago, a group of 18 people was arraigned in a Managua courtroom after being accused of being involved in organized crime and money laundering. The group, posing as Mexican journalists, were detained while entering Nicaragua from Honduras following a tip-off and a subsequent search of the six vans they were travelling in yield bags of cash containing $9.2 million, according to local media. It is not still not clear who the suspects were, and under whose auspices they were funded.
Costa Rican Foreign Minister Jose Enrique Barantas has warned against the growing Iranian influence in Nicaragua, and its danger to Latin America. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has spent the past five years carefully making the rounds of Latin American countries, where he has taken the trouble to curry favor and investheavily with the continent’s most powerful regimes.

Among those with whom Iran has built up some of its strongest diplomatic relations are Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez, who heads the nation with the largest oil reserve in the Western hemisphere. Chavez, who has been battling cancer for more than a year, is also fighting to stay in power as he campaigns for re-election in the national polls on October 7, although the likelihood the ballot will fair seems dim.

Hizbullah, meanwhile, has for years been quietly developing its own drug trafficking routes and other illegal activities throughout Latin America in order to fund its terrorism against Israel.

U.S. officials last month seized $150 million in laundered funds linked to the Hizbullah terrorist organization

Neil Keenan's Response To Some Of The Statements Made By A Recent Article

Neil Keenan’s Response To Some Of The Statements Made By A Recent Article  

Posted on September 19, 2012

Thank you to one of my readers, NT, who picked this up at Removing the Shackles. I don’t know who it was who sent the article there to Neil, but here is his response. (You don’t need to have read the article to understand his words.) He sets the facts straight. ~Jean Haines

There was a Link in the Poof report yesterday titled Removing the Shackles here——> I sent this to Neil Keenen and here is his response to that article. Jean

[3:34:22 AM] Neil Keenan: You can answer Removing the Shackles with this JJ and say it is from me. No problem.

[3:36:14 AM] Neil Keenan: NEIL KEENAN said…

“The prosperity packages are rolling out very very quickly right now- and we are looking for a magic number to trigger the event we are waiting for?”
This is not going to happen so stop playing with the people.

“The World Global Settlements have been launched and that money is already on its way around the world? This is not true at all.”
It cannot be touched as you perceive it either.

“The Wanta Reagan Mitterrand Protocol/Funds have been released?”
This will never be released seeing it was stolen money from the Global Accounts used to destroy the USSR’s economy by the above mentioned. These funds are now safely resting in the Global Accounts where they belong.

The Soekarno funds are NOT part of the WGS and have not yet been released? The Soekarno Funds are part of the Global accounts seeing they are Dragon Family and Heritage Foundation just to name a few and are registered in the BIS. As for the Soekarno Foundation that is a different story and their mandate expired in 1998 but it is possible to find ways to get the funds owed to them by the West to the tune of over 4 Trillion USD.

Loved the history lesson and much of what you say is true. Overall knowing what I know already I loved it and it helped tremendously with what I am doing. Take care and feel free to contact me whenever you wish.

Neil Keenan


Pictures  with  TRUTH  attached  to  them!

All Americans Must See This *vid*

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

All Americans Must See This *vid*
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 19-Sep-2012 07:26:40


The Cartel is Dead, Long Live the Cartel!

Sat down for a radio interview with Kerry Lutz and Bill Murphy:
"The Cartel is dead, long live the Cartel! Bix Weir thinks the Fed is deliberately trying to kill the dollar to stamp out the corrupt economic system that's sucking out the world's life force. Bill Murphy's not so sure, but believes that the Fed has run out of options and that this might be the only way they can prevent an all out collapse. Both admit to not knowing when the bottom will drop out of the financial markets, but both are equally sure that it's going to happen and that we're getting closer and closer to that eventuality. Interestingly, while they both have their own take on exactly what's happening, they agree that it's not going to be pleasant for the average American and that living standards are bound to decline markedly."
Bill Murphy (GATA) & Bix Weir (RoadToRoota) - The Cartel is Dead, Long Live the Cartel!
I also had a nice talk last night with Andy Hoffman and Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin about what they are seeing in the physical market and all three of us are on the same page...something VERY BIG is on the horizon and the ONLY way you can protect yourself is with PHYSICAL gold and silver in your own possession. My suggestion is 90% physical Silver and 10% physical Gold.
If you haven't secured your physical yet call Miles Franklin today at  800-822-8080...DO NOT WAIT!
Andy Schectman told me that one of his favorite articles on the Road to Roota was the one on that mysterious new US $100's my favorite as well! 
The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill 
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - September 19, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - September 19, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 19-Sep-2012 03:52:43

