Monday, February 18, 2013

Protocol Supreme Court Update and Commerzbank AG

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Monday February 18, 2013
Protocol Supreme Court Update and Commerzbank AG

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts

UNITED States of America 
It can now be reported that U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts tomorrow will issue a direct order aka time and date for the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols aka the bilateral tax agreement between the IMF, U.S. Treasury and Austrian banks that was ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court last October.

Over the last week current U.S. President Barack Obama and former year 2000 illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD were subpoenaed and questioned by the U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice.

At this hour we can also divulge that IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and the European Union (EU) derivative watchdog headquartered in Brussels, Belgium have ordered complete liquidation of Commerzbank AG derivatives reference illegal cross-collateralized derivatives that were written put options on the Japanese yen and precious metals.

At this hour there are trillions of dollars of crooked Japanes yen bets issued by the Commerzbank AG taking place with an unprecedented spread between the exchange rate 112.43, which Bank of America and Wells Fargo are currently selling yen at their banks and the cash futures price of the yen, which is 106.42.

The unusual wide spread differential specifically represents $1.5 trillion of cross-collateralized derivatives that the U.S. Treasury is owed reference $1.5 trillion on the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

Of course, this is just a coincidence, right, folks! (laugh out loud)
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on
behalf of JPMorgan Chase

image 4.bp.blogspot. com

P.S. As the worldwide currency aka derivative war continues to escalate we can now report that today U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder (Marc Rich's defense attorney) engaged in a verbal shouting match with a Vatican financial officer (a Jesuit Catholic priest Father Leclair).
JPMorgan Chase
John R. Coughlin/

The shouting match concerned the fact that the Vatican Bank has frozen billions of dollars of JPMorgan Chase funds currently deposited in the Vatican Bank.

Holder wants the Vatican to unfreeze the funds on behalf of JPMorgan. The Vatican and Father Leclair's response to Holder was go to hell, punk. Nuts!

The Vatican representative reminded Holder that the U.S. Justice Department has no jurisdiction whatsoever over the independent nation, Vatican City.

We can now divulge that the JPMorgan funds frozen by the Vatican Bank represents billions of dollars tied to the former broker dealers MFGlobal and PFG that collapsed in 2012.

JPMorgan illegally used Jeffries holding company and the Nazi "Skull and Bones" German Deutsche Bank and Allied Financial Group in the Cayman Islands to loot and launder insured customers' segregated accounts of MFGlobal and PFG and eventually placed them in what they thought was a safe Vatican Bank account.

We can now divulge that former FBI Director Louis Freeh has been working with Vatican Bank officers to get all the funds back for the MFGlobal customers.

Message to former FBI Director Louis Freeh: In the past I have been very critical of you, Mr. Freeh, but it is a new day and it looks like you are doing the right things, so while you are at it get the looted funds of the FPG customers back too.

P.S. Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings at any moment when we will answer the questions:

Will the L.A. Times continue to smear the Roman Catholic church on behalf of their 'handler' JP Morgan?

Will Christine Lagarde freeze the IMF custodial accounts of the Central Bank of Japan and the derivatives tied to Commerzbank AG?

Will Nick Saban, the head coach at the University of Alabama, and Steve Spurrier, head coach of the University of South Carolina open up a nationwide online distributor for the illegal performance enhancing drug IGF-1 aka deer antler spray?

Will Saban and Spurrier then use the disgraced website deadspin .com and ESPN as their advertisers?

Stay tuned the Detroit News has a nuclear weapon that is about to explode ("Hail! hail to the victors valiant").

In closing, it is twelve o'clock noon. If you are a coed at the University of Alabama going to lunch at the school cafeteria watch your wallet, hide your cigarettes, a University of Alabama student athlete may soon experience roid rage.

