Tuesday, February 19, 2013

While The Middle Class Gets Hammered

Abolish The Income Tax!

You Won't Believe Who Is Getting Away With Paying Zero Taxes 

While The Middle Class Gets Hammered

February 19, 2013

The federal income tax is a bad joke and it needs to be abolished.  All over the nation, hard working American families are being absolutely crushed by oppressive levels of taxation, and our politicians are constantly coming up with new ways to extract money from all of us every single year.  Meanwhile, many ultra-wealthy Americans and many of the most profitable corporations in the country pay little to nothing in taxes.  In fact, as you will see below, there are dozens of very prominent corporations that make billions of dollars in profits and yet don’t pay a dime in taxes.  
Tax avoidance has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States.  Those that have the resources to “play the game” use shell companies, offshore tax havens and the thousands of loopholes in our tax code to minimize their tax burdens as much as possible.  Meanwhile, the rest of us get absolutely hammered.  This is fundamentally unfair.  The federal income tax system is irreversibly broken at this point, and it is time to abolish it.  If you think that the federal income tax system can be “fixed”, then you probably have never studied it.  Our tax code is nearly 4 million words long and it is absolutely riddled with thousands of loopholes that favor big corporations and the ultra-wealthy.  We should come up with a better, fairer way to fund the government.  The United States once prospered greatly without a federal income tax, and it could do so again. (NOTE: There is NO requirement for ANY American to pay this illegal 'tax'.)
Many people simply do not believe that it is possible for corporations inside the United States to make billions of dollars in profits each year and not pay a dime in income taxes.
Well, according to a report put out by Public Campaign, that is exactly what is happening.  Posted below are numbers that come directly from their report.  30 large corporations are listed, and 29 of them had a tax burden for 2008 through 2010 that was less than zero even though they all made enormous profits.  And all 30 of them spent more on lobbying than they did on taxes.
The numbers that you are about to see are for 2008, 2009 and 2010 combined.  For “taxes paid”, please note that for 29 of the corporations a negative number is given.  That means that the net tax liability for 2008 through 2010 was actually less than zero.
After seeing these numbers, is there anyone out there that is still willing to claim that our tax system is “fair”?…
General Electric
U.S. Profits: $10,460,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$4,737,000,000

PG&E Corp.
U.S. Profits: $4,855,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$1,027,000,000

Verizon Communications
U.S. Profits: $32,518,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$951,000,000

Wells Fargo
U.S. Profits: $49,370,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$681,000,000

American Electric Power
U.S. Profits: $5,899,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$545,000,000

Pepco Holdings
U.S. Profits: $882,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$508,000,000

Computer Sciences
U.S. Profits: $1,666,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$305,000,000

CenterPoint Energy
U.S. Profits: $1,931,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$284,000,000

U.S. Profits: $1,385,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$227,000,000

Duke Energy
U.S. Profits: $5,475,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$216,000,000

U.S. Profits: $9,735,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$178,000,000

NextEra Energy
U.S. Profits: $6,403,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$139,000,000

Consolidated Edison
U.S. Profits: $4,263,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$127,000,000

U.S. Profits: $365,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$112,000,000

Integrys Energy Group
U.S. Profits: $818,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$92,000,000

Wisconsin Energy
U.S. Profits: $1,725,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$85,000,000

U.S. Profits: $2,124,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$72,000,000

Baxter International
U.S. Profits: $926,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$66,000,000

Tenet Healthcare
U.S. Profits: $415,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$48,000,000

Ryder System
U.S. Profits: $627,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$46,000,000

El Paso
U.S. Profits: $4,105,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$41,000,000

Honeywell International
U.S. Profits: $4,903,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$34,000,000

CMS Energy
U.S. Profits: $1,292,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$29,000,000

U.S. Profits: $286,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$26,000,000

Navistar International
U.S. Profits: $896,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$18,000,000

DTE Energy
U.S. Profits: $2,551,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$17,000,000

Interpublic Group
U.S. Profits: $571,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$15,000,000

U.S. Profits: $1,020,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$9,000,000

U.S. Profits: $1,977,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$4,000,000

U.S. Profits: $4,247,000,000
Taxes Paid: $37,000,000 (a rate of less than 1%)

