Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rats Fed With GMO Corn Sold In Walmart Grow Massive Tumors

Rats Fed With GMO Corn Sold In Walmart Grow Massive Tumors

Thursday, September 20, 2012 13:00
French scientists have revealed that rats fed on Monsanto’s Genetically Modified corn suffered tumors and other damage including kidney and liver damage.
“The reason for that is quite obvious since Monsanto’s GMO corn has been genetically modified to grow the herbicide (RoundUp) directly inside the crop.”
Description: Combination image of two pictures featuring rats with tumors after they were fed a diet of genetically modified (GM) maize produced by US chemical giant Monsanto (AFP Photo / Criigen)
Combination image of two pictures featuring rats with tumors after they were fed a diet of genetically modified (GM) maize produced by US chemical giant Monsanto (AFP Photo / Criigen)
As the battle unfolds in the United States to force corporations to label their food as containing genetically modified components the bought and paid for American scientists have repeatedly found in studies there are no dangers associated with consuming genetically modified foods.
In fact America’s largest retailer has announced plans to carry Monsanto’s genetically modified corn without alerting consumers.

America’s largest bio-agriculture company and the biggest retailer in the country are joining forces, but a happy ending isn’t necessarily in sight. Walmart will soon be stocking their shelves with GMO corn made by Monsanto.
America’s largest bio-agriculture company and the biggest retailer in the country are joining forces, but a happy ending isn’t necessarily in sight. Walmart will soon be stocking their shelves with GMO corn made by Monsanto.
Millions of Americans shop at Walmart, but that doesn’t mean that they all know what they’re getting as they check out in shopping centers across the country. The retail giant says they won’t advertise which of their products are made with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, which could become a big problem very soon. Zack Kaldveer explains in an editorial published by the California Progress Report this month that Walmart will soon sell a special factory-made corn manufactured by Monsanto, which while it will allow most of Americans more easy access to affordable food, will also fill them with unknown insecticides: the very GMO crop Walmart will be selling has been genetically engineered to include chemicals right inside the corn.
Over in Europe the exact opposite is occurring with GM crops being burned entirely, with companies being forced to label such foods and GM products being banned altogether.
A new study conducted by French scientists shows the Europeans have good reasons to do so.
Specifically, after studying the effects of Monsanto’s GMO corn on rats the results were shocking.
Among the ailments suffered were massive tumors, and other complications including kidney and liver damage which happens to be the same symptoms caused by Monsanto’s Round Up herbicide.
The reason for that is quite obvious since Monsanto’s GMO corn has been genetically modified to grow the herbicide directly inside the crop.
As we saw with DDT, Asbestos, Cigarette Smoke, Agent Orange and numerous other toxin US regulators have simply took their bribes and shut the hell up as the corrupt scientists declare the GM corn toxins safe for consumption.
More from RT:
French scientists have revealed that rats fed on GM corn sold by American firm Monsanto, suffered tumors and other complications including kidney and liver damage. When testing the firm’s top brand weed killer the rats showed similar symptoms.
The French government has asked its health and safety agency to assess the study and had also sent it to the European Union’s food safety agency, Reuters reports.
Based on the conclusion…, the government will ask the European authorities to take all necessary measures to protect human and animal health, measures that could go as far as an emergency suspension of imports of NK603 maize in the European Union,” the French health, environment and farm ministries said in a joint statement.
Researchers from the University of Caen found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 – a seed variety made tolerant to amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller – or given water mixed with the product, at levels permitted in the United States – died earlier than those on a standard diet.
The research conducted by Gilles-Eric Seralini and his colleagues, said the rats suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver and kidney damage. The study was published in the journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology and presented at a news conference in London.
Fifty percent of male and 70 percent of female rats died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group, said the researchers.
Monsanto spokesman, Thomas Helscher, said the company would review the study thoroughly but stated that other scientific studies had proved the biotech crops’ safety.
Some scientists however criticized the French researchers’ statistical methods and the use of a particular type of rat, saying the albino Sprague-Dawley strain of animal had a tendency to develop cancers.
But despite skepticism, the study draws attention to controversy surrounding genetically modified crops and the US biotech giant Monsanto.
Michael Antoniou, a molecular biologist at King’s College London – who acted as an adviser to Seralini’s team – told reporters that the study stresses the “need to test all GM crops in two-year lifelong studies”.
“I feel this data is strong enough to withdraw the marketing approval for this variety of GM maize temporarily, until this study is followed up and repeated with larger number of animals to get the full statistical power that we want,” he said as quoted by Reuters.
Last Friday France said it will uphold a ban on genetically modified crops produced by the Monsanto. The move came as President Francois Hollande pushed his plan to put the environment back at the top of the international agenda.
In the wake of the publication, Jose Bove, vice-chairman of the European Parliament’s commission for agriculture, called for an immediate suspension of all EU cultivation and import authorizations of genetically modified crops.
This study finally shows we are right and that it is urgent to quickly review all GMO evaluation processes,” he said following the announcement of the research.
While being widely used in the United States, GM crops have been less popular among European consumers, due to concerns about its impact on people’s health and the environment.
In California, opponents of genetically engineered food are fighting to have it removed from the food supply. They are also pushing to pass Proposition 37, a law that would legally require genetically modified foods to be labeled as such. Monsanto stands opposed to such a proposal and has donated over $4.2 million to lobby against it.
Agriculturalists across America have previously tried to take the biotech giant to court over charges stemming from their lab-made corn GMOs. Over 2,000 farmers have petitioned the US government to more thoroughly investigate the impact that genetically modified corn crop from Monsanto will have on the country.
As RT reported before, Monsanto wants to plant a corn variant across America’s Midwest that will be resistant to a powerful pesticide produced with 2,4-D, the same compound crucial to the make-up of the notorious Vietnam War-era killer Agent Orange. If approved, the new corn will be able to thrive as farmers douse their fields in the chemical, killing off unwanted weeds in the process, while at the same time subjecting Americans to a pesticide linked to cancer risks.
Source: RT


