Wednesday, February 20, 2013

REMINDER: union states assembly call tonight 02/20/2013 9:00 PM est.

REMINDER: union states assembly call tonight 02/20/2013 9:00 PM est.
218-895-0970  pin 396109#

Please join us - AND bring a friend.
Please forward this invitation to your email lists.
Agenda: Discussion of new developments and potential action needed to complete the 13 original state confederation.

union state website containing documents and past recordings

union states email:   
Here are some recordings that will help introduce your friends to the union states project:
7  minute utube intro to union states
A 50 minute overview and explanation of the union state project.

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See The Scientific Accident That May Change The World
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PINETOP, Ariz. -- A gun shop owner in eastern Arizona is making headlines with a politically-charged sign he decided to hang outside of his business. Cope Reynolds owns the Southwest Shooting Authority in Pinetop, and just days after President Barack Obama was reelected he decided that he would no longer allow Obama supporters in his store. Reynolds proceeded to put up a sign outside his business that told Obama fans that they’re not welcome in his store because, “you have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.”
Word of Reynolds’ sign quickly spread across the country, with critics suggesting that Reynolds’ motives were racially based. Reynolds insists he’s not racist, explaining that he’s just concerned about Obama’s policies. “It wouldn’t make a difference if he was black, white, brown, man, woman, homosexual, it wouldn’t make any difference,” said Reynolds. “It’s the manner in which this country is being run that disturbs us.” There’s one thing about Reynolds’ anti-Obama sign that can’t be disputed: it’s good for business. “We’re getting people ordering guns from New York and Nevada and Idaho because of this sign,” said Reynolds. “For every one I might lose I’m probably picking up 10.” And even if his sign were hurting his business, Reynolds says he’d still speak his mind. “It’s not about money. It’s about freedom, it’s about America , my kids, and what they’re going to inherit,” he proclaimed. Reynolds plans to keep the sign up in his store for the next four years.

The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill

Subject: The "Big Shift" & The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill
To: Ralph Faulk <>

As the pallets of new US $100 Bills lay waiting for mass domestic distribution in US Treasury warehouses around the United States one has to feel sorry the Sheeple who can't see what is happening. The US is preparing for a return to the Gold Standard. It is obvious. It is blatant. And it is almost here.

Again, here's my full analysis of the new $100 Bills...

The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill

These bills will NOT be released until AFTER the crash.

As for the latest gold/silver's great news for all Physical metal holders because it both draws attention to the obvious TOTAL control "they" have over the markets AND it means we are closer to the END than we were before the smash. It should also scare the pants off those holding Silver Derivatives such as ETF's, Mining Shares, Silver Certificates, Pooled Accounts,etc. knowing that these forms of silver can be "set" to zero by computer programs and the markets shut down. That is a more likely End Game than a moonshot as there will be no paper winners.

The "Smart Money" should be shifting from all forms of paper silver into the real thing in their own possession at this point. I call it "The Big Shift".

In the long run ONLY physical will survive the coming monetary meltdown.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Currency Wars - Race to the Bottom