U.S. Profits: $163,691,000,000
Taxes Paid: ‐$10,602,000,000

Just look at that combined total again.
Those 30 companies had combined profits of more than 163 billion dollars during those three years, and yet the combined net tax liability of those companies was negative 10.6 billion dollars.
I wish I could make my taxes look like that.
Another company that is making headlines because of their taxes these days is Facebook.
It turns out that Facebook made more than a billion dollars in 2012 but did not pay a single dime in federal or state income taxes.  The following is from a report that was just released by Citizens for Tax Justice
Earlier this month, the Facebook Inc. released its first “10-K” annual financial report since going public last year. Hidden in the report’s footnotes is an amazing admission: despite $1.1 billion in U.S. profits in 2012, Facebook did not pay even a dime in federal and state income taxes.
Instead, Facebook says it will receive net tax refundstotaling $429 million.
According to Businessweek, Facebook has an additional 2 billion dollars in tax credits that it will be able to use in future years…
Facebook says that it anticipates reducing its tax liability in the future by an additional $2.17 billion by using further net operating loss carry-forwards that it has banked.
And of course when it comes to abusing the tax system, the big Wall Street banks are some of the worst offenders.  The following is an excerpt from a report put out by the office of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
Here are just a few examples of how the corporations and Wall Street banks these CEOs work for have significantly harmed our economy and the federal budget:
1. Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan
Number of Offshore Tax Havens in 2010? 371.
In 2010, Bank of America operated 371 subsidiaries incorporated in offshore tax havens. 204 of these subsidiaries are incorporated in the Cayman Islands, which has a corporate tax rate of 0%.
Amount of federal income taxes Bank of America would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $2.5 billion.
Bank of America has stashed $18.5 billion in offshore tax havens to avoid paying U.S. income taxes. Bank of America would owe an estimated $2.5 billion in federal income taxes if its use of offshore tax avoidance was eliminated.
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $1.9 billion tax refund.
Bank of America received a $1.9 billion tax refund from the IRS in 2010, even though it made $4.4 billion in profits.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? Over $1.3 trillion.
During the financial crisis, Bank of America received a total of more than $1.3 trillion in virtually zero interest loans from the Federal Reserve and a $45 billion bailout from the Treasury Department.
2. JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon
Number of Offshore Tax Havens in 2010? 83.
In 2010, JP Morgan Chase operated 83 subsidiaries incorporated in offshore tax havens.
Amount of federal income taxes JP Morgan Chase would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $4.9 billion
JP Morgan Chase has stashed $21.8 billion in offshore tax haven countries to avoid payng income taxes. If this practice was outlawed, it would have paid $4.9 billion in federal income taxes.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? $416 billion
During the financial crisis, JP Morgan Chase received a total of more than $391 billion in virtually zero interest loans from the Federal Reserve and a $25 billion bailout from the Treasury Department, while Jamie DImon served as a director of the New York Federal Reserve.
3. Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $278 million tax refund.
In 2008, Goldman Sachs received a $278 million refund from the IRS, even though it earned a profit of $2.3 billion that year.
Number of offshore tax havens in 2010? 39.
In 2010, Goldman Sachs operated 39 subsidiaries in offshore tax haven countries.
Amount of federal income taxes Goldman Sachs would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $3.32 billion.
Goldman Sachs has stashed $20.63 billion in offshore tax haven countries to avoid paying income taxes. If this practice was outlawed, it would have paid $3.32 billion in federal income taxes.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? $824 billion.
During the financial crisis, Goldman Sachs received a total of $814 billion in virtually zero interest loans from the Federal Reserve and a $10 billion bailout from the Treasury Department.
Are you starting to get the picture?
The big banks and the big corporations make billions, but they pay nothing or next to nothing.
The rest of us bust our rear ends to try to get ahead, and we get gougedby dozens of different taxes.
Over time, the percentage of the overall tax burden shouldered by corporations has gotten smaller and smaller.
Back in 1950, corporate taxes accounted for about 30 percent of all federal revenue.  In 2012, corporate taxes accounted for less than 7 percent of all federal revenue.
These days, large corporations have become absolute masters at avoiding taxes.  In fact, there are many international tax havens that are doing a booming business in setting up sham headquarters for U.S. corporations.  For example, the city of Zug, Switzerland only has a population of 26,000 people but it is the headquarters for 30,000 companies.
But corporations are not the only ones doing this kind of thing.
The ultra-wealthy have also mastered the art of legally not paying taxes.
As I mentioned in a previous article, it has been reported that the global elite have up to 32 TRILLION dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe.
With that amount of money, you could pay off the entire U.S. national debt and still have enough money left over to buy every product and service produced in the United States during an entire year.
It is time to admit that our tax system is broken.
Congress has had decades to fix it, and yet the abuses just keep getting worse.
What we are doing is not working.
We need to abolish the income tax.
If you are still not convinced that the federal income tax is an abomination and that we need to abolish it, here are some more shocking facts about our tax system from one of my previous articles about taxes
1 – The U.S. tax code is now 3.8 million words long.  If you took all of William Shakespeare’s works and collected them together, the entire collection would only be about 900,000 words long.
2 – According to the National Taxpayers Union, U.S. taxpayers spendmore than 7.6 billion hours complying with federal tax requirements.  Imagine what our society would look like if all that time was spent on more economically profitable activities.
3 – 75 years ago, the instructions for Form 1040 were two pages long.  Today, they are 189 pages long.
4 – There have been 4,428 changes to the tax code over the last decade.  It is incredibly costly to change tax software, tax manuals and tax instruction booklets for all of those changes.
5 – According to the National Taxpayers Union, the IRS currently has1,999 different publications, forms, and instruction sheets that you can download from the IRS website.
6 – Our tax system has become so complicated that it is almost impossible to file your taxes correctly.  For example, back in 1998 Money Magazine had 46 different tax professionals complete a tax return for a hypothetical household.  All 46 of them came up with a different result.
7 – In 2009, PC World had five of the most popular tax preparation software websites prepare a tax return for a hypothetical household.  All five of them came up with a different result.
8 – The IRS spends $2.45 for every $100 that it collects in taxes.
9 – According to The Tax Foundation, the average American has to workuntil April 17th just to pay federal, state, and local taxes.  Back in 1900, “Tax Freedom Day” came on January 22nd.
10 – When the U.S. government first implemented a personal income tax back in 1913, the vast majority of the population paid a rate of just 1 percent, and the highest marginal tax rate was just 7 percent.
11 – Residents of New Jersey pay $1.64 in taxes for every $1.00 of federal spending that they get back.
12 – The United States is the only nation on the planet that tries to tax citizens on what they earn in foreign countries.
13 – According to Forbes, the 400 highest earning Americans pay an average federal income tax rate of just 18 percent.
14 – Warren Buffett had an effective tax rate of just 17.4 percent for 2010.
15 – The top 20 percent of all income earners in the United States payapproximately 86 percent of all federal income taxes.
16 – Sadly, as Bill Whittle has shown, you could take every single penny that every American earns above $250,000 and it would only fund about 38 percent of the federal budget.
Please share this article with as many people as you can.  We have now entered a time of the year when tens of millions of Americans will be filling out their tax returns, and the pain of going through that process will make people even more receptive than normal to the truth about how broken our system is.
So what do you think?
Do you think that it is fair for the ultra-wealthy and hugely profitable corporations to get away with paying zero taxes while you get hammered?
Do you believe that it is time to abolish the income tax?