Bank Leumi, Mizrahi Clients Said to Aid U.S. Tax Probe

These 10 Stocks Account For Over 20% Of The S&P 500's Market Cap

Hospital workers amazed at seemingly increasing numbers of miraculous events

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Hospital workers amazed at seemingly increasing numbers of miraculous events
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 18-Feb-2013 20:13:24

Some scoff at reports of miracles in the Bible, saying "why aren't such things happening now?". Actually, reports of "such things happening now" are very common, are are not hard to find, if one chooses to look.
Video from TODAY show of "angel" image caught on security camera just before miraculous recovery:

Visit for breaking newsworld news, and news about the economy
Video of famed heart surgeon's story of a miraculous recoveries and a patient's unexplainable out-of-body/near-death experience:

Open Letter to the Prime Minister and Ministers of Canada

This was written by a very dear freind of mine and wanted to share it with everyone!!

Open Letter to the Prime Minister and Ministers of Canada

Here is a supreme example of BE'ing & DO'ing that is rising from the impact of the OPPT ~ You are a beneficiary also to this Trust! ~ D 

Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
Office of the Prime Minister,
80 Wellington Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A2                                                                

Re: One People’s Public Trust 1776 (OPPT)                                                   
February 18, 2013   

Open Letter to the Prime Minister and the Ministers of

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper;

I am writing this letter to you to inquire about a very pressing issue, an issue that touches every human being on this planet, at this very moment.

I stand in my honour before you. My request to you has no other motive but my human desire to uncover the truth, and bring remedy and hope to the rest of my broken hearted brothers and sisters.

It has recently come to my attention, that we, the people of this beautiful country, had a corporate government. This implies that we actually did not have a government serving the needs of its people but a corporation, acting as a government.

*SEC lists THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA as a corporation, along with the governments of each of the individual provinces and territories of Canada.

The difference between the real, active and lawful government and the corporate government that was operating in its place is enormous. We the people, had, by an act of deception, become commercial commodities; our lives had a monetary value to the corporation and we were considered cargo or chattel. Our personal possessions could be seized from us, our children taken from us, our lives lost and our dreams stolen by it.   

We belonged to the CORPORATION. We were its slaves.

This is very important information for all of us; information that we the people of this planet are waking up to.                                 

On December 25th 2012 the world changed, but not the way we were told it would though. No cataclysmic destruction, no planetary upheaval, no “End of the World” prophecy came true. Still, the world has changed more than anyone could ever imagine, let alone dream of….

After long years of legal investigations, through a series of UCC filings, and an extensive list of legal notification processes, all the corporate entities around the world were foreclosed upon and duly notified on December 25th 2012 by the One Peoples Public Trust (OPPT).

As the only Law that governed our legal systems was Corporate Admiralty-Maritime Law (Law of Water or Law of Commerce) and not Common Law (Law of the land and the people) these corporate judiciary systems are now foreclosed upon as well.

Since late December 2012 millions of people around the world have been introduced to our new Trust. All of us, including you, are the beneficiaries of this Trust. The funds that were kept in “safekeeping” for the people of this planet by the corporate commercial entities are now being kept for us by the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT).

Every man, woman and child of this world can now step out of the old slavery system that kept us in lack, ignorance, fear and injustice, and finally walk into the new era of personal freedom, abundance, love and compassion.

I know of hardly anyone who enjoyed the old world of oppression, control, poverty and war; the world where the biggest danger to the well-being and the freedom of the people were often their own governments; the world where a self-selected few had the power to control by fear, intimidation, theft, murder and torture the people they were supposed to protect, serve and help.

That world is today in its last, dying days….and it is better this way……

We have reached the end of this mad, destructive and cruel parody. For the first time ever, we are legally free as the divine beings that we truly are, and not the commercial commodity that we had become by the force of deception by a few.

With joy in my heart, I notify you today, that the time of slavery and blind obedience to any and all “authority” and the use of force towards any and all peoples for the purpose of control, be it financial, spiritual, physical or any other, in order to obtain profit, power and dominance over our Divine and Universal rights, is now over.

We, the inhabitants of this planet, are now legally free, equal and abundant!

I urge you to read the attached material. You, along with the rest of us, stand to benefit immensely from this historic change…. in every way imaginable!


For every man and woman alive, there comes a moment when the biggest choice in life has to be made, the choice that will forever change the stream of events to follow.