 Johnnie Weeks, Union Shop Steward, Washington, D.C. many years ago. Very interesting comment. "I am against capitalism. Therefore, I am against Communism where the state owns everything and the people own nothing. Under it, you work more hours for less pay than any other form of capitalism."
      "Personally I am for capitalism when meaning making profit in business. I am only against that branch of capitalism where such as banking is used to steal from the people instead of sell products to them or sell to them legitimate services such as sound checking systems and mortgages based upon sound money, not wildly based fiat money, etc. I am the Apostle of Free Enterprise and stand for Gross National Profit, not Gross National Product which can be used to back Marxist economies where products are made, but not great prosperity for the people. Profits are where the investment money comes from to expand the national economy," - Erasmus of America

     From university tests of years ago, I learned that cancer is the red flag warning from nature that human health has totally collapsed in the human body. The next stage for races and nations unless blocked is for the body to die prematurely or your descendants will go biologically sterile meaning the extinction of the American race and then all mankind on earth. To help verify this,  the vast majority of lab reports from all over the earth endorsed by Al Gore back then around 1996 clearly predict the soon extinction of the human race on earth. This would be due to biological factors these labs knew no cure for. And unless a cure was fast found, the human race would soon become extinct like the dinosaur on earth. I along with over 29,000 scientists across the world did not believe that "global warming" claims of Al Gore were backed by serious scientific proofs, but he was in my judgment on much more scientifically sound ground when writing the endorsement inside the scientific book presenting these medical lab reports for mankind to study. But the public is not interested in scientific books, so this collection of medical lab reports from maybe around 1,500 labs worldwide was never heard about by the public. Separately a Discovery TV program a friend told me he saw publicized that the sperm count of man was fast decreasing and deteriorating so that sperm labs were trying to collect healthy male sperm while still available for future generations on earth. Also suggested is that GMO food is contributing to this factor. Also, suggested that cellphones next to the body generate genetic damage by radiation to the human sex organs. Also, as a Health Report of Congress reported during the Depression, raised food in America did not have the nutrition of food raised 100 years earlier in America due to the constant depletion of nutrition in the farm soil without being effectively replaced over the years. Therefore, Americans would have to eat much more food now than their forefathers to get the same nutrition their forefathers got with much less food eaten per day. As one old woman commented to me from Georgia, she observd that men got much more strength and endurance from their food long ago for farming and they could farm from morning to night without wearing out where modern man would find this too much work to do now. She blamed our modern food for making modern man weaker than prior generations in America.
     The following national statistics for America were quoted by Dr. Lorraine Day on TBN on March 14, 2007 showing that the American race is about to go biologically extinct meaning total end of America because no on is left alive on this continent. The rest of the world also faces similar deadly statistics. I formally and legally before national and internationa law charge Wash., D.C. with willful conspiracy of mass genocide of the entire human race on earth by constant and repeated willful suppression of my father's Vatican endorsed food process. A Saint Anthony of Egypt born around 220 years after Christ lived on nothing but 6 oz. of bread daily and water for 85 years in such perfect health as to apparently be the healthiest citizen in the entire Roman Empire and dying at 105 years old in "glorious" physical appearance until the day he died. I know the secret to his super health bread which the millers and bakers do not. My father duplicated the secret to super health through how flour was milled and a few other secrets thrown in I will not release here. St. Anthony of Egypt demonstrated that bread correctly made possesses all the nutrition needed for mankind both for longevity of life and super health until death. Among other effects like with St. Anthony. no cancer in his life which is due normally to insufficient nutrition to keep the human body healthy and glowing with health all our lives like St. Anthony did. He started this bread diet at 20 years of age and lived in the desert as a Christian hermit but attracted large numbers of people from the cities. Many Miracles of God were reported when this holy man prayed for them in the name of Jesus Christ. 
      Now words for our willful evil leaders in Wash., D.C. and elsewhere who secretly possess intense secret hatred for mankind on earth. That is why they have since I left the university as a history major then repeatedly smashed me everytime I raised the money to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food product Pope Pius XII said was potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition for mankind on earth. Apparently 8 times or more when I had the money raised to reestablish this Vatican endorsed food process for mankind on earth, Wash., D.C. would find ways to steal this money from me. And with them in control of law in America, always blocked it when I tried a number of times to get federal or state grand juries to investigate what they had done. One time a man representing the federal government told me bluntly, "You are crazy if you think Wash., D.C. would ever let your legal charges ever be investigated or even heard in any court in America." Or words to that effect. The corruption in Wash., D.C is colossal and they are impossible to ever make honest officials in law in America. That is among reasons I require the Omni Law I wrote to be passed as national law and through constitutional amendment or America will never see me set up my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America. This process has quite a history behind it. Hitler had the bread product tested and his scientists told him they could turn the German race into physically in health a super master race on earth. The scientists and engineers to Stalin told him this was the greatest food discovery in human history and the nation having it could become the world leader over all other nations on earth. The Vatican saw this as the most powerful technological discovery in human history and the side of the world having this becomes the leader of the world. And Wash., D.C. as a highly insane and apparently Satanically loyal govenment in top leadership did not want America or the world to ever have this great Vatican endorsed food discovery of my father. I will comment as an engineering student myself and allowed to study engineering at 7 times of other engineering students at the engineering school, I