· MAIN · DEMOCRAT · REPUBLICAN · INDEPENDENT · ELECTIONS 2012 Pressure on Governor Cuomo grows as more counties oppose NY SAFE Act

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Pressure on Governor Cuomo grows as more counties oppose NY SAFE Act

·         GUN CONTROL
·         FEBRUARY 13, 2013
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5 NY counties pass resolutions to oppose NY SAFE gun control act, more pending
5 NY counties pass resolutions to oppose NY SAFE gun control act, more pending

Kellie Greene

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·         Gun control
·         NY SAFE Act
·         governor cuomo
·         2nd Amendment
·         right to bear arms
New York passed the strictest gun control law in the country on Jan 15th. Called the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, or SAFE Act, it was voted on in the NY Senate and Assembly late at night and the legislators had little time to examine the bill.
The list of counties, sheriffs and municipalities across the state that oppose the law continues to grow.
To date, six counties, UlsterLewis, Warren, Washington, Madison and Oswego, legislators have passed resolutions calling for the repeal of the law. Resolutions have been introduced and are pending in Jefferson, Erie and Ontario counties.
Debate and thoughts on the NY SAFE gun control law.
© 2013 Microsoft CorporationPictometry Bird's Eye © 2012 MDA Geospatial Services Inc.
Location: ogdensburg, ny
44.693840026855 ; -75.489601135254
Today, the City Council of Ogdensburg passed a resolution to be sent to Governor Cuomo with a message on the SAFE Act, "get rid of it."
The city's resolution passed with a unanimous 6-0 vote. Mayor Bill Nelson, Deputy Mayor and sponsor Michael D. Morley and councilors Daniel E. Skamperle, William D. Hosmer, Wayne L. Ashley and R. Storm Cilley all voted in favor of overturning. Councilor Jennifer Stevenson was absent.
“A resolution protesting the passage and enforcement of the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (SAFE ACT) because it is an infringement on the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the States" read the resolution's summary statement (http://bit.ly/VVGKzo).
Ogdensburg Mayor Nelson called how the bill was passed in Albany "government at its worst."
A resolution is expected to be introduced into the St. Lawrence County Board of Legislators next week. This resolution is also expected to call on the Governor to overturn the SAFE Act.
Sheriffs in Schuyler, Warren, Saratoga, Lewis and Schuyler counties have all made public statements in opposition to the strict gun control law.
2nd Amendment rally is planned in Albany on Feb. 28th to protest the law, sponsored in part by the National Rifle Association. More than 100 opponents to the law participated in a protest at the Ogdensburg AMVETS Post 19 as a fund raiser for the march in Albany.
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Suggested by the author:
·         Obama's Lexington and Concord