We all recognize when such a moment is upon us. We are defined by its presence and power. Sometimes our awareness of its might and its consequences isn’t immediate but the result of a rather slow process that ends with a complete transformation and the final awakening to our true essence.

This moment is here now… for all of us. We get to be the generation with enough courage, knowledge, compassion, love and understanding to make this historic leap from darkness into the light, from “reason” to “heart”, from service-to-self to service-to-others.

This letter is to let you know that this historic moment of choice has now arrived for you as well.

My humble request is that you read carefully the attached documents and become acquainted with their authenticity, the love for each of us conveyed in them and the poetry of the manner by which we have all been liberated from our collective imprisonment, be it physical, spiritual, intellectual, financial or moral.

I invite you to join the rest of humanity on this path to love, compassion, freedom, abundance and endless co-creation. Take a long, close look at all of us, including yourself, and your personal struggle towards the betterment of this fragile but beautiful world and see the future that now stands ahead for us all.

 Isn’t it glorious!

Come and join us. The world is waking up to our true nature and unlimited potential. There is nobody else who can give value to us and our experience but us.

We now have a permanent legal standing which enables us to turn away from the slavery system and we humans, the incredible beings of unbelievable potential and grace, finally get to dream the dream and build the kind of world that we want to leave for future generations, with pride and a true sense of accomplishment.

The wave of freedom is now visible on the horizon. The veils of the sad, dark and cruel illusion that dominated us for thousands of years are lifting and the bright light of the dawn of the new era is shining upon us! For the first time in history we can dream the dream that our brothers and sisters of times long gone never dared.

The corporate system in which a divine human was a commercial commodity is no more.

The old corrupt entities are falling and their grotesque symbols are being swept away along with them.

History scholars will try to explain the insanity and cruelty that ruled by force throughout the long centuries of suffering and bloodshed. They will try to understand why humanity accepted such abuse of the weak by the force of the strong.

They will find no answers to our history of madness…..

You will be making a choice now along with the rest of us. This choice stands to affect you and us equally.

I ask you to take time and to listen carefully to that silent voice inside your soul. Only the most attentive of us ever get to hear it. Only the best of us will heed it.

Ask yourself under what liability you will be acting from now on and in whose and what authority.

What “laws” do you intend to enforce from now on and in whose name?

What “authority” do you serve and who do you represent?

The end of this story is now becoming clear and known to more and more of us. Let us hope that the decisions taken from now on by you, and all of us, in light of this historic action taken by the One People’s Public Trust 1776 (OPPT), will be made in accordance with this legally and lawfully enforceable act.

From this moment onward, your actions, as well as the actions of every human being alive on this planet, now and in the future, will carry with them complete personal responsibility and liability as we begin to act in absolute truth, aware of who we really are: divine beings with equal rights and obligations towards one another in perpetual freedom to create.



I invite you to join the rest of us during these historic times. I extend to you my hand in invitation to become part of the solution and not part of the problem; part of the momentous act of the creation of the new world and not part that supports the old, sad, dark world that is no more….. It is no more.

With all my honour, respect and love, I stand in truth and I salute you,

With the utmost sincerity,

Irena Korosec

*1) SEC Corporate Registered Number (GOVERNMENT OF CANADA):
      Business Address: Canadian Embassy
                                     1746 Massachusetts Ave.,
                                      NW. Washington, DC  20036

       SEC Corporate Registration Numbers (GOVERNMENT OF QUEBEC):
       0000722803 , SIC : 8888
       Business Address: Ministere des Finances,
                                     12 St-Louis St.
                                     Quebec, QC, Canada, G1R 5L3, A8 00000

Links to the original documents:

Eco-Brain-Dead Fiat Currency Battles Begin

1.              Eco-Brain-Dead Fiat Currency Battles Begin

Monday February 18, 2013 10:38
Eco-Brain-Dead: Our latest euphemism for smashed econometric models.
Just like the 1930’s Great Depression episode, fights over currency valuations and international trade threaten to upset the world’s equilibrium.
“My cheaper currency encourages foreign food, energy, and goods buyers.”*
* Common theme expressed by central bankers and politicians to excuse currency devaluation.
“A currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency. As the price to buy a particular currency falls so too does the real price of exports from the country. Imports become more expensive. So domestic industry, and thus employment, receives a boost in demand from both domestic and foreign markets. However, the price increase for imports can harm citizens’ purchasing power. The policy can also trigger retaliatory action by other countries which in turn can lead to a general decline in international trade, harming all countries.” –Wikipedia
Currency Devaluation is the Road to Perdition and Ruin
Every time a busybody politician makes an economic move, the fallout becomes a disaster. Free enterprise and capitalism has its ups and downs, but left to its own devices without interference, it becomes self-correcting. The USA Depression of 1919-1920 lasted but a few months as Congress kept hands off…unlike FDR’s prolonged horrific mess from 1929-1942.
During and after our forthcoming currency wars, epic trade wars begin on the fallout.
The American President is getting set to make this next big mistake in trade talks with Europe. That final outcome should finish off the USA and Euro-land economically. Both are already eco-brain-dead from dilution and over-printing of cash, bills, bonds and other specious credits. These boys and girls never learn. Read the history playbook from 1926 to 1945. We’ll get the same nasty stuff all over again. When answering the primary question from folks in the street to “Please do something”,politicians naturally comply and make new mistakes copying the old mistakes.
Here’s the skinny on the forthcoming trade wars ala Smoot-Hawley’s 1929 Law:
“In 1922, Congress had passed the Fordney-McCumber tariff act, which had increased tariffs on foreign imports. The League of Nations' World Economic Conference met at Geneva in 1927, concluding in its final report: "the time has come to put an end to tariffs, and to move in the opposite direction." Vast debts and reparations could only be repaid through gold, services or goods; but the only items available on that scale were goods. However, many of the delegates' governments did the opposite, starting in 1928 when France passed a new tariff law and quota system.”
“As the global economy entered the first stages of the Great Depression in late 1929, the USA's main goal emerged to protect American jobs and farmers from foreign competition. Reed Smoot championed another tariff increase within the USA in 1929, which became the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill. In his memoirs, Smoot made it abundantly clear: "The world is paying for its ruthless destruction of life and property in the World War and for its failure to adjust purchasing power to productive capacity during the industrial revolution of the decade following the war.”
Yeah, they sure paid alright: “The overall level tariffs under Smoot’s Tariff were the second-highest in U.S. history, exceeded by a small margin only by the Tariff of 1828. The act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by U.S. trading partners, reduced American exports and imports by more than half.” –Wikipedia
Once mistakes are made, disaster bandwagons get rolling and multiply in the dark.
Once greed and overt speculation go haywire, the really nasty stuff arrives through new band aide rules and laws. None of them work and the grand finale is the next big world war.
Here is a summary of some interesting probabilities for 2013-2014:
  1. The debt ceiling fight reminiscent of the children’s game of chicken is over with. We suspect markets get rocked and then right themselves, as another “kick the can” temporary solution is voted upon in the middle of the night soon before or after March 1. Whatever the outcome, it’s the wrong answer and solves nothing. It’s all just politics as usual. Profligate spending, bad decisions and dissipation accelerate.
  2. The markets will recover and have their normal corrections finding a spring peak at the end of April, or slightly thereafter. Mr. Dow could touch 15,500-16,000.
  3. The Sell in May correction should be about minus 10-12%.
  4. June to Mid-August could be choppy markets and trendless action, chewing up accounts.
  5. Sometime in August, preliminary warning signal set ups for higher interest rates and falling stocks might become apparent. Inflation increases steadily this year.
  6. Investors and traders return after Labor Day this fall to what they think is a normal trading market. They will be caught flat-footed by surprise.
  7. From the third week of September through the third week of October markets might have a major sell off anywhere from -38% to -50%.
  8. If politics and war threats go out of control as we think they will, something worse from these selling prices hits the markets.
  9. From the 4th quarter of 2013 into the beginning of the second quarter of 2014, we get a big nasty adventure. Name anything that can go wrong and it probably will.
  10. Gold and silver are smothered for now but they pick up later in the year. Trading trendless markets is very unstable. Buy and hold the best, or buy physical metals and just wait.
  11. We stuck our neck out with some very aggressive forecasts on economics and politics for this fall. We become either a hero or a fool. We shall see, but at least the call has been made and way in advance too. These forecasts are based upon logic and cycles.
  12. The good news is that in about 3-4 years (near roughly 2017) the credit nightmares are over and the world can once again regain its footing and proceed with some kind of normalcy.
Hard Assets Are Best Investment – Not Fiat Paper
It is obvious to us that hard assets are the answer. It all starts with physical gold and silver.
Somebody please tell us when global bond markets crash for good and we’ll tell you when this can all get better and we start over again, maybe with a gold-backed currency. –Trader Rog
By Roger Wiegand
Editor Trader Tracks Newsletter
The Jay & Rog Blog at

