Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Protocol Update Plus Crooked Commerzbank AGUpdate

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Tuesday February 19, 2013
Protocol Update Plus Crooked Commerzbank AGUpdate

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert .ksonline. ru

UNITED States of America 
It can now be reported that the U.S. Supreme Court remains in late night session subject the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.

Commerzbank AG out of Berlin, Germany continues to go rogue. Today they wrote billions of dollars of silver and gold derivatives (reference naked put options) using the discredited LIBOR rate rigging London LIFFE Exchange as the vehicle for their transactions.

We can now divulge that the Nazi "Skull and Bones" German Commerzbank AG is actually recycling derivatives from the now discredited and bankrupt Nazi "Skull and Bones" German Deutsche Bank.

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has informed Commerzbank AG that they are in total violation of Basel II and, once again, has ordered them to liquidate their positions or face prosecution aka financial decapitation.

Worldwide crooked banks are now totally out of control. There is no volume in the stock market whatsoever leaving small retail investors on the sideline. There world is in a semi depression. The U.S. is in another recession with Walmart sales and their stock collapsing.

However, the crooked U.S. Fed is still printing money every day giving away free casino chips aka credit default swaps to crooked banks who then turn around and use this "free" money to write naked put options on commodities and then write put options on the S&P 500, buy the cash S&P, as well as buy selected stocks on the Dow Jones Industrial Average aka gasoline and oil stocks designed to prop up the uncollateralized derivative holdings of Saudi owned Citibank.

Message to FCMs and broker dealers across the United States:

Either you take out these crooked banks now or they are going to try to take you out and then collapse the entire world economy.

Battle plan reference CME Group

The banks are currently engaged in money laundry with their unsecured derivatives moving in and out of foundations and secret proprietary accounts that are trust funds and designed to avoid tax levies of the Internal Revenue Service.

At this hour here is a direct message to the CME Group and its Board of Directors:

If you want to save the commodity markets and the ability of farmers to hedge their crops (that the commodity exchanges were originally set up to do under the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936) that it is important to immediately order decapitation and forced liquidation of these unsecured derivative trades made by these crooked banks.
Silver's Four House Slamdown Window

P.S. In closing we can now divulge that ESPN is currently blackmailing the NCAA concerning the pending NCAA investigation of the University of Alabama.

The NCAA is now in possession of overwhelming evidence that confirms the the University of Alabama student athletes were using illegal performance enhancing drugs reference IGF-1 deer antler spray for the last four years.

Note: ESPN currently has an illegal monopoly on the BCS college football championship series along with coverage of 90% of college football games.

ESPN also has heavy investments with SEC sponsors like Nike and Dr. Pepper. Today on ESPN's radio talk show "The Herd" their host Colin Cowherd was foaming at the mouth attacking the NCAA. Cowherd was upset at the way the NCAA investigated the University of Miami which is a noted rogue university violating NCAA rules over the last 25 years. image 975thefanatic. com

Cowherd then reached a new low when he defended Penn State pedophile University and their late coach, the enabler of pedophilia and homosexual sodomy, Joe Paterno.

Note: Cowherd must have just bought a subscription to the crooked Washington Post.

Cowherd then, a huge USC football fan, claims that the University of Southern California was framed by the NCAA even though 15 witnesses testified to the NCAA that the now discredited football star Reggie Bush stated that he had to get paid to attend the university that he would eventually choose.

Bush was a good student not a thug and was recruited by the University of Michigan, Stanford University, the University of Notre Dame and the University of Southern California. Bush chose USC because he got paid.

Summation: Colin Cowherd is busted!
Finally the NCAA, which will not be blackmailed by media punks like Colin Cowherd and anti Catholic bigot Mike Greenberg also of ESPN, is now in possession of records from S.W.A.T.S., a company in Fultondale, Alabama that sold IFG-1 aka deer antler spray to University of Alabama players over the last for years.The NCAA has also discovered a Florida link to a doctor in Miami, Florida that sold IGF-1 aka deer antler spray to the S.W.A.T.S. company in Fultondale, Alabama.