Monday, February 18, 2013

Code RED.. global seismic activity - human survival ?

Subject: Code RED.. global seismic activity - human survival ?

Dear Editor,

Both sources set record times in responding.

John Berbatis

Subject: Thank you for writing to The Washington Post
To: johnberbatisau@hotmail.com
From: letters@washpost.com
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2013 20:54:42 -0500

Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 01:50:04 +0000
From: info@messages.whitehouse.gov
To: johnberbatisau@hotmail.com
Subject: The White House Auto-Response Message

Dear Editor,

The tremors in the Santa Cruz region in the past week are at different levels, indicating that a crushing of the crust is occurring. The result of this activity may soon cause massive shifts in the Pacific Rim of Fire, and subsequently, the rest of the Earth’s Crust.


John Berbatis

Perth, Australia
January 5, 2013 - PLANET – Conditions on the planet continue to deteriorate, particularly in respect to more pronounced climate extremes seen across hemispheres, and the number of volcanoes that are now continuously erupting. The planet is undergoing dynamic change, whereby we’re seeing early evidence that the physical dynamics of the planet is moving towards a spectrum of greater instability. This is happening, as the planet’s magnetic field continues to abate in strength. This is suggestive that we’ve passed the rubicon in this internal process of a geological shift that has been brought on by an anomalistic fluctuation of thermal gradient in the planet’s outer core.

Earthchanges: Earth’s weather goes haywire:
Earthquake Icon“Earth’s stability is collapsing…and one by one, the biospheric processes regulating life itself are going awry. These are early characteristics of climate shock and are indications that even more ominous changes are yet to unfold…areas of the Earth…will become increasingly inhospitable from the extremes of climate change. As incredible as it seems, we’re witnessing signs of epochal change-across the planet which are typically consigned to geological periods of planetary extinctions. The climate stability, we once knew, is gone forever.” –The Extinction Protocol - 2009
SC 3

Ominous change in the South Pacific: The Santa Cruz seismic swarms are unfolding against an even more complex geological backdrop. Consequently, the effects of this massive seismic upheaval signals ominous change for the entire Pacific basin. To the west, the Indo-Australian plate is breaking up, after the largest strike-slip earthquakes ever recorded, struck off the coast of Indonesia in April of 2012. The Solomon Sea Plate, to the east, is an oceanic crustal plate remnant, which is disappearing into two subduction zones, one to its north, the other on its southwest margin. Its southeast margin runs along the Woodlark Rise, undefined compressive zone, which may be a transform fault marking the boundary with the adjoining Woodlark Plate. The northern subduction zone is located where the Solomon Plate is diving below the South Bismarck Plate to the northwest and the Pacific Plate to the northeast. The northwest part of the subduction zone is called the New Britain Subduction Zone. New Britain in Papua New Guinea is the volcanic island formed from this collision and resulting volcanism. The southwestern subduction zone is where the Solomon Pate is diving below the Indo-Australian Plate. According to scientists, the Indo-Australian plate may in the process of breaking up, and this heightened activity around the Santa Cruz Islands is placing additional pressures on a tectonic plate, already exhibiting strains of fracturing. We should continue to watch the region of Indonesia for massive changes to come, including very large-scale volcanic eruptions. Nearly all of the planet’s current 15 tectonic plates, and in some cases, sub-plates and volcanic arcs are heavily stressed by the recent violent mobility of tectonic plates shaken by earthquakes. I’ve never quite seen a pattern this fraught with potential hazards or as heavily laden with seismic tension. The planet is now experiencing a major geological crisis, and it’s showing some indication of worsening. –The Extinction Protocol Croatian scientist warns about high number of quakes in 2012