kept an A average while doing this. Charles Kettering, rated one of the top 20 inventive geniuses in American history for his time, and Director of R & D for General Motors and later Pres. of General Motors, saw 920 of my inventive concepts I ha come up with in 2 weeks flat. He wrote to me that he rated me to be the most original inventive genius that he had ever seen and indicated he expected me to become the top inventive genius in American history. If Wash., D.C. had believed in legal freedom for inventive brains in America and had not repeatedly blocked me from reestalishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process, then I might well have given America already around 2,000 new national industries and probably the average American would make 5 to 10 times more on the average job than they do now. The trick is to make the money worth far more through powerful technology blessing all in society. For example, if I made it 5 times cheaper to gas up your car each week, that releases a lot of money to spend and expand the economy in other ways. If I could make your food much cheaper, then your dollar is worth far more. If you could buy and pay off a house in even 5 years flat if you wanted to, how rich Americans would soon be! And if you didn' have to spend even 1/3rd to 1/2 million dollars to "fight but not to cure cancer, that would release huge new funds in society and greatly lower taxes for all Americans. And with more jobs available than Americans available, then all get good jobs, good pay, and with good benefits. American people, in a free America, this could be done. In an Amrica with a reported over 66 million statue laws and maybe 1 to 2 billion regulations spun off of them, you will be poor even if you work one million years to improve the American economy.
      I have had to face these evil nutcases in the federal government which the average American has not, let me tell you more about them. When they are done killing off most of mankind through their sophisticated tactics they think the American people are too naive and dumb to understand, they secretly think they will have a few of their elite survive to rule over the entire world global plantation of maybe 200 million humans allowed to live on earth as machines make unnecessary now the middle class or most common workers for society. These 200 million or so will be their slaves and peons under their planned world government police state and tyranny over what is left alive on earth. However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! As my father was a Protestant and a 32nd degree Mason, the Vatican was not backing him because he was a Catholic. He was not Catholic but Protestant so Pope Piux XII was backing him because he believed it important to the human race what my father had.  The Pope had good scientific advisors and they told him how important a food discovery this was for the world. I think Pope Pius XII contacted all Catholic bishops in the world to publicize this and 22,000 Catholic priests in the world. He wanted world publicity for this. The liberal news media did their usual censorship of important good things for mankind, so did not publicize it. By the way, since a Mormon is running for President in 2012, Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture under President Eisenhower, heavily endorsed my father's Vatican endorsed food process as important to American national health. Ezra Taft Benson, later head of the Mormon Church in America, was a Mormon and obviously honest and loyal to America as a nation.
      Maybe now the American people can understand why I state this. People back me now or likely the human race will cease to exist because Washington, D.C. is totally insane! Pass the Omni Law. Smart people agree with me. They follow the logic involved. This is the only legal way to outflank Washington legal corruption and get this world food industry established in America based upon the Vatican endorsed trade secret food process my father invented and I improved several features of the industrial process
including now we will be able to make an official reproduction of the St. Anthony of Egypt Bread. My father never knew about this stunning example from history showing that the right bread is the only food needed for mankind for super health and very long life. My father did not raise a fool in industrial food engineering. And I have had some very bright technical friends who also helped me improve the family trade secret food process.
      Now for the medical statistics that predict the soon death of the entire American race and America as a nation. And what is shown for America will be followed by statistics from the rest of the world. America as a nation: 1909 -3 Americans out of 100 got cancer. 1985- 33 out of every 100 in 2007 - Now 50 out out every 100 Americans. And predicted for 2020 - 100 Americans out of 100 will have cancer or had had cancer by 2020 because Washington, D.C. in reality murdred the entire American race due to planned genocide. Secret, evil people rule Wash., D.C. Back me now or American and mankind dies!
      Pass the Omni Law and now before the November, 2012 election. By the way, the Obamacare "law" mandates all Americans get the microchip under their skin on or around March 13, 2013 I understand. I talked with the federal electronic engineer who invented this for the federal government. He told me that at a top level C.I.A. with C.I.A. Director, Henry Kissinger, and other secret power elite all there, they talked about how to trick the American people into taking the microchip under their skin. Once they did, the federal government could have a 24 hour 7 days a week total federal police state surveillance on all the American people for the rest of their lives. Separately, I did not tell the federal electronic engineer this, but a medical researcher tested his microchip and found out why it would in the end kill all the American people taking it. Unless they corrected the defect in engineering design to it, it will end up killing off up to 300 million Americans taking it. Also, the Obamcare bill uses this microchip under the skin so the federal government can use this to access all citizen bank accounts in America and clean out all money from all private bank accounts in America without court orders, etc., just at the decision of Wash., D.C. whether to clean out any to all bank accounts in America they want to. The people do not read huge federal bills, but in vast terms it sets up the Soviet federal government police state of America. Also, I understand it sets America up to be ruled under Sharia Law where the Muslims control Wash., D.C. and we the American people are then their conquered slaves or serfs under the Islamic Republic set up by Obama under the Obamacare bill.
