Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Tuesday February 19, 2013
Protocol Update Plus Crooked Commerzbank AGUpdateTuesday February 19, 2013
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. Supreme Court remains in late night session subject the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.
Commerzbank AG out of Berlin, Germany continues to go rogue. Today they wrote billions of dollars of silver and gold derivatives (reference naked put options) using the discredited LIBOR rate rigging London LIFFE Exchange as the vehicle for their transactions.
We can now divulge that the Nazi "Skull and Bones" German Commerzbank AG is actually recycling derivatives from the now discredited and bankrupt Nazi "Skull and Bones" German Deutsche Bank.
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has informed Commerzbank AG that they are in total violation of Basel II and, once again, has ordered them to liquidate their positions or face prosecution aka financial decapitation.
Worldwide crooked banks are now totally out of control. There is no volume in the stock market whatsoever leaving small retail investors on the sideline. There world is in a semi depression. The U.S. is in another recession with Walmart sales and their stock collapsing.
However, the crooked U.S. Fed is still printing money every day giving away free casino chips aka credit default swaps to crooked banks who then turn around and use this "free" money to write naked put options on commodities and then write put options on the S&P 500, buy the cash S&P, as well as buy selected stocks on the Dow Jones Industrial Average aka gasoline and oil stocks designed to prop up the uncollateralized derivative holdings of Saudi owned Citibank.
Message to FCMs and broker dealers across the United States:
Either you take out these crooked banks now or they are going to try to take you out and then collapse the entire world economy.
Battle plan reference CME Group
The banks are currently engaged in money laundry with their unsecured derivatives moving in and out of foundations and secret proprietary accounts that are trust funds and designed to avoid tax levies of the Internal Revenue Service.
At this hour here is a direct message to the CME Group and its Board of Directors:
If you want to save the commodity markets and the ability of farmers to hedge their crops (that the commodity exchanges were originally set up to do under the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936) that it is important to immediately order decapitation and forced liquidation of these unsecured derivative trades made by these crooked banks.Silver's Four House Slamdown Window
P.S. In closing we can now divulge that ESPN is currently blackmailing the NCAA concerning the pending NCAA investigation of the University of Alabama.
The NCAA is now in possession of overwhelming evidence that confirms the the University of Alabama student athletes were using illegal performance enhancing drugs reference IGF-1 deer antler spray for the last four years.
Note: ESPN currently has an illegal monopoly on the BCS college football championship series along with coverage of 90% of college football games.
ESPN also has heavy investments with SEC sponsors like Nike and Dr. Pepper.

Cowherd then reached a new low when he defended Penn State pedophile University and their late coach, the enabler of pedophilia and homosexual sodomy, Joe Paterno.
Note: Cowherd must have just bought a subscription to the crooked Washington Post.
Cowherd then, a huge USC football fan, claims that the University of Southern California was framed by the NCAA even though 15 witnesses testified to the NCAA that the now discredited football star Reggie Bush stated that he had to get paid to attend the university that he would eventually choose.
Bush was a good student not a thug and was recruited by the University of Michigan, Stanford University, the University of Notre Dame and the University of Southern California. Bush chose USC because he got paid.
Summation: Colin Cowherd is busted!Finally the NCAA, which will not be blackmailed by media punks like Colin Cowherd and anti Catholic bigot Mike Greenberg also of ESPN, is now in possession of records from S.W.A.T.S., a company in Fultondale, Alabama that sold IFG-1 aka deer antler spray to University of Alabama players over the last for years.The NCAA has also discovered a Florida link to a doctor in Miami, Florida that sold IGF-1 aka deer antler spray to the S.W.A.T.S. company in Fultondale, Alabama.
Note: The NCAA has also discovered, along with the FBI, that numerous Miami Dolphin football players have been buying IGF-1 deer antler spray for the last ten years.

Former Miami Dolphins and
current University of Alabama
crooked head coach Nick Saban
images cfbsection. com, esquire. com
Question: Guess who was the former coach of the Miami Dolphins? Current University of Alabama head coach, scumbag and cheater, Nick Saban.

center in drag, homosexual in-the-closet
George W. BushFRAUD

George W. BushFRAUD's
lifelong homosexual lover Victor Ashe

George W. BushFRAUD kisses,
caresses and embraces his White House
male prostitute Jeff Gannon
George W. BushFRAUD

George W. BushFRAUD's
lifelong homosexual lover Victor Ashe

George W. BushFRAUD kisses,
caresses and embraces his White House
male prostitute Jeff Gannon
Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will detail and explain that the naked photographs taken of former year 2000 illegal White House occupant, election stealer, nation wrecker, Constitution shredder, U.S. Treasury embezzler, homosexual in the closet, cocaine snorting, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD, (which are now in possession of Vanity Fair magazine) were actually sent by BushFRAUD to his lifelong homosexual lover, former U.S. diplomat Victor Ashe, along with his White House body builder prostitute Jeff Gannon.
Question: Did they all take deer antler spray? Stay tuned.
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. still remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States.

Albert Gore Jr.
Year 2000 duly elected natural born
REAL President of the United States