Friday, September 21, 2012

Sabotage against U.S. and infrastructure: the fifth column

Sabotage against U.S. and infrastructure: the fifth column

Tom Marin and Paul E. Vallely

The Development and Execution of Joint Operations (both Civilian and Military) to respond to dynamic threats against the United States has now reached a point of criticality. Over the course of the last several years, some Americans are gradually waking up to the fact that our “essence of being” as a nation and as individuals is under a constant state of attack and this attack has been implemented methodically and slowly over time by enemies who despise our way of life. What is occurring to the great country is so heinous that it patronizes each one of us, who we are, our heritage and what we stand for as a nation.
During World War II, America, The Sleeping Giant, as quoted by the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, woke up; and The Greatest Generation as noted by Tom Brokaw, stood up and went off to fight “The Total Collective Effort of Evil” in their time.

Evil has many forms, and simply stated, it is a word to describe the acts of omission or acts of commission to inflict wanton harm or destruction or, according Wiktionary, a deliberate violation of some accepted moral code of behavior, i.e. a fiduciary obligation. Evil, as defined by The Free Dictionary, is that which causes harm, misfortune, or destruction: as in a leader’s power to do both good and/or evil. Americans responded by waging “total war” against evil perpetrated by German Nazism and Japanese Militaristic Imperialism in which the goals were to subjugate free people and farm resources under a new order of fascism.

The numbers alone reflect the concentrated, focused effort by Americans: 16,596,639 served; 416,837 were killed or missing; and over 683,846 were wounded. For me, the only way to adequately explain this focused and united American effort is to quote Edmund Burke: All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. This quote by Burke, an Irish philosopher, captures “the American essence of being” for all our generations, throughout our American history, except maybe for one, the current one…
Right now, we are living in confusing and turbulent times in which the safety and security of our country is at risk. The critical event of the sabotage that occurred on 9-11 is one of many in a timeline of numerous acts of sabotage and terror by people who want to change our way of life and subjugate our citizens to their way of “order and control”. War and sabotage have been utilized as tools throughout history to affect change and to subjugate people.

Our current operating environment is one in which our critical infrastructure and citizenry has been severely weakened due to entangling alliances, which our first American President, George Washington, specifically warned against, deceptive and defective policies enacted by negligent Congressional representation, and the so-called “business practices” of corporate America and Wall Street.

Washington’s Farewell
The citizens of America now find themselves in a borderless environment, in more ways than one, an unsafe environment down to the household level, and being “directed” by a bureaucratic entity that has evolved into something that is nothing more than just another “enterprise” that serves itself rather than the citizens that fund it. Current events reported in the news clearly show that our critical infrastructure has been severely compromised. These events combined with the extensive loss of jobs, homes, retirement savings, and the mortgaging of our future to foreign entities have developed into a “perfect storm” of new potential threats that can be implemented and coordinated in multiple stages to take away what is left of our American identity.

Before we review a potential strategy to respond to these emerging threats, we must remember to toast them and say “Thank You!!!” to the enablers and active participants in creating this perfect storm. As we toast and give thanks to these great Americans, we must reassure them of our resolve and that we remember and will hold them accountable for selling US all out and betraying the fiduciary trust we bestowed upon them in the positions they have held and misused their positions in committing negligent acts in order that they could aggrandize themselves at the expense of our entire nation, The United States of America

So Here We Are
We now know how we got here and the situational environment for the United States of America is not good. Our critical infrastructure sectors have been compromised and weakened, our borders are wide open, narcoterrorism is on the rise, and law enforcement and emergency services resources are stretched thin and are impacted from curtailed funding. Furthermore, our military is stretched thin around the world. All of our enemies are aware of this and are lining up and have been for a very long time as the noose tightens and our options from being held hostage are consistently being reduced due to lack of commitment to the American way of life by the elitists in Washington.

It is time for us to prioritize our threats from within our own borders and at our southern border and implement flexible strategies for preparation, response, and mitigation and annihilation of threats. Based on the lack of action demonstrated by the federal government in securing our borders and allowing the drug cartels to have open highways into our country, and inadequate response to disasters such as the BP Oil incident, I believe that it is time for our military, or retired military, to assist as special advisors to train up each states national guard, state Defense Force, and public safety and emergency response personnel so that each state can immediately engage a well coordinated response to any threat or critical event.

We must know our enemy and be aware that they have implemented this approach themselves as they have hired mercenaries, implemented political factions, and even sent members to serve in the military to acquire special operations training. State and Local resources need to be trained in specialized counter insurgency techniques that can adapt and complement law enforcement investigations such as in the area of C4iISR and in Command and Control of critical events. Colonel John Vann, one of the early counter insurgency experts, once stated in a briefing after the Tet Offensive, “It’s about the rice”. As far as our southern border is concerned, it is about the drugs.

Narco-terrorism is linked as a tool for our enemies to assist in destroying us from within as part of the master plan to destroy the American way of life. Also, terrorists have numerous options for low level operations from within our own borders. Due to our open borders, the risk is extremely high for numerous events to take place to overwhelm our resources and system much like what has already been done to our critical infrastructure and fabric.
We also must be aware that our enemies have a new economic blueprint for America, giving away our resources. It is about energy and our property, both physical and intellectual. Also, there will be a new code of law to be utilized to supervise and administer our new non-American world. It is about the United Nations not the united states of The United States of America. We must counter each tactical goal and disrupt and demolish the master plan – The New Total Collective Effort of Evil that has been perpetrated against us over a long period of time.