Crustal upheaval near Santa Cruz Islands signals planet undergoing massive change

February 8, 2013SANTA CRUZ, ISLSThe deadly 8.0 earthquake and tsunami that hit the Solomon Islands days ago, struck along a subduction zone, the same geologic setting responsible for the world’s most powerful earthquakes. In a subduction zone, two of Earth’s tectonic plates meet and one slides beneath the other into the mantle, the deeper layer beneath the crust. The Solomon Islands sits above the collision between the Australia and Pacific plates. In the region of the magnitude-8.0 earthquake, the Australia plates dives beneath the Pacific plate toward the east-northeast at a geologically speedy 3.7 inches (94 millimeters) per year, according to the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). The earthquake hit at a depth of 17.8 miles (28.7 kilometers) and was the second largest earthquake in the Solomon Islands region in almost 40 years, IRIS said in a statement. Several aftershocks followed; the largest measuring magnitude 6.6, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The tsunami generated by the quake, reported as 3 feet (0.9 meters) in height, hit villages on Santa Cruz Island, destroying structures and homes, according to news reports. A tsunami watch was issued for Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand, but not for the rest of the Pacific, according to the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center. Subduction zone quakes shove the seafloor in one sudden movement, which may generate a tsunami by pushing the ocean water above. However, depending on the depth and size of the earthquake, the actual seafloor surface may not move a significant amount, so a big earthquake doesn’t always produce a massive wave. For example, a magnitude-7.6 subduction zone earthquake in the Philippines in August 2012, which started deep in Earth’s crust, did not trigger a tsunami. There were dozens of earthquakes around the Solomon Islands in the month leading up to the massive 8.0 earthquake, the USGS reported. More than 40 magnitude-4.5 quakes shook the islands in the past week alone, and seven of those temblors were larger than a magnitude-6.0, the USGS said. –Discovery
Planet in crisis: “We are entering an era of increased planetary instability, brought on by a significant rise in the geothermal gradient, and subsequent magmatic fluid expansion within the planet’s interior. It will be a time, in which, we will see catastrophic and exponential increases in the number of natural disasters- most notably: earthquakes, storms, and volcanic eruptions. Yet, it is not the number of earthquakes that will strike the planet in the future that should most concern us. It will be the cluster eruption of mega-quakes, and their resonate aftermath, which will signal the planet has entered an intensified cataclysmic period of transition…these quakes will signal the secondary stage of Earth’s thermal acceleration, and should come to be viewed as signs of increasing disorder. Some of the quakes will strike as singular events; others will erupt in clusters, and some will strike some of the world’s most dangerous faults…this time will be marked by increased tectonic plate agitation, and an increase in the outbreak of the most powerful and destructive type of earthquakes, known as mega-thrust earthquakes.” –The Extinction Protocol, pp. 166,167,172 (2009)
Biosphere Collapse as published by Peak Oil on April 19, 2012.

Dear Editor,

The USA government has made a huge effort to build massive bunkers in the area of Denver Airport in the past ten years.
Checkout: YouTube 'Denver airport bunkers with Jesse Ventura.'
I believe it can accommodate in excess of 100,000 for the 'selected few'.

John Berbatis
Perth, Australia
Peak Oil is You
Page added on April 19, 2012

Biosphere Collapse:

The shocking number of earthquakes that have rattled the globe, especially along tectonic plate boundaries, since the double 8.0+ magnitude earthquakes struck off the coast of Northern Sumatra on April 11 could be early indication the planet may be shifting towards a new catastrophic model. Romania’ s top seismologist, Gheorghe Marmureanu, told the Bucharest Herald: “There is no doubt something is seriously wrong. There have been too many strong earthquakes.” I said in my book: “If you keep seismically shaking the Earth, like a bottle of soda, its structural integrity eventually will become compromised and it will start to fracture like an egg. In this case, the fracturing will be thermal dissipation by hyper-volcanism, mega-thrust earthquakes, and greater tectonic boundary plate agitation around volcanic arcs and subduction zones…if this is what’s indeed happening, the pressure will continue to build in the interior of the planet until it eventually destabilizes all tectonic plates in a spectral pattern of continuous seismic oscillation. Every earthquake generates and emits enough kinetic energy through the earth to potentially trigger more seismic disturbances.” -The Extinction Protocol

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Quake Expert: Earth Cracking Up
Here is something interesting from the Croatian Times a couple of days ago:

“A leading earthquake scientist has warned that the planet could be cracking up after a series of massive quakes in just 48 hours. Expert Gheorghe Marmureanu – from Romania’s National Institute of Earth Physics – says 39 quakes had hit the globe within two days. The series started with two massive quakes in Indonesia measuring 8.6 and 8.2 on the Richter scale rapidly followed by three more only slightly smaller in Mexico within hours.”
“There is no doubt that something is seriously wrong. There have been too many strong earthquakes,” said Marmureanu. He added: “The quakes are a surprise that cannot be easily explained by current scientific knowledge. With the Indonesian quake for example, statistically, there should be one big earthquake in this part of Asia every 500 years. However, since 2004, there were already three quakes with a magnitude of over 8, which is not normal.”

To: president@messages.whitehouse.gov
Subject: Attn. Pres. Obama. Mt Fuji erupting is a prelude to a Pole Shift.. how & why.
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 09:55:41 +0800

Dear Concerned Earth Lovers,

The eruption of Mt Fuji will indicate that an east/west fault line has fractured, allowing Northern Honshu to slide into a 6500 metre ocean trench. Earthquakes of the past 90 days in the eastern side of Japan has weakened it’s foundation, a porous sub-structure; a land of a volcanic substance. The resulting tsunamis’ will wipe-out millions of humans in the Pacific region as well as severely destabilizing the Earth’s crust, resulting in the dislodging of the Western & Eastern Antarctic ice sheets. This massive loss of weight from the continent of Antarctica will result in an asymmetric rotation of the Earth and so cause the isostasy (Balance of the Earth’s crust.) to become unbalanced. Crust displacement at Magnitude 12+ will then occur until the Earth’s crust reaches equilibrium, while at the same time hundreds of volcanoes will erupt, lands will disappear as well as having an extreme destabilizing effect on climate patterns.

John Berbatis
Perth, Australia
Rotational Wobble (Chandler’s). The Crust presents the earth with an unbalanced distribution of weight, even a small (10 centimeters) displacement of the crust would cause the earth to wobble more (which ironically could induce more crustal displacement, thus causing more wobble, thus causing more displacement, etc.) Added bulges from the expansion beneath the crust would worsen the imbalance. The diameter at the equator is 43 Kls more than the rest of the Earth's surface, due to centrifugal forces.

The Result of the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet dislodging.

“In a polar region there is a continual deposition of ice, which is not
symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth’s rotation acts on
these asymmetrically deposited masses [of ice], and produces centrifugal
momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The
constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when
it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth’s crust
over the rest of the earth’s body, and this will displace the polar regions
toward the equator.”

‘Such displacements may take place as the consequence of comparatively
slight forces exerted on the crust……… which in turn will tend to
alter the axis’.

Prof. Albert Einstein. Foreword in Earth's Shifting Crust by Prof. Charles Hapgood.
Subject: Pres Clinton’s endorsement of axis shift theory.
Clinton Presidential Center From: CCI Info (climateinfo@clintonfoundation.org)
Sent: Friday, 27 June 2008 10:03:20 PM
To: johnberbatisau@hotmail.com

Dear John Berbatis,

Thank you for contacting the Clinton Climate Initiative. On behalf of
President Clinton, your environmental concern and positive response to our
work are deeply appreciated. To learn more about our efforts to initiate
programs that directly result in substantial reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions and that help to combat climate change at our website,
www.clintonfoundation.org. You also can sign up for email updates about the
work of President Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Regards, Event ID:
178741 Event Name: Contact Us – Clinton Presidential Center Supporter ID:
208384654 Reason for contacting the Clinton Presidential Center General
Questions/Comments: First Name John Last Name Berbatis Email Your Message

In the past ten years there has been an exponential melting of the ice
sheets and a noticeable disintegration of the ice shelves owing to ‘global
warming’. The loss of mass from the underlying Tectonics Plates causes them
to ascend (iso-static rebound), and this results in an increase in the
intensification and frequency of global seismological activity. The seismic
data of the past ten years confirm this conjecture. Furthermore, the ice
shelves impede the flow of glaciers and ice sheets into to the oceans; and
when the ‘polar regions’ are subjected to unprecedented seismic upheavals,
these events will then cause the ice sheets and glaciers to be dislodged en
masse into the ocean. This occurrence will then instantly destabilize the
earth’s crust weight distribution (isostasy), and so precipitate a ‘crust
displacement’ (Mag. 12), that is, an axis change. The previous subterranean
extraction of fossil fuels and water will greatly exacerbate this impending
Apocalypse. Currently, the excessive amount of carbon and methane gasses in
the atmosphere is causing catastrophic weather conditions, globally – and
this situation will rapidly deteriorate into ‘a runaway climate’.
Pole Shift by John White