Currency Wars - Race to the Bottom
The alarmist media always seeks to sell papers or broadcast ratings, built on the unswerving fear that followed the financial meltdown, the banking establishment profits from the debt liquidation panic. The lack of stability in fiscal confidence certainly abounds, but the schemes to paper over the mountain of liability obligations, develop at even a more rapid pace. The implied result of a real currency war is that nations are acting or defending their own national interests. The truth is that fiat currencies, designed to depreciate, benefits the moneychangers as the loss of purchasing power penalizes taxpayers and consumers.
The financial press spins the "so called" harmonious unity of the industrial nations, in a lame attempt to ease concerns that the money markets can be trusted. An example is the G20 summit to focus on 'currency war' threat to economy. This Independent article, lays out the implications of the current currency row.
"G20 officials are set to disregard key parts of the G7 currency statement while making no direct mention of new debt-cutting targets – something Germany is pressing for but which the United States is opposed to.
CMC Markets analyst Michael Hewson said: "What the G7 basically said this week is that it is fine to manipulate your currency as long as you don't talk about it. These 'currency wars' are more like phony wars. The bigger problem the G20 has is not currency wars, it is a lack of growth."
Substitute the term currency war, for coordinated inflation, cloaked in the public announcements, out of the globalist ministers for a single world currency. Do not doubt for a moment that the ultimate goal is to create managed crisis, in order to push soveriegn countries into incessant serfdom. The Fiscal Times in the article, How a Fake Currency War Panicked Global Economies, concludes.
"What we have been calling "the currency wars" these past couple of weeks is nothing more than a process of adjustment. Exchange values will settle. We have entered a period where economic priorities are changing on a global scale. This reflects a shift in views even from last autumn, when austerity was still the faith. This adjustment will have its effect on currency values, let there be no question. Do not mistake it for a war."
This kind of monetary distortions is the inevitable outcome with the abandonment of the gold standard. Currency trading is the largest market on the planet. Artificial gains are derived from intentional imbalances, since gambling has replaced business as the path to riches. True wealth is build upon the fruits of commerce. The dangerous notion that a cheap currency is desired because it expands exports is a sure formula for national demise. This point illustrated by George Smith, provides a more realistic assessment in his essay, Currency wars are fiat wars.
"According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, exports accounted for 13.8% of GDP in 2011, a record high but still a small fraction of the total. Devaluing the currency for the alleged benefit of a small segment of the economy hardly makes economic sense when it penalizes all participants with higher prices. It also buttresses the sense that the currency wars will ignite a shooting war and end like all wars, with only a handful of winners and millions of losers. As we know Keynesians star-struck with World War II believe otherwise, and Keynesians run the economy."
The observation that the global financial potentates are Keynesian disciples is undeniable. The fable that an actual currency war is upon us, avoids the valid supposition that replacing the present floating exchange system with a contemporary fixed currency standard would restore equilibrium and fiscal discipline, and curtail much of the collusion among central banks. Welcome a genuine currency crusade that eradicates the globalist infidels and reinstates trusted and stable coinage to a legitimate free enterprise economy.
As long as script money is used as an accounting medium for central financial planning, honest coinage will be attractive as an alternative to depreciating paper values. The race to the bottom is more a rush away from legal tender to actual commodities.
The Japanese Yen’s dramatic drop in comparison to most currencies is just the beginning of a rotating realignment that sees world purchasing power reduced for average citizens. The essay, Bretton Woods II - The Final Enslavement of Mankind, provides the hint of the end game.
"These financers are admittedly the evil rulers of society. Any attempt to force a singular currency and a universal taxation levee is a fulfillment of the final enslavement of man-kind. Bretton Wood II is an outline for things to come. The debt created money cartel is ready to impose their captivity on sovereign governments."
As the revolving musical chairs plays out, the planned calamities drive the "Nervous Nellies" into the arms of the banksters cabal for a fabricated, but temporary, stability. This staged scenario keeps the one world combine administering their "Pollyanna" existence at the expense of the exploited. The financial elite are living in a dream world of their own creation.
The factual result from this cooked up currency war raises international debt obligations, out of an urgent hope of serving their roll over refinance, with even cheaper currency values. The worldwide financial system, desperately entrapped in a black hole of lower economic growth and wealth generation, cannot combat the consequences of compound interest.
When the sad song stops, interest rates will explode upward. At that point, all paper money will lose the confidence of the financial markets, as the derivative bubble breaks. The final bottom is anybody’s guess. The political response will take the appearance of a unified front to save the intercontinental financial system. The literal result will be that the New World Order elites will consolidate their power and control over an inventive substitute for national currencies. The valid conclusion is that the actual war is one against the entire banking charade. Money is a mere bookkeeping device.
James Hall – February 20, 2013

American Education: Rotting the Country from the Inside

From The American Thinker

February 20, 2013

American Education: Rotting the Country from the Inside

The day after Barack Obama's re-election, unrepentant terrorist-turned-"education reformer" Bill Ayers posted an open letter to the president on his blog, focused on educational matters. Specifically, it was a straw man-filled plea to resist private influences in public education, in the names (naturally) of "freedom" and "democracy."

Perfectly echoing his intellectual forbear, John Dewey, Ayers tells Obama that "[w]hen the aim of education and the sole measure of success is competitive, learning becomes exclusively selfish, and there is no obvious social motive to pursue it." (See my discussion of Dewey's near-identical remarks, and their meaning, here.)