In his article Threat Assessments – Joint Strike Force Combat Operations, Paul Vallely, retired U.S. Army Major General, concluded that “our military must be very creative and be able to adapt, improvise, and be ahead of the curve of future thinking in regards to threats to our national security”. Also, in his recent testimony before the Committee of Science, Space, and Technology at the United States House of Representatives, James Carafano, PhD, noted that DHS Science and Technology Directorate had “limited success in partnering with other federal agencies and international partners” and also demonstrated “the inability to manage complex programs.”
Finally, DHS S+T also demonstrated a “lack of response to customer needs and that the Directorate’s portfolios do not adequately reflect their requirements and are not sufficiently responsive to operational needs.” In addition to the above conclusions by both parties, the situational environment has dramatically changed since the War on Terror began when the American Embassy, United States soil, in Iran was invaded and taken over. This initial act, which may be distant in our minds, was a clear message by our enemies, Muslim extremists, that there will be no borders.

To further understand this, one only needs to see where Shiite and Sunni populations reside and you can see how borders literally bleed away. Also, the historical timeline of critical events have clearly proven that our enemies are consistently maintaining their operational plan. We must now also accept the fact that the enemy is not only at the gate, but thanks to the current administration’s lack of enforcement of existing American Laws to protect Libyan, I mean American citizens, there is no gate.

I would also like to note that I sarcastically disagree with one of Dr. Carafano’s conclusions in regards to DHS in that the agency “failed to convert technologies for use by non-federal customers.” Based on my own personal experience, our national telecommunications infrastructure, our telecommunications and information technology, the intellectual property of businesses, the Defense Industrial Base, and individuals has actually been “successfully converted”, mirrored, imprinted, and stolen by non-federal customers: our “good trading partner, China, and the People Liberations Army military – industrial apparatus .

This was achieved by the lack of compliance, enforcement and accountability to laws of the United States in regard to protecting our citizens, strategic assets and our critical infrastructure. The current situation: “Welcome to the great wide open” both in public cyber, net centric, “cloud” operations and our physical national identity

So What Do We Do From Here?
1.) Have a plan for “Total National Security and The Preservation and Protection of our American Identity.”
  • Physical
  • Economic;
  • Social;
  • Education;
  • Law, Civics…amasses Civil and State Judicial talent and power.
(Our current administration’s design is to do the exact opposite of protecting our borders and
national identity – and is actually giving away “our secret sauce”) Implement each component of the plan in the shortest amount of time and with the least cost in human and financial capital.
Focus on State Government (Governor, Attorney Generals, and State legislatures) for local level implementation and utilize Congressional Representatives as evangelists of the plan. Everything happens at the last mile. The U.S. government is the people residing within 50 states. If the Congressional Evangelist is not focused on the plan, it should be immediately identified and noted and constantly addressed by the state government and state watchdog groups and local media. (always keep score)
  • Design the plan to be dynamic in achieving both tactical and strategic goals that lead to the accomplishment of the end game
  • Identify resources available to achieve both tactical and strategic goals.
2.) Implement the plan with a total commitment to National Security and The
  • Preservation and Protection of our American Identity;
  • National identity: infrastructure, borders, heritage;
  • State identity: infrastructure, borders and heritage;
  • Protect American citizens civil rights;
  • Ownership by all.
3.) Work The Plan
  • Be willing to adapt new tactical strategies without changing the strategic mission;
  • Commit to meeting all objectives and milestones;
  • Transparency: Constantly identify all issues, hard stops, road blocks and impasses and the reasons why objectives are not being met and bring them out immediately for the preservation of resources and meeting the plan’s objectives.
4.) Utilize full accountability and compliance enforcement using existing laws and be willing to immediately enact new laws at the state level to immediately assist in meeting the plan’s objectives.
5.) Maintain the Plan in an ongoing dynamic manner that always has America first.
Safety First: Protecting the physical component for Homeland Security
Revise US Military Security Strategy to Joint Strike Force Operations using MG Vallely’s “Lily Pad” strategy.
Special Operations personnel or retired military personnel and professional emergency operations specialists will train state National Guard, State Defense Forces, and law enforcement in coordinated operations.
  • Implement State Virtual Command and Control and Emergency Operations Centers that are securely linked to military Virtual Command and Control Operation Centers (Lily Pads)
  • Coordinate Special Operations Resources and Virtual Command and Control in order to prevent , mitigate, and respond to a critical event and also to coordinate a criminal law enforcement strike against criminal and terrorist activities within each state’s borders.
  • In order for the dual Lily Pad implementation to be effective in either a reactive response or criminal law enforcement action, a trusted resource should be utilized to effectively communicate updated intelligence data and incidence response information from the dynamic, ever-changing operating environment of critical event management and planning. We should look to history to identify and utilize an effective “hopper”
  • In World War II, the United States Navy and the United States Coast Guard were successfully utilized to protect our homeland as the rest of our military went overseas. The combined effort of these joint forces successfully achieved our nation’s goals for homeland defense by effectively communicating intelligence data and incident reports to the military, law enforcement and to international intelligence directorates. Based on the gaps in coordination and communication both in the working operational environment and technological environment, I believe we should implement a similar methodology.
  • The US Navy and US Coast Guard already successfully operate in their environments.
  • Port Security and Drug Interdiction functions mirror law enforcement;
  • There is an established level of trust;
  • The Navy and Coast Guard’s image throughout our history from a civilians perspective, whether it is correct or not, is one that operates outside the parameters of those established in the basement of The DoD establishment at the Pentagon.