      Only a very dumb peerson would think Wash., D.C. does not know who Erasmus of America is. While in no way endorsing me, the F.B.I. sits silently while I roast Wash., D.C. in national reports for massive corruption and high treason in Wash., D.C. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies. Only one person in America uses that trademark personal reference. I said the F.B.I. met with me in 1990 at my retail store in South Carolina and asked my help in saving America from a pending nuclear World War III. If I had lied about that, the F.B.I  would have been charging in to arrest me for lying about this. I talk about my father's Vatican endorsed food process. The F.B.I. of course knows who I am! My father only had one son and he boasted of me in the Congressional Record of Wash., D.C. about me as "a splendid son" of his. The same report told of the U.S. Army tests with my father's Vatican endorsed food product. Told of Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture, personally endorsing it for the national health of America. The same report told of the large money spent by my family to discover this food process. My great grandfather in this report was mentioned as having $500,000 back when that was a lot more money than now in starting the experiments to find this great food discovery. My father spent millions making it work and I lost maybe up to $12-15 million the first round when Washington, D.C. sabotaged my deal with West German industrialists to back its reestablishment in America. Later I lost $15 million and likely much more in a later round with the same deal I had. I had $525,000 stolen from me by federal operatives who told me and another businessman to not try and stop them or both of us would be murdered by them. I had 4 or more other times when large sums were coming to me until sabotaged by highly criminal means to keep the money from reaching me to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process with. And for a later round, I had up to $25 billion coming to me which was sabotaged by the U.S. Justice Dept. in a wildly criminal operation on the part of Wash., D.C. By the way Wash., D.C., I am making this a public record for later review by the International Court of the Hague and other international sources who can apply enormous international law against Wash., D.C. and against all in Wash., D.C. who were or are responsible for trying to continue blocking the reestablishment of this Vatican endorsed food process in America. I defeated in court a Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court until he faced me. He lost! And I have won a series of other legal upsets. I trapped Wash., D.C. By your refusal to ever repay even one dime of the money you stole from me to block me from ever reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process, I will win hands down in international courts if I go that route and by an angle of law you never foresaw, I think you can be legally sued under international law for financial damages as high as $100 trillion in money worth something in purchasing power, not your quick printing press fiat money if you get legally trapped where the whole world is calling for the head of Wash., D.C. to be delivered to them on a silver platter. In law, it is always dangerous to underestimate me. I like surprises the other side could never imagine could happen to them. I have done a number of times already. And now you are next unless you start mending fences with me while you can. Forget the con lines lawyers are clever at. Pass the Omni Law in October, 2012 as an important first step and return as much of the federally stolen money to me as Congress thinks would show good faith on their part. I still hold the claims to the Confederate States of America through authority of three descendant Jefferson Davis families. This was diplomatically recognized as valid under international law by one of the British Commonwealth Parliaments since the South never legally surrendered to the Union under international law. Terms of the Confederate Constitution as legal reference. When I saw Obama was about to try and massacre 25 million or more Americans in a planned military takeover of America for October, 2012, my hand was forced to save the lives of 25 million Americans or more from being mass slaughtered and so resurrected the active legal authority for the Provisional Confederate Government. You try to mass murder the American people and I am forced to oppose you by whatever means saves 25 million Americans or more from being mass slaughtered by you as you want to be the Communist-Muslim dictator of America and for life. A number of military sources blew the whistle on what you were planning for your "October Surprise" on the American people. 
      Wash., D.C. has so little regard for the U.S. Bill of Rights now and the God-given rights of freedom America was founded upon in 1776, time to repeat a warning of Ronald Reagan back in 1964 delivered on behalf of Senaor Barry Goldwater in his famous speech "A Time For Choosing." "The government can find some charge to bring against any concern it chooses to prosecute. Every businessman has his own tale of harassment. Somewhere a perversion has taken place. Our natural, inalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation of government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment."
        I think one issue of super con by Obama needs to be exposed in a moment, so let me clear up first the usual mundane details for any poliical movement. If the American people play ball with me, we may not need to separate the Confederate States of America and Louisiana Purchase from the rest of America. But now you are negotiating to win back the people and nation you greatly wronged and did not care. Like any practical national leader, I know I have a powerful bargaining chip with the Confederate authority. Passage of the Omni Law and now! Mandatory! Without it, when I play my surprise cards, the South goes free forever from federal tyranny. I prefer a national union, not separate nations, but the people of the South will be restored their rights they had in 1776. This does not refer to slavery which is a dead issue being buried back in 1865. States rights will be restored and with no legal nonsense. The terms for the South to join with the North in 1776 will be fully respected and enforced. These were the legal terms which founded America as a nation. The Christian South will not be attacked any longer by this Antichrist corrupt government of Wash., D.C. We practice Christianity as we want in the South. This is covered under States' Rights.  We will require a sound monetary system for all of America if we stay with you. The financial con of Wash., D.C. in national money will be over. We will require commercial law based upon the common law and God-given rights of all Americans. We will maintain a strong citizen militia in all Southern States as was intended by the original U.S. Bill of Rights. This Obama plan for the planned massacre of 25 million Americans or more would never have threatened soon to occur if the citizens of America had been heavily armed and well organized so they could stop the federal government if ever again it schemes for national dictatorship and police state over America again. We will let Southern legislatures suggest other legal measures also so the federal government now respects the legal rights and state independence of the Southern States. To guarantee that America will have an industrial future, our Camelot Project will be set up in the South and should with time make the South if independent the industrial leader of the world. If we remain united, then America will resurrect as the true industrial leader of the world. But the South will never let Washington, D.C. rule the South again by federal bayonets threatening the people of the South. The Black people loyal to the South will be treated with full legal respect and all rights. If we go independent, our economy will be far better than that under Wash., D.C. and you will become the rich Black people of North America under Confederate society. Actually, all the people in the South will be greatly blessed and become rich. But to let you Blacks know that you won't be forgotten in our Southern prosperity. All our people will rapidly grow in wealth because our economy and laws will be dedicated to freedom in the economy which Wash., D.C. does not believe in now under Communist Obama. See the movie "2016-Obama's America" and realize that Obama was raised to be a fanatical Communist in the White House.