Ayers even concludes his post by citing his hero by name. Reminding Obama of the progressive University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, where Ayers, Obama, and "your friend Rahm Emanuel" all sent their own children, he urges Obama to universalize this schooling through the public system, and concludes:
Good enough for you, good enough for the privileged, then it must be good enough for the kids in public schools everywhere -- a standard to be aspired to and worked toward. Any other ideal for our schools, in the words of John Dewey who founded the school you chose for your daughters, "is narrow and unlovely; acted upon it destroys our democracy."
In a typical leftist projection, Ayers, one of America's foremost living experts on the methods of destroying a democracy, argues that only by following his prescription may democracy be saved. And, in a perfect parallel of the modern progressive ratchet, in which government causes a problem through regulation and then advocates more regulation as the solution to the problem, Ayers responds to the death of education under the hundred-year influence of Dewey ("the father of modern education") by proposing to salvage the public schools by infesting them with even more Deweyism.
And make no mistake about one point: Ayers is invoking Dewey not merely as a respectable cover for his subversive agenda. Deweyism is his subversive agenda. Ayers and his fellow "reformers" are to Dewey what Lenin was to Marx. Marx was an intellectual who wished to undermine Western civilization. Lenin was a thug who sought to bring Marxist principles into full practice through propaganda, armed revolution, and sophisticated lies. Likewise, Dewey hated American liberty and individualism and wished to undermine them through socialist education. Ayers is Dewey's less civilized, more "practically minded" disciple.

Having laid the groundwork regarding the methods and goals of Ayers and the Weather Underground (WU) in Part 1 of this interview with Larry Grathwohl, we turn now to the significance of this radicalism in today's terms, particularly with regard to modern education.
DJ: Several members of WU and SDS, most famously Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, but also Howard Machtinger and others, have become prominent childhood education and "children's rights" activists and theorists. What do you make of this?

LG: Having failed to accomplish their goal of destroying capitalism and U.S. imperialism when they went underground and began their strategic sabotage, it is my belief that they decided to accomplish this goal by infiltrating the educational system and using it to their own [ends]. Reflecting on this, it is obvious that Bill Ayers, as an example, has been a professor of education and thus has been teaching our teachers for at least three or four generations. As you pointed out in your article, "Good News: You May Be Spared Execution," the result of this has been that many students and individuals have been educated to believe that the United States is an evil empire and should be punished if not eliminated. This means that many will simply give up and comply with whatever the future may hold or impose upon them when people like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are able to succeed in their ultimate goal of the destruction of the U.S.

So it is my conclusion that what the WU failed to accomplish when they went underground and began their strategic sabotage is now being accomplished through the educational system and the political means that they have gained by supporting such people as Barack Obama and his Chicago supporters. I tell people today that we are losing our freedoms because of the attacks that emerge from the left and are targeted on all of our basic societal organizations. God is eliminated from the classroom; the history of our country is no longer being taught, but rather a revised edition which depicts our people and our nation as enemies of the world and of all that is good and right. This includes church, religion, veterans, educational institutions, and any organization that supports the greatness of our country and the strength of its institutions.
Presently, our president tells us that there is no economic problem, that the national debt is not something to be concerned about, and that the Constitution is outdated and needs to be replaced or at least revised. And because of this educational problem, there are people who no longer know what the Constitution is or the reasons for its existence, so how can these people be expected to defend it? This has been accomplished through control of the classrooms and through the constant political babble that the left puts out and that people are simply unprepared to defend [against].
DJ: What would you say to Democrats, Republicans, and academics who point to Ayers's years of "academic respectability" as an argument against identifying him with the statements or actions of his radical days?

LG: Bill Ayers has never apologized for or recanted on the goals of the WU from the 1970s and '80s. Furthermore, he has stated that his only regret was that the WU didn't do enough. There are pictures of him leaving the courthouse when he was exonerated for his crimes while part of the WU and he states, "[G]uilty as hell, free as a bird, isn't America wonderful?" Bill and Bernardine have continued their political activities in regards to their support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, in which Bill has led classes on how to disrupt and defy authority. Bill and Bernardine have participated in the activities of Code Pink, which has been involved in the Middle East and in creating the turmoil in that part of the world. ...
Bill Ayers has not changed his ways, has not changed his goals or his objectives. He is now traveling around the country, giving talks to people, telling them that they are very close to changing this country and making it into what he wants it to be and that they should not give up at this point. He also tells them that they cannot completely depend upon Barack Obama to create this new order and that they must not fail because they are so very close to accomplishing their mission of changing America forever.

DJ: Would you willingly allow your own child to attend a school or school board in which the teachers were trained, and the educational goals set, by Ayers, Machtinger, or likeminded others? If not, why not?