Note: The NCAA has also discovered, along with the FBI, that numerous Miami Dolphin football players have been buying IGF-1 deer antler spray for the last ten years.
Former Miami Dolphins and
current University of Alabama
crooked head coach Nick Saban

images cfbsection. com, esquire. com

Question: Guess who was the former coach of the Miami Dolphins? Current University of Alabama head coach, scumbag and cheater, Nick Saban.
center in drag, homosexual in-the-closet
George W. BushFRAUD
George W. BushFRAUD's
lifelong homosexual lover Victor Ashe
George W. BushFRAUD kisses,
caresses and embraces his White House
male prostitute Jeff Gannon

Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will detail and explain that the naked photographs taken of former year 2000 illegal White House occupant, election stealer, nation wrecker, Constitution shredder, U.S. Treasury embezzler, homosexual in the closet, cocaine snorting, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD, (which are now in possession of Vanity Fair magazine) were actually sent by BushFRAUD to his lifelong homosexual lover, former U.S. diplomat Victor Ashe, along with his White House body builder prostitute Jeff Gannon.

Question: Did they all take deer antler spray? Stay tuned.

Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. still remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States.
Albert Gore Jr.

Year 2000 duly elected 
natural born

REAL President of the United States

911 DISINFORMATION To Be Tried In UK Court Of Law

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

911 DISINFORMATION To Be Tried In UK Court Of Law
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Feb-2013 07:21:13

Historic Case to Challenge BBC’s 9/11 Coverage
AE911Truth Evidence Goes to Court Feb 25, 2013

On February 25, in the small town of Horsham in the United Kingdom, there will be a rare and potentially groundbreaking opportunity for the 9/11 truth movement. Three hours of detailed 9/11 evidence is to be presented and considered in a court of law where the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) will be challenged over the inaccurate and biased manner in which it has portrayed the events and evidence of 9/11.
Over the last 16 months, BBC has been challenged strongly by individuals in the UK over two documentaries that they showed in September 2011 as part of the tenth anniversary of 9/11, namely ‘9/11: Conspiracy Road Trip’ and ‘The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 Ten Years On’. Formal complaints were lodged with BBC over the inaccuracy and bias of these documentaries, which, according to 9/11 activists, was in breach of the operating requirements of BBC through their ‘Royal Charter and Agreement’ with the British public. This document requires BBC to show information that is both accurate and impartial. These complaints were supported by the US-based educational charity Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), which submitted detailed scientific evidence to BBC to buttress the complaints. The evidence focuses in particular on the confirmed free-fall of WTC 7 and NIST's 2008 admission of this fact. In addition, over 300 AE911Truth petition signers supported these complaints by sending letters to BBC, requesting that BBC show this evidence to the public.
As a continuation of this process with BBC, documentary film maker Tony Rooke has decided to take a personal stand on this issue. People in the United Kingdom are required to pay an annual TV licence fee which is used to fund BBC’s operations. Tony has refused to pay his TV licence fee on the basis of specific anti-terrorism legislation.
Section 15 of the UK Terrorism Act 2000, Article 3, states that it is offence to provide funds if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that those funds may be used for the purposes of terrorism. Tony’s claim is that BBC has withheld scientific evidence which demonstrates that the official version of the events of 9/11 is not possible and that BBC has actively attempted to discredit those people attempting to bring this evidence to the public. According to Rooke, by doing this, BBC is supporting a cover-up of the true events of 9/11 and is therefore potentially supporting those terrorist elements who were involved in certain aspects of 9/11 who have not yet been identified and held to account.
Rooke has been charged with a crime for not paying his TV Licence Fee. However, he has lodged a legal challenge to this charge and has now been successful in being granted an appearance in a Magistrate’s court, where he has three hours available to present his evidence to defend himself against the charge. Tony has put together a formidable team to support him in presenting the evidence, including the following two outstanding 9/11 researchers:
Professor Niels Harrit
Dr. Niels Harrit is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen and is one of the world’s leading experts on the scientific evidence that contradicts the official story of 9/11. Professor Harrit's team of scientists in Copenhagen proved that there was nano-engineered thermitic residue, both ignited and unignited, throughout the dust of the three WTC towers. He led the team and published the peer-reviewed study in an official scientific journal. He is also an expert on the other aspects of scientific evidence indicating controlled demolition of the three towers.
Professor Harrit was interviewed for a major documentary with BBC in 2011 where BBC clearly attempted to harass and discredit him rather than look at the scientific evidence, which was devastating to the official story of the destruction of the Twin Towers. Professor Harrit's team took the precautionary step of recording this interview, as well as the interaction before and after the interview, which clearly shows the harassment and highly inappropriate conduct by BBC
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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 02/19/2013