This is the type of forward strategic planning and operations that our National Security leaders should be implementing.
Tom Marin and Paul E. Vallely (Chairman Stand Up America)
Paul E. Vallely Major General, US Army (Retired) Chairman – Stand Up America

LAPD Launches Investigation into Death of Woman Allegedly Kicked in Genitals by Officer

LAPD Launches Investigation into Death of Woman Allegedly Kicked in Genitals by Officer

By Madison Ruppert
September 1, 2012
The video camera in a patrol car captured a scuffle between officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and 35-year-old mother Alesia Thomas on July 22.
During the altercation Thomas allegedly sustained a genital kick in the process of forcing her in the back of the patrol car, after which she died of suffocation.
This is one of the relatively infrequent situations where the so-called “dash cams” in police cars have resulted in an atrocity being exposed which might otherwise never be known by the public, somewhat like the case early this year involving the beating of a 66-year-old man for no apparent reason.
Unfortunately, in that case, the officer responsible was only held accountable for attempting to turn off the camera in order to cover up his actions. Thankfully it appears that this case will result in a more thorough investigation.
According to the Los Angeles Times, at least five LAPD officers are currently under investigation over the incident which occurred in South Los Angeles.
Police officials confirmed that the officers stomped “on her genital area” in addition to “the use of additional force by others to take her into custody.”
Thomas was forcibly placed in the back of the police car and she can be seen on the video breathing shallowly and not long after she stopped breathing completely.
LAPD Commander Bob Green was contacted by the Los Angeles Times and confirmed that while one officer was attempting to get Thomas into the patrol car, a threat to kick Thomas in the genitals was issued and soon after the officer followed through on the threat.
This incident, quite unfortunately, is not isolated. In fact, the case of the death of Thomas emerged just a day after LAPD Chief Charlie Beck “announced he was transferring a captain from his command after a separate videotaped incident in which officers were shown slamming a handcuffed woman to the ground,” according to the Times.
According to CBS Los Angeles, the officers involved in the arrest of Thomas have been removed from field duty by Beck.
“I take all in-custody death investigations very seriously,” said Beck in a statement. “I am confident we will get to the truth no matter where that leads us.”
According to an official account released by the LAPD the day after the incident, the altercation with Thomas occurred early in the morning of July 22 after Thomas left her 3-year-old and 12-year-old children at the LAPD’s Southeast Area station.
According to Green, Thomas attempted to surrender custody of her children to the police because she was a drug addict and thus felt she could not care for them.
Officers then began searching for Thomas and discovered her at her home, questioned her and then attempted to arrest her on suspicion of child endangerment, according to the official account.
The official account then states that Thomas “began actively resisting arrest” and one of the officers swept her legs out from under her, bringing her to the ground.
Two other officers then placed Thomas’ hands behind her back and handcuffed her, attempting to lead her to a patrol car. According to the official version of the story, a supervising sergeant was observing these actions.
As Thomas continued to struggle, the LAPD’s account states that two more officers got involved and because she was “a large woman” according to Green, they used what is called a “hobble restraint device” (essentially an adjustable strap) to immobilize her ankles and give the officers greater control.
According to the official account, Thomas was then placed in the back of the police car. Unsurprisingly, this account completely leaves out the highly questionable actions, which were confirmed by Green, of a female officer at the scene.
The LAPD’s version of the story goes on to say that officers immediately notified paramedics of the situation although it is not certain if the officers on the scenes attempted to resuscitate Thomas. It is also unclear how much time elapsed before paramedics arrived at the scene.
Regardless of the attempts to resuscitate Thomas or the time elapsed between the incident and the arrival of the paramedics, we now know that Thomas “died shortly after being transported to a hospital.”
One witness, 55-year-old Gerald McCrary, said he was interviewed by police twice but they never mentioned that Thomas was dead.
McCrary’s version of events clearly paints Thomas as the aggressor since he claims that Thomas somehow broke the plastic handcuffs she was restrained with, after which she was secured with metal handcuffs.
“They were talking to her, asking her to calm down, that everything will be alright,” McCrary said.
McCrary then said that Thomas told police, “My heart hurts. I can’t walk anymore.” He reported that two officers escorted her down the apartment complex’s stairs, one on each of Thomas’ arms.
McCrary said he eventually followed after them and saw Thomas in a patrol car “shaking her head against the back seat.”
However, there seems to be some quite sizeable and strange gaps in McCrary’s recollection of the events since the Times reports only his memory of her in the back seat of a patrol car and then after an indeterminate period of time he allegedly “saw her sprawled out on the sidewalk without a blouse. Paramedics had just arrived.”
It is unclear if the Times is just leaving out some of his account of the events or if his memory actually has this seemingly gaping hole.
McCrary happens to have a live-in caregiver, Charmaine Hood, who also said she witnessed the incident. “I didn’t see them try to harm her in any shape or fashion,” said Hood. “I seen them protect her from hurting herself.”
Beck stated that he is looking into if Thomas was under the influence of any substances or suffering from a medical condition which could be related to her death before passing judgment on the officers involved.
The LAPD is now reportedly conducting both criminal and administrative investigations into what the officers did that day.
I find it quite interesting that this investigation only came to light after Beck transferred Captain Joseph Hitner from the LAPD’s Foothill Division after another atrocious police confrontation was caught on tape involving a 34-year-old nurse named Michelle Jordan.
The incident involving Jordan occurred on August 21st and began when Jordan was pulled over at a Del Taco restaurant in Tujunga, reportedly because she was holding a cell phone while driving.
Jordan, standing at 5-foot 4-inches tall, exited her car and then allegedly failed to comply with officers commands to return to her vehicle.
The male police officers then slammed her to the ground and placed her in handcuffs according to police. While Jordan was cuffed, she was led to the patrol car and just moments later was slammed yet again, apparently with even more force.
The officer responsible was much larger than Jordan and the video appears to show the officers actually high-fiving each other after Jordan was slammed a second time and left quite clearly injured.
According to Beck, Hiltner, a 34-year veteran of the LAPD, “was severely deficient in his response” to the incident since he failed to even notify his superiors and remove the two officers responsible from field duties.
Beck said that he ordered the footage of the incident to be shown when officers begin their shifts at roll call.
Hopefully the severity of these two recent incidents, as well as the relatively extensive coverage they are receiving, will spur the LAPD to actually hold these officers responsible for their actions just like any other person would be.
Unfortunately, based on past precedent, I’m not all too confident that this will come to pass just yet.
Note from End the Lie: Please support our work and help us start to pay contributors by doing your shopping through our Amazon link or check out some must-have products at our store.
This article originally appeared on End the Lie