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - September 19, 2012
This year has sped by and so far there have been less incidents than you might have expected. It has neither been catastrophic as many prophesied, or fulfilled the promise of changes that are to lift you up. Yet, your consciousness levels have increased quite substantially and Ascension is still assured. Looking all around it is apparent that the Institutions that have held prominent places in your world, are in stages of collapse from which there is no escape. The truth is as expected revealing much about them that shows how they have manipulated events for their own advantage. You are even becoming aware that they have had an agenda for a very long time to enslave you and gain world control. You can see how near they were to achieving their aims, and also the great movement among the people that have awoken to their plan and defeated it.
You are the ones who are taking over and deciding the destiny of your civilization. You have the power to determine how the end times work out, and you are visualizing a peaceful transition. That is creating the time line that will complete the cycle according to your intent. However, Mother Earth also has a say in it and desires to carry out a cleansing, as part of her preparations to ascend. The more you send out Love and Light to her, the more easily will the end times pass. Naturally the expected changes will commence very shortly, as the New Age must be launched so as to break up the old paradigm. The new one is waiting to be introduced, and its benefits are to be shared by you all. Completion cannot however take place until you have ascended, as those who are the dark Ones are not to be the beneficiaries of that which is for those of the Light.
The changes will come and new governments will take over from the old guard. Financial changes will go ahead to ensure that there is never a repeat of the corruption that is bringing them down. That will certainly happen soon, and our presence will be acknowledged, enabling us to draw closer to you. Regardless of what you may have thought, there is no rush to complete the changes before Ascension. Indeed the process was always going to run into the New Year, when we will have a greater opportunity to work together. We need those who are of the Light to be part of out teams, using your skills and knowledge for the betterment of all. Then we will all really be able to rapidly move ahead knowing that we would not be impeded, or deliberately delayed in our work.
Everything you expected to take place will do so, and as progress is made you will find that it will take you further than you thought possible. It will be a wonderful time that will see you relieved of all of the old problems that have held you back. It is time to go speeding forward and move into a new world that reflects your upliftment into the higher dimensions. There will be ample facilities including the Cities of Light where you can be healed, as you are to be fully restored to a prime condition. Eventually you will also be able to reverse the aging process and return to a youthful appearance, and so it will go on until you become a Galactic Being. All of these changes await you and they are not too far in the future. Think positive about them and you will be helping manifest them much sooner than we have allowed for.
While the cleansing takes place it may appear that all is in some state of disintegration, and that is true to the point that the old ways and systems have to go. Anything that cannot hold up in the higher vibrations clearly has no place in them. So do not despair or get depressed as all is ready now to replace the old systems. All will arrive in good time and you shall eventually need for nothing at all. We know from our own experience exactly what you will require to settle down in the higher dimensions. The Galactic Federation of Light has unlimited resources and personnel, that are fully versed in what is needed to be done. Unbeknown to most of you we are still very much engaged in keeping the Earth clear of pollution, and if not for our efforts, it would be far worse than you are aware.
In the future there will not be a repetition of the pollution you are used to experiencing. The use of polluting type machinery or installations will no longer be necessary or allowed. Instead you will have new methods of operation that will be "clean" to use. The biggest changes will be in your present forms of travel, and the combustion engine will eventually disappear from use. Not only that but the new vehicles will be much quicker and safer to use. They will be using free energy which is our source of power for our craft. Everyone will have use of them, and they will be absolutely pollution free. These changes have been planned for a long time, and are ready to go ahead as soon as it is safe to introduce them.
Naturally we are very keen to meet you, and are doing all we can to move things forward. Disclosure is creeping in through our allies efforts, but we obviously would like it to be speeded up. However, the more people that become aware of us and our mission, and learn of the purpose which is to see you through Ascension, the nearer you will be to meeting us. Of course there are still those who for different reasons desire a different outcome to the changes. They attempt to confuse people with messages of disinformation, but if you are well informed they will not deceive you. Always use your intuition and be prepared to change your beliefs if you are sufficiently certain you have the truth.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring you our Love for your great efforts to bring this cycle to a speedy conclusion. There is not long to go before you will become more involved in the end time activities. There may be some disruption to your normal life, but it will soon settle down. We are bound by Universal Law to apply ourselves in a way that does not interfere with your freewill, so we cannot just speed up events by imposing ourselves upon you. The dark Ones know this and still interfere because they do not acknowledge the Laws as we do. However, if matters do not proceed within a certain time frame, we will be authorized to take more direct action.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

An Open Message to Police & Military