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 02/19/2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 19-Feb-2013 19:00:12

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 02/19/2013
9 Ahau, 8 Zac, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! Your world has moved even closer to its victory over the dark! There are signs everywhere of what is shortly to happen. Your sacred secret societies have compiled the legal instruments to force the major governments of your world to resign. In consonance with this the military and police forces of these nations have come together in secret to assert that each of them is more than ready to use their powerbases to give their respective governments no other choice than to resign when this course of action is called up. This indication will be given when Heaven advises us that the time to do so has arrived. All our liaison personnel stand at the ready to give the long-anticipated command to everyone. Meanwhile, we wait, and look to our heavenly advisors for the signal that it is now the proper time to bring the dark to its knees. This single command will permit the abundance to be delivered, which in turn indicates that the numerous dark governments of your globe are to resign. A batch of legal papers signed weeks ago is ready to be delivered at a moment's notice. Your deliverance is not far away!
These dark governments are plotting, even as we speak, to find some loophole or other means to further ward off the inevitable long enough to enable them to conjure up a way out of their current dilemma. We are watching them closely and are disinclined to tolerate further forms of defiance. The nuclear options being tested in northeast Asia are a recent example of the 'other means' we mentioned above. Do not worry: they are being very carefully monitored, and we fully anticipate the nature and intent of this truly insane gambit. Rest assured that it will come to naught. No one will be permitted to use these primitive weapons against another. The cabal is indulging in saber rattling by use of a most crude and barbaric toy which we can squash when we deem it appropriate. We present this as a warning: the dark cabal and its many forms of chicanery and perfidy are not being indulged; we are simply watching and waiting, and when it is right to act, will act decisively. That time is not yet upon us. What is important is to have the green light from Heaven-and then the rest will follow rapidly.
Our personnel assigned to these sacred tasks are more than ready to create a new, blessed reality for you. The numerous sacred societies and their allies have fashioned a series of profound changes which will transform your present doom-laden realm. Until then we have asked our associates to honor the world as it is. Do not be pulled into any of this dark nonsense as it is scheduled soon to end. As is obvious, the various dark cabals that run your realm are in panic, but their sundry attempts at mischief currently playing out are about to melt away. We are prepared to scoop them up and deliver them to their appropriate destinations where they are to await their comeuppance. You, on the other hand, are being prepared to become fully conscious Beings of Light. Heaven has set up an agenda for this to happen and we are here to carry out the final stages of this grand and sacred plan. The dark on your planet has not come up against the likes of us before and is daily confronted by technologies and abilities of the Light that easily trump the best that these denizens of the dark have to offer.
It truly behooves you to be in joy and gleeful anticipation! Heaven smiles on you, and the Creator has established the means for you to achieve a blessed return to full consciousness. We have been appointed to ensure your deliverance from these still-erring ones; their dire workings are to be stricken from your realm and Heaven will then champion your new Light-filled world and extend to you the means to rejoin your space and, especially, your spiritual families. These 'coming attractions' are sacred events which free you from those who consider you to be less than them, and who intended to turn you into perpetual slaves of their rampant insanities. It was eventually to lead to a massive death toll, designed to decrease your global population to around one-tenth of the present number, and those who survived were to envy the dead. This will not happen. By Heaven's decree you are to move rapidly into a realm of joy, prosperity, and a sacred respect for individual sovereignty. The time has come for all this to manifest upon Earth!
Blessings of Health and Joy to all! We are your Ascended Masters! Various elements of our prosperity program are ready to emerge from the silence presently demanded of us by Heaven. The major organizations created since the end of World War II have been legally disbanded. We are now using our blessed energies to prepare our sacred societies to replace the current leaders with our own. This is expected shortly. Heaven has also informed us to alert those who are preparing to immediately replace the current economic system to get ready to act, as the final series of phenomena are now precipitating in the heavens. These events are to invoke the formal termination of the agreement signed nearly 13,000 years ago. You are on the brink of a most magnificent time in your blessed history. The gracious blessings of Heaven are now to manifest and, in the blink of an eye, thrust you into a new reality redolent with Love and Light!
Bear in mind that your new economic system is merely a stopgap. It is designed to prepare you to accept unending prosperity and teach you that the debt economy with its many abrupt reversals and insecurities are a way for the dark to control you. This quicksand realm in effect was a grand illusion, promulgated by solemn pledges on the part of government to lower national debt and bring you temporary prosperity. In truth, global prosperity has always been possible from the beginning and it is an illusion to believe otherwise. The amount of gold available was kept hidden for manipulative purposes, and the same is true of diamonds and so-called precious metals and stones. The availability of these commodities was limited to create a contrived definition of wealth and enforce the concepts of scarcity, poverty, and debt. You possess the ability to bring forth a cornucopia of wealth and to enjoy a luxurious life. The key is to learn to Love and care for each other!
In this wonderful world that is preparing to appear, you will become able to care deeply for each other and for Mother Earth. Inside your home world lies Agartha which is a 5-D realm. Heaven is now to allow Mother Earth to extend this realm out to her surface world. This means that each of you requires a transformation into a fully conscious, 5-D state of being. This transformation is underway, and the blessed changes being wrought in you are the true means to convert you into this divine and immortal Being. Much will be required of you. You will take on a raft of new duties, and in this we are prepared to teach you much that is key to understanding who you are to become. We invite you to accept this proposition and to discard gleefully all the bunkum that the dark has fed you through the ages. Use your innate wisdom to validate the truths that Heaven is to show you, and come to understand just what amazing children of the Divine you are destined to become!
Today we brought you more information about what is happening on your world. Our space and spiritual families are here to complete the divine task of transforming your reality back into a condition that is sacred and blessed by Heaven. The moment is upon you for a most well deserved blessing! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Video: FULL LENGTH The Vatican is Ruling the Planet