LG: My answer to this question is no. Absolutely not. I want my children and grandchildren to be educated in a way that they have the ability to make up their own minds about issues without having been indoctrinated into the Bill Ayers way of thinking. It is my belief that teachers today are more interested in teaching social resistance rather than reading, writing, and arithmetic. The result is that we have a tremendous number of young people who are unable to read or write, or add and subtract. They are, however, very capable of protesting when they think that their individual rights have been imposed upon [and] feel that they are being punished if they have to do homework and learn the basic precepts of our country and our government. In many cases they don't even know that the Constitution exists, and if they do, they are taught that this is a document written by old white men 200 years ago and that it is meaningless in today's world.

I encourage people to send their children to private or parochial schools, and if this is not possible, they should home-educate their children in order to assure that they learn the true history of America and the necessary tools to be a good citizen and be able to contribute and to succeed in our society.
Author's note: There are a hundred compelling reasons for removing your children and grandchildren from the public schools, regardless of any practical or financial inconveniences this may cause you. If the one you have just heard from Larry Grathwohl -- that the progressive revolutionary intentions and methods of Bill Ayers are being woven into the mainstream of modern education, in effect establishing the re-education camps of the WU's hopes -- is not forceful enough to move you, then I give up.
(To be continued

Arrested? by Drake


by Drake


***Historic Breaking News***
(Guys, for how long have I been telling you that ALL religion is FALSE.... there is NO god, the bible is mostly False...?)
The Pope resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter - Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation.
New Pope and Catholic clergy face indictment and arrest as "Easter Reclamation" plan continues.
A Global Media Release and Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.
The ITCCS Central Office in Brussels is compelled by Pope Benedict's sudden abdication to disclose the following details:
1. On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (, our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.
2. This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the "Holy See" in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory.
3. A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation's government to the Vatican's Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.
4. The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation included a second provision to issue a commercial lien through that nation's courts against the property and wealth of the Roman Catholic church commencing on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. This lien was to be accompanied by a public and global "Easter Reclamation Campaign" whereby Catholic church property was to be occupied and claimed by citizens as public assets forfeited under international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
5. It is the decision of our Tribunal and the said nation's government to proceed with the arrest of Joseph Ratzinger upon his vacating the office of the Roman Pontiff on a charge of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.
6. It is our further decision to proceed as well with the indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger's successor as Pope on the same charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and "Easter Reclamation Campaign" against the Roman Catholic church, as planned.
In closing, our Tribunal acknowledges that Pope Benedict's complicity in criminal activities of the Vatican Bank (IOR) was compelling his eventual dismissal by the highest officials of the Vatican. But according to our sources, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone forced Joseph Ratzinger's resignation immediately, and in direct response to the diplomatic note concerning the arrest warrant that was issued to him by the said nation's government on February 4, 2013.
We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts to legally and directly disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and trafficking.
Further bulletins on the events of the Easter Reclamation Campaign will be issued by our Office this week.
Issued 13 February, 2013
12:00 am GMT
by the Brussels Central Office, ITCCS
Paedophilia and Child Sacrifice: Complete with the masonic handshake and the Pope's dominance indicated by the hand over the Queen's.
Papal visit: Pope Benedict and HM The Queen Pope Benedict meet at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh at the beginning of the four-day visit to the United Kingdom. They say a picture says a thousand words, this one has been studied by many and offers many clues as to the true nature of the Papal visit. Caption: Queen: “I do hope you like my gift of this blonde boy, we know you like that sort of thing”. Pope: “When I have finished with him, you can sacrifice him to Lucifer, I also know what you like too”.
The hand of the Pope is over the hand of the Queen, signifying dominace, he holds her hand by the knuckles which is a freemasons secret handshake with the Rule of Canon Law hand over the glove to seal the deal. There is a reason for the Queen addressing the United Nations and then meeting with the Pope soon after. Let us explain.
The Pope is at the epicenter of the largest Paedophile ring in the history of the Universe. A ring that connects all the Knights of Malta, secret orders and global secret societies, bloodlines and incriminates millions of Satan Worshippers around the globe. The Queen has been caught red handed in blood sacrifices at least twice a year at Balmoral Castle and connected directly to ordering the death of Princess Diana.
This ring is almost complete, but there is only one small thing. Hundred’s of thousands of victims now old enough to have no fear in coming forward are speaking out, including this writer, yet the Vatican and the Holly See are running around denying everything, money laundering, committing genocide and it’s all business as usual.
Berlusconi who openly states he “talks to God through the Pope”, loves under age whores and money laundering, he’s fallen into abyss of his sickness, Sarkosy is knee deep in Fraud, Obama and Cameron are in over there heads in illegal wars, fraud and drug trafficking.
It all comes down to one thing, Roman Canon Law, ancient documents these people did not sign with ownership of land rights and corporate power at stake. These people have no divine power, they are an illusionary order of treasonous criminal families who have stolen everything from the people and have a grand plan to kill billions of the world’s population.
The tentacles that reach into the back room of decision making policies within the Brussels bureaucracy of the European Union and the Bilderberg Group Cabal have been exposed. There’s an expression in Dutch they say, “Een Pot Nat” (everyone with a finger in the same dirty pot has a dirty finger). We have seen this criminal operation trickle down from the Dutch Royals to Dutch government minsters to the underground caves of the Maastricht secret societies (Thomas Moore Club), Drug Tourism & Maastricht Diamonds, bribery, corruption and money laundering which get’s passed on through the Italian model and the Vatican.
Dutch Paedophile network includes top judges
THE NETHERLANDS PEDO-NETWERK 2010 (original Dutch article) – Around 300 paedophiles terrorize the Netherlands linked to Belgian Pedo king-pin, Etienne Davignon (above) and the Dutch Royal House of Orange who play a huge background role in the whole operation. Judges and minsters, politicians and business leaders are linked, from snuff movie productions to child abuse, private abuse ‘sleep-over’ parties, this is sick, dark, satanic practice and these people need to be arrested. Stop Child Pornography
1. Frits Salomonson, (linked to the Belgian Pedo Network run by banker, Maurice Lippens and Bilderberg Group chairman Etienne Davignon) 2. Hans Holthuis, 3. Ger van Roon, 4. Joris Demmink (pictured below), 5. Jan Wolter Wabeke, 6. Job de Ruiter, 7. Prins Claus, 8. Kees Lunshof, 9. Henk Koning, 10. Ed Nijpels, 11. Cornelis Stolk, 12. Rechter Rueb, 13. Fokke Fernhout, 14. Frank van Dalen, 15. Rutger Schimmelpenninck, 16. Harro Knijff, 17. Felix Rhodius, 18. Oscar Hammerstein, 19. Rechter van der Ven, 20. Frits Huffnagel, 21. Joost Tonino, also: Piet Hein Donner, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Frits Korthals Altes, raadsheer (Hoge Raad) W. van Schendel, Alexander Rinnooy Kan, Ed van Tijn, Johan Remkes, Hans Westenberg , Frits van Straelen (OM). There are at least another 300 names that fit into the network.
Joris Demmink (above) is a high court Judge in the Netherlands and an alleged high-level paedophile. He is also the judge who handles all the paedophile and child abuse cases. Read that again. He is the judge on all paedophile cases.
Human rights lawyers and victims of clergy sexual abuse filed a complaint on Tuesday urging the International Criminal Court in The Hague to investigate and prosecute Pope Benedict XVI and three top Vatican officials for crimes against humanity for what they described as abetting and covering up the rape and sexual assault of children by priests. — with Moritz Gaede, 'Andrew Tour'e Richardson', Weltert Werner, Bernikova Josef, Dan Chemtrails Lanzini and Aristedes Yiournas.
Paedophilia and Child Sacrifice – United Nations of Film
Paedophilia, Pope, Queen and the Crown Temple
Drake | February 16, 2013 at 7:10 am | Categories: News | URL:

Evening of insight

evening of insight and truth into the Pope & the Vatican as a Global War Crimes Organization: Child Genocide & Pedophilia;

3 HOUR SPECIAL CALL REPLAY hosted by Universal Voice
- who will interview Alfred L. Webre III and Kevin Annett
(Rev. from Canada and author) who have much to share....
evening of insight and truth into the Pope & the Vatican as a
Global War Crimes
Organization: Child Genocide & Pedophilia;
Financial War Crimes committed against humanity!

Click on link below to listen:

You can also listen by calling - 805.399.1299 pin 779417
PLS. fwd. to all you know....

Dwell in possibility. ~ Emily Dickinson


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Feb-2013 09:09:20

Hi Military and flyboy friends!
We all remember Tom Cruise in the Movie " TOP GUN" when he makes a low pass near the control tower and causes an officer to spill coffee down his shirt.
Well here are short clips of the top 10 low pass flybys ever filmed ... and of course for nostalgia, let's see that Top Gun low pass again.
Pay particular attention to the last shown low pass. It is number one. Watch the halo of water around the plane. It happened during a Blue Angels event over San Francisco several years ago. It was the pilot's last show with the team and he had nothing to lose.
Many of the boats in the bay lost windows to the sonic blast. It's a kick to watch.
Number 3 was pretty impressive too. Click the link below: