Taliban and Al-Qaeda
expand their influence in the Muslim world - Photo: EPA
The West
watches in silence while Al-Qaeda
the Muslim world (AQ is an American Nazi CIA sponsored terrorist group)
by Afshin Elian
February 18, 2013
strives for perfection
The Associated Press found a document in an Al-Qaeda branch inTimbuktu that
confirms this assertion.
In this 9 page
document the leadership of Al-Qaida in the Maghreb (North Africa) demands that
the jihadists deal in a fatherly manor with the population.
The letter was
written by Abu Musab Abdul Wadad also known as Abdelmalek Droukdel. He is the leader of Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb. He demands his brothers
to treat the conquered Muslims like children and handle them with a soft
hand. The fighters are not allowed to apply the Sharia law immediately in
all its facets.
Babies! The conquered Muslims are like babies. The baby in question is only a
few days old. He crawls on his knees, and has not stood on his own feet
yet. If we want him to stand on his own feet in this world full of
enemies, who are eager to strike. We must lighten his load, take him by
the hand, and help and support him, until he can stand on his own. Islamic
terrorism sees Muslims as babies, incompetent and immature.
Al-Qaeda learns through
trials and error how to operate with more intellect. One of the wrong decisions you took, was the extreme speed in which you
brought in the Sharia law, instead of bringing it as gradual evolution in to an
environment that is not well informed about the religion.
Real Islam!
Muslims should be
educated according to the real Islam. They need to be taught what that
is. The burning question is, for whom is this
operational modification intended? In the first place is this policy
directed to the conquered Muslims, in order to pacify and re Islamatise
them. In the second place, its aimed at the western world. Let us
begin with the western world. If Al-Qaeda fighters in Iraq or Afghanistan
had been willing to operate calmer, they would have been able to pacify much
sooner a significant number of Western policymakers and so called experts, and
perhaps even a few intellectuals.
Do you know what they
would have said in the West? They are moderate
Muslims with a moderate Islam and we should deal with them with patience and
thoughtfulness. Then the western Islamologists would have stood in line by
now, explaining that the Al-Qaida regimes isn’t so bad at all. Because
they do not perform all aspects of the Sharia law. Yes they do cut of hands,
but they do not stone people to death! Policymakers would ask politicians
to influence such regimes trough helping them with development projects.
Are those policies aimed to fool the Western world?
The regime
of Al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan were not overthrown by the Afghan
people,but by the Westerners.
Afghans submitted themselves to the Islamic regime.
Pure Islam!
The same applies to
Mali. There are the Al'Qa'ida fighters defeated
by the French, and not by the local government.
Even there did the
people not massively start a revolt against the Islamists. They were everywhere on the winning side. This is what’s it all
about.! The Al-Qaida leaders tell the fighters not to give cause for
Western intervention.
Al-Qaeda wants his
jihadis to re Islamatise the conquered Muslims with patience. In the first phase, the Salafist imams must trough nonstop
propaganda, teach the conquered Muslims what pure Islam is all about.
Meanwhile, an Al-Qaida regime would represent
itself through Western passivity or even development organizations, as a
normal regime to the conquered people. In that way they want to use international legitimacy to increase
their powerbase in the nation.
China and Russia!
After that
they will gradually introduced Sharia law. And as soon as the Al-Qaida regimes are strong enough, they can continue
with their jihadist military ambitions. In the meantime during this period
of state-building they can buy weapons in China or Russia. And according to this strategy they also must stop their attacks on other
Muslims, like the Shiites.
Al-Qaeda starts to
develop a clear policy over this construction of
an Islamic state. From where did they get this wisdom? Who was the model? The
answer? Iran! There the Imam Khomeini promised anything and everything to
the West and his conquered Iranian Muslims. He
pacified the left and the liberals in his own country. Initially he
received support from the leftist and the liberal groups. Then, gradually
an Islamic state was founded and a gradual introduction of the Sharia law
took place.
Later on
they started to train and support Islamic terrorists from other countries.
In this period The Islamists developed state friendly
ties with China and Russia,so they could arm themselves to the teeth.
And the
They were
and still are kept in confusion. In the eyes of the Western policymakers and intellectuals Iran isn’t so bad
at all. The business of Al-Qaeda is nothing more than a strategic
insight. The creation and development of the Islamic state in Iran still
counts for many jihadis, despite their Sunni origin, as an example of how to
build an Islamic state.
In reality, this document of the Al-Qaeda policy is
something to be deeply concerned about.