      Okay, folks. The Omni Law may easily be read on Nesara News. Look up their searchbox at the upper left top corner above archive reports. Put in Omni Law and you will see copies of it fine enough for members of Congress, state legislatures, or people across America to read. If stuck, send an email requesting a copy of the Omni Law to be sent to you. Send . All poliical movements operate with money. We don't want deals for finances with foreign governments such as we believe Obama secretly did to finance his first election to the White House. You the people finance us so we can settle our differences and keep one America but now with the South in partnership with other states of America. We won't be any longer a conquered vassal nation and people under Wash., D.C. We have to be respected by Wash., D.C. or else we walk away and will never return again to Wash., D.C. Financial support such as checks, etc. to NIFI and mailed to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465 Seneca, SC 29679. One person sent us a $20 bill from Salem OR on Sept. 17 and no name or address. When Americans no longer feel they have to do things in secrecy because police state Wash., D.C. is obviously spying on all Americans whether by mail, email, phone, bank accounts, etc., person with the $20 sent to us, let us know who you are and you as well as other backers of ours will be very pleased with how handsomely we reward those who backed us to save America from being a godless Antichrist nation under Obama, our would-be Antichrist Communist-Muslim dictator, but we are going to stop him by legal means under national and international law.
      Years ago in Wash., D.C., I saw an old Chinese woman being brutally beaten up by two Black youths. I think this was on 16th St., NW a few blocks away from the White House. I chased the two youths away who apparently were out to steal her purse. I was sickened that a flood of cars drove by seeing this and no one came to her aid until I did. I then stopped a police car going by. I think it was marked "Executive Service." I told them to take her to the hospital. They were saying they couldn't as they were going somewhere else. I then sternly told them to take her to the hospital and then they could go elsewhere. Probably afraid of the bad publicity otherwise, they took her to the hospital and I walked elsewhere. Just to clear the air. If that woman had been a Black woman being beaten up by two White Youths, I would have done identical for the Black woman. I have never liked bullies and will stand up for those who need help in society. Just so you know where I stand.
       Now for a report which exposes that Barney Frank and Senator Obama set up the economic crash under President Bush and which they pinned on Pres. Bush where he did the right moves to prevent this but was blocked by Barney Frank, Senator Obama as key ringleaders and then the Democratic Party in general was behind the economic crash under Pres. Bush that came within an inch of totally crashing the American economy, I post the following report from Nesara News. I supply the missing information so now the report shows you how Barney Frank and Obama crashed the American economy and then stuck the blame on President George Bush. By the way, I was not a strong fan of Pres. Bush for certain reasons, but the truth is the truth and Obama needs to be nailed for crashing the economy. Maybe our chicken liver Republicans are too cowardly to expose this, but I am not afraid of anyone including Bush in the White House. I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and know real national economics many times better than our economic clown in the White House Obama. His answers in economics stink to high heaven! Okay, Barney Frank and Obama outfought Pres. Bush and rammed through the mortgage legislation that soon crashed the American economy. I had warned in national reports of the pending national crash of the real estate market but people were not listening then to my warnings. Once the Democrats rammed through their "politically correct" mortgage legislation, then Barney Frank and Obama harassed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to grant mortgages regardless to all people of race regardless if their credit was any good or not and regardless if they held jobs or not, etc. as I understand it. Granting "tons" of colossally risky mortgages this way due to Democratic Party pressure behind Barney Frank and Obama, when the mortgage market began crashing as I anticipated, it went ballistic and nearly crashed all the way the entire American national economy. I think one day the Chairman of the Federal Reserve had commented that we had come within hours of the total crash of the American economy and total bankruptcy of Wash., D.C. that particular day. Thank Barney Frank and Obama with their "politically correct" racial quota system to mortgages nationally. They nealy threw all Americans out of their jobs and out of their businesses. I have strong criticisms of the Republican Party as they are too cowardly in national economics for me, but I understand they have to address large audience that have very tiny understandings of national economics and trite platitudes of nonsense make more sense to them than reality in economics. I am more honest in national economics than what the public is used to. However, they will have to get used to hearing the truth rather than con and lies about the national conomics of America. Truth will boom our economy, not lies and cons! Enough said! Now to repeat the important report of the other day to Nesara News but this time with the missing notes nailing Barney Frank, Obama, and the Democratic Party for the economic crash under Pres. Bush, but engineered by the Democrats, not Republicans.
       Folks, push this report everywhere across America. You copy it, paste it, and send it to all you know. Post it to every blog you know. Guess what? Do this seriously and within a few days all of America is covered! One final point, I posted many other national reports with Nesara News. Go to their searchbox at the top left, put in Erasmus of America and dozens of my reports will suddenly all be available for you to read! When the blogs will report the truth and the newspapers will not, no wonder the blogs are growing and the newspapers are shrinking in size in America!
       Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America 


I checked Snopes,Fact Check,and Truth or Fiction.I could find nothing debunking the below. Maybe I didn't insert the right words, but I was unable to find anything on the below.

Some people have short memories...
I've been saying this for years, but this email probably explains it better and more clearly. This is NOT a political message, but rather a clarification to remind us all of the correct facts.
Remember that on October 9, 2007, 11 months before our "economic crisis" occurred (that was actually created), the Dow hit its highest point ever, closing at 14,164.53 and reaching 14,198.10 intra-day level 2 days later. Unemployment was steady at 4.7%. But things were already being put in place to create the havoc we've all been experiencing since then. And it all started, as this email explains, on January 3, 2007. --LFL
I'm sending this to each of you, regardless of your party preferences, because I believe it is something you may not have considered.
This tells the story, why Bush was so "bad" at the end of his term.
Don't just skim over this, it's not very long, read it slowly and let it sink in. If in doubt, check it out!!!
The day the Democrats took over was not January 22nd, 2009, it was actually January 3rd, 2007, which was the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress.
The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this: January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress.
At the time: The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77, The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%, The Unemployment rate was 4.6% and George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB GROWTH!
Remember the day...January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House and the Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee. The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later, was in what part of the economy? BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES! this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!
Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001, because it was financially risky for the US economy.
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and the Democrat Congress.
So when someone tries to blame Bush. REMEMBER JANUARY 3rd, 2007...."THE DAY THE DEMOCRATS TOOK OVER"!
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party.
Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011.
In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.
For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets.
And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009.
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that
includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.
If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is, "I inherited a deficit that I voted
for and then I voted to expand that deficit, four-fold, since January 20th".
There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! PLEASE DO YOUR PART !!!