What will happen during a pole shift.”The ultimate disaster! Enormous tidal waves will roll across the
continents as oceans become displaced from their basins. Hurricane winds of
hundreds of miles per hour will scour the planet. Earthquakes greater than
any ever measured will change the shape of the continents. Volcanoes will
pour out huge lava flows, along with poisonous gases and choking ash.
Climates will change instantly, and the geography of the globe will be
radically altered. If the pole shift is less than a full 180 degrees, the
polar icecaps will melt rapidly, raising sea levels, while new icecaps will
begin to build. And large numbers of organisms, including the human race,
will be decimated or even become extinct, with signs of their existence
hidden under thick layers of sediment and debris or at the bottom of newly
established seas…”
Earth sounds analysis by
Dr. Elchin Khalilov, a geophysicist and a professor in Azerbaijan.

“We have analyzed records of these sounds and found that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, i.e. is not audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds. They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular. There can be quite a lot of causes why those waves are generated: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, etc. However, the scale of the observed humming sound in terms of both the area covered and its power far exceeds those that can be generated by the above-mentioned phenomena.”
In that case, what could be causing this humming in the sky?
“In our opinion, the source of such powerful and immense manifestation of acoustic-gravity waves must be very large-scale energy processes. These processes include powerful solar flares and huge energy flows generated by them, rushing towards Earth’s surface and destabilizing the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Thus, the effects of powerful solar flares: the impact of shock waves in the solar wind, streams of corpuscles and bursts of electromagnetic radiation are the main causes of generation of acoustic-gravitation waves following increased solar activity.
“Given the surge in solar activity as manifested itself in the higher number and energy of solar flares since mid-2011, we can assume that there is a high probability of impact of the substantial increase in solar activity on the generation of the unusual humming coming from the sky. It should be pointed out that solar activity began to rise sharply since early 2011, with its amplitude significantly higher than all forecasts given by a number of influential scientific institutions in 2010 and 2011. Meanwhile, the observed increase in solar activity is fully consistent with the forecast of the International Committee GEOCHANGE published in the Committee’s Report in June 2010. If this growth rate of solar activity continues, its amplitude by the end of 2012 will be higher than the amplitude of 23rd solar cycle, and in 2013-2014 the solar activity will reach its peak the amplitude of which was predicted by us to be 1.5 – 1.7 times higher than the amplitude of the 23rd cycle.”
But you said that the cause of the “sky hum” can lie within Earth’s core as well, what does it mean?
“There is one more possible cause of these sounds and it may lie at the Earth’s core. The fact is that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth’s north magnetic pole which increased more than fivefold between 1998 and 2003 and is at the same level today points to intensification of energy processes in the Earth’s core, since it is processes in the inner and outer core that form the Earth’s geomagnetic field. Meanwhile, as we have already reported, on November 15, 2011 all ATROPATENA geophysical stations which record three-dimensional variations of the Earth’s gravitational field almost simultaneously registered a powerful gravitational impulse. The stations are deployed in Istanbul, Kiev, Baku, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, with the first and last one being separated by a distance of about 10,000 km. Such a phenomenon is only possible if the source of this emanation is at the Earth’s core level. That huge energy release from the Earth’s core at the end of the last year was some kind of a start signal indicating the transition of the Earth’s internal energy into a new active phase.
“Intensification of the energy processes in the Earth’s core can modulate the geomagnetic field which, through a chain of physical processes at the ionosphere – atmosphere boundary level, generates acoustic-gravity waves the audible range of which has been heard by people in the form of a frightening low-frequency sound in different parts of our planet.
“In both cases, even though the causes of acoustic-gravity waves are of a quite understandable geophysical nature, they are indicative of the expected significant increase in solar activity and the geodynamic activity of our planet. There is no doubt that processes in the core rule the internal energy of our planet, therefore, we should expect by the end of 2012 a sharp rise in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and extreme weather events with peak levels in 2013 – 2014.”
West Antarctic Ice Shelves Tearing Apart at the Seams
Science Daily (Mar. 27, 2012)
A new study examining nearly 40 years of satellite imagery has revealed that the floating ice shelves of a critical portion of West Antarctica are steadily losing their grip on adjacent bay walls, potentially amplifying an already accelerating loss of ice to the sea
The most extensive record yet of the evolution of the floating ice shelves in the eastern Amundsen Sea Embayment in West Antarctica shows that their margins, where they grip onto rocky bay walls or slower ice masses, are fracturing and retreating inland. As that grip continues to loosen, these already-thinning ice shelves will be even less able to hold back grounded ice upstream, according to glaciologists at The University of Texas at Austin’s Institute for Geophysics (UTIG).
Reporting in the Journal of Glaciology, the UTIG team found that the extent of ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea Embayment changed substantially between the beginning of the Landsat satellite record in 1972 and late 2011. These changes were especially rapid during the past decade. The affected ice shelves include the floating extensions of the rapidly thinning Thwaites and Pine Island Glaciers.
“Typically, the leading edge of an ice shelf moves forward steadily over time, retreating episodically when an iceberg calves off, but that is not what happened along the shear margins,” says Joseph MacGregor, research scientist associate and lead author of the study. An iceberg is said to calve when it breaks off and floats out to sea.
“Anyone can examine this region in Google Earth and see a snapshot of the same satellite data we used, but only through examination of the whole satellite record is it possible to distinguish long-term change from cyclical calving,” says MacGregor.
The shear margins that bound these ice shelves laterally are now heavily rifted, resembling a cracked mirror in satellite imagery until the detached icebergs finally drift out to the open sea. The calving front then retreats along these disintegrating margins. The pattern of marginal rifting and retreat is hypothesized to be a symptom, rather than a trigger, of the recent glacier acceleration in this region, but this pattern could generate additional acceleration.
“As a glacier goes afloat, becoming an ice shelf, its flow is resisted partly by the margins, which are the bay walls or the seams where two glaciers merge,” explains Ginny Catania, assistant professor at UTIG and co-author of the study. “An accelerating glacier can tear away from its margins, creating rifts that negate the margins’ resistance to ice flow and causing additional acceleration.”
The UTIG team found that the largest relative glacier accelerations occurred within and upstream of the increasingly rifted margins.
The observed style of slow-but-steady disintegration along ice-shelf margins has been neglected in most computer models of this critical region of West Antarctica, partly because it involves fracture, but also because no comprehensive record of this pattern existed. The authors conclude that several rifts present in the ice shelves suggest that they are poised to shrink further.

Friday, May 11, 2012
Active fault may lie directly beneath Mount Fuji: researchers
An active fault as long as 30 km may lie directly beneath Mount Fuji, a team of researchers has said in a recent survey report.
The possible fault was detected through a simulated earthquake conducted during a crustal survey over a distance of around 34 km from Fujiyoshida in Yamanashi Prefecture to Susono in Shizuoka Prefecture, said Hiroshi Sato, professor at the Earthquake Research Institute at the University of Tokyo.
"More studies are needed to determine the depth and other details of the fault," Sato added.
While faults have been confirmed around Mount Fuji, little is known about the seismic structure beneath Japan's highest mountain due to mudflows caused by a huge landslide that occurred around 2,600 to 2,900 years ago, as well as thick layers of volcanic ash.
Story Source:
The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas at Austin.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

4 Comments on "Biosphere collapse"
1.BillT on Thu, 19th Apr 2012 1:48 am

Perhaps the events I portray in my SF novel, Midpoint, will come to pass because of another trigger? In my book, a trigger causes the ice on Antarctica to start to slide into the sea, aided by the awakening of 35 dormant volcanoes that are under them. Yes, there are that many volcanoes on the Antarctic continent. Possibly more.
However, I did not have a polar shift because it was too radical for my story, but plausible. If all of the ice slid off or melted, it would raise the oceans about 50 meters all over the world. That is a lot of weight holding down the Antarctic crust. It would lift, causing the earthquakes and volcanoes around the world to become active.
In my book (still unpublished) not all of the ice reaches the sea, only about half because of the mountains that block it from sliding, but it is possible. In Midpoint the oceans rise about 50 meters taking out most of the coastal cities of the world and much of the low land connected by rivers to the oceans. Billions perish in weeks. Is this truly what is in store for humanity?

1.Rick on Thu, 19th Apr 2012 3:08 pm

Sounds like Mayan BS to me. But hey, time will prove everything.

1.sidd on Thu, 19th Apr 2012 5:01 pm

what a load of horseshit.

1.John Berbatis on Sat, 21st Apr 2012 3:34 am

To all skeptics… don’t take potable water, food, shelter, law & order etc. for granted. Mathematics do not lie… global seismic activity is on a sharp rise.