Mass Extermination of Useless Eaters: Shade Exposes the Plan

Mass Extermination of Useless Eaters: Shade Exposes the Plan

By Kimberly Paxton
August 19, 2012
Support the filmmakers and, most importantly, the message by pre-ordering the film today!
If somebody wanted you dead, would you want a warning?  And if you became privy to the plan for your own demise, what would you do?
Shade – The Motion Picture IS that warning.  The movie outlines in vivid, well-documented detail the plan of the global elite to reduce the world’s population down to 1 billion people.
If you aren’t up on your world demographics, that means a reduction of approximately 90% of the world’s population.
Full-scale depopulation procedures have been implemented as Population Reduction, Geoengineering, Land Grabs, and Criminal Banking Scams rule the populace.
All human activity will soon be under surveillance and the remaining world population of 1 Billion will exist in Mega-Cities controlled by oligarchs tracking the RFID Chipped Population – the “Useless Eaters” as the elite have termed us.
The future of humanity will be a world in which oligarchs decide who lives and who dies.
It sounds like the plot for a really kick-ass science fiction movie, but it’s not. It’s real.  It is the footnoted-and-cited agenda of depopulation and eugenics.
The villains are named.  Their faces are shown.  Clips from these “bad guys” are the venomous words that they publicly spoke, indicting themselves and announcing their plans.
The “cast” of villains includes members of the Rockefeller  Legacy, Billionaires for Eugenics, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Henry Kissinger and many many more.
For hundreds of years an elite group of oligarchs have ruled the land, fueled by a legacy of sex, money, power and greed….
….in the last 60 years their power has become more consolidated as they have become more organized.
Their own white papers and other documents show the diabolic plans they have in store for the population.
This is the movie that they don’t want you to see.  It includes documentation of a mass depopulation plan that will leave 9 out of 10 people dead. It includes footage from the infamous 2012 Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia. It outlines the plan for the “mass extermination of the useless eaters”.
Shade brings this plan from the darkened rooms of Bilderberg Group’s infamous meetings into the light of day: the cancer, the vaccinations, the FEMA camps, the poisoning of our food supply and our water supply.
Consider this your  warning.  The global elite oligarchs want YOU dead.
Shade is a call to action.  ”There’s a time for battle: THAT TIME IS NOW.”
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
Support the filmmakers and, most importantly, the message by pre-ordering the film today!

Apple Repeatedly Blocks U.S. Drone Strike Tracking Application for Different Reasons Every Time

Apple Repeatedly Blocks U.S. Drone Strike Tracking Application for Different Reasons Every Time