“Gay” media organizations and the mainstream press have headlined over the last two days Chick-fil-A’s “change” that they claim means the company suddenly is promising not to discriminate against homosexuals – and that it would stop giving money to those organizations that promote traditional marriage.
“Chick-fil-A says it will stop funding antigay groups” proclaimed the Detroit Free Press.
But it appears the facts are that the company’s anti-discrimination policy remains just as it was months ago – before the controversy over owner Dan Cathy’s Christian beliefs erupted – and its donations appear to have had no new directive applied.
The company is not allowing any interviews, but the anti-discrimination policy it proclaims remains the same as it was months ago, and Joe Moreno, a Chicago alderman securely in the pro-homosexual camp, confirmed to WND that the company’s giving should not even have been an issue.
Responding to a question about his review of Chick-fil-A form 990 for 2011, he confirmed that there were no donations “of concern.”
He was asked, “Does the alderman reviewing the 990 for 2011 and finding no donations of concern mean that Chick-fil-A was already meeting a demand before it was even a demand since at least 2010.”
“I believe that is the case,” a statement from Moreno’s office confirmed to WND.
The controversy erupted over the summer, when company CEO Dan Cathy told Baptist Press he was “guilty as charged” for supporting the “biblical definition of the family unit.”
Homosexual lobbyists and activists pounced, promoting a boycott and obtaining statements from city officials such as Chicago’s Moreno that they would crack down on the company over the CEO’s beliefs.
Marriage supporters responded to a campaign by former presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee for a “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” by lining up by the thousands at stories. Additionally, more than 6.3 million people have “liked” Chick-fil-A on Facebook.
Now the headlines have developed that the company “Ceases Anti-gay Donations.”
Moreno jumped before the cameras to say he has “finalized” negotiations with Chick-fil-A with a promise that the company no longer will give money to anti-”gay” organizations.
He said in an interview with that a statement had been obtained that the company no longer would donate to pro-marriage organizations, and “I also recently reviewed their 990 statement, which is a statement that shows all of their givings, they they must submit publicly in the spring, and as of this date they haven’t given a dollar to those groups.”
But the most recent 990 form would cover 2011, meaning there was no “objectionable” giving, according to Moreno, as long back as 21 months – predating any of the flap over Cathy’s statements.
The company also had posted when the controversy erupted a statement on its website announcing it would not discriminate on the basis of gender orientation. The months-old statement, which at that time was represented as stating an existing policy, said, “The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect – regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender.”
Moreno, however, told Cenk Uygur on “The Young Turks” just this week that, “This is the first time in the company’s history that they’ve done this [stated a non-discrimination policy]. I think it’s because of your actions, the community’s actions and partly because of my actions in not supporting the restaurant… That they’ve changed their tune, it’s a big step for the community.”
It was a statement from The Civil Rights Agenda that prompted the recent headlines. It stated that Moreno “finalized” negotiations with the company with a promise to no longer give money to “anti-gay” organizations.
The statement said of the Cathy family’s foundation, the WinShape Foundation, “is now taking a much closer look at the organizations it considers helping, and in that process will remain true to its stated philosophy of not supporting organizations with political agendas.”
But it was in July when the company stated, “Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena.”
The Civil Rights Agenda didn’t name groups, but others did. One was the National Organization for Marriage, which responded immediately, “Despite recent news articles claiming Chick-fil-A’s WinShape Foundation donated money to our organization – this is false. The National Organization for Marriage has never received funding from them. We support Chick-fil-A’s philosophy that every person is treated with ‘honor, dignity and respect – regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender;’ and we will continue to endorse ‘Chick-fil-A Wednesdays’ calling upon all supporters of marriage, free speech and religious liberty to thank Chick-fil-A’s president, Dan Cathy, for taking a courageous stand to speak out in defense of marriage and his freedom to speak.”
The Family Research Council also was mentioned, and told WND that it has gotten nothing since a $1,000 donation in 2010.
Focus on the Family was also mentioned, but declined WND’s request for comment.
Even Anthony Martinez, TCRA executive director, said in an interview with Windy City Media Group that the language Chick-Fil-A uses in its non-discrimination policy hasn’t changed.
The site reported Martinez said, “With regard to policy, there really isn’t that much of a change.”
Moreno disagreed. He issued a statement Wednesday that “the company today as put into writing, for the first time, that its employees are to ‘treat every person with honor, dignity and respect – regardless of their beliefs, race, creed, sexual orientation and gender…”
But he admitted that the issue of corporate donations was a nonstarter from the beginning.
“I corroborated what they told me back in January; that donations to anti-gay groups … have ceased.”


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Sep-2012 13:24:09

Aug 14: Saving the best for last...

[London Olympic closing ceremony - Aug 12, 2012]
There it was, a dramatic scene of the phoenix rising from the Olympic flame at the end of the closing ceremony in London right around midnight on Sunday (Aug 12/13). While perplexing and somewhat menacing to most observers, this was another eye-popping pattern fulfillment moment for those of us on Etemenanki. A particularly vivid manifestation of a key theme stressed beforehand in Aurora Code 2012 (July 21) and Olympics & Martian Resurrection (Aug 3). It wasn't just conceptual, it was strikingly visual... the uncanny resemblance between the London phoenix and our phoenix...

[Our graphic used in almost every article since early 2011]
It's not like the pinkish red color is popularly associated with the phoenix, and yet here we see a perfect match. Perhaps, on some level, an allusion acknowledging or confirming our view that the resurrection motif primarily concerns the royal union (William/Kate/baby) and Mars...

Chris Everard - Down The Rabbit Hole - 07-06-12 - Black Nobility Families & Wormholes
Everard says that Diana's driver wanted to take the level pass, but it was obstructed with the motorcycle that was placed in traverse on that road, so he had to take the tunel where, long time before, was the entrance to the Paris underground where from roman times sacrifices were made.
Now Paris perfecture has send subpoena to the Scotland Yard which, apart from Diana's Butler, received from her a notice that she was thretened that she will die in car accident, but whose head did not do anything about this.




Nuff Said????????
Answer: Because our sad excuse for a gov't now says it IS different..There aren't enough tacky words to condemn what this gov't has become...and what any more complacency on our part is going to "aid & abet" their cause.
Share this if only you ask the same question.


Hebrew Bible: Plagiarized Mythology and Defaced Monotheism

In reference to John's email below I suggest you go to and start reading the Acts of Parliament and listening to the calls done by researcher Frank O'Collins. when you go to and read the sovereign law canons you will find all the myths he is exposing.  He has been researching and building an alternative structure to the current system of madness for over 26 years. His research is leading to the original books of the Bibliographe from which 'bible' was taken and he exposes the fraudulent books placed in the 'bible' after the 1500s.  anyone who reads his research would never form a prayer to 'Lord, God' again, nor to 'God Almighty.'

He is exposing the Acts of Parliament that make commerce a sin, and therefore commerce becomes war.  He is exposing that licenses are letters of marque used by the system against you.  He is exposing the alliance of the Pisan families, including Morosoni (ever hear of St. Thomas More???) and King Henry VIII and the Acts of Parliament that brought admiralty law on all the lands of West Indies and America. 

Frank is exposing that Ben Franklin and buddies created an alternative United States Corporation for which they were granted a charter and the united States of America has never had peace ratified--not with the English after 1812, not with the Spanish, not with the Germans and we are in a constant state of war.  He is exposing the role of the bankers in all of this and how the Bank of England took over the Exchequer and all became employees of the bank. 

I hope you will read, learn, and share.  Go to and read about Shakespeare whom you will find was created at the time of a pope called William Brakespear and the creators were the Jesuits at the College of English who had been expelled from England.  The Shakespeare plays introduced new words and new concepts of law.  (Ever hear of the Merchant of Venice?)  You will read about the 300 mile wide pentagram that included all the WWII death camps and the role of the pope in all that.

For all these gurus to claim knowledge and not have even read Frank O'Collins research is akin to teaching an upper level college course from the information gained from the back of a cereal box. 

While you are at it I'd go to and read up on Wills and Testaments and why we are all declared 'intestate' and thereby probated through the court systems every time some prosecutor dreams up an action where he/she can make claims against the slave bond annuity called your birth certificate.   Maybe when you listen to the recent calls at or (90342--University of Ucadia) you'll figure out that your drivers' license is used by a bunch of pirates called cops and prosecutors to go after your annuities as they use the license as a letter of marque. 

Go to and look at the alternative structure being built for all lands on the planet.  Look at the canons of law at  That should give you material to write about for the next 15 years--positive, up-lifiting, interesting material.

I hope to only see future articles on the internet that learned individuals have written that reference Frank's extensive research.  then I'll know the authors  are serious about their messages and not just howling at the moon with the coyotes.  I know everyone is busy and they 'don't have time.'  But they really do have time--I know that by seeing the drivel they are watching on you-tube and the fear-based emails they are reading and sending on to everyone that continues the mind virus we are all exposed to everyday by the ruling elite. 

On 9/20/2012 8:30 AM, John Kaminski wrote:
Thank you thank you thank you, Jerzy. This is what I wrote in the comments section (although the link I posted seems to have disappeared).

Thank you for this magnificent analysis. These are things I've been saying for years <>. Your assessment that Christianity and Islam are "counterfeit religions" is a perfect description. I will forward your brilliant compilation as far and wide as possible. All Christians and Muslims need to learn that they are unwitting dupes of the untrustworthy Jews.

Best wishes,
John K.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 9:34 AM, George Ulicki -Rek <> wrote:

I did :)