Roger Wiegand is the writer of Trader Tracks Newsletter for gold, silver and energy traders. Roger provides recommendations for short and long term traditional stock shares, futures and commodities trading with specifics for individual trades. Stay tuned for more of Trader Rog’s insights and predictions via his interactive daily audio subscription, now available at
Roger also is a regular contributor to The Korelin Economics Report (, the highest rated daily Internet radio program listened to throughout the world, dealing with politics and hard assets. He is also a regular guest on the Weekend Edition of The Korelin Economics Report, which airs on radio stations across the USA on Saturdays and Sundays.

AARP Alternative at lower cost

John - This info probably needs to be posted so others will read and perhaps inquire about their coverage.

The company is Association Mature American Citizens - AMAC and is the alternative to AARP.  I pay 223.00 per month for AARP and am getting the same coverage with AMAC for

149.00 per month with small co-pay when I see Doc,  Sure beats AARP who raises their premium every year.

The phone number is 1-800-334-9330 ......or  Read about it and I hoope you will pass it on.  We seniors finally have a choice.  Comnpany has been around for a time and is growing like crazy.  

Reported - 5 of 9 Supreme Court Justices Not Given Critical Pleadings on Recent Obama Case

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reported - 5 of 9 Supreme Court Justices Not Given Critical Pleadings on Recent Obama Case
Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 18-Feb-2013 17:40:05

Reported - 5 of 9 Supreme Court Justices Not Given Critical Pleadings on Recent Obama Case
Learned from that, apparently, the latest attempt to get The Supreme Court to look at the Obama eligibility matter may have been scuttled or sabotaged.
According to Orly Taitz site, "Press release: clerks of the Supreme Court never forwarded to 5 out of 9 Justices one single page of pleadings, they also did not forward to any of the Justices the Supplemental Brief. Demand for investigation forwarded to Congressman Goodlatte, Chair of the Judiciary Committee of Congress". (1)
If this is true it appears to be an attempt to ignore the issue and case at hand. This would deprive some of the justices the time needed to review the pages of pleadings before the ruling is issued, so how could a ruling be thus issued?!
Reminds one of the recent outburst of indignation in Congress over the practice of waiting until the last moment and dumping reams of data on new bills onto a senator or congessman's desk expecting him/her to pass it, etc., without the necessary time to review. You can spot a modus operandus when it recurs. It appears the same methods used by the DC CONS are still at work.
I found this information at, also.

Blue Angels in HD


Subject: Blue Angels in HD
Watch these guys 14 inches wingtip to canopy!
This is really good.
Did you know that the pilot on the right of the formation is always a Marine.
This is one of the best Blue Angel videos you'll see!!  Great perspective with much of it filmed from the cockpit.
You see the formation then see it from the pilot or camera view. It is in HD.
Hope you can handle it and not get sea sick.
This was recorded in FL. And El Centro , CA

Your Help Requested --- CCC Form needed

Clean and Clear Certificate

This form is required for exchanging currency in the bank. The bank may not have them so we are looking for a PDF file of same so you can bring them in yourself.

Does anyone have a PDF file of the CCC.

Email it to me (address ontop blog)


John MacHaffie