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Video: FULL LENGTH The Vatican is Ruling the Planet.
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 19-Feb-2013 13:27:45

Uploaded on Dec 31, 2011
Want your mind blown? Watch this video!
Uploaded By: OccupyYTube
FULL LENGTH The Vatican Is Ruling the Planet.

Atty Taitz: We are proceeding with the demand for a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee

Atty Taitz: We are proceeding with the demand for a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee
“If  a criminal and his accomplices in high places could steal the U.S. presidency, they can steal your house, they can steal anything.”
Posted on | February 19, 2013
Press release
Law offices of Orly Taitz
Attorney Orly Taitz continues with the demand for the Judiciary Committee to investigate the fact that 5 out 9 Justices of the Supreme Court never saw the case supposedly heard in conference by the Supreme Court and all 9 never saw the supplemental brief filed with SCOTUS, as 5 original sets of briefs were sent  back and all supplemental briefs were sent back and never docketed.
An order by the Supreme Court shows a notation after case 12A712 applications denied, which appear to relate to case 12A606, however evidence shows that the case was not heard at all as 5 out of 9 Justices never even got a packet with pleadings. 
There are 7 other cases that are proceeding in other courts.
While a part of those cases might be considered moot, such as stays of certifications, the bulk of the cases is  not moot, such as Declaratory Relief and RICO (racketeering) cases.
Overwhelming and never refuted evidence shows Barack Obama using a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. Sworn affidavit of Chief investigator of special Investigations unit of the U.S. Coast Guard shows Obama using a forged Selective Service Certificate and multiple experts showed the alleged copy of Obama’s birth certificate to be a forgery. In a case in MS, which included the RICO charges, Obama’s personal attorneys submitted a new copy of the birth certificate, which according to experts represents a forgery of a forgery, which was made to minimize the white halo   effect around the letters. This white halo effect created by computer manipulation made the initial forgery released on April 27, 2011 a complete joke.
For four and a half years now in spite of multiple legal actions, not one single judge or jury ever saw an original 1961 birth certificate for Obama, original selective service certificate or original SS-5 application for the Social Security number 042-68-4425, which Obama claims to be assigned to him.
Due to lack of any original documents and a mountain of evidence showing the alleged copies to be crude forgeries,  it is safe to assume ”original documents” never existed.
Please, keep in mind: if  a criminal and his accomplices in high places could steal the U.S. Presidency, the White House, they can steal your house, they can steal anything.
Current policies and proposals by Obama devalued the U.S. dollar by incurring 6.5 trillion  debt in 4 years, this devalues the savings of every American. Recent proposed for a sweeping amnesty for at least 11 million illegals (real number range from 30-42 million illegals residing in the U.S.) will further destroy the U.S. job market and further bankrupt the U.S. economy. Recent proposals limiting the second amendment rights will take away the citizens’ rights to fight the dictatorial regime.
We have a citizen of Indonesia Barry Soebarkah, aka Barry Soetoro, claiming to be Barack Obama, who is usurping the U.S. Presidency with forged and stolen IDs. Obama defaulted in the Eastern District of California. Commissioner of Social Security defaulted in two cases: in MS and DC. both Obama and Commissioner of Social Security  have nothing to negate the evidence against them.
Please, remember Nixon was forced to resign 6 month after he was reelected. It is up to you, up to each and every American to fight this criminal enterprise ruling the country and regain some decency and some constitutional and civil rights. If you do not fight for your rights, the ruling criminal enterprise will take away more and more of your rights.
Liberty does not come cheap, you have to fight for your rights. Every American has to join the protests in front of the Federal buildings, offices of congressmen and senators and demand immediate hearing in the US Congress of Obama’s use of forged and stolen IDs. Now there are over 33,000    signatures on the petition by attorney Taitz for the U.S. Congress to investigate Obama’s forged IDs. To sign the petition, please, go to the website In the right upper corner of the first page of the web site  there is a picture of statue of Liberty with a red button “take action”. Please, click that button, it will lead you to the petition.
Every American citizen is urged to call each and every member of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee for the Judiciary and demand investigation of Obama’s use of forged IDs and a stolen SSN.
Every American is urged to protest in front of the outlets of the controlled and censored puppet U.S. main stream media, which is indistinguishable in its emptiness from the official media of the Stalinist Soviet Union, Maoist China, Jihadist Iran or NAZI Germany in 1930s. If we do not protest this power grab by this foreign national with forged IDs Soebarkah-Soetoro-Obama, United States of America will resemble Germany in 1940s.
An official complaint of deprivation of the civil and constitutional rights in the United States, including the right to participate in lawful elections is being filed with the Inter American Commission for Human Rights.
Together we will prevail and together we will defeat the criminal enterprise running this nation.
Law offices of Orly Taitz
29829 Santa Margarita ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
for emergencies only call 949-683-5411

Guns Suppliers Links


Are You Seriously Looking For Ammo? Here’s a Link To In-Stock US Suppliers Updated Every 60 Seconds.

Americans Are Buying Guns At The Rate Of One Every 1.5 Seconds.. And, They “Aim” To Keep Them..

Pay Attention to the Upcoming Bond Bust, Not the So-Called Junk Boom

Pay Attention to the Upcoming Bond Bust, Not the So-Called Junk Boom

The Daily Bell
February 19, 2013
How a junk bond bubble is driving a buyout and merger boom … The merger and buyout boom of 2013 is upon us! Some of America’s biggest companies are coupling up faster than frisky teenagers at their first unchaperoned party. On Thursday alone, Warren Buffett‘s Berkshire Hathaway and private equity firm 3G Capital announced a $23 billion purchase of H.J. Heinz Co., the iconic producer of ketchup and other fine foods, and American Airlines and US Airways announced a merger. Earlier in the month, Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake has announced a plan to buy PC maker Dell back from its public shareholders for $24 billion, and Comcast bid $17 billion to buy the remainder of NBC Universal from General Electric it didn’t already own. – Washington Post
Dominant Social Theme: Let the good times roll. American capitalism is back and bigger than ever.
Free-Market Analysis: Two issues need to be clarified about the current junk boom. First, it doesn’t exist and second, you ought not to want it to.
The modern junk bond market, when it is really in evidence, is a multi-trillion dollar entity. A few deals do not a resurgent junk bond market make, no matter how hopeful bond-market writers want to be.
And this idea that the market – and its instrumentalities – are rebounding is as dangerous as it is pernicious. US central banks have dumped tens of trillions into the larger economy and most of this money is still trapped in banks that have yet to distribute it.
But be careful what you wish for. When these funds begin to circulate, central banks will be impelled to raise rates. This will cause a further recession and also reveal more fully the reality of the Modern Age – that the reign of King Dollar is over.
The dollar died in 2007-2008. Central banks the world over have continued the dollar reserve system only by flooding economies with currency. Monetization has substituted for solvency.
But that cannot go on forever. Once rates rise, countries like the United States will find it impossible to service debt. Debt service will begin to occupy most of the federal budget.
This article, with its excitement over the return of the debt market, should be examined in light of these larger facts, as explained above. One is exposed to such enthusiasm and wonders why a major paper like the Washington Post would publish such wrongheaded stuff. Here’s more:
What many of the deals have in common is that they are being unleashed by a surge in corporate credit. The markets for bonds in even risky companies are becoming unfrozen to a degree they haven’t been in half a decade, and there seems to be some pent-up eagerness to do big deals. It’s a lot easier to make a buyout or merger work when bankers and bond investors are so eager to lend you the money to make them happen.
In effect, the spate of deals is a logical byproduct of what investors in the bond market are doing: Throwing debt at corporate America, even those without good credit ratings, on highly favorable rates. This is most apparent in the market for junk bonds, debt issued by companies that are considered risky bets by the credit rating firms.
Investors are so eager to buy that debt that “high yield” isn’t all that high. On Thursday, junk bonds were yielding only 6.09 percent, based on a Bank of America-Merrill Lynch index. Compared to the roughly 2 percent that 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds are paying, that means that investors are getting only about 4 percentage points of extra compensation for lending their money to risky companies rather than the U.S. government.
That’s not as low as this “risk premium” was during the bubble-licious days right before the crisis but remains below its typical levels for the last 15 years or so.
This article has all the faux-excitement that the mainstream media has adopted lately as it tries to flog the idea that an economic recovery is underway in the US.
One gets the idea that they want to proclaim the same recovery is available in Britain and Europe if only they could. But what cannot be gotten around is the hard fact that when a “recovery” really takes place, trillions in dollar-currency will begin to circulate and central banks will have to snuff out any emergent up-turn with aggressively higher rates.
There is not going to be a recovery. The top elites that seek to create world government have brought us to this point but, in our view, are not clear about what to do next. What we call the Internet Reformation has greatly destabilized the one-world conspiracy, making its progress increasingly questionable.
At the same time, these top elites continue their work of economic destabilization. The struggle – as always – seems to be to not go too far and too fast. For this reason, apparently, the bought-and-paid-for media that projects their messaging is trumpeting the idea of a “recovery.”
The system’s integrity must be maintained at all costs, even when the reality is evidently and obviously different – even when central banking elites actively work to undermine the system they have created.
What is going to take place eventually is a massive bond BUST. The bust will be centered on sovereign bonds, not junk bonds, as it is sovereigns that have been issued in such massive quantities. People still believe in the safety and security of US Treasuries (also gilts, etc.). But when (not if) interest rates rise, those bonds will lose significant value.
Conclusion: This is the issue people should be paying attention to, not the return of the junk bond market.



Why Is Mexico Asking the U.S. Senate for a Registry of U.S. Gun Owners?

Mexican lawmakers will ask the U.S. Senate to create a registry of all commercialized firearms in border states, which includes California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Mexico says it will make it easier to trace guns used in violent attacks. 
The measure was reportedly approved on January 9 by Mexico’s Permanent Commission, a government entity that meets when Mexico’s Senate and the Chamber of Deputies is in recess. Gun owners in Arizona are calling the proposal “foolish” and an “invasion of privacy.”
Watch KPHO-TV’s report attached. 
A number of the gun owners interviewed by KPHO-TV also referenced the Obama administration’s disastrous gun-running operation known as “Fast and Furious.”
The operation, conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), allowed illegal straw buyers to walk across the border with nearly 2,000 firearms, including semi-automatic rifles.  The weapons ultimately ended up in the hands of Mexican drug cartel members and were used in a number of crimes, including murders and kidnappings.
Further, a gun from Fast and Furious was found at the murder scene of U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry in December of 2010.
Democrats in Congress have been calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and universal background checks for all firearms sales, some even calling for a national gun registry. Further, Democrats in Missouri and California have proposed bills that would result in the possible confiscation of semi-automatic rifles.
TheBlaze has reached out to several members of the U.S. Senate and will update this story as new information becomes available.
Note:  When they say 'illegal', are they referring to the crooks who head up those departments?  And, as for WHY Mexico is asking for the registry of US gun owners, is it because Mexico is one of about 7 nations who are part of an organized plan to invade the US with the full knowledge of and full cooperation with the US crime syndicate headquartered in the district of criminals??  Is this one of the reasons WHY for the crime syndicate's building the enormous facility under the Denver International Airport? Some things to consider.