By Madison Ruppert
September 1, 2012
Despite the completely inoffensive nature of the application, Apple has repeatedly refused to allow an app tracking U.S. drone strikes by claiming that the content is “objectionable and crude.”
In reality, it is not the app that is “objectionable and crude,” instead it is the program itself which is both objectionable and crude.
It is even more concerning that Apple would be blocking an app providing information on drone strikes abroad while drones are already being used in the United States with massive expansion looming on the horizon.
The New York-based developer of the app, Josh Begley, told Danger Room that Apple has turned down his app dubbed “Drones+” a whopping three times in a single month.
One of the most ludicrous aspects of Apple’s refusal to allow this application to reach consumers’ devices is that they continuously shift their reasoning, thus showing it to be essentially arbitrary.
At first they claimed that the application was “not useful” since it is a relatively simple concept which just aggregates news about U.S. drone strikes in the undeclared wars in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.
“The features and/or content of your app were not useful or entertaining enough, or your app did not appeal to a broad enough audience.” Apple said in an email to Begley.
The second time around they claimed that there was an issue with hiding a corporate logo and now they have resorted to the “objectionable and crude” excuse.
This is nothing short of laughable since the app doesn’t even show users the horrific images of corpses left lying in the dirt, often with limbs missing and organs exposed, which one can all too easily find online.
All the app does is use a public database of the location of U.S. drone strikes created and compiled and maintained by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism based at City University in London, England.
While Apple provides developers with a set of guidelines for their submissions to the Apple Store, the actual approval process is somewhat mysterious since Apple tends to avoid commenting on it.
One must admit that with a relatively small team of people actually reviewing the apps – which can number as much as 10,000 apps per week – one must expect that they will play it safe when reviewing apps which might be questionable.
However, when the objections change every time around, one can safely assume that it isn’t really a problem with the technical or design aspects of the app but instead with the subject matter it is dealing with.
“If the content is found to be objectionable, and it’s literally just an aggregation of news, I don’t know how to change that,” said Begley.
The app really doesn’t do all that much since it simply catalogs when and where a drone strike occurs based on information from the Bureau of Investigative Reporting along with some very basic information from the media about who they believe may have been targeted.
Where the app really shines is with the notification system. “I wanted to play with this idea of push notifications and push button technology — essentially asking a question about what we choose to get notified about in real time,” says Begley.
“I thought reaching into the pockets of U.S. smartphone users and annoying them into drone-consciousness could be an interesting way to surface the conversation a bit more,” he said.
Indeed, increasing awareness of the drone campaign is of vital importance in every sector of society. I believe that the effort to encourage the people actually developing military robots to refuse to work on military technology altogether is a great idea but increasing awareness amongst the general public is incredibly critical as well.
Since the smartphone application market is massive and continuing to grow, an app like Drones+ could be a great tool in making people aware of the frequency of these strikes.
Unfortunately on August 27, Apple told Begley in an email, “We found that your app contains content that many audiences would find objectionable, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.”
Interestingly, this is the first time that Apple has objected to the actual content of Begley’s app when the content hasn’t changed significantly since he first submitted it in July.
I think Danger Room makes a good point in bringing up the fact that Begley’s app essentially does the same thing as other news aggregators in simply collecting media reports into one place for convenient consumption. “And of course, the App Store houses innumerable applications for news publications and aggregators that deliver much of the same content provided by Begley’s app,” they note.
Unsurprisingly, Apple would not comment on the multiple refusals to approve the application when contacted by Wired.
“I’m kind of back at the drawing board about what exactly I’m supposed to do,” said Begley. In an attempt to get around all of the frustration, Begley said he is considering just going through the Android Market.
Personally, I see no legitimate reason why Apple should refuse to approve this application. If they want to block potentially “objectionable and crude” content, they should go ahead and restrict websites which can be visited and perhaps the countless flatulence-related applications in the App Store.
Note from End the Lie: Please support our work and help us start to pay contributors by doing your shopping through our Amazon link or check out some must-have products at our store.
This article originally appeared on End the Lie

China’s Trojan Horse: Cruise Ship Converted to Transport Military Troops, Tanks, & Equipment

video on this page

China’s Trojan Horse: Cruise Ship Converted to Transport Military Troops, Tanks, & Equipment

By Shepard Ambellas

September 1, 2012
CHINA — A cruise ship has been transformed into ominous modern day Trojan Horse, ready to fully invade by way of stealth.
What are the Chinese up to?
Wired reports;
The media freaked out about China’s crappy aircraft carrier and hyperventilated over the J-20 stealth fighter. But China’s newest addition to its military is more subtle, and stylish. It’s a 36,000-ton pleasure boat capable of disgorging thousands of troops and hundreds of vehicles held inside its belly.
That would be the Bahai Sea Green Pearl, a 36,000-ton ferry and cruise ship commissioned in August at Yantai Port in China’s northeastern Shandong Province.
At heart a vessel for pleasure and civilian transport, the ship is intended to normally ferry cars and passengers across the Yellow Sea. But when needed by the People’s Liberation Army, the Green Pearl can double as a troop carrier. During its launching ceremony and demonstration on Aug. 8, PLA troops could be seen loading dozens of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles on board.
Photos from Chinese state television posted to the China Defense Blog show some of the action, including what looks like fully loaded soldiers running through a corridor. Tanks and artillery pieces are also seen inside one of the ship’s three vehicle compartments. How they got there: via the ship’s roll-on/roll-off (or ro-ro) ramp on its stern.
China also has three more of the vessels under construction, which Zhang Wei, chief of the PLA’s Military Transportation Department under the PLA General Logistics Department, said is a “new leap in our military use of civilian vessels to improve the strategic projection.” The Green Pearl reportedly has room for more than 2,000 people and 300 cars. It’s even got a helicopter pad.
It’s also got luxury. When the ship isn’t ferrying civilians, China’s troops could take in the pleasure of tall windows for observing “the beautiful scenery of the sea,” reported the Yantai Daily Media Group. Not only that, but rooms — which range from first to third class — are equipped with televisions, cellphone signal amplifiers and wireless internet access. And if the troops get bored in their rooms, there’s always mingling in one of two staterooms and a cafe.
There are even rooms set aside for reading and chess. And no cruise ship would be complete without some collective entertainment at a multi-purpose auditorium. If troops are feeling cooped up, they can always go above deck for excursions in the sun.
Could China be gearing up for an incursion of the CONUS (Continental United States)? 
Brandon Turbeville reported in April of this year;
If recent accounts coming from some in the alternative media are to be believed, then Operation Fast & Furious may soon give way to an even bigger story surrounding the U.S./Mexico border. Indeed, even the notorious Mexican drug cartels might find themselves taking a back seat.
This is because claims are now being made suggesting the major presence of Chinese troops stationed inside Mexico, both along the U.S. border and the port areas.
The first question, of course, is whether or not this information is accurate. If it is, the second question immediately becomes, “why?”
Unfortunately, however, all the information we have currently comes from anonymous sources who have yet to be verified in terms of their reliability.
The reports currently garnering the most attention are those coming from Steve Quayle of the Q-Files Radio Show who recently interviewed a cross-border trucker who claims to have actually seen a major Chinese military base inside Mexico.
The trucker claims he was delivering a trailer load of food to a military camp 60 miles south of Laredo, Texas. As he was entering Mexico, he says he was escorted into the country by the Mexican Federal Police to protect the truck from hijackings and robbery.
The camp itself, according to the trucker, was about 2 miles wide and 3 miles long and was staffed by Chinese soldiers complete with armored vehicles and living quarters constructed from refurbished shipping containers. As his truck was being unloaded by the soldiers, he claims he was able to count the armored vehicles parked neatly in rows. According to the trucker, there were 10,000 armored vehicles located in this facility. He also claims that there were water tanks, generators, and communications complexes.
After this report and based upon the information given by the trucker as well as the geographical knowledge available to him through other individuals, Quayle claims he enlisted his own source which he refers to as “Cross Border Eyes,” to go to the area which was the most likely location for the Chinese base. This area was determined to be in the triangle between Sabinas Hidalgo, Lampazos de Naranjos, and Arroyo Blanco.
Upon entering the area, “Cross Border Eyes” claims he immediately noticed large numbers of Mexican Federal Police in many different types of vehicles, including some that were painted “that odd green characteristic of Red Chinese vehicles.” “Cross Border Eyes” then claims that he tried numerous other entrances to the triangular region by other roads, tracks, etc. but, at each location, there were massive levels of Federal Police on patrol. He is quoted as saying, “it was like you stuck a firecracker into a red ant hole and blew it, and you know how all the red ants come up out of the hole . . .”
Quayle also reported on the same day that High Frequency communications were being broadcast on U.S. military frequencies carrying with them “heavily oriental accented operators speaking broken English in direct communications with Conus [Continental United States] Military Comm Stations . . . . . . . . the accent was not Japanese either, but Chinese.”
In July it was also reported by the New York Times that China is sending troops to disputed islands;
The Central Military Commission, China’s most powerful military body, has approved the deployment of a garrison of soldiers from the People’s Liberation Army to guard disputed islands claimed by China and Vietnam in the South China Sea, the state-run Xinhua news agency said Sunday.
On Monday, there was a first meeting of the 45 legislators elected over the weekend to govern the 1,100 people who live on the island groups of the Spratlys, the Paracels and the Macclesfield Bank, Chinese authorities told state media. The meeting was the latest escalation of the territorial dispute between China and its neighbors over the island groups, known in Chinese as the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha Islands.
The new legislators will not only govern the island groups, many of which consist of rocks and atolls, but also about 772,000 square miles of the South China Sea over which China claims jurisdiction, state media said.
The troop deployment and elections appeared intended to reinforce China’s claims over the South China Sea and its potential energy resources. The moves came a week after a meeting of foreign ministers of the Association of South East Asian Nations in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, at which China, according to diplomats at the meeting, used its influence to stop even a rudimentary communiqué on the South China Sea among the 10 nations.
The recent film trailer for the new movie Red dawn gives us insight with some predictive programming.

FEMA Needs Another 1 Million MRE’s Today, Over 19 Million Ordered in Last Month

FEMA Needs Another 1 Million MRE’s Today, Over 19 Million Ordered in Last Month

By James Smith
September 1, 2012
Due to Hurricane Isaac’s landfall and subsequent stalling, the Department of Homeland Security finds that they need 1,100,000 low sodium MRE’s to cope with the sudden demand.
And they literally need them TODAY! The shipment date is set for 1 September 2012.
From the solicitation:
FEMA requires Reduced Sodium Meals.   All meals must be shelf stable, self-heating, and include an entrée along with additional meal components that can be consumed either as part of the meal or reserved for a supplemental snack.
The meals should provide a variety of nutrient dense foods that reflect the basic food groups.  Saturated and trans fats, sodium and added sugars should be limited.  Nuts are NOT to be included due to diverticulitis and allergy conditions.  
Meal components should be appropriate for consumption by the full range of disaster survivors including children and seniors (65 years and older). 
Each case shall include at least six varieties of entrée meal. All meals/kits must have 30-36 months long shelf-life remaining upon delivery.  No beverages or drink mixes required.  Meals should include: utensil package, napkin, salt and pepper, and salt free seasoning packet.
These are not fancy meals. They are simple MRE that can be purchased by US citizens through a variety of sources.
Nutritional Requirements for “Commercial Meals”
Maximum calories  1460 per meal
Minimum calories   1050 per meal
Saturated Fat      13 grams or less (<10% of total calories)
Trans Fat              Between 0 -1 gram per meal
Total Fat              47 grams or less (<35% of total calories)
Sodium range         685mg up to 1570mg
Nutritional Requirements for “Reduced Sodium Meals”
Maximum calories  1200 per meal
Minimum calories   1050 per meal
Saturated Fat      13 grams or less (<10% of total calories)
Trans Fat              Between 0 -1 gram per meal
Total Fat              47 grams or less (<35% of total calories)
However, in the past 30 days, FEMA has already requested MRE’s three times, for a total of 19,123,704 meals. Solicitation Numbers  HSFE70-12-R-0019, HSFE70-12-R-0060, HSFE70-12-R-0081
This only underscores the need for individual citizens to prepare for disasters at the family level. If a apocalyptic event strikes America, there will be no one to help us. We would be on our own.



A shocking change in the content of reporting at NBC, CNN and CBS indicates the pro-Obama media are beginning to stagger under the weight of facts which plainly show that Barack Obama has never provided valid, corroborated documentation proving he is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president.”

By Dan Crosby,
of The Daily Pen 

New York, NY - The pro-Obama, liberal mainstream media is showing symptoms of fatigue in their endless defense of Barack Obama’s fraudulent identity. 

A sudden reverse in liberal media content indicates they are realizing defense of Obama’s “eligibility” based on rapidly fading support of his fraudulent birth certificate is no longer sustainable.  The lies about Obama's identity are becoming too heavy for those undersold as errand-slaves for the bowing liberal consensus.  
In at least two broadcasts by CBS ad MSNBC, following Mitt Romney’s campaign rally joke about his own birth certificate, hosts from the leftist networks used a new word to defend Barack Obama’s fading credibility.

Defense of Obama's "legitimacy", not "eligibility", is now emanating from media propagandists indicating they can no longer defend the lie that the digitally forged image of an alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” proves he is “eligible” to be president.  Now, they are desperately hoping everyone will forget their abetment of the “eligibility by fake computer image” lie and show grace for Obama’s contingent claims to “legitimacy by popularity” instead.

On Friday, Obama lover and "The Ed Show" host, Ed Schultz, instead of defending the authenticity of Obama’s alleged birth document, which he has done with vigor until now, used the word “legitimate” to defend Obama saying, “Another day at the office with the “Mittster”.  Today Mitt Romney reignited the fringe, those in his party who don’t see Obama as a legitimate president.”

See video at:

Then, Romney’s joke evoked an almost desperate need from CBS’s Scott Pelley to hear Romney say that Obama was a “legitimate” president, while Pelley completely avoided the tired lie that the digital image of Obama's alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” posted on an official government website in April, 2011, was authenticated proof that Obama was eligible to be president.

See the video here.
Pelley asked Romney, “In the rally today, you said, ‘No one has ever asked for my birth certificate.  They know this is the place I was born and raised.’ Why did you say that?”

Romney told Pelley the comment was a joke based on the fact that he and his wife, Ann, were born and raised in Michigan.  However, the only reason Romney has for referencing a request of a birth certificate is Obama's failure to provide a valid one over the past five years.   

Pelley then embarked a pathetic defense of Obama, “But, this was a swipe at the president.”

"No, no, not a swipe," Romney replied. "I've said throughout the campaign and before, there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us, and coming home. And humor, you know -- we've got to have a little humor in a campaign."

Unconvinced under the crushing weight of his chronic dissonance, Pelley then posited a question which reveals the old lie is no longer effective and that he is beginning to rethink his position on Obama’s alleged birth certificate and constitutional eligibility.

“For the record, will you say, once and for all, that you believe Obama is a legitimate president?” pleaded Pelley.  

Romney replied with a confident smile, “I have said that 30 times, I guess 31 won’t hurt.”
Romney answer accompanied a light in his eyes indicating he now understands that a question about Obama’s "legitimacy" is not the same as one about his "eligibility".  He also realized from Pelley’s question that the media knows it, too. 

“If you have the wherewithal to suspect that sharks are preparing to attack because they happen to smell blood in the water, perhaps instead of asking why the sharks are attacking, you should ask, why am I bleeding?” asks TDP editor, Pen Johannson.

“Obama was bleeding credibility on the issue of his eligibility long before anyone challenged him.  The media is beginning to see this.”  
Eligibility is based on a legal requirement rooted in the rule of law and doctrinal precedent over the past 250 years in America.  Legitimacy, on the other hand, is a transient status of subjective entitlement based on the fact that voters supported the candidate, even though the candidate was never legally eligible to be elected.

In 1840, John Tyler, serving as Vice President as the first ever candidate eligible for the office of President born after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, became the first candidate required by the Constitution to be a Natural Born citizen of the United States, which he was.  However, Tyler was also the first candidate to perform the duties of President without being elected to the office.  He was forced to assume the powers and duties of president upon the untimely death of President William Henry Harrison just after the 1840 election.

Many in opposition to Harrison’s administration refused to acknowledge Tyler as a “legitimate” President, even disparaging him as “His Accidency”.  Harrison's unprecedented death in office caused considerable confusion regarding Tyler’s succession despite the fact that he was eligible. 

Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution merely states:

In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President.”

The Constitution did not endow Tyler with the title of President in his own right, just the powers of the office.  It only stated that the “Powers and Duties” of the deceased President Harrison would “devolve” upon him as Vice President, not that he would hold the office.  Read literally, Tyler would remain the Vice President with presidential powers, as Acting President, but he could not be called “President of the United States”. 

In spite of his constitutional eligibility to be president, Tyler’s opponents refused to acknowledge that he was a “legitimate” president.  Therefore, it is completely absurd for the liberal media to actually expect that Obama would be considered “legitimate” without a shred of documented proof of eligibility. 

Obama’s legal right to hold office has never been verified because he does not possess the historical proof to show that he meets the requirements stipulated by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution.

Shultz and Pelley, like the remaining slew of pathological liars in the liberal media, are being confronted with a terrifying reality that there is no proof that Obama is actually who he claims to be, let alone be eligible to be president.  Moreover, they are realizing that only Obama, not original sources, has been the only one they were allowed to receive information from about his identity, which they willingly swallowed and so enthusiastically defended as the truth.
Now, they see the fox in the hen house.  The shift in perception indicates the delusions of liberal media are now being confronted with the reality that Obama has poisoned and corrupted their personal and professional reputations.  They are beginning to think Obama might actually be a fraud.

Long ago, CBS and NBC sold out to Obama’s lies and have no way to reconcile with the soul crushing truth so they no longer have the credibility to fight the cause for Obama based on the losing proposition that the birth certificate represents the truth about his identity.  It does not.  It represents the greatest lie ever told to the American people, and they are beginning to realize it.

Mitt Romney’s recent joke about his own birth certificate, according to CBS, was apparently an endorsement of suspicions by so-called “birthers” that “…ultimately drove Mr. Obama to release his long-form birth certificate to prove he was born in the United States.”

Yes, a CBS writer, lost in ideological delusions about Obama’s eligibility grandeur, actually used the word, “drove” in attempting to convince themselves of an elusive reality about the intentions of Romney’s comment.

Of course, CBS reporters can provide no documented proof that Romney’s comment was directed at Barack Obama.  Sounds a little like CBS believes there is a coo-coo conspiracy to undermine Obama.  They are beginning to sound more like what they accuse so-called “birthers” of, every day.
CBS and other liberal emanations seem to be slowly admitting, now, that the derogatorily called “birther” movement must have had the power and facts to “drive” the anointed One of a bowing liberal consensus to the brink of destruction by forcing him to actually provide evidence that he is who he says he is.
Think about what CBS is claiming.  A bunch of crazy, rightwing fringe racists “drove” Obama to present a digitally fabricated image of an alleged 1961 birth certificate which was proven by 10 month-long criminal investigation to be a forgery?

They sound like crazy left-wing conspiracy theorists.  Acknowledging the power to drive an alleged “legally eligible” president to prove his legitimacy is a lot of respect to assign those formerly considered a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists.

Imbalanced pundits like Shultz and Pelley are beginning to look like fools.  Labeling those who question Obama’s eligibility as racists and crazy people is beginning to come back on liberals in a very destructive way.  When the truth is against you, your condemnations will return to haunt and destroy you because no aspersion you cast holds credibility once the lies you defended are exposed.  At that point, you have become worthy of destruction and ridicule. 

Let’s talk about Obama’s legitimacy, shall we?

After all, sarcastically speaking, it’s not as if suspicions about Obama’s illegitimacy were actually based on facts about his past, like the fact that his alleged father was never a U.S. citizen…which means he is not a natural born citizen of the U.S. and therefore not constitutionally eligible to be president based on 250 years of legal and doctrinal precedence.


Facts - like, Obama voted in favor of congressional resolution 511 stating that his 2008 opponent, John McCain, was a natural born citizen because, unlike Obama, both of McCain’s parents were U.S. citizens serving in the military and, therefore, eligible to run for president, despite the fact that McCain was not born in the U.S.   


Obama lived to Indonesia as a boy, attended school as Indonesian citizen as required by Indonesian law and so stated on his school registration form, and has never provided documentation showing that he retained his American citizenship upon return to Hawaii in 1971. 


Obama traveled to Pakistan, by his own admission, using a passport which would show his citizenship status in 1980 and, yet, it has never been allowed to be seen by anyone.  Legitimacy? 


Obama refuses to provide his college transcripts which contain information about whether or not he attended school as a foreign student, which would show that if he received foreign scholarships he could not have applied as a U.S. citizen.


The Democrat Party of Hawaii chairman, Brian Schatz, refused in August of 2008 to provide an “Official Certification of Nomination” containing legally required language under Hawaiian election laws stating that Obama was “constitutionally eligible” to hold the office of President.


Obama’s literary publicist printed in an official promotional brochure for 16 years that he was born in Kenya.  

Obama’s alleged Selective Service registration card, allegedly signed by Obama a day AFTER it was stamped by a Honolulu postal worker, apparently using the only two-digit year received stamp ever possessed by the U.S. post office, was determined by a six month law enforcement investigation to be a forgery.  Requests by investigators for the original record from the Selective Service Administration were denied without explanation. 


The digital .pdf image of his alleged 1961 Hawaiian “Certificate of Live Birth” has been proven through a criminal investigation by officials with decades of federal, state and local law enforcement experience to be a fraud.


Obama’s horde of puppets have a better chance of winning the eligibility argument using the forged birth certificate.

New NRA VIDEO!!! - Border Situation / A MUST SEE


Subject: NEW NRA VIDEO / a must see...

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